The Demon Summoner | Persona...

By NessWasHere

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Starts in Persona 3, will be going all the way to Persona 5. Set in a slight alternate dimension of Persona w... More

Vs. Doppelgänger | PERSONA 3 | PART 2
THE PARTY (As of June 08, Monday, 2009)
Entrance to the Whispering Woods & The First Choice | PERSONA 3 | PART 3
The Playful Fairy | PERSONA 3 | PART 5


981 30 18
By NessWasHere


The air crackles with tension as I stand face to face with the Phantom Thieves, my hands casually tucked into my pockets. Akira Kurusu, their leader, meets my gaze with a mixture of surprise and determination.

"The... Detective?" Akira mutters, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Some might call me a detective, but I prefer the term "private investigator". Nevertheless, the Kuzunoha Detective Agency maintains a firm partnership with the Shadow Operatives, and today, our paths have crossed once again.

The Phantom Thieves have been bailed out by us a few times before, but now they're on a mission to change the world once more. The distortion runs deep, a palace created by Maruki, nestled within the construction site of Odaiba Stadium. Today is the day they plan to steal his heart.

"For real!? The detective's in the Metaverse?" Ryuji exclaims, his grip tightening on his club.

I lock eyes with Akira, my expression unreadable. "Step out of the way, detective," he commands, his voice firm.

"I've been waiting for you," I reply calmly, "But sorry, this is as far as you're going."

Akechi, his frustration evident, growls, "Let's just cut him down already. We don't have time to spare."

"The distortion runs deeper than you kids can fathom," I say calmly, my voice cutting through the tension-filled air. "It's not about rebellion anymore; it's about preventing Armageddon."

Akechi scoffs, his expression skeptical. "By letting Maruki create a false world? What nonsense."

"That's right." I glance around, taking stock of all the Phantom Thieves standing before me.

I'm outnumbered, 10 to 1.

Not a problem.

Akira pulls out his knife, the glint of determination in his eyes unmistakable. "We have you outnumbered, detective. If we have to go through you, so be it. You know it doesn't have to be this way."

I shake my head, refusing to back down. "By all means, make me move."

"You bet your effing ass we will!" Ryuji shouts, his voice filled with defiance.

The intensity of the heat within the room rises, surpassing temperatures that are safe.

Ann voices her discomfort. "Hey, is it just me or is it... really hot all of a sudden...? It feels like I stepped right into a sauna!"

"You're outnumbered, detective. You should retreat," Akira says, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Ignoring their warnings, I glare at the group, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "Y'know, I've been wondering... what was the point of the outfits? Don't they slow you down?" I taunt, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

The temperature in the room rises even further, the oppressive heat bearing down on us all. 

"No way... so he is a Persona user," Makoto mutters, her eyes widening in realization.

"Not quite. Sorry, but I'll be straight with you kids. The ones outnumbered here..." I reach towards the device, the COMP, on my gauntlet.

Ten demons emerge from my shadows. 

"...are you guys."

One of the demons, a blonde girl clad in red clothing with a hood and a basket filled with food, looks towards me with concern. "(Name), you don't summon all of us so willy nilly, is something the matter?" she asks.

"Idun, I'm facing off against some tough opponents," I reply, my expression grave, "I need some back up."

Idun smirks before addressing the Phantom Thieves. "Well, well, well, Persona users, hm? Okay, we can definitely give you a hand. After all, that's what friends are for. Besides, if it's you we don't mind. Next time, however, try not to call me when I'm doing your chores."

I slouch, feeling a sense of regret creeping in. "I'm already regretting this..."

Idun turns her attention to the Phantom Thieves, her expression turning serious as she addresses them. "Listen up, you lot," she begins, her voice carrying a weight of warning. "You should know that you've made a massive mistake challenging the Untamed Sun himself. He's pretty tough, y'know! You're about to have a long night."





It's difficult for me to express emotions. I envy other people. They seem to navigate through life with such ease, their faces lighting up with laughter or furrowing in concern. But for me, it's like trying to decipher a language I've never learned.

Ever since I started having these visions, glimpses of a world consumed by darkness, it's been even harder. I can feel the weight of the impending doom pressing down on me, suffocating any semblance of normalcy.

