Eclipsed serenade Echoes of...

By DeepthiSajit

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A story of brother and sister who is apart because of the cruel play of faith but not ready to accept it... More

Preview of the story
Chapter Three
Chapter Fourteen
Thirty Two
Thirty Three


367 31 1
By DeepthiSajit

Reporter 4: Recently we heard that your team and manager had faced an attack from few goons where she got severely injured. Now my question is that was it the ict who were behind the attack ?? As it was a planned one, Did you do it because you guys didn't like her??

Everyone including prathiksha : EXCUSE ME!!!

Mahi : How Dare you ask such a question do you think that my kiddos can stoop to such a low level??

Rahul Dravid : What have you thought about all them, huh?? They are the most reputed player's of the country and the ones who have been raised from well mannered families still how did you have the audacity to think like this??

Reporter 4: It's not me the one who is thinking like this the entire social media is discussing this and is seeking an answer for this question ,

Mahi : People like you are spreading fake news and rumors in social media manipulating the normal people and we are not ready to waste our time answering such senseless and baseless questions

Rahul Dravid : If anyone has anything else to ask please go ahead, otherwise let's wind up this session

Reporter 4 : Sir it's not right to avoid my question, if you won't give clarity in this matter it might effect you negatively in future and people might believe that you guys are trying to hide your crime. So please answer the question......

Rohit : We already told that we don't want to waste our time answering such senseless and baseless questions so please stop forcing....

Reporter 1: It feels like you guys have done something, that's why you all are running away from the question.....

Reporter 3 : If you guys were not the once who planned the attack then what's the problem in answering

Other team managers : Even we need an answer.....

England team coach : It's related to our previous and one of the best manager so ict you should give us a satisfying explanation

The reporter 4 Was smiling in victory because his plan of creating controversy was almost a success.

The ict didn't know what to do, suddenly prathiksha took the mic and started to speak

Prathiksha : Is it okay if I answer this question after all it's about me !!!

All : Fine you can answer

Prathiksha : OK So yeah they have definitely done something, (everyone was confused and shocked for a second but got relived as Prathiksha continued ) That was taking me to hospital staying besides me till I gain consciousness despite having a match next day , Rahul Sir giving me blood knowing that it will stop him from playing the next day, he gave me a second chance to live , From taking me to my physiotherapy sessions to accompanying me in my check up they have done it all , everyday they personaly make sure that I have my medicine on time. During initial day's of my injury there wife's used to be my side helping me out with my needs and them feeding me food helping me do my hand exercise and motivating me to rise when I feel low . IF I am standing in front of you all alive it's only because of them. She said....

Prathiksha : If they truly hated me and didn't like me, then they could have left me alone immediately when they saw the goons , but no they didn't leave instead they stayed up on my request also they didn't leave they fought with the goons beating them to death. If they didn't care about me, then there was no need for them to take me to hospital not bothering about their match next day and Rahul Sir certainly didn't had the need to give me blood keeping his chance of playing at stake. Now you tell me reporter if they have planned this attack why would they do all this?? Huh

Reporter 4 : Umm.... I..... Am sorry.....

Prathiksha : I know being a journalist it's your responsibility to ask questions , give information to people outside but you shouldn't forget the fact that normal people tende to believe your words than anyone else the news you publish is the ultimate source for them, anyone can create controversy by twisting words and asking unwanted questions but to act as a responsible journalist and give transparent information can only done by rare people. I don't believe that you are one of them for you it's just a mear news but some people it's there entire life that is at stake, you guys don't know how a single word written by you can affect someones life and career badly . While running behind content and trp please don't forget that the person whom you call a famous person also have a life they also have emotions trolls and negativity can affect them badly breaking them down mentally. Please do your duty but not by ruining someone's life and career, people believe you blindly because they think that you only speak the truth and write the truth just don't prove their beliefs wrong. I'm previlaged to be a part of ict and I know that they can never think anything bad about me no matter what!!! . Is this explanation enough or do you people want more??

Reporter 1 : No and if his question has hurted you all then we say sorry on his behalf, he didn't asked it deliberately

We know the difference between deliberately and accidentally ict muttered under there breath....

