Eclipse of Heart

By Silver_Scribblesss

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Samaira Lakshmi Deshpande is caught between two worlds, two masks. Amidst the hunt for her missing twin and t... More

1 | Serendipity
2 | Game of Deception
3 | Identity Crisis
4 | Warm & Cold
5 | Matchmaking
6 | Midnight Plans
7 | Stars Aligned
8 | Rewind
9 | Predestination
10 | Pinky Promise
11 | Aira
12 | Date
13 | Selfish
14 | Close but yet so far
16 | Friends to Lovers?
17 | Worlds Collide
18 | Connecting Dots
19 | Protective
20 | One Step at a Time
21 | Progress
22 | Vulnerable
23 | Singhanias Mystery
24 | Drunk Nights
25 | Enigma
26 | Friend or Foe?
27 | Awkward
28 | Buddy
29 | Amaira
30 | Birthday

15 | Engagement

129 20 0
By Silver_Scribblesss


Samaira's POV

The door receives a sharp knock, likely my brother's impatient inquiry from the other side.

"Give me 10 more minutes!" Nithya responds, her voice slightly muffled as she arranges my hair into an elegant updo while I scroll through my phone, entertaining myself.

"You've been saying that for the past half-hour," Adithya's annoyed voice filters through the door.

"Just 10 more minutes, I promise," Nithya reassures him, her eyes steady on my hair. 

Adithya mimics her sentence before we hear his footsteps retreat down the hallway, leaving us in peace for the moment.

"So, spill it. What made you say 'yes' to the first guy you met?" Nithya probes, attempting to coax an explanation out of me.

"Not a chance," I reply firmly, shifting my attention to the news feed on my phone. But my scrolling halts abruptly when I come across a photo of Rhea and her husband on an gossip article. I click on it immediately.

These intrusive paparazzi never give anyone a break. I click my tongue in frustration as I read through it.

"What's got you worked up?" Nithya inquires, plucking a strand of hair and securing it within the updo as she leans to look at my phone.

"These reporters are relentless. Look at this," I show her the picture of Rhea and her husband embracing, clearly enjoying themselves in a school reunion as mentioned in the article. "They're just at a school reunion, and yet these reporters had to invade their privacy and post these pictures online," I grumble, and Nithya studies the photo closely.

"Isn't that your cousin?" she asks, surprising me with her observation as she continues her work on my hair.

"How did you know?" I inquired, turning to face her, but she gently pushed me back towards the mirror so we could meet each other's eyes in the reflection.

"Your brother showed me articles about your family when Rhea got married. He explained your relationship," Nithya explains casually, and I nod in understanding.

Continuing through the article, my eyes catch something peculiar. There's Rhea, seated between two men in the photo – her husband and another individual I recognize all too well.

What on earth is Jay doing with Rhea?

It's been over 10 days since I returned from Mumbai. Vivek is recovering well from his injury, according to Karthik. Aryan is fine too, I guess, although he hasn't reached out to me yet. As for Karthik, things appear normal since I see him and Zia daily at college. Unfortunately, our mission failed, and we're back to square one in our pursuit of Abhishek. He's vanished into thin air since that day, and for now, we're simply trying to locate him. And as my sister, Amaira, and Rhea are concerned, Rhea is going to file a lawsuit against Abhishek, which will get him in a lot of trouble than he already is (Because Abhishek had killed her best friend for money) and Amaira has fled away from Abhishek's men when she got the news of him being released from the prison.

Thankfully, Karthik hid Amaira's photo from Aryan. And I know Aryan isn't going to talk anything to Karthik.

So its a win-win situation.

I scrutinize the photo, hoping for some clarity, but nothing seems to add up. Jay and Rhea? Am I missing something? Closing the page, I intend to call Jay, but Nithya interrupts.

"It's done," she announces, relieved, straightening up from her work on my hair. I lock my phone, planning to reach out to Jay later. "It looks great. Thank you, Anni" I express my gratitude with a grin, and Nithya waves it off with a smile.

Currently, we're preparing for my engagement. Yes, you heard that correctly.

Only close family members are going to be present. So it's a small celebration kind.

"Need help with your makeup?" Nithya offers, fetching the makeup kit from my closet.

"No, I'll handle it myself. You go downstairs and assist Adithya," I decline her offer politely.

