The Keshenne Ranger 1: The Le...

By dahunter1821

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A generation ago, foreign invasion devastated the island nation of Keshenne. The war was won, but to prevent... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

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By dahunter1821

The column thundered behind her, and Munira spurred her mount faster. Only Lirelle kept pace as they raced to catch Bahadur's men. Scouts informed them that the enemy headed for a village known as Blue Springs. When Munira crested a hill that overlooked the village, Bahadur's raiders were already there. Riders wove through the streets, setting fire to buildings, chasing terrified residents, only to cut them down as they fled. They screamed wildly, maddened by violent lust, drawing blood from anyone who moved.

This was Lirelle's fault. If they'd attacked earlier, Blue Springs could have been spared this. Lirelle stood in the stirrup's sword raised. "Alright boys, this is what we've been waiting for. Kill any of Bahadur's men you see."

"What about prisoners?" A man asked from the line.

Lirelle smirked. "If you must."

The time for debate was over, and her disagreements with Lirelle could wait. Munira kicked her mount into motion, charging down the hill and into the town. The Legion rumbled after her. She came into range, put arrows in the backs of the first raiders, sending them to the ground. The enemy, realizing they were under attack, labored to pull their mounts to a stop and face their enemy. Munira didn't give them the chance, taking them down before they could reorient themselves.

Lirelle appeared beside her, sword drawn, cutting at men who tried to grab and pull her from the mount. As they advanced down the main street, more horsemen moved into their path from side roads. One charged at her flank, blade whipping around. She bent to avoid it and put an arrow in the attacker's neck.

The street crowded with riders as they poured into the narrow path. Her mount reared, spooked by the tightening space and riders chopping at each other on all sides. She felt herself slipping from the saddle and opted to leap away before falling under the horse's pounding hooves. Lirelle, on foot now as well, crossed blades with a raider. Munira put an arrow in the skull of another approaching Lirelle from behind.

Lirelle twisted, blade slicing into her enemy's vital spots, dropping him to the dirt. She glanced at Munira, giving thanks with a simple nod. "This way," Lirelle said, pointing up the road toward the town square. They ran along the side of a building using the space created by a low overhang to move through the battle. They emerged into the square, rounding the building. Lirelle ducked a blade. Munira came up behind, kicked the attacker in the ribs, knocking him off balance, and Lirelle opened his stomach.

A girl screamed, running from a nearby home. She looked to be no older than ten, tears running from her eyes and blood from her nose. "Help. They're killing my family." The girl shrieked, frantic, words coming at the limits of her breath. She fell to her knees in the street, exhaustion and fear overwhelming her tiny body. Munira started toward the girl, but Lirelle was already halfway there. "I got her. Clear the house. Help the family."

Munira didn't argue, turning to the house the girl fled from. A two-story home, odd only in that second floors were not common, but wealthier families enjoyed the luxury. Her own family home, for example, a fact she would not be telling Lirelle.

She kicked in the door and narrowly avoided a hammer that cracked into the wood molding above her head. From beneath his swing, she put an arrow into his foot at close range, then front-kicked him to the floor. An arrow from the upper crossway punched her shoulder. The raider prepared another shot, but she was quicker, and her accuracy a matter of art. He toppled over the railing and smacked the floor beneath.

The other raider struggled to stand. Stepping deeper into the house, eyes fixed on the scene ahead, she finished him with a blind shot. A wounded man leaned against the side of the staircase. A woman worked to staunch the blood flowing from his abdomen. "Ma'am, I'm here to help."

The woman looked at her, face soaked in tears, and pointed upstairs. "My daughter." Munira didn't need to know anymore, bounding up the stairs, skipping every other step.

In her rush to reach the other girl, she failed to notice the raider waiting for her at the top of the stairs. A blade swiped across her side just as she reached the upper floor. Munira side-stepped to the right. He pressed, thinking he could smell blood. No doubt expecting her to fall back and open space between them. Her instructors used to say, when distant, stay distant, if close, stay close. The greatest danger came when crossing an opponent's guard. Instead of falling back, she lunged forward, putting the heel of her boot into his kneecap. His momentum, combined with the precise blow, snapped the joint, reversing its angle to resemble a bird's leg. He squealed and tumbled down the stairs. She sent an arrow down after him for good measure.

Shouts came from the bedroom. She pushed open the door slower, weary of another ambush. Inside, a raider stood beside the bed holding a dagger to a teenaged girl's neck. "Throw down the bow. I'll fucking kill her. I'll kill her, I swear."

He stood behind the quivering girl, a single eye peering from behind her head. Taking a hostage might have been his best option. The fight turned against his people and his friends in the house were dead. It could have worked had she been anyone else; this guy didn't know who stood before him, or how well she'd mastered the weapon in her hand. "Oh, I believe you." She put an arrow in his eye before he could so much as twitch a finger.

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