Fire and Winter

By AmberTheFantasy

580 29 2

Bastard. Archer. Advisor. Alysanne Snow was many things, but she never expected the word Wife to be added to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

96 5 0
By AmberTheFantasy

Alysanne and Joffrey sat together at supper that night and spent the morning talking with each other in the library. The prince seemed to have moved past Meleys' slight attack and was more relaxed than he had been when they parted. Alysanne dearly hoped that Joffrey kept this attitude and not the one that he had displayed previously.

The two had to part though, apparently the queen had something to discuss with the prince and Joffrey left to find her. So Aly had left the library too, deciding to spend time with her wolf pup. Meleys had come to her the moment she had entered Aly's thoughts, as she always did. The white wolf wove around Aly's legs, butting her white head into her legs to request cuddles. A shriek split the silence, making Alysanne jump, reaching for her waist and dagger that wasn't present there today.

Her body relaxed when she spotted who had made the sound, the Princess Myrcella. The young girl was standing a few feet away, her hands in front of her mouth and and guards hands on their swords. Alysanne curtsied, "princess."

Myrcella's wide eyes stayed on her white wolf, but the princess seemed to notice that there was another person standing before her and she curtsied back. "My lady."

"There is nothing to fear Princess, Meleys is gentle," Aly reassured the still scared princess.

Myrcella slowly stepped closer, "she won't hurt me?"

"Oh no, my dear. Meleys is quite well-trained." Aly clicked her fingers and Meleys sat without delay. Her bright red eyes were trained on the slowly approaching princess. "Here," Aly knelt, holding out her hand for Myrcella to put hers into. The princess hesitated slightly before placing her shaky hand into Aly's. Alysanne held the princess' small pale hand to Meleys' nose. The wolf's pink little nose twitched a few times, before her tongue flicked out and she licked Myrcella's hand.

Myrcella let out a little giggle and slipped her hand from Alysanne's to hold it closer to Meleys' head. The wolf let out a soft bark and pressed her forehead into the princess' hand. "Go on," Aly prompted. "She loves cuddles." Myrcella smiled as she ran her hand through the soft fur on the white wolf's head, letting out another giggle as Meleys' breath touched her stomach when she pressed closer.

Alysanne noticed that the princess' guards had relaxed when they saw that she was enjoying petting the wolf. "Is she really a direwolf?" Myrcella asked in a soft high voice.

"Yes," Alysanne nodded.

"How did you get her? Can I have one?" Myrcella looked up at her with wide innocent eyes.

Aly laughed. "We found the pups on the side of a trail, their mother had died and they had nowhere to go. I'm afraid there were only seven pups, but if I find any more I'll be sure to give one to you," Alysanne promised.

The light in Myrcella's eyes faded during the first part of her explanation but lit up again at the end. "Make sure you do!" She bit her lip and looked down before continuing, "after all, you are to be my sister one day."

"That I am," Aly agreed with a nod. "And I am honoured to be sister to such a beautiful little princess." Myrcella giggled again, smiling brightly at her.

"Princess!" A woman's voice called. A few moments later a woman dressed in red rounded the corner of the building beside us. "There you are, Princess. You have lessons, you shouldn't be out here walking around," she admonished.

"Sorry Lady Jocelyn, I was coming I promise," Myrcella said sheepishly.

"I must take some blame for the Princess' delay," Alysanne smiled. "She was distracted by my wolf."

Lady Jocelyn seemed to notice Alysanne and Meleys for the first time, her eyes widened when they landed on the wolf. "Oh- I see. Thank you for the explanation Lady..." She trailed off, not knowing the name of the dark-haired lady before her.

"Lady Alysanne Stark, my lady," Aly curtsied.

Lady Jocelyn's lip curled slightly. "My lady," Jocelyn curtsied stiffly. "Come Princess." She turned and led Myrcella away without another word, or a by your leave to her future queen. Myrcella waved goodbye quickly as she followed behind.

Alysanne sighed. Meleys pressed closer to Aly again. She smiled, running her hand through the wolf's fur. It did not matter that she was legitimised or that she was to marry the prince, she would always be a bastard to some.

"Can you make this firmer?" Alysanne asked, placing her hand on the fabric covering her breasts.

