The Batman: The Light Knight...

By Huyhuynh406

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(Y/N): "I am vengeance! I am justice! I am (Y/N) Spector! I am Steven Grant! I'm Jake Lockley! I am-hoping th... More

Harem & Ally
Prologue: The New Hero In Gotham City
Chapter 1: The Dark Knight Meet Light Knight
Chapter 2: Who Is Moon Knight?
Chapter 3: Ellen's Savior is Moon Knight
Chapter 4: The Dark Knight V.S Light Knight
Chapter 5: Moon Knight V.S Man-Bat
Chapter 6: Traction/Bane's Death
Chapter 7: The Cat Meet The Knight
Chapter 8: Rupert Thorne's Death
Chapter 9: Killer Croc In Gotham
Chapter 10: Moon Knight V.S Killer Croc
Chapter 11: Freeze!!!!! Mr. Freeze!!!!
Chapter 12: The Dark Knight V.S Light Knight 2nd Fight
Chapter 13: The Cat & The Knight
Chapter 14: Moon Knight V.S Taskmaster
Chapter 15: New Harem Member/New Enemies
Chapter 16: Pam & Babs Are Troublemakers
Chapter 17: The Birth Of Poison Ivy
Chapter 18: Poison Ivy's Wrath
Chapter 19: The Reveal Of Moon Knight
Chapter 20: New Girl Join Up
Chapter 21: New Vigilante Red Hood
Chapter 22: Black Mask's Death
Chapter 23: Red Hood & Moon Knight
Chapter 24: Moon Knight & Detective Lin
Chapter 25: Scarface & Ventriloquist
Chapter 26: Moon Knight V.S Harrow
Chapter 27: Second Robin/Tony Zucco's Death
Chapter 29: Moon Knight V.S Dracula Part 2
Chapter 30: The Ending Epilogue

Chapter 28: Batman & Moon Knight V.S Dracula Part 1

210 11 2
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

In Somewhere Else.

There was all flames inside the building of Crazy Quilt was in there and lot of those thugs were die in there by themselves and they both were got their asses killed by whatever it is in there and the person who was stood right there by himself...that person is Moon Knight. Yep, that was (Y/N) is here right on the time and make him stood there and chilling by himself and he was kill holding the collar of Crazy Quilt and make the bastard cough bloods out of his mouth.

(Y/N): "So any last words before I kill you, Crazy Quilt?" He asked him.

Crazy Quilt: "Fuck you." He said to (Y/N) and make him was sigh out and he was aim his weapon at Crazy Quilt and shot him in the head and kill him right away and make the poor bastard was fall down on the ground.

When (Y/N) kill him and make him was turn his head to look over there was a supervillain for himself and he is sat down there and his leg broken...his left arm too...and he can't even walk and fight him.

Midnight Man: "Did you finish him yet?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yes, what are you on about? Are you fight back?" He asked Midnight Man.

Midnight Man: "No, it seems that I was lost right now...I can't defeat you...Just finish it...I can't dealt with this shit forever." He said to (Y/N) and make him was coughing out...he felt all everything was broken inside at him and make him is the only left that he need to be killed and (Y/N) was walking up to him right away.

Midnight Man.

Nothing is known about Anton Mogart's past before he started stealing great works of art, jewels and such from locations all around the world, the thefts taking place promptly at midnight, which earned him the name Midnight Man. He lived in an opulent New Jersey mansion and stole these things simply to own them, not for the money.

On the 22nd day of a theft spree in New York City, Mogart stole a rare Monet oil painting from the Ramadan Art Gallery. He was later stopped by Moon Knight and fell into the river and was presumed drowned. In actuality he was carried by the current to New York and the mouth of a drainage viaduct. There the wastes in the sewer melted his face leaving him deformed.[2] Hiding in the sewers for three days he returned to his home to find the police had taken all his stolen goods. Blaming Moon Knight for this and his deformity, he vowed vengeance. Driven insane he lived in the sewers and started collecting trash instead of treasure. He worked with Bushman who lured Moon Knight into a flooding sewage chamber with Midnight Man in it. Moon Knight was able to chisel an escape route in the brick and Midnight Man was once again washed down a river.

(Y/N): "So, you're giving up?" He asked him.

Midnight Man: "Yeah, I'm giving up...I can't even doing shit right now....well, this is going to be death for me huh?" He asked (Y/N) and make him was chuckle little bit and he was load the weapon up right away and make him was aim his handgun at the bastard in the head and he said.

(Y/N): "*Sigh* Seriously, you're not gonna fight back?" He asked him.

Midnight Man: "Nah...I'm go ahead. Shoot me-" He tries to said and (Y/N) shoot him in the head and instantly killed him right away.

