We Will Do This Together

By HarukiUsagi46

109K 6K 535

When Wei Ying woke up in the past during his time in Cloud Recesse, he is shock to see Jiang Cheng and Jiang... More

Let Me Die!
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX (fixed)
Chapter XX
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX

Chapter XXI

1.9K 121 8
By HarukiUsagi46

The two pull apart, "Lan Zhan, we can talk or more like be alone with each other later on. We should go help out your clan, the Wen clan is all over the Lan Clan." Wei Wuxian can tell that Lan Wangji doesn't want to let him go.

"Lan Zhan, I will be fine. If anything happens then I will sent for one of your disciple to come get you. Okay?"

"You promise?"

"Have I ever lie to you?" Wei Wuxian put both of his hand on each side of Lan Wangji cheek.

"No." With that the two went in different direction. 'Since the Jiang clan is safe now, and Jiang shushu and Madam Yu is alive. I don't have to worry about giving up my golden core to Jiang Cheng.'

On his way to help the other Lan, Nie and Jiang disciple, he take down any Wen that come at him. "Da Shixiong!" Wei Wuxian have on a smile, the Jiang disciple run over to where Wei Wuxian is at.

"Shixiong, we heard your idea of having all of the clan flare with the clan is a fantastic idea. We were able to defeated Wen Chao and his clan with the help from Chifeng Zun."

"Thank you. Is everyone here alright? No one is hurt right?" The Jiang disciple nodded their head. "Jiang Cheng?" Wei Wuxian asked his fellow Jiang disciple.

"Gongzi, went to help the other healer to protect the Lan disciple who are injured. He ask us to go around to see if any of the Lan disciple is alive or not."

"Alright, you all be careful okay?"

"Yes! Da Shixiong!" With that the Jiang disciple went into a big group of two, they split off in two directions to go in search of any Lan disciple that is still alive or not.

Soon Wei Wuxian came to the healer place, "Sheng ge!" Lan Sheng went to the door, he see Wei Wuxian running toward him. "A-Xian, are you hurt anywhere?"

"No. How is Master Lan?" Wei Wuxian asked while glancing at the bed where Lan a Qiren is sleeping. "He still out. I'm glad that Zewu Jun and Qingheng Jun came by to help. Many Wen disciple try to attack us healer."

"I will go around to see if there is any Wen disciple left. We will be going to war soon."

"Be careful A-Xian."

"I will!" Wei Wuxian left from there to go help out the other disciple from other clan.

As the sun begin to set down behind the Lan clan, everyone meet up in front of the orchid room. "Jiang gongzi, thank you for coming to help us out."

"Your welcome Qingheng Jun." Jiang Cheng gave a bow to Qingheng Jun.

"It has been a long day, Jiang disciple, Nie disciple and Lan disciple, go get a good rest. Wen Rouhan won't give up until all of us is gone."

"Yes, Qingheng Jun!"

"Lan disciple take our guest to a guest room." The Lan disciple gave a bow, they take the Jiang and Nie disciple to their guest room.

"Jiang Cheng, you should go get some rest too. I bet Jiang shushu want to know what happen here in the Lan clan." Jiang Cheng gave a bow, he also left from there.

"A-Xian, head to the burial mound. It is time to forge the tool that help win the war. After that we will destroy it." Lan Wangji look at a shake up Wei Wuxian, "Wei Ying, I will be there with you."


The two left the Lan clan on horses, this way they can save their energy. On their way to the burial mound Wei Wuxian felt a heavy weight on his heart, "Lan Zhan?" Lan Wangji stop his horse, he turn around to see, dark mist coming out from inside of Wei a Wuxian body.

Wei Wuxian look at Lan Wangji, he jump off of his horse to go sat behind Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji wrapped his arm around Wei Wuxian body, "calm down....take a deep breath....don't let the dark energy out."

Wei Wuxian did what Lan Wangji is saying, he calm down, take a deep breath and then the dark energy stop leaking from his body. Wei Wuxian lean back against Lan Wangji chest, "what's wrong Wei Ying?"

"I don't want to go back there but to win this war I have to forge the Yin Hufu again. I remember Wen Chao threw me into the burial mound, remembering how I hear all of the voice telling me what to do...hearing your voice calling out to me."

"I know that you don't like it but remember what I said, I will be there with you. I will keep all of the resentment energy away while you forge the Yin Hufu. Trust me?"

"I do."

Lan Wangji make a whistle, his horse walk over to where he is at. He take the rail on his horse and Wei Wuxian horse rail, then they left from there. The two stop every now and then to take a break.

Lan Wangji even play their song to keep Wei Wuxian spirit and mind clear. By the time he is finish morning come. The two have a small talk while they ate their breakfast. Lan Wangji look at the small amount that Wei Wuxian is eating, "Wei Ying, if you don't eat, you won't have enough strength to travel."

"I know Lan Zhan." Lan Wangji walk over to where Wei Wuxian is at, he sat down behind Wei Wuxian and wrapped his arms around him. "I know that you are still scare and afraid, Wei Ying. No matter what I will always be here to save you." 'I won't let them near Wei Ying, I won't let his future happen again.'

The two soon start to head toward Yiling again. "Wei Ying since we can't enter from the entrance of the burial mound, do you want to enter from the sky instead?"

"I was thinking about that too. Do you think that is a good idea?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"I think that is the only way in. You did said that lot of people threw dead body down into the burial mound right?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

"Not just that but there was a war there or a fight against Wen Mao, that place turn into a burial mound also where all of the resentment energy come from."

"This time you won't be alone. I will be there to keep the dark energy away from you. You didn't walk the croaked path, you use dark energy to help fight the war against Wen Rouhan.  Why do they think that you will go crazy or go out of control?"

"They want to get their hand on the Yin Hufu since it is very powerful tool." 'A tool that they all kill each other for it.'

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