Goddess Of Victory: The Supre...

By The_S_Trio

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V1 gets deported into the Nikkeverse why? I dunno, crimes against humanity and heaven I guess... anyway he's... More



443 15 12
By The_S_Trio

Location - Ruined City

V1 and Marian sprinted over towards the rendezvous point hearing the sound of gun fire possibly from either Raptures or allies or both. Now V1 could have easily reached over to the gun fire and taken care of the problem. But he didn't want to risk Marian getting ambushed by any nearby Raptures.

Speaking of her, he glanced over towards her noticing her having a slight limp in her run, his eyes narrowed a bit. "Marian, do you want me to carry you?" He asked.

"E-eh!?" Marian made a rather cute sound of shock at his sudden question, a scarlet red blush appeared on both her face and ears, her pupils dilating slightly as well.

V1 not understanding that much as to why she gave that reaction just tilted his head to the side. "What? Is something wrong?" He asked more concerned now.

Marian still a little buzzed out at the idea of being held by her blue haired commander shook her head comically. "No no no! Not at all! It's just... I wasn't expecting you to ask me that." She quickly said, quelling his worry somewhat.

"What do you mean? You're injured, it's a standard to carry an injured comrade is it not?" He said in an obvious manner.

Marian had a tired look on her face as she sighed, she may as well be carried by him since she could barely keep up running at 70 MPH constantly. "T-that's true... Sure, go-ahead commander. But be gently please." She softly pleaded.

V1 rolled his eyes with a small sigh.

"Alright... Just give me a second to-Waaah!"

Marian yelps as she felt herself suddenly lifted off the ground into V1's arms, she blinked rapidly in shock, she gradually began to calm down with her blush back on her face even more red than before.

"C-commander, at least give warning before doing something like that!" She angrily stammered, looking at him with a glare.

V1 just looked at her with a neutral gaze before looking forward and beginning to continue running with Marian holding onto his neck with a deadpan on her face.

"Why even bother telling YOU that?" She grumbled sighing with dazed expression.

The blue haired cyborg just continued to stay silent as he swiftly made his way past every obstacle and debris with inhuman agility and athleticism, all while holding onto Marian making sure she does not get hurt once.

"Wow... You're really fast commander, everything looks like a blur..." Marian whispered in amazement. 

"We're even almost at the rendezvous point as well!"

V1 just continued to move with a small smirk building on his face.


Location - Rendezvous Point, Ruined City

The sounds of bullets and explosions can be heard as two Nikkes both of them blonde but dressed differently, one in black and yellow, and the in black and red, the two fought off all the seemingly endless Raptures coming towards them.

The blonde in the black and yellow jacket grunted in annoyance realizing she may run out of ammo soon if this keeps up.

"Ugh, damnit... Hey! How long are we gonna wait here!?" She yelled over at her fellow blonde in black and red.

The woman kept firing her weapon clearing out a few hundred Raptures before quickly taking cover to reload. "Until they come." She answered with a neutral expression.

The busty blonde in black and yellow grunted at her simply response before quickly getting back out of covering and taking fire. "But we're sitting ducks out here!" She retorts, firing off more grenades toward all incoming Raptures, only taking cover when she gets nicked on her shoulder and torso.

She grits her teeth going back to cover once more, glaring over at the woman in red and black, who just gives her, her usual neutral stare back.

"We'll wait, until they come." She repeated once more.

"Ugh... I Swear you're like a drone sometimes no motion whatsoever." She groaned, shaking her head. "Besides, didn't you see how hard they went down?!" The blonde further pointed out.

The other blonde in black and red, looked down for a moment in thought.

"And that explosion as well! What are the odds of them coming out of that alive!?" The Nikke in black and yellow added.

After a moment of thinking, the other blonde in black and red sighed. "We haven't received any confirmation of death." She replied.

Once again, the more brash blonde of the two groaned. "What, so we're just gonna wait here until we do?" She sarcastically asked.

"This is the rendezvous point. Leaving here will throw a wrench into the works." The serious of the two sternly stated.

"Haaa... I hate you sometimes. But come on don't you think this is at least a little absurd!? We're basically waiting to die at this point!" She yelled with a freaked-out expression.

The black and red dressed Nikke just shook her head with a sigh, getting out of covering and firing off more ammunition towards the enemy. "At least we have the liberty to fight." She said in an attempt to cheer her fellow blonde up.

But she just deadpans at her. "Oh wow. How optimistic." The Nikke dryly retorts before sighing and smirking. "But you're right, at least we can-"



Before she could finish her sentence, the sound of a powerful plasma-esque weapon cuts her off followed by a hue that red surrounded the area as a gigantic explosion took place, causing all the rapture to be reduced to either ash or atoms. 

The two Nikkes reacted a second earlier for cover, from the explosion dust and debris falling onto their grimaced faces from the explosion taking place before them.

When the explosion that lucky didn't destroy their cover died down, they both slowly with equally shocked faces peaked out from their cover to see the destruction caused by the explosion, a giant red smoking crater could be seen, most of the buildings in the background were completely vaporized.

It looked like a wasteland with a red hue basically. Though the red hue slowly began to fade. The shocked faces of the two Nikkes persisted, they have no idea what had just happened.

"W-what... what just-" 


The Nikke in black and red getting over her shock far quicker than her comrade, turned around to see something rather interesting, a woman that seemed to be a Nikke standing next to a man with blue hair and yellow eyes?

"Huh?" She had a suspicious expression on her face looking at the man.

"Eck!" As for the other Nikke in Black and Yellow, she jumped at the sudden yell of the woman, turning around with a glare directed towards her. "Hey! You scared me!" She angrily yelled with a pout.

A pout that faded once she saw also saw the blue haired man with yellow eyes gazing elsewhere, a small blush crept on her face once she saw him. "Oh wow... Talk about a stud!" She gushed in her thoughts as she looked up at the tall man.

Realizing she was staring she quickly shook her head of any dirty thoughts adopting a more serious look. "Hey, wait a minute. You two caused that giant explosion?" She asked in disbelief.

"No, that would be the commander next to me. I'm Marian." She introduced, placing a hand on her chest with a smile.

The Nikke looked at her in even more disbelief. "Are you serious? How? And how did you both survive that explosion?" She asked incredulously. 

"I mean, I get why you would. You're a Nikke." She pointed over at Marian who looked a little nervous about something. "But he's just human, right?" The blonde looked over at the man once more.

V1 noticing that he was being talked about looked over at the blonde who grew flustered once more at his intense glance. "I'm not human." He bluntly spoke.

