Gentle touch

נכתב על ידי sleepysappho

67.6K 1.5K 475

It had been mere months after her eighteen birthday, when she was pulled from the safe haven of her life and... עוד

Malibu barbie
Lunatic land
Biting down
Girls against God
Pink tigers
Crying over spilt milk
Big bad wolf
On the down low
Number seven
Three clicks
The grudge
Lizzy McDizzy
Welcome to Litchfield
Cold cereal
Witching hour
Drama queen
Sink or swallow
Sick day special
Cool about it
Invisible string
Cowboy like me
The blues
I know the end
O'Romeo Romeo
Wine and worry
Garden of Eden
Marshmallow meltdown
Spelling is fun
Me & My Dog
Strawberry shortcake
Glitter galore


5K 72 5
נכתב על ידי sleepysappho

Her head felt fuzzy, a softness of sorts in her mind. It felt much like the time she had accidentally taken too much cough syrup, but she didn't recall having a cold at the moment. With confusion entering her hazy mind, she dared to open her heavy lids, feeling exhaustion from the moment she awoke- not knowing how long she slept.

Her eyes were met with an unfamiliar ceiling, more specifically the lampshade over the lightbulb. It wasn't anything like her one at her house, or even her close companions houses. Alarm was yet to meet her mind completely moreover, that was until she attempted to stretch out her body. Alexa found her arms to be bound? she shook her head, this couldn't be right.

Looking down at her body, she swallowed thickly as she viewed the sight. Her breathing becoming hasty as she took in what she was saying, her arms were in a sort of...straight jacket, however it lacked the mental patient look.

To her relief, her legs felt fine, concealed by a comforter but fine. What good was she without her arms though?

Not much.

Poor Alexa's brain didn't have time to think about anything else, the sound of a lock could be heard on the other side of the door, leaving the poor girl defenceless to who was on the other side.

She braced for impact, waiting for a serial killer to enter her room, she pictured who it would be. A man full of tattoos, or maybe he would look rather plain, to make him blend him with society.

It was with the door opening that the sight shocked her, two women excitedly making their way into the room. She focused on the first one to enter through the door, the first observation being her height, god she was tall.

6'0? 5'11? She wasn't sure exactly. She took in the woman's appearance, brunette hair shoved into a ponytail, strands having rebelled from the hair tie. Brown eyes that softened at the sight of Alexa, her lips pulled into a smile. The woman wore a turtleneck, paired with high waisted pants, golden hoops in her ears. She looked self assured, and that scared Alexa.

Her eyes moved to her second captor, scanning over her, seeing if she could recognise the woman. She was a tad shorter, most likely 5'9 given the few inches between them. The first captor radiated power, however this one was soft in a way she couldn't explain. Blonde hair cascading loosely down her shoulders, a slight wave to the locks. She mirrored the first woman's smile, however this one had green eyes.

This woman was dressed considerably more casual, slightly baggy jeans, a stripped button down shirt, the first three buttons remained undone, leaving the collar hanging loosely.

Alexa had no recognition to the woman in front of her, and frankly she wasn't sure what she should do. She felt like prey faced with predator, here she was, her short stature faced with two predators. Her arms bound, her disadvantaged place on the bed.

"Alexa I'm sure you have a lot of questions" The first woman spoke. The girl felt helpless, words attempted to form in her throat, falling mute as soon as they reached her tongue. Almost warily, the brunette took a step forward, Alexa forced herself back against what she presumed to be a headboard.

This made the woman stop in her tracks, "there's no need to be afraid, love". "I don't know what's going on", the first words to leave her mouth, coming out as a nervous jumble.

Both eyes stared at her with concern, and something she couldn't yet depict. When Alexa's eyes met the second woman's, the blondes lips pulled into a warm smile. "We can explain everything, if you can stay calm, can you do that for us?", the blondes question was gentle, almost making Alexa melt, if she wasn't in this predicament then she might have done.

Taking a second to think, Alexa gave a slight nod. She hoped her brain had merely went to the worst conclusions, that possibly there was a perfectly reasonable explanation at hand here.

"Is it okay if I sit?", suddenly the first woman spoke again. Alexa looked unsure as she looked between the two, biting the inside of her cheek, she gave a slight nod.

She wasn't sure if it was an intentional power move, but both the woman seated themselves at either side of her. Both sitting with their backs away from Alexa, so they could face her completely. "My name is Daisy", the brunette told her, "this is my wife Charlotte". There had been a gesture to the blonde woman, who shook her head playfully, "Lottie" the blonde laughed.

The women shared a brief look, loving glances colliding with eachother. "Lexie, I know you're most likely feeling afraid right now, and confused which is perfectly normal", the woman she now knew as Daisy explained.

Alexa didn't even have a chance to question the nickname, too focused on trying to figure out what was going on. "What's happening?" Alexa replied, her voice coming out shaky and weak- not that she could be blamed.

