Riven x Reader

By InnyIsHot

13K 355 72

You're Y/n Stella's best friend since birth. Once you go to Alfea with Bloom and the rest, you become the Win... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

608 17 2
By InnyIsHot

On our way back, I keep catching Stella looking at me out of the corner of my eyes, making me more paranoid than ever, I'm practically tearing my hair out to ensure my marks are covered. God, I hate Riven so much. This is all his fault; if he showed a sliver of self-restraint, then I wouldn't be in this mess. I mean, what's wrong with a hot make-out session against a wall with no hickeys? Not that I want to have another kiss with him, no matter how close we got to it in the swamp. I feel my cheeks flare up; I huff and stare at the ground, trying to avoid the burning glare of the sun fairy. Of course, I have to be best friends with the fucking sun. 

We finally arrive back to our dorm, I hurriedly run into my room to throw on something comfortable that doesn't wash out my skin tone. It's nothing special, just some shorts and a hoodie that suitably covers my neck. Usually, I would tie my dark curls up into a bun, but I can't risk any of the other girls seeing my neck. I barely have a minute to think about an excuse for Stella before there's knocking at my door. I take a deep breath and stare into the mirror, allowing myself a moment of peace before the inevitable rapid-fire questions. 

"Come in," I call out, refusing to look at the door.

"It's me," Stella says, closing the door behind her. I turn around to see my best friend staring at me, arms folded and eyebrow arched. I shoot her an uncomfortable grin, we stare at each other in silence for a moment, "Don't you dare make me ask," She says sternly, my fake smile drops and I place my head in my hands.

"Ugh fine," I say, I take another deep breath before craning my neck so she can them properly.

"Before I say anything, was this something you wanted?" She asked me sincerely, I feel a bit bad for making her worry about me like that. But that question also makes me think, I did want it. In fact, I'm ashamed to say I wanted more. In that moment, where Riven had me up against the wall, I wanted a lot more than just hickeys. But I can't think like that now. It was just a one time thing, he was mad about losing against me and that was the only thing he could think of to get back at me.

"Oh my God, yes," I say quickly, trying to relieve her fears, she beams at me and wiggles her eyebrows, my face burns red and I start laughing, "Not like that, get your mind out of the gutter," I say, jokingly pushing her arm.

"Well that's brilliant, because those are some nice love bites," she winks, "Must've been done by a professional," Stella laughs, I try laughing with her but a pit falls at the thought of Riven kissing some other girl. I shove the thought from my head, I can't possibly like him in that way, I won't let myself. "So, are you gonna tell me who marked you up?" She asks, staring at me intently.

"I don't think he wants anyone knowing," I say, my voice trailing off.

"Ah so you and Riven are keeping things secret for now?" Stella gives me a knowing look but I shake my head and pull a face.

"What the fuck?!" I say, trying to act surprised and disgusted, "Riven? Are you joking? I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole!" 

"Bullshit, Y/n!" She retorts, "We've been friends since we were in nappies, I know you better than anyone else in whole universe. I've seen the way you look at him!" She pauses for a moment, "Actually, I've more seen the way he looks at you." Although I'm dying to know what she means about him looking at me, I can't ask, that would give it all away.

"Well, he can take those eyes and shove them up his arse," I scoff, "Besides, do you really think I'd lower my standards for some petulant man-baby?" Stella laughs at me for a moment.

"Okay, okay. If not Riven, then who?" She stares at me long and hard, as if she was trying to read my mind, I just look at her as if she was crazy and she rolls her eyes at me.

"None of the specialists," I assure, "Just some hot guy who was impressed with my fighting, nothing is going to come from it," I tug at me sleeve uncomfortably, I'm trying to convince myself just as much as I'm trying to convince Stella.

"Show me your neck again," She says, holding up a glowing finger, I lean away from her.

"What exactly are you going to do with that?" I ask nervously, Stella's great at most magic but I'd sooner mix Skittles with M&M's than let her perform a spell on me.

"Oh Y/n, you know me, I've had about a thousand hickeys I need to hide, this is just a little spell to help get rid of them faster," She beams, "I've done it on myself like a bajillion times, nothing to worry about." She presses her finger against one of the marks, "It takes a while, so now you can give me all the little details about how in Magix this mystery guy gave you these!"

