𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖘 𝖔𝖓 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊

By pinkkerror

3.9K 246 37

"you drive me crazy when you start to tease, you could bring the devil to his knees, feel my heat, takin' you... More

✩ ♬ ₊.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧


97 8 1
By pinkkerror

Circe isn't surprised to find that the train is much quieter than it was on the journey to Hogwarts. It suggests that she isn't the only one who is upset to be going home and to be away from their friends for a week. The only reason she isn't as sad as she had been when the day started is because of the party James' family will be throwing on New Year's Eve, but even then it's over a week away.

When she had first come to Hogwarts in hopes of growing close the Remus she had seen only in her visions, she hadn't imagined to make so many other friends. Before then, she had been so alone for years- which is mostly her own fault- but she hadn't expected to feel so lonely when thinking back at her time at the Eronmayervos. Knowing that she is a seer makes the brunette want to lock herself away from the rest of the world for her own safety but her friends make her want to do the opposite.

Circe would never actually admit this to any of them- except perhaps Remus- but she can't actually fathom a life without them. She could imagine it, the terrifying visions of the future make sure of that, but that only makes her want to fight harder for the things and people she has right now. The only thing is, no matter how much she strives to develop her abilities as a seer nothing seems to come of it. The girl has been trying to find meaning in the small and very limited hints she has been getting about how to do as such and yet she still has nothing.

Her face is sour as she stares out of the window of the train, not paying much attention to the passing countryside nor the chatter in the compartment coming from the boys. Circe's grips tightly onto Remus' but she is oblivious to the worried glances he is giving her.

"Are you okay?" The boy asks her quietly, wondering as to whether she is still upset about the situation at breakfast. His hand is squeezing hers just as tightly as she is doing to his.

She gives him a sad smile, thinking about the warning whispers she gets from Damocles Belby. "Fine, I'm just thinking." Circe tells him, snapping out of her daze.

"About what?" Remus asks her curiously, knowing that it can't be about anything good from the expression on her face. He leans in closer to her side, trying to provide some level of comfort.

The brunette debates her next words, unsure as to what to tell him. "The future." Circe tells him vaguely. She pulls their hands into her lap, meaning that his long arm has nowhere to go other than to rest on her chest. She lies her head on his arm and snuggles into it.

Remus stares down at her softly as she makes herself comfortable, confused by her answer but decides not to push it any further. He moves his eye-line up to the rest of the boys, somewhat started when he finds them all staring at the two of them. "What?"

"Nothing." Peter says quickly, avoiding the taller boy's gaze and he wrings his hands together.

Sirius scoffs, holding back his thoughts. His face lights up suddenly, a newfound excitement in his expression. "This'll be my first Christmas at the Potter's." He tells them happily.

"At home." James corrects, slinging his arm across his brother's shoulder and giving him a little shake. "You mean home." He insists.

Sirius chuckles, nodding his head as he corrects his previous statement. "Yeah, home I mean." He pulls out a box from one of his leather jacket's pockets along with a lighter from the other.

"Oh Padfoot, not in here." James grumbles, shifting away from him slightly.

"I'll do it out the window, don't get your knickers in a twist." Sirius laughs, seeing the disgust on the boy's face.

Circe's had snaps up at the promise of cigarettes behind had. "You got a spare?" She asks him hopefully, having had finished all the boxes she had brought with her at the start of term a few weeks ago now, despite thinking she had brought more than enough at the beginning of the year.

"Only for you Kitten." He purrs, passing one over to her outstretched hand.

The brunette gives his head a slight shove when he calls her that. He knows how much she hates it but he continues to use that nickname for her anyway. "Prick." She grumbles, standing up on the bench to smoke it out the window, Sirius doing the same on the other side.

"You want one Moony?" He asks the taller boy, who has his arm stretched out to keep Circe steady whilst she smokes.

Remus does have a tendency to smoke the odd one or two but doesn't like to make a habit of it. "Go on then." He replies, snatching one from the packet. The werewolf stands behind Circe, completely covering her smaller body from James and Peter's view. His chest is pressed right up against Circe's back, with one hand planted on the wall right by her head. The boy's back is arched slightly so that the smoke will blow right out of the window,  which also means that his head is right next to Circe's.

The girl shivers upon feeling his hard chest against her back, finding the warmth his body provides pleasant as the freezing wind whips against her face. She takes another drag before tilting her head back to rest it  in the crook of his neck. "Mmmm." She unconsciously hums.

"You alright there?" Remus chuckles, keeping his head in the same position as to not make her uncomfortable. His face flushes red after hearing that noise coming from her mouth but the more that it echoes in his mind the harder he finds himself getting. He only hopes that she can't feel the small tent forming in his pants, which the other boys thankfully can't see.

However Circe is painfully aware of his hard member grazing her lower back. She smirks, enjoying the fact that she can get this kind of reaction from him after doing so little. Wanting to tease him a little more, she pops out her arse so it's pressing against it which causes him to shift slightly. "Perfectly fine." The girl says innocently, lifting her head up and looking at him slightly before taking another hit of her cigarette. "Are you?"