"Okay," she responds, giving me a pat on the back before leaving the room. I follow her out and lock the door behind me, then immediately dial Jay's number.

"Hi. What happened?" Jay's breathless voice comes through the phone, and my brow scrunches in confusion for a second.

"What are you doing?" I ask, trying to grasp why he's calling out of breath.

"Nothing. Just came for a jog. Tell me," he replies, his tone casual.

I shake my head, "I saw something just now," I explain as I walk over to the dressing table, plopping myself onto the chair and putting my phone on speaker so I can talk to him while doing my makeup.

"Oh, is it about Abhishek?" Jay immediately asks, concern evident in his voice.

"Actually, it's about you," I reply, starting to apply moisturizer on my face.

"Me?" Jay asks, confused.

"Yeah, what were you doing at Rhea's school reunion?" I inquire, beginning to apply light makeup.

We were specially instructed by Raj sir to not meet Rhea privately for some reason. 

Jay clears his throat before answering, "What... What are you talking about?" His voice sounds guilty. Knowing I caught his lie.

"Jay. Quit lying," I say firmly, closing the foundation bottle and blending it into my skin. "Yeah, Jay, quit lying," Karthik's voice chimes in through the phone. My brows furrow in confusion, "What the heck is Karthik doing there?" I ask, completely stopping my makeup as I pick up the phone and shout into the mic.

"None of your business," Karthik retorts. I shake my head before repeating my question to Jay, "Jay. Spill it," I demand, resuming my makeup.

"Huh... Well, you see. I know Rhea. She, my sister, and I were classmates," Jay explains, causing me to drop the sponge to the floor in shock.

"Surprise, surprise," Karthik interjects with a hint of sarcasm. I sit there frozen not knowing what to say, even Jay doesn't seem to have any excuse.

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" I ask in a quiet voice, still reeling from the revelation.

Jay remains silent on the line, and I hear Karthik whistling in the background as if he was entertained by the ordeal.

"Ammu, they're here," Adithya's impatient voice interrupts through the door as he struggles to open it since I've locked it from inside.

"I have to go," I tell Jay, feeling overwhelmed. "I'm so sorry Sam-." I hang up the call and approach the door, calming myself before unlocking it.

"You're still not ready," my aunt states, annoyed, upon seeing my unfinished makeup.

"Two minutes," I muttered, returning to my dresser to finish applying makeup. In the background, my aunt continues to chide my brother while he tries to pacify her.

A few minutes later, Adithya walks in after sending my aunt downstairs as I'm finishing off my makeup. "I'm done," I inform him, applying mascara, and he stands silently behind me, observing me.

After I keep my bindi and turn around, I see him looking at me with silent, calculating eyes. "What?" I ask, taking the flower from his hand to pin it around my bun.

"You seem to be back in your shell," he observes, causing my movements to halt as my eyes meet his through the mirror.

I resume pinning the flower a few seconds later and answer, "No, I'm not." Once done, I turn around to show him my look.

As I finish pinning the flower, my brother prods me again, but I remain silent. "Are you sure you're okay?" Adithya asks, his concern evident in his voice.

I nod, adamant that I'm fine. "I'm just nervous about the ceremony," I assure him.

Reluctantly, Adithya nods, and then Nithya comes in, joining us. "Let's go." She says smiling at me warmly.

Together, we head downstairs for the engagement. My anxiety rises as I see the crowd of people gathered. Nithya holds my hand reassuringly, with Adithya following closely behind.

As we enter the living room, my aunt announces my arrival, causing my grip on Nithya's hand to tighten as all eyes turn towards me.

"You're acting so unlike you," Nithya whispers teasingly into my ears.

Once we're settled in the living room, Nithya subtly instructs me to greet everyone by joining my hands together. Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes, I comply. I join my hands and greet everyone in the room, my gaze eventually landing on Aryan, who stands up from his place when he sees me. Our eyes meet for a brief moment before I move on to greet others.

Then my father asks me to sit in the middle of the living room, where there is a huge couch placed, and I nod, taking my seat. Aryan's mother then invites him to join me. Aryan sits beside me, leaving some distance between us. I steal a glance at him, only to find him already looking at me. My eyes widen in surprise, but I quickly smile at him before facing forward, focusing on our families.

