The Humandrone (Male reader x...

By ReadingNerd445

42K 790 1.3K

You are (Y/N), a former human that had his consciousness transferred into the body of a modified dissasembly... More

Prologue part 1: The accident
Pilot part 1: The arrival at Copper-9
Pilot part 2: New friends
The hunt
Questions and explanations
It's promming time
Where is everyone?
Let's go camping

Prologue part 2: The transfer

3.1K 73 137
By ReadingNerd445

(Y/N) woke up to a beeping sound. He slowly opens his eyes and sees a white ceiling. He turns his head around and sees that he is on a bed with a heart monitor and an iv stand standing next to him. He also notices that his left arm and right leg are covered in plaster.

What happend? (Y/N) thinks, he tries to get up but is hit with a wave of pain, making him unable to get up.

He begins remembering things, a scream, a car, a feeling of wheightlessness? Then he remembers everyting. He tried to save a kid from getting hit by a car but got hit himself by doing it. He must be in a hospital now, that has to be only logical explanation.

The door to his room then opens and he sees a nurse walking in. She notices him, walks over to him, proceeds to stand next to his bed and begins speaking.

"Good morning, it seems you are finally awake. How are you feeling right now?" The nurse asks (Y/N)

"I feel terrible, my hole body hurts, where am I? What happend?" (Y/N) asks

"You are in the A.Z. Herald hospital, you got hit by a car and were unconscious for 2 days."

"2 Days?! holy shit. What kind of injuries do I have? I tried to get up to see but I could only see that one of my arms and legs are covered in plaster.

The nurse pulls out a clipboard that was hanging on the edge of (Y/N)'s bed and said:

"Well, it says here that your right leg is broken, your left arm is shattered and you have multiple bruises along your entire body along with internal bleeding, the latter of which tests have been run to see how severe they are, but results have not come in yet."

(Y/N) was silent for a few minutes, taking in all the information.

(Y/N): "Holy shit, I was expecting bad but not THAT bad. Explains why I am having such trouble moving."

The nurse nods and puts the clipboard back into its case which is hanging on the end of (Y/N)'s bed.

"Has my family come to see me yet?" (Y/N) asks.

"Yes they have." Answered the nurse. "They came by yesterday and the day before that but you were still unconscious at that time. Do you want us to notify them that you have woken up?"

"Yes, please do." (Y/N) answered, wanting to see his family again.

"Okay, we will do." The nurse answers before walking out of the room.

1 hour later (Y/N) hears the door to his room open and sees his parents and sister rushing over to his bed, his mother almost hugs him but seeing again that his arm is in a cast, manages to stop herself at the last moment and instead just kisses him on the forehead while crying at the same time.

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" His father asks (Y/N) in a worried voice.

"I'm feeling terrible dad, My whole body hurts." (Y/N) answers.

"I would be more worried if it didn't." His mother said. "You got hit by a car going 70km/hour after all."

"Why would you even jump in front of that car, We know you did it to save that kid but you have never done this before, why would you suddenly do it now?" His sister asked.

"I don't know why my body reacted like that, I think it was just pure instinct." (Y/N) answered.

(Y/N) then asked: "What happend to the child?"

"The child is safe with his parents, you managed to push him out of the way of the incoming car. If you had not acted the way you did, he would probably be dead. I'm proud of you son." His father said to (Y/N) while smiling.

"Thanks dad, that means a lot to me." (Y/N) answered and gave a small smile back.

The doors then opened again and a man wearing a medical coat walked in. He walked to (Y/N) and his family and spoke:

"Good morning (Y/N) and Mr and Ms. (L/N). I am doctor Zeke and I came you to bring you the results of the tests to determine how bad your internal bleeding is."

"And, what are the results?" (Y/N)'s father asked the doctor.

"I am terribly sorry to have to break this news to you but...(Y/N) is dying."

"What?!" Both (Y/N)'s parents yelled, while his sister just had a look of pure shock on her face.

The doctor continued: "His internal bleeding is too heavy to be able to be treated and we are already beginning to see sign of organ failure because of the blood loss. One of his kidneys is already starting to break down, although for now he won't notice it because his second one will take over the work the first one was doing. But in the coming days it will start spreading to his other organs. (Y/N) has approximatly 5 days to live before his heart and lungs fail."

(Y/N)'s father staggered and had to hold on to the railing on the edge of (Y/N)'s bed to avaoid falling on the floor, his mother started crying along with his sister, (Y/N) just lay silently on the bed, shocked that his life was already coming to an end.

"Is there really nothing you can do?" (Y/N)'s father asked.

"I'm sorry, we can't save him with our current medical capabilities, the technology that is able to heal those wounds does not exist yet."

The doctor continued, speaking with clear sincerity: "I will now leave so you can all process his information, once again, I am truly sorry."