We sat there talking well passed curfew, not unusual for us, though, conversations are just so much easier with Stella. I told her all about what happened with the hickeys, leaving out the finer details, naturally. And she told me all about her master plan to make Prince Sky fall in love with her, not that she needs a plan, he seems pretty interested already.

We must've fallen asleep at some point because I woke up and the sneaky bitch was in my bed. Moonlight streamed through my open curtains, Stella is snoring, I roll over and get up from my floor, my aching back and legs carrying me to my balcony. I let the cool night air wash over my flushed face and it nestles in my hair. I close my eyes, taking a long, deep breath. It's so silent. This usually busy campus fast asleep in the dead of night, the full moon at her peak, and for moment, it's just us. The moon and I stood in perfect harmony. It reminds me of the night Riven and I danced together, it still surprises me how good of a dancer he is. The way he took my hand and held my lower back with such fierce gentleness. I don't think we broke eye-contact once. And now, with my eyes closed, I can almost see his face, that look in his eyes when he lets his wants take over, I saw it just before he kissed me. There's a certain battle between his head and nature, you can see it by how intense he looks, a slightly strain of want, before he says "fuck it" and allows himself that moment. God, look at me, thinking of Riven, when there are a million other things to be thinking of, but no, I'm stood here, in the dark, with my eyes closed, thinking of the most annoying man I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. 


 My eyes shoot open at the tiny sound, leaning across my balcony I see a hooded figure run into the forest. I have half a mind to go after them, the other just wants to go to bed. It could be Riven, an unusual sensation fills my stomach, similar to the bubbles of rage I get, but softer, almost like an anxiety, I chew nervously at my thumb, if it is Riven, then I should go after him, right? Unless that's what he wants, and I am a woman who will do many things but giving Riven what he wants for free is definitely not one of them. I sigh heavily and return to my room. Stella's still snoring away, perfectly positioned so I can't slot myself in anywhere. "Fucks sake," I whisper to myself. I take a spare blanket and one of my cushions, making a little bed for myself on my floor. I look at it despairingly. "Night Stella," I say softly, "Selfish bitch," I kiss her gently on her forehead before laying down to sleep.   

"I have amazing news!" Stella announces, bursting into the kitchen holding a piece of paper. It's one of the more humbling jobs here at Alfea. They pick a dorm group every day to cook a whole meal for the entire school.

"You got out of kitchen duties, we know," I say while rolling my eyes. I don't know how she does it, honestly I'm quite impressed. She always manages to get her desired outcome, one way or another. 

"For a valid reason! I have a date!" Stella exclaims while spinning around the kitchen, knocking over several pans which fall in a deafening crash, I wince at the noise. She wafts the paper in the air excitedly as I roll my eyes.

"Lucky you, babe," I sigh, kneeling down to picking up the bowls, the other girls are in no hurry to drop their shit and come rushing over to Stella. 

"Guess who with!" She beams in that sing-song voice, clearly frustrated with our lack of enthusiasm. If anyone was to be the first on a date out our friends, it was going to be her. She's stunningly beautiful with the confidence to match. But being a sheltered and spoiled Princess that confidence can melt away into arrogance at times. It's a good thing I'm always around to keep her in check. But this isn't boasting, she's genuinely excited about the news.

"Oh we're just dying to know," Musa replies sarcastically, Stella crosses her arms as I snicker slightly.

"I'll have you know that Prince Sky wants to take me to Black Lagoon!" She squeals, grabbing my shoulders and shaking them, I smile along with her.

"Wow, a guy who knows you and still wants to take you out?" I laugh, she drops me and I try to go back to my task.

"Oh shush," She waves a dismissive hand at me while hopping on my work station. I shoot her a look that goes unnoticed, "Don't be jealous," She gives me a wink and a cheeky grin as I stare at her with my famous resting bitch face, "But there's a problem," The Princess sighs, trying to change the topic.

"Let me guess, you don't know what to wear?" I say, already knowing the answer. This is Stella we're talking about, she always knows what to wear until she needs to impress someone, then it's all hands on deck.

"Yes, actually," She confesses and takes my hands in hers, "Come, help me pick?" Her infamous puppy dog eyes come out as she pleads with me, not that she needs to, helping her choose an outfit is a lot more fun than cooking for the whole school, besides, I prefer baking, anyway.

