The Omnitrix Wielder: Arsenal...

Par Logan2465

23K 611 273

This story would be what would happen if Ben existed in the Justice League animated series. (I take no credit... Plus

Bio/Info (Updated)
S1 Ep 1: Secret Origins Part 1
S1 Ep 2: Secret Origins Part 2
S1 Ep 3: Secret Origins Part 3
S1, Ep 4: In Blackest Night Part 1
S1, Ep 5: In Blackest Night Part 2
An Unexpected Friend
S1, Ep 6: The Enemy Below Part 1
S1, Ep 7: The Enemy Below Part 2
The Origin
S1, Ep 8: Paradise Lost Part 1
S1, Ep 9: Paradise Lost Part 2
S1, Ep 11: War World Part 2
S1, Ep 12: The Brave and the Bold Part 1

S1, Ep 10: War World Part 1

558 19 15
Par Logan2465

Within the deep cosmos, an asteroid is barreling away from Saturn.

On the asteroid, Superman and J'onn are wearing space suits while using a cylinder device to inspect the rock.

J'onn presses a few button on the device, and information appears on its screen.

J'onn: "Thirty two percent iron oxide, twenty one percent carbon. Nineteen percent silicon."

Superman puts a finger to his ear.

Superman: "Are you getting this, Hawkgirl?"

Hawkgirl: "As if you were in the next room." She says on the earpiece, back on the Watchtower. "I'm sending it through backup analysis as we speak. Three and a half miles across. Can you imagine what would happen if it hit the Earth?"

Superman: "That's not going to happen."

Superman slams down a massive machine into the surface of the asteroid. He then opens up a panel at the top, and an orb at the top of the machine starts flashing red while buzzing.

J'onn does the same thing, and the aliens give each other a thumbs up, before flying back to the Javelin.

Superman: "You ready for the fireworks?"

J'onn: "Ready."

As the machines continues to beep and flash, the device that Superman placed earlier begins to detect something, the information going straight to Hawkgirl.

Hawkgirl: "Superman, J'onn! There are hydrogen pockets inside that asteroid! You need to get out of there before it-!"

The machines explode, causing a much large explosion from the asteroid. A bright flash of light emits from the explosion, bits of asteroid flying fast toward Superman and J'onn, making them fly back.

The rocks tear into the Javelin, breaking it apart, before the explosion envelopes the Javelin completely.


In the Watchtower, Hawkgirl watches a blank screen in front of her, holding an earpiece to her ear.

Hawkgirl: "J'onn! Superman! Do you hear me!?"

No response. Hawkgirl takes out the earpiece, staring at the screen, now only static.


Back at the scene of the explosion, Superman and J'onn remain unconscious as an alien ship approaches them.

Aboard the ship are red-faced aliens with black and gold uniforms.

Worker: "Life functions still active."

Commander: "Incredible. Bring them aboard."

A blue tractor beam picks up Superman and J'onn, sucking them into the ship, the hatch closing behind them.


Back at The Watchtower

Green Lantern: "How could this happen?!You were supposed to be monitoring the situation!"

Hawkgirl turns away from the screen, looking up at Green Lantern.

Hawkgirl: "Listen, I followed the protocols."

Green Lantern: "And now two of our men are out there, injured. Maybe worse."

Hawkgirl flies up and lands in front of Green Lantern.

Hawkgirl: "Do you want to stand here pointing fingers, or do you want to do something about it?"

Green Lantern holds up his right arm, his ring glowing.

Green Lantern: "Let's go."

As they start heading out, they're both approached by Supernova.

Supernova: "Hey, could I come along too?"

Green Lantern and Hawkgirl turn to one another.

Hawkgirl: "It should be a simple rescue mission. There likely won't be any danger involved."

Green Lantern grunts, turning his gaze down to Supernova.

Green Lantern: "Fine. But you are to stay by our sides the entire time. Do you understand?"

Supernova: "Understood!"

Green Lantern nods his head, and the now trio start heading out for Superman and J'onn.


