Alive || Ninjago x F!Reader||

By PurpleNinjaOfSpirit

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alive /əˈlʌɪv/ adjective (of a person, animal, or plant) living, not dead. --- Coming home from a day at your... More

Could be Worse
Skeptics and Concerns
Sweet and Salty
Guiding Light

Fates Hands

516 18 35
By PurpleNinjaOfSpirit

A/N: Just wanted to show off this hilarious and amazing fanart that was made a few years ago for the old version of this fic but it never saw the light of day until now. Garmadon dabbing will forever be my favourite thing. I just want to give a huge thank you to StardustUltima for this amazing piece of art. One of the things I treasure the most, it brought me a lot of laughter.

If anyone wanted to, you have the go ahead to make your own fanart and I'd be happy to see it and even display it for everyone to enjoy. Another thankyou to Stardust!

Also the layout does not want to work with me and it's driving me insane so I'm sorry it's been looking different these past few chapters 😭


ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ :  Monster (Fight The Fade)

I'm nothing but a monster
You can see it in my eyes
It's crawling under my skin
And I don't think I can hide what I am
I'm nothing but a monster


Munching down on my avocado toast, I idly spin my dorm room keys around on the table by the keyring, my eyes unfocused. Rhiannon sits across from me, lowering her spoon into her bowl of porridge as she studies my tired face. She watches a student walk past to join their friend group crowding around the dorm building coffee machine before facing me again.

"How long were you awake last night?"

I blink and swallow my food, my keys nearly flying off the table when my hand slips. I manage to fumble and grab them. "I don't think you want the answer to that." I give her a weak grin and bite my toast again, earning a sigh from her and a disappointed shake of her head.

Considering I ate dinner early last night with her, I was up until the early morning watching the first two seasons of Ninjago under my blanket. Thankfully, the first season was all about the Great Devourer, and like the snake, I ate up every bit of information I could about defeating it.

The thing was, Garmadon technically beat it, not the ninja. I wasn't Garmadon, nor did I have four arms or four Golden Weapons just lying around. So the question was, how could I help in defeating that thing with no powers whatsoever? Better yet, we don't even have our very own Garmadon, either. So, things weren't looking too good.

The clinking of Rhiannon's spoon against her glass bowl has my droopy eyes meeting her figure, which started to stand from the plush grey chair she sat in. "Well, I'm all done here and I was planning to study a bit at the library. You, on the other hand," She narrows her eyes at me, pointing a sharp blue nail at my face, "Are going to take a nap, my orders."

I sigh, eating the last bite of my toast while dusting the crumbs off my hands against my PJ's pants. "Yes, anything for you, my lovely wife." I hear her chuckle and smile to myself, handing over my empty plate when her pointing finger turns into an outstretched hand. "Thank you."

"No problem. I'll see you later, okay?" She smiles, slipping my plate under her bowl and returning it to the lounge's kitchen sink, where she starts to wash them up.

I crack my knuckles and lean my head back with a small groan. As much as I wanted to pass out, I knew I shouldn't. Snatching my dorm key off the table, which Rhiannon managed to get me earlier in the morning, I head to the lift, slipping my phone out of my pocket while I wait for it to arrive. I scroll through my very small contact list, though it has grown now with the addition of my new friends, and pull up Lloyd's contact.


Morning! Just wanted to check in and see if you've seen or heard from Wu yet?

The reply doesn't come instantly like it did last night, and I wondered if he was still sleeping. He didn't seem like the type to sleep in after six, let alone eight in the morning. The lift arrives with a ding, and I step aside to let the students out before entering myself and hitting my floor number.

A vibration from my phone gains my attention again and I see that I had been added to a group chat. Oh, this should be fun. And by fun, I mean very chaotic. I should change their contact names to match the vibe, I'm sure they would appreciate the thought, Or at least Jay would. He seemed like the type to have the most random names for his friends.

You have been invited to [COLE ATE MY PUDDING CUP AGAIN] by Boss Man

Boss Man:

morning y/n :) we've got nothing on Master Wu just yet. anything on your end?