Looking people in the eye has become a struggle. It's like staring into a bottomless pit, seeing glimpses of something beyond comprehension. I can't help but wonder if they can see it too, if they can sense the darkness lurking just beneath the surface.

So I keep my gaze lowered, avoiding their eyes as much as possible. It's easier that way, safer. But it also makes me feel isolated, like I'm trapped in my own little bubble while the rest of the world moves on without me.

And when I do speak, my words come out guarded, veiled in layers of ambiguity. It's not that I don't want to connect with others, but I'm afraid of what they might see if they look too closely. Afraid of what I might reveal without meaning to.

The coughs have gotten worse, to the point where I drew blood. It's unsettling, to say the least. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong, no signs of cancer or any other illness. 

Some people refer to me as a delinquent, and I wouldn't exactly say they're wrong. I was in a biker gang since I was in middle school, along with other kids my age. I tried growing my hair out to hide my tattoo, and I've been mostly successful.

But now, as a freshman at Gekkoukan, I saw it as a chance for a fresh start, or so I hoped. My temper still flares, and I struggle immensely with academics.

Hardly the poster child for student behavior.

It's May, almost two months into the school year, give or take. I've shown up to class about half of the time.

As I ambled towards the entrance, I noticed students casting furtive glances and exchanging whispers. Their gossip held little significance; I've grown accustomed to ignoring it, recognizing they pose no tangible threat. After a good five minutes of aimless wandering, I finally stumbled upon the faculty office.

But, to be honest, it's primarily why I don't show. Half the time people think I'm 2 seconds away from killing someone and sometimes I'm afraid I might.

Inside, a woman clad in casual attire greeted me, her limbs bared. Simply put, she wore a loose-fitting t-shirt and cropped jeans.

"Oh, (Last Name)-kun, decided to grace us with your presence?" she remarked.

I nodded, making a concerted effort to avoid lingering on her attire.

I navigate towards my seat, and time begins to pass. I'm not oblivious to the whispers swirling around me.

"That's him, isn't it?" a female student's hushed voice reaches my ears.

"I heard he's part of the Raging Dragon Union!"

"No way, wasn't one of their members arrested for murder?"

"It's hard to believe someone so... girly-looking could be part of such a menacing group. I heard he kept skipping school..! Who knows what he could've been doing?"

"Shh! He might overhear us."

Class is as... boring as ever. I don't pay attention, as much as I try to. My mind just... drifts off. The bell signaling the end of homeroom interrupts me.

"That concludes homeroom," Unohara announces, her tone serious. "Remember, everyone, the apathy syndrome that's been the talk of the town isn't a joke. Just to be safe, before you leave school today, make sure to utilize the buddy system for safety. One can't be too cautious these days."

Class seemed to drag on for an eternity. Everyone steers clear of me as if I'm contagious. As the class draws to a close, I realize I haven't absorbed a single word spoken.

As I start to leave class, one of my classmates bumps into me, as if I hadn't even noticed her. She wears a solemn expression, her discomfort evident in her body language. Her long, dark brown hair frames her face, and those black glasses only make her piercing brown eyes stand out more.

"O-oh, sorry! I-" she stammers.

"Watch where you're going, four-eyes," I cut in sharply, my tone laced with irritation. "You blind or somethin'? Get outta my way."

She recoils in fear, taking a step back and muttering an apology before hastily scurrying off, avoiding further eye contact.

I try to stop her, but she's already too far away before I can even utter an apology. My hand hangs awkwardly in the air for a moment before I let it drop to my side, feeling a twinge of guilt amidst the frustration.

"Damn," is all I can mutter.

I make my way to the washroom, seeking a moment of respite. Turning on the faucet, I splash some water on my face, hoping to wash away the tension and irritation that cling to me like a second skin.

I cough, the sound ragged and harsh, echoing off the tiled walls of the washroom. It catches in my throat, leaving a metallic taste lingering on my tongue. As I cough again, a surge of panic rises within me. Blood mingles with the saliva, and I involuntarily spit it out into the sink, watching as it swirls down the drain.

These episodes began roughly three years ago, back when I was still running with the gang. I was around twelve at the time, as violent as ever, but it was then that the visions started creeping in. Some sort of impending disaster, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. All I knew was that the world shifted around midnight, and a chill would run down my spine, goosebumps prickling my skin.