Alien Ship

Speaking of Superman and J'onn, the two are currently chained to the walls of what appears to be the ship's dungeon. Countless other aliens are also chained up in there.

Superman slowly wakes up, looking around the dungeon, before his eyes lay on an unconscious J'onn.

Superman: "J'onn."

As Superman tries to pull himself off to the wall, the bindings electrify him and make him drop to his knees.

Worker: "Your instincts were right about this one, sir." He speaks to the commander above the dungeon. "My tests say he's a Kryptonian."

Commander: "A Kryptonian!? I thought they were extinct."

Worker: "Apparently not."

Commander: "A rare specimen, and very strong." He grins maliciously at Superman. "He should do well in War World."

That was the last thing Superman heard before he fell unconscious again.


Location: War World

A massive arena is full of different alien species. And they all cheer one name, over and over again: Draaga.

This Draaga, in question, is quite the gruesome own. His face is on the massive arena screen, and it is not a great one.

Draaga also wields a small axe in his right hand, holding it up into the air, silencing the crowd.

Draaga: "Save your cheers." He puts his arm down. "That's not what Draaga fights for. Draaga fights for honor."

The audience stands up in their seats, applauding Draaga's words.

Draaga: "And for our leader..." He points his axe in front of him. "The Great Mongul!"

This Great Mongul is being wheeled out, sitting in a chair, to a platform overlooking the arena. When the crowd sees him, they cheer even louder. Along with Mongul is a pale blue alien wearing a black and red uniform, likely his advisor.

Mongul stands up from his chair, taking a few steps forward.

Mongul: "Well said, Draaga! But I wonder what your opponent thinks!" He holds his arm out towards the audience. "Don't you!?"

The audience roars in agreement, screaming with joy.

Mongul: "He hails from parts unknown, at a weight of 720 mass units."

Next to Draaga, a hole opens, a platform raising the next fighter up.

Mongul: "Meet Krodar the Terrible!"

The crowd marvels at the being, with Krodar firing a blast with it's gun tentacles at a spike near the top of the arena. The spike then falling down and almost hitting someone on the field.

Mongul: "He prefers to let his weapons do the talking, and that's exactly what they'll do in War World!"

The crowd begins to cheer "War World" repeatedly. Then, just below Mongul, the wall opens up to reveal an alien manning some kind of gun.

The gun then fires two green bolts: one at Draaga, the other at Krodar. The two disappear, and the fight begins.


Now on some strange planet, the place is war torn. There are craters everywhere, falling structures, and piles of rubble as far as the eye can see.

In the middle of it all, Draaga materializes, holding up his axe in preparation for an attack.

Draaga then runs off, in search of his opponent. During this, the crowd is watching because of various floating camera pods that are live-streaming everything to the arena. They all continue to cheer for Draaga.

Draaga continues his search, looking everywhere, when he is suddenly stopped when one of Krodar's tentacles wraps around his neck and lifts him up.

Krodar appears to be situated in the scalding of what remains of a building. The top of its head is right against the ceiling above it.

Draaga struggles against the tentacle, before turning around and cutting it off with his are.

Draaga drops to the ground and charges back at Krodar, the opponent firing blast at him as he does.

Then, Draaga rolls out of the way of a blast, throwing his axe as well. The ace imbeds into the ceiling above Krodar, causing it to start breaking apart.

The axe falls to the ground, the ceiling falling along with it. The resulting debris crushes Krodar.

Draaga stands back up, and walks over to pick up his axe. At the same time, Krodar, now broken and leaking a black fluid, tries to attack Draaga after pulling itself out of the rubble.

Unfortunately for Krodar, the damage is done, and it falls back to the ground defeated.


Back in the arena, the crowd is expressing their disappointment by booing the fight. They are clearly unsatisfied with the fight.

Mongul: "Once again, the winner is the Mighty Draaga!"

Draaga: "Shall I spare him, My Lord?"

Mongul turns to the crowd.

Mongul: "What say the rest of you?"

The crowd jeers out for Krodar's death.