"Firmer?" the seamstress asked.

"Add more structure," Aly clarified. "I would like it to... not oh... I can't describe what I'm envisioning very well at all I'm afraid." Aly sighed, trying her hardest to think of a way to explain what she was seeing in her mind.

The seamstress smiled softly. "I will modify the structure and see if I can create what you wish." She bowed. Unpinning the fabric from Alysanne's underdress and picking up a different one to try. Alysanne had decided she wanted to have a few new dresses made before leaving for King's Landing, though she loved her simple northern dresses she wanted to have something more elegant for when they stopped at castles on the way south. Aly smiled and nodded when the seamstress placed a dark red piece of fabric over her shoulder, a perfect shade of Lannister red.

"Aly?" Robb's voice called through the door.

"Enter!" Aly called back. The door opened and Robb, Jon and Theon entered the room. "What do you want?" She asked.

"Not happy to see us?" Theon asked with a smirk. Aly rolled her eyes at him.

"We wish to speak of your betrothed," Jon explained.

Alysanne narrowed her eyes, "leave us." She waved off the seamstress. The seamstress bowed, gathering her things and hurrying from the room. "What do you wish to know about him?" Alysanne asked, stepping off the platform she had been standing on and taking a seat on one of the chairs in the room.

"Has he been... kind to you?" Jon asked, slipping into the chair opposite her.

"Yes, he has been wonderful," Aly smiled. "Kind and gentle. You saw us at supper yesterday?"

"Of course, you seemed... happy," Robb smiled stiffly.

Alysanne laughed. "I was. We read together in the library this morning. He was reading a book on northern houses and asking me questions all the way through. And he prayed in the godswood with me yesterday." She revealed.

Her brothers smiled at her. "He prayed in the godswood?" Robb confirmed. She nodded. "That is wonderful. Perhaps he is not so much a, how did you describe him Theon?"

"A right royal prick?" Theon asked.

Alysanne gasped, kicking her leg out to hit his. "Theon! You cannot say that about my betrothed."

"Apologies my lady," Theon mock-bowed. Alysanne rolled her eyes at him again.

"Apparently you were wrong though," Jon said. "He has been the perfect gentleman to Aly."

"Well, not exactly perfect. He was a right arse in the training yard," Alysanne may have enjoyed his company at supper and in the library but she hadn't forgotten the way he had spoken to Robb in the yard or the way he had doubted her skill.

"Yes, perhaps that was an act to impress the Lannister squires," Jon suggested. Aly frowned, perhaps.

"You are happy with him though?" Robb confirmed, staring into her eyes.

"If I was not, you would know." Alysanne smirked. Robb laughed and nodded.

There was a knock on the wooden door. "Who is it?" Aly called.

"Prince Joffrey, my lady," a guard responded.

Alysanne stood brushing at her dress. "Let him in!"

The door opened and Joffrey entered the room, draped in red and gold as always. "My prince," Alysanne curtsied, spotting Robb, Theon and Jon bowing out of the corner of her eyes.

"My lady, My lords," Joffrey bowed. "I hope I am not interrupting anything important."

"No my prince, we were just leaving," Robb said.

Joffrey nodded. "I was hoping to spirit you away for a walk through the ground my betrothed," he smiled at Aly.

She responded with one of her own, "I would enjoy that." Joffrey held out his arm for her to take. "Brothers, Theon," she smiled goodbye. They responded with their own goodbyes as Aly and her betrothed left the room.

"How have you enjoyed your time here?" Aly asked.

Joffrey looked at her out of the corner of his eyes. "It is different from King's Landing but enjoyable."

"How different is King's Landing?" Aly had always wondered about the capital city.

It is much larger," Joffrey said. "It smells worse, and the people are not as kind."

Alysanne wrinkled her nose, "smells worse?" She already knew about the politicking and fighting of court and was preparing for it, but a terrible smell?

"Quite worse," Joffrey nodded. "Though you hardly notice while inside the keep."

"Is it really red? Bright red?" Aly looked up at Joffrey with wonder filled eyes.

"Not bright red but yes, the stones are red as my doublet."

"It must have been wonderful to grow in such a large place."

"I did enjoy it quite a bit. Having so many people watching you at all times can become tiring though I must say."