And then came the sensation of dying. 

No single doctor could provide an explanation. I initially suspected it might be lung cancer, but that hypothesis was swiftly dismissed by the experts. With no father figure in my life and my relationship with my mother strained beyond repair, I feel trapped, and like no one can really help me.

From outside the men's washroom, a concerned voice calls out, breaking through the solitude. "Hey, (Last Name)-kun, are you doing alright in there?"

It's Fuuka Yamagishi, a second year, her tone laced with genuine worry.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I grumble back, attempting to mask any hint of vulnerability in my response.

Fuuka hesitates for a moment, her concern palpable even through the door. "Are you sure? You don't sound fine. If there's anything I can do to help—"

I cut her off abruptly, my frustration bubbling over. "I said I'm fine, alright? Just leave me alone!" My tone is harsher than intended, almost bordering on a snarl. "Stop being such a pest, Yamagishi, you're just a timid little mouse, always hiding behind your computer screens," I retort, my words sharper than I intend, laced with a hint of scorn.

With a heavy sigh, I exit the bathroom, feeling a mixture of frustration and embarrassment churning within me. As I step out, Fuuka approaches, holding out a small pack of cough medicine candies.

"Here," she says softly, offering them to me with a gentle smile. "These might help with your coughing fits. I know it's not much, but... well, I just want to help."

I hesitate for a moment, caught off guard by her kindness. Reluctantly, I accept the candies, muttering a begrudging "Thanks" under my breath.

"I get sick a lot too," Fuuka explains softly, her eyes downcast. "So, I always keep these around just in case. You never know when you might need them."

I nod in acknowledgement, though my expression remains guarded. "Whatever," I mutter dismissively, pocketing the candies without further comment.

Without another word, I turn on my heel and walk off.

Truth be told, it's only been two months since I parted ways with the gang. Four different middle schools had shown me the door, and Gekkoukan was the only high school willing to take a chance on me. I should be seizing this opportunity with both hands. But as usual, I manage to screw it up.

The gang's involvement in that murder tore us apart. Since then, we've all gone our separate ways. I haven't laid eyes on any of them since, and I doubt I ever will. It's probably for the best.

School ended, and I found myself trudging back to the bullet train station once again. Here's hoping it's become a routine.


I had been seen coughing again, the unsettling reminder of my deteriorating health casting a shadow over my days. As I trudge through the halls, lost in my thoughts, I'm abruptly brought back to reality by Fuuka's concerned voice.

"(Last Name), are you okay? You were coughing pretty badly earlier," she says, her eyes filled with genuine worry.

I feel a surge of irritation rise within me at her persistent concern, my patience worn thin. "I'm fine, okay?" I snap, my tone sharper than intended. "I don't need you hovering around me like some kind of mother hen."

Fuuka recoils slightly at my harsh words, hurt flashing across her features before she quickly masks it with a forced smile. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to intrude," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.


I found myself in the library, attempting to wrap my head around the intricacies of technology. It's a subject I've always struggled with, and today is no exception.

"Hey, (Name)," Fuuka's voice breaks through the silence, hesitant yet warm. "Are you... um, having trouble with this?"

I glance up from my textbook, meeting her gaze with a mixture of reluctance and gratitude. "Yeah, I guess you could say that," I mutter, my tone gruff. "This tech stuff just isn't clicking for me."

To my surprise, Fuuka offers a small smile, her eyes alight with a glimmer of determination. "Well, maybe I can help a little," she offers softly, pulling up a chair beside me. "I'm not an expert or anything, but I do know a thing or two about technology."

"Why are you even helping me?" I ask, my tone more curious than confrontational. "I mean, it's not like we're friends or anything."

Fuuka's smile falters for a moment, but then she shrugs lightly. "I've heard you're a really good musician," she admits, her voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "And... well, I guess I just wanted to see if there was more to you than what people say."

I raise an eyebrow, skepticism coloring my expression. "Who told you that?" I press, a note of suspicion creeping into my voice.

Her gaze flickers briefly, a shadow passing over her features. "Natsuki mentioned it," she confesses, her tone tinged with uncertainty.

"I don't like going home much," Fuuka confesses softly, her gaze distant as she speaks. "My home life... it's not the best. But I do like music. It's one of the few things that makes everything feel a little bit better." She pauses, her expression brightening slightly. "Actually, there's another classmate of mine, Hamuko Arisato, who also likes music."