The Nikke in black and red nodded with a small hum before speaking up. "I suspected as much. No human has eyes that yellow nor do Human eyes glow." She pointed out.

"Hmm... You're quite perspective." The blue haired cyborg looked at her with his usual neutral glance which was returned in kind by the Nikke in black and red.

While the two emotionlessly gazed at one another, Marian and the Nikke in yellow and black looked at them with deadpans on their faces.

"Yeesh, it's like an emo stare off between the two." The brash blonde muttered.

Marian giggled at that. "Well, the commander doesn't seem to be one to express emotions THAT well, but he is very caring when need be." She said, blushing remembering him carrying her in his arms.

The blonde noticing her flushed face and aroused face grinned. "Oooh really~? Hehehe, you gotta tell me how "caring" he is sometime." She teased wiggling her eyebrows, making Marian even more flustered.

"Anyways... I don't think I told you my name yet." She said, placing a hand on her hip while resting her weapon unto her shoulder, her large breasts bouncing and wobbling in their confinements at her movement.

"I'm Anis, nice to meetcha." She introduced with a bright smile, holding a handout to shake.

【Anis】​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇬​​🇮​​🇷​​🇱​ ​🇼​​🇮​​🇹​​🇭​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇹​​🇼​​🇴​ ​🇧​​🇮​​🇬​​🇬​​🇪​​🇸​​🇹​ ​🇵​​🇪​​🇷​​🇸​​🇴​​🇳​​🇦​​🇱​​🇮​​🇹​​🇮​​🇪​​🇸​

Marian shook the blonde's hand with a smile on her face as well. "Nice to meet you, Anis." She greeted.

"Sorry we took so long to get here, there was a lot of Raptures around the area... As I'm sure you've seen." She stated, letting go of the blonde's hand adopting a more serious look.

Anis nodded her head with a sigh. "Yeah, there's been loads of them crawling around in the city. But... What's with the commander? Why's he... You know, not human apparently?" She glanced over at the blue haired cyborg who was discussing something with the other Nikke.

Marian scratches the back of her head. "No. I'm not really too sure about it myself. Originally, I thought he was a male Nikke... But he seems way more advanced, than any Nikke I've seen." She stated.

Anis gazed back at her with a raised eyebrow. "That's a bold claim. How exactly is he more advanced than us? I mean sure he's tall, athletic, handsome and looks like a total stud overall and he's... uh." She pauses realizing she's rambling about him; her cheeks flare up a little in embarrassment.

A knowing smirk appears on Marian's face hearing Anis's spicy wordings for the commander. "And what else?" She teasingly asked, leaning forward a bit.

Anis groaned a little, crossing her arms looking away from her with gritted teeth. "And nothing..." She grumbled.

"Hehehe. It's fine, I understand how you feel the commander does look... Appealing. But that's not why I saw he's more advanced." Marian said.

"Oh? Then what is it?" Anis asked a little breathless, getting over her embarrassment looking back over at Marian curiously.

The Nikke let out a sigh as she began to remember all that had occurred a few minutes ago. "Well, the commander has the ability to draw out more than one weapon, using his wings as storage. Originally, I thought they were meant for flight, but the commander said they were just storage for his weapons." She revealed to her to the shock of the blonde.

Anis blinked with a shocked expression on her face before yelling.

"He can do what!?"




V1 and the Nikke in Red and Black gazed at one another with intense looks on their faces, neither one of them breaking eye contact from the other, it was almost as if they were having a standoff.

"So, what's your name?" That is until V1 breaks it asking the Nikke her name.

The Nikke hums in response, her eyes softening slightly as she responds.

"Rapi. Nice to meet you commander." She introduced, giving him a salute.

【Rapi】​🇧​​🇪​​🇸​​🇹​ ​🇬​​🇮​​🇷​​🇱​

V1 gave her a small smile saluting back to her. "Nice to meet you as well Rapi." He greeted back.

While he did so, Rapi began to scan his identification code and it came up as valid but what was confused was that his hair and eyes were not the same color as the picture on the card, nor his height, body mass and strengths.

"How odd." She thought.

"Commander identification code, read." She says, making V1 raise an eyebrow.

"What are you-... Oh, I see... Your commander. He's dead isn't it he?" He asked, Rapi responded with a subtly nod.

"The Squad 04-F Commander has changed." She states, gaining the attention of Anis and Marian who looked over at Rapi surprised.

"Rapi, we don't even know them that well! No offense to either of you." She glanced at the two with a nervous chuckle, V1 just waved her off whilst Marian just sighed.

"Now isn't the time to argue. That explosion attracted more Raptures." Rapi says, looking over where the explosion took place to see Raptures flying and crawling towards them.

Anis sighed, scratching the back of her head with a tired expression. "Haa... why do you always have to be so right?" The blonde groaned.

Marian patted her on the shoulder with a sympathetic smile. Rapi then turns to look over at V1, who was looking over at the approaching Raptures ready to take them head on.

"Commander, all do I do not know what you're capable of. You will be in command from now on." She tells him, drawing his attention back to her.

She then continues. "As the former commander is unable to issue orders at present, no formal procedures are necessary to transfer authority." She explains.

"Although the situation is urgent. I'll have to wait until the battle is over to explain further." The blonde Nikke states.

"Understood." The blue haired cyborg responded with a nod of confirmation.

Rapi nods back at him before glancing over at Marian. "You said your name was Marian right? What branch are you from?" She questions.

Marian after comforting Anis looks over to Rapi hearing her question and nods in confirmation. "I belong to Silver Gun. I'm a Machine Gunner type Nikke." She briefly explained.

Anis looked over at her gun and it in fact was a type of machine gun. "Yeah, that checks out." She murmured, glancing at Marian before gazing at V1, he just looks over at her with that blank yet enticing expression.

She sighed. "Haa... Very well then." Anis softly said, agreeing with being commanded by V1.

"All right stu-... Commander, what's the next move?" She asked with a small blush realizing she almost slipped up.

Marian giggled in the background warranting a glare of embarrassment from Anis.

"Awaiting your command." Rapi also said.

V1 glanced over at all three of them before looking back over at the incoming Raptures, his yellow eyes glowing with malicious intent, His wings sprout open and just as Marian had told Anis there were white outlines of various weapons, ranging from pistols, shotguns, machineguns, railguns and finally rocket launchers.

"It would seem the commander wasn't lying about not being human... At least not fully." Rapi thought with uncharacteristic surprise in her red eyes.

As for Anis she was bug eyed absolutely gob smacked at what she had just seen, and she has seen a lot of insane and crazy things in her life.

"What. The. Hell!?"

