
Por rixamelia

343 22 0

Imisha is a free spirit, no not your average golden retriever but sometimes her happy side comes out. She is... Más

i. good morning
ii. here we go again
iii. bad day
iv. she's back
vi. happy times
vii. a day out

v. rags to riches

37 2 0
Por rixamelia

~imisha's pov~

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder, I was startled. "It's okay, calm down, it's just me, Kartik."

I looked around and realized that I was in a car. I tilted my head upwards and saw my brother looking at me with a sad expression.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I was just startled," I said firmly, trying to compose myself. He nodded and gestured for me to get out of the car. I needed to be more alert.

As I stepped out, I was amazed by the sight in front of me. There was a huge white gate, and behind it, I saw a magnificent mansion made of white stone. It looked like home, and I felt a sense of belonging. I hadn't felt like that my whole life. I started walking towards the mansion and was already amazed.

I couldn't help but lose myself in the beauty of nature surrounding the mansion. It gave the place a warm and cozy feel, making me feel giddy and overjoyed. The tennis court, basketball court, swimming pool, and everything else was crafted with great attention to detail. The architecture of the building looked ethereal and dreamy as if it were the perfect abode for angels.

I smiled softly at my brother and started following him. As we were going towards what I assumed was the main gate, I looked around the surroundings and I was in complete awe. My brother softly chuckled at my reactions.

As I approached the gate, I was taken aback by the sight of multiple luxury cars parked there. I was already in shock after seeing the Maybach, but this was a surprise I didn't expect. I must have looked crazy standing there gaping at the cars when my brother asked, "A bit too amazed, princess?" I felt embarrassed as my cheeks flushed, a red color tinting them.

"These are nothing Imisha, you have yet to see the garage. I'm sure you will be dumbfounded by then." Kartik bhaiya said, laughing.

Curious to know more, I inquired, "Do you also have luxury bikes?" My love for bikes was unmatched, and I couldn't resist asking. It had only been a few hours and I sure was getting bolder. He chuckled and replied with an adoring smile, "Kawasaki Ninja, Harley Davidson, BMW, you name it."

My eyes went wide, and probably my eyebrows reached my forehead at that moment, these were some of the most expensive bikes and he had all of them. Maybe one of my brothers had a love for bikes and if it wasn't obvious before, it was now confirmed my brothers were loaded. Not just loaded, they were loaded loaded.

He went to the front gate and once again, the reality started settling, I was at my supposed home, and my brothers were waiting for me, inside.

I started panicking, what if they didn't like me? I didn't even know if Kartik bhaiya liked me yet. I tried to normalize my breathing but it was a fail. "Shh, Imisha are you okay?"

I was fiddling with the charm on my bracelet. How could I tell him that I was scared to meet my brothers? I didn't even know how he'd react. Was I getting scared of meeting people related to me? Yes. But that's what happens when you've been treated like a slave by the people who are supposed to be your 'parents'.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I suddenly felt someone's presence behind me. I turned around to see that it was Gina.

Without hesitation, I walked towards her and did something unexpected. I hugged her tightly as I tried to calm myself down. Damn, was I getting soft now?

She consoled me by rubbing my back and then moved away from the hug. "Imisha, don't worry about your brothers, they will adore you. You are strong, and if you ever need me, I am just one phone call away," she said in a comforting tone. She then pulled me in for another hug, and I hugged her back tightly, nodding at her in agreement.

I walked back to my brother and nodded at him. "Let's go inside?" I said. "Sure, can I hold your hand?" he asked politely, holding up his palm. I was hesitant, but I put in some effort and placed my hand in his. He softly smiled to himself and he opened the door.

As soon as I entered the room, I found myself surrounded by pitch-black darkness. I turned to my brother, but he was nowhere to be seen.

My heart started racing with panic. I searched for Gina, but the door was locked behind me.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and I turned to face the front of the room. A bright glow appeared, illuminating the stairs. I saw big banners that read, 'Welcome back Imisha!' Then the lights came on, and I saw Kartik bhaiya and three other boys standing before me who looked like me. They were my brothers.

Tears filled my eyes as I saw all of them holding confetti poppers. As soon as the lights turned on, they showered me with confetti. I was covered by confetti and glitters from head to toe.

Suddenly, all my brothers were gaping at me and one of them was glaring at me and I glared back at him, stronger. He seemed taken aback by my reaction. Good.

"Imisha, these are your 3 other brothers whom I told you about." Kartik bhaiya spoke gesturing towards the 3 boys.

They were all so tall, at least around 6 feet. I had to stretch my neck to look at them. All of them were looking at me with adoration and a happy smile graced across their faces. Their reactions seemed genuine, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was the start of something happy for me. I looked at one of my brothers on the leftmost side and I felt a strange sense of pulling towards him.

Maybe I had doubted that my life could get better, but now I felt like it was possible. I knew I would always have trust issues, but that didn't mean I would deny their love and care. For once in my life, I wanted to be happy. But I had to be careful because good things didn't come so easily to me.

