Love Threads (Honami x Kiyota...

De Kokolikestoread

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Story for Kiyotaka and Honami enjoyers! :D (Disclaimer: I do not own Classroom of the Elite, all rights go to... Mais

Author's Note
Shown Interest
Boiling Intensity
A Gift.
Quality Time
Love Threads.

Mutual Confessions

2K 70 6
De Kokolikestoread

==Ichinose POV==

After what seemed to be a eternal day, class has finally ended. Thank god it did because I wouldn't know how to function properly with all the tease I have endured. It felt like it was just me and not Ayanokouji. Why not tease him too huh? He was the one that was hugged! I mean technically I did the hugging but still, he should have been teased too.

I've been spending more time with Ayanokouji than I expected, I hope I'm not bothering him.

I mean I don't think I've been bothering him at all, if anything I would even think he's enjoying my company. Ever since he switched towards our class, we have been walking together after our classes. He doesn't shy away from company and he doesn't reject me.

Come to think of it, I bought us some sweet mochi for us to enjoy while walking, I should probably give him the other one



"Are you fond of sweets?"

"Not really, they are good, but not my type of food."

Classic Ayanokouji. Why am I not surprised? I still gave him the other mochi. He was hesitant at first but gave it a try anyways.

"So? How is it?" I asked

"It's soft and chewy."

"Right? It's kind of a stress reliever for me so I thought I'd give you some"

He looked at me and thanked me with a small nod. Im guessing he never had mochi before so I'm glad that I was the one that changed that. He's face was still stoic but in his eyes, it was filled with appreciation. So cute.

"What subjects are you currently struggling on?" Ayanokouji asked.

I forgot, I did invite him over to my dorm today to tutor me in some subjects. But truth be told, I never needed help. I just wanted to make an excuse to make him come to my dorm today. I guess I had problems with Gourmets.

"I have some issues with Gourmets, can you help me?"

"You never cooked before?" He scoffed

"I did, but I do want to put more effort in my bentos."

I also wanted to someday make bentos for you too. I feel like a housewife, meal-prepping for her husband before he goes off to work when I thought of that.

While we were happily talking, Karuizawa passed by. She was quick, as if she didn't wanna see us. Ayanokouji fell silent, I thought he would look remorseful but I looked into his eyes and saw... nothing

But I do feel a little guilty. They had just broken up and here I am being so buddy-buddy with her ex. But I do not like feeling guilty about it. It's about time I start thinking for myself and what makes me happy and right now, nothing would make me more happy than being with Ayanokouji.

Still, I can't help but think what was going on through her head. She definitely looked disturbed when she passed by us.


Well there's no point thinking of that problem for now. What's important is what I'm doing isn't wrong. They already broke up and Ayanokouji is finally single once again. I will not let this chance pass by, I already regretted my decisions one time. I won't let it happen again.

We finally reached the dorms and he told me that he would go back to his dorm for a second to grab some things.

"I'll be quick, give me a few minutes."


We quickly parted ways and I immediately went to my dorm to prepare for our, "Dorm Date" hehe. I feel kind of weird calling it a dorm date but it does feel like it.

==Ayanokouji POV==

It's been a few days since I had joined Ichinose's class, her classmates still doesn't trust me. They are definitely still hiding some of their secrets from me, but I understand why.

To them, I'm just a nobody who happened to stumble across 20 million private points, to others I am an idiot that threw away a big advantage for no reason. But to my former classmates, I am a reliable asset that had wiggled out of their palm.

They know what I can do, but that's all they know. They know my capabilities at a surface level that is represented by a iceberg. I'm sure Horikita knows about this and is doing everything to rival against me.

While walking, I stumbled upon Chiaki Matsushita and Maya Satou.

Satou confronted me about my situation with Karuizawa while Matsushita quietly listened behind her.

"What did you do to Karuizawa? Is it true that you broke up with her?" Satou asked, frustrated at me.

"Yes, and I have no intention of going back."

She looked at me with malice upon hearing what I said while Matsushita was visibly shocked.

"You're awful you know that?" She spat

"Why would I be?"

"Do you have any idea in the slightest of what she had done for you?!"

Her voice was getting louder as the conversation go on. I suddenly have found myself in a situation where I am deemed as a bad person despite everything I had done for Karuizawa.