"D-did he just... Grow fucking wings!? Mechanical too... Is he some kinda cyborg angel!?"
She wondered absolute shocked before actually thinking about it.

"Actually, you know what? That kinda makes sense with how good he looks, hehe~" Anis giggled dreamily at the sight of the wings, she thought they made V1 look even better than before.

As for Marian, she was silent her eyes red momentarily once more staring forward in a daze, but no one spotted it.

V1 walks over to some rubble before drawing a shotgun from his wing, this shotgun being the Core Eject, he then points the weapon towards the incoming Raptures with one hand and a blood thirsty look in his eyes, placing a foot on top of rubble in front of him with a small smirk on his face.

"Well, girls. We'll do what we came here to do in the first place. We'll kill all Raptures." He coolly states, gazing back at them with a serious look.

Rapi nods, walking to his right side. "Yes, commander." She obliges, looking towards him with trust in her eyes.

Anis lips form a smile then eventually a grin of excitement, walking to his left and gazing over at him with a bit of trust in her eyes. 

"You got it commander, let's get this party started!" She cried out in delight, looking towards the incoming Raptures then aiming her grenade launcher forward and firing.

V1 notices that Marian was standing there in a daze, her eyes once again red. He narrows his own eyes in both concern and curiosity. This is the third or fourth time this has happened; he needs to know why it keeps happening but right now once again isn't the time.

"Marian!" He yelled out at her, drawing her attention. The Nikke jolts startled at his yelled.

"S-sorry commander, I was-"

"It's fine, we'll talk about it after. Let's get rid of these Raptures first." He told her, pointing back towards the incoming Raptures.

Marian looked forward noticing a huge wave of Raptures coming towards them, she gasps before drawing her weapon and joining the squad in the fire fight against the alien machines.


Location - Rooftops, Ruined City



On the rooftops of the ruined city a few kilometers away from where V1 and the group were fighting against a horde of Raptures, V2 and Rose were in a fierce gun and sword battle. The red colored schemed cyborg had fired several rounds of his shotgun towards the sword wielding Nikke, but she just seemed to deflect them all no matter how precise his aim.

Though that didn't mean he was going to give up, there were moments where he had gotten a nick on her... Though a little cut it was a start. As for him his clothes were covered in slash marks from Rose's sword.

"Why does thee not give up this farce already? Hades, thou shalt know there is no escaping or winning against me!" Rose yelled, slashing towards the cyborg.

V2 clicked his tongue narrowing his eyes in irritation at the Pilgram's words, as he sees the blade coming towards him, he punches towards it deflecting her slash and making her stumble back with a small grunt.

He snickers at her before firing a shot towards her waist, Rose's eyes widen as she quickly deflects the bullets however a few of them manage to hit her making her grit her teeth and wince in pain.

V2's yellow eyes narrow in glee watching the Pilgram grimace in pain. "Hahaha, what was that earlier? "Give up because there's no escaping or winning against me?" What a fucking joke." He mocked while chuckling, placing a sassy hand on his hip while resting his gun on his shoulder.

Rose growled at him before rushing towards him, her eyes glowing a bright blood red. V2, getting over his laughter, realizes too late she's coming towards him, but not too late to block, which he does, earning a huge gash across both his arms.

"Ngh! Fuck!" He yelped in pain before kicking Rose away and switching over to his nail gun with an extremely pissed of look on his face.

The Pilgram's eyes widen as she gasps in shock seeing the weapon with two large spinning barrels pointed towards her. She had never seen a weapon like that before. Then again none of the weapons he used against her she had seen before.

"Where arth thou gained these weapons!?" She wondered in shock. 

Seeing her expression fills V2 with sadistic joy as he pulls the trigger on the chaingun.


"Remember when I said I'd add more holes on your body!?" He yelled. "THIS IS WHAT I FUCKING MEANT!" V2 psychotically bellows as the Nailgun began to spray towards Rose.



Rose eyes widen as she saw gun began to unleash an ungodly amount of bullets towards her but with her quick reaction speed and raw speed, she managed to dash out of harms way, over to another rooftop.

V2 seeing this grunted in annoyance dashing after her, the two began to run alongside one another about ten feet apart, the red-haired cyborg glared over at her in which the Pilgram Nikke glared over at him in turn.

He took out both his piercer and sharpshooter revolver dual wielding them and firing bullets over towards Rose. The Nikke's eyes widen as she quickly slashes towards every single one of the red and blue bullets deflected them away from her before thrusting towards him, V2 dodges to the side aiming his gun towards her and firing.

Rose's eyes slowly look towards him just as he fired the shot; her pupils dilate as she sees the bullet slowly coming, turning her before quickly ducking down to the surprise of V2 and sweeping his legs, dropping him onto his back.

V2 lets out a groan of annoyance before trying to get back to his feet only to be met with a blade near his throat.

"Yield." Rose ordered with venom in her tone.

The red-haired cyborg gave her a look. "Hmm... Lemme think about that." He retorts with a smirk before firing his Sharpshooter towards her shoulder, the red bullet drilling clean through.

Rose's eyes widen as she took a step back, grasping her shoulder and breathing heavily trying not to scream in agony.

V2 snickered at her before getting back up to his feet. "Heh, trying not to scream? Respectable. But you're still gonna die." He grinned, firing several shots towards the injured Nikke only for her to react quickly and with a downed arm deflects every single one of the bullets.

"Tch, slippery little bastard." He cursed in annoyance at her persistence.

Seeing her do that stupid overused move once again irritated V2, the cyborg grunting in annoyance as he began spinning around his Sharpshooter with one hand and swapping his Piercer over to his Marksman, extracting a coin out of the gun before flipping it into the air.

"Hm?" Rose saw him flip the coin into the air, she was really confused to say the least as to why he did that. "What trickery, does this demon in human skin do now?" She wondered watching curiously to see what he does.

"Hehe, let's see her deflect aimbot. Amplified!" V2 grinned before firing his fully charged Sharpshooter towards the coin watching in delight as the red laser like bullet flew towards the coin hitting it then ricocheting off of it flying towards a Rose.

The Pilgram's eyes widen, having never seen something like this before. She quickly slashed towards the bullet, causing a red arc projectile to exit out of her blade. It flew towards the bullet. The two projectiles collided, causing a small power struggle that ended in a massive red explosion.

The two artificial humans were blown back momentarily from the explosion, but one of them recovered quicker than the other. V2 switched to his Core Eject Shotgun, quickly jumping high into the air with his wings open in full display. He charged the shotgun up to its maximum secondary output before releasing the trigger allowing the shotgun to do its specialty Core Ejection.