The doctor then left the room and everyone, including (Y/N)'s father started to cry, something (Y/N) had never seen before. (Y/N) just continued laying quiet on the bed, silently coming to terms with the result of his actions, dread starting sink in, knowing that he was forced to spend his final days in a hospital bed, feeling his body slowly giving up on him, without being able to do a single thing about it.

*2 hours later*

(Y/N), his sister and his parents, who after a while had stopped crying, were discussing what (Y/N) would want to do in the final days of his life, the things he COULD do when a knock was heard on the door. They looked and saw the nurse from earlier walk in with 2 men in business suits following her.

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation but these 2 representatives from JCJenson wish to speak with you." The nurse said to (Y/N) before leaving the room shortly after.

"With me?" (Y/N) said, who at this point was sitting a bit more upright because his parents had been able to change the setting of his bed along with some help of the nurse.

Like this:

"Yes mister (Y/N) (L/N), we have heard about your condition and came to offer you a proposal you might be very interested in." The first reperesentative, who was wearing a black business suit with a red tie, said.

"And what might that be?" (Y/N)'s father asked.

"We have a way that might save his life." The second representative said. (Y/N) noticed that his clothes looked a lot like the first representative but instead wore a blue tie and glasses.

"Wait, how would you even do that?" (Y/N) asked. "We were told by the doctor a few hours ago that my wounds were too severe to be able to be treated."

"Well" The second representative continued. "JcJenson is experimenting on a way to transfer the consciousnesses of humans into the bodies of drones. We are currently looking for volunteers to participate in these experiments, and we thought that you might be interested."

(Y/N) was silent for a few minutes before asking: "Are you serious?"

"Yes we are, this is still an experimental treatment but previous experiments with animals have yielded good results." The first representative answered.

(Y/N) thought for a few minutes again before coming to a conclusion: He was going to do it, he had always wondered how it would be like to be a drone, and since he was going to die anyway, he had nothing to lose.

"Okay, what do I need to do?" (Y/N) said, to the shock of his parents.

"(Y/N), are you sure about this?!" His mother asked. "You could die if you do this!"

"Mom, i'm dying already, We have nothing to lose. If it goes wrong and I die, then I die, but if it's succesfull, it means I will get a new chance at life." (Y/N) answered.

"He does kinda have a point." (YN)'s sister said.

(Y/N) turned back to the representatives. "What do I need to do to participate with this experiment?"

The first representative took some papers out of a bag he was carrying on his side and gave them to (Y/N).

"You need to sign these papers to officially agree to participate, if you do so, a team will come pick you up tomorrow and escort you to our medical facility where the experiment will take place. Since you are still a minor, your parents need to sign as well."

After reading through the documents, which contained a picture of the drone (Y/N) would become and the rule that his family could not come and visit him for 2 months, along with his mother (She worked as a lawyer, she had the most expertise in these sort of things) to make sure there was nothing wrong, he, along with his parents, signed the documents and gave them back to the first representative.

"Excellent. We will see you tomorrow." The first representative said, after which he and his colleague left.

The next day arrived a lot quicker than (Y/N) had anticipated, he was picked up by a group of men in uniforms with the JCJenson logo on their shoulders and was brought to the medical facility. A few hours after arriving at the facility and saying goodbye to his family, he was brought into a room and was laid down on a table that has a strange device on the end of it. It looked kind of like an MRI. He looked to his right and saw the body of the drone he would (hopefully) become laying on another table-MRI looking thing.

A man in a suit walked in the room, his nametag reading: Head researcher Lucas.

"Are you ready for the experiment?" Researcher Lucas asked (Y/N).

"Ready as i'll ever be." Answered (Y/N).

"Good, just as a warning, the transfer proces might hurt a bit, but not too much."

"Okay, thanks for the warning sir."

Researcher Lucas nodded his head and left the room. After a minute the divice started to make a weird noise, (Y/N) started to get a bit nervous.

(Y/N) felt nothing for a few moments until he suddenly and very cuickly, got the feeling that he was pulled out of his own body before everything cut to black.

5 minutes later blue code started appearing on the visor of the drone.

Starting up-

Consciousness transfer succesfull-

Booting up-






Starting up process complete

the code on the visor was replaced by 2 blue eyes, the drone sat up and looked at it's body.

"It....worked?" The drone said with (Y/N)'s voice, it was (Y/N).

A researcher in a suit behind a large window looked at (Y/N) and noted something down on her clipboard:

Experiment 1-0-0-6 succesfull, test trials to begin as soon as possible.


Authors note:

Hey everyone, I hope you all enjoyed the final part of the prologue, something I also forgot to include in my last note was the fact that drones have genitals like humans and also reproduce in the same way. So characters that don't wear pants, will do that in this story (Underwear included of course) , for example: V will wear shorts like the ones she wears in ep 4 but in the same color like her normal jacket. Characters that do actually wear something that would cover their genitals, will not get a change in clothing, but will still wear underwear. For example: N with his coat and Lizzy and Doll with their cheerleader outfits will not really change.

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