Gentle touch

Av sleepysappho

60.1K 1.4K 454

It had been mere months after her eighteen birthday, when she was pulled from the safe haven of her life and... Mer

Malibu barbie
Lunatic land
Biting down
Girls against God
Pink tigers
Crying over spilt milk
Big bad wolf
On the down low
Number seven
Three clicks
The grudge
Lizzy McDizzy
Welcome to Litchfield
Cold cereal
Witching hour
Drama queen
Sink or swallow
Sick day special
Cool about it
Invisible string
Cowboy like me
The blues
I know the end
O'Romeo Romeo
Wine and worry
Garden of Eden
Marshmallow meltdown
Spelling is fun
Me & My Dog
Strawberry shortcake


3.2K 64 3
Av sleepysappho

It was on their way to the kitchen, that Alexa caught sight of a dog bowl in the corner of the dining room. This might have seemed ordinary, if not for the lack of a dog. Her breath hitched in her throat, were they going to make her act like a dog?

Surely no, but she couldn't rule it off completely. "You're not going to..make me eat from that are you?", her eyes cast a disgusted glare to the dog bowl. Daisy looked at the girls face, furrowed brows as they tried to figure out her question. "What are you on- oh..sweetie!".

The woman couldn't help but burst out into laughter, Alexa could feel the vibrations of her laughter, but the girl didn't think it was very funny. Daisy struggled to find words for a moment, in her moment of entertainment.

"Those are for our dog." She eventually managed to force out, "but there's no dog..." Alexa trailed off. She looked at the amused smile on the brunettes face, how much this situation was humouring her; how funny she found it. "He's just not here right now Lex, you'll met him soon though! I promise!".

Before she had a chance to speak, Lottie emerged from a side of the kitchen she had yet to see. "What's all the laughter about?" She queried, she hoped Alexa had been laughing but it didn't seem so, her face remained as solemn as it had for most of their day so far. "Our little girl has a very wild imagination, she thought we were going to make her act like a dog, after she saw Cooper's bowl." Daisy told her, "where would you even get such a silly idea hm?" Lottie chuckled.

Blood rushed to Alexa's cheeks, seeing the women laughing at her. The more she thought about it, the more she realised how ridiculous she had sounded, but she had genuinely been so afraid. Sensing the girls embarrassment, Daisy moved on from the humorous situation.

"Alexa wanted to know if we could go see her room." She spoke, "of course we can!" Lottie responded enthusiastically. Both the women held a giddy excitement, both being too optimistic about the situation at hand, but still wanting to see Lex's reaction.

With that, the trio were on their way, or Lottie and Daisy were on their way. The stairs brought a new rush of anxiety, and to her horror, she did find herself gripping her legs tighter around the woman, quickly stopping when she realised her actions, thankful enough that Daisy didn't make a comment on it. The more she thought about it, the more she realised how she didn't like the previously assigned nickname, and maybe she should've feared her guilt over it.

She had barely been here two hours, and she already felt herself becoming clay, mouldable to the woman's gentle hands.

What she hadn't noticed before was the stair gate upon the top of the stairwell, it had a complicated lock from the looks of it. She attempted to see how Lottie opened it, but it was all just a blur to her too aware mind. With the gate open, they went the way which Alexa recognised as where the women's room was.

It shouldn't have been a shock to her, when her room was the one across from theirs. God they were good at being captors.

She braced herself for a fresh hell when the door opened, the first thing she could see was pink, so much pink.

Alexa barely registered being placed onto her feet, her mouth falling open as she processed the room. Her letters spelled in white block letters on the wall left a dry itch in her throat, this was planned, they planned to take her. The room was so girly in every way imaginable, it was a magnificent room however...if she was two.

There was hands on her shoulders, giving her a reassuring squeeze, she wasn't sure whose they were however. The main object of her attention was her..bed, not even a bed. They were making her sleep in a crib, that seemingly mocked her with its presence. Tears welled in her eyes, she shrugged off the hands on her shoulders. She walked over to the crib, allowing tears to spill from her eyes, she covered her face with the bars.

Leaning against the bars, she began to sob.

How badly she wanted for this to be a stupid nightmare.

A stupid stupid nightmare.


She could hardly recall the events of her inevitable breakdown, she remembered two pairs of arms wrapping around her. In her moment of weakness she had sobbed into one of the women's shirts, which she then realised was Lottie upon seeing her shirt afterwards, which barbie then promptly changed.