The atmosphere is filled with anticipation as the engagement ceremony progresses, each moment weighing heavily on my nerves. Despite the colourful decorations and joyous ambience enveloping us, I find it difficult to shake off the tight grip of anxiety that holds me captive.

We are then instructed to stand. Beside me, Aryan stands, his demeanour awkward as he stands at least a foot apart from me until his mother instructs him to move closer to me. 

The awkwardness lingers between us, a palpable reminder of our recent near-kiss. 

Don't go there. I tell myself.

I steal a glance at him, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment as our eyes briefly meet before darting away.

Hoping to alleviate some of the tension, I attempt to strike up a conversation. "So, uh, how are you feeling about all of this?" I inquired, my voice barely audible amidst the hum of conversation surrounding us.

Though I wanted to ask something else like, why didn't he text me for the last ten days? But I bit my tongue and swallowed that question from leaving my lips.

Aryan shifts uneasily beside me, his gaze fixed on the ground. "Honestly, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed," he confesses, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "This whole engagement thing is new to me, and... well, after what happened earlier, I'm not sure how to act."

His honesty catches me off guard, leaving me momentarily speechless. "Well, we were drunk. So let's forget it. It will not happen again." I suggest, hoping to brush aside the awkwardness that threatens to overshadow the occasion. I sense Aryan's sharp turn towards me, his gaze piercing. "Sure," he responds, his tone tinged with a hint of sharpness that was not there before. 

I am taken aback by his sudden tone. "Why are-" I begin only to be interrupted by my aunt, "Beta, take this." She hands me the garlands smiling wide at us.

Then we both are asked to exchange garlands amidst the chanting of Vedic hymns, I can't help but feel a mixture of relief and apprehension wash over me because I am not able to handle so much attention. The weight of expectations hangs heavy in the air, each step of the ceremony propelling us closer to our intertwined destinies.

Aryan and I face each other, I put the garland on him as he bows forward and then he follows suit, the photographer starts clicking photos, nearly blinding me at the frequent clicks. I looked into Aryan's eyes and his eyes held different emotions than before which I couldn't comprehend. Then Aryan puts the garland on me when his mother asks him to. Once done, Aryan immediately averts his eyes from me, making me feel more anxious about his behaviour.

Finally, the moment arrives for us to exchange rings. Nithya hands me the ring, and so does Aryan's sister to him. I steal a glance at Aryan, again, our eyes meeting briefly before he extends his hand, I raise my hand in his direction and he slides the ring through my ring finger. As our fingers brush against each other, a surge of electricity courses through me, igniting a spark of emotion that refuses to be ignored.

With trembling hands, I slide the ring onto his finger, the symbolic gesture marking the beginning of our journey together. The sound of applause fills the room as we face our families, their warm smiles and encouraging gazes looking at us. 

Then the priest announces the marriage date. 18 January and I turn both anxious and relieved at the announcement. All of them smile wide at that. Aryan's eyes and mine connects fleetingly before he looks away again.

Then we take blessings from my father and then from his parents. Then as I turn to my brother mischief shines in his eyes as he forwards his leg in my direction, a subtle sign to take blessings from him. I narrow my eyes at him and at the same time, Nithya hits his back making him scowl at her in return. Then Nithya comes forward and side-hugs me while Aryan and Adithya exchange a hug. Then Nithya side hugs Aryan too while my brother raises his hand in my direction to mess with my hair when Nithya slaps it away again warning him to dare to change me. I poke my tongue out at him with a grin and then sighing he comes to my side and puts his heavy arm on my shoulder, "Don't trouble Aryan." He says and I shove him away from me. Then Aryan's sister and her husband congratulate us. Aryan makes a gesture to bow down to his sister but his sister warns him not to even try. 

Look at these siblings, and there is my stupid brother.

After all the exchange of congratulations I take a glance down at the gleaming gold band adorning my ring finger, a wave of disbelief washes over me. It's a moment I never imagined would come, yet here I am, engaged to the least expected person, Aryan.

"Sir? Ma'am? Can we go to take some photos?" the cameraman's voice breaks through my reverie, pulling me back to the present moment. I exchange a confused look with Aryan, who seems equally uncertain about the request.

"Oh, photos?" I respond dumbly, turning to Aryan for guidance, but he remains silent, his attention fixed on the cameraman, not speaking a word.