"I can imagine," Aly grimaced sympathetically. "I must prepare myself for that once we go south. I believe that being the future wife of the heir to the Iron Throne will make me a person of interest to those at court."

"Yes," Joffrey nodded. "It will. I do believe that you, my betrothed, will handle it wonderfully, if the way you handled me was any indication."

"I did humble you quite quickly did I not?" She smirked at him.

Joffrey stopped walking and turned to face her, raising a brow. "You did." Though the prince had attempted to say it in a bright tone, Aly could tell that this path of conversation had soured his mood quickly.

"Do not become discomforted my dear," Alysanne soothed. "I am two years your elder, and have been training for longer than you." She chose not to mention that she was better with a bow and really shouldn't have beaten him in their spar if he was any good.

"Of course," Joffrey smiled stiffly.

"What did your mother wish to speak with you about this morning?" Aly decided to change the topic of conversation.

Joffrey blinked. "She wanted to offer advice on how to converse with ladies."

Aly raised a brow, "your mother? offered advice on conversing with ladies?"

He hummed. Joffrey's lip twitched, Aly could see the amusement in his eyes "she suggested I ask you about sewing." His voice was so filled with amusement that Aly could hardly imagine how he was containing his laughter.

"Sewing?" While she did enjoy sewing on some occasions, unlike her sister Sansa she preferred having others make her dresses while she simply embroidered for fun. She much preferred archery and riding to sewing.

"I told her that my belief was that you would enjoy discussing sewing as much as I would."

"You would be correct about that, my betrothed." Alysanne smiled. "I prefer discussing riding, do you enjoy riding?"

"I do. I so enjoyed exploring new places on the ride north."

"We should go out into the forests together," Aly suggested. Joffrey opened his mouth to respond but footsteps cut him off.

"My prince!" A squire dressed in lannister red and gold with the blond hair to match called out to Joffrey. "The king has called for a hunt!"

Joffrey released Alysanne's arm, "prepare my horse, I shall be there soon." Joffrey kept his eyes on Aly for a few moments longer. "It seems I have a different place to be," he sighed.

"Yes. Go hunt with the king. Bring me back a pelt."

"I shall endeavour to do so," Joffrey bowed. Aly curtsied.

"Sansa, you cannot ignore me forever," Alysanne sighed. Sansa did not respond, she kept her eyes facing forward and her hands pressed in Lady's fur. "Sansa," Aly knelt beside her sister. "I did not choose this betrothal, I did not take your dream from you on purpose my sweet."

"I know," Sansa said softly.

"You are still coming south with us are you not? Perhaps you will find a husband at court," Aly suggested.

Sansa finally looked at her. "You think I could?"

"Of course," Aly placed her hand on Sansa's arm. "You are the beautiful eldest daughter of the Warden of the North and Hand of the King, young lords and knights will be falling over themselves to court you." Sansa blushed, smiling slightly. "However, any man that wishes to court you will have to handle both Father and me."

"Handle you?" Sansa asked innocently.

Aly smiled. "Do not worry yourself with it my sweet." She placed her other hand on Sansa's cheek. Sansa smiled sweetly at her. Sansa could hold a grudge like no other but compliment her and comfort her and she melted like ice in the summer.

Lady's ears pricked up and her nose raised into the air. "What is it darling?" Sansa asked, looking around for whatever had made her wolf react.

Meleys suddenly came careening out of the woods, her hackles raised and tail fluffed. "What is wrong?" Aly asked, raising to her feet and reaching for the dagger at her waist. Then there was a distant wolf's howl and Meleys and Lady responded with two of their own. "That's Bran's wolf!" Aly said. Her and Sansa took off running the direction of the howl, their own wolves right on their heels.

Aly followed the sound of the howl through the courtyard and towards the broken tower. When the base of the tower came into view Alysanne heard Sansa gasp and almost stumbled herself. Bran's wolf was pacing beside a dark shape on the ground. Aly sped up her run, dropping to her knees beside Bran's unconscious body. "Get your Maester Luwin!" she almost yelled at Sansa. her sister spun and ran back in the other direction. "Bran?" Aly whispered, running her hands through his dirty hair. "Lady Catelyn told you to stop climbing," she almost sobbed, glancing up at the tower.

