RAU Lore 9: Adventure In Fair...

By AnimatedFanboy2004

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(NOTE: This takes place after season 3, and before the upcoming arc where Nahuel travels to Novolo, which we... More

Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

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By AnimatedFanboy2004

"Alright everyone let's form,This is gonna be covert mission,Luckily the trandos don't know we're all here so we have the element of surprise."said Hunter

"Should we help?"said the plump fairy

"You guys are to remain here for safety."said Hunter

"We can't just let those monsters take over."said another

"It would be in your best interest to stay here."said Tech" You guys aren't equipped to fighting enemies like droids."

"Can we go with you guys?"said Quinn

"No you,stay with Koten and Keena while Baython,Daal,KO, and the others are going."said Echo "Also try your best to keep Hilda and Johanna company,alongside the locals."

Soon the rest of the platoon and the bad batch made their way out of the cave,packing up their gear and weapons for what was about to come,Leaving Quinn miffed but understood the situation

Meanwhile as the 3 fairies and Cosmic flew across the sky,Scorch raised his arms as though he was flying

"Weeeee!"said Scorch cheerfully as they flew

"Man you are really chatty you know."said Astrid

"Of course, I've been to that," Scorch said. "Just do as we say."

"He is the heart and soul of the team."said Boss

"and without him, everyone would know clones are the bad ones." Said Sev.

"We should probably fly down and plan our next strategy."said Phinium

Soon they flew down,Under the mushroom trees and hid themselves to avoid detection,

The clone use one of the scope to see from far distant, just then, the armed lizard men, and the upgraded battle droids guarded the tower

"Just worse as we thought."
Boss said.

They see even more droid dispensers and Trandoshans guarding the area

"So what's the plan now?" KC asked.

"Obviously we can't go through the entrance,and we can't fly straight through it,We'll have to fly in of course but we need to sneak in."said Boss

"In other words, the element of surprise, right?."said Nahuel

"Yeah."said Boss

Suddenly they hear someone but it wasn't a droid or trandoshan,It sounded like crying

Nahuel and the others follow the cries and they saw a fairy child, tears flows in her face.

The team were shook to this as Kid goes to the child.

"Hey, Are you okay?"

"Wait, no please!" The child frighten as she sees humans

"Don't worry, were on your side." KC tried to calm her down
"What happened?"

"Those, things..." She said, silently, "They took ma and pa away from me. "

"The droids this did, right?" Scorch asked

She nods, slowly.
The team look at each other first and then look back at the child

"We're going to bring them back." Nahuel said. "We promise."

Lydia then held her in her arms

"Those metal figures are now kidnapping people now?!" Lydia yelled.

"and they're finding their way to steal any resources." Boss replied.

"All of you get to the tower, quickly, before it's too late"

"Since those scalies are slavers, I think they're enslaving the fairies."said Sev "keep her safe,Kid I'll make sure your parents see you smile again."

"Thank you..." Said the young fairy.

Lydia then flew away with the child and the fairy child held her hand as she flew with her

"I knew you always had a soft spot in there Sev."said Scorch

"From what I've learned from the cottage earlier, I know what is like to be more than just violence"said Sev "It opened my mind up a bit ."

"that doesn't sound like the Sev I know."said Scorch "I think the fairy isle has finally gotten to him."

"You really have a morbid sense humor."said Astrid

They all then sneak around and see the entrance to the the watchtower to find a horrendous surprise as a bunch of fairies are gathered all tied up,Some of the men are beaten up by the slavers and the women are forced to watch in terror.
They went to the back of the tower and luckily, there's no lizard men nearby to see the horrors, within it.

Boss use the scope, again, to spot anyone guards them down. They then sees there are some guards hiding in the facility.

"Okay, I think we can set it right here."

"Then, let's the plan moving." Said Phinium,

"I'm not so sure yet. It could be lead into a trap." Said Boss.

"Let's throw a flashbang grenade to blind them and Ambush them."said Sev

Fixer grabbed one of the flashbacks and throws them to the guards, and as it flashes in, giving a white light, the crew rushing in quickly but silently.

He grabbed one of the flashbacks, and Sev shank them for accurate measure the length and height first right before they throw it. They continue on climbing the stairs they get near the entrance from the hallways to stairs

"What now,They're still there summoning who knows how many lizards."whispered Astrid

They look at her for a moment and Nahuel slowly steps forward to see what was going on,as he stepped up, he looked above and saw a tall but thin trandoshan,But this trandoshan wasn't a regular slaver,not even a merc or Elite,Nahuel realized who this trandoshan was and it was none other than Bossk,a trandoshan who was one of the most feared Bounty Hunters in the galaxy and a rival and enemy to Chewbacca and Han Solo,Nahuel couldn't believe it was him and he crawled back down the stairs to retrieve another flashbang detotanator

"Uh, Nahuel, what are you doing?" Kid Cosmic asked as he saw him getting an another detotanator

"Don't worry, this will work like the last time." He replied

Scorch them hands him the flashbang,Nahuel nods at him and they all nod,Once then Nahuel throws the flashbang and the room lights up with light causing the trandoshans to be blinded,Delta Squad then entered the room and began shooting the trandoshans,All but one was spared and that was Bossk

"I guess we're not the only ones here in this place." Said Bossk.

"Bossk." Said Nahuel " One of Han Solo and Chewbacca's rivals."

"You're the one who cause all of this!" Said Sev.

"Explain why you're bringing your forces to RAU and here!"yelled Kid Cosmic

"do you really think I would answer to a little child?"said Bossk only for Sev to threaten him with his Vibro blade,He seemed unfazed but Kid Cosmic then used his telekinesis to have the tied up trandoshan over the edge as if he was gonna be dropped from the building,Bossk panicked for a moment but kid cosmic pulled back inside,Bossk then had an angered expression

"You really want to know huh?"said Bossk

They all nodded

"...well then, giant man wearing a mask, who called himself, Bane, contacted me for an operation he had planned while he was still in prison,He promised to help me with my planets slave trading operations, if I helped him."

"On what?"asked Nahuel

"to break him out of prison, and launch a terrorist attack to scare the citizens of RAU then, just as we prepared for the invasion, we then suddenly got teleported to this place."

Bossk's eyes landed on kid, cosmic who looked angry, but also scared

"it was you wasnt it ay?"said Bossk to Kid Cosmic whose faceturned from anger to sadness and disappointment"hehehhaha,No wonder why you wanted to throw me off of this tower hehehe,Well then When we got here the other trandoshans and I felt like this place was...A paradise.
A paradise, that we've decide, to conquer, we decided to have the males of this place be used to excavate the land while we kept the females for ourselves."

Nahuel sees Kid Cosmic, almost in tears, and he turned back to Bossk and yelled out

"This wasn't his fault!" Nahuel called out. "Atleast he tried to save our home from your invasion!"

"Oh, save your heroic speech, boy." Bossk mocked." Once we've finished this place, we find the way to resume the invasion..."

"There's no way any of us can leave."said Astrid "and you won't get away with this!"

"I would like to see you try." Bossk replied. "Elf."

"If Chewbacca was here,He would turn you into a purse!"yelled Kid Cosmic but Bossk laughed at his threat

"Pity. So... Pity of you, little human."

Just then, as the hero tried to launch himself to attack, filled with anger and sadness within, consider he'll get the blame,
Boss, Astrid and Nahuel tried to get him away from him as the bounty hunter laughs

"I think the female elves will make the perfect slaves for us thanks to you youngling hahahaha!"said Bossk mockingly as he continued to laugh at his face

"Kid, please calm down!"said Nahuel

"Pull yourself together cadet!"said Boss

"No let me have at him!"said Kid Cosmic who's being held back by his friends

Sev and Phinium recognize the anger built up in Kid Cosmic,anger that was being roused by Bossk's mockery,Phinium then pulled out a handkerchief and used it to cover Bossk's mouth to silence him

Bossk resisted but it was no use,Once then Nahuel then made eye contact with Kid Cosmic and when he did he recognized the dread and sorrow in him,He knew what to do

"Kid listen to me,Freaking out...breathe it out..."said Nahuel calmly as he took a deep breath and Kid Cosmic followed along.

He pause for a second, realizing for what he's done.

He then looked at Nahuel and said with a sadden voice

"I- I'm sorry..." KC whispered while he stuttered. "I thought this will be a simple rescue mission, and now I make things even worse-"

"Don't be like that, it's okwy." Nahuel halted him. "We've all make mistake sometimes. Isn't what your grandpa wants? To be a better hero for the right cause."

He look down for a second and he sees one of his first allies since he joined the team and said.

