The Sun, Moon & Stars [GxGxG]

By TheNewLivingWriter

753 52 0

One complicated relationship. Two converging timelines. Three beautiful women. What secrets will be revealed... More

1. King of Queens (Part I)
2. King of Queens (Part II)
3. Before the Big Bang
4. Family Affairs
6. A Rock & A Hard Place
7. Galaxies Apart
8. The Secret to Coping
9. Chancing Change
10. A Deadly Alliance
11. Guilty Pleasures
12. Paradigm (Part I)

5. Woman of the People

50 4 0
By TheNewLivingWriter

Monday, October 21st, 2024

I arrived half an hour late to my therapy session courtesy of the day's work, which had caused my evening to run longer than usual. Penélope, too, was busy with her obligations but set them aside when I appeared.

"Miss Hunt. Welcome. Have a seat. We'll get started shortly."

While I settle and gather my thoughts, she wraps up what she'd been doing to the best of her abilities. November would soon be upon us, and this time of year was crucial for the company. Next month, we'll be receiving our annual reports and conducting conferences regarding our numbers. It was always a little nerve-wracking and highly anticipated, like a grade you're waiting to receive on a project that could go either way. Whatever we got back would be analyzed and reviewed by the big three - Xenia, Aurora, and myself. It'd be interesting to see this year, considering our standing.

"Alright. Where were we?" Penélope asks, having readied herself with a pen and paper.

"The dinner."

"That's right. They caught you spying on them, yes?"

I nod, shifting nervously. My body hadn't forgotten the feeling of the moment: embarrassment, humiliation, and shame.

"I want you to take your time with this, okay? And let me know if you need a break," the therapist says softly. "You may begin when you're ready."



Sunday, November 7th, 2021
(1,065 Days Ago...)

The fear that came with being caught was damn near paralyzing, but it wasn't anywhere near as intimidating as their stares. They'd found me trying to slink off after disrupting their interaction and now were interrogating me in Xenia's bedroom, which was incredibly ironic - I mean, I'd be laughing if I wasn't so scared. I kept my eyes downcast on instinct, but I could feel their burning into me.

"Fuck. This is bad."

"Yeah, you don't say."

"It's not funny, AJ!"

"I'm not laughing, Nia."

"What are we gonna do?" Xenia groans. "Fuck. How did this happen?"

"We got careless," Aurora sighs. "The only thing we can do now is deal."


"I don't know, but we should start with her."

The one Aurora referred to was me. I knew that much, but by 'deal' and 'with me,' well, I didn't know what to make of that.

Assuming the worst, I plead my case - emphasis on pleading. "I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to snoop. I didn't know what to think when I heard the noise."

"So you go towards it?" Xenia scoffs. "Esa es la mierda de los blancos."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you are sorry."

I shrink at her tone, but where I falter, AJ steps up. "Hey, lay off, would you? Be mad all you want, but this one's on us."

Xenia's nostrils flare. "No, Aurora, this is on you."

"What? Me?"

"Yeah, you! You just had to keep pushing! Maybe if you weren't so goddamn thirsty, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"Don't try that shit," Aurora growls. "Don't sit up here and pretend you didn't want me just as much as I wanted you. We both heard it, remember? Don't you dare try to pin this all on me."

"Or what, huh? You gonna rat me out, James?" Xenia taunts.

"You know I'd never do that to you, Nia. You - we - could lose everything."

"I-I won't tell," I promise weakly. "I won't breathe a word about this. Not to anyone. I swear. Just, please..."

As if the situation wasn't stressful enough - they had to go and trigger me with their yelling. I hated it when people raised their voices. Growing up in several toxic households where shouting was prevalent and went hand-in-hand with beatings made it hard for me to cope in environments like this.

Panic settles and spreads throughout my being. Suddenly, it was hard to breathe and see beyond the black surrounding my vision. There was this ringing in my ears that muffled any further arguments between the two women in front of me. My body begins shaking uncontrollably as my sweat chills me to the bone.

Shit. It's happening.

At some point, their back-and-forth ends, and when it does, I become the center of attention. "What's up with her?" I hear Xenia mutter.

"I don't know," answers Aurora before reaching out to me. "Hey, are you-"

"N-No. Don't t-touch me."

They're going to hurt me.

"Look here, Amelia," orders Xenia. I would've obeyed, but I was too caught up in myself. She realizes this and helps me, gently lifting my chin. "I said look here."

It was the first time either of them had fully seen my face and taken it in. They share a stunned glance. Her touch was surprisingly comforting. It soothes the storm within to some degree, and then there's her voice that lulls me into a calmer state of mind.

"No harm will come to you. You have our word."

My erratic panting slows and smooths as the tightness in my chest gradually fades. I focused on her and noticed how close we were. Xenia towers over me, her front inches away from my face. It isn't long before my anxiety becomes nervousness.