Realizing I should probably respond, I clear my throat and offer a tight smile to the photographers. "Sure. One minute, I will check with my sister-in-law." I finally reply, albeit hesitantly.

Turning to Nithya, I need some advice. "Anni?" I call out to her, explaining the situation. She nods, understanding what I'm asking. "Sure, take them to the terrace. Meanwhile, we'll start serving lunch to the guests on the lawn. You guys need to finish it quickly too. Otherwise, the food will get cold. Give me your garlands." she suggests practically, trying to keep things organized. 

"Okay, sure," the cameraman responds, leading his team as they gather their equipment. We hand over our garlands to her, and she walks away with it. "This way," I direct everyone, including Aryan, who still hasn't looked at me, which bothers me a bit.

What is wrong with him suddenly?

We all head towards the stairs. I hold the front of my saree as I ascend slowly, making sure not to trip. Suddenly, I hear a phone vibrating, and I stop short, glancing back to see Aryan taking a call.

Resuming my walk, I lead the camera crew to the terrace where they start setting up. I glance at the entryway, but Aryan is nowhere to be seen. Contemplating his earlier behaviour, I decided to talk to him first.

"I'll be back in a minute," I inform the cameraman before heading off to find Aryan. "Sure, we'll have everything ready by then," he responds, focused on his work.

In a rush, I head towards the entrance to catch Aryan before he reaches the terrace. But as I turn, he's already there, and I stumble into him, Aryan's quick reflexes save me, his warm arms enveloping me protectively. "Careful," he murmurs. But then he quickly withdraws, as if realizing he shouldn't be so close, leaving me puzzled.

Glancing behind me, I notice the cameraman's distraction, prompting me to act swiftly. Placing a hand across Aryan's chest, I gently push him against the wall. He looks surprised by my sudden assertiveness. "What's wrong with you?" I demand, holding him in place and refusing to remove my hand.

"What's wrong with me?" Aryan echoes, his voice flat. I jab a finger at his chest, my frustration was evident. "You tell me. You're acting strange," I accuse, my eyes narrowing at him. Aryan meets my gaze, then looks down at my finger pressing into his chest. "I am?" he responds, his voice barely audible, his eyes lingering on my hand and then at my eyes, causing a strange flutter in my chest as my breath hitches.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, counting backwards from ten to calm my racing heart. When I open my eyes, I catch Aryan's gaze flickering from my lips to my eyes. Any words I had planned to say vanish from my mind, replaced by the memory of our almost-kiss ten days ago.

"Is it wrong to have strong feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same way?" Aryan's voice breaks through my thoughts, his words leaving me puzzled and uncertain.

"What?" I whisper, still lost in the echoes of our past moment.

"Never mind," Aryan mumbles, his eyes drifting away from me towards the terrace.

Confused by his cryptic statement, "Aryan?" I press him for an explanation, but before he can respond, the cameraman interrupts us, praising our position in the sunlight streaming through the door, asking us to stay put.

We both ignore the cameraman's words, our attention locked on each other. Aryan's eyes convey a multitude of emotions, unlike his usual warm gaze. "Sir, could you please put your arm around ma'am?" the cameraman requests.

"May I?" Aryan whispers to me hesitantly, which bugs me for some reason. Ignoring the feeling I nod subtly, inching closer to him which leaves an inch of space between us and I try to calm my racing heart at the proximity.

"Perfect!" the cameraman exclaims as Aryan wraps his arm around my waist, I feel a rush of warmth at his touch, but I notice the tension in his posture, as if he's holding back.

The camera clicks away as we stand in the sunlight, our facade of happiness fading under the weight of unspoken words. I can feel Aryan's arm around my waist, his touch warm yet distant. I take a deep breath, trying to push past the tension.

"You know," I begin, my voice soft, "Engagement photos are supposed to capture love and happiness. But it feels like we're just pretending." I shoot him a pointed look, hoping he'll open up.

Aryan meets my gaze, his eyes guarded yet curious. "Is it?" he murmurs, his tone cryptic. "Is there happiness and... love between us?" he questions, his eyes searching mine for a reaction. His words leave me stunned, struggling for a response. "What-" I start, but the cameraman interrupts, urging us to show off our rings.

