You're More then just a Demon...

By GodofVendetta

56.7K 1.6K 1.7K

Lucifer decided to stay at the Hazbin Hotel to help his daughter with her dream. His biggest pain the Radio D... More

The Demon
Operation Deer
Plan B
The Stairs
Comfort from the Radio demon
New feelings
Revenge regretted
Comfort, Love, Anger
To Realize is to Love
Sick boy
First time
Time together
Help from Stolas and Helping Stolas
The Date
A Phone Call and a new show
Crazy day
A New Face
Pictures for next Chapter
Lets get married
The world of Pregnancy
Welcome Home
A Call and a New Experience
To learn, To Love, To grow
Book Two and More

Truth be Told

1.1K 34 55
By GodofVendetta

Lucifer POV 

I'm sitting on the couch watching Zere play on the ground. He's 1 year old now and he's gotten so big. Alastor is off at a meeting, we have been taking turns going to the meetings as kings of hell, that way, we both can spend time with Zere. I look at the time. 'meeting should have been over for an hour now, I wonder where he is' Zere runs to Husk when he walks up to me. "hey kiddo." He picks Zere up, smiling. "look at you, getting so big!" i look at him "hey Husk," "where's Al?" "meeting" "still?" I nod, getting worried until he walks in the front door. "Sorry, i'm late! The meeting was taking forever. "" I'm just glad you're back; I was getting worried!" "I'm also late for another reason." "oh??" "Look what I got!" he holds out ice cream "i cream!!" Zere wiggles out of Husk's arms and runs to him. "Are you excited!" He picks Zere up and kisses his cheek a bunch

I laugh. "Ah, that makes so much more sense; of course you got him a treat." "i had too!" Zere is trying to grab a cone. "Here, bud." Alastor sets him down and hands him the cup of ice cream he's holding. "yay!!" Zere sits down and happily eats it, then Alastor hands me the cone. "and of course for you too." "thank you, hun." He sits on the couch and relaxes. "Mamon is an idiot; have i mentioned that? I hate that man. So so much." "oh? What did he do this time?" "the entire time he kept bugging Stolas for money! He heard Stolas finally got a divorce and asked if he would split his income with him instead! Stolas was uncomfortable the entire time; it took me threatening to eat him for him to stop!" "those meetings can't ever go normally; someone has to be a pain."

Alastor gets a notification and looks at his phone, smiles, then types on his phone, 'oh? I wonder who he's texting; he looks pretty excited to be getting a text from them, i bet itCharlie, Nifty or his mom. i eat my ice cream, getting lost in thought, but I snap out of it. "i need to take a shower, hun, he says, going upstairs. "Okay, have fun!" I lean back, watching Zere say, "oh nooo, your face is covered in ice cream!" I wiped his face off, laughing, "messy boy!" He laughs as I clean his face. I hear my phone go off. I grab it and see it from Vox. "hm?" I read the text, "listen, I have to come clean. It was so much fun at first and I really liked it. Honestly, I still do but you need to know. Alastor and I have been texting... and meeting up after his meetings." I am very confused and text him back "I know Al wouldn't cheat on me so try again, jackass." he texts back like he was waiting for me to respond, "i have proof. Here." He sent 34 screenshots of his text conversation with Al. It was a bunch of flirting and he even told Vox he loved him."

One thing he says sticks out to me: "trust me. My plan worked. I married him. He got my contract to break. Thats all i fucking wanted; im powerful and i have my soul. My plan worked perfectly, other then him getting pregnant with that fucking kid. I had to keep him thinking i loved him and here i am with a fucking ugly, stupid, worthless kid." My heart felt like it was shattering. I need to throw up and I can't breathe. I grab Zere and run upstairs into our room. Alastor is just finishing up getting dressed. "HOW COULD YOU!" He jumps and looks at me. "do what!?!" "You know what I'm talking about!" I cried hard, holding Zere tightly. He goes silent. "I'm sorry."So it's true then? How could you do this!?" "I'm sorry, I didn't know it would hurt you so badly!" "You didn't think it would hurt me so badly!? Are you serious!?"

