Project 120888: Azur Lane Shi...

By Annotation3567a

7.3K 179 124

(Note: This will be another one of those "Shipboy" stories combined with "Fictional Ships" type things) For t... More

Bio and A/N
Chapter 0 and Chapter 1: Prolouge
Chapter 2 and 3: The Royal Navy
Chapter 4: Bonding Time(Hood X MC)
Chapter 5: Happy time
Chapter 6: More Meetings and Stuff
Chapter 7: Competition for Love
Chapter 8: An Inspection Before the Storm
Chapter 9: A Royal Welcome
Chapter 10: The Proposal and Battle. (Fixed)
Special 2k Chapter: The Royal Maid Day
Chapter 11: The Great Duel (H̶u̶m̶i̶l̶i̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶)
Chapter 12: Aftermath and The Royal Sisters PT1
Chapter 13: Aftermath and the Royal Sisters PT2
Chapter 14: Repairs and Extras
Change Log #1
Chapter 16: Royal's and Eagle's PT2
Chapter 17: Memories of the Past
Chapter 18: Talk first, Battle later

Chapter 15: Eagles and Royals PT1

178 7 2
By Annotation3567a

A few minutes before the Eagle Union's arrival and a few nautical miles west of Scapa Flow.

A few NM West of Scapa Flow is a somewhat large fleet of Eagle Union Ships, Proudly sailing with the Eagle Union Flag high up on their mast. The fleet is large but not too large to say the least.

It consist of 2 Battleship , 3 Carriers, 4 Cruisers(2 of each type) 1 Repair Ship and 3 destroyers. Centered around the Flagship of the fleet. That being The One, The Only, The Legendary Carrier shipgirl herself.

(USS Enterprise, Yorktown-class Aircraft Carrier)

Although she isn't alone of course. Their are 13 other shipgirls in the fleet. Those include her sister's

(USS Yorktown, Yorktown-class Aircraft Carrier)

(USS Hornet, Yorktown-class Aircraft Carrier)

Their are also her sister's as mention above, And then there's the escorts. It consist of the following.

The Fast Battleship's

(USS New Jersey, Iowa-class Battleship)

(USS North Carolina, North Carolina-class Battleship)

And then the Cruisers

(USS Baltimore, Baltimore-class Heavy Cruiser)

(USS San Francisco, New Orleans-class Heavy Cruiser)
(A/N Note: I picked her since she isn't really talk about much and I like her unique attitude when I first looked at her lines. Pretty unique shipgirl I would say myself)

And then the Light Cruisers

(USS Cleveland, Cleveland-class Light Cruiser)

(USS Columbia, Cleveland-class Light Cruiser)
(A/N Note: I was originally supposed to go for Montpelier but her attitude is just a letdown so I pick this shipgirl instead ;) )

And then the destroyers

(USS Laffey, Benson-class Destroyer)

(USS Sims, Sims-class Destroyer)

(USS Hammann, Sims-class Destroyer. Yes I'm fully aware she's a Tsundere, A very STRONK one. But why not? Since Yorktown is here I might as well as her too)

And of course. The only Eagle Union Repair Ship.

(USS Vestal, Unique Single Ship, (No class, Just her own so maybe it should be called "Vestal-class"?. Idk) )

They were traveling a fairly slow speed, Mostly due to Vestal being the slowest ship in the group, Only a 16 knot max speed compared to the rest which could do 20+ knots, So yeah, She hammered the other shipgirls speed, So while she's going at Cruise Speed, The other ships were going below their own Cruise speeds, So the ships were making about 10-13 knots of speed from their port to their destination but anyways.

The 13 ship fleets main job was to primarily do some Diplomatic work per say, They're going to talk to Royal Navy Officials about plans. And agreements. And if you ask me what are those agreements. Then don't because I am NOT experienced in Politics whatsoever. So yeah...

However, When the news that their was this Polish Battleship in Scapa and also rumored that the Kansen of said Battleship is a boy. Their priorities shifted, Now, They wanted to seek out this kansen for themselves and see his power and potential, Not that they were planning to snatch him from the British that is, They just wanna see his potential as a battleship and see what he looks and how he acts.

If the rumors were true that is. But if it were true, Then that's good because they have extra allies on their side. Especially if it's a powerful one then letting it fall into enemy hands is gonna be a handful. Anyways.