It was all so muddled to her, how they had allowed her to cry in their arms, her crying about the very thing they brought about. She tried so hard to make sense of it all.

The breakdown caused a gap in her mind, she wasn't sure how it happened, but she found herself sat in the so called 'family' room. She was curled up in the corner of the couch, watching the women from either side of her. Both kept their distance from the hesitant girl.

Daisy had offered the girl a plethora of children's tv shows, but Alexa shook her head to each and every one of them, she didn't want to watch some stupid show, she wanted to go home.

The rooms silence was cut off with the sound of a phone, more specifically Daisy's phone. She looked at the number, sighing when she saw who it was. "I'll be just a second." The brunette whispered as she passed Lottie by, Alexa felt her ears prick up. Attempting to catch any part of the woman's conversation, she seemed to be down on her luck moreover.

It was a few minutes before Daisy came back into the room, she walked over to Lottie, bending down to whisper beside her ear. "I'm so sorry I really have to take this, I'll be back as soon as possible.", Alexa was unable to gauge what was being said.

Lottie nodded her head, "don't worry about it my love."

With Daisy removed from the equation, Alexa felt a little more..comfortable- if you could say that. Dealing with one captor was hell of a lot easier than the both, not to say she had a favourite captor, but Lottie did hold her favour currently.

The thought repulsed a part of her, but the fearful part of her enjoyed this partial comfort. "I'm sorry today's been a little boring, you can't exactly play, with your hands in that icky jacket." Lottie sympathetically smiled towards the girl. She reached over to squeeze the girls knee gently, Alexa gasped, pulling her knee even closer to her chest, "we won't harm you, you don't have to be so scared angel."

The words didn't hold a lot of importance to the girl, maybe they wouldn't physically hurt her, that didn't account for the mental torture.

"Why don't we play a question game?" this proposal made the girl perk up a little, looking at the woman in expectancy, "I ask you a question, you ask me a question.", Lottie voiced. Upon instinct, Alexa wanted to roll her eyes and tell the woman to go away, but this game seemed as though it could be beneficial to her.

"What's your full name?" she had blurted out, immediately feeling regret when there was a silence that followed, she stared at Lottie's features.

The woman merely chuckled lightly, "Charlotte Maxine Ashford." The causality of the words didn't fail to impact Alexa, how she felt so comfortable saying it. She wasn't afraid of Alexa escaping, running her name to the police to have her arrested. It scared Alexa more than she would admit.

"What's your favourite animal?" Lottie's question was miles more childish, Alexa had to think briefly, swallowing a lump in her throat. "I guess..uh..uhm a dog." She settled on that answer.

There was a weird feeling in her stomach, she felt as though she had laid on her back for the woman, exposing her soft underbelly. Even sharing one fact about herself, felt like losing her whole integrity.

"I don't wanna play anymore." Alexa suddenly snapped, resting her head on her knees. Lottie merely nodded her head, smile still present on her lips, Alexa desperately wanted to see her frown for once. "I'll put on some cartoons." Lottie told her, Alexa scrunched up her face, "I don't wanna watch that."

"I never said they were being put on for you, I like cartoons." Lottie responded, the girl had tried hard to glare at the floor, avoiding the obvious attempt at making her watch tv. Her attempts soon failed however, when she found herself mind numbingly bored.

When her eyes drifted onto the screen, she didn't notice the way Lottie looked at her, contentment in the blondes eyes.


The girl pulled back when she felt plastic being gently pushed against her lips, she leaned back as much as she could. "It's just a sippy cup love, nothing dangerous." Daisy said, having since returned from her ominous call. "I'm not drinking from that." Her voice dripped with disgust, "it only helps to prevent spills." Lottie pitched in.

Her lunch had since been eaten, as soon as she got the jacket off, she decided she was going to protest about feeding herself. Currently, she found herself at the will of the women to help her with all her basic tasks, maybe that was the intention.

During the day so far, she had been yet to drink from the forbidden cup, deeming it poisonous. "I can drink from a regular cup." Alexa argued, having since forgotten any lessons on compliance. "This is a regular cup, just with a spout." Lottie offered, "you can drink from it then." Alexa mumbled- rather annoyed.

To her surprise, the woman did in fact take a drink from it, taking the cup from her wife. "Apple juice, nothing to be afraid of." The blonde mused, Alexa stared as if she had three heads. "Now it's got your germs." The girl combated, "I'll pour it into a new cup, even if it makes more dishes to clean for mama." Lottie suggested. Alexa had no chance to reject however, the woman was already up and in the kitchen.