Frustrated by Aryan's evasiveness, I force a smile as we lift our hands for the camera. "I don't like you much today," I quip through gritted teeth. Aryan's gaze holds mine, leaving me unsettled by the depth of his unreadable emotions.

Aryan's gaze remains fixed on mine, his expression inscrutable. "Happy that we are on the same page for the day." For a moment, the air between us feels charged with unspoken tension. I swallow hard, trying to push aside the confusion swirling inside me.

I look away from him to collect my thoughts and emotions, "Ma'am, please look back at sir." The cameraman instructs and I meet Aryan's intense eyes again.

The cameraman continues snapping photos, capturing our strained smiles and forced poses. As the session progresses, I can't shake the feeling of unease that lingers between us. A part of me wants to confront Aryan, to demand answers to the questions swirling in my mind. But another part hesitates, fearing what his response might reveal.

Finally, as the cameraman signals the end of the shoot, I let out a small sigh of relief. Aryan's arm falls away from my waist from our last pose where he was standing behind me like he was embracing me from behind, leaving me feeling strangely empty at the sudden coldness. "Thanks," he mutters to no one in general, his voice barely audible over the chatter around us.

I nod in response, not trusting myself to speak. As we make our way back inside, I can't shake the nagging feeling that something has shifted between us, something unspoken and unresolved. But for now, all I can do is bury those feelings deep down and focus on getting through the rest of the day.

As we join the others for lunch, the silence between us is palpable. Nithya, whose observational skills are at top-notch, notices the tension between us immediately, "What did you do?' Nithya whispers into my ear holding my arm so that I don't escape from her interrogation when she sees Aryan's retreating figure as he goes to his nephew leaving me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her surprised. How did she find something was wrong between us as soon as she saw us? I mean talk about laser eyes.

"Aryan seems upset. What did you do or what did you say to him?" She presses me further with a raised eyebrow.

"Why can't that be him? He could have been the one to upset me instead." I ask her offended. Nithya lets out a dismissive wave, "Nah, it's clearly you. So spill" She says firmly.

"I honestly don't know. I didn't say or do anything to upset him," I admit, feeling a pang of guilt. But Nithya shakes her head sceptically, her gaze fixed on Aryan's back as he chats with someone nearby. When he glances in our direction, I hold his gaze, but he quickly looks away, leaving me feeling even more confused.

"Aryan?" Nithya calls out, "Yenna Pandre Nee?"(What are you doing?) I hiss into Nithya's ears panicked, as she ignores me beckoning closer to us. Aryan gives her an easy smile still ignoring my presence beside her. "Yes, Nithya?" He asks, avoiding my eyes.

"Let's have lunch. Come." She says starting to head in the direction of Lawn where the lunch is arranged. "I-I am not hungry. I will have it later. You guys go ahead." Aryan says with a tight smile. "Not happening. Let's go." She holds Aryan's hand now and pulls us together behind her.

"Take a seat." She orders and beckons a few workers to serve us food. "Aree, sit fast. the food is turning cold." She says and gestures for us to sit beside each other and eat.

Aryan sits first and I hesitantly, take my place beside Aryan, and we begin eating in silence. But as I reach the end of my meal, I'm suddenly overcome by about of hiccups. Aryan's reaction surprises me as his hand starts tapping gently on my back, offering comfort. He passes me a glass of water, and I drink it, feeling the hiccups subside under his touch.

As his hand lingers on my back, a sense of warmth washes over me. But just as quickly as it came, he withdrew, returning to his meal. Our relatives tease us, and I can feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment at the attention. 

Aryan remains quiet, focusing on his food, and I find myself stealing glances at him when I think he's not looking. But each time our eyes meet, he quickly averts his gaze, leaving me feeling a mixture of confusion and frustration.

I want to ask him what's wrong, to clear the air between us, but with our families around, I can't find the right moment to speak privately.

After lunch, we both head inside my house in silence, "Aryan-" I began intending to have a conversation. But before I can say anything, Aryan gets pulled away by some of his relatives, leaving me frustrated. He looks back at me with a smirk, as if he knows I wanted to talk to him. I watch him walk away, feeling annoyed that he's avoiding me.

Rolling my eyes, I join my father, who's engaged in conversation with a relative. He smiles warmly at me before returning to their discussion. I sit quietly, fidgeting with the end of my saree, waiting for a chance to talk to Aryan.

