π‹πŽπ†πˆπ‚π€π‹, percy jackson

By nevwasmitam

145K 5.3K 2.1K

β”€β”€πˆπ π–π‡πˆπ‚π‡ two powerful teens end up finding more than just what they were looking.for on they're que... More

i. ❝ grover, it's alecto ❞
ii. ❝ operation: montauk ❞
iii. ❝ the goat and the witch ❞
iv. ❝ why'd you let him go ❞
v. ❝ the 'd' is for daddy ❞
vi. ❝ watch your back ❞
vii. ❝ my little spark ❞
viii. ❝ you're just like her ❞
ix. ❝ when do we leave? ❞
x. ❝ he didn't even hesitate ❞
xi. ❝ not the consensus song ❞
xii. ❝ you'll burn, i promise ❞
xiii. ❝ are we under arrest? ❞
xiv. ❝ open the door ❞
xv. ❝ that's debatable ❞
xvi. ❝ hephaestus' playground ❞
xvii. ❝ and he chose you ❞
xviii. ❝ in your dreams ❞
xix. ❝ don't do that, havan ❞
xx. ❝ cat in the hat ❞
xxi. ❝ whenever you're ready ❞
xxii. ❝ it's a hard-knock life ❞
xxiii. ❝ childhood pet ❞
xxiv. ❝ annabeth's regret ❞
xxv. ❝ when the world is ready ❞
xxvi. ❝ cherished promises ❞
xxvii. ❝ old rivals and outsiders ❞
xxviii. ❝ she was gone ❞
xxx. ❝ i object ❞
xxxi. ❝ see you later ❞
𝐀𝐂𝐓 π“π–πŽ
#ππŽππ”π’ ── charlie is a shady ass bitch

xxix. ❝ hold fast, mom ❞

1K 63 22
By nevwasmitam




"HAVAN, WAKE UP." a voice spoke from above the girl. "havan, wake up sweetheart." the voice said once again, as havan began to stir awake. when the girl opened her eyes she was met with a bright setting.

"woah. this is not my cabin."

she rubbed her eyes slightly, attempting to adjust to the bright light that surrounded the girl. "what happened? where am i?" the girl asked.

"not important."

havan furrowed her brows. "excuse me?"

"you kinda...i don't know." another voice came--a male voice---but this one was recent. she couldn't quite place a name to it, but she definitely knew this person. "hello? what's going on." havan asked widening her grey eyes. "well, kinda." the voice said once again.

"what do you mean kinda?" havan asked, narrowing her eyes in annoyance. how come she couldn't remember what happened and how she got here---wherever that was.

"uh---you wanna take this one?" the male voice spoke from behind the girl. he must've been talking to the other person who was with them.

"who are you people?"

"turn around, spark." the female voice spoke as the girl was hit with a wave of nostalgia. she turned to look in the direction of the voices. she froze upon seeing who had called her. a face she knew all too well. a voice she had been longing to hear for years.


"hi, honey." her mother--diane--spoke, sending her daughter a small smile from beside the other person, who was none other than hades.

"am i dreaming." havan trailed as tears began welling up in her eyes. she then stood up and made her way towards her parents before hugging them. upon feeling their touch and their embrace---she knew it was real.

"but how?" the girl asked.

"i knew you'd never go to camp." diane began. "so, your father sent the furies to retrieve me but to make it seem as though i was killed." she explained earning a dumbfounded look from havan.

"who in their right mind would do that to their child?" havan deadpanned.

"it was the only way we could keep you safe." diane explained. "i would've been safer with my mom. i was safer with my mom." havan added.

"havan, listen---"

"seven years." havan began, taking a step back from her parents. "seven years i blamed myself for you death. seven years i spent wondering if he had killed you. seven years without you---you get that right?"

"and then all of a sudden im faced with alecto and her sister. the same furies that i thought killed my mother. i even scorched her sister--just to find out you're alive?" havan finished. she was angry but severely confused.

"im sorry, spark. we did it for you and you were still too young we couldn't exactly consult with you." hades said, placing his hand on his daughters shoulder.

"a simple 'hey havan, we're gonna fake your mom's death' would've sufficed." the young girl smiled sarcastically.

"you are your father's daughter." diane laughed. it was only then when havan remembered---she didn't know how she got here.

"wait, why am i here?" she asked, and her parents stayed silent. they sent eachother a look before pulling their daughter closer to them. "you don't remember, do you?" her mom asked.

"what happened, mom?"

"you died, spark."

havan froze. "i--what? no... that's--"

"you died saving percy from...what's that hermes kids name." hades trailed. "luke...?" havan uttered, her voice shakey. had like killed her?

"yeah, that kid. you pushed him out of the way and instead of percy getting slashed...it was you." hades finished, watching as his daughter stood there--shaking--in complete shock.

"luke...killed me?" as the realisation hit her, the memories began to seep in. in small flashes--she saw her death flash by her eyes. she watched how annabeth and percy cried, how luke left without even trying to see if she was fine.

"no, no, no. this can't be happening."

"we're sorry, havan."

"take me back. i-i have to go back." she spoke, her voice no longer at a stable level.

