
By Persephones_Orchard

896 75 23

Marcus Flint had seen Heiress Hesperia Potter in her first year like everyone else. she was small, too small... More


Chapter 1

211 25 7
By Persephones_Orchard

Hesperia Potter arrived at the Platform with her trolly and new Raven with a bored expression. The Weasley's surrounded the girl and her best friend/sister with loud noise. Of course, since the two 4td year witches had gotten etiquette books anonymously, the girls had taken to honoring the olde ways. Both girls had their hair in intricate braiding and on their hands were gloves. Hermione with a black silk pair and Hesperia with a black lace pair.

The girls had also bought robes and dresses and elegant muggle style clothing that gave their standing, not that anyone besides the goblins knew that the two witches used an ancient ritual to bind their blood and magic. The girls were now real sisters, Hermione was Scion of House Potter now.


Marcus Flint sighed heavily as he, his parents, and his friends had finally made it to Platform 9 ¾. Pius and Imogen Flint were a pinnacle of the Big Monster Husband and Small Evil Witch stereotype.

Pius Flint was a very large man, standing at 6'6" and filled out with muscle from farm work. He had a well trimmed beard, tanned skin from working in the sun, dark commanding eyes, and dark curled hair. He had an aura of cold calmness and held his arm around his wife protectively.

Imogen was actually quite average height, but her husband towered over her, and everyone else. Her dark hair was done up in a beautiful stylized braid, her brown eyes were calculating those around them, and her olive skin held a slight tan as well from helping around the estate. The woman leaned slightly into her husband and her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the curls of the two girls her son and his friends described.

Adrian followed Lady Flint in looking for the Potter Heiress and her friend, Hermione Granger. He was the first to see her as his eyes followed the Weasley girl and the Lovegood girl walked towards the two. His eyes widened, seeing all the girls with hair up and gloves on. He knew that Potter most likely got the Youngest Weasley girl what she needed, he knew that the weasley family wouldn't be able to afford the things she currently was wearing.

"Marcus, they're over there." the shorter brunette stated, motioning to the group of girls.

The Flints all looked in the direction he waved to and Marcus' eye widened.

This wasn't the Potter he knew. She was skinny and small and an awkward pile of limbs and curls. This... young woman was elegant and poised. Her hair still had small curls hanging by her ears out of the braided updo and she was still quite small, but she was holding herself tall instead of the slouch she originally had. Her green eyes were beautifully lined with small black wings of makeup and her lips were colored in a soft red.

"Well, she isn't really scrawny, she looks petite." Marcus was snapped out of his stupor by his fathers gravely voice, "I think she'll fit you well, son."

Marcus felt his cheeks heat a little and glared at his father. Imogen pulled a sleek silver box with white raven symbol stamped on top out of her cloak, "Go give it to her and then bring her here. I wish to meet her. And don't be an arse." She gave her son a stern look as he took the box and began to walk slowly towards the Potter Heiress.


Hesperia, Hermione, and now Luna and Ginny talked softly about their summer. It was mostly Luna telling the girls about her adventures that she took with her father to China in search of new creatures.

Ginny was the one to notice the tall, large Slytherin coming up behind her friends, "Heir Flint is coming this way." Luna stops talking and the other two turn, all 4 sets of eyes on the male.

Marcus felt slightly nervous, but locked it behind his occlumency shields. "Heiress Potter, Scion Weasley, Heiress Lovegood, Miss Granger."

"It's Scion Potter now, actually." Hermione smiled softly towards the male. She could tell the older boy was nervous, why she didn't know.

"Congratulations are in order to you two." The Flint boy's eyes glanced at Hesperia and she smiled kindly at the boy. "I wished to ask Heiress Potter something."

Hesperia tilted her head, much like an animal would, in question. Hermione took a step back, next to Luna.

"Heiress Potter, I was hoping you would give me the honor of courting you with the end of a betrothal." Marcus did his best to not rush the words out.

"Oh!" Hesperia gasped as he opened the box and presented a beautiful choker style necklace. The three girls behind her peaked over her shoulders and grinned.

Hesperia's mind began running with what reason would provoke such a request, she had known what such a request meant of course. The four girls had been studying traditional etiquette books all together and had happened across the courting section. Hermione and Ginny had found it so romantic. To be showered with gifts that included protection as well as dates that taught the other about each other.

Marcus' nervousness began to grow as the Potter heiress thought, he was hoping she'd say yes of course.

However, the auburn haired girl was still thinking. She had the choice to accept, as well as the choice to decline. She could also end it whenever, if she didn't feel it was right. Hesperia's eyes took in the older boy's face.

He wasn't model or veela attractive, but his slightly curled hair and dark eyes gave him a dangerous type of beauty. Of course the fact that he was extremely tall and fit was also attractive. His personality... she had really only interacted with him during quidditch. He was determined to win, no matter what, and he was extremely resourceful. He was sneaky and she had seen him protect younger Slytherins from other houses' mistreatment.

Hesperia finally smiled up at him and asked "Would you clip it on for me?"

Marcus' face lit up in a grin and he gently pulled the necklace out of the thin box. The petite red head turned to face her friend and the three smiled at her as the tall boy facined the necklace around her neck.

"My parents would like to meet you, of course you ladies may follow." he said the last bit to the three girls behind his newly claimed witch. The four witches and the overly tall wizard made their way over to the Lord and Lady Flint.

Hesperia was nervous as her hand sat in the crook of Marcus' elbow. She let go to curtsy, her friends following.

"Lord and Lady Flint, a pleasure to meet you." the Potter heiress gave a nervous, but kind smile. "I am Heiress Hesperia Potter, this is my sister."

"Scion Hermione Granger-Potter" the chocolate skinned girl smiled as she stood at full height, only a few inches taller than Hesperia and Luna.

"I'm Scion Ginerva Weasley." She stood as well and stood at the same height as Hermione.

Lastly, Luna stood, "I am Heiress Luna Lovegood." She stood only an inch taller than Hesperia, but was shortened as the Potter Heiress wore heeled boots.

"A pleasure to meet you ladies, I am Lady Imogen Flint. This is my husband, Lord Pius Flint. Although, I was unaware that you had a sister, Heiress Potter." Lady Flint stated, causing the two sisters to smile.

"We hadn't been very public about it till now, but we had gone to Gringotts to get it done. It's in the hall of records, but no one really checks there unless it's previously known." Hermione answered

The group had talked for a little longer, Adrian Puecy joining in as he was close friends with Marcus. Then he pulled the three girls aside and they talked as the Flints and Hesperia spoke alone about the courting.

It was as the Flints and the Potter heiress were finishing their discussion that the train whistle blew in warning, as it neared 11 o'clock. Marcus said goodbye to his parents, and they told Hesperia they would speak with her godfather (who had gotten a trial and legally freed over the summer apparently) about everything.

The two joined their friends and the group boarded the train.

Word count : 1367

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