But I am not affected by them at all. Infact, it interests me that these people are willing to do these unnecessary confrontations. I wonder what benefit do they get when they confront me about my separation from Karuizawa, or better yet Class B.

While she's mindlessly scolding me and battering me with insults, I noticed Matsushita has been eagerly waiting for my response. As I take in Satou's verbal abuse I can't help but notice Matsushita looking at me as if I would say something else.

Is she interested in me? I know Class B has been aware of me but I'm pretty sure I have shrugged every major turn of events to Horikita being the key factor. Why is she eager to listen to me specifically?

"...and I'm baffled that someone like you truly didn't care. I thought that behind that apathetic face is a guy with a heart of gold, only showing it to those who deserved it! Turns out I'm wrong, and I cannot believe I had actually taken my time to be invested in you. You're disgus-"

"Are you done, Satou?" I asked coldly.

"Huh? You're really asking me with that tone of yours when you-"


Suddenly the air got tense around us. Even though I was out of that place, it felt like I was pulled back into it.

"I truly am sorry if I have hurt your friend's feelings. But I have already decided that I want face Horikita and for that to fully happen, I took measures to truly impose the idea of Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is no longer your ally, but your foe."

"I'm sorry to say, but from now on. I truly do not care about Class B. I do not care about Horikita, I do not care about Hirata, and I do not care about Karuizawa. The only time that I would care about Class B is when I finally make my moves to crush that class." I followed

I meant everything I said. I am done with Class B, I have moved on, and so should they.

Satou took in everything I have said and replied with silence accompanied by a glare filled with anger and dissatisfaction. She was seething with rage while Matsushita was filled with indescribable disappointment.

She started walking, shoulder checking me on the way with Matsushita following behind her.


I continue walking, finally reaching the elevator. I waited patiently for the elevator to open for me to go inside.

When I got in, I closed my eyes and thought to myself - what a encounter. Now I am very eager to just stay at my dorm to rest, but I couldn't I don't want to leave Ichinose with false expectations. That would ruin my interactions with my other new classmates. Ichinose is the key to this class so I must endure this.

As I finally reached the floor that my dorm was residing on, I wasted no time preparing. I went inside and put on a more comfortable attire, I packed my necessary notes for Ichinose, and I packed some things that I have a feeling that will become handy.

Something tells me that I should bring extra clothes on. A strange gut feeling of mine rose and told me to bring extra clothes, I wondered why but I went with it.

I finally got everything ready so I left my dorm and closed the door, locking it shut until I get back.


*knock knock*

I knocked on Ichinose's door and waited for her response, I heard a sweet girl call out "I'll be right there!" Followed by a couple of footsteps. It didn't take long for Ichinose to finally open the door. Ichinose greeted me with a sweet smile and those endearing blue eyes.

It wasn't long until I noticed what she was wearing. She wore a white knitted sweater with black leggings. It wasn't much but it really complimented her body, she looked gorgeous. It wasn't a exaggeration that I was stunned, my eyes wide, carefully examining the beauty that was infront of me.

I saw her mouth move, like she's telling me something. Probably greeting me with a "Good evening" with how her lips moved. I couldn't reply, my eyes just kept scanning at her features and beauty. Eventually she started to tense up, evident by her cheeks looking as if it was hot as a volcano.

I finally snapped out of it and greeted her properly.

"Good evening, Ichinose."

"Ah, you finally spoke!"

She was evidently flustered, but was able to stay composed to form a few sentences. She let me come in and closed the door behind her, locking it in the process.

Her dorm looked as proper as it was when I was last here. A small table with her notes and a bunch of snacks on the side, pillows on the floor for us to sit on, and a waiting Ichinose ready to be tutored.

She sat down and called me, patting the pillow next to her.

"Come sit~"

I obliged and sat right next to her before getting hit by a scent.

"Sweet Citrus?" I uttered

"You noticed? You're pretty observant."

"Everyone would have noticed the scent with our distance."

Yeah, our distance towards each other was not far. It was close, very close. Despite the situation. She started off the session with me following behind, giving her tips and tricks and guiding her towards her cooking journey.


After our session, it was getting late. I told Ichinose that I'm on limited time. She looked upset, her eyes wanted to tell me something. I stood up with the intention of packing my belongings when I was interrupted by Ichinose pulling my hand, Forcing me to sit down. I turn around and was met with her face inching close to mine.

