By THE_ENsimp

37.3K 560 296

A house of Enhypen bxb oneshotsแกฃ๐ญฉแฏ“ More

Dandelions pt.1
Dandelions final
Married pt.1
Married pt.2
Show you are mine
Office Temptations
3 protective bfs
Professor's troublemaker
Love Elevator
Wrapped in Love

Agent Ace

2K 37 7
By THE_ENsimp

✭Ship: Heehoon
↳Top- Heeseung
↳Bottom- Sunghoon

✭Requested by: no one


"Come at me" Ace said to the male as they got ready for sparring.

"Agent Ace, report to my office immediately" The announcement echoed throughout the headquarters.

"You're safe this time" Ace chuckled at the boy as he wore his jacket and left to the main office.

"Agent Ace, access granted" The system spoke as it scanned him and the door opened.

The man's codename was 'Ace'. No one knows his real name. He was an agent who has never failed or delayed any mission. Knows how to kill, both by short ranged weapons and long ranged ones. Him being bisexual is also perfect for seducing both males and females. He has quick reflexes, sharp memory and quick to solve problems. One word to describe him would be 'Ace'.

"Ace reporting, sir" He said to the head.

"Thanks for arriving quickly, agent Ace" The head said as Ace bowed.

"Young Master, This is agent Ace; one of our best agents" The head said to the other person in this room.

Ace quickly took in the presence of the the person and bowed.

'He's cute..' Ace thought.

"He'll be undercover as a transfer student to protect you" The head said.

"Yeah okay" The person said.

"Do you accept the mission, agent Ace?" Head asked.

"I do, head"

"Good. Here's your briefing file, everything you need to know about young master is here"

Ace quickly scanned a few pages.

"Here's your ID, you're Lee Heeseung for this mission. You may pack your belongings and check out the weapons of your choice at the armory" The head handed him his ID, passport and papers with the fake name.

Sunghoon and Ace, now Heeseung, were walking together to go to Sunghoon's place.

"How long have you been an agent?" Sunghoon asked.

"11 years, young master"

"Woah.. really? Anyways, don't call me young master, you're near my age and it feels weird" Sunghoon said.

"What should I call you then?"

"Uh.. my name?"

"Okay.. Sunghoon-ssi"


Sunghoon led the way through the bustling streets of Seoul, Ace—now Heeseung—striding alongside him with a stoic expression. Despite Sunghoon's attempts at conversation, Heeseung remained aloof, his focus solely on the mission at hand.

"So, Heeseung" Sunghoon began, trying to break the silence between them, "what made you choose this line of work?"

Heeseung's gaze flickered briefly towards Sunghoon before returning to the path ahead. "It's not a choice," he replied curtly, his tone clipped. "It's a duty."

Sunghoon frowned at the coldness in Heeseung's voice, but he pressed on, determined to bridge the gap between them. "Well, I'm glad you're here," he said with forced cheerfulness. "It's nice to have some company for a change."

Heeseung remained silent, his expression impassive as they approached Sunghoon's luxurious apartment building. As they entered the opulent lobby, Heeseung's senses remained on high alert, scanning the surroundings for any potential threats.

Once inside the elevator, the atmosphere grew tense, the silence suffocating in the enclosed space. Sunghoon cleared his throat awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot as he punched in the access code.

"So, Heeseung" Sunghoon began again, his voice hesitant, "do you always maintain this level of professionalism with your clients?"

"My priority is your safety," he replied stiffly, his gaze fixed on the floor.

The elevator came to a smooth stop, the doors sliding open to reveal Sunghoon's lavish penthouse. Heeseung followed Sunghoon out, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential threats as they made their way through the sprawling apartment.

"So, Heeseung," Sunghoon began once more, his tone cautious, "I understand if you're not comfortable, but I'd appreciate it if you could at least try to make yourself at home."

Heeseung nodded curtly, his expression unreadable as he took in his surroundings. "Thank you," he replied stiffly, his voice lacking warmth.

With that, they settled into an uneasy silence, their interactions strained and stilted as they navigated the unfamiliar territory of their new living arrangement. And as the evening wore on, Heeseung couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him, a nagging sense of doubt creeping into his mind as he struggled to maintain his professional facade.

As the days passed, Heeseung found himself settling into a routine of sorts. His days were spent shadowing Sunghoon, discreetly observing his every move and ensuring his safety without ever letting his guard down. Despite his initial coldness towards Sunghoon, Heeseung couldn't deny the growing sense of admiration he felt for the younger man.

Each morning, Heeseung accompanied Sunghoon to his prestigious private school, blending seamlessly into the background as he kept a watchful eye on his charge. From the moment they stepped foot on campus, Heeseung's senses were on high alert, scanning the crowds for any signs of danger.

Sunghoon, for his part, seemed oblivious to Heeseung's watchful presence, his attention focused solely on his studies and socializing with his classmates. Despite Heeseung's best efforts to remain distant, Sunghoon persisted in trying to engage him in conversation, his cheerful demeanor chipping away at Heeseung's defenses little by little.

