My Sweet Demon Bell (Alastor...

By TatsukamisuohNew

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This story Is about Alastor x Daughter reader. Let's just say that you are a daddy's girl to be exact and you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 27

384 19 0
By TatsukamisuohNew

Y/n POV.

After the little scene with Charlie, it got me thinking: why did she hate me so much this morning? When I walk past her, she's giving me the looks that could kill. What did I ever do to her to treat me this way? If she hates me so much, she could just fire me or make me leave this hotel, but she didn't. How frustrating can this be? Ahh, you can't focus on what you were doing because of it. You were thinking of approaching her, but she would just dismiss me by saying that she still has something to do and maybe next time. What the heck? I'm being kind here, girl. I get interrupted by my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said as I pretend to do some paperwork.

"Toots, can I talk to you?" This shocked me. I looked at the person, and it's Angel. He never talks to me for a while.

"Of course, have a seat," I said as I motioned him to take a seat. He sat on the couch as I stood up from my table and sat cross to him on the couch.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked, noticing that he feels nervous.

As Angel fidgeted in his seat, I could sense there was something serious weighing on his mind. His usual confident demeanor was replaced with an air of unease.

"Is everything alright, Angel?" I asked, concern coloring my voice as I leaned forward slightly.

To my surprise, Angel took a deep breath and met my gaze, his eyes filled with a mixture of apprehension and determination.

"Toots, I need to tell you something. It's about Val," he began, his voice low and urgent.

I look at him not scarred at all by just  the mention of Valentino's name. The pimp overlord had always been a shadowy presence when I'm taking some of my strolls, his intentions unclear but undoubtedly sinister.

"What about him?" I pressed, my instincts telling me that this was something I needed to hear.

Angel hesitated for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Val... he's taken an interest in you. He wants you to be one of his girls."

My mind raced as I processed his words. Valentino wanted me? The idea sent shivers down my spine, knowing all too well the kind of power and danger that came with being associated with someone like him. But I'm not taken back by that I already thinking of getting to know this demon so i guess its the start.

"Why me?" I whispered, confusion lacing my voice. Curiosity get in to me, learning more might help me.

Angel's expression grew even more somber. "I think he sees you as a way to get to your dad, Alastor. He knows how much Smile's cares about you, and he's willing to exploit that to get what he wants."

A cold dread settled over me as Angel's words sank in. Valentino didn't just want to use me against my dad; he wanted to possess me, to control me. Now he really cross the line and using me against my Dad is just to much, how pathetic they can be just to get my father summit to them they are so desperate to take him down in such a childish way. 

"What do we do, Angel? How do we stop him?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Angel reached out and took my hand in his, his touch reassuring despite the fear he felt.

"We'll  figure something out, Toots. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise," he said, his eyes filled with determination.

"Don't worry Angel I'm not scared at all" I said laughing a bit. I'm not scared to those weaklings.

"And about smile's... I already told him about this," he said, looking away at me.

As Angel's revelation hung heavy in the air, I felt a surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. Betrayal, fear, anger—they all swirled together, leaving me feeling utterly vulnerable. Its just not good Dad is the worse if he find out about this I don't know. I just smile at angel.

"You told my dad?" I whispered, disbelief coloring my voice as I stared at Angel, searching for some sign that this was all just a terrible misunderstanding.

Angel met my gaze, his own filled with regret. "I had to, Toots. I couldn't keep something like this from him, especially when it involves you."

A knot formed in my stomach as I thought about how my dad would react to the news. Dad was fiercely protective of me, and the thought of him knowing that Valentino had set his sights on me made my blood run cold not to my Dad the sight of him being angry aww boy good luck to you Valentino.

"And what did he say?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. Still curious about my Dad's reaction.

Angel looked away, his expression grim. "He was furious, of course. But... he agreed to help. He knows we need to put a stop to Val's plans, no matter what."

Relief washed over me at Angel's words, grateful that despite his anger, my dad was still willing to stand by my side. Of course, he will that's my Dad after all.

"I'm sorry, Toots. I never meant for any of this to happen," Angel said, his voice laced with remorse.

I reached out and took his hand in mine, offering him a small, reassuring smile. "It's not your fault, Angel. We'll get through this together."

But even as I spoke the words, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. Valentino's obsession with me was more dangerous than I had ever imagined, and now, with Angel's revelation, I knew just how far he was willing to go to get what he wanted. Still this revelation excites me its my chance to test this powers of mine and to show my dad how I'm capable of protecting myself.