Zere is crying from the screaming, "it was just one episode, i promise!" he tears up. "im sorry, please. i really didn't think it would hurt you so badly. im so sorry." I pause, and the tears even stop flowing. "What?" "I promise... please. It was just one episode. I got too excited and it came out early and I had to watch it after they left us on a cliffhanger. I didn't know I would hurt you so badly by doing it." he's looking down, gripping his hands together. "wait.. You're talking about watching our show..? Vox just texted me, telling me and showing me that you've been cheating on me with him!" Alastors head shoots up, "WHAT!? That's what you're talking about!?" he covers his mouth. "i'm going to throw up." He takes Zere from me and calms him down, then hands me his phone "i promise that is not what i'm doing." Zere nuzzles into his chest, giggling again. I look at his texts and find his text conversations with Vox, Alastor is giving him one-word replies and that's it and my entire body shivers with relief

"Let me see this so-called proof." I hand him my phone and he looks at me and says, "these are very, very fake." "fake!" zere shouts, "Yeah, buddy fake." He kisses his cheek. "I'm sorry." i look down. "I can't believe i actually thought you would cheat on me...." "if you're shown proof that you think is real, that it's hard not to think something happened; if it wasn't about me and i didnt know for a fact this are fake, then i would have believed it too.He kisses my cheek a bunch. I'm not upset with you, I promise, That was scary but you listened to me and let me show you that none of it was true, and you are""believing me. That's all you need to do. I love you, I love our son, and I love our family." I smile and kiss him. "I guess I have no right to be mad at you for watching our show and accusing you of cheating. "You can if you want to be." I laugh and wiggle, getting into character The gasps dramatically. "How could you watch our show without me!!!!"

He laughs, "i'm a bad, bad man." Zere grabs Alastor's nose and says, "Bad, bad man." "Yep, that's right." i know he's not upset with me but i still feel horrible for actually believing Vox. I grabbed my phone and called Vox after getting an idea. He answers, and I get into character: "Hey, I want to plan something to get back at Al." Alastor watches me smirking, "oh yeah, sure! What do you want to do??" "I don't know yet... I haven't even confronted him yet. Can you come over and help me? I could really use some sport right now. I even go so far to make my voice crack when saying that to make it extra believable. "Yeah, I can be over in a couple Just let me get my shoes on. "Thanks." i hang up. "Oh, that was evil and very, very good acting, my love." He kisses him and says, "i like when you trick people."

I laugh "Well, thank you, my deer, Now here's what I'm wondering: is he trying to get us to divorce cause he wants you? or" "because he wants you?" Alastor finishes my sentence, "why would he go after me when he's had a crush on you forever? But he was super into coming over so it would make sense: ""what's the plan for when he gets here?" "i want him to think his plan; I want us to divorce in front of him and see how he reacts. I want to see his stupid face when we get to the part where we tell him it was fake. It'll be like a play!" "Play!" Zere screams excitedly, "Yes, Zere, play You wanna play with daddys?" "Okay, we need to tell everyone else, though so they don't think we actually are." "I hate to say it but they don't know. Alastor gets confused. "why??" "we need to make sure their reactions to us fighting and you saying you have been cheating are real." "Wait, but here's the next problem: he knows i haven't been cheating with him; he'll know it's fake." "say you have been cheating on me with Stolas; you have been seen together in public when you guys have those hangouts."

Alastor smirks, "oh yeah, that would work, Let me call and ask if Stolas is okay with me using him in this." He calls him "Stolas!" "Hello, Al." "so here's the situation" Stolas laughs, "oh yes, you are more then welcome to use me; if you want, i can show up to make it more believable." "yes!!" They hang up and Stolas appears through a portal: "this is going to be fun." I smirk. "Okay, i will go downstairs with Zere, Stolas, you hide outside and wait for my single. In the heat of battle, Stolas's que should be the sentence, "it's not my fault he's taller than you!" Alastor laughs, "are you sure you want me to make fun of your height?" "yes! Okay everyone in character, let do this."