"It's only me and mama here, we aren't going to laugh at you for doing something that's expected of you." Daisy comforted, Alexa bit her tongue, knowing the words she wanted to say wouldn't be deemed 'child friendly'.

When Lottie returned with the cup, Alexa was reminded of the reason she didn't want the beverage. Yes, the sippy cup was degrading but she could push that down, her urgent need for a bathroom she couldn't merely avoid. Every shuffle in her seat left a twinge in her bladder, a painful feeling that made her grimace.

With the woman's arrival, she was unsure of what to do, now she felt like she was at a dead end- nowhere to turn. As the sippy cup was brought closer to her lips, her mind struggling to come out with a reasonable argument. She could start screaming, curse the women out, kick the stupid chair she was in.

Where would that get her though? Stuck in the makeshift straight jacket for even longer.

It was with that realisation that she accepted the sippy cup in a moment of confusion, it seemed as if her brain and her body were disconnected however. Without much coordination, the juice had slid down her throat, without much coalition from her. The suddenness left her coughing, the sippy cup was withdrawn immediately, placed on the table in a frenzy.

There was a hand patting her back, and she felt another smoothing out any stray hairs that had covered her face. In less than a minute, she was fine, a little red faced but she was fine.

The women acted as if she was fragile, as if she could break at any moment. "Are you okay princess?" Daisy gently enquired, 'wow a new nickname' Alexa noted. With one look between the women, Alexa realised how both women's eyes were filled with pure concern. She gave a shaky nod, feeling eerie about how these two strangers were so...obsessed with her.

After her confirmation, the situation seemed to decompress, tension slowly slipping away. Lottie cleared the plates away, leaving the sippy cup on the table though, which Alexa did pick up on.

It was with her nervous shifting, that Daisy's eyes scanned her up and down. "Do you need the bathroom Lexie?", shame rushed to Alexa's cheeks, like a child being caught stealing candy. "N-no." she denied, Daisy nodded for a brief moment, "well why don't we go and try anyways hm."

Yet again, Alexa realised her lack of choice in the matter, when the high chair's tray was taken away. Without any warning, she was lifted into the woman's arms. Alexa held her breath for a moment, feeling her bladder being pressed against. "I'm just taking her to the bathroom!" Daisy called out, receiving an 'okay' in response. Alexa was taken into a room she had yet to be in, a door off to the side of the family room.

Alexa had a horrifying thought as she entered the bathroom, that she would rather have Lottie there. The blonde had already seen her bare, and as embarassing as the situation was, it would be a less little intense if it was Lottie.

She was being fond of her captor already, and for a moment she thought she was going to need the toilet to throw up in.

There was a more pressing need at hand currently though, so she would have to dwell on her horrors later. "Is there anything you need to ask mommy?" Daisy questioned, the girl skimmed her tongue against the back of her teeth, eyeing the toilet.

So not only was she going to be watched, she had to ask for the humiliation?

A silence met the room, Daisy peering down at the girl expectedly. The situation was now in the reigns of the girl, who could sink or swim. Her choices at hand felt rather dire, she could unintentionally use the pull up but have it be an accident, or she could ask to be allowed to go to the bathroom. Both options were childish, infantilising.

Alexa was placed to stand on her own two feet, which only made the aching worse. Her legs squeezed together, trying to block the floodgates. She allowed her eyes to scrunch up, praying this would go away somehow.

It was mere minutes before she was about to burst, when she felt fingers tug her pull up down. It had only just been tugged to her knees when she immediately sat on the toilet, breathing in a sigh of relief. It was as if she couldn't acknowledge the woman in that moment, too focused on reliving herself.

"As much as you may believe it, we have no wish to humiliate you." Daisy suddenly made her presence known again, "we could've waited for you to ask yourself, taught you a lesson when you didn't and then changed you out of your wet pull up."

"Mommy was nice to help this time, but next time you will ask like a big girl, yes?", she felt a finger hooking under her chin, forcing her to look into Daisy's eyes. The brunette was now crouched in front of the toilet, leaving the pair at the same level.

Alexa was made aware of her pathetic her situation was, being watched as she used the bathroom, all whilst she was receiving a lecture. Daisy looked at her, awaiting her answer. "'am."

"It's mommy but thank you for being respectful at least".