Prathiksha : It's okay you don't need to say sorry, but please remember that words are the most powerful weapon that can change anyone's life completely sometimes it can ruin most beautiful relationships and can broke your dreams that you have been seeing from a long time and we won't know how our words are affecting the opposite person it can make them happy at the same time it can hurt them also, So please be careful about using your words while speaking and writing especially when you are a journalist who represent the society and it's citizens

The question answer session was over and the ict was looking at Prathiksha with so much pride they couldn't ask for a better person than her in their life and England team was regretting over the fact that they lost such a great gem, all the teams started moving towards the conference hall were the awards ceremony was supposed to be held Prathiksha also started to move at that time ict including mahi came to her and took her in a tight hug she hugged them back

Mahi : Thank you so much for defending us and saving our reputation, we will never forget this

Rohit : You literally saved our career from getting ruined and saved my reputation as a captain thank you

Rahul : Today you proved that not everyone is the same

Hardik : You literally stood like a rock by our side and saved all of us from a huge set back and humiliation

She broke the hug and said

Prathiksha : Bas no more thank you, I already told you all that you guys are my family so no thank you and about defending you all, I was not defending you all but saying what's true it was necessary to prove that you guys are not wrong and people should also know that they cannot make assumptions about anyone before knowing the truth at the first place

Ashwin : But what you did was a great thing for us, especially when our previous manager proved to be our biggest mistake, you gained our trust with your truthfulness and genuinety Bcci was correct in selecting you .....

Jaddu : And now we understand why England regret over the decision of throwing you out

Prathiksha : Enough guys stop praising me so much, I have not done a big thing anyone who is in my place would have done the same and about England team I still have the chance to go back shall I go??

Ict : If you ever think of going to them, then remember that it will be the end of them because you are strictly ours OK our manager not that foreign stupids......

Prathiksha : Oh possessive and all huh

Ict : Yes, because what's ours is ours and we won't let someone else take it away from us be it a thing or person

Prathiksha : What will you guys do if started dating someone or if I ever plan to get married to someone??

Ict : Then it won't be easy for that person because first he have to meet our expectations second he should prove that he is good enough for you and third he will have to pass the big brother test

Prathiksha : OK now I understand why tanu is still single..... And now I feel that we both will die single she said laughing

Mahi : OK OK enough of talking let's go and collect our awards remember we want to go back also

They all left to collect the award

Meanwhile in ict apartment.....

Athiya : Oh God I love this girl so much I mean look at the way she shutted the mouth of that reporter.....

Natasha : I feel that she is not there manager alone but there bodyguard also

Anushka : We are lucky that she came into our lives tanu you have got the best person as your friend

Ritika : I was thinking how lucky her brother is, if he is alive were ever he is he can be proud to get her as his sister

Athiya : True, don't know why but I always felt a connection between rah and her, something different from what she shares with others

Sakshi : You read my mind athi, from day one till today this was what I was thinking about them

Rivaba : You don't know how much I wish them to be each others siblings

Athiya : What if they are not still I will consider them to be big b and little sis

Others : Yes absolutely....

Ritika : And blood relation is always not necessary for someone to bond, heart connection is enough and they both are siblings from heart , Tanu what do you say are we correct??

Tanvi : Yes Yes you are correct and yeah to become someones brother or sister you don't need to be born with them
Tanvi 's pov

How Will I tell you that Rahul bhai and prati are actually siblings he is her lost big b and she is his lost sis I still can't process this so I am sure it will be difficult for you all especially for them

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when meghu di revealed the truth about to them to me, yes she tried to confirm it in the hospital that day and guess what it came true, I'm the only person with whom she has shared this secret is me....

Flash Back

Megha suddenly came to the hospital garden breathing heavily she couldn't process what she actually heard......

Megha : Oh God how can this be true, so Rahul bhai was the one whom we were looking for all this 21 year's, if he was alive why didn't he ever tried looking for prati or did he thought that she was dead??

At that time Tanvi came to her

Tanvi : Di what happened why did you just run from there as if you have seen some ghost or chocked on something

Megha : I have definitely chocked not on something but on a big truth

Tanvi : huh??