Mongul: "The people have spoken." He holds his arms up. "Long live democracy!"

Draaga raises his axe, before slamming it down on Krodar, killing it.

The crowd continues to boo, making Mongul displeased and annoyed.


Location: Alien Ship

In the pilot's bridge, the red-faced captain notices a flashing button on the ship's control panel, and he presses it. Mongul's face then appears on the windshield/screen.

Mongul: "Captain, I want you to hear something." The booing from the crowd can be heard behind Mongul. "They're expressing their disappointment at the last specimen you brought."

Captain: "Great Mongul, please."

Mongul: "A dozen creatures you've found, and not one of them has been able to last more than two minutes with Draaga."

Captain: "I promise, the next one will be different. He's a powerful Kryptonian, guaranteed to give Draaga the fight of his life."

Mongul: "He'd better."

The screen shuts off, leaving the captain and his crew to fly to War World.


At the sight of the explosion, Green Lantern, Hawk Girl, and Supernova are floating through it all in a green bubble.

Green Lantern: "There's the Javelin."

They approach the spacecraft, and it seems mostly intact. But it is still torn apart in several places.

Supernova: "That explosion really did a number on this thing."

Hawkgirl: "And there's no sign of Superman or J'onn."

Green Lantern uses his ring to scan the area, picking up an invisible trail.

Green Lantern: "An ion trail. Looks like a ship's been by here. A pretty big one."

Supernova: "So someone kidnapped Superman and J'onn after the explosion."

Hawkgirl: "It seems that way."

Green Lantern, still scanning the trail, follows the trail in the bubble.


Location: War World

Superman, J'onn, and other aliens are being held in a dungeon on the planet. Draaga stands before Superman, kicking him in the chest, which wakes up Superman.

Draaga: "Pathetic. The whole lot of you. Not a real warrior in the bunch. And you, Kryptonian." He gets in Superman's face. "You're the biggest disappointment of all."

Draaga spits in Superman's face, before walking out of the dungeon.

After Draaga left, Superman stands up and breaks out of the chains, before wiping the spit off of his face.

Green Alien: "Why didn't you do that when Draaga was here?"

Superman: "It's called turning the other cheek." He starts walking away. "I have to find a friend of mine."

Superman breaks down a gate, looking as two large aliens drag Krodar's body down a flight of stairs. One resembles an ogre, and the other a crocodile with a metallic arm.

Ogre: "Those are the breaks. One minute you're a champion, the next you're croc chow.

The ogre and the crocodile drag the body to what appears to be a large and open water enclosure. Other bodies are laying on the floor next to the water.

Ogre: "Gotta give him credit: he never begged for mercy."

The ogre and crocodile aliens walk away, allowing for Superman to walk down the stairs. Superman looks around, spotting J'onn laying by the water's edge.

In that moment, a giant gray crocodile with red eyes and sharp claws comes out of the water, approaching J'onn.

Superman: "J'onn, look out!"

Superman flies to and punches the crocodile before it could reach J'onn. The crocodile growls at Superman, but it's punched into the water before it could do anything else.

Superman: "J'onn?"

Superman leans down next to J'onn as he wakes up.

J'onn: "Where are we?"

Superman: "I'm not sure, but we're getting out of here." He helps J'onn to his feet. "Can you stand?"

J'onn: "Still weak. Something in the atmosphere is sapping my strength."

Superman: "Don't strain yourself. I'll-."

The crocodile comes out of the water, bites Superman's arm, and starts dragging him underwater.

J'onn: "Superman!"

After being dragged down a ways, Superman punches the crocodiles teeth, breaking some. Superman tries to fly out of the water, but the crocodile bites down on Superman again, attempting to eat him.

J'onn: "No!"

J'onn goes to dive in, but Superman busts through the teeth of the crocodile, landing in front of J'onn.

Superman: "This place is starting to get on my nerves. Come on!"

The two run up a set of stairs, finding a hallway at the top.

J'onn: "Which way now?"