"Yeah. Papa G really like to see me what I am now. "

It cuts back where the Batch and some of the plaTOON as they reached their destination, but Hunter stopped them as he and the rest saw a camp, with the watchtowers and as they see inside there are hundreds of captured faries

Omega then gave Hunter some binoculars to spy on them

She look arround, and sees the battle droids and Trandoshans guarded on the watchtowers, while there were hundreds on them on ground, then she look arround to analize the place for the plan

"What are they doing?"asked KO

"Pretty sure these guys are fully prepared." Omega replied, she gives back the binoculars to Hunter

"They're holding the fairies as hostages."said Wrecker

"and they won't stop until this place is done for." Wrecker said.

"I'm gonna give them quite a beating like last time when we were on cloud city."said KO

"You mean where you were repeatedly punching a trandoshan in the face and yelling Where was Daal?"asked Karre

"They were bounty hunters from the tall evil lady just to kill Daal." KO replied. "So it was justified. "

"I sure hope Nahuel and the team got control of the watchtower."said Omega

"Let's keep the operation going, guys." Said Luz.

Soon they snuck around the bushes,Avoiding detection of the droids and the trandoshans

As some of the members sees the horrors of their atrocities from this world.

Meanwhile back up on the watchtower,Delta Squad prepares to pull some more clone troopers into Fairy Country alongside bringing some plaTOON members,Bossk then removes his mouth cover

"Once i get out of here I'll make sure that all of your lives are taken in honor of scorekeeper hehe"said Bossk mockingly

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Phinium asked.

Bossk laughed when Phinium made that question

As Phinium raised an eyebrow in confusion as he still laughs.

When he took a little breath for a second, he spoke.

"You are all done for. You will all make fine trophies,The Scorekeeper will be proud of me."He said as he slowly look at Sev" Starting with YOU!"

The Trandoshan jumps out of the chair after he finally cuts out the rope by using a backup knife and lunges in to Sev.

And the two jumped out of the room into the hallway, and as Bossk tried to stab him use a knife, Sev finds the way to grab and and throws it away
And they fight with only their fists to each other.

A lizard men try to get knife, the clone grabbed him, try to hold him off

Phinium and Nahuel then tried to apprehend Bossk,They grab his arms but he bangs their heads together

The two almost got knocked out and then as Bossk finally reached out the knife, a green light was spark, as KC got the upper hand and grabs the Trandoshan for now.

He leaned left and right, giving the heroes some time before he reached it

The Trandoshan groans in anger, as he tried to grab him out

"You brought all of this to yourself. You're nothing but a fool, little one." Bossk mocked. "A foo-"

"No! I am not gonna fall from your tricks again, you lizard!" Kid resisted as he pushed him back even harder.

The other members of delta squad then apprehended the lizard,

And one of them takes the knife away from him as possible

When he put him back to the seat, Boss grabbed a nearby chain, tying him arround him up, prevent his escape once again.

But Bossk kicked him in the face and got out,he then escaped down the stairs to warn the other trandoshans

The clones grab their weapons when Boss grabbed the DC-17 rifle first
and begins shooting at him.

Astrid,Phinium and Kid Cosmic fly down the stairs to catch Bossk but there are droids there and they start shooting them

The clones grab their weapons when Boss grabbed the DC-17 rifle first
and begins shooting at him.

They all cover to the nearby room and as the three look each other and ask

"Got any ideas?" Astrid asked.

Just as they began to plan,they hear the droids scream out,They look and find the droids being electrocuted by an electro grenade

The droids scream out as their servos as fried,once then the droids are deactivated and they fall down the stairs

The three looked at the aftermath and find out who threw the electro-grenade

"Get back here and fight!" Scorch shouts

The squad rushing in as the trio following them altogether to stop him.

Meanwhile,the bad batch and plaTOON where talking amongst themselves on how to attack the Trandoshans' base of operations and how they would free the fairies

"Everyone settled?" Tech asked. "Now, let's keep moving."

The group split into three,

The first where to break free the prisoners,
The second to sneak down the watch towers,
And the third for planting the bombs followed by Tech, KO and Omega on a nearby vehicles

The fairies they freed flew away for safety, Some stayed to help free other fairies with the help from the members
Including the injured and the traumatized are even helped from the fairies.

As the droid watched on the other side, The member/s (possibly Luz KO, or/and Karre) "knocking" down the droids away from the tower quickly. As it's head were cut or even turned into bits

"Surrender now, intruders!"

Just as the gang secure the tower, the squad got caught by a team of Trandoshans aimed as they aimed the three when they got out from the tower.
Including the planed bombing device were halted.
The three get in line with the others as they're taken away to their leader

Except for the other two who are hiding: Karre and Am.

However there only 2 members that weren't caught,Karre and Am, the 3 teams are then brought before their leader

"Well of all people I wouldn't see again, It had to be the bad batch,Say Clones how's Cid doing back in Ord Mantell?" said the leader "Is she still betting on that droid to win the riot races?"

"What happened between Cid and our team has got nothing to do with you!"said Wrecker

"Wait you know this guy?"said Craig

"Yeah,His name is Garnac and he sponsored a racer our former friend Cid was betting against."said Omega "Why are you doing this to the fairies."

"Isnt obvious,Its a blessing from the scorekeeper."said Garnac "I'm surprised you are all here,alongside bringing a cast of freaks here."

"We're called the plaTOON Lizard face!"yelled KO

"Platoon?"said Garnac who took a minute to think about the name"Ah the Platoon,You're that team Bane was talking about huh?"

"The ones responsible for Bane's arrest. And you'll must pay!"

"Well, Your "friend"," Luz responded mockingly. "was being a show-off and almost killed everyone at the ring months ago!"

"He said it was just an accident." Garnac replied.

"ACCIDENT?!" Monkie Kid yelled. "He almost destroyed my staff and hurt down the other wresters!"

Garnac then slapped Monkie Kid right in the face

"Never speak to me, boy" Garnac sees the rest, and he chuckled see the team being captured in his own hands.

"Lock them away. We caught fishes to fry soon."

"Wait what are you gonna do with the us and all of the fairies?"said Janner

"Well they're very easy to catch which means catching groups of them equals to one Jagganath point."said Garnac "Well sell them on the invisible market and keep some for ourselves."

The other trandoshans all laughed

"WHAT?!" The team shouted in shocked.

"No matter how they scream or cries, all fairies," Garnac added, as he watched the Fairy Country in flames "Are all going to be separate and divide from one another. Just like this world. "

The teams couldn't believe what he was saying,Garnac recognized their disbelief and he had a mischievous grin on his face

"As for all you,You'll be giving us all Jagganath points."said Garnac "It'll be nice to secure a place in the afterlife with the scorekeeper,alongside conquering a world like this."

They trandoshans then took them way to the other side of the camp,To prepare their execution,Karre and Am saw this and immediately went to look for Delta Squad,Phinium,Astrid,Kid Cosmic and Nahuel who were chasing Bossk down the stairs

As one of the Trandoshan sees the other figures, they left immediately. Then he shrugged and escort the prisoners.

The Twins got into the building secretly and as they walk though the hallways one by one to find the others for backup.

After they checking though the other floors, they heard gunshots (or blaster shots) coming from the upper floor.

"They're coming from there" Karre said as he and his sister followed the sound as they ignite their lightsabers.

Meanwhile, as Bossk tried to distance from the others, he sweating out from the chase.

"Where are my droids I've guarded here?!" Bossk yelled

And when he turned back, he saw two figures, with their lightsabers,

Bossk hish and when he retreated back as he runs
Karre uses the force and pushed him on the wall, finally pinned down.

Just then, Delta Squad, Astrid, Phinium, Kid Cosmic and Nahuel arrived in time just to see the one they chased for got caught up.

"Karre! Am!" The young men smiled, see the Jedis arrived.

"It's so good to see you two back there." Said Boss

"No time for the reunions." Said Karre. "We got a bigger situation going on just now. The Batch and the others were caught up by a Trandoshan boss."

"Who can it be now?" Phinium asked.

"Just follow us." Karre said. "We'll show you who that beast was. "

"What about the other clones we're bringing in?"said Fixer

"We can do that, once we finish the other boss of this sector." Scorch replied.

"Actually Fixer stay up in the tower and bring in the other clones, tell them what's going on."said Boss

"Affirmative."said Fixer who went back upstairs

As the team left, and just as Bossk got out from the force and immediately wakes up, realize he lost the points.
He watched the team left as he clinched his fingers with a lowered eyebrows in anger, and rushes away, finding the other prisoners before they got there.

"Nahuel." KC said to Nahuel as he turns arround "Gracias/Thanks. Again."

"Hey, I've learned from the best medicator arround." Nahuel replied back, and the two give a fist bump to each other

"Alright everyone let's kill some bad lizards."said Sev

"But keep it down." Fixer told. "We don't want to let others heard or seen."

"Well look who's here." Phinium said.

"And I'll brought some friends too to join." She replied as the other fairies (betting 4 or 6 of them) are with her, volunteering for the mission.

"I'm not sure about this since Phinium admitted, the fairies don't know how to fight."said Boss

"But they need to try." Karre said. "To fight for their home."