The day had been..odd to say the least, she had tried her best to gain her bearings. The girl had been reassured that the next day would be much more fun, if she was good enough to get the jacket off, she was having a carrot dangled in front of her. She had been so closely monitored throughout the day, always having a set of eyes on her.

Her bladder had been building up again, it didn't help that she practically always had a dreaded sippy cup beside her. In her bouts of zoning out, she was often interrupted by the spout being presented to her lips. After the first or second time, she realised it would only go away if she accepted the liquid, juice or water she had found out. Her body lingered with rage.

Angry at the women for doing this, angry at herself for not fighting more.

'Tomorrow' she reassured herself, 'tomorrow she would escape'.

Dinner had been painfully long, she was fed first and had to watch as the women ate their meals. If she had use of her arms, she would be a lot more destructive, or so she told herself.

She felt afraid when she was taken to the room that was supposedly Daisy and Lottie's, entering the bathroom she found herself in that morning. Her mouth went dry when Daisy had turned on the faucet, watching from her place in Lottie's arms. She swallowed the lump in her throat, Daisy poured copious amounts of soaps and such into the bath.

Whilst Daisy was knelt over, dealing with the bath, Lottie focused herself on the girl. The door behind them had been closed, and suddenly the spacious bathroom felt claustrophobic. Lottie put the girl down, Alexa was getting sick of the whole 'getting held constantly' thing pretty quickly. No matter how much she moved or squirmed, she was just readjusted so there could be a tighter hold on her.

The girl froze when she felt her pull up being taken off, completely she might add. Lottie's hands on her shoulders guided her over to the toilet, "I know that good girls ask when they need to use the bathroom, so I'm guessing you don't but if you could just try before your bath."

Lottie's words had an all knowing tone to them, her tone was sweet nonetheless, like she wanted to help the girl. Alexa hardly had time to analyse this moreover, more focused on the matter of the bath.

She was pulled back into the present, when she was pushed gently so she was seated on the toilet. With a sigh, she released herself. Her bladder hadn't been as pressing as before, but it was on the edge of being dire.

A small yelp left her lips, when she felt herself being wiped by tissue- Lottie's doing.

The situation seemed so casual to the woman, like this had been their daily ritual, just a daily matter. The girl was lifted from under her shoulders, except this time she was merely lifted back into her feet, rather than Lottie's hip. "Mama's going to take off your jacket now, but before I do so, I need to know you're prepared to be calm."

Inside of her, there was an urge to scream how they were deluded if they think she would be calm, after all they had done to her. Every curse word under the sun had surfaced in her mind, all the words she could say.

Instead she nodded her head, "can you say it for me baby?" Lottie continued, Alexa stared back with furrowed brows. "Can you tell me you're going to calm?"

With a deep breath in, she allowed her dignity to be hacked at even more, 'it's for a greater cause' she reminded herself. "I'll be calm."

Her words received her a praise from both of the women, Daisy being a silent spectator to the situation at hand, making herself present with a "good girl". Alexa stood still as she felt something being unclasped behind her back, she could feel the jacket loosening as Lottie fiddled with it. Finally, it had been taken off her arms.

It was her first instinct to stretch her arms out, wiggling her fingers that she had missed dearly. Momentarily, she felt happy, happy until she realised her predicament. Everything bad resurfaced into her mind, and she realised that now she was completely naked.

She also had the chilling realisation that they would've had to undress her to get her into her previous attire in the first place, she couldn't contain the shiver that came over her. "Don't worry the bath is nice and warm." Lottie told her, mistaking her disgust for her being cold.

Bile had risen to her throat, she swallowed it promptly after.

The sound of the bath turning off filled her with anxiety, a rush of nerves. Her feet didn't feel like hers when she was moved to the bath, her body was starring in a movie she was no longer a part of. Lottie stood behind her, trapping her- keeping her there.

Daisy remained in her place on the floor, "sweetie I don't want you to panic, but I want you to know your options here.", Daisy ominous words brought a new unease to her ever growing anxiety.

"We would never force this into you at a time like this, however we understand that it may be better for you so we just want to give you the choice."

"There is a mild sedative you can have, you're getting a bath either way, but this will only make you feel calmer, you'll still be in control of your body.", Daisy spoke only with a soft tone, stroking the girls arm gently. Alexa jerked at the woman's touch, shifting herself. "No." The girl had mumbled, "no I don't..want that."

"I don't want any of this! I d-dont want the...stupid bath! I don't want you..or Barbie over there!"