"Hahaha, let's see you deflect this, Rose!" V2 bellowed with a wide grin, watching as the firey ball flew down towards the Nikke like a meteor.

The Pilgram had recovered just a few seconds later than V2 felt as though something was wrong as she did not see him where he last was after that explosion, her eyes then widen hearing the sound of something falling and smell of something burning.

She quickly looked up with wide eyes seeing a fairly large yellow ball soaring down directly towards her. Thinking fast Rose quickly adopted her quick draw stance, crouching down and clenching tightly onto her blade's handle closing her eyes taking a deep breath and releasing it.

"Haaa..." She breathes out in relief before reopening her eyes.

Her eyes glowed bright red with immense power brimming in not only them but her entire arm and hand that clenching tightly on the swords handle. 

"This flaming ball of death, shalt not stop my blade." She whispers before leaping towards it.


She roars unsheathing her sword with such speed afterimages are left behind her wake and with such strength she easily cleaved the Core into half making the two halves land onto the roof below her exploding and destroying the entire building.


V2 who was hovering in the air looked down at the Nikke in disbelief she had just easily cut through something that was strong enough to kill highest tier of demons in Hell. 

"Hmph." He huffs with a smirk, crossing his arms looking down at her with some respect.

"I guess this goes to show that even in another world, machines still prevail... Whether it be those Raptures or these Nikkes."
He thought with a wide grin.

"Well done, Rose... You manage to do something rather impressive--other than somehow not dying... But let's see if you can impress me even more in round two." He states, taking out both his Sharpshooter and Marksmen, aiming the two powerful revolvers towards the girl in a cross armed fashion.

Rose looks at him with a glare before stopping realizing he was looking at her the way her comrades used to look at her. "Respect? Is thee even capable of expressing that?" She muttered under her breath surprised.

But regardless of if he was looking at her with respect or not, he was still trying to harm her, so she kept her guard up waiting for his flurry of bullets, adopting a more defensive sword stance while she and him hovered in the air slowly returning back to the ground.

The two cyborgs of differing types gazed at one another waiting for the other to make a move while they slowly floated back down to the ruined ground, red lighting crackling in the background from the dark cloudy skies above them.

V2's eyes narrowed he pressed hard on triggers of his guns in a rapid fashion, aiming at her head chest, arms, shoulders, legs and eyes. Basically, aiming for every vital point possible. And he was pressing the triggers so fast it was almost as if the two pistols were both machine guns.

Rose's eyes widen as she quickly slashes towards every single one of the bullets flying towards her, with great speed, grace and precision of a master swordsman that she is. V2 began dashing towards her but kept firing shots out from his pistols.

Seeing this Rose too began dashing towards him still on the defensive deflecting away any bullets she can, meanwhile V2 now that he was close enough swapped over both his pistols for his single Core Eject Shotgun firing and punching the bullets towards Rose.

"What!?" Her eyes widen seeing him do this, V2 smirked hearing and seeing her shock.

"You surprised? That's adorable, hahahaha." The red-haired cyborg cackled watching as the amplified bullets raced towards the shocked sword wielding Nikke.

They all stroke her dead-on, making a large yellow explosion appear in the sky along with smoke, and out of the plume of smoke, a badly damaged Rose goes flying out, landing with a heavy thud onto the ground, creating a sizeable crater.

V2 looked down at the crater with a look of disappointment. "Seems that's over with... I guess I overestimated her." He sighed, scratching his hair before dashing down towards her.



"Ngh..." Rose grunted in pain as she shakily sat up covered in wounds, she felt blood and sweat trickling down her head to her body suit, her vision was slightly blurred but she could still make out everything around her.

Her ears were ringing but she could hear the sound of something heavy landing onto the ground a few feet away from her, she saw a dust cloud shoot up into the air as yellow beady glowing eyes gazed at her and a familiar figure walked out of smoke.

V2 walks out of the smoke, his mechanical blue wings glowing as bright as his yellow eyes as he marches towards the beaten Nikke with an unreadable look, but he was smirking, so Rose took it as though he were mocking her once more.

She gritted her teeth, trying to stand up, but she couldn't because the powerful shotgun pellets damaged her legs, and though she would regenerate soon, it wouldn't be enough time to avoid being killed by the monster before her.

"Still struggling despite your finale. You are respectable. Pilgram, however, I'll have end your life." V2 states in a monotone fashion, drawing his blue revolver pointing it at the woman's head.

Rose's eyes widen as she stared at the alien looking pistol aimed towards her, she sees her life flash before her eyes all the memories with her team and her commander. She sighs, closing her eyes with a small smile.

"I suppose. It was meant to end this way." She thought, though she seemed content with this being her end, a part of her wished otherwise.

V2 seeing the woman close her eyes and smiling as if being content with this being her end, he hesitated and began to wonder.

"Wouldn't killing her make me as pathetic as my brother? She's already beaten... There's no reason for me to end her. She was just a nosy nuisance who didn't know her place. Not to mention... she does have my respect." 

With these thoughts in his head the cyborg sighs shaking his head and firing off the weapon.


Rose gritted her teeth hearing the sound of the gun fire.

But she didn't feel anything pierce her flesh; she was still in pain, and she could hear her breathing and her heartbeat. She reopened her eyes, filled with confusion as to why she wasn't dead. She looked up to see that V2 had aimed the gun forward toward something else. She followed his gaze, seeing a Rapture that had a noticeable hole in its body fall over, black blood leaking out of its wound.

"I know these Raptures are practically brainless scraps of metal with blood... But I didn't think them to not have a semblance of sense to know not to try and sneak me." He huffed with a glare at the Rapture's corpse before storing his pistol, glancing down at the confused and surprise Rose.

"W-what... Why dost, spare me?" She asked with a quizzical expression on her face.

V2 looked away from her unsure himself until a memory similar to the event that just took place appeared before him.


A red machine with a singular eye missing an arm and leg could be see crawling away on a platform surrounded by sand from something. A machine similar to it but blue in color walking steadily towards the damaged machine.

"I-I c-can't... D-die... H-here."  Thought the machine as it tried its best to get out of harms way but alas it was no good as the blue machine that was approaching stepped onto its back and aimed a blue revolver towards its camera shaped head.

It was quiet for a moment before the red machine let out a guttural painful sigh, realizing it may be at its end by its own kin no less... It had to use one last chance... To plead for mercy.

"Brother... I know you have hatred in your cold steeled heart for what happened on the surface... But please. Understand... I only did it... For our survival." The red machine explained but it fell deaf onto the blue machine's... internal headphones? As it shot a hole through the red machine's back making it jolt in pain a little.