"I'm sorry, Karre." Said Boss. "It's for everyone's safety. We don't need to lose others in a dreadful fight."

"Well then....Grab the droids and use your flight to make them fall to their deaths."said Sev

"Hmm...." Lydia said as she thinks for a bit then she replied
"Sure, let's do it. Let show those metal people about the fear of the fairies! "

"I like that sound of that." Sev chuckled.

"You got it."said Scorch

"Alright everyone, take offensive formation."said Boss

The Delta Squad brought up their main weapons,
Astrid and Phinium prepared as well,
The Twins ignite their lightsabers again,
So does the two young men as Kid Cosmic ignites the stone as the green colors glow, and Nahuel's powers even if it's just a small lighting,

They all slowly walked down the stairs

Sev peaked out for a moment and gave them all the signal to move out,Meanwhile Back upstairs Fixer found Luke Skywalker with the watchtower's crystal and transported him into the fairy country

Skywalker shook a bit as he teleported to this place.

"What in the-"
The Jedi master shook a bit as he looked arround to the unknown place then he asked he asked. "What is this place?"

Luke then saw Fixer and recognized who he was supposed to be

"Hey you're a clone commando."said Luke "my father fought alongside you guys in the war, say, where are we?"

"My name is Fixer,I'm part of Delta Squad."said Fixer

"Where in a fairy world, Skywalker. And so glad to meet the son of the greatest Jedi."
Said Fixer "But, we don't have to talk right now. We have a bigger situation going on right now and we need your help."

"What's going on?" Said Luke

"One of the members of the plaTOON named Hilda and her mother disappeared into this world and our tried was enlisted by the plaTOON to rescue them but a group of trandoshans found their way here and are trying to conquer this place using separatist droids."

"But... how did they got here so fast?" He asked.

"They were accidentally brought here." Fixer replied. "After 3 members of the platoon got chased by the faries, Nahuel, Janner and Kid Cosmic stumbled upon this tower and accidentally brought them here,They told us, there were dozens of droids and Trandoshans preparing for a terrorist attack,Now I'm not saying this is all of their fault though."

"Well, we should probably bring in more people to help us,Let's bring some more clones and some more members of the plaTOON to help us."said Luke Skywalker

"But were going to pick one." Fixer replied. "Someone faster. Someone stronger.
Someone that can let those lizard men and klankers go down."

Luke then remembered that one member who had red hair and said "I think I know who can help us."

Soon Fixer and Luke began bringing in more clones like Gregor,Captain Fordo,Rex and more,However they considered bringing a vehicle out but saved it as a last resort

"We'll bring it when the time is right." Said Fixer.

Soon they wound up pulling in the newest member of the plaTOON,Nimona

The Red-hair woman opens her eyes and as she sees the clones and when she sees a Jedi she said

"What the were am I!?" She yelled and just then she noticed Luke as she smirked as she spoke "Hey, magic man! How's the castle of yours?"

"That's...the member can help us?" Fixer asked.

"That's, Nimona. " Luke replied. "You might think she's just a strong woman, but you'll see when someone gets in her way."

"Skywalker, are you sure we picked the right one?"

The Jedi replied. "You'll see her might when we get to battle."

Meanwhile downstairs, Nahuel,KC,Delta squad and the fairies make their move

They all hide for a second, and wait for the signal to commence
The droids secure this sector after the Trandoshan troops left
More and more droids continue appearing from the dispensers,Some droidekas stand in front of the caged fairies with the fae children holding onto their mothers for protection

"Oh, this is bad... This is really bad." Kid Cosmic worried.

"Why do some look like rolly pollies?"said Lydia who is confused by the droidekas

"Because the Confederacy make those to make the units protected from enemies during the war. " Sev replied.

"They got those shield generators."said Scorch"And they also roll like those bugs you mentioned."

As they look around,They see the members of the platoon and the bad batch tied up as they're about to be executed by a large and heavily armored trandoshan with a machine gun and bayonet

And, when the team didn't noticed, Bossk, keep himself hidden from bigger objects, sneaking in to kill the captors soon as possible.

The team hid themselves amongst the mushrooms as kid cosmic used telekinesis to slowly pull one of he cages out which had a fairy child and his mother trapped inside,the mother and child noticed them but they tried their best to not attract attention

"Tracking audio disturbance."said the b1 battle droid in a robotic tone as it heard the cage move prompting KC to stop,The big trandoshan noticed there was movement amongst the cages and walked towards the cage

"What are you 2 doing!?"said the big Trandoshan

The fairy mother and child backed away in horror,

"Hey back off from them Lizard face!"said Wrecker who was still tied but Garnac kicked him the stomach,The platoon,bad batch,KC,Nahuel,Delta Squad and the fairies where shocked by Garnac's assault

"One more from you and you'll be the first to die."said Garnac

"Captain,We still haven't found the other members of the plaTOON and delta squad."said a B1 battle droid

"Well keep looking,I didn't buy you just so you can stand around spouting facts."said Garnac "And find Bossk,it's been a minute since I last saw that bounty hunter!"

"Roger Roger"said the battle droid

As the droids, separate to find any section.
The crew hides in as Boss snapped his fingers quietly and said

"Everyone, I have a plan." Boss said. "Follow me."

"It better be worth it." Said Astrid as the group followed Boss while hiding.

As the captors frighten from the horrors, one plaTOON member sees the others, as they tried to rescue them and the faries.

The other member noticed them too, but they need to be hidden in order not to get another attention again.

Bossk, after he passes though stealthy from obstacles and from their army, and as he went close to the captors, he pull out a knife once again

and as he attempt to attack, Garnac grabbed his hand and told

"What are you doing here? Get back to your place immediately."

"Where were you by the way?"Garnac added

"I...that's not important!"said Bossk

"If it isn't important then,Wait."said Garnac who looked back up at the tower as he noticed "If that light is still on then who's at the tower,Did you let anymore individuals back in there!?"


"You dirty idiot! Now we're done for all because of you! No matter, I got this." Garnac yelled out, he then call out all droids and Trandoshans army for an another command. "All units prepare for the lockdown, and find the last members and kill them immediately!"

"aye aye Captain."said one Trandoshan

"Roger Roger."said the B1 battle droid.

"I suppose they captured you."said Garnac "I saw you hanging from outside the building,I asked because I wanted you to confess,That means you now lose all of your Jagganath points."

"It's those scums you've mentioned were cause all of this." He respond. "it's my fault to blame if it wasn't for those rebels!"

Suddenly a flashbang detonator lands between,Bossk and Garnac then notice the grenade but they don't get enough time realize it what it is as it detonates with a blinding flash of light,But thankfully the plaTOON and Bad Batch cover their eyes

Kid Cosmic use telekinesis and Scorch (or Boss) use the bombs to free the prisoners quickly as they can, as fairies flies away.
And both the mother and her child reunited before they fly off.

"Thank you. " Said the mother to the two as they flies off.

Tech and Fixer ignites the bombs gives some of the enemies tanks exploded causing the debris into the fields and the put on system though the walls.

Karre and Am,Free Daal first and the 3 of them began slicing down the droids,But more came coming,Hunter freed more fairies that were captured,One fairy he freed thanked him by giving him a hug

Nahuel and Phinium get to the other captors.
Nahuel use up some of his powers, along with help from Phinium as the cage got destroyed

"Good to be back, fish boy." MK mocked as he too freed the other prisoners after he grabbed his staff back.

Soon Fixer,Luke Skywalker,Nimona and the rest of the clones rushed down the stairs ready to fight

KO uses his fists safely as they got out. He even get a hug from a young fairy
Luz puts the magic spells like ice and fire to break the metal pipes, the father shook her hand as a gratitude.

"Open fire!" A Trandoshan yelled as both the droids and Trandoshans put up a fight.

Luke uses the forces against the trandoshans,pushing them aside and deflects the blaster bolts from the droids

Fordo deflects from the Trandoshan as he dodges out from their blasts,
Minutes later
He shoot down it's hand, dropping his weapon and then he shoot to the head.

"They just don't learn do they?."said Fordo

"Then scare them even more!" Nimona yelled, charging in and as she runs,
She turned into a hawk.
She flies in and scratches out the Trandoshans eyes one by one.
And as one of the droids tries to shoot Nimona, Rex distracts the droid and got destroyed.
She chuckled at first. Then becomes a laugher.

"Ohoho, it's ON!"

Nimona turns into a fox and running to the battle. One by one, the droids she attack destroy into bits

She turns into an ostrich and while she runs, she ducks and jumps from the blasters

The shapeshifter switch again, but this time it's a racooon, and let one of the battle droids had a technical malfunction, as someone she scratches one of the wires

Lydia grabs one droid by its leg

"Uh OH,Mommy!"said the battle droid as Lydia carried it as high as she could and dropped it

But then, despite the droid misses the shot,
She was injured in the arm.

"You're okay, Nimona?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, yeah." Nimona, ignoring the injury, replied. "Let's keep going people!"