Nothing yet, sorry. But I have hope we'll find him soon. Also, what an interesting group name lmao

Spark Plug:

that was me! sorry! forgot to change that haha ^^'

The Rock:

I told yoi I didn't eat it, Kai literally confessed to it days ago??


Group chat name was changed to [Cole Deserves Justice] by The Rock

My Queen:

Guys, can we not do this now? We're here to talk about Master Wu, not about some stupid pudding smh


yeah guys gosh whats wrong with you. stop changing the subject

The Rock:

??? You're not going to help me here??? YOU PUT ME IN THIS SITUATION???


no idea what youre on about buddy

The Rock:

You'll know what I'm talking about when you find pudding in your sheets


Please refrain from any unnecessary actions. I do not want to do another round of laundry after the last pudding cup I found in Cole's pillowcase.

The Rock:



ohhhhhh that pudding cup. yeah i ate it in your bed sorry not sorry


Well, I'm going to disappear now before Kai gets murdered,

but I'll update you guys if anything new happens.

Goodluck Kai, may you rest in peace

A barrage of messages comes through after I send the message and I snort to myself, closing my dorm room door behind me. It was different, having so many friends. It's always been Rhiannon and I, any other friend we made ended up distancing themselves from us as time went on. We always stuck together though, and we knew we would always have each other to lean on.

Dropping my keys onto my bare desk, I stand in the middle of the room, contemplating. Should I study, or should I watch more Ninjago? Narrowing my eyes down at my desk, I realise that studying would be unnecessary if the whole college was destroyed by the Devourer, and the rest of the world too if it got to that point.

"I'll study later." I lie to myself, flopping onto my comfy bed with my phone already in my hands.


"Um, hello?"

Rhiannon frowns down at me, one of my AirPods between her fingers after she had snatched it from my ear. "You've been on your phone for hours. What in the world has got you so hooked? You haven't moved from this bed ever since I got back from the library." She raises an eyebrow at me, holding my AirPod out for me to take after I shrug at her question.

"It's nothing, just some silly show." I take it from her and take my other one out of my ear, putting it back in the case and turning off my nearly-dead phone. "What time is it?" I question, turning my head to face the window, my eyes wide as darkness stares back at me.

"It's eight-thirty." With a deadpan expression, Rhiannon turns around to grab her purse from her bedside table, "I'm taking you out for dinner, and I'm not taking no for an answer." She turns back around, the corner of her lips twitching as she holds back a smile, "You can decide if you want to stay in your PJs or not, they're cute."

It hits me that I spent my whole day in bed watching a LEGO cartoon, not even getting up for food or the bathroom once. Yeah, I finished the fourth season and about half of the fifth, but was it necessary? If anything, I could have stopped after the first season, there was no reason for me to continue to watch it. So, why did I?

I groan and throw my legs over the side of my bed, head in my hands as I rub the exhaustion away. "It's a fashion statement," I mumble, earning a giggle from her as she pats my lowered head. "Give me fifteen minutes to shower and change."

After a much-needed shower and a change of clothing, Rhiannon sits in the driver's seat of her car with me next to her in the passenger, head being held up by the cold window as I watch the city lights fly by in a blur. My fingers twitch on my thigh, aching to grab my phone and check in on the others.

My view of them had changed drastically. Before, they were strangers. Strangers that entered my room, didn't actually kidnap me, but gave off that impression, and then spewed out some random and unrelastic nonsense that was supposed to make sense to me somehow. I didn't know their background, I simply saw them as characters from a kids show.

After watching four or so seasons, I felt closer to them immensely. I started to understand who they were as people, their personalities, their trauma, all of it was out before me, just a tap away. It started to sink in that they were real, they weren't some crazy accurate cosplayers who wanted to play a prank on me.

My breath hitched in my throat, and I had to concentrate on the buildings passing by to stop a panic attack from ruining Rhiannon's night. If everything they said was true, then that means the Great Devourer really was on its way here, and I was the only one who knew about it.

Why didn't the others go to the army or something? Why did their instincts lead them straight to me? There was nothing I could do to help them, I was a college student for crying out loud! My worst nightmares were failing exams, crushing debt and showing up to class in the nude, I didn't have to pile on the threat of a world-destroying snake onto that list!