Megha : Tanu the biggest question for which I was trying to find an answer from the past twenty one year's has finally got it's answer

Tanvi : Sorry I didn't get you

Megha : Tanu what do you think must be the on thing about which me and prati is trying to find an answer??

Tanvi : If your cousin pratis big b is alive or not Wait what??

Megha : Yes I got answer for that question and the answer is yes he is alive

Tanvi : What but how come you found out about him?? If he is alive then where is he why didn't he came in search of her??..... Just a sec you asking rah bhai about his family and running out from there like you choked does that make a connection ??

Megha nodded

Megha : Your Rahul bhai unknowingly saved his little sisters life today...... Maybe it's written for them to meet like this

Tanvi : That means Rahul bhai is Prathiksha's brother!!! Her blood her big b just like me and Gautam bhai!!!

Megha : Yes !!! Like you and gautam, Rahul mishra the elder son of late anand mishra and ganga mishra big brother of prathiksha mishra

Tanvi : Oh God this is!!! This is too much for me to process but why are they not able to understand their connection??

Megha : It has been years since they have parted prathiksha was hardly one when mama mami died and rahul bhai might be four or five

Tanvi : But how are we gonna reveal it to them.......

Megha : It's not something small it's a big thing so we must be careful, It's literally reveling their lives in front of them so we can't do it casually

Tanvi : So what are your plans about reveling it to them

Megha : Before we talk to them someone else has the right to know it first

Tanvi : Who??

Megha : Athiya since she is Rahul bhai's wife and pratiksha's bhabhi she is the one who should know this first

Tanvi : Yes you are right but it would be equally shocking for her also

Megha : I know but she has all the right to know after all it is related to her life also

Tanvi : OK I will figure out a way to tell her maybe she can help us find a way

Megha : Not maybe she will definitely help us

Tanvi : Yes, I will inform her at the earliest possible

Megha : Not before making sure that they both are not there while you talk and no one apart from athiya should know this, not until we find a way to present the matter

Tanvi : Once athiya bhabhi gets to know she will take care of the matter, till I tell her it will be a secret between both of us. Now let's go before someone come in search of us

Megha : Yeah let's go....

They left inside to join others

Flash Back Ends.......

Currently I am trying to find a perfect situation to tell athi bhabhi about this and I don't think there is a better time than this but how will I talk to her alone without making the others suspicious , I was brought back from my thoughts by Sakshi bhabhi's voice

Tanvi 's pov ends

Sakshi : where have you been lost huh looks like you are not in this world

Tanvi : Nothing bhabhi just umm wanted...... To talk to..... Athi bhabhi..... alone if that's okay for you all

Anushka : Hey you don't have to stammer for that OK take your time we all will be in the garden if there is anything please do call us

Tanvi : OK and thanks bhabhi

Anushka : Mention not, come girl's let's leave

They left and now athiya and Tanvi is alone

Athiya : What happened baccha ?? What's that you need to talk to me alone?? Is everything all right huh??

Tanvi : No bhabhi nothing is alright

Athiya : What's wrong kiddo??

Tanvi : There is a big truth that you need to know bhabhi something which is going to be very hard for you to process

Athiya : What kind of truth?? Is it something related to me or someone else

Tanvi : It's related to Rahul bhai, that means related to you also

Athiya : Related to Rahul what is it??

Tanvi : Rahul bhai's sister.....

On the other side the ict had received the award and was waiting to meet some officials at that time ishan notice one of shubman's craziest fan approaching them Who has been nothing but a sort of headache for everyone including shubman

Ishan : mein ne suna hai mushkila gadi pakad ke atha hai par yeha toh mushkila khud apni paaro mein chal ke aarha ha

Ict : Kya?? Tum please clearly bataogi

Ishan : Mein kyu bathuo khud hi dekh lo

They turned in the direction where ishan was looking at and got shocked literally there eyes came out from the socket

Ict : Oh God!!! Not again already we have enough of problems can't afford one more

Prathiksha : Huh??

Shubman : No away, I am not ready for another drama somebody please help

Will Tanvi reveal the truth to athiya?? If she does what will be athiyas reaction??

Will shubman be able to help himself out from this situation?? Or like every time prathiksha will help him??

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