As the droid screams in agony until it's death.

The droids try to shoot her down but she keeps dodging

"Fire at will!"

Suddenly, the fairy grabbed the droid commander and as it crushes it's one of it's arms and legs she said

"So, you love messed with hundreds of species in your world including with my people so badly...if you love messed with our lives" Lydia said, as she whispered. "Then, we messed yours."

However a B2 Super battle droid appears and swats her away like a fly

She groans in pain from the impact as the droids came closer and closer and aiming at her.

"Lydia!!"shouted Phinium in horror

The droids looked and as they open fire,
The clones responded back.

Phinium and some platoon members reached out to Lydia to safety.

Luke sliced the b2 droid by the waist and it split in half

Rex put out the electro-proton bomb to ignite the spark from the droids, buzzing them from the shock of it's lightning

They carried Lydia to somewhere safe to check for any injuries,

"You're going to be okay, Lydia..." Phinium said quietly, " just hold on. "

"Boss, are there any injuries she hit?" Sev asked

"Give both the red head and Lydia the edible Bacta."said Boss

Boss threw two of the Bactas at them as they grab them.

Phinium put the bottle to her mouth and as she drinks it, she woke up perfectly fine, but she spit some liquid from the bottle.

"Wha....what is this, a chalk water?" She said disgustingly from the drink as she got up

"Lydia..." Phinium smiled as he hugged her.

"I'll find that Red-hair girl that you're talking about." Said Sev as he left to the battle.

"Last time I drank that it tasted like chalk."said Nahuel

"How do you know what chalk tastes like?"said Kid Cosmic

"Calfunao and Rorro once made me eat chalk."said Nahuel with an embarrassed face

"Sorry to hear that, dude." Kid Cosmic said, patting his shoulder.

"It's alright, KC. " said Nahuel.

A blaster bolt nearly hits them but it missed, however, it's signified that they need to continue fighting

"Well, get going then, soldier! Go!" Boss commanded.

"Aye, sir." Sev responded. "Who's that Red-hair girl you're talking?" Sev yelled as he runs.

"Nimona, I think!" Boss yelled out to hear him. "Find Nimona and heal her!"

"It's not safe here Lydia,You must go!"said Phinium

"I can't leave you Phinium."said Lydia

"Then were going to find the other way arround." Phinium replied.
He grabbed her hand as he flies off for them to safety

Astrid follows them,Meanwhile their other fairy friends stay to fight

"I guess we're on our own then."said KO

"Were gonna hold them off 'till backup arrives." Said Craig.

They continued on fighting,More fairies came and started picking up droids and dropping from heights

Inspite the injures from the other fairies from the blast from the droids, the fear from the unknown creature from the other worlds grew more.

And the faries keep doing the cycle, alongside with their allies, will fight off the invaders until every last one of them will surrender or be destroyed.

However there also still one issue, The droid dispensers as those machines continued dispensing a seemingly never ending supply of battle droids

So the plaTOON members, and the clones will find the way to destroy it.

"Guys,We need a plan, I can't engage those dispensers directly,It'll take too long for me to place one individually,If we all did it,Most of our forces here would be too overwhelmed by the droids and trandoshans."said Scorch

"So what do we do?"said Janner

"Wait can't you guys bring a walker in here?"said Nahuel

"That's a brilliant plan, kid." Scorch replied. "But you two need to hold this line. Those who can help to find and control, follow me."

"Sir, yes, sir."

"That's a brilliant plan, kid." Scorch replied. "But you two need to hold this line. Those who can help to find and control, follow me."

"Sir, yes, sir." The duo replied.

"But give us some time." Scorch added. "And don't screw it up again!"

The two boys prepared as Janner pulls out his sword and Nahuel brings everything he got from his new powers.

Scorch and Fixer alongside Kid Cosmic then went back into the towers to get the AT-TE

The three arrived on the tower as they find the way to get it in.

"Well, get those walkers in here now!" KC said.

"Give us a minute, kid." Fixer replied, as the two clones calculate and to control the crystal "Also we'll only need one."

"Hurry!" KC panicked when he watched the battlefield as the enemy forces got closer and closer

The clones finished up the machine and when the device is activated and as the sound of a mechanic metal landed (or the sound of the engine is heard), the AT-TE got teleported to this world.

Janner swings his father's sword as it slice off and destroy the battle droids (B1s), and that includes they weren't aimed at him yet, as the sword's blade slice and hits them.

With the B2s coming in, Nahuel too comes along and punch them as long as he can both left and right, whether turning to bits or shutting them down

suddenly they see the AT TE burst out of the top of the watchtower with debris falling out and they see Kid Cosmic lifting it with telekineses

The droids and armed Trandoshans noticed the walker floats down from the sky and begins open fire,

The two charging in attacking the enemy forces from attacking the walker.

Sev ambushed the other trandoshans,Striking his knife into a weak point in the trandoshan,Soon the walker was carried down by Kid Cosmic

"Guys get inside!"said Kid Cosmic

The clones, Janner and Nahuel
attacks the ongoing forces before got inside the walker

"Okay, let's get a show on the road!" Nahuel exclaims.

Most members of the platoon alongside the clones and Jedi all get inside,Some of the fairies only stay ontop the walker for safety,The trandoshans and droids start shooting them but all of their attacks are useless,Sev then mounts himself onto the gunner to shoot them

One by one, Sev shoots down the charging forces and led them falls down to the ground and gets obliterated from the gunfire

"I know you're having fun right there but don't forget to destroy all of the droid dispensers."said Scorch

"Can I try!?"said Kid Cosmic

"You may." He replied in a polite voice, as KC's turn to use the gunner

"Uh Sev I don't think that's a good idea."said Fixer

"He's experience going to space twice, and since cause all of this," said Sev. "Now, he's about to end it."

Kid Cosmic got on there and proceeds to shoot a bomb at the droideka dispenser blowing it up

"We got more to go."said Nahuel "get those other droid dispensers."

"Whatever you say commander." Kid Cosmic replied sarcastically as the walker move to the other position he shot down another droid dispenser

He blasted another b1 battle droid dispenser sending 1 droid flying,and then he blew up super battle droid dispenser and then another one,and another one until there were no more left to destroy,Kid Cosmic was having so much fun blowing them all up he even shot another bomb as a victory round

"Is your friend always like this?" Boss asked to Nahuel

"Whether he is or isn't,I think we have another explosives afficionado here haha!"said Scorch enthusiastically

"and he may be a medicator, but he's a crazy and yet calm medicator I have." Nahuel added with a smile.

"Hahaha,One more victory round!"said Kid Cosmic

"Don't worry." Nahuel replied "Just let him do his thing."

The trandoshans begin to flee,Bossk Hides in the mushrooms while Garnac flees,But the trandoshans get blown up,And unfortunately for Garnac the fairies grab him and capture him

While the faries hold him up, Some faries beat him up cruelly the same attitude he did to the people
and as he tries to fight back, the faries give him the worse as they drag and locked him up on the same cage, that was harder to break in.

Garnac roars in anger as they do this

THEY'RE ALL GONE!!"shouted Garnac at the top of his lungs"YOU FOOLS WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!"

"You brought all of this to yourself!" The injured fairy yelled in anger as a response

Garnac roars even more in anger, and once again, he's been outrunned from the oppressed.

The oppressor now becomes the oppressed.

So much rage was in Garnac that he used his brute strength to free himself from the cage,The fairies stood in horror as he did this but then when Garnac freed himself he is shot in the chest

Shocked though this

he fell down from the impact from the shot.

It was Sev who shot him

Garnac falls to the ground and the fairies turn around to see Sev

The fairies shocked and surprised that the same man that accidentally kill one of their own people kill the oppressor worse than him.

Some stood back in fear and some held each other

Sev put his gun down and he sigh a bit before he responds

"Look, I get it. All of you still didn't believe that anyone can change.

I didn't mean to kill one of your people in the first place, we've got here in this world so we can try to get our friend's memories back.
But one of her friend didn't mean no harm for you all for breaking the ritual your ritual. He just...need an enjoyment for a while.
Including one of your people meeting someone in the outside world.
But the point being is sometimes, anyone can change, even if someone you didn't knew, can show that person can do for everyone. Especially the ones you care. And... I'm sorry."

Just then, A young fairy flies to Sev and with the eye to eye contact with him and

she hugged him

The other fairies where surprised

And suddenly, the attitude from the faries from being hatred to praised.

As applause and cheers slowly heard from the crowd.

Just as everyone celebrate, one fairy had eyes on Nahuel, the man joined the ritual by Fairy Hilda

"And as for you...." Said one of the fairy as when the fairies looked at them, when Nahuel stood there awkwardly silenced, then he smirked and said. "For your kindness and appreciation, especially the way you and your friends defending our home, we thank you, fellow human for saving it."