A orange bolt just narrowly misses Superman and J'onn, causing the two to look left and see a hoard of floating robots.

Superman: "Not that way."

The two run the hallway, Superman using his laser vision to melt the robots behind them.

They turn right, and are then met by a much large horde of robots blasting at them.

Superman: "Get back!"

J'onn hides in the previous hallway, and Superman takes a pillar out of the ground. He then throws the pillar at the robots, destroying them.

The destruction causes a massive explosion, which Superman tanks. J'onn then walks out of his hiding spot, standing next to Superman.

J'onn looks up, seeing a massive hole in the ceiling,

J'onn: "There!"

Superman: "I see it."

Superman wraps an arm around J'onn's shoulders, and he flies them up. Once outside, they can see that they are flying high above the arena. Superman then tries to fly away, but he then hits a force field.

While Superman hits the force field, J'onn goes through it. They then both fall down to the ground, separates by the force field.

Superman: "It's some kind of force field."

More robots appear and blast at Superman.

Superman: "Go!"

J'onn: "I won't leave without you."

Superman: "You've got a better chance of helping me out there. Now go!"

Superman flies toward the robots and starts plowing through them. At the same time; more robots appears and blast at Superman.

The blasts start to overwhelm him, when Superman is suddenly tased by five of them, knocking him unconscious before falling to the ground.

J'onn watches as the robots surround Superman, before running away.


Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, and Supernova continue to follow the ion trail, but they suddenly stop.

Hawkgirl: "What's wrong?"

Green Lantern: "I'm losing the trail. There are too many others covering it."

Supernova: "Is it possible that the planet over there could be the cause?"

Green Lantern and Hawkgirl look over to see a purple planet with a red moon.

Green Lantern: "It looks like a refueling port."

Hawkgirl: "If you say so, Sherlock."

Supernova: "What are we waiting for!? Let's go!"

Green Lantern: "Who's driving here, anyway?"

Hawkgirl: "Apparently her."

Green Lantern rolls his eyes and guides the bubble over to the planet.


Location: War World

Mongul is sitting big in a large throne room, his advisor pacing before him.

Advisor: "Our nation's food ration is being cut another 15 percent." He stops in front of Mongul, looking at a tablet. "And there are the medical shortages and the power blackouts."

Mongul is unbothered, and he gulps down a liquid from his goblet, before throwing said goblet away.

Mongul: "Why do you persist in bothering me with these petty details?"

Advisor: "Petty? But sure, if this continues, think of the consequences. Why, people are already starting to talk about-."

Mongul: "Rebellion? There's not going to be any rebellion." He stands up and walks past the advisor to the window. "Not if I can keep giving them fights. Good ones. Enough to take their minds off their troubles."

Mongul and his advisor look over to see two robots carrying in Superman.

Mongul: "What's this?"

Advisor: "The Kryptonian. He tried to escape."

Mongul: "A pity." He approaches Superman. "I was hoping to build him up with some preliminary matches. But now I'll have to make an example of him. Give him to Draaga!"

Mongul turns back around to face the window as the robots carry him away.


Green Lantern is currently interrogating a green ampfibian alien with mandibles. He slams the alien against a wall.

Amphibian: "I keep telling you, I don't know nothing. I mind my own business, and you should to."

Green Lantern slams the alien into another wall.

Green Lantern: "My friends are missing. That is my business."

Amphibian: "Hey, don't bust my mandibles! Around here, it's best not to ask too many questions."

Green Lantern lets go of the alien, letting him fall to his feet.

Green Lantern: "Why?"

Amphibian: "A lot of stuff's been going on lately. Smuggling, bootlegging, slave trading."

Green Lantern appears annoyed at the last one, but is interrupted by a familiar screaming.

Two aliens are throws out of the window of a pub, Hawkgirl and Supernova jumping out of said window.

Several other aliens from the pub surround the two. One from behind goes in to attack, but Green Lantern grabs and slams him against  wall, rendering him unconscious.

The other three aliens circle Hawkgirl and Supernova. One of them charges for Supernova, but she blasts them away with a fireball.