They were already near the Flow's entrance by the time this thought came through their minds. Of course they need to slow down even more to a crawl to prevent their ships from either running aground or ramming into on of the blockships place by the RN to protect their flows from attacks.

Not really successful since one of their battleships was sunk in harbour their but you get the point.

Enterprise: "Hmn. Scapa Flow is still the same as it once was. I suppose.." The White Heroine said as she stood aboard her own ship. She didn't really have anything to say about it. She only really got to be in Scapa Flow for a limited amount of time, Her being based in the Pacific Theater making the majority of the reasons.

Hornet: "Your damn right sis! But it's still looks Majestic as ever!" The person next to Enterprise said, Hornet is described as a positive individual who likes to explore so it's no suprise that she would also be on this trip since her sister's are on this trip.

Yorktown: *Chuckles* " Oh dear Hornet, Still being positive as always, Let's enjoy out time before we move on with our main objective yes?" Another person said, Right behind the two, When the two look around and saw her, They immediately recognized her as their dear older sister, Yorktown, It's quite suprising that she went along with her sisters on this trip, She is a powerful woman, But her disease/sickness has got the better of her, She can fight and do things, But at a reduced capacity.

Enterprise: B-big sister!. Why aren't you in your room resting? *Goes to Yorktown* Your sickness is worrying me...

Yorktown: *Smiles bitterly at her then holds her hand* Hehe~ Don't worry about me sister. I'll be okay on my own. Yes?

Enterprise looked at her for a moment before nodding.

Enterprise: Okay. I trust you big sister, But please tell me or Hornet if your feeling unwell. We will be their at your side..

Hornet: Yeah! We will be at your side, Protecting and caring for you!

Yorktown couldn't help but smile genuinely. She honestly would probably be scrapped or worse if it weren't for her sister's care for her, Honestly it almost as if her sister's are her caretakers now, She can technically take care of herself, But her sister's would say otherwise. However, something on the ships far side caught her eye. She looked at it and said.

Hornet: Hey Enty. What class of ship is that?

Hornet said as she pointed at three docked ships in the distance.

The three ships are obviously destroyers, But their looks... Their not British, Sure their European but they don't look like British destroyers. With their rather heavy armament compared to a typical British destroyer being an obvious giveaway.

Enterprise looked in the direction of the destroyers and looked at them again this time with her Binoculars to get a better view. One of them was flying a flag in particular but she couldn't identify it.

Enterprise, While she is good at identifying British, Ironblood and Sakura Empire ships, Anything else and she is going to have a hard time.

Yorktown noticed that she was having difficulty so she went to her and said.

Yorktown: Let me have a look Enterprise.

She said as Enterprise turned around and gave her the binoculars she was using. Yorktown then used it to look at the destroyers and sure enough.

Yorktown: Those are Polish Destroyers, Two are of the Grom-class and the other is one of the Wicher-class.

She said. As Enterprise looked at her amazed. Yorktown liked to read books in her pastime, Some of those being books about identifying vessels. Of course, while reading those, She come across with the Polish Destroyers classes, So she knew the class by their looks alone.

Hornet: Wow. How did you know big sis?

Yorktown: Hehe~ I know them from a book I read a little while ago. So I know them by their looks alone. Knowledge is key you know?

She said as she smiled. Enterprise let out a slight smile with Hornet also gave a smile. But then she pointed at something again. This time. Much larger and more noticeable.

Hornet: Maybe the rumors we-. What about that. What is that big sis?

Both Enterprise and Yorktown looked at what Hornet was pointing at. And they saw it.

Enterprise: What is that? It looks, Huge...

She said. Rather concernly but Yorktown smirked. As they got closer and closer. They get a better and better view of what they're about to come across. To the point that binoculars were no longer needed.

Yorktown: *Still smirking* So it really is true. There is truly a Polish Superbattleship.

She said as they got even closer and when they got close. They began to observe it in detail while also noticing the ships, Particularly their shipgirl forms staring in awe at what their seeing.

(Warning: Max amount of pictures reached)
A/N: Well Shi-

It's Huge. It blown away their expectations. They expected it to be a small battleship, A battleship that would be small and lightly armed. Possibly two or three Turrets of twin or triples. But this thing. This thing has a ludicrously large amount of guns that span its decks. With the triple superfiring Turrets on the front taking up most of their attentions.

