Warrior || Teen Wolf

By risingdawn2022

849 51 5

"I get back up, that is the whole point. Always get back up and eventually, your opponent will just collapse... More

01. Wolf Moon
02. Wolf Moon
03. Second Chance At First Line
04. Second Chance At First Line
05. Pack Mentality
06. Pack Mentality
07. Pack Mentality
08. Magic Bullet
09. Magic Bullet
10. The Tell
11. The Tell
12. The Tell
14. Vendetta
15. Lunatic
16. Wolf's Bane
17. Wolf's Bane
18. Co-Captain
19. Formality
20. Code Breaker
21. Omega
22. Shape Shifted
23. Ice Pick
24. Abomination
25. Abomination
26. Venomous
27. Frenemy
28. Restraint
29. Raving
30. Party Guessed
31. Fury
32. Fury
33. Battlefield
34. Battlefield
35. Master Plan
36. Apologies
37. Month One: Working a Grid
38. Month Two: The Search Continues
39. Month Three: What They Mean
40. Tattoo
41. Chaos Rising
42. Fireflies
43. Fireflies
44. Unleashed

13. Heart Monitor

17 1 0
By risingdawn2022

Kimber listened from the top floor of the parking garage, listening as Derek ran after Scott, fully in his werewolf changed form and growling loudly.

"I give him five minutes or less against Derek." Jimmy stated and Kimber laughed at the words, before she was shaking her head at the prediction.

"Nope. That is definitely being far too generous. I'd say twenty seconds." Kimber said and then she could hear the ringtone of the cell phone ringing, even amongst all of the car alarms that were going off.

"You're dead!" Derek declared.

"Derek caught him?" Jimmy asked as he judged by the look on her face and Kimber nodded quickly at the words, before they were waiting by the Camaro and by the car that Kimber and Scott were borrowing for the weekly grocery day, from Melissa.

"What the hell was that?!" Scott was demanding to know as he was walking with Derek, almost jogging to keep up with the older werewolf.

"I said I was going to teach you. I didn't say when." Derek replied simply, as Jimmy and Kimber were walking forward to join them both.

"You scared the crap out of me!" Scott shouted incredulously and Kimber stifled a laugh at the words.

"Not yet." Derek replied and at the words Jimmy choked on his water, sputtering it all over. Kimber hit him between the shoulder blades and Jimmy finally got it out of his system, the coughing and the laughter as he was shaking his head.

"O-okay, but I was fast right?" Scott seemed almost desperate for some kind of validation from the two Hales but Jimmy knew better, as he shook his head.

"Not fast enough." Derek stated and now it was all four of them walking together, back to the cars.

"But the car alarm thing, that was smarter, right?" Scott asked and Kimber rolled her eyes with a soft growl.

"Until your phone rang! Scott, I have told you before that you should keep it on silent unless you're expecting a call, dumbass." She said and Scott growled angrily at her. "What are you going to do? Attack me?" Kimber asked and Scott glared at her. "Born wolves are naturally faster than bitten werewolves, but we all had to learn control of our senses and more importantly, we all had to learn control of ourselves!" Kimber snapped.

"You are not helpful either!" Scott was shouting at her, almost screaming. "What is your reason for being here, huh? Or is it just because, you're afraid that your brother will leave you again?" At the words, all of them stopped.

Kimber was seething as she was turned away from him, her eyes glowing and Derek was looking at her. "Hey Kimber, take it easy." Derek said and Kimber was panting, her breaths coming out in billows of air and they could see it.

It wasn't cold at all and Jimmy was beginning to back away. "Jimmy, get out of here. Go!" Derek said and Jimmy took off, as he dove behind a car.

Kimber transformed and she roared at Scott, who was stumbling away as she was lunging for him.

Derek got in the middle after a few claw marks were slashed into Scott for saying something so stupid and then Kimber was backing away, her eyes locked on the blood that was on the tips of her claws. "Kimber? Are you okay?" Derek asked and she looked down at the floor, before the bones in her neck were cracking and reforming.

Kimber looked back up at them with clear shame in her eyes as she was looking over at the car that Jimmy was behind. "You're okay to come out." Kimber said and then a moment later, Jimmy was walking out from behind the car.

"What happened the other night-- Stiles' dad getting hurt-- that was my fault. I should have been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this!" Scott was desperate and exasperated, it was abundantly clear in his tone of voice.

Derek sighed at the words as he briefly glanced at Kimber, who was shaking her head silently. "Look, I am what I am because of birth. So is Kimber and for that matter, so is Jimmy. But you were bitten. Teaching someone who was bitten takes time. I don't even know if I can teach you." Derek said.

"What do I have to do?" Scott asked desperately and Kimber almost felt bad for him. Almost, but she still wasn't planning on forgiving him for the words any time soon.