"We need to be careful, Angel. If Valentino sent you to spy on me, then he might suspecting that you can really get him a way to get me" I said, my voice filled with determination.

As we sat in tense silence, the door suddenly swung open, and Dad strode into the room, his presence commanding attention.

"What's this I hear about Valentino?" Dad's voice was low and dangerous, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene before him. oh shit.

Angel tensed beside me, but I squeezed his hand reassuringly, silently urging him to let me handle this.

Angel shifted uncomfortably in his seat, exchanging a quick glance with me before speaking. "You already know about it, huh?"

Dad nodded solemnly. "Angel here already filled me in. Seems like you've been busy, huh?" He said looking at my table full of paper works. 

I was taken aback by the revelation that Dad already knew about Valentino's interest in me.

"Angle can you explain to me his plans" I said looking at him as he ready himself to explain us every details of Valentino's plan.

Angel explained Valentino's plan to get to me as he finished recounting Valentino's sinister plans, a heavy silence settling over the room. Dad's jaw clenched with restrained fury, his eyes flashing with anger as he absorbed the gravity of the situation.

"We need to be cautious, my dear" Dad repeated, his voice low and measured. "Valentino is not to be underestimated. But we'll handle this together."

I nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of gratitude for the unwavering support of both Angel and my dad. Despite the looming threat, knowing that I wasn't alone in this ordeal brought a measure of comfort. But still its so exciting i want to do some vengeance soon or later and show how capable i am i smirk 

"We can't let him get away with this," I said firmly, determination coursing through my veins. "We need to put an end to Valentino's twisted plans before he can harm anyone else."

Dad's gaze softened as he looked at me, a mixture of pride and concern evident in his eyes. "We will, my dear. But first, tell me everything you know about Valentino's plan to lure you in."

"But first, we can't be sure that he's acting alone. Vox and Velvet might have their hands in this too; they didn't call themselves the Vee's for no reason," I added, a sardonic smirk curling my lips as I gave them some insight into my analysis.

Dad's expression hardened at the mention of Vox and Velvet's involvement, but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes, as if he found the idea of them conspiring against us almost laughable. "Those two are troublemakers, always seeking ways to cause chaos and even just to get there hands on me. How pathetic" he muttered, his voice low and dangerous, though tinged with a hint of mockery. His grip tightened on the armrest of the chair, knuckles whitening with restrained anger, but it was clear that he viewed them as nothing more than petty nuisances.

I glanced at Angel, expecting to find him joining in on our derision, but to my surprise, he watched me and my Dad with an awkward look, as if unsure how to respond.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Angel's discomfort, though I quickly stifled it when I caught Dad's eye. "Exactly! The Vee's think they're so clever, but in reality, they're nothing but a bunch of bumbling fools stumbling over their own egos."

Dad's lips quirked into a smirk, a rare display of amusement from the usually stoic demon. "Indeed, my dear. It's almost comical how they underestimate our intellect and prowess."

I noticed Angel shift uneasily in his seat, his gaze darting between Dad and me. It was clear that he felt out of place amidst our mockery of our adversaries.

"Let them plot and scheme all they want," Dad continued, his tone dripping with disdain. "In the end, they'll only succeed in sealing their own fate."

With a sense of discomfort lingering in the air, I realized that perhaps our mockery of the Vee's was not as entertaining to Angel as it was to me and Dad. Clearing my throat, I turned to him with a reassuring smile. "We'll handle this, Angel. You don't need to worry."

Dad nodded in agreement, his expression softening slightly as he regarded Angel. "Indeed. We'll ensure your safety, my feminine fellow."

Angel visibly relaxed at our reassurances, a faint smile gracing his lips. "Thanks, guys. I know I can count on you both He he he he he  " He laugh awkwardly 

With renewed determination and a shared understanding of the gravity of the situation, we began strategizing our next steps. Despite the awkward moment, I knew that with Angel and Dad by my side, we would overcome any challenge that the Vee's, or Valentino, could throw at us. And as we delved deeper into our plans, the sense of camaraderie between us only grew stronger, a united front against the forces of darkness that sought to tear us apart.

"I'm just getting started," I whisper to myself, a sinister grin stretching across my face as I peer out the window. My eyes flicker with a malevolent gleam, glowing a vivid, eerie red that seems to pierce through the darkness like flames of impending doom.

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