Supernatural Werewolf (RETURN...

By highway_lights

36 5 0

Jesse lost everything. Mel, her aunt, came and helped her, fed her, clothed her, she gave Jesse and her broth... More



19 3 0
By highway_lights

Jesse POV

An orange haze peaked through my window drapes casting a warm hue into my white room. Cloud like comforters and pillows surround me keeping me from exiting my deep slumber. Breakfast scents drift through my door and over to me. My eyelids muster the strength to open as my limbs subconsciously stretch out the sleepiness. Incoherent sounds and words pass my lips as my body somehow escapes the warm clutches of my bed. My brown auburn hair falls all over the place in knots and kinks.

The sound of birds tweeting and rain droplets hitting a surface fill my ears, waking them up further. My tongue shoots out and dampens my dry lips before my legs swing over the edge of the bed. I'm lead over to my window and the strong scent of pine causes a small smile to crawl onto my lips. Washington always had the simplest weather in the summer, but they had the best sights and smells. With my eyes fully awake, I safely wonder towards my bathroom.

My brush goes through my hair and a toothbrush cleans away my morning breath away. I grab a pony tail and pull my hair into a quick pony tail before walking out and towards my closet. The outfit for today will be simple, skinny ripped denim jeans with an oversized pine green and old converse. As if the timing couldn't be any better, my aunt walks into the room.

"Jesse, honey. Breakfast is ready." Her voice put me to sleep on nights that nightmares haunted me. Nightmares of my parent's death. She took care of me ever since I was six, and I couldn't be more grateful for her. I turned around and smiled at her.

"I'll be down soon, I just have to grab some things before I go out with Heaven." She nodded and left allowing me to finish up in my room. I walk around grabbing my bag and phone and cleaning up a few things. Soon I'm parading down the stairs and into the kitchen. When I get there I see Jay glaring at his grits with his arms crossed. Aunt Mel is standing there sipping her coffee and flipping through the paper.

I sit down beside me stubborn brother and pat his back. He just grunts and continues his glare down with his food. Chuckling I grab beacon, eggs, and grits. As I mix them all together Jay makes gagging sounds next to me. I raus an eyebrow looking over at him before putting some pepper onto the glorious meal.

"How can you eat that stuff Jesse? It's absolutely repulsive." Jay is 14 years old with the vocabulary of an old English professor. I just chuckle more and take a big bite of the heavenly food.

"It's good my little bro, you should try it and actually enjoy it." Jay just shakes his head and gets up from the table grabbing his plate to put the rest in the trash. Sadly, for him, he doesn't make it that far. Aunt Mel stops him before he takes a step.

"Sit your delinquent bottom back in that chair and finish those grits." Jay groans at the command and sits down to push around the grits. I look over at Aunt Mel and she just rolls her eyes. I do as well and finish up my meal and chug down my orange juice. I say my goodbyes and leave the house to get to my car.


People rush around the place trying to get to stores or places to eat. While, happily, I'm sitting here drinking a coke waiting for Heaven to show herself. The scent of cheap food filled my nose and I mentally gagged. I'm more of a healthy food type person. Yes, every once in a while I'll eat ice cream or sweets, but that's only sometimes.

I huffed quietly and looked around for the bright red hair. She's late again, well like always. I pull my phone out and see a text message from her saying that she's going to be late. Groaning to myself I stand up and walk over to the Chinese food place. The woman takes my order of sushi and rice. As my order is being put together, I gaze around at the people. After looking at about twenty people, I'm met with deep grey eyes. Ones, that for some reason, I can't look away from.

This man is handsome and probably in his late 40's. His eyes are narrowed at me intently as I wait for the delicious food. He seems to be trying to communicate with me with his eyes and it's not working out for him. Suddenly I only see a deserted land. It's windy with clouds blocking the sun. Dry sands sweep across the Earth and pellet against my skin. Hissing lowly I rub my arms to get he feeling away. I whip around aimlessly trying to figure out where on Earth I am, but I got nothing. Until I see a man in a dark cloaca and cape. His shoulders are covered with dark grey shining armor with swirls embedded in it. I watch as he stands there with his cape whipping in the wind. Suddenly a dark figure come us from behind him. It's an animal. Before I can depict what it is, I hear my name being called.

"Jesse! Jesse, will you get your head out of the clouds." What? Heaven? I blink multiple times before I notice I'm back in the food court. Heaven stands in front of me holding my glorious food, but I could care less right now. He was that man. Pursing my lips I look over Heaven's shoulder to find the man, but he's gone. The seat is completely empty.


"Jesse! If you don't take your food I will eat it myself." Heaven snaps at me gaining my attention. Grumbling I take my food from her and she just stands there looking at me like I'm insane. "You've been standing her for five minutes just gazing off in the distance. I was saying your name the whole time." I opened and closed my mouth like a fish. What was I supposed to say?

"Um... sorry I zoned out for a sec. Do you wanna sit down and eat?" With a successful change of the subject she nods and we walk over to a subway. She orders her usual and we make our way back over to a table. We chatted over multiple things long after we were don't with our meal. Then, we both got up and walked around to go shopping.


"So, what are you doing for your birthday?" Heaven asks as she looks through the racks of clothes. We're currently in Forever21 looking at crop tops and shorts - that were never going to wear because of the weather. I though about her question and flipped through the clothes.

"I don't know. You know I'm not big on parties." I mumbled grabbing a cute black sweater crop top. Heaven just sighed rolling her eyes. Here comes the lecture...

"You are turning 16 years old and you're not having a party. No, not on my watch. You're going to have the best party on this Earth! Now... let's finish shopping." Wow, that was short, surprisingly short. I just shook it off and continued going through the clothes.

I had three crop tops and five shorts. It wasn't much compared to what Heaven had. She's a bit of a shopaholic if you ask me, but don't tell her I said that. We both paid for our things, but I was stopped in my tracks before I could leave. It was that man again. A good was over his head, but I could still see his glowing grey eyes. I gulped hard before gripping Heaven's arm and dragging her out of the store. She cursed at me, but I ignored her. We need to get out of here, that man just keeps following us. Following me.

"Ow! Jessie will you quit it!" I finally released her and she stumbled back gaining her balance. Her hand rubbed at where I once gripped her and she glared at me. "What the hell was that all about?!" I didn't acknowledge her tone. I just looked around making sure that man didn't follow me. My breathing was quick and heavy. Heaven was mumbling things under her breath, and just like the past few times; I ignored her.

Suddenly I saw him again, but this time he was staring at me while walking into a cafe. I gulped hard and let out a breath. I turned to look at Heaven and she was on the phone. Her voice was harsh but subtle. She hung up and shoved her phone in her back pocket.

"Listen, I gotta go. I hope you feel better from whatever is wrong with you. I'll text you later." Heaven walked out of the mall leaving me in the middle of a crowd. My eyes wondered back to the Cafe, and for some reason my feet lead me over to it.

What am I getting myself into?


This is re-written. I had a profile before this, and I lost everything. So, this is Supernatural Werewolf new and improved. Yes, there will be the same plot, but better. I hope you enjoy, :)

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