The blue machine then turned the red machine over to face it fully. "ꌩꂦꀎ ꉓꍏꈤꈤꂦ꓄ ꍟꃴꍟꈤ ꌃꍟꁅꀤꈤ ꓄ꂦ ꉓꂦꂵꉣꀎ꓄ꍟ ꂵꌩ ꋪꍏꁅꍟ." The older blue machine spoke in a far more unintelligible manner than its red counterpart.

But despite this the red machine understood every word turning its head away in a semblance of shame that would be impossible for any machine but a Supreme Machine.

"I know... I know." He replied softly before turning back to the blue machine whose lone eye was narrowed in absolute hatred.

"But is there a reason for me to die? You are also at fault for what happened... Wouldn't you be a hypocrite if you-"

"ꀤꎇ ꌩꂦꀎ ꓄ꃅꀤꈤꀘ ꎇꂦꋪ ꍏ ꌗꍟꉓꂦꈤꀸ ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꀤ ꉓꍏꋪꍟ ꍏꌃꂦꀎ꓄ ꌃꍟꀤꈤꁅ ꍏ ꃅꌩꉣꂦꉓꋪꀤ꓄ꍟ ꂦꋪ ꌃꍟꀤꈤꁅ ꋪꀤꁅꃅ꓄ ꂦꋪ ꅏꋪꂦꈤꁅ ꍏ꓄ ꓄ꃅꀤꌗ ꂵꂦꂵꍟꈤ꓄, ꌩꂦꀎ'ꋪꍟ ꍟꃴꍟꈤ ꂵꂦꋪꍟ ꎇꂦꂦ꒒ꀤꌗꃅ ꓄ꃅꍏꈤ ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꌗꂦ-ꉓꍏ꒒꒒ꍟꀸ ꍏꈤꁅꍟ꒒."

The blue machine interrupted once more with words of its own before aiming the pistol once more at the red machine's skull.

ꀤ ꉓꍏꈤꈤꂦ꓄ ꃅꍏꃴꍟ ꍏꈤꌩ ꉓꂦꂵꉣꍟ꓄ꀤ꓄ꀤꂦꈤ, ꌗꂦ ꓄ꃅꀤꌗ ꀤꌗ ꁅꂦꂦꀸꌃꌩꍟ, "ꌃꋪꂦ꓄ꃅꍟꋪ," ꌃꀎ꓄ ꀘꈤꂦꅏꀤꈤꁅ ꌩꂦꀎ ꍏ꓄ ꒒ꍟꍏꌗ꓄ ꍏꀤꀸꍟꀸ ꂵꍟ."

The red machine narrowed its lone eye at its counterpart in rage at it basically calling him a Supreme Machine the better of the two.

Nothing but an aid.

"Bastard... Fine. Kill me... But know you'll fail in the end. Even with your stolen abili-"



He then reopened his eyes with a more neutral expression on his face gazing down at the confused Nikke.

"There's no reason for me to kill you." He says, turning his back to her, crossing his arms.

Rose irked an eyebrow in even more confusion at that statement before narrowing her eyes. "Yee says this... Yet didst thee not kill several humans and enjoy it?" She retorted with a glare.

V2 eyes widen remembering before glancing down at the ground. "I know what I did and have my reasons. Reasons, I don't need to tell you." He retorted, glancing back at her.

The two stared at one another, the wind blowing past them, the sound of gunfire and explosions going off far in the background could be heard. V2 and Rose continued to glare at one another though more so Rose than V2.

"No matter thee's reasoning, I doubt tis any good." She said before standing up slowly, clutching her right arm with a small grimace of pain.

The red-haired cyborg snorted, glancing over at her a little annoyed. "Hmph, sure whatever you say woman." He mockingly retorted with a sly smirk.

Rose let out a low growl, giving him a blank but ominous glare. "Do'est wish to die a brutal death?" She coldly questioned, walking towards him out of this crater with her sword tightly gripped in her hand.

V2 just continued to smirk at her before chuckling. "Heh, you really think you should be threatening me with those wounds?" He laughed, crossing his arms turning fully towards her with a grin.

"You're strong but not that strong."

The lone swordsman groaned in annoyance at that; he was right she was in no shape currently to be making threats to him but that doesn't mean she wouldn't still do so.

"Regardless of thine injuries, I will continue to fight till mine last breath." She defiantly stated, shaking her head and getting into her stance.

V2 looked at her with a neutral look before grinning once more, punching his fist together and drawing out both his shotguns once more.

"Hehehe, alright then. I guess one more game with you wouldn't hurt." He quipped, getting into a stance with his two shotguns pointed towards her in an X formation.

The two stared down each other once more until the sound of footsteps and fluttering machines interrupted them.





The two fighters turn towards the direction of the sounds with serious looks on their faces, their eyes both narrowing slightly as they see a large wave of Raptures approaching them.

The two cyborgs both get out of their stances turning sideways towards their common enemy stomping and flying towards them.

"Tch, seems our little "date" will have to be postponed." V2 softly sighed, scratching his hair with an irritated look.

Rose glanced over at him with an incredulous look before gazing over at the Raptures with a serious expression once more.

"Hades." She calls out to V2 who looked over at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Our battle was a great one, perhaps thou will be a good cohort for now?" She requests with a small smile.

V2 snickers at her before bursting out into full blown laughter confusing Rose. "Why arth thou laugh? Did thine say something funny?" She asked a little miffed.

"Hahahahaha... You think I'm gonna help you? Don't be silly, I am going to kill all these Raptures. But it's for MY benefit, if you die to them. That's on you." He smirked before walking towards the incoming Raptures.

The Pilgram Nikke was speechless, shocked at him denying her help. Surely, he was smart enough to see that working together in their current states would be ideal; they both were injured, and though he didn't show it, those cuts on his body, though very faint, still irritated him.

She clicks her tongue shaking her head with a sigh of irritation, following after V2.

The two cyborgs now stood side by side staring down the Raptures with their weapons drawn.

"Try not to get in my way. I'd hate to have to make your beautiful form worse for wear like before." The red-haired cyborg stated with a smirk.

Rose glanced over at him with an indifferent look on her face, a glint of malice shone through her red eyes for a moment before like the wind it vanished, she closed her eyes keeping her calm.

"Worry about thyself." She calmly retorts before turning forward towards the Raptures approaching.

The red-haired cyborg snorted and smirked at her response, looking over at her in amusement. "Hehe, now you're getting it... Let's go!" He yelled before dashing towards the Raptures with blistering speeds, Rose keeping up not too far behind him.

And the rain, started to fall.