I had seen the damage it had done to Ninjago, and if it wasn't a kid's show, it would have been more gruesome. How many people had that giant snake killed? Buildings would have crumbled, killing hundreds, and with its never-ending appetite, it would have swallowed anyone in its path without a second thought. Now it was coming here, and this wasn't some cartoon. This was my home, the people I cared about were in danger. I was petrified.

"So," Rhinannon thankfully pulls me away from my horror, my teary eyes blinking as I turn my head to glance at her, "You craving anything? Personally, I could go for something with chicken. Any ideas?"

I clear my throat and push myself to sit up straight, fingers now pulling my phone case off and back on, repeating the process to ease some anxiety, "How about some stirfry? I know there's a takeout around here somewhere." I reach over and grab her phone, putting in the directions.

About ten minutes later, Rhiannon and I were sitting outside in the night air on some cheap plastic chairs, dinner set out in front of us in plastic takeaway containers. Despite the churning of dread in my stomach, I force the food into my mouth. If I didn't eat now, I knew I'd only feel sick later. That and the fact that Rhiannon would only worry about my lack of appetite.

I manage to finish my food between wanting to be sick and chatting to Rhiannon, acting as casually as I could with my knowledge of certain doom floating around my head. Sometimes she would ask how I was feeling, and I knew she was concerned about something I wasn't hiding well enough. I waved her off multiple times, "Just tired. Need to stop binging my show, don't worry."

The drive back was filled with unusual silence. When we got back to our room, Rhiannon pulled me into a surprised hug, my arms wrapping around her in confusion after gaining my bearings.

"I know something's wrong, but I'm not going to push you about it." She pulls away slightly to hold my shoulders, dark eyes scanning my face with worry, "If you need to talk, or need a hug or anything, I'll be right here for you, okay? No matter how small or silly you think it is."

A shaky and small smile twitches at my lips, guilt now piling onto my dread, mixing into something toxic inside my chest. "I know, thank you." I pull her back into the hug, chin resting on her shoulder as a long exhale leaves my mouth, "I love you."

"I love you too, Y/n. So much."

I couldn't bring myself to watch any more Ninjago that night. Instead, I curled into myself while Rhiannon slept in the bed on the other side of the room. A ping from my charging phone snaps my eyes open, and I was tempted to ignore it but the urge to know if it was the ninja or not was too strong.

I turn and lay on my back, reaching for my phone on the bedside table. The sudden bright light has me reeling back into the pillow, eyes squinting at the lock screen. Under the time, which was almost 1am, was a message from the group chat. Unable to stop myself, I open it.

Group chat name was changed to [Main Character Moments] by Hairgel


you guys seen how many seasons we got?? not enough if i say so. we went through years of this crap and they think 15 seasons was enough??

Spark Plug:

have you seen how many focus seaons lloyd actually has?? i know he's the green ninja and everything but damn

i have barely any compared to you guys

unfair :(


you think thats a good thing wtf?

The Rock:

More seasons mean more trauma, I think you have plenty of that already Jay despite having barely any focus seasons


From what I've seen, you all need therapy lol

Spark Plug:

first of all, why are you up? second, we know lmao thats why we have zane!


zane is not our therapist, he needs one more than we do dude. i dont see you dying all the time. in fact, youre the only one of us who hasnt died lmaoooo what a loser step up your game

The Rock:

You've been watching the seasons, Y/n?

Spark Plug:

don't jump to my defence or anything Cole, thanks buddy!

that was sarcasm btw you earth worm


Yeah, I've ruined my sleep schedule watching as much as I can.

I had no idea how much you guys have gone through, and I only finished the fourth season and started a little of the next one.

It's not weird for me to watch you guys,, your show I mean, right?

Cuz it feels kinda weird


you can watch me as much as you want ;)

i mean


you can watch it as much as you want

the show


Spark Plug:

ha! who's the loser now

not very kai of you kai

The Rock:

You're fine, it's probably easier for you to know us if you watch it

So don't worry about it being weird

If anything's weird, it's Kai watching his own show despite living through it already


gotta make sure they got my good side thats all

which is all sides btw

Spark Plug:

i think i'm gonna be sick

Boss Man:

not to interrupt or anything, but some people are trying to sleep around here.

you guys are keeping y/n up.

and cole, please get out of the kitchen. dont make me put a lock on the fridge again.