"So, Heeseung," Sunghoon would say with a playful grin, "did you really have to sit in on my math class? I thought you were supposed to be protecting me, not doing homework."

Heeseung would respond with a terse nod, his expression impassive as he scanned the perimeter for any potential threats. But despite his outward stoicism, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of amusement at Sunghoon's antics, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

As the days turned into weeks, Heeseung found himself growing increasingly protective of Sunghoon, his instincts kicking into overdrive whenever he sensed even the slightest hint of danger. Whether it was deflecting unwanted attention from Sunghoon's admirers or diffusing tense situations with rival classmates, Heeseung was always there, a silent and watchful guardian lurking in the shadows.

Yet, despite his unwavering dedication to his duty, Heeseung remained aloof and distant, his walls firmly in place as he kept his emotions firmly in check. He knew better than to let his guard down, to allow himself to be swayed by the warmth and kindness of the person he was sworn to protect.

But deep down, beneath the layers of steel and ice, Heeseung couldn't shake the growing sense of admiration and affection he felt for Sunghoon. And as they navigated the treacherous waters of high school together, Heeseung couldn't help but wonder if there was more to their relationship than met the eye, if perhaps, in spite of his best efforts to resist, he was slowly but surely falling for the one person he was sworn to protect.


The midday sun filtered through the large windows of the bustling school cafeteria, casting a warm glow over the sea of students gathered for lunch. Sunghoon sat at his usual table, surrounded by a group of chattering classmates, his laughter ringing out amidst the lively chatter.

Heeseung stood at a discreet distance, his sharp eyes scanning the crowded room for any signs of trouble. His gaze settled on Sunghoon, the young man's easy smile belying the underlying tension that coiled in Heeseung's gut. He knew all too well that danger could lurk in the most unexpected of places, and he was determined to keep Sunghoon safe at all costs.

Just as Heeseung's thoughts began to drift, a commotion erupted across the room, drawing his attention like a magnet. A group of Sunghoon's jealous classmates had surrounded him, their accusing voices rising above the din of the crowded cafeteria.

"You think you're so special, don't you?" one of them sneered, his tone laced with venom. "Cheating your way through every test, just so you can get ahead."

Sunghoon's expression darkened, his jaw clenched in frustration as he tried to defend himself against the onslaught of accusations. But the more he protested, the louder his accusers grew, their words escalating into a heated argument that threatened to spiral out of control.

Sensing danger, Heeseung sprang into action, his steps purposeful as he made his way through the crowd towards Sunghoon's table. With each stride, his presence seemed to command attention, the room falling silent as all eyes turned to him.

"Is there a problem here?" Heeseung asked, his voice calm and authoritative as he addressed the group of students surrounding Sunghoon.

The leader of the group scoffed, his gaze defiant as he squared off against Heeseung. "Mind your own business, transfer student. This doesn't concern you."

Heeseung's eyes narrowed, a steely resolve flashing in their depths. "Anything that affects the safety and well-being of my classmates is my concern," he replied, his voice unwavering.

Before the leader could respond, Heeseung turned his attention to Sunghoon, his expression softening slightly as he addressed him directly. "Are you alright, Sunghoon-ssi?"

Sunghoon nodded, his gratitude evident in his eyes as he met Heeseung's gaze. "Thank you, Heeseung-ssi," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

With a final warning glance at the group of troublemakers, Heeseung escorted Sunghoon away from the scene, his protective presence a reassuring anchor amidst the chaos of the crowded cafeteria.

As they retreated from the chaos of the lunchroom, Heeseung couldn't help but notice the lingering tension in Sunghoon's shoulders, the weight of the confrontation still heavy on his mind. With a gentle hand on Sunghoon's shoulder, Heeseung guided him towards a secluded corner of the hallway, away from prying eyes and curious whispers.

"Are you alright, Sunghoon-ssi?" Heeseung asked, his voice soft with concern as he studied Sunghoon's downcast expression.

Sunghoon bit his lip, his eyes shining with unshed tears as he nodded. "I'm fine," he replied, his voice wavering slightly. "It's just... it's not fair, you know? They always pick on me because I'm different."

Heeseung's heart clenched at the vulnerability in Sunghoon's voice, the weight of his words hitting him like a punch to the gut. Despite his tough exterior, Sunghoon was just a young man trying to find his place in the world, struggling to navigate the treacherous waters of high school with a bravery that belied his fragile demeanor.

"I know it's hard, Sunghoon-ssi," Heeseung said, his voice gentle as he reached out to brush away a stray tear from Sunghoon's cheek. "But you're not alone. I'll always be here to protect you, no matter what."

Sunghoon's eyes widened in surprise, a soft gasp escaping his lips as he met Heeseung's gaze. "Thank you, Heeseung," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Heeseung's heart swelled with warmth at Sunghoon's heartfelt words, a rush of affection flooding through him like a tidal wave. In that moment, he realized just how much Sunghoon meant to him, how fiercely he was willing to fight to keep him safe from harm.