"You have to get rid of any distractions." The phone was turned around to face Scott. "You see this? This is why I caught you." There was a missed call from Allison on the phone screen. "Do you want me to teach you? Get rid of her." When Scott went to protest, Derek smashed his phone against the wall and Scott jumped back in surprise.

Kimber was loudly yelling at Scott to get in the car, while he was diving in and then, he was slamming the door shut. Kimber's eyes widened when she got a nearly overwhelming scent of anger and rage, it was hitting her like a tidal wave.

The alpha was standing just outside the driver's side window and he was tracing a spiral on the window, in the condensation and Kimber's eyes widened at the sight.

Then suddenly, he was gone and Kimber shuddered. While back at the apartment where Jimmy was letting them crash, he was screaming himself awake, as there was a vision of a spiral and a fire. It was almost implanted into his brain.

"Jimmy?" Derek had quickly skidded to a stop in the doorway and he was staring at him, as Jimmy was holding his head in his eyes. "What is it?" Derek asked and he walked over to him, before he sat down and Jimmy was shaking his head.

"Vendetta." Jimmy said and Derek looked at him with his eyebrows lifted. "The spiral! It is the symbol for a vendetta, right?" Jimmy asked, still breathing heavily and Derek nodded at the words. "I saw it... I saw it and it was outlined by a ring of fire, Derek... I don't know." Jimmy said as he was shutting his eyes.

"Okay, just take it easy." Derek said and Jimmy was rocking back and forth, trying to slow his heartbeat down. "Jimmy, you're okay." Derek said and Jimmy closed his eyes as he was concentrating on his heartbeat.

Derek reached out and his eyes briefly glowed, before he reached out and his veins were turning black. Jimmy glanced over at him as the werewolf took his emotional pain away. "Have you always been able to do that?" Jimmy wondered as Derek shrugged at him, before he took his hand away.

"I don't advertise it." Derek said as Jimmy was narrowing his eyes in confusion. "Look, I can't take pain if I don't care. None of our kind or well, anybody supernatural that is able to take pain. We have to actually care about whoever we are pulling the pain from." He said and Jimmy nodded.

"And let me guess... You don't advertise it as an ability, because there aren't many people that you trust or care about left, to actually be able to use it." Jimmy said and Derek was looking at him, before he nodded. "Huh, I guess all of those hours listening to you and Laura actually paid off." He muttered.

"Very funny..." Derek looked up as a howl suddenly went up, his ears perked. "That's Kimber." He said and Jimmy was looking at him, before he was running to grab a shirt.

Jimmy threw it on over his head and they were both getting to the car, driving to the McCall House quickly and Jimmy was shaking his head.

"This can't be a coincidence. Kimber howling for your help and it being only a few minutes after I woke up screaming about a spiral and vendetta. Derek, this all has to be connected somehow. The Argents were coming back to town... This is too much stuff to be just a bunch of coincidences." Jimmy muttered as they were climbing up the wall.

"Derek." Kimber said and then, she was throwing herself at him for a hug and Derek was holding her silently. "It... The alpha was there." She whispered and he was nodding, rubbing her back and she was closing her eyes.

Derek and Jimmy were both leaving and Kimber was looking at Scott, who shook his head at her.

Kimber reluctantly went to school that day but she was basically sleepwalking through her classes, since she hadn't gotten any sleep the night before.

After school was over, she was walking at human speed to the Animal Clinic and she was thinking, trying to get herself back to normal. "Alpha, Beta, Omega." Kimber whispered and she was looking around at everyone that was walking, listening to all of the noises all around her.

"You are working with him?!" Derek shouted angrily at Jimmy, who was talking with Alan Deaton in the middle of the exam room. "Get out of my way." Derek snapped loudly at Jimmy.

"Derek, it isn't what you think!" Jimmy said and he was standing in between the doctor and Derek, who was shaking his head.

"Get out of my way, right now." Derek snapped angrily, a threatening tone of voice and Jimmy narrowed his eyes.

"Don't touch him." Jimmy said and Derek scoffed.

"Last chance. Get out of my way!" Derek shouted, almost growling and Jimmy was shaking his head.

Derek moved at werewolf speed and suddenly, Jimmy was flying over the exam room table and then, he went crashing into the wall. Jimmy felt something crack and he spat blood onto the floor and he grunted in pain. Jimmy felt blood leaking from a cut on his cheek as well, groaning in pain.

"Jimmy!" Kimber was running into the Animal Clinic and she ran right over to him as he was sitting against the wall, holding his side. "What the... Derek, what the hell did you do?!" Kimber shouted at Derek and he looked over at them, as Kimber was taking Jimmy's pain away.

Kimber was helping Jimmy out to the Camaro reluctantly and Jimmy was using his very limited healing abilities, to try and heal whatever cracked. "How hard did he throw you?" Kimber asked and then, Jimmy shook his head.