I have to stop myself from laughing, a hand muffling my chuckles. My worries almost instantly simmer down into a grain of salt at their messages, and I quickly type my goodnight before I get them into trouble. Putting my phone back on charge, I snuggle up into the warmth of my blanket, smile remaining on my face.


"I hope they give you an assignment."

"What!" Rhiannon's gasp of betrayal makes me laugh, her head whipping to the side to pout at me, "Why would you say that?! I thought we were friends." She sniffs, tipping her chin up and looking away from me, her arms crossed.

It was almost midday, and together we were walking to our first class of the day and of the week. I slept restlessly last night, twisting and turning in my sheets while praying my movements didn't wake Rhiannon. Every time sleep tugged at the back of my mind, I'd get flashes of magenta eyes, slitted and sharp. Predatory.

With barely any rest, I knew the day would drag on. Rhiannon had kindly sped to the dorm lounge and whipped me up a strong coffee after noticing the bags under my eyes, to which I thanked her with a promise to buy dinner for both of us tonight.

Sipping the second and most likely not the last coffee of the day, I grin and nudge her elbow with my own, "You didn't let me finish. I was going to say, I hope they give you an assignment that has something to do with you drawing your idol."

She stares blankly at me, "And who would that be?"

"Me!" I dramatically flip my hair over my shoulder, fluttering my eyes at her. "Can you imagine? With your skills in the art department and my natural beauty, you'd pass that class in a heartbeat! They'd hang it up next to the Mona Lisa in no time."

Trying her best to hold back her laughter, she smiles and shakes her head while the two of us shuffle past some students who were too busy in their own conversation to notice us. "I have so many things I could say about everything you just said, but I really don't know where to start."

I shrug and drown the last of my coffee, throwing the empty cup into a trashbin nearby. With a bitter taste in my mouth, I lick my lips and join Rhiannon's side again, the girl waiting in front of her classroom door.  "A simple thank you is enough for me."

She blows a raspberry, "I'm sorry, but someone who wishes that I get any kind of homework does not deserve a thank you." She glances over her shoulder into the room and sighs after noticing how packed it already was despite having ten minutes before the lecture even started. "I better head in before I get the worst spot in the room."

I nod and sway on my heels, one hand clutching my satchel. "Understandable. I better get going anyway. Don't want to give a first bad impression and all."

I give a quick farewell to the art major and begin my trek to my class. It takes a couple of minutes to reach the double doors, and after holding it open politely for a few fellow students and receiving kind nods and almost equally tired smiles, I enter and take my pick for a seat.

I take the middle row, hoping my eyes won't strain too much when focusing on the professor or the projector. Shakily taking out my laptop, I sigh through wobbly lips and crack my knuckles. It was my first class for Psychology, and I was full of nerves.

I've heard that it wasn't an easy degree, being quite the challenge with a butt-load of analysis and research needed. My confidence was wavering as the seconds ticked by, eyes nervously slipping over the room. How was it that everyone else looked so calm? I was freaking out and the lesson hadn't even started!

I waste my time flicking through the course layout, only further dampening my hope of passing the class. Mum's words of encouragement echoed in the back of my mind as the door to the room opened again, "You'll only go as far as your mind takes you. Have confidence in yourself, it goes a long way."

I play her comforting words a few times in my head, already feeling the heavy weight lift from my chest. Flicking onto an empty document page for my notes, I lift my eyes from the light of my laptop to finally take notice of the professor who had entered the room only seconds ago.

His back was to me, leaving me to take notice of his grey coat that stopped at the back of his knees, the fabric looking light and comfortable. He wore long black pants, neatly folded at the ends, just above his black leather shoes. Grey hair was swept neatly to the side, and despite his old age, it still looked fluffy to the touch.