"Aly?" Arya's voice called. "Bran?!"

Her youngest sister dropped to the ground beside her, voice shaking as she asked for an explanation. "He must have fallen from the tower while climbing," Aly said softly. "Arya, little wolf, go make sure your mother is coming."

"But-" Arya started.

"Go," Aly said, looking at her sternly. Arya grimaced but stood and took off towards the main keep without complaint.

A few moments later Sansa rounded the corner with Maester Luwin and Jon behind her. Aly relaxed at the sight of her twin and the Maester, moving slightly to allow Luwin access to Bran. "I think he fell from the tower," Aly explained. Luwin nodded. Jon walked up behind her, placing hands on her shoulders.

"Brandon!" Catelyn's panicked voice reached them as Luwin was running his hands over Bran's legs. "Oh my baby," Catelyn sobbed. "Will he be alright?"

"I do not know," Luwin confessed. "But it is safe to move him. Jon, Alysanne help me get him into the keep."

Aly stood from the ground and bent in sync with Jon to pick Bran up by the arms and legs and carry him back to the main keep. Catelyn had not seemed to even notice their presence, solely focused on her son. Thankfully some of the guards had noticed the commotion and ran over to help keep Bran steady as they trekked back to the keep and up the stairs to his room.

Catelyn took a seat by Bran's bed the moment he was laid down. "Give me space!" Luwin commanded them. Jon almost dragged Aly back and out of the room. Sansa and Arya were both standing outside, pacing.

"Is he going to be okay?" Arya asked, grabbing Jon.

"Maester Luwin said he doesn't know," Jon responded. He pulled Arya into a hug and ran his hand up and down her back.

"Someone should tell Father," Aly said distantly. "I'll go find them." She had turned and walked away before her siblings could even think to respond.

"Saddle my horse," Aly commanded Joseth as she reached the stable. He bowed, picking up her saddle and strapping it to Balerion without question. Alysanne swung herself into the saddle. "Go boy!"

They raced through the courtyard and then out into the forest near Winterfell. Meleys was racing at her side, nose lowered. "Find their scent girl!" Aly called to her wolf. Meleys let out a howl, slowed for a moment, then sped off. "Follow her," she commanded Balerion. The black stallion kept pace with the white wolf as they swerved through the trees.

It was not long before another wolf joined Meleys beside the track, Grey Wind. They were close.

"Alysanne?" Robb's voice called as soon as Balerion broke through a line of trees and into a clearing. Everyone turned, some with hands on blades that released when they saw who it was.

"Where is father?" Aly asked without preamble.

Robb furrowed his brows, "uhh-"

"Alysanne?" Father came into view through the crowd, face filled with worry. "What is wrong?"

"It's Bran. He fell from a tower while climbing Father, it's bad." Aly explained shakily.

Father was back on his horse and ready to ride in seconds. The king not a moment behind him. The whole party was heading back to the keep without a word from either of them. Robb rode beside Aly, his hands clenched hard on his horse's reins.

Father dismounted his horse with speed and was off towards the main keep, Robb, Theon and the king on his heels. Aly was slower to dismount and go inside. She could not get the image of Bran motionless on the ground out of her head.

"Alysanne," Joffrey's voice was soft when he came to a stop beside her.

"Joffrey," she responded.

"Are you-- alright?" he asked stiffly.

Alysanne gave him a single look that had Joffrey taking a step back. "My little brother just fell from a tower and I am currently unable to tell if he will leave, do you think I am... alright?" she snapped.

She saw a flash of anger in Joffrey's eyes before he took a breath and gulped. "I am sorry, that was inconsiderate of me."

Aly sighed, "no no. I know you were only trying to be kind."

Joffrey placed a hand on her arm, "if you need to talk... if you need anything."

"Thank you," she smiled at her betrothed, holding back the tears that had been threatening to spill since she found her brother. "If you do not mind I would like to be with my family."

"Of course," Joffrey nodded.

Alysanne walked back to the hallway outside Bran's room. All her siblings were waiting there, hands clenching in worry and brows furrowed. Jon took Aly in his arms without a word, patting her on the back. "Let it out," he whispered in her ear. Alysanne felt the cry more than she heard it.

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