As she speaks, the library door creaks open, and a girl with auburn hair enters, her locks pulled back into a high ponytail adorned with silver barrettes forming the Roman numeral XXII (22). Fuuka's eyes widen in surprise, and a small smile tugs at her lips.

"Speak of the devil, that's her," Fuuka murmurs, gesturing towards the newcomer with a nod of her head.

As Hamuko enters the library, her presence fills the room with energy. With a bright grin, she saunters over to our table, her steps light and confident.

"Hey there, Fuuka!" she chirps, her voice carrying a playful lilt. "What's shakin' bacon? Who's your friend?" 

Fuuka smiles warmly at Hamuko's arrival. "This is (Name)," she replies, gesturing towards me. "We were just studying together."

"Studying, huh?" Hamuko's eyes sparkle mischievously as she sizes me up, "You don't look like much of a studious type, if you ask me. Actually, you kinda look like a girl."

I bristle at her comment, my irritation flaring up in an instant. "And you look like a clown," I retort sharply, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "Even without all that make-up. But hey, looks can be deceiving, right?"

Hamuko's laughter rings out, unaffected by my brash response. "I like this guy," she declares, grinning unabashedly. "He's got some spunk." Her eyes sparkle with genuine admiration as she gazes at my hair. "Wow, your hair is gorgeous! What shampoo do you use?" she asks, her tone filled with curiosity.

I'm caught off guard by her unexpected compliment, my usual brash demeanor momentarily faltering. "Uh... I don't know," I stammer, feeling utterly flabbergasted. How am I supposed to respond to that? "M-Maybe Head & Shoulders," I mumble quietly, feeling a twinge of embarrassment at my awkward response.

"Head & Shoulders, huh? Nice choice!" Hamuko responds cheerfully. "I'm more of a Herbal Essences kind of girl myself. Can't beat that tropical scent!"

"Oh, Herbal Essences, that's a good one," Fuuka chimes in with a smile. "I usually just go for whatever's on sale at the store."

"So, (Name)-kun, are you part of any clubs?" Hamuko asks, her curiosity evident in her bright expression.

I shake my head, a touch of defensiveness creeping into my demeanor. "Nah, not my thing," I reply curtly, brushing off the question.

Hamuko's eyebrows raise in surprise, but she doesn't seem deterred by my response. "Fair enough," she says with a shrug, her upbeat attitude undiminished. "Clubs aren't for everyone. But hey, if you ever change your mind, you should come check out the music club. Fuuka and I are both members, and we're always looking for new faces."

"Are you... band students?" I inquire, my tone slightly hesitant.

"Yeah, I'm in the band," Hamuko confirms with a nod, her smile widening. "And I'm also on the volleyball team. Double duty, you know?"

"I'll... think about it," I respond, a hint of uncertainty lacing my words. Despite my reluctance to commit to anything, the idea of joining a club like the music club does pique my interest, if only slightly.


Despite my usual reluctance, I've been making a habit of attending classes lately. But today, as I trudge through the school corridors, I overhear snippets of conversation as I pass by a group of students.

"I heard Fuuka's gone missing."

"Yeah, I heard she hasn't been seen since last week. Do you think she ran away or something?"

"Who knows? Maybe she got caught up in something dangerous."

"Or maybe she just couldn't take it anymore and decided to disappear."

Without hesitation, I approach the group, my demeanor brash and confrontational.

"What do you mean, she's gone missing?" I demand, my voice cutting through their whispers like a blade. "Did anyone report this to the authorities? What have you all been doing about it?"

The group of students flinch at my sudden interrogation, taken aback by my intensity. One of them, a timid-looking girl, stammers in response, "W-we're not sure... I mean, no one really knows what happened to her. We thought she might have just been sick or something at first, but... it's been a whole week."

My fists clench involuntarily at the thought of Fuuka being in trouble. "And you're just standing around gossiping instead of doing something about it?" I snap, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "We should be organizing a search party or contacting the authorities. This isn't something to take lightly."

"We heard she was being bullied," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. "our friend on the Student Council mentioned it. She said the Student Council president was supposed to talk to her about it."