"The first step towards change is awareness." I sit straighter in my seat when his voice rings out in the large room, silence following his words as everyone zeros in on their lesson. Something about his voice was familiar, and I was trying to pinpoint exactly where I had heard it from. "The second step is acceptance."

He finishes placing down his equipment and turns around to face the rest of the room, his hands clasped in front of him. My jaw almost hits the floor as I take in his eerily familiar figure. Despite not being in his usual garb, the black collared undershirt and green tie were enough for me to realise who I was gaping at.

Watching him turn to the side, he grabs a black marker and begins to neatly write his name on the board, accompanied by Japanese kanji. I frown in confusion at the name. Shōkan. Was I mistaken? I couldn't be, there was no way.

Throughout the next two hours, I find myself jotting down the bare minimum in notes, spelling errors and confusing gaps filling my Word document. I couldn't stop myself from trying to piece together the puzzle pieces scattered out in front of me.

Professor Shōkan looked uncannily like Garmadon. Sensei Garmadon to be more prescise. From the grey hair down to the colour scheme of his clothing. Was the universe messing with my mind, sending me mixed signals just because it liked to watch me flounder around like a fish out of water? I wasn't amused if that was the case.

Maybe I was going a little crazy. My mind might have been wanting to find things that didn't exist so it could comprehend everything easier. If I thought about it, Garmadon couldn't be qualified to be a professor, how would he have been accepted in the first place? My finger taps the space button idly while my eyes drift to my phone sitting beside my laptop.

Should I message the others? Some form of comfort would be nice. They could reassure me that they didn't feel their old mentor's presence, and confirm that this Professor was just a Garmadon lookalike. Before I could even reach out for my phone, the loud mutters and shuffling of paper makes my head lift to spot everyone packing up.

"Great," I mutter in annoyance, shutting my laptop a little harder than I anticipated. I had zoned out the whole lesson. How perfect. Gritting my teeth, I pack up my gear and sling my satchel over my shoulder. I'd have to catch up next time, which means extra work on my plate.

I let the remaining students sitting behind me walk past, almost half of them have left already during my thoughts. When the last one trails past with a small wave, I slowly follow after them.

"You know," I pause at the voice behind me, my hand holding the door open halfway. Cocking my head to the side, I watch Shōkan rub away at the notes on the whiteboard, "Daydreaming serves as a protective mechanism for the mind." He neatly places the eraser aside and finally turns to meet my eyes. "It seems like you might be carrying a heavy burden, am I correct?"

Frowning, I drop my hand to my side, letting the door close with a soft click. Inching my way closer to his smiling frame, my heart spikes. Familiar green eyes stare back at me, one's that I couldn't tear myself away from when Lloyd first spoke to me. "You're Garmadon." I barely manage a whisper of his name.

"I'm surprised you didn't work that out earlier."

At his chuckle, my cheeks turn red in embarrassment. "I mean, I did! Sort of? I thought it was you, but then you said your name was Shōkan so I thought I was going crazy and that you looked like you simply because Fate is playing some weird game with me, and then my brain started playing tricks on me and I tried to find a way around it being you, as in Garmadon you but-"

He holds up a palm, cutting off my poor excuse of trying to make myself look smart. "I figured that out on my own, but I appreciate the explanation. I wish I could have saved you some time and told you who I was, but Garmadon is not a common name among your people."

"Right." I nod, biting the inside of my cheek. That did make sense. It would also be a pain if someone had seen the show and somehow put two and two together, no matter how bizarre the idea of Garmadon coming to life was. "This might seem weird of me to ask, but how are you here?"

"Pardon?" He raises an eyebrow down at me, and even though the movement was small, I still felt intimidated by the expression.

"Well, last I heard, you were sacrificed to the Cursed Realm and then that was destroyed..." A part of me hoped he wouldn't ask how I knew this information. If he had no knowledge that his whole life was shown through a cartoon, would he have an existential crisis? The others probably had time to search it up and digest that kind of information.

He hums and rubs at his chin, calculating eyes stuck on my own. "You are quite behind on things, aren't you?" At my ashamed nod, he chuckles and leans his lower back against his desk, "To be blunt, I am not the same Garmadon you are familiar with. He has passed on to the Departed Realm."