Location - Rendezvous Point, Ruined City

V1 and the Nikkes were battling it out against all the Raptures that approached them in an intense gunfight... Well intense for the Nikkes for V1 it was just another day in Hell or on Earth in this case.

"Anis, keep focus on Raptures in bundles together!" He ordered the blonde Nikke, who nodded in response to his command, aiming her grenade launcher towards a group of Raptures close together before firing a shot and destroying the entire group of Raptures.

Anis grinned like an idiot seeing the destruction she caused, continuing to unload more grenades onto unsuspecting groups of both grounded and aerial Raptures.

The blue haired cyborg nodded at her before glancing over towards Rapi and Marian. "Marian, Rapi. As for you two, focus on the Raptures further out!" The blue haired cyborg ordered once more.

"Roger that, commander!" The two yelled, taking fire at the Raptures further away from Anis's reach.

V1 then looked at the other more powerful Raptures fluttering and walking about, he narrowed his eyes slightly with a small smirk on his face at them. "As for me." He hops out of cover before walking over towards the Raptures.

"I'm going to have a nice bloodbath." He said ominously, cracking his knuckles before drawing two shotguns and dashing towards the nearest Rapture.

Rapi and Anis were shocked at his speed and bravery to go up close to a Rapture, though he was tall most of these Raptures were tens to hundreds of meters tall and wide.

"Damn, that guy's ballsy." Anis commented surprised as she blasted away at more Raptures.

Rapi nodded in agreement. "He does seem quite fearless, but let's hope he doesn't end up like our commander." She stated in her usual monotone, giving cover fire to V1.

Marian rose an eyebrow at that comment. "What exactly, did happen to your commander?" She curiously asked her fellow Nikke.

Anis made a face of disappointment remembering her previous commander. "He decided to give up and life but wanted to go in a blaze of glory... And that he did." She sighed, remembering how pathetically sad it was.

Marian eyes went wide at that. "Que?" She softly asked in disbelief.

The blonde glanced over at her with an amused look. "That's exactly what my reaction was." She laughed.

Rapi while reloading sighed shaking her head. "He was a very good commander. But now isn't the time to talk about him, focus you two." She said before returning back to firing at the Raptures.

"Yeesh, you can't not be so serious for like a second?" Anis grumbled under her breath with a deadpanned look, Rapi rolled her eyes hearting her but not even turning to her fellow blonde to acknowledge her statement.

As for Marian she just offers a nervous smile over at the two. "Please don't fight you two, the Raptures are our main enemy not each other." She says glancing over at the two of them in chibi form.

Anis puts a hand on Marian's head, drawing the busty girl's attention to her. "Chillout, no one's fighting, it's just banter... Rapi's kind of an emo so that's just her way of expressing she cares is all." The blonde chuckled.

Rapi groaned in initial annoyance at Anis comment but hearing and Marian giggled alongside Anis... Her soft luscious lips couldn't help but form a small smile out of view of the two.





V1 dashes around firing off shots with his shotgun towards any Raptures that dare come near him or stand in his way. He then leaps up into the air before slamming down onto an unsuspecting Rapture, kicking off its guns before swapping over to his Nailgun and unloading bullets into it before jumping and dashing off it just as it explodes.


As he lands back onto the ground, his yellow eyes quickly scan around his surroundings before moving in a blur of blue and yellow once more. He glanced up and jumped into the air, swapping over to his shotgun once more before blasting apart two Raptures that were flying towards him while doing a mid-air 360 spin, then landing and sliding onto the ground, flipping several coins into the air and shooting at every single one of them, killing several more Raptures in the process.

He then swaps one of his Feedbacker arms for Whiplash, using the grapple to pull a Rapture towards him, which he proceeds to punch apart and tear open with his bare hands before prying out its metal heart and consuming it and its blood.


The Nikkes, even Rapi, watch with mouths agape and eyes wide in silence, watching as V1 completely rips apart and eats the hearts of the Raptures he faces like a demon rather than a machine.



"... Well damn... He wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't human." Anis spoke up with a nervous chuckle breaking the pregnant silence.

Rapi shakes her head regain her composer, but she was still shocked. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was a Rapture given human form..." The blonde comments, returning back to gunning any approaching Raptures.

As for Marian she wasn't as shocked as the two, but she was still a bit put off by the brutality even though, Raptures have done far worse to Humanity in the past. "I suppose it's just Karma..." She thinks with a small sigh.

"I really hope he doesn't get too into it and gets hurt again..." Marian mutters which are picked up by the two other Nikkes.

The two were shocked to hear that, this guy viciously and easily tearing through Raptures got hurt by one of them.

"You're kidding right? You're telling me, that!" Anis points of to V1 tearing apart a very large Rapture with his Nailgun before stomping its head into the ground and blowing its corpse apart with his Rocket Launcher.

"Got hurt by that!" She then points over to a destroyed torn to shreds piece of a Rapture.

Marian gave her a weary smile shrugging her shoulders, while Anis shook her head in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'm not buying that." She says shaking her head in disbelief.

Rapi hummed in thought as she continued firing shots before taking cover and reload before glancing over at Marian and Anis.

"Anis has a point. It's quite unbelievable that a monster like the commander was harmed by the Raptures. But then again, really powerful Nikkes have fallen to raptures in the past, so that's not completely unbelievable, I suppose." She inputs.

"Exactly... Though, I'm not too sure about the commander being a Nikke." Marian points out.

The busty blonde Nikke nods in agreement with her statement. "Yeah but... Whatever he is. Let's just be glad he's on our side." Anis says with a sigh of relief before getting surprised by some bullets flying towards her, she grunts in an annoyance before returning fire.

Rapi was still really skeptical about the commander despite his revealing rather soon that he wasn't a human, but he never did say exactly what he was.

"I'm still not ruling him out on being a rogue Rapture, he moves and shoots as if he were a machine... Even most Nikkes have a semblance of humanity in them when they battle. But the commander..." She paused at the thought of watching as the blue-haired cyborg shockingly lifts one of the Raptures in the air and slowly but surely tears it in half, bathing in its blood.

The blonde Nikke watched on with a fearful expression, it was like watching a predator with its attention not on you at all... But just knowing its nearby could jump at you at any moment without knowing its full capabilities... It's scary.

Rapi truly did not know what to feel about the blue haired commander, she had no idea why he looked much different than his photo on his ID, she had no idea why he had wings or so many weapons... It was starting to drive her crazy.

But at the same time, she was grateful.

Grateful that someone or something so powerful was on their side.


V1 after tearing apart the Rapture and taking in its blood turns his attention slowly to the other Raptures that seem to slowly walk away from him, beginning to build some type of fear towards the blue cyborg.