(Y/N) was shooting at him in 5 times and make him was keep shooting at him and he was finally death and (Y/N) was put his handgun back to his gun holster and make him was walking away from here and until he was sense from Khonshu and then it is told him about the warning. When he was looking up there and see the sky is turn into dark very dark but (Y/N) sense something strange and darkness around here and make him didn't like this at all and he had to find out whatever it is here...but something bad very bad happened here.

(Y/N): "*What the hell is that come from?*" He thought himself and he was decide to moving out right away and make him definitely notice something is coming right up...the strange of supernatural presence is here and (Y/N) can feel it and make him start to running out to somewhere else and searching the presence is coming from.

(Y/N): "Where are you right now?" He asked himself.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Batman.

When Batman who was stood right there and looking down at the weapon from the police and it just drop down on the ground and Batman was confuse like 'what just happened' and the rest of the cops aren't here and they probably missing out to somewhere else. After Batman was see there is a shadow figure behind his back and make him definitely notice it and he knew someone else is behind him and make him was turn around and saw the person was here...and he was dressing up as an old century clothes.

This is no regular man...something worst for what Batman see...and he know who he really is...this is the monster for what the humans were fear of.

The Devil for himself.

The Bloodsucker.

The Vampire.

Dracula...The King Of Vampires.

Count Dracula/The Prince Of Darkness.

Count Dracula is a centuries-old vampire, sorcerer and Transylvanian nobleman who rules from his namesake fortress known as Castle Dracula. He is the supreme ruler and the world's most powerful vampire. Originally the Wallachian ruler Vlad the Impaler, he turned himself into a vampire following a battle with the invading Ottoman Empire, seeking revenge to destroy his enemies.

Driven by lust for power, companionship and blood, his centuries of undead existence have brought him into conflict with vampire hunters, other immortals, and, in the modern age, super heroes. Dracula has a vast network of loyal servants, cultists, brides, and minions who regularly assist him and attempt to resurrect him if he is slain. Recently, Dracula and his followers have taken up refuge in Chernobyl creating a new Vampire Nation and bringing him into conflict with the Avengers.

In 1430 AD, Vlad Tepes Dracula was born in Schassberg, Transylvania (now Sighisoara, Romania), in the small European Kingdom of Wallachia. He was the son of Vlad Dracul (also called Vlad the Elder).

At seven years old, he allegedly ousted his half-brother Alexandru Aldea from the throne of Wallachia.

At some point, Dracula was appointed as prince of Wallachia by King Sigismund of Hungary. Dracula also joined the Order of the Dragon.

In 1444 AD, he accompanied his father and brother Radu on the road to the Ottoman Empire, where they planned to negotiate for peace. They were ambushed en route by agents of Sultan Murad II, who held the sons captive, forcing Vlad the Elder to favor Turkey. This eventually led John Hunyadi and Vlad's other advisers to revolt against him, killing him and his son Mircea. After five years of torture, Radu had died in captivity, but Dracula escaped to claim the title of Voivode of Wallachia at the age of 18. His reign lasted only a year before he was forced to flee the principality, fearing his father's killers.

Dracula: "So the folktale is true....there is another Bat in the Gotham." He said to himself.

Batman: "Count Dracula, I presume." He said to Dracula.

Dracula: "A pleasure legend.~" He said to Batman.

Dracula was about to bite Batman in the neck and make him was tries to resist the vampire off of him and he know this Dracula is going to bite him in the neck and he will turn into a vampire and make Batman was tries his best to save himself. But out of nowhere there was a baton was throw and hit at Dracula in the back of his head and make him was fall down on the ground and make him growling out.

Dracula: "Who dare-" He tries to said and make him notice there was a figure who stood on the rooftop's building by himself and the figure revealed out to be (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I dare, undead creature." He said to Dracula and make (Y/N) was stood right there and chilling by himself and he know what he is going to do is fight this vampire.

Dracula: "Another folktale...You're the white knight...Moon Knight...the're very have a holy weapons." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Damn right it is....You're Vladimir Dracula...The Impaler, Prince Of Darkness, and King Of Vampires." He said to Dracula.

Dracula: "You heard about my past and story." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yeah, I know who you really that case I have a fucking holy weapon that I can kill you, vampire. Seems you taking care of are you intended to fight me?" He asked Dracula and make the lord of darkness was going to fight but he saw the sun is going up right now. When (Y/N) was notice the sun is going up...and he know the vampire's weakness is...afraid of the light...Sun...garlic, and cross too and (Y/N) reading many urban legend books of creatures like monsters in this world.

Dracula: "We'll be meet again, Moon Knight and Batman." He said to (Y/N) and Batman...this make the vampire was disappeared right away in the darkness by himself and it seems the vampire will be back here. When (Y/N) turn his head to look at Batman who was injure like a lot because the vampire is punch him and mess him around...then (Y/N) notice isn't good...and (Y/N) had to take Batman to Batcave right away.

To Be Continued.

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