I try to understand what he was implying, but all I could muster up was a stupid, "Huh?"

"Perhaps a demonstration will make things easier." He mutters, more to himself than me, his eyes squinted in thought. He lifts his head and seems to scan the room before stopping on my stumped figure, "You may want to take a step back."

I had never taken a bigger step in my life. After getting myself a good distance away, a table in front of me for protection, I give him a short nod. "Okay, I'm...ready?" I'm not sure what I'm ready for, to be honest. Man, I wish I spent more time watching Ninjago with my brothers now.

He lowers his head, eyes closing shut as a deep black mist begins to shroud around his body, tendrils of smoke wafting across the carpet. I take a step back when the mist approaches my feet, almost tripping back against a chair as I gasp. It starts retreating, making me swallow thickly and glance up to where Garmadon was.

Blood-red eyes are the first thing I see, peering out through the black cloud. As the mist settles, I had to clench my lips together to stop myself from gagging. Lord Garmadon in real life was a lot worse than I'd expected it to be. Poking between his tufts of white hair were two enormous black horns, sharp and pointy to the touch, slightly curled as well.

It only got worse the lower my eyes decided to drift. Besides the four arms, the giant crack in his black armour had me feeling light-headed. What I could only assume to be purple blood had dried, coating the left side of his armour and the gaping hole of his chest revealed it had also dried against the bones of his ribcage that were out for the world to see.

Rotting flesh was peeled back, revealing parts of his insides that I wish I never saw. The human mind wasn't built to see bones and flesh in such a state, and I wish I could erase it from my head.

"How-How did you...?" I raise a trembling finger, gesturing to his whole appearance. I didn't dare step closer to him, no matter how guilty it made me feel if I was hurting his feelings or not.

He doesn't bother lifting his head, too entranced in fixing the royal purple slash around his hips. "The gift of being an Oni." He seems satisfied with his handiwork, emitting a small hum before his red eyes connect with mine again, sending shivers down my spine. "To spare you the details, being an Oni allows me to change my form to what I see fit. While I would have liked to walk in here in my current form, I knew you humans wouldn't have the guts to handle it."

I shrink into myself at his teasing tone, my fear being replaced by curiosity. Almost as fast as he transformed into his Oni form, black smog clouds him again, and I find myself looking away. I was missing a lot of lore, apparently. I only asked my first question since it was obvious the others had arrived here after the last season of their show, so I was confused on what timeline Garmadon came from.

Now I wanted more answers. How did Garmadon come back, and why did he look so much worse than season one Garmadon? It was a terrifying improvement. Sadly, it would be easier to get my answers by finishing the show, which meant more sleepless nights. Sorry, Rhiannon.

Twiddling my thumbs together, I take a sneak peek over to Garmadon and breathe a small sigh of relief when his human form greeted my eyes. He was much easier to look at in that form. Clearing my throat, I sidestep away from the desk that was my trusty shield, "That was something." I let out a forced chuckle, "Maybe warn me next time you want to do that. Don't want someone to walk in or anything." And so I can mentally prepare myself.

"No need." He taps his slightly pointed ear, which I just noticed. "We Oni have impeccable hearing. I'd be able to pick up their heartbeat before you could even hear their footsteps."

That information had me squirming on the spot, hands unconsciously covering my chest, right where my heart fluttered behind my ribcage. "Wonderful." I squeak out, rubbing my chest as I shake my head to clear my thoughts. "Have you had contact with the others by any chance?"

"My existence in this realm hasn't been long." His answer has me frowning, "I gained consciousness yesterday morning. I haven't had the chance to even begin a search for the ninja. Though," He pauses, making me perk up, "I have information that I am confident the others would find useful."

"Perfect!" I clasp my hands together and jump on the spot with a large grin, ecstatic to finally be going somewhere with everything. "I've been in contact with them! I'll message them right now and they'll be here as fast as they can, I just know it!"

I don't give him the time to reply back, already yanking my phone out of my satchel and opening up the group chat. My fingers fly over the keyboard, almost too fast for me to comprehend.

Group chat name was changed to [Official Ninja Business ONLY] by Boss Man





My Queen:

Y/n? What's wrong? Is everything okay?