"Stay with me?" She asked me. I was confused, won't I get in trouble if I do that? And it's not just me, if I was caught in her dorm it would surely raise some unwanted rumors. It wouldn't look good for the both of us.

"I can't Ichinose, it'll raise rumors that might damage our class."

"It will be more suspicious if you were caught on camera, leaving at this hour."

While she was not wrong, it still didn't give the excuse of me staying overnight. But... this is interesting. Ichinose was the type of girl to put others first over herself. She's made it her own rule that she would make others happy first.

Am I seeing the same Ichinose? Is she finally taking some respect for her own wishes instead of others? This is a development that I was not expecting. What caused her to behave like this?

"That's not a valid reason for me to stay." I continued


"Could I atleast say something before you go."

She looked at me with her alluring eyes, making sure to lock our sights together.

"Ayanokouji, I love you." She spoke softly.

"I know."

"...well, that's all I wanted to say"

She started to fold her small table and arrange her pillows back to her sofa. Her lips were quivering and her eyes were hiding behind her bangs as she turn her back against me.

After all the rustling, she excused herself to go to the bathroom.

In order for her to grow, she doesn't need relationships. She can manage on her own and will function just fine without me.

But what is this feeling? This feeling of... regret? Am I feeling, wasted? I don't understand. When I'm with Ichinose, I get these random sparks of goosebumps. Is this what love is? I never experienced this feeling with Karuizawa.

Will I regret leaving Ichinose with no answers tonight?

She finally came out of the bathroom, ready to see me off. She looked sad behind that strained smile.

"Are you ready Ayanokouji?" She muttered weakly

"Give me a second."


"Can I confess, Ichinose."

Even when upset, she still looked at me and gave me her undivided attention.

"I do not know how to love. I don't know what love is, I have yet to learn how to give love."

Her eyes widened.

"I thought I could learn what love truly is with Karuizawa. But to be completely honest, I didn't feel anything. Everytime that we would fight and make up, I would assume that I should be ecstatic, or atleast feel relieved."

"But I didn't feel anything. I felt nothing. It's as if I was investing on nothing. I'm sorry, my emotions were locked away ever since I was a child." I followed.

I looked at Ichinose after saying all that, she was remorseful. She started tearing up before immediately rushing towards me and embracing me, burying her face to my chest.

"I'm so sorry." Her voice was shaky.

"I didn't know, all these times I was acting so selfishly. I did not think of what you felt." She cried

She kept apologizing to me while embracing me with affection. My shirt was dampened but I didn't care. I felt something when I witnessed this scene. I don't know what this feeling is, but I don't like it.

It didn't take long for me to start embracing her back, wrapping around my arms towards her and fully immersing myself in this situation.

"Can I be selfish for a second." I asked

"B-by all means, go ahead."

"Will you teach me love... Ichinose."

She started crying profusely, sniffling and hugging me tighter. She finally took her head off my chest and looked at me.

"Are you okay with someone like me?"

"Of course, I should be asking you that question." I joked to lift up the mood.

She hit my chest with her fists before awkwardly breaking away from our long hug.

"I would love to." She said, quickly grabbing my hand and caressing it slowly with her hands"

"You will be cherished in my hands. Okay, Kiyotaka?"

"Okay, Ichin-"

She put a finger on my lips, completely stopping me from finishing my sentence.

"Call me Honami from now on, okay?"

I nodded.

"Your a mess, please before leaving my dorm. Clean yourself up."

"You're a mess yourself, look at you." I scoffed

"Hey, we just confessed to each other. It's in our best interest to not go for each other's throats as we start our journey." She scolded me

After a few heartwarming exchanges, I decided to stay in Honami's dorm for tonight. She told me to take a shower first before bunking on the couch.

I took her advice and fixed myself up on the shower, I showered and put on my shirt and pants on.

She gave me some blankets and her own personal pillow for me to use to sleep.

"Don't you need this?"

"I have 2 pillows, don't worry." She giggled

She turned off the lights and finally went to bed. As the darkness consumes the room I was confronted by my consciousness.

This, is the start of my relationship with Honami. Whether this will be bad or good for me, I will have no regrets. Knowing that I have finally answered Honami as well as my own feelings.

Honami, you are the first person to make me feel... loved.

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