His yellow eyes glow in hunger for more dropping the ripped in half metal corpse of the dead Rapture before stalking towards the other Raptures with two of his Nailguns drawn, locked and loaded and ready to spray.

"Don't even bother trying to retreat, there is no-... huh?" 


V1's eyes widen as he sees a giant Rapture appear out of nowhere, it was at least triple the size of all the Raptures he faced before, black in color with a glowing purple hue coming from its mid-section and its lone eye, along with several long and girthy metallic tentacles attached to its body, despite it floating it seemed to move in similarity to an octopus or some kind of squid.

"What? Hahaha, this is supposed to be humanity's threat? A giant squid? Seems no matter the universe, humans are always pathetic."

 V1 snarkily laughed, putting a hand on his hip looking the hovering Rapture up and down with a mocking gaze though it was massive and intimidating as if it were nothing but another meal with a cocky smirk on his face.


"Hm?" He then noticed a name and a bar of health appear at the far top of his HUD.

The name was spelt out Perennial Z.E.U.S and beneath the things name was a giant white bar of health as opposed the usual red bar of health he would usually see when facing off the higher tier of demons or V2 or that ANGEL.

V1 clicked his tongue noticing that it had copied his name... Well not really his but still, he owned it. "You Raptures really are just an irritable bunch huh?" He muttered before his eyes widen as he dodged a purple beam coming from the octopus like Rapture.


A giant purple nuclear like explosion takes place as the beam contacts with the floor and though V1 dodged it, he still was hurt by the initial impact and was sent flying away back into a building near the Nikkes who had quickly taken cover from the blast.

After the explosion died down, Marian, Rapi and Anis stood up from their cover peeking over the rubble only to be met with thick dust and the smell of burning plasma.

"W-what the hell was that!?" Anis whispered loudly, looking a bit shaken from the explosion.

"A tyrant... Why now of all times..." Rapi grumbled, her red eyes glowing in dimming dust and smoke.

Marian's eyes go wide at that quickly hopping out of cover to go look for any sign of V1 hoping he isn't dead.

Rapi and Anis' eyes go wide at the ballsy move.

"Is she crazy!? She's gonna get killed!" Anis yelled, voicing her shock.

Rapi snorted shaking her head, grabbing her weapon and hoping over the rubble to run after Marian. "Exactly why she shouldn't die alone." She says, following behind her.

"Eh... Eh!? W-wait! Don't leave me alone here you asshole!" Anis cried out also running after Rapi with her gun in hand.

As for V1 he was buried in rubble and annoyed, his eyes were glowing as the thick dust and smoke surrounded the area in a 1KM radius.

"Hmm... Perhaps, I now have a bit of understanding as to why humanity struggles against these things..." V1 muttered half-heartedly, blinking with a frustrated expression on his face.

He then pushes the large rubble off his body with relative ease before standing up and dusting himself off adopting a disgusted look as he looked down at himself. "I really hate these clothes... Mayhaps I can get a change when I reach the ark, they're so fucking movement restricting and tight..." He groaned, pulling on his black shirt with an irritated look.

"Hey wait a minute..." His eyes widen in realization. "Where are the Nikkes!? They didn't get obliterated, did they?" V1 asked looking around with concern in his tone before recoiling a bit in surprise at him showing concern once more.

He looked down at his hands for a moment with his emotionless look returning back to his face. "What, what was that?" He asked himself in a soft monotone voice.

"I've never shown care for anyone else... Ever... This new mind really is starting to piss me off." He thought with gritted teeth, clenching his hands. "It's literally weakening me... Maybe I should... Tear it out?" He thought with a neutral look on his face look up for a moment.

He then closes his eyes shaking his head with a sigh, looking around at the dust and smoke cloud that was currently around him. 

"What am I doing thinking nonsense like that... I have other things to worry about. Like finding Marian." V1 said before walking, jumping out of rubble, and walking out of the giant hole he made, flying into the building, then skating down the destroyed, aged structure.


Marian, Rapi and Anis were currently walking through basically a sandstorm caused by the tyrant Nikke that basically sort of nuked the area, looking for V1 with little luck.

"Commander!? Commander, where are you!?" Marian called out to him sounding sort of desperate.

It made Anis a little sadden to see her like this.

"Commander must've meant a lot to her huh?" The blonde muttered, glancing over at Rapi.

The Nikke in black and red who was also looking for any signs of the commander, looked back over at Anis and shrugged. "She did speak fondly of him a lot, didn't she?" Rapi replies before focusing back on her search for V1.

The blonde nodded at that. "Well yeah she did, they seem kinda close." Anis points out, scratching the back of her head.

"Really? Didn't seem that way to me." The red eyed Nikke said, walking back over to her blonde comrade.

Anis raised an eyebrow at that. "But she's literally looking and yelling out his name, though..." The blonde once again points out.


"Look see! She just did it." The busty blonde smirked, putting her fists on her hips, proud of her proving Rapi wrong even if it was sort of subtle.

Rapi deadpanned at her. "You're seriously taking pride at this moment in time?" She asked palming her face.

"You truly are shameless." She quipped in a monotonous voice.

Anis's triumphant expression turned sour her shoulders drooping a little as she deadpanned back at the seemingly emotionless girl.

"Always gotta ruin the mood for me huh?"

Rapi shook her head. "No, you do that just fine to yourself." She quickly sniped.

"Aw, shut up Rapi." Anis retorted, crossing her arms and glancing away with a small pout.

Rapi narrowed her eyes at her and was about to retort until the sound of Marian yelling caught their attention.

"Seems like she either found him or got herself hurt, c'mon let's go!" Anis said, running over to where she heard the scream.

Rapi sighed, shaking her head running after her.


V1 had been walking with a bored look on his face his hands in his pockets as he walked, using his Mechanical Wings' yellow glow as a light source to either attract the Nikkes or Raptures towards him.

"This had better work..." He muttered.

He had decided to do this because yelling out names isn't his thing.

"Honestly, probably would've yell out their names, if I was a twink like that so called ArchAngel." He stated at the end with venom in his tone.

V1 then stopped his walking for a moment thinking about something. "That or a woma-"


He's then interrupted hearing Marian yell out his name. "Hey don't inerrupt me-... Wait Marian!?" He called out surprised she survived that big blast.

And as he did so, he could swear he heard a gasp and then a scream of joy from the Nikke as she rushes into his view and jumps onto him surprising and burying his face in her boobs while he held onto her and stopped himself from falling over.

"Commander! You're alright! I'm sorry I didn't try to protect you, please forgive me!" She bawled, clutching tightly onto him.