Hawkgirl then kicks another, before being tackled to the ground. The alien she originally kicked also jumps on top of her.

Green Lantern uses his ring to lift the two up.

Green Lantern: "Let me guess: It was something you said."

Supernova: "Pretty much, yeah."

Green Lantern lets go of the aliens, letting them fall to the ground.

Hawkgirl: "I could've handled them."

Green Lantern: "I have more important things to do than saving your butt."

Hawkgirl: "Those three knew something, I'm sure of it." The aliens start running away. "And you're letting them get away."

Green Lantern: "Wanna bet?"

Green Lantern uses his ring to grab one of the aliens, pulling him into his grasp. He has blue skin, a large mouth, and a green and black outfit.

Green Lantern: "Relax. All we want is information about our friends. Now you can talk to me, or you can talk to them."

Green Lantern gestures to behind him, where Hawkgirl and Supernova are standing. Hawkgirl is proudly holding her mace, bouncing it off of her hand. And Supernova has her hands coated in fire, pouncing a fist into the other hand.

Supernova: "The choice is yours."

The blue alien considers his options for a moment.

Blue: "I heard something about a Kryptonian. He was being taken to War World."

Green Lantern lets go of the blue alien.

Green Lantern: "War World?"

Blue: "Nasty place. Heavy into carnage for the masses."

Supernova: "Sounds like your kind of place, Shiera."

Hawkgirl holds up her mace in front of the blue alien.

Hawkgirl: "Take us to this War World."


Location: War World

The crowd cheers for Draaga, who is standing on the main platform in the arena.

Draaga: "Let them all come!" He raises his arms high. "Let them come from every corner of the galaxy!"

Outside the arena, people are still entering the arena. A red faced alien with red bug-eyes, covered in a cloak, attempts to get inside.

But he stops, his face morphing back to its original, which was J'onn. J'onn holds his face, groaning in pain, before a small and old woman alien bumps past him.

Old: "Move it! You don't want to miss the fight!"

J'onn: "So many spectators. Don't they have families or jobs to tend to?"

Old: "Are you kidding? There's no jobs. I haven't worked in years."

J'onn: "That's dreadful."

Old: "You wanna talk dreadful, you should've seen the last games." She starts walking inside. "But I hear this Kryptonian is a real killer!"

J'onn stands there for a moment, before following the woman inside.


Some Time Later

The crowd is quiet, awaiting for the games to start.

Mongul: "Today, Draaga meets his greatest foe. The man from Krypton!"

Superman is raised out of the ground, standing next to Draaga, shackled. The crowd murmurs as a robot unlocks the shackles, them falling apart, before giving Superman an axe.

Mongul: "Are you ready, Kryptonian?"

Superman: "I won't fight for your amusement, Mongul."

Superman breaks the axe on his knee, surprising the audience.

Mongul: "A bold move." He stands up from his chair. "But let's see how long his idealism last in War World!"

The gun comes out from below where Mongul is sitting, blasting both Superman and Draaga, sending them both to the arena.


Superman suddenly materializes in the wasteland, only to be attacked by Draaga just moments after.

Draaga charges at Superman, slashing at him with his axe, cutting the fabric of the S. Draaga attempts a downward slash, but Superman dashes to the right, avoiding it.

Superman: "Draaga, we don't have to do this!"

Draaga: "You don't have a choice." He raises his axe. "Neither of us does."

Draaga attempts another downward slash, but Superman catches it with one hand. Draaga then punches Superman, knocking him back a couple feet.

Draaga continues on the offensive, Superman on defensive. Superman moves up a fallen wall, away from another attack, but Draaga's axe tears off a piece of Superman's cape.

Draaga follows Superman up the wall, but the latter tackles him, causing Draaga to slide down the wall to the ground.

Superman picked up Draaga's axe, which he dropped, and melts it with his heat vision before throwing it away.

Draaga runs back up the fallen wall and punches at Superman, who ducks out of the way and throws Draaga into another wall.