"Where's this Student Council president now?" I demand, my tone sharp and commanding.

"Student Council room," one of the students murmurs, pointing down the hallway. "She's probably still there."

Without another word, I nod curtly, my resolve hardening. Turning on my heel, I stride purposefully towards the Student Council room.

I push open the door, I'm met with an unexpected sight – Natsuki Moriyama, the very girl who's been rumored to be bullying Fuuka. She's lounging lazily in a chair, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Hey there, handsome," she purrs, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "What brings you here?"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at her flirtatious tone, my patience wearing thin. "Cut the act, Moriyama," I retort brusquely, my voice sharp with accusation. "What do you know about Fuuka's disappearance?"

Natsuki's façade crumbles in an instant, her expression contorted with anger and guilt. "You have no idea what you're talking about," she snaps, her voice trembling with emotion. "I was just interrogated by Mitsuru earlier, okay? I don't need your accusations on top of that."

"Who the fuck are you?" I retort, "Don't make me ask again."

Her words spill out, they betray a deeper truth, one that sends a chill down my spine. "Fuuka... She... She always looked so frazzled whenever I gave her a hard time," Natsuki continues, her tone tinged with regret. "Then, I realized... She's an honor student, but deep inside, she's the same as us. I knew exactly which buttons to push. We were just messing with her that day, too! We took Fuuka to the gym... and locked the door from the outside... But she never came back... and the next morning... I went to the gym to let Fuuka out, but the door was still locked... We all freaked out. Starting that night, we all went looking for her. And she disappeared."

My jaw clenches as Natsuki's confession sinks in, each word a dagger to my conscience. "You're telling me you locked her in the gym... and just left her there?" I seethe, my voice barely above a growl. "You and your friends thought it was some kind of joke?"

Natsuki's eyes narrow as she regards me with a mixture of suspicion and contempt. "Why do you even care?" she challenges, her tone laced with disdain. "What's Fuuka to you, huh? You're not exactly known for being the caring type."

"You know what, Moriyama?" I interject, my voice quieter now, laced with a hint of self-loathing. "Fuuka... she's been showing concern over me for the past few days. And what have I done? Nothing but treat her like dirt. Because I'm an asshole."

Taking a deep breath, I steel myself for what needs to be done. Swallowing my pride, I turn to Natsuki with a determined expression.

"I need to set things right," I declare, my voice firm. "Fuuka deserves better than what she's gotten from me. I'm going to find her and make things right, no matter what it takes."

"I understand," Natsuki replies, her voice soft yet resolute. "I'll do my best to help you find her. She's my friend, and I owe it to her."

"Let's go," I say, my voice brimming with determination. "We need to find her before it's too late."

Natsuki nods in agreement, her expression mirroring my resolve. "We should start by checking the gym again, just to be safe," she suggests, her tone calm and reassuring.

I follow her lead, my steps quickening as we make our way towards the gym.

As we push open the door to the gym closet, a strange sight greets us – a swirling portal of some kind, its edges pulsing with an otherworldly glow. My heart pounds in my chest as I stare at the portal

"What the hell is that?" I mutter, my voice barely above a whisper, as I edge closer to get a better look.

Natsuki's eyes widen in surprise as she takes in the portal, her expression a mixture of awe and uncertainty. "I... I'm not sure," she murmurs, her voice tinged with unease. "But it looks... dangerous. ... I... I don't know," she admits, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But maybe... maybe Fuuka went through there."

I can't shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at the pit of my stomach. "There's only one way to find out," I say, my tone resolute as I take a step towards the portal.

I pause for a moment, my mind racing as I take in the surreal sight before me. There's a portal in the gym closet – something straight out of a fantasy or a nightmare. My instincts scream at me to tread cautiously, to think things through before rushing headlong into the unknown.

"There's... there's a portal in the gym closet," I murmur, my voice barely audible as I grapple with the enormity of the situation. "We need to think about this before we do anything rash."

Natsuki's gaze remains fixed on the portal, her expression determined. "But it's a lead, (Name)," she insists, her voice tinged with urgency. "If Fuuka went through there, we have to follow her. We can't afford to waste any time."

Her words strike a chord within me, reigniting the fire of determination that burns in my chest. With a firm nod, I steel myself for what lies ahead. "You're right," I say, my voice steady despite the uncertainty that gnaws at me. "Let's go."