"Wait, really?" Nahuel asked, surprised. "But, all I did was danced with the ritual. "

"And yet, you shown us humans can also dance as well. " He said jokingly as he laughed, followed by the hero as well."

"And as for that, we owe you a gratitude for saving this world."

"What is it?"

Astrid cames in, brought out a cloth, but it wasn't just an ordinary cloth, it's a fairy shirt with the exact colors as his hoodie.

"Whether if your cloth is ripped or not, you can have this as a reward for your bravery and kindness." Said Astrid with a smile on her face.

"Hello there." Said Scorch in a slight calm voice.

"Oh, it's... It's you..." An orange hair fairy said.

"Haha, don't mention it. " Scorch said said it gleefully. "Say... why do you guys doing this... dance thing again?"

"So we can celebrate our heritage and to be worth celebrate us fairies for. " She responded

"Hey, one time, back at my home there is one news guy as he reports inside the club for the interview and suddenly when he hears his favorite song, he danced uncontrollably. Different tune, same feeling."

"You... " The orange hair fairy tried to hold her laughter. "humans are very weird indeed."

The two chuckled a bit

"Want to join? "

She grabbed his hand and comes along.

Sev,Fixer and Boss see the two together

"His humor really paid off."said Sev

Luz showing off her magic spells with ice and grass replicas of Trandoshan, as KO sucker punch using his power fists,

Nimona shapeshifts into a masculine fairy to dance alongside with,

Baython and the other fairy challenge an arm wrestling as Wrecker as a referee
The Jedis (Daal, Karre, Am, Koten and Luke) use the force to rebuild from the wreckage and used the destroyed cages as their upgrades
Kalmar dances with a fairy the same age as himself followed with Quinn and Keena
As Anne and Craig borrowed the instruments from the faries to play
Captain Fordo and Rex teach some of the fairies how to use a weapon but fairies have the aim of a stormtrooper
MK and Lydia brought out the food as a celebration
Hunter and Astrid talked about their experiences.
Some fairies even use the deactivated droids as marionettes
The fairy child reunites with her parents giving her a hug with a smile. (If this added before, I can delete that message)
Hilda, became a human again, got a hug by the team and cheered on. As both Frida and David hugged her first.


He turns arround as he sees Hilda, turns back to her normal self and with a smile on his face and yelled a bit her name

"Hilda!" He hugged her. "It's good to be back again!"

"Yep... good to back..."

"Oh, your fairy self is very crazy to say atleast. Almost caught us in trouble." He chuckled

"Where is Twig, is he safe? Is he all right?asked Hilda

"Twig's okay, Hilda." Said Nahuel. "He's gonna be happy to see you again."

"Thank you, Nahuel." Said Hilda. "No wonder why you're being called a " risky fisherman "

"Speaking of which guys, Now I believe is time to bid farewell to this world."said Kid Cosmic

"Hm yeah,it's gonna be quite different after we all leave."said Echo

"Wait, I'm afraid that some of you can't go back to your world anymore." Astrid said

"Oh, don't worry..." Said Nahuel, pulling out one of the portal rings. "Well get there very quickly."

"We mean..." Phinium said. "SOME of you can't go."

"Why not?" Janner asked.

"It's not Hilda this time." Astrid said. "It's her mum. And the fairy entity still have claims about her since she and her daughter's arrival to this world."

"And she leaves this world again, she'll die."

"Wait what?"said Nahuel

"So you're telling us that the..." Nimona said. "...fairy god of yours has eyes on these two, especially her mom?"

"Precisely, pink one all of that because of the bargain." Lydia replied. "However, it is not too late. We can find the fairy entity and demand to get Johanna back. "

"She'll only accept bargains that are made to solely benefit her."said Phinium "we tried to reason with it in the past and demand where Hilda was after she got lost only to reveal to us made Hilda invisible and caused her to deal with psychedelic hallucinations."

Nahuel's eyes widened and said "woah,No wonder why Hilda lost her memories,so you guys have the powers to retain your memories?"

"Yes, Nahuel." Astrid replied. "But there is one chance way to do to make someone, especially Johanna, out of there. An individual need to risk his or her life for someone else. "

He was silenced,
he looked arround to his team and said

"You guys need to get out of here without me." He said as he give the portal rings to the others. "Now."

"Are you nuts?!"

"Yep, he's crazy."

"You're gonna stuck here as Hilda and Johanna!"

"Dude, you're sure about this?"

"Are you going to be okay, Nahuel? "

"Hey, I'm going to be alright." He responded.

"I'm coming with you Nahuel. " Said Hilda. "It's my fault for being too far from my adventures. And, I want to owe you, mum and the gang a favor."

He said with a slight smile. "Sounds good to hear."

"Hold on kid you're not going or your own."said Sev"my own team lost a member before and I'm not gonna let your team lose."

"He's right we're all in this together."said Kid Cosmic

"Was it you who they lost?"said Lydia

When Lydia asked that,Sev began remembering the day when Delta Squad was forced to leave Sev behind,When they had destroyed a separatist cruiser to save Kashyyk only for himself to be ambushed by many enemies and lose communication with his brothers

"and we're not going to repeat the same mistake as before during the battle of Kashyyk." Sev said. "Nor to this team since invasion of Velitoca months ago."

Everyone looked to one another in resolute and everyone decided that they would go with Nahuel

"Hey before we meet this fairy entity,Is she like the queen fairy of the fairy country?"said Scorch

"She is the embodiment of this entire island, Actually I found it strange she did nothing to stop those lizard men."said Astrid

"Wait, she's the symbol of this place, who bargains anybody," MK asked. "Yet she didn't came here for her people, who've been purged and almost killed!?"

"Well, so much for being the "embodiment." " Am mocked.

"Now, everyone, don't get too harsh now," said Daal. "Once we bargain the Fairy Entity to bring Johanna back, were all going to be a-okay."

"Also it would be a terrible idea to anger her, otherwise she would smite all of you."said Phinium

"Oh, and remember those squid things with eyes just hours before?" Anne asked. "I think these are coming from her."

"You're correct, but she'll summon even more if you're make her mad. " Said Lydia. "But you're lucky just yet before you even met her. "

"I have a bad feeling about this."said Echo

"Welp, Astrid." Said Nahuel, with a weak smile "lead us the way!"

"It's just a few miles away since we encounter, young lad." Said Astrid.

The team including the three faries followed him as faries follow the last time the Entity was appeared

The team then arrived at the dark cave, which the faries assume, is the last time the entity encounter them.

"There it is," said Lydia "This is where the last time we saw the entity right here."

The group stopped as they saw the cave.

"Well, let's get this over with." Boss said as they all walk in.

As the walk in,They feel like everything surrounding them is dying

The eerie environment arround leaving the others creeped out.

The sound of an uncanny and odd voice heard too as well.

"I take what I said about Kashyyk back, now this place gives me the creeps."said scorch

"or back in the Screecher's Reach." Quinn added.

"I take what I said about Kashyyk back, now this place gives me the creeps."said scorch

"or back in the Screecher's Reach." Quinn added.

"Come on, keep your heads up." Said Scorch, tried to lighten the mood. "Once we bargain the Fairy entity were all good to go."

They continue walking on until they a hooded figure

And as they gets closer to see the hooded figure, they see the colors of grey and light blue within it and on the bottom part of the figure flows as the ocean.

"There she is: the fairy entity." Phinium said.

"Man, she looks like a ghost!" Said Kid Cosmic, while he whispered.

"and have the feeling the time encounter the old sith. " Daal added, reminded the time she encounter Screecher's Reach when he noticed the arms

"But this entity wasn't just a regular ghost." Said Lydia. "Again, she'll show her might if some of you let her anguish."

"Maybe he should do it." Said Baython. "He's our leader after all."

"And he's destined from the prophecy, as others said." Said Janner.

Everyone eyes on their leader

He sigh and said "Okay, here's goes nothing." Said Nahuel, before he goes to the entity.

He walked to the other part of the cave as he slowly walks to the ghost-esque creature

"I see you have come oh destroyer of worlds,What brings you here."said the Fairy entity who's voice resembled a girl's voice

He stood there, and with a little breathe he responded

"I want to bring my friend and her parent back to my world."

The fairy entity turned around and said "and who gives you authority,You have nothing to do with their history, you're a mere third-party in the fairy human's life."

Astrid then walked up and stood beside Nahuel

"We knew that all the time." Astrid replied. "But this has no excuse for this."

"what do you mean?"said Nahuel

"You may be her close friend, but for you?...heh... You use her just to bring terror from both worlds. And you're not even a human even without from those powers of yours, little one."

"Atleast I'm not the one that ignores your people's lives in the hands of a violent invaders!"

"Nahuel, no-!" Astrid noticed this and tried to lower his voice

"SILENCED!" She yelled out so loudly, the cave shakes as well

The fairy entity's voice had turned from that of a little girl to that of a dark and ominous demon,The others trembled
Captain Fordo, Sev and the rest of them where about to take out their weapons except for Luke who did his best to keep of composure with the force

"Your Request is denied."said the fairy entity

"And to make this place safer from every invaders, including you, vile creature."