3rd person POV

Lucifer goes downstairs holding Zere and sits on the couch He thinks about the emotions he felt when he first thought Alastor was cheating but it's not working so he thinks about that dream he had a long time ago when he died and he tears up. "Daddy sad?" Husk walks over to him and asks, "Luci, what's wrong?" i grit my teeth. "Vox just texted me proof of Alastor cheating on me." He cries a little, gripping Zere. Husk goes silent and he stays silent for a few seconds. "Are you sure? Al., he wouldn't. " I haven't confronted him yet. I'm too scared too." Vox walks in and says, "hey, I'm here." Lucifer looks down, crying, "how could he do this to us?" Vox freezes. "Lucifer, i'm so sorry. I'm here for you." Vox sits next to Lucifer. "can you help me? I'm going to tell him I want a divorce." Vox gulps nervously. "okay." Alastor walks in and is confused. "my love, what's wrong??"

Alastor runs to Lucifer and kneels next to him. "Is Zere okay? Are you okay??" "I know what you have done." Lucifer doesn't look at him. "what do you mean, my love?" "dont. Fucking call me that! I know you have been cheating on me!" Alastor pauses and then sighs, standing up, His eyes turn cold and lifeless and his smile turns into a sharp, thin "fine. I admit it. I have been cheating on you. What else do you expect me to do? You have grown. Boring? Bland? Unassuming? I'm bored with all of this. I honestly just wanted to become more powerful. You broke my contact with your ex. Made me king. That's all I wanted."

"So you cheat on me with VOX!?!" "vox? Oh no, no but Stolas. Yes." Vox stands up quickly, his mouth wide open. "WHAT!?" Lucifer and Vox say at the same time, "why... WHY! I LOVED YOU!" Everyone piles in, confused on what's going on. "Dads, what's wrong!?!" "ALASTOR IS CHEATING ON LUCIFER WITH STOLAS!" Vox yells everyone yells at the same time, "WHAT!" "It's true." Alastor is smirking deep, his eyes full of pleasure. "father, how Could you.." Charlie is getting madder and madder." Alastor looks at her and quickly winks at her, then looks away. "I understand all of you love me and Lucifer loves me up; his love is so suffocating and well, at least Stolas is taller."

Stolas walks in, smiling, "Hey, oh my, have i walked in on something?" "Oh, they know now." "oh. Oh~ good. I was getting tired of pretending." Stolas walks to Alastor, smiling. "WWell I suppose Vox wanted Lucifer to find out I was Cheating with him!" Stolas laughs, "what him!? How foolish!" Stolas looks at Vox and says, "that's so funny! You think Alastor would go for you?" "Someone as stupid as you I would never go for, but Stolas~ hes perfect." Alastor wraps his arm around Stolas and Stolas does the same: "What a pathetic TV, aren't you? Did you really think this would work? You would make them divorce, then you would become king next? That's even more pathetic than trying to date Alastor! Lucifer would never go for you. He would gladly date the shit off the bottom of my shoe, then date you." Stolas, Alastor and Lucifer all stand there staring at him. Vox falls to the floor scared and they all speak in unison, "You are pathetic. Are.. Worthless. Worse than the scum who beg for mercy."

