Peaked in High School

By artypeasant

3.8K 280 13

Everything changes after high school. Post-graduation leads young adults on journeys of self-discovery and ac... More

The Glory Days
Rock Bottom
Picture Perfect
Mutually Beneficial
On the Hunt
It's Complicated
Time's Up
You Tell Me
Love Language
Dinner Party
Reading the Green
When Trouble Comes Knocking
Knocking on Death's Door
Weekend at Bernie's
The Old Man

The Charity Case

194 18 0
By artypeasant

Everett has always been an emotional guy. When he was younger, his parents had encouraged him to express himself and how he was feeling without fear of judgement. He never felt ashamed or embarrassed to cry when he was sad or frustrated.

With that being said, he has spent the past hour sobbing after Charlotte drove off leaving him with nothing but a broken heart and an ultimatum.

Eventually, Everett changes out of his suit that he wore to work and into a black sweater and jeans. He is usually much better about managing his emotions and dealing with them in a healthy way, but he feels that the circumstances are dire enough to warrant some pity drinks.

Feeling as if he's in a daze, Everett mindlessly makes the twenty minute drive into town where he parks in the partially full lot. It looks like a good amount of people are indulging in some after work drinks on this godawful Tuesday evening.

"What're you doing here, Ev?" The bartender, Lisa, asks him when he takes a seat on a stool at the bar.

"Just wanted to stop by. It's been a rough day," he tells her hoping that she doesn't ask him to elaborate. Lucky for him, she is a professional who understands when the customers want to ramble about whatever is happening in their lives and doesn't push him to speak.

He opens a tab after ordering a rum and coke with the intention of sitting there until he is tipsy enough to numb the pain he is feeling.

The bustling background noise of the bar goes silent when he suddenly hears a crash and yelling.

Whipping his head around, he sees that a chair was knocked over and the owner, Chris, is yelling at some drunk guy. The inebriated man is wobbling back and forth while mumbling lowly to the angry bar owner.


Everett can vaguely make out the drunk man's slurred response, "'m sorry, sir. Give me a couple days- I'll get ya your money in no time." This not-so-reassuring reply is sealed with a hiccup at the end.

Feeling sorry for the man that is clearly also going through something, Everett decides to try to help de-escalate the situation. "Hey, Chris. Why don't you let me cover his tab and we can call his family or friends to come pick him up," he suggests after approaching the altercation.

"Ev, this ain't your mess to clean up. Let this boy face some consequences," Chris tells him as he grabs his cellphone, presumably to call the cops.

"Yo- what the-" the drunk hiccups again, "-fuck, dude? You're seriously gonna call the feds?"

Now that Everett can see the intoxicated man up close, he finally recognizes him.

"Beau? Beau Coleman?" He questions in disbelief.

Beau turns to him and squints his eyes, looking upset at hearing his full name said out loud. "What's it to you?" He asks in an aggravated tone.

"It's me- Everett. Your old neighbor?" He says the last part like a question, hoping to jog his memory.

The man's eyes widen slightly and he subtly scans Everett in the dimly lit, smokey bar.

"I remember you," he mumbles before Chris speaks up again.

"I'm glad that you two are enjoying your reunion, but I'm gonna call the cops now."

Without thinking, Everett holds his hands out in front of him in a gesture that he hopes will prevent Chris from doing anything impetuous. "Chris- seriously. I know this guy, please let me pay for his tab and then we'll get out of your hair."

Sighing, Chris finally pockets his phone. "Settle the tab with Lisa. He managed to spend $67 here and nearly broke my chair when he ran it over like a clumsy oaf. I want him out of here as soon as you pay."

"Will do. So sorry, Chris," he says trying to smooth over the interaction. Chris waves his hand dismissively and walks over to a bouncer and gestures towards the two of them. He probably is just making sure there are eyes on them, ensuring that the tab is paid and they exit immediately after.

"You should just let him call the cops on me," Everett hears the man slur.

"What?" he responds with a confused tilt of his head.

Beau seems frustrated and not nearly as grateful for Everett's help as he should be. "I keep fucking up. I don't need anyone to bail me out.... You should let me rot in jail."

"I'm not gonna let that happen. Let me pay and we'll get some food and water in you," he replies with a frown on his face as he hands his card over to Lisa at the bar. Beau doesn't respond, but hovers like a large shadow next to him while holding on to the bar for dear life. Everett is going to have to hold onto him so he doesn't topple over on the way to his car.

Signing the receipt, Everett makes sure to leave a fifty percent tip as an apology to Chris and Lisa. Pushing it and the pen toward the bartender, he then turns and puts an arm around Beau's waist with the intention of steadying him and leading him out to his car.