The fairy entity then looked at Johanna who was trembling

"and besides, a claim is a claim,it's the way for our bargains to be upheld."she added

"Look at you,You're dying and you have no need for new blood, you don't even want it."said Astrid "you're only doing this because you're stuck in some twisted ancient routine."

"Why you-"

"and this " world destroyer" you're talking about? You don't even know how he's been though a lot. And I, and many faries know, he's a misunderstood lad that to bring his team together to save our world from any monster. Unlike you."

"Do you not know the prophecy?"said The Fairy entity "don't you know of the rise of the Beast of the Apocalypse?"

"The what?" Astrid said

"This human is the part of the monster." The Fairy Entity replied. "This is not his final form yet. Sooner will see his might as the Beast of the Apocalypse will destroy many lives as we know it."

"But I saved everyone from any harm both in and out." Said Nahuel. "The prophecy you said can't be true."

"Come on, just give the boy a deal." Astrid said.

"I'm afraid not. Your request still be denied. And I won't let to give one person's bargain just to destroy many lives."

"This boy is just a small, yet a larger impact will commit to a massacre to everyone.
He'll fall into the hands of the monster.
And as I've said, he will destroy many lives as we know it. And within that... both his friends, his family... his loved one, will have their blood in their hands and fail as the hero that you've been told."

"You're wrong." Omega replied, coming in. "I think you're hear about it very wrongly. There are no signs of him turning into the beast, he couldn't even hurt a fly as long as he didn't see anyone as dangerous. "

"Exactly!"said Kid Cosmic

"he let anyone, like me and the others, on any shape or form, even outside earth, to join his team, to save everyone from harm!"

"Even include his former enemies to redeem themselves. Does that count him as the Beast to you?"

"You dare to speak to me-"

The Fairy Entity silenced as she sees the accused quote-unquote monster have his friends on his side.
She sigh as almost reminiscent to the ocean waves and said

"You win this time..., "human". I let the other two go with you for now."

"wait really?"said Nahuel enthusiastically

"Not only those 2 but every fairy on this isle but for this bargain, you have two options for it, the 1st option you either give me your powers, the 2nd option is you train the fairies to fight and defend themselves."

The group silenced for a while as they have a choice from the two.

"Y- you can't be serious..." Boss said

"Whether it be let this "monster" becomes a human again, or let them train to be fighters as before. I let the boy decide to do it."

He thinks for a bit, and within just few minutes. He look to the eyes of the entity and said

"The second one."

"You have got to be kidding." Boss said

"But, don't worry. " Said Karre. "Any clone expertee will keep an eye on them. So as long as we mean no harm to others."

"very well then."said the fairy entity,She then forms a portal that can send them all home"all of you are free to go."

"T- thank you." Said Nahuel.

"Race ya away, KO." Quinn said happily as KO and Keena leads away then the group followed away.

Just as everyone is about to leave, the Fairy Entity spoke to him, one last time.

"Oh, one more thing, little human."

He widen his eyes as he look back to the entity as she said

"Don't let anyone abandon you as they sided for you..."

"Alright then."said Nahuel"also when you said every fairy, you actually meant every fairy on this island."

"Hehehe,Yes."said The Fairy entity" Every single one of them."

"Dont worry." Nahuel replied. " The republic is on under control about this."

"Farewell, warrior." Said the Fairy Entity. "And good luck."

Soon everyone,including Astrid,Phinium and Lydia where back in Tofoten

"We're...home."said Lydia

"Woah you guys still look the same when you 2 where in fairy country."said Kid Cosmic

"Of course, Kid Cosmic," Lydia said with a smile. "Same as yours in your world"

"I wonder what the world looks like now since we've left." Phinium asked.

"We can explain a lot of it, but we can summarize it," said Luz. "Follow us."

But before they can give them a tour of Tofoten, a large blue portal appears,it was larger than the one they got out of

Dozens of fairies like walked out from the portal for the first time. Some of them were shock and awe as they walk though the outside world.

"Look over there!"said Kalmar

"It's them!"said Nahuel

It included their vehicles during the battle, in spite there are some broken parts, at least it was survived from the attack.

"She wasn't kidding about all of the fairies coming here."said Echo

"Yep." said Janner. "and we're gonna have to take care of it."

Just as everyone left, Bossk, got up after the battlefield and saw the aftermath as both the droids and his fellow Trandoshians were destroyed and decreased from the battle.

He look arround him as he yells in defeat.

just then, he sees the yellow ring from the ground. He looked around before he stole it and teleports somewhere to their leader.

He thought about where to go, at first, he considered going to Trandoshan but realize they would kill him for getting captured so he decided to go the one place he could stay and plan for his revenge,He decided to teleport to RAU

He throws the ring and as the yellow lights begin to appear, and he goes though hiding from the shadows...

the ring disappeared

Meanwhile all of the fairies have finally arrived leaving the 3 teams bewildered and puzzled on what to do with the exiled fairy population

"Now the elephant in the room, or should I say fairies in the field."said KO "what do we do?"

"I think I have an idea." Said Boss , snap his fingers

"What's that?" Luke asked.

"We can let them how to handle a weapon first and how to attack from the enemy forces and defend themselves as before."

"Hmm, I'm not sure about this bud." Said Nimona. "It will take forever to train them to be warriors. I mean, look at them."

"And yet they know how to fight just a little bit." Said Koten. "And we also need to keep an eye on them if they're going to betray us or worse. Same as well if we did worse to them. "

"Rex and I tried to teach them how to wield a blaster but they have the aim of a stormtrooper."said Captain Fordo

"Rex and I tried to teach them how to wield a blaster but they have the aim of a stormtrooper."said Captain Fordo

"But then some of the faries are good skills for flight and hand-to-hand combat." Said Fixer.

"plus, this might their first time using a blaster since," said David. "you know, the place where they don't have any kind of weapon from the outer world."

"and as I said, it take forever to let them becoming soldiers as Goldie." Said Nimona.

"Hey, don't be like that. Cut them some slacks." Scorch said. "You'll be surprised if they ever fight back as us, both Delta and The Batch."

"What if some of them don't want to be soldiers?"asked Craig

"Leave them be for what they are." Said Wrecker. "And we don't let everyone suffer from their loss. And it's not like we're going to force them all to join. It will be like '66 over again."

"But what about the deal?" Baython asked.

"The entity won't mind so long as we see her people fight." Astrid said.

"She didn't say every fairy."said Lydia "She only meant if the fairy population can defend itself but not every single fairy has to be armed to the teeth."

Craig stood there, stunned and said

"Ehh fair enough."

"But it is gonna be hard finding them jobs."said Kid Cosmic

"Well, since they love dancing and making colorful clothes," said Luz "why not just they becoming as fashion designers as Connie and Pacifica, or even a ballet by Marcy and Cinderella."

"as long as they're not being harmed again by any creature."

"What about education?"said Nahuel "They have to be at least smarter than a 5th grader."

"We can find any school that are they're interest with." Said Anne. "As long as any administrator cares about them. "

"But would this apply to both fairy children and adults,Let's be honest they've been living a childlike reality where the island provides for them."said Phinium

"there's a community center in any nearby places, especially in ACME." said Nahuel. "That way, they can help out as they can to make them as equal."

"Alright. So we settled then." Said Boss. "Let's get to business, people."

"Where is Scorch?"said Fixer,They then see him flirting with the same fairy from the party

Some of them smirked, others chuckled, and while others laughed it out.

"Guess a soldier have a lover now!" Said Am, while laughing

"haha, very funny." Said Scorch

"Guys, guys, come on. Give him a moment once in a while." Daal said.

"Hopefully because of this new bargain,Human and fairy hybrids won't have any health complications."said Lydia "That's what happened with Johanna."

"Hopefully it won't, ma'am." Said Boss as he went close to his fellow men. "He'll be careful with his lady. RIGHT? SCORCH?"

"Uh... Yes sir." Said Scorch.

Soon the same fairy that danced with Kalmar gave him a fairy necklace "it's for you your majesty."

"Majesty?"said Boss

"oh, I told her that I am the High King of Anniera."replied Kalmar.

"So you're going to serve the Fairy Country as our colony?" Janner said.

"Well, no." Kalmar said. "It's like a king visit the new but weird kingdom"

"A king and his knights to save his friends" His brother said.

"Well I guess Fairy country counts as RAU property, unless they decide to secede."said Nahuel

"Yep." Said Kalmar.

Meanwhile,Lydia and Phinium walked up to Johanna,Their faces where that of regret

"What's wrong?"asked Johanna

"We're sorry we weren't there for you throughout your life."said Lydia

"We both wish we could have made it up to you."said Phinium

"It's all due from the bargain we made from the entity, leading us be separated from each other." Said Phinium. "and this doesn't mean that we hate you. Can you forgive us for this, Johanna?"