Aurora approaches cautiously and sits next to me on the edge of the bed. "I didn't mean to freak you out. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I say briskly.

"It's not," Xenia says, dropping her hand. "None of this is fine."

"I already told you - I'm not going to say anything. Whatever you two have going on isn't any of my business."

"It kinda is now," AJ argues. "You saw and heard everything."

"Well, it isn't my business to tell. What would I gain from that? I'd rather forget this ever happened," I murmur. "Whether you two want to believe me or not... your secret's safe with me. This changes nothing, and I prefer not to get treated any worse because of it."

Aurora looks pointedly at Xenia, who rolls her eyes. "Look, I'm sorry for being a bitch, okay? I didn't like how you were brought to us, but that's more of a problem for my mother. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you."

"Would you have apologized if I hadn't caught you two?" When silence answers me, I stand. "And it's for that reason your apology means nothing."


"Miss James."

Aurora clams up immediately.

"Miss King."

Xenia swallows hard.

"Dinner's ready. I'd hate for them to start without us."

My exit is swift: out the door and down the stairs, where I stop by the restroom to wash my hands before joining the table. There, Anvi, Ren, Xavier, and Penélope sit with full plates in front of them. Seconds later, Xenia and Aurora walk onto the scene.

"Hey, family," AJ says with her signature smirk. It was as if nothing ever happened.

"Nice of you two to join us," Anvi sniffs.

"What took you so long?"

"You know how your sister is, Xae."

Xenia cuts her eyes at the woman. "Hey!"

"The important thing is that everyone's here now," the CEO intercedes. "So let's eat."

I hadn't much of an appetite, but out of politeness, I force-fed myself a few forkfuls of mac n' cheese. The conversation flows freely among them while I stay to myself, trying to process everything that's occurred up until this point. Going on auto-pilot allows my food to go down a lot easier.


My head snaps up to the woman directly across from me, who occupied the other head of the large table - her eyes, along with everyone else's become fixated on me, causing my stomach to turn.

"Are you alright, my dear?"

"Uh, y-yeah. Yes," I stutter. "Why do you ask?"

Anvi's brow creases in concern. "You look pale."

"Forgive me. I'm feeling a bit... under the weather all of a sudden."

"Is it the food?"

"What? No, no," I assure. "Everything was amazing. I think I may be coming down with something. I might have to call it a night soon."

"I understand, but before you go, would you mind helping me with something?"

"Not at all."

"Fantastic," she hums. "Ren, pass the greens?"

He obliges, nosily asking, "What's this you need help with?"

"Matters I'd rather keep between me and the one whose assistance I requested. I hope that isn't an issue for you."

"Not at all," Ren utters, but I sensed disapproval.

I discreetly pull out my phone and text Roman, asking him to be here within the next half hour. He responds immediately in confirmation. When I looked up, I met the eyes of Xenia, whose hazel orbs seemed to pierce the depths of my soul. On the other side of the table was Aurora, whose usually light brown stare was darkened, striking fear into my heart.


Then I find Anvi, whose expression of sheer cheerfulness acts as a light in the dark.

"So, Amelia," Xavier says abruptly, "where are you from?"


"Like, the city or the state?"

"Both," I answer.

"So you grew up there?"


"Okay, but where are you from? Because, I'm telling you right now, no one who was brought up in Jersey has that accent."

"What's wrong with my accent?" I ask.

"Nothing, nothing! I'm just saying-"

"Xavier," Anvi whispers sharply.

"He's on to something," Ren adds. "I've never heard a dialect like yours. Didn't you say you spoke several European languages?"

"That's right."

"Is it safe to assume that you were born there? Or to a family with strong ties to that land?"

"Sure," I respond. "I was born in Europe and lived there for the first few years of my life."

"What part?" Ren asks.

"All over," I say vaguely.

I was praying for an intervention, and of course, Anvi came through. "That's enough, you two. Leave her be."

They do, thankfully; however, the stares don't let up. Another half hour of casual interactions and extraneous conversation topics flies by, eventually ending with Anvi, who announces her dismissal.

When she leaves, I follow closely behind but not before bidding my coworkers adieu. The CEO and I head back upstairs, but this time into a study.

"I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't need help," Anvi says, leaning against a desk. "That was merely a cover."


"I've something to show you."

"What is it?" I step forward as she grabs a couple of papers from the nearest drawer and hands them to me. Dread festers in the pit of my stomach as I look them over. "Your will? Why are you showing me this?"

"Read it."

I do, and at first, everything seems normal. That is until I catch sight of my name.

"But... why?"

Anvi crosses her arms and looks down, her brow furrowed. "My dear, I'm asking that you trust me. There are so many unknowns, but if there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that you belong here. If anything happens, this will protect you, among other things, and by the off chance that someone tries to usurp what I have put in place, this will make it a lot harder."

"Dr. King, this document is only viable if-"

"I know."

"Are you in danger? Is that what you're implying?"