As we emerge, the world around us shifts and transforms, leaving us standing in a lush forest bathed in an ethereal light. The air is alive with the gentle hum of unseen creatures, and the foliage glows with an otherworldly radiance.

"What... where are we?" Natsuki breathes, her voice barely above a whisper as she takes in our surroundings.

I'm at a loss for words as I survey the unfamiliar landscape before us. This doesn't look like Japan at all – it's like something out of a fairy tale or a dream. The trees stretch tall and majestic, their branches adorned with vibrant blossoms and shimmering orbs of light. Every sound, every scent, feels heightened and more vivid than anything I've ever experienced.

"We're... somewhere else," I murmur, my voice tinged with awe and disbelief. "This isn't like anything I've ever seen before."

As we venture deeper into the forest, a curious sight catches our attention – a small creature with a mischievous grin and a twinkle in its eyes, standing amidst a patch of glistening mushrooms. It's like nothing I've ever seen before, its round, blue body adorned with a jaunty hat and a perpetual smile.

"What... what is that?" Natsuki gasps, her eyes wide with wonder as she gazes at the strange creature before us.

Before I can respond, the creature speaks, its voice high-pitched and cheerful. "Hee-ho! Hello there, humans!" it chirps, its tone friendly and inviting.

I blink in astonishment, struggling to process the fact that the creature is talking to us. "Did... did that thing just speak?" I mutter, my voice filled with disbelief.

The creature nods enthusiastically, its grin widening. "That's right, hee-ho! I'm Jack Frost, pleased to meet you!" it exclaims, bouncing up and down with boundless energy.

Natsuki's eyes light up with excitement as she takes a step closer to the creature, "What are you doing here?"

Jack Frost – shrugs nonchalantly, a playful twinkle in its eyes. "Just enjoying the beautiful forest, hee-ho! And spreading some cheer, of course!" it replies, its voice cheerful and upbeat.

"Hee-ho! Welcome to the Expanse, humans! You've stumbled into the Fairy World, and you look a bit lost," Jack Frost exclaims, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "But fear not! I, Jack Frost, am here to guide you on your journey, ho!"

"The Fairy World?" Natsuki echoes, her voice tinged with excitement. "I can't believe it!"

Jack Frost nods eagerly, his round eyes twinkling with mischief. "That's right, hee-ho! This is where my family and I call home, a place of magic and wonder beyond your wildest dreams!" he chirps, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Despite my initial skepticism, I can't help but be drawn in by Jack Frost's infectious energy. "So... what now?" I ask, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Jack Frost grins, his blue cheeks flushed with excitement. "Follow me, hee-ho! I'll show you around and introduce you to some of the other residents of the Fairy World. Trust me, you're in for quite an adventure!"

As we follow Jack Frost deeper into the Fairy World, I'm struck by the sheer beauty and enchantment that surrounds us. The forest gives way to sprawling meadows dotted with colorful flowers, their petals dancing in the gentle breeze.

As we journey further, I can't shake the feeling of familiarity that washes over me. Despite the fantastical nature of our surroundings, there's something eerily reminiscent of home in the layout of the land. I catch glimpses of winding paths and familiar landmarks that bear a striking resemblance to places I've seen before in Port Island, though they're imbued with an otherworldly charm that sets them apart from anything I've ever known.

"This place... it's like a mirror of our world," I murmur, my voice filled with wonder as I take in the sights around me.

Jack Frost nods in agreement, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Hee-ho! That's right! The Expanse is a reflection of your world, but with a magical twist!" he chirps, his voice filled with excitement. "Ain't that neat?"

Natsuki gasps in awe at the sight before her, her eyes wide with wonder. "It's like something out of a fairy tale," she breathes, her voice filled with amazement.

"We're looking for a human girl who might have wandered into this world," I interject, my voice tinged with urgency as I turn to Jack Frost. "Did you happen to see anyone like that around here? She has teal colored hair it's hard to miss."

Jack Frost scratches his chin thoughtfully, his expression shifting as he considers my question. "Hmm, teal-blue hair, you say?" he muses, his voice tinged with curiosity. "I haven't seen anyone like that around here, but I'll keep an eye out for her! You can count on me, hee-ho!"