With a reassuring smile, Heeseung squeezed Sunghoon's hand, a silent promise passing between them.


It was a quiet night, the moon casting a soft glow over the city as Heeseung stood watch in Sunghoon's mansion. The silence was shattered by the sound of glass shattering from downstairs, sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through Heeseung's veins. Without hesitation, he sprang into action, his training kicking in as he moved swiftly and silently towards the source of the disturbance.

Sunghoon stirred in his sleep, his brow furrowing in confusion as he was roused from his slumber by the commotion. He blinked groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he tried to make sense of the situation unfolding around him.

"Heeseung?" Sunghoon called out, his voice tinged with concern as he sat up in bed, his gaze darting around the dimly lit room. He looked at the other bed, which was for Heeseung, but couldn't find him there.

Heeseung's heart clenched at the sound of Sunghoon's voice, his instinct to protect kicking into overdrive as he silently urged Sunghoon to stay put. With a quick glance in Sunghoon's direction to ensure he was safe, Heeseung slipped out of the room, his footsteps silent against the plush carpeting as he made his way downstairs.

As he reached the ground floor, Heeseung's senses were on high alert, every nerve in his body primed for action. He moved with cat-like grace, his movements fluid and controlled as he scanned the shadows for any sign of movement.

Suddenly, a figure lunged out from the darkness, brandishing a weapon with a menacing glint in their eye. Heeseung reacted instinctively, his training taking over as he disarmed the intruder with lightning speed, the weapon clattering to the ground with a loud thud.

Sunghoon appeared at the top of the stairs, his eyes wide with fear as he took in the scene unfolding before him. "Heeseung-ssi!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with emotion as he rushed down to join Heeseung's side.

Heeseung spared Sunghoon a quick glance, his expression unreadable as he assessed the situation. "Are you hurt?" he asked, his voice calm and controlled despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Sunghoon shook his head, his breath coming in short gasps as he clung to Heeseung's arm for support. "No, I'm fine," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper as he looked up at Heeseung with wide eyes.

Heeseung nodded, his attention returning to the intruder who lay sprawled on the ground at his feet. With practiced ease, he restrained the intruder, his movements precise and methodical as he ensured they posed no further threat.

Once the intruder was secured, Heeseung turned his attention back to Sunghoon, his gaze softening slightly at the sight of Sunghoon's pale, frightened face. "It's over now," he reassured Sunghoon, his voice gentle as he placed a reassuring hand on Sunghoon's shoulder. "You're safe."

Sunghoon let out a shaky breath, his shoulders sagging with relief as he leaned into Heeseung's touch. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his own heartbeat.

Heeseung offered Sunghoon a small, reassuring smile, his heart swelling with a mixture of pride and protectiveness. In that moment, as they stood together in the dimly lit hallway, Heeseung knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would do whatever it took to keep Sunghoon safe. For in Sunghoon, he had found something worth fighting for, something worth protecting at all costs.


As the weeks turned into months, Heeseung found himself drawn to Sunghoon in ways he couldn't explain. Despite his best efforts to remain distant, he couldn't shake the growing attraction he felt towards the younger man. And as they navigated the dangers of Sunghoon's world together, Heeseung found himself slowly but surely falling for the one person he was sworn to protect.

It started with stolen glances and fleeting touches, innocent gestures that spoke volumes of the growing affection between them. Heeseung found himself seeking out Sunghoon's company more and more, drawn to the warmth and kindness that seemed to radiate from him like a beacon in the darkness.

One evening, as they sat together on the rooftop of Sunghoon's apartment building, the city spread out before them like a blanket of twinkling lights, Heeseung found himself unable to resist any longer. With a nervous flutter in his chest, he reached out and took Sunghoon's hand in his own, his heart pounding in his chest as he met Sunghoon's gaze with a mixture of hope and uncertainty.

"Sunghoon," Heeseung began, his voice soft and tentative, "there's something I need to tell you."

Sunghoon turned to face him, his eyes wide with curiosity as he squeezed Heeseung's hand gently. "What is it?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he leaned in closer.

"I wanna be Heeseung forever.."

Sunghoon looked at him with a gaze that meant he understood the statement but is uncertain. "What?"

Heeseung took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. "I... I think I'm falling in love with you," he admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability as he laid his heart bare before Sunghoon.

Sunghoon's breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening in surprise as he processed Heeseung's words. For a moment, the air between them crackled with tension, the weight of Heeseung's confession hanging heavy in the air.

Then, without a word, Sunghoon straddled him and leaned in to press his lips to Heeseung's, a rush of warmth flooding through Heeseung's veins as their kiss deepened, their hearts beating as one in the darkness.

In that moment, as they stood together on the rooftop beneath the starlit sky, Heeseung knew that he had found something worth fighting for, something worth protecting with every fiber of his being. And as they melted into each other's embrace, the rest of the world faded away, leaving only the two of them alone in their own little corner of the universe, bound together by the unbreakable bond of love.


This took me so long to make  (T﹏T) 【2829 words】

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