Hornet: Wow. The Poles really did blow away our expectations..

Enterprise: Yeah... But how?? And why??

Yorktown: Lets ask the question to the kansen herself yes? But for now. Let's enjoy the view we're presented.

She suggested as the two nodded and just looked at the Battleship as it passed by them. Truth be told. It made them excited to see this Kansen for themselves. As since their ship is special, Maybe the kansen behind it is also special too? They hoped. While they don't know it's name yet. They would love to know every detail about "her




Meanwhile on the other ships

New Jersey and North Carolina we're own NJ's ship while their passing the Flow for a little chat. But that was dropped once the Polish Battleship was in sight fully for everyone to see.

NJ and NC were just standing their. Looking at the Battleship in awe.

New Jersey: Hmn. North Carolina, What do you think about her?

North Carolina: Impressive is the word I will use when describing it. We don't know it's main gun caliber, Maybe 15 to 16 inches but if it's the latter then it would be extremely dangerous. Since the amount of guns alone...

North Carolina said as she finished her thoughts about the Battleship. And truth be told. New Jersey felt the same since both ships aren't protected by 16" shell fire. Only the South Dakota's have that luxury but the other two classes. Not so much. Maybe the Turrets yes their protected against 16" shell fire but anything else and its not gonna work out.

New Jersey: Maybe we can use our speed against it. Like you know, Use dictating the range we are fighting against it?

NJ suggested. NJ is a Fast Battleship after all. NC meanwhile. Just sigh.

North Carolina: While yes. That might be a good suggestion. It's only gonna work for you. Not for me. And we don't know it's speed yet. So that idea might become useless if it has similar or better speed then you. Let alone me.

NC said. Truth be told. Both ships are technically classified as Fast Battleship's. But NC can only make 28 knots, New Jersey can make 33 knots, Maybe even faster but that's just pushing it. And the speed tactic isn't really effective. For it to be effective. You need a 3-5 of more knot speed advantage over your adversery then it will make a difference. If the enemy has similar speed then it would be basically impossible to make that idea happen since your essentially traveling pretty much the same speed. Anyways. That's basically what North Carolina meant to say.

NJ just slowly looked at the Battleship again. NJ is not a weak warship. She is part of the Iowa-class after all. The largest and most powerful battleships in the Eagle Union outside Georgia and the planned but never built Montana-class. Maybe Georgia or a Montana might stand a chance but herself. She's not really sure. She'll just have to find out.

The same can be said about the Cruiser's and Destroyer's reaction. Their expectations were blown out of the water. Literally. Just like the Yorktown sister's expectations. They expected it to be small. Not something humongous as it actually was.

Anyways. Back to the Yorktown sister's, Hornet was talking to Yorktown about what to expect of the Kansen. Since Hornet and to a smaller extent her sister's are going for the logic that "If a ship is special in a way, The Kansen who owns it is also special" type of logic. It might be true it might be false. But either way. She along with her sisters are intrigued nonetheless by the Kansen their about to meet. Whoever it might be.

Hornet: What do you think she will be like Sister? Would she be unique? Would there be something special about her? Would-

Yorktown: Now now. *Puts a finger infront of her mouth* Lets not go into speculation too much Dear Hornet. But truth be told. I am also intrigued by whoever this ka- *Stops mid sentence when she noticed that their were about to dock with the Port*

Yorktown: Were already docking Enterprise?

Enterprise, Who went to her bridge to pilot the ship. Looked at her sister and gave a nod in response. Looks like Hornet took her time to speak to Yorktown so much that by the time that Yorktown was about to speak. The ships were already in the process of docking with the Port and by the time Yorktown noticed, Enterprise's ship(The one the sister's are on) is about to dock.

Yorktown: Hmnn. Well then, You two know what to do right? Be nice, and if you see that Polish Kansen who owns that warship. Tell me. I would like to speak to him.


(A/N: Should have said this earlier. But Yorktown is the Leader of the Eagle Union in this AU, But Enterprise is the representative and next leader of the EU(Eagle Union) if the worst happens to Yorktown)
But anyways. Sorry but this is the end of the chapter. I wanted to write more but I want to post more pics. Which I can't. So, Well, I decided to plan it on the next release. So yeah. This chapter ends with a cliffhanger. Pretty much. Hope you have a good read.

Words: 2378

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