Can't explain rght now but come to my college asAP

Boss Man:

we'll be there in 5.

"Okay!" I slip my phone into my pocket and smile at Garmadon, who had been watching me the entire time in confusion. "I sent the others a text to meet us here, I didn't explain why so I'll leave that up to you." Because I'm too tired to deal with this shit right now.

"I see." He hums, grabbing a brown satchel from off his desk and putting the strap around his shoulder. "Let us meet them outside then. I'll follow you."

We leave the classroom in silence, my eyes never staying on one spot for too long before they fly back to Garmadon next to me. He never acknowledged my staring, so I saw no reason to stop while we made our way through the large building. He was strange. I was so accustomed to the comforting and fatherly aura that Sensei Garmadon gave off in the show, but this version of him was drastically different.

He seemed more rough around the edges, it was hard to explain. The two seemed entirely different, and I knew there was a reason why. Again, the show had more answers to my almost never-ending questions. It got annoying quickly, having to rely on some cartoon to hand me everything I wanted to know.

Why couldn't it have been one of those clichè fanfictions where I actually knew the people that got sent to my universe? Things would have been so much easier that way. Again, the universe hated me. What did I do in my past life to deserve this kind of treatment?

The blinding sun has me raising a hand to shield my eyes, Garmadon being kind enough to open the front doors for me as the both of us step out into the outdoors. I led him to some benches that were in the shade of the trees, the parking lot not too far out of sight in front of us.

My legs swing under the bench, neither of us making a sound for a few moments until I finally decide to break the quiet. "I have to ask; Do you know what's going on with The Great Devourer?"

His green eyes had been taking in the lush scenery, watching dry leaves roll past our feet and into the bushes behind us. He seemed to be in deep thought before I had opened my mouth. "Not in much detail, sadly." His confession had my hopes sinking again. "Though we will have our answers soon enough if our cards are played right."

I snort, "You're as cryptic as your brother." I chuckle, watching as the corner of his eyes crinkle and a matching smile appears on his face.

"I take offence to that, just so you know."

"Okay, okay." I hold up a defensive hand, giggles still slipping past my lips as the air around us becomes light. "I lied. Wu is much worse, just don't tell him I said that." Now that I think about it, I should ask him if he knew where the old man was.

The squealing of tyres has us both shooting our heads in the direction of the college entrance, a huge grey SUV swerving into the parking lot at an odd angle. I shoot up from my seat and wince to myself as the ninja pile out of the obviously modified vehicle, their weapons attached to their figures or in their hands.


I jog over to them, Garmadon somewhere behind me as I race as quickly and unsuspiciously as I could towards them. Their heads swivelled around, trying to spot either myself or danger, or both.

"There!" Cole had spotted me first, pointing in my direction.

All of them came barreling to me, concern or worry plastered on their faces while I was a panicked mess. "Guys! What the hell!" I hiss out, meeting them halfway, my hands gesturing to their weapons wildly, "What are these for?! Someone could see you!"

"We thought you were in trouble!" Nya lowers her spear, eyebrows deeply knotted as she inspects my figure for any injuries, "You told us to get here ASAP, what were we supposed to think?"

Kai steps next to his sister, his head lowered as he grabs one of my arms, turning it and twisting it around, "Yeah, what was that all about? You okay?"

I groan at my own stupidity and gently pry his hand from my arm, "Shit, that did give off the impression of being in trouble, didn't it?"

"Only a little." Lloyd sighs, hands out for the others to place their weapons in. Each of them let out their own breath of relief and happily handed over their defences, leaving him to walk away and place them safely in the car.

I run my hands down my face, guilt entering my system after worrying them all. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean for it to come across that way, but it really is important."

"Did you find Master Wu?" Jay questions hopefully, pushing past Nya and Kai to take up most of my vision.

"Even better."

Garmadon's voice has me looking over my shoulder to him, the grey-haired man leisurely walking up behind me with an almost teasing smile on his lips. He stops next to me, leaving a heavy silence to fill the void. None of them had the words to express their surprise, especially when their old Sensei was staring right back at them.


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