"Hee-ho! If anyone were to wander into the Fairy Village without anyone's knowledge, Mister Loki would definitely know of it," Jack Frost chirps, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "You can find him in his hideout, deep within the Enchanted Grove. Just follow the path to the west, and you'll come across a large oak tree with glowing mushrooms at its base. That's where you'll find Mister Loki!"

I nod in gratitude, a sense of determination driving me forward as I thank Jack Frost for his guidance. "Thank you, Jack Frost," I say, my voice filled with sincerity. "We'll head to Loki's hideout right away."

"Hee-ho, wait just a moment!" Jack Frost exclaims, his voice suddenly taking on a frantic tone as he steps in front of me, blocking our path. "There's something I forgot to mention!"

Before I can react, Natsuki lunges forward with surprising speed, her movements fluid and precise. My instincts kick in too late as I feel a searing pain rip through my throat, a crimson gush spilling forth as Natsuki's blade cuts deep.

I stagger backward, clutching at the gaping wound, shock and disbelief washing over me. Natsuki's face contorts into a sinister grin as she watches me falter, her eyes gleaming with malice.

"What... what have you done?" I choke out, my voice barely a whisper.

Through the haze of pain and confusion, I witness Natsuki's face contort and shift, morphing into a shadowy visage that sends a chill down my spine. It's as if the facade she wore has been torn away, revealing a face of pure shadow.

My hands tremble as I press them against the gushing wound in my throat, trying in vain to stem the flow of blood. Panic courses through my veins as I struggle to make sense of the betrayal that has unfolded before me, my mind reeling with the realization that I've been played for a fool.

Jack Frost's voice cuts through the chaos, his tone filled with urgency. "That was a classic Fairy deceit!" he exclaims, his eyes wide with alarm. "Now that a portal to the human world has been opened, Demons can enter into the real world during the mysterious 25th hour!"

With a lethal intent gleaming in its eyes, the Doppelgänger lunges forward, aiming for a fatal strike. Adrenaline surges through my veins as I summon every ounce of strength and agility within me, my instincts kicking into overdrive.

In a split-second decision, I dodge to the side with lightning speed, narrowly evading the Doppelgänger's deadly assault. My heart pounds in my chest as I stagger backward, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I narrowly cheat death once more.

"Hee-ho! He's faster than he looks!" Jack Frost exclaims, his voice tinged with surprise as he watches the scene unfold before him. "But be careful, human! That Doppelgänger won't give up easily!"

With a surge of newfound strength, I felt a wave of rejuvenation wash over me, despite the searing pain of the wound on my neck.

Gathering what little strength I had left, I seized the opportunity with a desperate resolve. With a defiant roar, I spat my own blood into the Doppelgänger's eyes, blinding it momentarily as I seized the chance to make my escape. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I turned and fled, my heart pounding in my chest as I raced against the encroaching darkness.

Jack Frost looked on in disbelief, his round eyes wide with shock as he watched me make my tactical retreat. "Hee-ho! He's just... running away?" he exclaimed.

With the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, I staggered through the landscape of the Fairy World, my senses on high alert as I searched for a place to hide. My eyes fell upon a shimmering waterfall cascading from a moss-covered cliff.

Ignoring the searing pain in my neck, I stumbled towards the waterfall, the roar of rushing water drowning out the sound of my labored breaths. With a desperate urgency, I slipped behind the veil of water, the cool mist enveloping me like a protective cloak.

First things first, I acknowledged the obvious truth: the imposter that resembled Natsuki was no ordinary human. Her speed and agility surpassed anything I had ever encountered, and the ease with which she wielded her blade was faster than I could perceive. In terms of strength and speed, she was leagues above me, I had little hope of matching in direct combat. 

I'm no stranger to a fight, but I fought in middle school against middle schoolers and I'm not exactly a powerhouse.

And then there was Jack Frost, a creature of this Fairy World with powers and abilities that remained shrouded in mystery. If his name was any indication, he likely possessed some form of ice-based magic or manipulation.

With grit and determination, I formulated a plan of action, weighing my options carefully as I fought to stay one step ahead of my adversaries.

As I applied pressure to my neck, I couldn't help but notice that the wound wasn't as deep as I had initially feared.