Draaga picks up a large piece of rubble and throws it at Superman, who jumps on and off of it to avoid it. Draaga then throws a sharp pipe, which Superman deflects with his hand.

Draaga then suddenly charges at Superman tackling him through a wall. Superman remains in his feet, but is punched into the ground by Draaga.

Draaga continues to punch Superman over and over again, not giving him any chances.

While all of this is happening, the crowd cheers for Draaga to beat the Kryptonian, while J'onn watches on with worry.

Draaga continues his assault, before being stopped by a punch from Superman, knocking him back a few feet.

Superman gets back on his feet and punches Draaga through the hole in the wall, knocking Draaga to the ground.

As Superman approaches, Draaga grabs a handful of sand and throws it into Superman's eyes, disorienting him for a moment.

The moment is just long enough for Draaga to punch Superman again, making the Boy Scout lose his balance, before hitting him again. Before Superman could stumble, Draaga grabs his cape and pulls, causing Superman to fall into his back.

Draaga then drops the cape on top of Superman, before walking over to a large piece of debris. Draaga walks over to Superman, and attempts to slam it on him.

Luckily, Superman uncovered himself and stopped the debris. Draaga tries to push it down, but Superman pushes it away, making Draaga unbalanced.

Superman then gets up and punches Draaga across the face, knocking him to the ground, the debris crushing Draaga.

Superman walks over to pick up the debris, but Draaga punches through it, knocking Superman to the ground. Draaga throws a smaller fraction of the debris at Superman, temporarily leaving him immobile.

Draaga looks around and finds a very large stone cube. He runs over to it and punches its base and lifting it up in the air with some struggle.

Superman looks up as Draaga throws it at him, and tries to stop it. But the cube seemingly crushes Superman.

The crowd cheers as Draaga approaches the cube, a camera following him. Draaga looks into the camera, reading his arm high.

Draaga: "The Kryptonian has fallen! Draaga claims victory!"

As soon as that sentence was ended, the cube starts cracking apart, before exploding. The explosion made a dust cloud, and sent Draaga back.

As the dust clears, it reveals Superman standing there. And he's not going to be holding much.

Superman: "Enough!"

J'onn: "Yes!"

Superman approaches Draaga punching him repeatedly with enough force to create small shockwaves. The last punch sends Draaga into a wall, making a large indent with his face.

Draaga turns around, and Superman prepares to hit him again. But Draaga slinks to the ground, panting and exhausted.

Mongul stands up from his chair, a camera approaching Superman.

Mongul: "A stunning development. The Kryptonian is victorious."

Then crowd murmurs, not sure what to make of what just happened.

Mongul: "Well, what say you?"

The crowd boos the one they were just cheering for minutes ago.

Old: "Give that bum what he deserves!"

Mongul: "It's unanimous then! The people have spoken! Finish him!"

Superman: "I refuse!"

Mongul: "You can't refuse! I order you to finish him."

Superman: "No."

Draaga: "Do it."

Superman turns to Draaga. Green blood is dripping from his face, and there are several teal spots in some places, likely bruises. Draaga is panting so hard he can barely speak.

Draaga: "Give honorable the battlefield."

Superman: "Sorry, but I can't."

Draaga: "How can I live with this shame? Don't make me beg you. Finish me!"

Superman turns back to the camera.

Mongul: "Do as he says. This is your final chance."

Two dozen robots surround Superman, tasers aimed and ready to fire.

Superman: "No."

Mongul stays silent for few moments.

Mongul: "Then destroy him!"

Superman prepares to fight, but all of the robots instantly tase him, making the Boy Scout fall to the ground in pain. Superman tries to get up, but the electricity is too much.

J'onn can only watch as his friend, the only person who can truly understand him, is being tortured.

J'onn: "No."

Sorry for not uploading this chapter last week. I just had too much going on to focus on it.

Also, and I don't know why, but this chapter is much shorter than my other ones.

Anyway, that's the end of the chapter. See you in the next one!

Continuer la Lecture

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