Someone clearing their throat brought me out of my trail of thoughts. I searched for the person belonging to the voice and looked around confusedly, "Boys, won't you introduce yourselves?" Kartik bhaiya asked.

"Yeah, you were getting all excited and jumpy for Imisha's arrival, why are you all being sad and moody now, eh?" The guy to Kartik bhaiya's left said teasingly.

"Since no one is starting, I will start." The same gu- brother said. "Hello, Imisha! I'm Tanmay, your to-be favorite brother. I'm 21 and I'm so happy to see you back." He said with a smile on his face and his eyes twinkling with adoration. He was like a golden retriever among the rest of them. I lightly chuckled at his antics. Even though he was 21, he surely acted like he was 12.

Tanmay? That name sounded familiar, wait it was- "Yes princess, Tanmay, the one I told you about at the station." Damn, Kartik bhaiya knows how to read my mind.

"That's not fair bhaiya! I told you I would introduce myself." Said Tanmay bhaiya irritatingly, stomping his foot on the hardwood floor like a child. As I said- a 12-year-old in the body of 21 year old. Kartik bhaiya just rolled his eyes at him and smiled at me, reassuring me that it was all good.

I smiled sheepishly at him and looked at the other two brothers, one of them was still gaping at me with tears in his eyes, and the other one who was previously glaring at me.

"Come on guys! You threw a whole fit about how you wanted to introduce yourselves and now both of you aren't speaking up, guess I'm definitely going to be the favorite brother now." Tanmay bhaiya shouted at them and I flinched.

Kartik bhaiya glared at Tanmay and he instantly shut up. I had to be more careful. If I blew my cover, they would never want me, because who wants a broken sister? I would just be a burden to them if they knew the truth. I was thankful that Kartik bhaiya let it go this time, but now I knew he had it out for me and it wasn't going to get any easy from here.

"I'm Ahaan and I'm 16, Welcome back to home Imisha." The brother to Tanmay bhaiya's left spoke. Also, the one who was glaring at me. I tightly smiled at him and saw my brothers glaring at him. He just glared at them in return. Damn, he had a death wish.

I knew for a fact that as caring as my brothers were, till now at least, they could be ten times more scarier if they wanted to. They just had that aura.

As I turned my gaze toward the last person who was yet to introduce himself, I couldn't help but notice the uncanny resemblance between us. It was as if I was looking at a mirror image of myself but with a different set of clothes and a different hairstyle.

However, my attention was quickly diverted when he suddenly ran towards me, throwing himself at me with such force that I stumbled a bit. I could feel his body racking with sobs as he clung to me, his face buried on my shoulder.

For a moment, I was taken aback, not knowing what to do. But then, I placed my hands on his shoulders and let him cry, feeling the wetness of his tears seep through my sweatshirt. It was a strange feeling, but I felt a sense of accountability to comfort him, so I rubbed his shoulder gently, hoping to give him some solace.

After what seemed like an eternity, he pulled back, his eyes red and puffy, and looked me straight in the eyes. It felt like it was just two of us in the room and the hug he gave me, brought me so much comfort. I felt the safest in his arms.

The room was quiet as Ikshit spoke his first words. "I'm Ikshit, your twin brother. Welcome home, Imisha. I have missed you more than words can say, and I am so happy to have you back."

My heart skipped a beat as I heard him say the words "twin brother". Suddenly, I felt a rush of emotions come over me. This was why I felt a deep connection with him. We were siblings, and not just any siblings, but twins.

I looked over at Kartik bhaiya, hoping for confirmation. His nod was all I needed to throw myself into Ikshit's arms. I hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go. We both started crying, tears streaming down our faces as we held each other.

As we pulled back, I realized that I was speechless. I didn't know what to say for the first time in my life. It was a flood of emotions, and I was overwhelmed. What was I supposed to say to my twin brother?

"Hi, sorry to interrupt your happy moment but I would like to take my leave now. I will be coming back on the 15th of every month. The rest of the formalities are completed. It was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Ahuja." I forgot GIna was still here.

I slowly walked up to her, "Thank you for making me reach here safely. I really appreciate it." I said with a small smile directed at her and she beamed back at me. "Of course! I will see you soon and remember what I said right?" I nodded at her.

She shook hands with my brother and left.

Breaking the silence, Tanmay bhaiya spoke up, "You all are so emotional, guys! Our princess is finally back and you all are being so sappy! Way to ruin the mood! She must be hungry. Let's go!" He exclaimed dramatically. He grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards what I assumed was the kitchen.

I tensed and almost immediately Kartik bhaiya said, "Careful Tanmay! Let her walk on her own."

Tanmay bhaiya grinned sheepishly at me and let go of my hand and I followed him out of the living room giving Kartik bhaiya a small smile which he returned.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

~3rd person pov~

As soon as Imisha entered the Ahuja mansion, the entire place lit up with her radiance and cheerfulness.