"You don't have to tell me twice," I reply, throwing off my apron, the others all follow suit. 

"I'd wear this, pure elegance," Flora says, pulling out a long black dress, "It's perfect!" She smiles, handing the frock to Stella, I wrinkle my nose up at it. Although a little black dress can be a timeless piece, this is the fairy of the sun and moon we're talking about, there's no way she'd wear that on a date, a date with a Prince, especially.

"For a funeral, maybe," I say under my breath, Flora shoots me a look as I give her a nice fake smile in return.

"How about this? Sure to make a lasting impression," Tecna picks out this absolutely hideous gown, clashing purple and blue, polka dots shaped like triangles, gaudy ruffles on the hem, neckline and even sleeves. I almost choke on my drink, I put the can down loudly in disbelief. 

"Stella you bought that?" I ask in shock, the Princess shakes her head timidly.

"Someone gave it to you?" Musa sneers at the piece of fabric. Stella rolls her eyes and crosses her arms angrily.

"No I designed it!" She wails, I start laughing.

"In the dark?" I ask with a smirk, Stella just glares at me.

"You're no help!" I raise an eyebrow and Stella starts laughing too, "Okay, so maybe it's not my best work, I think I'll just leave the fashion designing up to you, Y/n."

"I like this." Bloom's voice sounds over the laughter, she pick out this nice blue dress with crossed spaghetti straps and an asymmetrical short skirt. I nod approvingly. 

"Oooooh, amazing! That would be perfect!" Stella takes the thing out of Blooms hand and starts throwing her clothes off. 

"Will Brandon be there too?" Bloom asks as Stella's skirt hits me in the face. 

"No, Sky gave his servant the night off," She replies nonchalantly. I won't lie, I do feel a little bit hurt by this. If she sees Brandon as her servant, then what am I to her? We do practically the same job. I roll my eyes as Bloom grunts.

"Ugh, c'mon Brandon is not his servant. He's his assistant, there's a difference." She crosses her arms and leans against the chest-of-drawers. My ears prick up, and I notice Stella has the same thought as me. The earthling really got defensive over Brandon then.

"Sorry Bloom, I was just joking," She says, giving me a knowing look, "You like him don't you?" Stella smiles, flattening out her creases.

"Oh, she 100% does!" I laugh in agreement.

"Hey!" Bloom smiles at us awkwardly and tries to protest more, I waft my hand at her.

"Yeah yeah, we know, none of our business." God, she's only known him for like a week, how can she develop feelings that quickly? I push away any thoughts of Riven, I don't see why he just pops into my head, there's no way I can like him. He's just an arrogant boy who just so happens to have kissed me. And danced with me at the ball. And flirt with me, but only to annoy me. I can't like him, he's too full of himself.

"Earth to Y/n?" I hear Stella's voice and I'm immediately back in the room, I stare at her confused expression before she points to the green chest next to me, "Get me that box will you?" She asks.

"Sure thing, babe." I lift the thing and it's much heavier than it looks, "Jewelery?" I ask, dumping the chest next to her, she opens it and it's like the concentrated power of the sun all in one box. So many glittering items, I blink to get the glare out of my eyes.

"But of course! Hm, my ring is too much, Y/n, could you look after this for me, please?" She tries giving me her puppy dog eyes, but I resist. Somewhere in my contract it says that I am not be responsible for magical items, I'm prone to losing small things, and if I lost that, then my neck would be on the chopping block.

"Oh no. I will not be held responsible for that," I reply assertively, the Princess rolls her eyes and holds the ring out.

"Fine. Bloom then, you look after it." She hands it over to Bloom's bewildered face.

"But isn't this your magic ring?" She asks, concerned, Stella nods.

"Oh I won't need it tonight. Who needs a ring when you have a whole Prince to protect you?" She twirls around in glee as I stare in disgust.

"Who needs a Prince when you're literally magic?" I reply sarcastically, holding the note she received. Maybe it was Prince Sky I saw outside last night, the noise I heard could've been from him throwing the note onto Stella's balcony. I chew the skin around my thumb as I furrowed my brows looking down at the piece of paper in my hands. I can't describe it, something just feels, off.

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