"we can't. havan, you died. i didn't save you." hades began, but here was a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "once your soul leaves your body--if it wasn't taken by me--i can't put you back. im sorry, spark."

"don't call me that."


"i can't. i need to get out of here." she said, as the girl began to panic. her breathing was all over the place as she looked around the white room. it was blank. it was just a white room. and that was all.

ironically enough, it looked like heaven. except this was probably the girls worst nightmare.

"havan, i thought you wanted to be back with us again." her mom spoke and the girl shook her head frantically. "no, not like this."

"there has to be a way back."

"we're sorry. but there isn't." they apologized and the girl simply sighed.

"hey, can you give us a little space?" diane asked hades who nodded before disappearing after snapping his fingers.

"so, how have you been?"

"apart from dead, quite good actually." havan told her mom, with a lopsided faint smile. the girl was trying to be happy---but she knew she wanted to be back home. at camp. with annabeth and grover---an percy.

"i thought about you every single day." diane trailed. "i wanted nothing more than to see you again. you've grown--and not just physically--but mentally, you're quite strong minded."

havan smiled. "i thought about you too. i had alot of nightmares after you 'died' where i'd start burning everything. great times."

"im sorry, spark. it was for the best that you went to camp---for both of you." she said earning a perplexed look from havan. "what do you mean both of us?"

"percy. he's also forbidden, he wouldn't have survived the attacks in the real world." she explained.

havan scoffed. "you'd be surprised. he's actually stronger than you think." tears welling in the girls eyes as she mentioned the boy, realising she might never get to see him again.

"yeah, just like his mother."

"how do you know his mom?" the younger girl inquired. "we became friends when we were both pregnant with you and percy."

"wait, what?"

"yeah, we were close. poseidon found out that hades was seeing me--a human and confronted him about it, told him to stop seeing me. but then your father found out about his and sally's little afair and then they agreed to keep both relationships away from zeus. but once the two of you were born--they were gone." diane explained.

"wow. so they just disappeared?"

"no." she trailed. "more like...watched over you guys from wherever they were."

"well not to be rude or anything, but i never felt dad's presence once in my life." havan added. "you were his presence. you reminded me of him every single day." diane stated.

"he could've stayed."

"come on now, spark. im pretty sure you know how the gods work by now. your father didn't have a choice." her mother finished, rubbing her arm gently and that when something in havan's brain clicked.

"a choice---i made my choice." she suddenly blurted out earning a perplexed look from he mother. "what?"

"the prophecy. it came true--" she began but was cut off. "what prophecy?" diane stated.

"one of us would die---either me or percy---and by making that choice, i was the one who died. cause if percy had died it would've increased zeus' storm but since i died, percy was able to fix it." havan explained to her mother who gave her a sympathetic smile.

"you really like him, do you?" diane suddenly pressed, staring into her daughter's gray eyes. havan sat there--quiet---as she let out a short breath feeling the tears well up in her eyes once again.

"yeah." she trailed. "yeah, i do."

"then i think...you should go back."

"i can't go back, mom." she replied, dumbfounded by her suggestion. but when diane didn't reply, havan widened her eyes. "i can't go back, right?" she repeated.

"when you were dying---you asked you father for sanctuary." her mother admitted.

havan scoffed. "i don't remember doing that."

"yeah, because you didn't say the word fully. you said 'san-' and then you cut off---but we knew what you meant." diane stated.

"why didn't you tell me this before?"

diane sighed. "your father and i. we didn't want you to go back. we knew--that if we didn't protect you now, someone, something or even zeus himself would hurt you--"

"but i don't need you to protect me anymore, mom." havan cut in. "you died, havan!" her mother replied, raising her voice slightly.

"and i knew exactly what i was doing when i did! i had to save percy. i promised his mother that---i promised myself that. he risked his life too many times for mine---i had to." havan replied to her mother, who seemed a bit surprised by her statement.

"are you sure?" diane asked.


"are you sure you wanna go back?" diane repeated and the girl nodded immediately. "yes, im sure."

"hades." diane said, as if she was summoning his presence---and the man soon appeared near them. "release her from your sanctuary."

the god looked between them befuddled. "diane, whos idea was this?"

"it was hers and i agreed to it." diane trailed as the small tears rolled down her cheek. "now let her go back. that's where she belongs."

hades nodded his head before making his way towards his daughter. he knelt down infront of her before cupping her face in his hands. "you're strong, havan."

"just like my mom." she replied with a small laugh causing him to roll his eyes. "yes, just lid your mom. and you---you need to remember that. i haven't been in your life and im sorry. but whenever you need me--us--you know what to do. okay?"

"yes, i do. thank you dad."

he nodded before snapping his fingers and fissure opened in one of the walls. you couldn't see much through it but havan knew her cabin all to well---and that's where the portal lead.

before stepping into the fissure, she turned to look at her mom who had a smile on her dad as she watched her daughter. havan sent her back to same smile before diane heard havan's voice speaking in her head.

"hold fast, mom."


well hello there!😃
i died for so long
havan came back to life😭
this is not the last chapter
but logical will be ending soon
but for now



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