As the family gathered around the cozy breakfast nook, the aroma of scrumptious food filled the air. They were all eagerly awaiting the arrival of Tanmay, the family's best cook, who was busy preparing a sumptuous breakfast.

Ikshit and Imisha were sitting next to each other, making small talk as they waited. Suddenly, Tanmay appeared with platters of delectable breakfast. "Brothers and sisters, I present to you the most delicious and yummy food you will ever have in your whole life," he said dramatically, serving everyone's plates with food.

Imisha was pleasantly surprised to see the enormous amount of food on the table - pancakes, waffles, sandwiches, beans, eggs, toast, fruits, and more. Her mouth watered as she looked at her plate, which was heaped high with an assortment of mouth-watering delicacies.

She watched as everyone started digging into their food, but she was a bit nervous and apprehensive. Despite her reservations, she waited patiently for instructions. "Imisha, do you not like the food? I can make you something else if you want," Tanmay asked her, noticing her hesitation.

She gulped, feeling a bit shy, and looked at Kartik for reassurance. Finally, she asked the question that made everyone freeze in their seats, "May I eat the food?"

Ahaan, the most impulsive of the brothers, abruptly rose from his seat, knocking over his chair in the process, and snatched up his half-eaten breakfast. He stormed upstairs, slamming the door shut behind him and locking it, knowing that he shouldn't have reacted that way but he couldn't help it. He couldn't help but blame himself for the tense situation.

Meanwhile, Kartik, who was downstairs, let out a heavy sigh, anticipating this outcome. He refrained from saying anything to Ahaan, knowing that he would beat himself up again.

Finally, Kartik spoke to Imisha, trying to ease the tension in the room. "You don't have to ask permission to eat, Imisha. You can always help yourself," he said gently. Imisha nodded meekly, picked up her fork, and began to take small bites.

Tanmay couldn't help but worry about his siblings, especially his sister and Ikshit, who looked visibly distressed. It was taking a toll on Ikshit too, and Tanmay could see it in his eyes. Nevertheless, he decided to stay silent this time, not wanting to add to the already heavy atmosphere.

After everyone was finished Kartik said, "Ikshit, why don't you take Ahaan with you and show Imisha around the house? Give her a tour and all. And Imisha, be ready by 4:00p.m, all of us are going shopping for you." Ikshit nodded happily.

"Why are we going shopping?" Imisha asked innocently, her big brown eyes looking around the table. Her brother, Tanmay, chuckled, "We have missed so many years of your life, princess, we are just trying to spoil you. You deserve it."

Imisha smiled, feeling grateful for her family's love and attention. "It's alright," she said, "I have brought my clothes with me, bhaiya."

The table erupted with laughter, making Imisha confused. Tanmay added cheekily, "Be ready to be spoiled, alright?"

Imisha nodded, her smile widening. She was happy to be back with her family and was looking forward to spending time with them, no matter what they had planned. She wanted a to give her life a shot too.

"Come on Ishu- do you mind if I call you that?" asked Ikshit nervously. Imisha, feeling loved and cared for by her brothers, shook her head and said, "No, I don't mind. Should I give you a nickname too? Ikshu, yes Ikshu sounds good, doesn't it?"

She looked towards her other brothers for reassurance. Everyone's eyes widened and Ikshit grumbled, but then quickly reassured her, "Yes! I love it, Ishu." He spoke smiling softly at his twin.

"Let's go get Ahaan first yeah? He has a stick up his ass but he will come around and I will get to show you everyone's rooms too." Ikshit said making Imisha laugh slightly. "Alright, let's go." She spoke softly, both of them making their way towards the staircase.

Over breakfast, Kartik and Tanmay were deep in conversation, discussing the recent encounter they had with Imisha. As they chatted, Kartik remarked, "I can't believe I forgot to inform them about it. You know, Imisha and him are so alike. They both have a passion for bikes, and Imisha even called Ikshit 'ikshu' too!"

"Wow, I'm not letting him come anywhere near Imisha, but before informing them, we should talk to her first," Tanmay suggested, and Kartik nodded in agreement.

The elder brothers watched Imisha and Ikshit go upstairs and it made them wonder about their bubbly and lively Imisha whom they had known all their lives, who had now transformed into a fierce and strong young woman who wouldn't tolerate any nonsense.

They felt proud of her, but they couldn't ignore the fact that their youngest sister had been through some rough times while away from them. She had built walls around herself and was always on edge, tensing up and flinching at the slightest movement or noise.

It was clear to her brothers that Imisha wasn't going to lower her guard anytime soon and they didn't know how to feel about it.

A/N: Another chapter! I hope you all are enjoying reading this book. I tried improving my grammar alongside my vocabulary for this one and I hope this one is a longer chapter. If the pov switch is too much, feel free to let me know! And if you don't know, 'bhaiya' is commonly referred to as older brother in India. Thank you for reading! <3

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