Johanna hugs the 2 of them Their eyes widen, as their arms wrapped arround her.

"Of course..." Johanna said with a smile, with a little teardrop in her eye. "Even if we're separate, you show me that you still care since I've cured. "

Hilda joined in and hugged them as well while the others watched and felt proud about helping them

"Well...another happy ending." Said Quinn.

"So I guess we're gonna have to tell President Dewey about all of this, right?"said Luz

"Yep but I think he'll be receptive to it."said Nahuel "we all have good relations with him."

"this guy negotiate both allied and enemy states." Said MK. "Even outside Earth as a senate. If he does that all the time, so can the faries, much like refugees going to a new place"

"Well, then. Let's get going people." Said Karre. "Can't let all of this be solve by themselves. "

The teams left to the other fairies as they're teach them a little bit about this world.

"Hello, Mr President." Said Nahuel.

"Nahuel! " Dewey laughed. "Good to hear from you. "

"Yeah....We got some bad news and some good news.said Nahuel

"What's the good news?"said Dewey

"Remember when Hilda and her mom went missing?"said Nahuel

"Yeah it was all over the news?"said Dewey "Did you guys find her and her mother?"

"Yep,Delta Squad and the Bad batch helped us out in finding them."said Nahuel

"that's great... but what's the bad news though?"

"The bad news is that we found them in a parallel world full of fairies and all of those fairies have been brought into our world."said Nahuel

"Wait did you say Fairies?"said Dewey"How many of them?

"Hold on."said Nahuel as he turns on the video call "Hey Lydia can you give me a lift,I need to show the president how many fairies we have."

"Sure."said Lydia as she then carried Nahuel up high enough for him to show Dewey through the video call just how many fairies there were, when Dewey saw this he was surprised

"You're not Kidding are you."said Dewey as his eyes widened

"Yep." He replied

"Well... uh..." He said nervously. "I'm not sure about this, kiddo...but as a president, I'll do anything to make their lives better in our new world. "

"We're just as surprise as you are."said Nahuel"I thought it would be just 100 of them but no it's like a million of them."

"Don't worry, Nahuel." Said Dewey "I'll held a press conference this week so we can figure this out."

They hang up, Nahuel had a lot on his chest from the call,Lydia felt the pressure Nahuel had about the whole thing
"So, how did it go?" Lydia asked. "He said he'll do anything he can and he'll brought the topic up during the press." He replied.

Just as they talk, Hilda and some others hear their conversation as Hilda walks in and said "Hey, don't be a downer for once, Nahuelito." Said Hilda, coming in with his other close friends "You, and the guys atleast saved the fairy world!"EnterM"Well he saved the people from Fairy country."said Phinium

💖EnterM replied to themself · EditedOriginal message:"Well he saved the people from Fairy country."said Phinium

"What do you mean?"said Kid Cosmic

"the land has been in decline" said Phinium

"Including the resources as well." Lydia added up.

"plus, since the battle happened, half of the faries were traumatized from the enemies actions."

"We should all try to make it back to Acme City then."said Hunter

"Good idea, how can we make them all go there?" Astrid asked.

"I'll contact with the others for transport." Said Boss.

"Let's get to it then."said Rex

The clones called any nearby assistance from the communication and it responded positively to let any aircraft to get all the faries in to the city.

hours pass until finally vehicles arrived to transport the fairies to Acme City,As they were being transported Lydia saw 3 cubeshaped crystals,They where blue in color and as she looked inside it contained a small flower,Then she saw Nahuel who was helping the fairies on transportation but he noticed the same crystal fall of his sleeves,She was gonna ask him but she decided against and took the crystals with her

"Is everything alright Lydia?"said Phinium

"Oh it's fine."said Lydia as she puts the blue crystals in her pockets without Phinium noticing

"It's...fine..." As she sees the blue crystals again, curiously

They then go inside the transportation vehicles to get to Acme city,When they got in they saw some of the fairies were confident but some looked concerned.

"Ohh, I can't want to see the other side of their world!" Said the tall fairy, enthusiastically

"I'm not so sure where they can take us though..." one curious fairy said curiously

"Don't be like that. Maybe we can find somewhere else where we can enjoy it."

"But then, we need to be cautious from the things we come sometimes, okay? "

"No need to worry, everyone. " Said Nahuel, coming in. "We'll going to find our way to get this though. And our leader to find out what to do after his meeting. "

Inspite all of the arguments, what the team and the others heard, they'll got in to the transportation vehicles, that includes the team and the clones headed towards the city.

And just as they leave this place, Nahuel looked back to the fairy mound one last time, in a concern look but then he smiles a little bit, need to prove everyone he isn't a "destroyer of worlds" , just before as the transportation vehicles leaves and leads away to ACME

"Hey, uh, Sev?" Nahuel said

"Hmm?" Sev looked at Nahuel. "What do you want?"

"Remember, what they said you really hate Genosians, right?" Said Nahuel.

Sev silenced a little bit but then he replied

"Of course." Sev replied. "They're the ones attack every clones during the war."

"Yeah about that, I had a kid from Geonosis during my trip with my friends weeks after the wresting match and Infinata's attack to take a cool-off." Nahuel replied with a concern look tried to smile a bit. "B- but don't worry, he's harmless. "

Sev, the cold-as-ice member of the Delta Squad, chuckled a little bit after he heard about it.

"Oh, no worries little fisherman, since you're a peacekeeping leader, aside from the one with glasses and the cape, you're going to be a good father to him. "

"Good evening, citizens of RAU I've heard your concerns about the fairy refugee crisis in our city, same as we did from the clone Mickeys, except it's different. But not to worry, my experts from all over the country will take care of the situation to make them safe and affordable.""Mr President," said an interviewer. "What are you going to do?""My team and I will make a plan for their employment for their jobs, education for those who need to learn the basics and healthcare for in case if they have any diseases or any type of symptoms. "

"Are they gonna take our jobs!?"said One protester "What about housing?"said another member in the audience Soon the entire crowd starts arguing with one another

"Everyone, listen! Listen!" Dewey yells a bit, tries to calm down. "They're not gonna take yours and everyone's jobs, but rather they can co-operate with you to boost up the economy and without any abuse on any side. And as for the housing, the administration is still ongoing about the plan, however, I have a little idea where we can make the faries have their village here near in our city."

"oh, and Mr President," said another protester. "what on your perspective about the plaTOON's delay for the destruction in NostalToons? Many of the most important cultures were destroyed from the unknown terrorist. Should we blame them for that?" The president froze a bit as the crowd followed. He cough a little bit before he replied. "Well... No. I don't think we're going have to blame Nahuel and his team for the delayed counterattack. As of now, they rescued one of their members and their moms, including the faries that they supposed to save as they saved us from the invaders. And, I'm not saying we need to ignore how important the district is, but rather we still gonna have to repair the damage they cause before, and right now from both the aftermath, and the crisis we have now. And I swear, as the president of this country, We will heal the scars from any attack and tragedy from the past and present to the better future. "

"The commanders, including both Fordo and Skywalker, will be on talks to give us more information for the ongoing attack very soon and to prepare the Clone army and the Jedis we've have from this invasion, we'll sent some scientist from Cognito to infiltrate their activities, and If there's anyone that wants to defend their loved ones, even if they're not clones or jedis, everyone needs to be prepared."

"It's gonna be okay, darling..." Dewey said. "Once we'll going to do it now, We'll going to save our home and our people together."

"He've done it again, y'all." Said Anne. "Let's all hope his plan came true. "

"Man, no wonder why he's seems *too* empathetic since the last time." Said MK

"And he didn't use us as a scapegoat" Said Leo. "Well... for now. "

"Why does everyone like to watch politics that much?" KO asked.

"Well, it's complicated to say atleast." Baython replied.

"And, we need to be careful what he say" said Ethan.

"Don't worry, so long as no one hurts one of us, we can trust him, but not politically." Said Nimona

"Speaking of which, where's Nahuel?" Leo said. "He should see the news right now. "

Kid Cosmic and Janner widen their eyes a bit and said

"Uh, Leo?" Kid Cosmic turns arround. "We might have a little situation since we've got in the mound."

"What happened?"said Leo

"After Fresia told him about the prophecy weeks ago and when that spirit called him "the destroyer of worlds", he was having a breakdown. " Said Janner

"And I noticed how he was behaving during the rescue." KC added. "He was anxious while he was around fairy Hilda, he pretended to act enthusiastic to keep the team together, he didn't care if he was hurt after he got caught by the faries as they used magic on him to make him uncontrollably dance until he dropped."

"I'll go talk to him." Said Leo as he approaches to his room.

He then hears Nahuel talking,It sounded like he was talking to someone on the phone

Leo goes closer to the door, hearing on who he's talking with, and it turns out what Nahuel's talking to is his father.

"Wait, wait, a fairy pushed you down and forces you to dance?" Antonio said.