She hesitates. "...I'm afraid this is something I can't explain. Not because I don't want to but because I haven't the answers."

"I don't want anything to happen to you," I whisper, my voice cracking with emotion.

"Forgive me. It wasn't my intention to worry you. It's just a precaution, truly." I knew she was trying to comfort me, but it would take more than words. Realizing that, she hugs me. "Promise me something, my dear."


"Never forget who you are." She takes me firmly by the shoulders and searches my face. "And never let anyone stop you from becoming who you're meant to be."

"I-I won't."


"I promise."

"Good." She dusted me off with a smile, but this one was sad. My phone chimes, alerting me of Roman's arrival, and Anvi reclaims her will. "His timing never fails to amaze me."

"You and me both, " I chuckle. "Thank you for having me this evening."

"Oh, no, my dear, thank you for coming."

"Of course."

"Come. Let me walk you out."

I silently accept her offer and together, we leave the room. Waiting for us were Aurora and Xenia, who were chatting casually, but even so, the sight of them made my blood run cold.

"Leaving already?" Aurora pries. "We didn't even get to desert."

"I am. As I mentioned before, I'm-"

"Feeling under the weather, yeah, we heard," Xenia finishes. "We wanted to check on you."

Yeah, right.

"I was just leaving, actually," I tell them.

"We also came to let you know, Anvi, that the old h... Penélope asked for you. Seemed important," AJ informs. "If you want, we could take her off your hands."

Please, no.

The CEO was skeptical but didn't decline. "Sure. Don't be long."


Then there were three, two of whom close in on me. Both my mind and heart start racing.

"What's your relationship with my mother?" Xenia spits.


"Don't play dumb, girl-"

AJ holds her back with a steady arm. "Listen, we heard you two and-"

"You were spying on us?"

"Doesn't feel too good, does it, princess?"

"Fuck you," I hiss. "Both of you."

"Oh, so that's how it is?" Xenia laughs humorlessly. "Fine, but you're not leaving until you answer our questions."

The audacity.

"Let me pass."

"Are you deaf? I said-"

"No, I heard you, I just don't give a damn. Let. Me. Pass," I demand, lifting my chin defiantly. "Now."

"Wait, we can still talk this out."

"We're past talking, Aurora, seeing as this would fall under the category of harassment. I don't owe either of you a damn thing. I don't even owe it to you to keep your affair to myself. Remember that."

It was a low blow, and of course, I'd never tell, but they didn't know that. Unfortunately, threatening them was the only way of reaching them, which would cost me down the road, a problem for another day. Right now, all I wanted was to get out of this precarious situation. I didn't take kindly to being cornered, nor did they to potentially being blackmailed.

"Alright, alright. Let's calm down for a second," Aurora eases, glaring at her counterpart. "I'm sorry for how we came at you. Honestly, we only heard part of the conversation."

Her admission allowed me to release the breath I'd been holding. "W-Which part?"

"Just the end. We were curious, you know? You and the old lady..."

"How we know one another is none of your business. The same way your relationship is none of mine. Why don't we forget anything ever happened? I'd call that a win-win."

Xenia's jaw clenches, whereas Aurora dips her head. "That's fair."


I push past them and hurry out the door, jumping into Roman's car in a huff.



He does so without a word of protest, waiting until we've cleared the property to ask, "What happened?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."



"You told him?"

"I did."

"And did he believe you?" Penélope questions, to which I nod.

"He did."

"How did he take it?

I shrug. "As well as any, I suppose. He was shocked, worried, and upset, too, about how they treated me. He would've done something had I not begged him to keep quiet."

"How did it affect your work?"

"It didn't."

Penélope's brow lifts. "Oh? Surely, knowing what you knew was troublesome."

"Not for me," I say. "I couldn't show weakness. I had a job to do and something to prove, so for the next six months, I kept my nose down. With Anvi's help, I was able to build up my reputation among my subordinates. I became her errand girl and spent most of my time out of the way of the board. I was busier than I'd ever been, but it kept me preoccupied and productive. I did this until Studio Janelle launched."

Dr. Rivera finishes something in her notes and glances at the watch on her wrist. "Thank you for this, Miss Hunt, and I'm sorry, but I'll have to cut our time a little short tonight."

"No, it's okay. If not for my tardiness, we would've had the full two hours."

"That's no fault of yours," she says softly. "Your work ethic is quite remarkable, honestly, both then and now."

I tilt my head. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, you might've done much to stay out of the spotlight, but your efforts have never gone unnoticed. You went from an unknown to a familiar face in a short time, became someone upstairs that people could rely on, and turned to; if you ask me, you've always been a woman of the people."

"Really? You think so?"

"You don't?"

"I guess I never saw it like that," I mumble.

"With all due respect, ma'am... open your eyes."


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote. Be sure to comment and let me know what you think. Stay tuned. Until next time!

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