The girl had braced herself for impact, expecting to be slapped, expecting for their to be yelling. "Take a deep breath in for me." Lottie instructed from the side, however neither of the women touched her. Overrun with emotions, she followed the woman's words, taking a deep breath in. "Now exhale.", her rosy red cheeks puffed out slightly as she released a gush of oxygen.

This was repeated several times, until her heart no longer felt as though it was gonna rip through her chest. "You did so good." Lottie praised her, the words only making her cheeks even redder. Alexa stood there; wide-eyed at her previous actions. "So no sedative love?" Daisy felt the need to reaffirm.

"That's what I just said.." Alexa whispered in disbelief, these words seemed to seal her fate. She was picked up and placed in the bath, it only went to below her chest, much to her dismay.

There was bubbles though, bubbles which gave her some modesty..if it was possible.

She noted the bath toys cast off to the side, she glared at the rubber toys. Alexa watched quietly as Daisy picked up a washcloth, pouring some body wash onto it- or what she presumed to be body wash. She could feel it, she could feel herself spiralling into a frenzy once more.

"Why don't you wash her Lottie?" Daisy asked the blonde, Lottie seemed confused for a moment before she nodded, "yeah, yep I'll do it!". The girl calmed down ever so slightly, barbie was the one she had favoured more, even if they both severely sucked.

There had been a warning before she touched the girl, Alexa was too stunned to speak however, offering no response in relation. The woman's gentle touch on her body was harrowing, not because her touch was bad in anyway, but because it appeared to be the opposite.

If her mind hadn't interceded, she felt as if she would've melted with the woman's touch. It took an active desire to keep her body stiff, one she maintained.

There had been silence until only place had been unwashed, and before Alexa realised it, there was tears slipping down her cheeks. "I'm gonna be quick as possible Alexa." Lottie promised, she rubbed Alexa's knee gently, "it'll feel just like this okay? careful and gentle."

With an inability to form words, Alexa covered her face with her hands. Scrunching her eyes, as if it would make it all go away.

An involuntarily gasp was heard when she felt it. She cried, soft sniffles filling the room. Her only solace had been how maternal the touch felt, there was no lingering in any places, nothing unwanted. It had merely been like a mother washing her baby, which maybe should've sickened her more than it did.

Daisy lent over towards the girl, "don't worry, we'll wash your hair another night, you've gone through enough tonight." she whispered.


Immediately after the bath, she had been wrapped up in a fuzzy towel. She hadn't even so much as needed to raise a finger, Daisy had dried her dutifully. Lottie was ravaging in what she assumed to be a closet. She was back in the room she hated ever so much- hers.

Lottie placed a neatly folded stack on the floor, "I'll be back soon Lexie." She told the girl, stroking her hair before she exited the room. The towel that had been around her, was taken off. "There you go, all nice and clean." Daisy smiled, she picked up the first thing on the pile- a pull up.

"Can you be a big girl like I heard you were earlier with mama, and step into it for me?", the words 'big girl' made her cringe, nonetheless she did step into the garment. Not because she wanted to follow the women's orders, but because she wanted a degree of modesty.

She watched as the next piece of clothing was picked up, a pyjama shirt. A red shirt with a cartoon Dalmatian on it, "arms up." Daisy spoke. Without much thought, Alexa raised her arms, having the shirt pulled over her head.

Then she was presented with matching pants, ones she stepped into without needing to be prompted. She was clothed, for the first time in the past day, she had modesty and it felt great. The small yet comforting fact reassured her slightly, her now slightly damp mousy brown hair had already been pulled back into two braids. They had been tied off by Lottie, with a contented hum.

Daisy stood up, taking the girls hand into her own. Leading the girl into a door she had yet to enter- an en-suite.

She picked up the girl, placing her on the counter, before she focused on the toothbrush that laid on the counter. "Silly mommy forgot to brush your teeth earlier." she said, as she placed some children's toothpaste on the toothbrush. Alexa didn't protest to having her teeth brushed, regardless of how demeaning it was, she didn't want cavities.

For the first time ever in her life, her teeth were throughly brushed- gums and all. Alexa was thankful was the toothbrush was finally pulled from her mouth, being instructed to spit into the sink, before being offered a small mouthful of water to wash her mouth out with.

When they had re-entered the room, Lottie had already returned, being seated on a cuddle chair in the corner. "Oh you look so adorable." Lottie gushed. "They have doggies on them, did you see?" she asked, then it dawned on Alexa why these pyjamas had been chosen.

