POV: you adopted the smiling...

By Leavemealonekickin

7.1K 146 139

You were walking do your house, which was pretty big, and you see 2 critters. Day by day you find 2 critters... More

☀ The Sun and The Moon ☪
🩵An Artblock With A Snack!🩷
💙A Smart Cookie and A "Sick" Chicken💛
"No More Pranks!"
Bubba's cute day💙👌
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Stress Relivers

💚A hopping Bunny and A Big Bearhug❤️

1.1K 20 6
By Leavemealonekickin

"Ok guys, Ima go run an errand if the stores aren't closed" I say to Dogday and Catnap, as they sit in the couch.

"You can watch TV, but don't make any messes, Ok?"

"Yes ma'am!" Dogdays says happily while saluting with a big smile.

I giggle and pet the happy dog,
and the sleepy cat, and leave my house to go shopping.

By the time I got there, the store was unfortunately closed, so I had no other choice but to turn back until I heard whining.

As I turn to look the way I heard the noise come from, a green bunny, and a red bear both come running, as a man with a bat chases them.

"Give me back my sandwich!" Shouts the man as he stumbles over himself as he runs.

I kneel down and catch the two shivering critters, as the man stops in his tracks.

"What do you think your doing!?" I shout to the man.

"Those creatures stole my sandwich and took off!"

"I don't have the money and time for a new one, so hand it over are else ill-"

I stop the man's sentence, and gently take the sandwich from them, and hand it back to the crazy man.

"You have it, now scram before I'm the one that hits you!"

The Man grumbles and walks away talking the bat with him, as I look at thw two shaking critters in my hands.

"Are you two Ok?" I asked with a soft tone.

"Y-yeah, but no.." said the bunny as I gently put them down.

"We're hungry.." added the red bear.

"Come with me, ill give you food" I said as I opened my bag allowing them in.

When they crawled in, I walked back to my house with the two nervous creatures in my bag.

When I made it home, I opened the door with my key and closed it behind me calling out to my two other smiling friends.

"Dogday! Catnap! I'm home!" I yelled from the door as I walked to the couch.

"Momma!" Dogday yelled before covering his mouth.

"I-im sorry, can I call you that?"

"Yes ofc I don't mind" I told dogday to calm him down.

"Oh! And I brought you two some new siblings!" I told Dogday as Cagnap came walking over.

I opened the bag, and out came the bunny and the bear, flinching a bit as Dogday walked up and said hi.

"Whats your name?" Asked the Sunny dog, as his tail wagged in excitement.

After a while, the new members calmed down and spoke up happily.

"I'm Hoppy hopscotch! You can call me Hoppy!" The green bunny said, as her lighting strike necklace swayed due to all her movement.

"I'm Bobby Bearhug! Nice to meet ya!" The red bear said with excitement as her heart necklace swayed due to her movements as well.

"Now that we all know eachother, it's time for our new members to have a bath" I told all the critters.

"Whats a bath?" Asked Bobby.

"Its super fun! You'll love it!" Shouted Dogday while he jumped up and down.

I picked them both up and walked to the bathroom and placed them to the side, as I filled the bathtub with bubbles and bath toys, along with warm water.

I gently placed them in the bath one by one, as Dogday and Catnap watched while chatting with eachother.

Bobby loved the water and swam around, while Hoppy splashed around getting Bobby more wet then she already was.

After I washed them up and dried them, I fed everyone, including myself some spaghetti and meatballs. Everyone ate their food quickly, while Catnap, as always, took his time.

Next thing you knew, it was bedtime, and I placed the fourth happy critters on the bed and laid in the middle, as they all got comfy while some slept in my waist and legs, but Catnap slept on my other pillow as usual.

(671 words)

More parts coming soon!

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