A few minutes later, I spot Aryan coming from the kitchen, alone. Seizing the opportunity, I stand up abruptly, surprising my father and indicating that I'll be back soon. As I approach Aryan, his expression turns challenging, and I can't help but feel a surge of irritation.

"Aryan, don't even think—" I begin, but we're interrupted by someone calling his name. We both turn to see his mother approaching us.

Of course, bad timing seems to have a thing for me today. Not leaving me to speak with Aryan.

"Yes, ma?" Aryan responds, his smile wide and bright, a stark contrast to how he's been acting with me all day.

I scowl at how wide he is smiling but I mask my face with a fake smile.

"Go to the car and bring her gifts," his mother instructs him, smiling warmly at me. "Ayoo, no no. I don't want any," I interject, shaking my head at her and then at Aryan as I warn at him through my eyes.

"It's a ritual, beta," she insists, cupping my cheek affectionately. I can't help but soften at her gesture, offering her a smile in return.

"I will be right back." Aryan quips, and quickly makes a run outside. 

As Aryan rushes off to fetch the gifts, I'm left standing there, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment. It's like every time I try to have a conversation with him, something or someone gets in the way.

"It's alright, dear," my father's relative replies kindly, patting my hand reassuringly. "These things happen." I nod at her still feeling uncertain about taking gifts from Aryan's mother. But inside, I can't shake off the feeling of frustration.

Chuck about gifts. Right now all I want to do is talk to Aryan and clear the air.

Aryan returns with the tray of gifts a few moments later, and I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the sight of so many beautifully wrapped presents. "That's a lot," I murmur, my eyes flickering between the gifts and Aryan's mother, who wears a soft smile.

"You're going to be my daughter. Nothing is too much for my daughter," she replies warmly, her words touching my heart and easing my nerves. I offer her a grateful smile in return, feeling a sense of acceptance wash over me.

"But still..." I start to protest, searching for an excuse to decline the gifts, but my gaze falls on my father, whose approving nod encourages me to accept.

With a hesitant hand, I reach out to take the heavy tray from Aryan, but before I can protest about its weight, he steps forward immediately to hold it for me once again when I almost drop it. "That's heavy," I admit with an awkward chuckle, grateful for his assistance.

His mother chuckles too, before issuing a directive to her son. "Aryan, help her take it to her room," she says, and I can't help but feel a surge of relief at her words. Finally, a chance for some privacy to talk.

Aryan opens his mouth to protest "Mom-", but a warning look from his mother shuts him up, leaving me stifling a laugh at the indignant expression on his face. 

"She cannot carry it. Go take it to her room," she orders, and Aryan reluctantly complies, shooting me a look as I meet his eyes with a grin threatening to appear on my face but I school my expressions to be normal as we head towards my room.

"Let's go. Mr Aryan," I say, a smile still lingering in my voice as we walk side by side.

I step into my room with a skip in my step, feeling a surge of excitement despite the tension between Aryan and me. Unlocking the door, I hold it open for Aryan with a playful gesture, a smile dancing on my lips. "Gentlemen first," I tease, inviting him into my space.

Aryan seems taken aback by my sudden cheerfulness, his brows furrowing in confusion as he glances around my room. "Why does it feel like if we both enter that room, we're not going to come out as the same people after?" He looks at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

His words send a shiver down my spine, but I refuse to show any signs of hesitation, I meet his challenge with a playful shrug, mirroring his pose as I tilt my head to the side. "Maybe," I respond with a mischievous grin, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through me.

His intense gaze washes over me, and for a moment, doubt creeps into my mind. Am I doing the right thing by inviting him in like this?

"Okay," Aryan concedes, stepping into my room and nudging my shoulder playfully as he passes. I glance back to ensure no one is in the hallway before following him inside, locking the door behind me. As I turn around, I find Aryan waiting for me with a patient but intense expression, and my heart skips a beat at the prospect of what's to come.


Y'all this chapter totally is heading in a direction I didn't plan on and I am liking it little too much. Hmmm.

I hope you like it to. Can't wait to update the next one this weekend. Till then enjoy this one and show your love for Samaira and Aryan guys. *Sobs coz I can't find a Aryan*

Do share the story with your friends if you like it guys.

Vote. Follow. Comment.

With love,

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