"Yup." He replies, but his voice is strained suggesting the complete opposite. The boy's body is frozen, afraid that any kind of movement will only make the situation worse. Remus heart is working on overdrive as he forces himself to remain still- no matter how much his instincts are trying to convince him to do otherwise. How smug Circe seems from being able to get this reaction from him is only arousing him more.

The brunette flicks the cigarette butt out of the window, doing the same with Remus' mostly finished one. "All done." Circe announces, turning to face him- both of them still stood on the seat.

Remus looks alarmed as if he were to sit down now his erection would be in full view. His eyes are wide as the girl in front of him gives him a knowing grin, causing his face to redden even more.

"What are you two doing?" Peter asks them curiously, wondering as to why they haven't sat back down yet. James and Sirius also look at the two of them, just as confused.

Circe sure town, with Remus large frame still towering over her. "What do you mean?" His legs are so long that the bulge in his trousers are in her direct line of sight. Her chocolate eyes glance up to meet his worried ones, a teasing smirk on her face as she flickers her gaze back and forth from his panicked face to the growth in his pants. "Aren't you going to sit down pretty boy?"

The boy clears his throat, trying to think of anything but ridiculously attractive girl sat next to him. "Uh- yes." He replies quietly. Remus quickly slides down next to Circe, keeping his body facing hers as to not let the other three see his slowly deflating erection as he tries to distract himself from the impure thoughts in his head.

Circe jolts up from her seat, startling him slightly. "I'm gonna go piss." She announces to the compartment.

"Now that you mention it, so do I." James groans, also standing up and sliding open the door. He turns to face the girl, who hovers over Remus for a few moments. "You coming?"

She grabs Remus by the chin with one of her cool hands and moves her head so that her head is by his ear. "You did so well pretty boy." The brunette whispers into his ear, quiet enough so that he is the only one who can hear it. Her voice is raspy from the cigarette she had just finished smoking and the vibrations make shivers run down Remus' spine. "Coming." She says innocently to James, who is still waiting for her in the doorway.

Remus sighs in relief once she leaves his line of sight, deflating into his seat. "Merlin." He mumbles under his breath, wondering how he had managed to keep himself as composed as did.

"That girl is trouble." Sirius laughs, giving his friend a knowing look. "She knows how to push your buttons so well."

"What?" The taller boy asks in a startled manner.

The pureblood averts his eyes, knowing that his friend has been through enough. "Nothing." Sirius replies, diverting his eyes over to the window to watch the scenery pass by.

When the train finally pulls into the station it's already dark outside and the students find themselves more than ready for bed. The marauders all say their last goodbye's to one another before splitting off to find their parents. "Mama, Papa!" Circe says happily, running over to the couple and pulling them both into a hug.

"Γιάβρουμ." Her mother replies happily, rubbing her perfectly manicured hand up and down her daughter's back. The woman's facial features are almost identical to Circe's, the only difference being that her skin complexion is a few shades darker than her own. She's an inch shorter than her daughter, standing at 5'1, but the five inch heels she has on allow her to tower over her. (My baby.)

Her father remains silent until they pull apart. "How was Hogwarts? You didn't cause too much trouble for your professors, I hope." His hair is a light strawberry blonde, with soft waves. The man's skin is almost impossibly pale and covered in freckles. He's rather short for a man, barely scraping the 5'5 mark- with the right shoes that is.

"Not too much." Circe replies innocently, avoiding eye contact with him as he gives her a wishful smile.

"But some, I hope." Another voice adds from behind her father. A woman, slightly older than her parents, steps out from behind the couple with a cheeky smirk. Her dirty blonde hair has ringlets, making almost look like a lion's mane. She a lot taller than the family, towering over them at 6'1- her heeled boots giving her another four inches of height. The woman's wearing a tight, white shirt, which is practically bursting at the seams around her arms due to her large biceps.

"River!" Circe squeals, not expecting her godmother to be here. The woman is her favourite person in the entire world and she definitely knows it too. The brunette jumps into the Amazon-like woman's arms in excitement.

She spins the two of them around on the platform, only stopping when she grows a little dizzy. Her lightly scarred face is twisted into a grin as she ruffles her goddaughter's hair once she safely back on the ground. "How've you been, kid?"

River's gaze suddenly snaps up from Circe as her eyes start darting around the platform like she is searching for something. They finally land on a small group a few metres away. There stands a tall-ish sickly looking woman, a kind looking man and Remus Lupin. The boy is staring right back at her, an alarmed expression on his face as he meets her eyes.

The boy snaps out of the weird trance the two of them had suddenly fallen into and ushers the elderly couple off the platform. "Let's catch up at home." Circe says quickly, trying to divert River's attention elsewhere.

"Why don't we." Her godmother agrees.

a/n i know it's only christmas in the fic but you all got a little present anyway lol

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