I huddled behind the shimmering veil of the waterfall, trying to catch my breath and gather my wits. A chill swept through the air, sending shivers down my spine. I glanced up in alarm as I noticed the water beginning to freeze before my eyes.

Before I could react, Jack Frost materialized before me, his round blue eyes sparkling with mischief as he surveyed the scene. "Hee-ho! Found you!" he exclaimed cheerfully, his voice tinged with amusement. "Can't hide from Jack Frost for long, can you?"

I scrambled to my feet, my heart pounding in my chest as I faced the mischievous creature before me. "What do you want?" I demanded, my voice shaky but defiant as I braced myself for whatever came next.

With a flick of his wrist, Jack Frost unleashed a burst of icy energy. But before I could react, a sharp pain shot through my wrist as the icy blast froze it in place, locking it in a vice-like grip of frost.

With a cry of agony, I tore myself away from the frozen environment, desperately seeking refuge from the onslaught of danger. But as I turned to flee, the imposter Natsuki materialized before me, her blade flashing in the dim light as she unleashed a relentless barrage of slashes.

I raised my arms in an attempt to defend myself, but it was futile. The razor-sharp edge of her blade tore through my flesh with merciless precision, leaving a trail of lacerations and severed chunks of flesh in its wake.

Pain seared through my body like a wildfire, every movement sending waves of agony coursing through my veins.

As the excruciating pain coursed through my body, threatening to overwhelm me, I stumbled and fell to the ground, my strength waning with each passing moment.

My enemies, the imposter Natsuki and the mischievous Jack Frost, closed in on me.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a glimmer of light caught my eye, drawing my gaze to the golden apple that fell straight into my palm as if guided by an unseen hand.

I hear a feminine voice ring out in my ears.

"Go on."

With trembling fingers, I lifted the fruit to my lips, the sweet scent of life and vitality filling my senses as I took a bite.

As the nourishing juices of the apple washed over me, a wave of warmth spread through my body, banishing the pain and invigorating my weary limbs. I could feel my wounds knitting themselves back together, the severed flesh regenerating before my eyes.

Jack Frost's eyes widened in astonishment as he noticed the miraculous transformation taking place before him, his round blue eyes widening with disbelief. "Hee-ho! What's this?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with wonder as he watched me devour the golden apple.

"Hee-ho! Idun couldn't possibly have done so," Jack Frost remarked, his voice tinged with a mixture of confusion and disbelief. "But whoever sent that golden apple your way must have been watching over you, hee-ho! Looks like you've got some powerful friends on your side!"


As the pain faded and my strength returned, I pushed myself to my feet, my resolve hardened by the miraculous intervention that had saved my life. 

With a defiant glare at the imposter Natsuki and the mischievous Jack Frost, I knew that the battle was far from over. But for now, with the wounds healed and my spirit reinvigorated, I heeded the feminine voice's advice and made a tactical retreat.

I dashed through the unfamiliar landscape with a newfound swiftness and agility. It was as if the healing powers of the golden apple had not only restored my physical strength but also enhanced my speed and reflexes, allowing me to outpace any pursuers with ease.

Emerging from the portal, I expected to find myself back in the gym. However, to my surprise, I found myself standing in an unfamiliar office, surrounded by desks cluttered with paperwork and shelves lined with books.

Exiting the unfamiliar office, I found myself still in the vicinity of Gekkoukan High School, confirming that I had indeed returned to my own world. With a sense of relief washing over me, I made my way to the nearest station to catch the bullet train back home.

As the train rattled along the tracks, my thoughts raced, trying to make sense of the events that had transpired. The encounter with the imposter Natsuki and the mischievous Jack Frost. —all of it weighed heavily on my mind.

I knew that I would have to return to that place tomorrow, to confront whatever dangers lurked within the Fairy World and uncover the truth behind Fuuka's disappearance. But for now, I needed to rest and gather my strength for the challenges that lay ahead.

As I approached my front door, the sound of a knock echoed through the hallway, catching me off guard. With a sense of curiosity tinged with caution, I cautiously opened the door to find myself face to face with a woman who appeared to be in her late twenties.

"Good evening," she greeted me with a polite nod, her tone carrying a hint of authority. "My name is Tamaki Uchida, and I'm with the Kuzunoha Detective Agency. I believe we have some matters to discuss."

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