She had stated she liked dogs earlier.

Her face scrunched up, which only made the women laugh. Daisy led the girl over to a Lottie, the blonde wasted no time in manoeuvring the girl into her lap. Alexa had failed to notice the items that sat beside them, ones she would come to dread,

Confusion filled her when Lottie clasped both of her wrists, holding them out to Daisy. That was until she saw the mittens that Daisy picked up, "please..please don't." Alexa attempted to grovel, "these are just going to make your hands comfy sweetie." Daisy promised.

There had been an attempt to wiggle her wrists out of Lottie's hold, this failed to work moreover, the mittens were fastened onto her hands.

With her stress over the mittens, she hadn't realised the second object that sat beside her. Until Lottie picked it up, a bottle of milk- a baby's bottle. Now she truly started to fight, thrashing her body to her best abilities. Daisy now took over holding the girls wrists together, as Lottie tightened her grip over the girls stomach. She was effectively pinned into place.

"You're both sick! I'm not a baby, you can't make me drink from that!" she cried out, she was shushed by Daisy, who used her free arm to stroke the girls hair. Alexa used all her might to battle the grips on her, her body was becoming tired though, becoming more sluggish.

In a matter of minutes, her body stopped fighting altogether. The bottle was presented to her lips, the teat resting against her closed lips. With a slight bit of force, the bottle was in her mouth. She refused to suck the damned object, clamping down on it.

"Love, I really wish you wouldn't fight this so hard, I know you're tired.", there had been a hint of disappointment in Lottie's words. She almost wanted to drink so Lottie would be happy, keyword almost.

She felt satisfied with the victory she thought she had, until Daisy removed her hand from the girls hair, holding the girls nose instead. Withholding her breathing, Alexa tried her best to fight it, however there was only so long she could stop receiving oxygen. The time she held her breath, felt like hours had passed, until she finally sucked the bottle.

Her nose was released, sucking in oxygen immediately. She was too afraid to not suck on the bottle, she allowed a whimper to leave her lips from behind it. Daisy returned to carding her fingers through the brunette hair, whispering praises to the girl.

A suckling noise could be heard in the room, a steady rhythm forming.

Alexa closed her eyes tightly, pretending the humiliating thing wasn't happening. Her body was growing increasingly exhausted, the events of the day finally apprehending her, her poor psyche paying the price for working overtime.

Each mouthful of milk felt like betrayal, for milk that was sweet, it sure did taste like failure.

Without much help needed, her lids blinked heavily, sinking into the fuzzy feeling. With a combination of Lottie's soft humming, Daisy's gentle fingers and the milk, she was fast asleep in no time. Each woman placed a gentle kiss on her head, Lottie removed the bottle from the girls lips.

There was a whine to heard by the unconscious girl, to which a pacifier was slipped between her lips. She didn't suck on it per se, but she hadn't spit it out either.

The girl was lifted over to the glorified cage- or so she would call it. Placed down on the mattress, Daisy assigned herself the job of making the girl comfy, tucking her in. "You didn't put any of the sleeping pills in her milk right?" she felt herself asking, a hushed tone, "oh, no..god no I think she's just exhausted from the day, she definitely needs the sleep." Lottie answered.

"She's gonna hate tomorrow." Daisy thought out loud, "we'll be here every step of the way" the blonde reassured. Both of the women bid the girl sweet dreams, before placing a mesh lid over the crib.

With that, the pair left the room, Lottie turning off the light and closing the door gently behind them. They entered their own room, "I think she likes you more." Daisy said, a grin on her face, as she allowed the happiness of finally having their daughter wash over her.

"I'm sorry, tomorrow I can make sure she spends some one on one time with you and" she was cut off, the brunette held a finger over her wife's lips, "no, I'm happy about it."

Lottie eyed her- confused, "I'm glad she's beginning to trust at least one of us, she needs someone she feels comfortable with." Daisy told her, removing her finger from her wife's lips.

The blonde allowed herself to smile now, "okay good because I do kind of like being her favourite." She laughed. "Just you wait mama, she's gonna be a mommies girl in no time." Daisy teased.


This took an entire day to write so I hope y'all enjoy it, no other chapter will probably be this long I just wanted to get her first day out of the way! because this is only merely one chapter, she'll be introduced to some more stuff tomorrow:) poor little Lexie though, she really can't catch a break

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