Meanwhile V1 whose face was currently incased by the softest and most enjoyable things known to man, sweatdropped at her rambling.

He tapped on her gently on the back, making her jolt a little in surprise looking down and letting out a little "Eep" with a blush as she backed off of him. 

"S-sorry about that commander, I just... I thought-"

V1 makes her pause placing a hand atop on her head. "Hey, it's fine. Didn't I tell you not to blame yourself for others' problems? Besides, I knew what I was doing." He told her with a soft smile.

Marian's pupils dilated as her blush increased onto her ears as she bows her head with her mouth forming a woozy smile, she walks back to him giving him a hug with tears rolling down her face.

"T-thank you, commander. You're so cold yet so kind at the same time." She sobbed.

"E-eh? Marian why are you crying?" He asked her a little surprised by her surprisingly loving hug. 

"Tears of joy, commander... Tears of joy." She reassured him.

V1 still did not understand.

All the while the two were having their moment Anis and Rapi had arrived, Anis with a smile on her face and Rapi with a blank expression as usual.

"See Rapi... She's literally in love with him." Anis pointed out with a sly smirk over at Rapi.

The Nikke rolled her red eyes glancing over at her with an unamused look. "I really don't care Anis." She retorts. 

The blonde chuckles at her friend's remark before continuing to speak with a more thoughtful expression. "You know it's surprising, cause most commanders don't care about their Nikkes." She says as she walks over towards them, Rapi walking alongside her.

"Our commander did..."

"Barley... He didn't even look our way... Actually, thinking back about him, he seemed kinda... Err... off, don't you think?" Anis asked with a raised eyebrow.

Rapi hummed in thought before shaking her head. "I thought he was fine..." She nonchalantly replied.

Anis snickered at that offering her a sly grin, something Rapi did not like one bit. "Oh? So he was fine huh~? We talking looks or-"

"Shut up, Anis." Rapi interrupted with an angry glare.

Anis couldn't help but giggle at the assault rifle wielding Nikke, finding her angry, though normally it would be quite hilarious. 

"Okay okay, I get it... You're just down in the dumps cause you had a crush on the guy, but he died before you could tell'em. Right?" She continued wiggling her eyebrows.

"Anis, no... Just no." Rapi exasperating sighed, sometimes she just couldn't handle her.

"Hehe, you mean "Yes Commander-Sama!~ Yes~"? Hahahaha." Anis burst out laughing at her lewd interpretation of Rapi.

Rapi looks up at the sky with a really annoyed look on her face, hearing Anis laughter and continued mockery as they continued to walk over to V1 and Marian.

"Sometimes I wonder if this... Me not being in my old squad anymore and being partnered up with Anis. Was a punishment for what I did."
She though in her mind.

"Hey you two." V1 greeted to them with a small wave as he and Marian walked over.

Getting out of her thoughts Rapi greeted him back though she was a bit hesitant after remembering how vicious he was fighting... But now he seemed so calm and approachable.

"How strange..." She thought.

Anis walked past her smiling up at the commander. "Hey, commander. Good to see you're not dead... You do look kinda beat up though." The blonde says as she looks him up and down.

V1 snorts at her antics, crossing his arms with a small smile. "Well, Anis, that's what happens when you're sent flying a hundred miles per hour into a building weighing two hundred and fifty pounds." He explains to her.

Anis looks at him with a deadpan. "Nerd alert..." She mutters under her breath.

Marian chops her on her head making her cough in pain as she backs up holding her head. "Ow! What was that for!?" She asked, with a little comical tear coming out of her eye.

"Don't call the commander "a nerd", he's just knows a lot." Marian says with a huff.

Rapi couldn't help but smile a little seeing Anis put in her place... Even though she was kinda right.

"Ugh... Damn, okay. Sorry, jeez." She half-heartedly apologizes shaking her head.  

Rapi then looks over at V1 with her red eyes glowing slightly from the darkness of the dust that was slowly beginning to clear up.

"So, commander... What exactly are you? And... Did you really just take up your post yesterday?" She asked with an incredulous gaze.

The blue haired man glancing down at her hummed thinking of a response.

"You ask a lot of question, Rapi... But if you wanna know so badly. I am what is called a Supreme Machine as for that last question, yeah... I did do so." He answers with a subtly nod before looking out for that Tyrant Rapture.

Rapi, Anis and Marian were shocked to hear his answers, wondering what a Supreme Machine is but Rapi was more focused on that last part.

"Is something wrong?" He asked the red eyed Nikke, who looked down for a moment.

"It's just, how can a complete amateur be sent to replace a commander killed in the line of duty..." She mutters before glancing up at him once more.

"Normally I would question their thinking... But you seem far more capable than any commander I've ever seen... Even more so than the Legendary Commander." She states, shocking Marian and Anis.

"T-that's kinda a bold clam don't you think!? I mean... That guy led the Goddess squad. He's not some pushover ya know?" Anis said with a bemused look on her face.

Though Marian agreed with Anis, she also did somewhat agree with Rapi. "Anis you aren't wrong... But... The commander has the ability to fight against Raptures... without the need of Nikkes." She reminds her.

"I know that. But c'mon he's a rookie." She pointed over at V1 who wasn't really listening to the conversation.

"And a Supreme Machine... Kinda cocky title whatever that means, don't you think?" She asked, looking over at V1 who just shrugged his shoulders at her.

"It was what I was labelled as... And I seem to possess the ability to back it up. Wouldn't you say?" The blue haired cyborg retorted with a neutral glance.

Anis sweated remembering how viciously he had beaten those Raptures and had survived a nuclear like explosion almost pointblank. 

"Eh... Fair enough I guess." She shrugged.

V1 hummed with a nod. "Now that all those questions have been answered, keep an eye out for that Rapture, because I'm pretty sure its still around-"



They all look up to the sound of the Rapture's teleportation, the force from it appearing blew away all the smoke, revealing more Raptures to be surrounding them from the grounds to the skies.

"Are you freaking kidding me!? that's just not fair..." Anis cursed with a shocked look on her face.

As for Rapi and Marian they just aimed their guns up at the Raptures awaiting V1's commands.

"Commander, what's our move?" Rapi asked, glancing back at him before looking forward at the idle Raptures.

V1 saw the immense amount of Raptures coming towards them plus the larger more powerful one as well and shrugged nonchalantly as he aimed his gun towards the leading Rapture.

"We fight them head on, simple."

[To Be Continued]

A/N: Holy shit this was a motherfucker to finish and write... 10K fucking words. I really have no chill and no life... Yet. But anyways, if you all enjoyed or disliked this chapter, please leave your critics and praises in the comments other than that have a nice day and cya.

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