"I have no idea. One second, I'm standing in his way to protect Deaton and the next, I am crashing into the wall on the opposite side of the exam room." Jimmy admitted as Kimber was shaking her head silently. "I never thought that I would have to worry about Derek hurting me." Jimmy quietly admitted and Kimber nodded slightly.

"I don't know if you have any empathetic abilities... Frankly, I don't know that much about druids in general. But I do know that my brother is conflicted about you constantly, Jimmy. Believe me." He glanced over at her. "I can smell it on him whenever you guys walk into a room. You would never notice unless you know what to look for, but he really does care about you." Kimber said.

"Yeah well, he sure has a funny way of showing it." Jimmy muttered as he was grunting in pain, getting into the passenger seat and Kimber nodded. "Be careful, okay?"

"You got it." Kimber said and Derek was driving them away.

"Are you coming to the school with me and the others?" Derek asked as Jimmy glanced out of the window, not saying anything. "I... I'm sorry, Jimmy. I didn't mean to throw you as hard as I did."

"You cracked my rib, Derek." Jimmy said and Derek looked over at him. "I know that your rage and anger are your anchors but back there... I have never seen you like that before. Ever." Jimmy said and Derek looked at him.

"You were scared of me?" Derek asked quietly and Jimmy nodded.

"Derek... I have known you for the past five out of the last six years. In all of that time, I have never been scared of you. Not even once, until tonight." Jimmy said and Derek felt guilt ripping through him.

Jimmy was walking slowly into his apartment, limping quickly as he was putting his house keys on the table.

"Jimmy." Derek said and then Jimmy was quietly sighing at the intrusion. "I thought you might want your key back." Derek flicked the apartment key at him and Jimmy caught it in his hand, silently looking down at it.

"Get out of my apartment." Jimmy said and Derek nodded at the words, before he was shutting the door behind him.

Jimmy looked down at the apartment key again, before he threw it across the room with a shout of pain.

Jimmy hit the wall in anger, before he was shuddering at the pain in his ribcage and he was squeezing his eyes shut, as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Because Jimmy, he honestly didn't know which one hurt him more.

The fact that he didn't feel like he could trust Derek anymore, who had sworn to protect him, no matter what from as far back as being in New York City?

Or was it because he didn't want him to leave, but he had ordered him out anyways because he listened to his head instead of his heart, like he had been taught to do.

"Shit." Jimmy whispered and he was sitting down at the kitchen table, hating himself as he was closing his eyes and letting the tears fall.

Meanwhile, Derek had been listening from just outside of the door and he was shaking his head, before he was walking away from the apartment.

Kimber wasn't speaking to Derek as she looked around at the area. "So, you're not talking to me now?" Derek asked.

"Derek, you almost killed Jimmy!" Kimber said as Derek's eyes narrowed at her. "When I took his pain away, I could see that his limited healing abilities were already trying to fix his internal wound. Do you know why that is?" Kimber asked and Derek looked at her.

"Why?" Derek asked.

"It is because if you had thrown him across the room and if he had crashed into, hit that wall any harder? He would have been dealing with a punctured lung!" Kimber shouted at him and Derek flinched at the words. "Do you even fucking care?" Kimber shouted.

"Of course I care!" Kimber was looking at Derek, surprised by the sudden emotions in his tone. "You know that I care about him, Kimber. You have been freaking insufferable about it, ever since we came back to Beacon Hills." He muttered.

"Derek, why don't you just tell him?" Kimber asked.

"Because I'm afraid that I will just run him off, okay?" Derek said quietly and Kimber's eyes flashed at him. "Can't you see that I'm hating myself for what I did to him, as much as all of you seem to hate me right now?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah... I guess that I am just kind of surprised that you're admitting it to me right now." Kimber murmured and Derek looked at her. "I know that you're afraid of what might happen if you tell him but if I'm right about how he feels, then he won't run from you." Kimber said and Derek sighed.

"You're a lot younger than me and you've never dated anyone to my knowledge of you and your life. So, how the hell are you giving me such good advice?" Derek asked and she chuckled softly.

"Maybe it is precisely because I have not had the chance to experience it, that I have good advice." Kimber countered and Derek chuckled, before she gave him a hug. "Just go and tell him, Derek." She said and Derek shrugged, before they both heard a proper werewolf howl coming from the school.

"Holy shit." Kimber mumbled as the two stupid idiots were coming out of the school with goofy-looking grins on their faces.

"I'm going to kill both of you!" Derek was back to being his normal grumpy self within a second and Kimber nodded slightly. "What the hell were you doing, trying to draw the whole state to the school?" Derek said and while Stiles was being a wise-ass about all of it, Kimber was listening to the area all around them.

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