"The fuck are you doing?" Beau asks but doesn't seem to have enough strength to push him away.

Everett takes that as a good sign and begins to lead them out the door. "You're a bit unsteady right now. Just trying to make sure you don't fall over."

Beau scoffs at this, but still doesn't push him away or fire back with a smart comment.

Opening the passenger side door of his Lexus, Everett lets Beau crawl in without his assistance. Climbing into the drivers seat, Everett silently drives them to a 24/7 diner on the other side of the small town. When he parks, he looks over at Beau who is leaning his head against the window. He'd think he's asleep with how quiet he's being, but Beau's eyes are clearly open.

"We're here," Everett tries to get the man's attention. It works- Beau's head rolls against the window so the back of his head is now leaning against it. "Why are you helping me?" He asks.

Everett is confused as to why Beau is so skeptical of him. "You looked like you needed it.... And I honestly need the distraction. Let's go inside."

Standing outside the car, Everett sees Beau take a moment before hesitantly stepping out himself.

"Are you alright to walk by yourself?" Everett asks him, ready to offer his arm if needed.

Beau proceeds to shut the car door and walk past him and toward the entrance of the diner without answering him. Taking that as his cue to follow, Everett trails after the agitated man.

The hostess, Diane, seats them at a booth on the opposite side of the diner away from a lot of the other customers. She looks at Everett while handing them their menus and quickly flicks her eyes to Beau and then back to him. Everett subtly shakes his head as if telling her that he'll explain who the disgruntled, dirty man across from is at a later time.

A waitress brings them their waters and says that she'll give them a few minutes to look over the menu. As soon as she sets Beau's water down in front of him, he takes the straw out and chugs it until it's nearly empty. Giving Everett a judgmental look, she refills Beau's glass with the pitcher of water in her hand before swiftly walking away to tend to the other customers.

"So- how did you end up in Sinting?" Everett opens the conversation.

Beau glares down at his menu as he mutters, "Greyhound bus."

Well that's not very helpful....

Clearing his throat, Everett tries again. "Where did you take the Greyhound from?"

Beau hastily redirects his glare from the menu to Everett. "Cleveland."

Now getting impatient, Everett lets out a frustrated sigh before continuing to prod for information. "What were you doing in Cleveland, Beau? How did you end up dirty and drunk in the only bar in Sinting?"

"I got fired from my job. I used the last of my money to get a ticket back to Columbus, but hopped off here," Beau goes back to avoiding eye contact while he responds and instead pretends to browse the menu some more.

Everett hums appreciatively at the explanation and says, "Do you have a place to stay while you're here?"

"I just said I used the last of my money on the bus ticket, didn't I?" Beau responds in a mocking tone.

Evidently, the man is still ungrateful despite everything that Everett has done for him. Trying to overlook the attitude, he thinks about the right thing to do in this situation.

"You can stay at my house for the night if you'd like."

Beau looks genuinely surprised at this offer at first before schooling his face back to appear neutral. Everett continues, "At least just to shower and do some laundry. I have a guest room you can stay in and then I can help you get to Columbus or wherever you need to go sometime tomorrow."

The area between Beau's eyebrows crease as he visibly looks to be fighting an internal war within himself. During this silence, Everett takes the time to observe his old neighbor now that they are facing each other in a bright area unlike the bar and his car.

Beau looks similar to how he did in high school. Still tall and muscular with sharp facial features. He also looks like a complete mess. His wavy dark hair looks greasy and like it could use a trim. Additionally, he has the beginnings of facial growing on his jawline and above his upper lip. The hair is dark like on his head, but with some gray hair mixed in making him look older than twenty-four. All in all, Beau is still handsome, but could definitely use a shower and a haircut.

While Everett was observing him, Beau seemed to have come to a conclusion on whether or not he'd accept his offer.

"Fine. I'll stay at your place- but only for tonight," he murmurs. It's like he's afraid of receiving help from others or something. Everett assumes it has to do with pride. After all, the Coleman's were the proudest family he had known all throughout his childhood up until high school graduation.

"Great," Everett says in an even tone before he too pretends to be invested in the menu in front of him.

Luckily, the awkward silence between them doesn't last too long before the waitress comes to take their orders. While they wait for their food and as they feast later on, Everett fills Beau in on the town of Sinting. Beau doesn't ask any questions, but definitely looks to be listening as Everett describes the few shops and important people in the area.

Everett notices that Beau eats as if this meal will be his last and wonders what has happened to him in the time that he had last seen him in 2018 until now in 2024. Nevertheless, they finish their food and Everett pays with another hefty tip for the waitress that had to deal with them.

Driving Beau back to his house, Everett can't help but feel relieved about not being alone tonight.

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