"This is going to be a lot to take in, and I need for you to try your best to stay calm okay?", Lottie spoke carefully, receiving a hesitant nod from the girl. "Alexa, me and my wife have adopted you", she explained to the girl. Alexa's brows immediately furrowed, an unsavoury look on her face, "adopted me? I'm eighteen" her words came out fast.

Neither of the women seemed upset at this, however it seemed as if her words were never spoken, "you've got your own room here, it's already decorated but you can feel free to add some more things if you so wish".

"There are some things we need to go over of course sweetie, but we can worry about those later hm?", Daisy added onto her wife's words. Alexa was beyond the stage of questioning, so many words circulating in her poor mind. She could feel her heart harshly beating against her chest, reminding her of her vulnerable predicament. "Can you take..uh this off my arms?", her eyes looked up hopeful.

She only received sympathy moreover, "I know it feels icky, but it's only for your own protection Lexie, promise" Daisy said, and it seemed as if she truly believed these words.

"We can take it off tonight possibly! If you're a good girl we can switch to mittens" Lottie beamed.

Tonight? so these people were serious about this 'adopting' thing, they planned for her to spend the night..most likely more nights. "I need to go home" Alexa forced out, the woman didn't answer anything to this. "We can talk more after breakfast, but how about we get some food in your tummy?", Daisy had suggested; dismissing her complaints.

In the irrational part of her mind, she itched to scream and to attack the women. Alexa found the rational part of herself staying quiet and reserved, hoping this situation would make sense of itself if she merely waited.

She hadn't been there long, however she noticed the women seemingly have conversations with their eyes, "I'll go start on breakfast" Daisy told the pair, she left the room, but not before leaning over to plant a kiss on her wife's lips.

Alexa eyed fearfully, feeling relief when the brunette had left the room. "Daisy's a sweetheart, but she does seem pretty intimidating at first", Lottie talked to Alexa as if they were friends, having a basic conversation. "She doesn't understand that not everyone is as tall as her" Lottie laughed, Alexa merely watched her fearfully in response.

"Let's get you changed sweetie" Lottie suggested, but Alexa wasn't sure it was a suggestion, or if she was just letting her know what was happening. The blonde pulled back the comforter, and Alexa was able to see what was happening with her bottom half.

She was wearing a..pull up.

Tears welled in her arms, now she truly began panicking. "What..why..why am I wearing this" she stammered, searching Lottie for answers, "it's just in case you have accidents, you can use the bathroom Lex" Lottie reassured, the response didn't soothe Alexa though.

Alexa was sure she had gone insane at this point, that the scene in front of her wasn't real. A surprised noise left her mouth when she felt herself shifting, Lottie scooped the girl up in her arms. Being the smallest amongst her friends growing up, Alexa was no stranger to being picked up, tossed around even. Her body tensed up, her body turning stiff at the woman's touch.

"You can see your room later of course, but for now the bathroom will do" Lottie mused, taking the girl towards the presumable bathroom, an en suite in the room.

She hadn't known what she expected, but the bathroom looked normal. Lottie placed the girl down, making sure she was steady on her two feet. The bathroom door had been closed behind them, and if there wasn't the other captor downstairs she presumed, then she wouldn't made a break for it.

Currently she was frozen though, eyes scanning all over the room, yet she wasn't sure why. To scope out the room, or to possibly look for a weapon..not that she could use it with her arms.

She had failed to notice Lottie opened a cabinet, pulling out another pull up, amongst a pack of wipes.

"I know this is going to be scary sweetheart, very very scary but you can trust me" Lottie reassured, Alexa was confused until she noticed a new pull up in Lottie's hand, she was going to take off the girls current pull up, she was going to see the girls bottom half naked.

Alexa seemed to lack any sort of bodily function in this moment, the most she could do was mumble out an "please dont". Her legs shook slightly in fear, quietly gasping when she felt the pull up being tugged down her legs, dry thankfully.

"Do you need the bathroom now?" Lottie asked nonchalantly, as if the girl wasn't shaking like a leaf. The girl was sure she'd combust of anxiety at any moment, she wasn't able to stutter out any words, she gave a hasty head shake. Lottie nodded, "it's not healthy to hold it" she spoke, clicking her tongue.

"I-I'm not" Alexa felt the need to explain, "that's a good girl" Lottie praised. Alexa felt like a lamb to the slaughter, the woman was seeing her exposed body, and she wasn't even giving it a second glance. She seemed more concerned about the unused pull up, this should've made Alexa feel relief, but it only made her more on edge.

When the pull up was presented to her, Alexa fumbled to get her legs to step into it. When the garment was tugged up her legs she felt a degree of comfort, Lottie scanned the girl up and down. "it's warm enough to not need pants" she spoke out loud, and without warning, the girl was picked up once more. The drop in her stomach made her feel sick from nerves, when they left the main bedroom she realised what Lottie meant.

She was making her go downstairs in a pull up and a glorified straight jacket.

Alexa hoped the after breakfast talk would be a good explanation, she needed something to try explain the situation at hand.

Other than the two women being escaped mental patients.

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