"Yes, but then-"

"Those fairies are not going to mess my son just like that!" Antonio yelled as he cuts him off.

"Dad, wait, please, listen to me. " Nahuel said. "But then we're okay now after we saved their home. "

Antonio hardly breath and said. "It's good for you for getting out of your system. But then, I'll keep an eye out of them if I ever see a fairy mess with you and Consuelo."

"Yeah, thanks, pa. And, don't take it too much." Said Nahuel with a slight smile. "Oh and tell mama to say hi for me. Buenos noches. "

"You too, Mijo." Antonio said as they end the call.

Leo then knocked on the door

Nahuel open the door after he approaches to him.

"Cuz?" Nahuel said. "It's not the time now-"

"Your two friends told me everything about what happened, more than just a mission." Said Leo, in a concern look. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Nahuel looked at his cousin and said. "Maybe, for a while."

He and his cousin walked to the living room to talk to.

"So tell me."said Leo

"Do you remember what the two said to me way before I became a leader?" Said Nahuel, with a sadden voice. " "You're a torch to light up the way"?
The prophecy felt it's there is something is going to me for the rest of my life. And, I guess someday, they'll going against me all for a one ancient scripture."

Leo's widened when Nahuel said that

" 'huelito, Buddy." Leo convince. "You don't have to be that way, Isn't this what your leaders want? They didn't choice you because you fight off a bigger threat, they choice you to fill up their shoes and bring their legacy comes to life. It's hard to be like them, I know, but if you want to be like your half-bros as I do, always appreciate on what you have now, and be ready for the worse for the better."

Nahuel look to his older cousin from concern to enthusiastic

"Thanks for the advice, Leo." Said Nahuel.

"Don't mention it. Besides," Leo said, enthusiastically.

"and come on, atleast we stood our ground from those robots" Said KC, coming in as he flies and goes though his shoulder.

"And I hate to say it, but sending the angry fairies to the cave is an okay plan." Janner joined as well. "Don't need to stress yourself for your mistake Nahuel. Sometimes, it worked! "

"Thanks guys." Nahuel said as he slightly smiles. "Again."

"And who knows, maybe someday your closest one will love you again." Leo smirked, giving both Janner and Kid Cosmic chuckled a bit.

The leader paused a bit, he shook his head and said"Guys, that's- that's not the time-"

"Oh, Look at the leader-wanna be here" Kid Cosmic playfully mocking him. " Serious as a bat in a cave."

"Okay," Nahuel sighs as he grins a bit. " As the member of the plaTOON, I demand you to-"

"Or what, showing your magic tricks again?" Janner added up, smirked in front of his own colleague

"Alright, You've asked for it, you three." Said Nahuel, showing the blue and white powers again as Kid Cosmic, immediately use the stone and grabs Leo and Janner and flies away while Nahuel seconds after they left, roll his eyes and begin chasing them letting the four laughed.

Meanwhile, at the marketplace, Consuelo carrying the bag containing their groceries. And when she goes to the other isle, she accidentally bumped out one of the figures and the figure's items were dropped, same as Consuelo.

"Los siento, ma'am." Said Consuelo as she tried to helped one of the figure out,
And as the figure let the hood off, it reveals a fairy. Lydia. A fairy from the conference.

"I did not mean to mess your things," Lydia said. "I'm so sorry-"

"No, it's fine, it's fine." Consuelo said, shrug it off. "You're new here?"

"Why, yes, fellow...friend." Said Lydia. "It's my first time in this world."

She looked one of the items and said

"You humans put some food in small boxes in this huge market." Lydia said

"and we have to pick widely and save it for other important things to do." Consuelo said.

Consuelo chuckled when they almost goes to the cashier.

"I'm Consuelo." Consuelo greeted herself, as she formed her hand to a handshake. "Nice to meet you."

Lydia confuse a bit then she shook her hand slightly. "My name's Lydia. And, again, sorry for the accident. I got a rush for me and my...family."

Lydia then noticed Consuelo looked familiar

"Wait a second, You look like someone, but not close. Someone I've met you before..." Said Lydia, curiously "Are you Nahuel's mother?"

"I've met him before."said Lydia

"But when?" Consuelo asked.

"A day ago, He, along with his friends, after they found out my granddaughter, who is also their friend, became a fairy, got into the mound to get her memories back, And saved my world from the other invaders." Lydia explained. "Oh, and with the help of a one soldier in red and white calming her down to cease the tension after he accidentally shot my people and scaring her way, but they're now okay."

Consuelo chuckled bit. "Well, my son saves the day again!"

"Your son sure saved dozens of beings from any harm and threats." Lydia said

"You remind me of my friend Johanna."said Consuelo "are you her sister?"

"Just little close." Lydia said. "I'm her mum."

"Oh..." Consuelo said, as she scratch her head in confusion. "What...?"

"Indeed,I happen to be Johanna's mother."said Lydia

"But how,You both look like you're the same age."said Consuelo

"Where I was in,Age can slow down immensely."said Lydia "I used to think the our home created illusions or time slows down where we used to live in."

"It's pretty odd, to say it."

"So this world you've visit, you've stayed young for a very long time? " Consuelo asked

"Yes. " She replied

"Unfortunately I wasn't able to be with Johanna for that long."

"Why?"asked Consuelo

"It's a very long story that I wouldn't have time to discuss here."said Lydia "But to put shortly I gave up my freedom to save Johanna."

"I'm sorry for what you've been though, Lydia, but you did a right thing." Said Consuelo, put her hand on her shoulder.

"I wish I could have been there for Johanna." Said Lydia "Continue to raise her and see her grow up."

"It's okay." Said Consuelo "There's always be a second chance to anyone. Even if someone who never have a chance to see you for years."

"Really?"said Lydia

"I'm an example of it."said Consuelo

"What do you mean?"said Lydia

"I may be normal which am I but....."said Consuelo as she looked down"I should be dead,But I'm not."

"What?"said Lydia who's widened

"When I gave birth to Nahuel I died."said Consuelo "Years later when he became 12 years old,a horrible invasion occurred that threatened our universe and the perpetrator imprisoned my soul but my love for my son protected me from his influence. and since then, I can see Antonio, my husband, again, and I even make friends in this city, all thanks to my son's heroism."

"The same feeling when my daughter bring her memories back." Said Lydia. "Never thought love can be a powerful tool to anyone."

"Indeed."said Consuelo who gave Lydia a warm smile

"You are a very blessed lady Consuelo."said Lydia "You have been a new chance to see your son I wish I had that opportunity to see Johanna grow up."

"But look, you've still have a chance to see her what's she's though. And maybe she miss you too." Said Consuelo. "Ask her any kinds stories since you've left, same as yours to her."

Lydia silenced a bit and said

"Do I have to?"

"It's your choice." Said Consuelo. "There are many ways to get yourselves have a good time."

"Okay, thank you, lady Consuelo." Said Lydia, give a smile.

"Anytime." Said Consuelo. "Just do as I told."

Then the two arrived at the counter, to prepare the groceries.

"You- you go first." Said Lydia as Consuelo puts on the groceries to the countier

"I can tell that you and I will make the best of friends."said Consuelo

"and we can hang out if we have a day off." Said Lydia. "Oh, I can introduce you to my friends as well. "

"Same here, Lydia. " Consuelo said.

In the middle of a night somewhere in a motel, as the owl's howl though the sound

Bossk, A surviving member, on hiding led his eyes opens after he hears voices and unknown visions. Voices weren't coming from nowhere and it felt like screaming in anger and pain. As the loud noise heard louder and louder towards him, an another sound was heard.

And it's not coming from his head, but it's from the front.

"The outer devil." Said the fairy entity, as Bossk frighten a little bit and sees the ghost-esque being and a little blue light shines though the room.

"What do you want now?"

"You saw my people getting enslaved because of you and your might." Said the fairy entity. "And yet you'll get beaten up by them."

"How about....a bargain?" Said the entity.

"They stole all of my points,I had them taken away from before and I have been working to regain them,all of my life's work was now stolen again,what bargain do you even have for me?"said Bossk

"I can't give you those points you're talking about," said the entity " however, I can give you strength to fight back so you can get those points again. But here's a catch..."

"What's the catch?"said Bossk

"You're going to fight ALONE." she replied. "An alliance will work, but since it's your deal, you're going to fight that being you want to kill. Isn't this what you wanted, right? "

"Could I kill the fairy man and his sister?"said Bossk(he's talking about Phinium and Astrid)

"Of course, Trandoshan." She replied again. "Anything what you desires. Is that a deal?"

"Yes,They captured me and stole my points."said Bossk "If I kill them then all of my points will be regained."

"Precisely." The fairy entity said.
"They've caused enough of a headache for me."

"So it's a deal." Bossk reached out his hand to her crawling hand and shake it.

"I won't fail you, fellow creature." Said Bossk. "But I'm doing this for my people. "

"Very well... "

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