Vox sprints out, begging for them to hurt him. Stolas Alastor and Lucifer all laugh as he runs out, "how stupid!" Lucifer hugs Alastor, smiling Stolas is hooting with dialight, "that was so much fun!" Charlie walks up to them and says, "you guys scared me!!" Lucifer says, "im sorry, Char Char." "if it was for dad winking at me then talking to me in my mind, telling what we going on, i almost kicked his ass!' Alastor laughs, "Oh, my dear i'm sorry but we needed to get back at him for trying that." Everyone calmed down when Charlie told them what was happening: "you scared the shit out of me!" Alastor puts his hand on his chest and dramatically gasps, "you all really thought i would do something like that!? I'm offended." Zere does what Alastor is doing. "Offended!" everyone stops and awes over him, then gets back to the conversation: "i didn't believe it but you were so serious; you're acting is way too good." "Wait, wait, wait so let me get this straight Vox wanted to break you two up and you played along to make me feel like crap about it? And to scare him?" Angel said, "and because we were bored, its been pretty boring lately." Alastor looks at him and says, "Yeah, i mean, the only issue we have been having is fucking Bill."

"Did someone say my name!!" Bill walks in and says, "I know I'm so great You talk about me all the time." everyone collectively sighs, "go. Away." Lucifer glares at him. "what's the big deal? I have been good!" "your personality is being an asshole. We. do not. Like you." Alastor speaks up: "you have been doing really great during the activities and the exercises but you're still really mean to everyone, Bill." Charlie walks to him and says, "i think that's why you havent been redeemed yet. You need to be nicer to everyone." "nice? I am nice! You just can't handle all of this!" "Maybe he's just not being redeemed because god hates him." Angel laughs, causing Bill to get upset. "shut up! God loves me! You are just a piece of sh*t! You're not redeemed either!" "I'm not redeemed because I'm dating Husk and don't want to be separated from him; he doesn't want to go to heaven so neither do i. And just for the record,. God comes down here all the time to see us and he has said himself he likes me sooo." "if he were here right now, he would tell me he loves me!!" 

Alastor sighs "sure sure can you leave now?" "No, I'm going to prove it! I am his favorite of all time!!" "you're just some random sinner. I don't think he even knows about you." Husk chuckles "you aren't special" "i am! You want to know why!?" Bill takes off his mask to show that he is actually Adam. everyone but Lucifer and Alastor gasp and speak at the same time "WHAT ADAM!" "oooh wooow its adam" Lucifer says in a sarcastic tone while Alastor slow claps "wait wait did you two fucking know!?" Adam looks at them "yeah." Alastor crosses his arms ''no shit. Of course we knew. We are the kings of hell, we know every soul in here." Lucifer walks to him "but you wanted to be this bill person so bad we played along" "and like before, we are bored and im 20 dollars richer" Lucifer hands Alastor a 20 "we made a bet on how you would reveal yourself, i said willingly he said by accident." Adam growls "whatever. That's not what's important. God loves me." everyone collectively says at the same time "no he doesn't." Adam is taken back "yes he fucking does!! Bring him here, tell him to come here and I'll prove it!" everyone at the same time once again "no." "why not you fucking scared pussy!" they all sigh and Lucifer calls God "hey dad, someone is here that is saying he NEEDS to talk to you. Can you help us please. It's nap time for Zero and we can't put him down while this guy is being a dick, we have to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." God hangs up and appears "who is taking up my grandson's nap time." "It's me." God looks at Adam "of course it's you." "uh yeah fucking duh" "okay so why did you need to talk to me?" "Bring me home, please, I hate it here! I have been working so hard every day and it's nor working!"

"because i don't want you in heaven. You specifically can not ever get back in. I won't allow it." Adams smug smirk turns into a frown "what... but... but why..." "because of i dont know you COMING HERE AND TRYING TO KILL MY FUCKING FAMILY!?" Everyone hides behind Lucifer and Alastor Adam backs up nervously laughing "i uh i um uh i.." "I uh um uh figure it out dumb ass. Say something." God is frowning "im... sorry..." "hmmm nope not good enough. Have fun being in hell forever while you get to watch everyone around you get redeemed. Oh. by the way." God smirks deeply "Lute says hi." God disappears. That punches Adam in the gut. He clenches his teeth and runs to his room silent but a tear is seen to fall from his eye. .

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