Rwby AU x male reader

By LordOf_Crimson

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Y/n was taken in by the Summer Rose and Tai xiao long he was the youngest of their kids, younger than Ruby an... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 7

139 5 0
By LordOf_Crimson

It was the day of the dance before the Vytal festival, and Y/n would be protecting the security with Winter which he wasn't looking forward to. Katie tried to convince Y/n to come to the dance but he told her what he had to do, Ozpin and Ironwood would be watching Katie, Emerald, Mercury and Cinder carefully. Y/n was sat in the security room while Winter was talking to Ironwood where the dance was taking place, he was looking at the security cameras to see some Atlas soldiers :

There were 20 of these guys get destroyed in a fight by the woman that broke into Y/n's dorm room, the woman then opened the doors to the security room but didn't see Y/n. The woman took a step forward and Y/n swung from above the door and kicked the woman sending her stumbling backwards, Y/n landed on the ground on his feet and then took out his blades to combine them into the glaive, pointed them at the woman with his pistol.

Y/n " Don't move. "

??? " Ahhh so we meet again I've heard from Roman you've been wanting to meet me, ( sarcastically ) I'm honoured that the legendary Y/n wants to meet me. "

Y/n " You move at all and I'll drop you like a bad habit. "

??? " ( cheekily ) Really? You would do that, it doesn't sound like what a huntsman would do. "

Y/n " I don't care about being a huntsman right now ... you're the one who Roman answers to so you should know where my sisters and mother are, so tell me. "

??? " Still looking for them you are a good son and brother don't worry you'll meet them again soon. "

The woman then waved her hand and a fire arrow formed out of mid-air, the arrow then zoomed towards Y/n but he used his glaive to wack it away with a strick from his left hip upwards to his shoulder. When the glaive hit the arrow the arrow exploded covering Y/n in smoke, he couldn't see the woman but could still hear her so he pointed his gun at her and shot at her. The woman had to jump backwards to dodge the bullets and then charged towards Y/n, the smoke cleared and Y/n could see the woman's outfit glow red and she punched him in the stomach. Y/n stumbled back and could feel something hot on his chest he looked down to see his armour burnt.

??? " You aren't the only one with elemental attacks you have electricity and I have fire. "

Y/n then charged at the woman and swung his glaive at her but she formed a fore sword and blocked it, Y/n then pointed his gun at her but she grabbed it and melted the gun.

??? " ( cheekily ) Oh sorry I melted your toy. "

Y/n then moved the woman's sword out of the way, swept her legs with his glaive and when she landed on her back on the floor he pointed his glaive at her neck. Y/n then used his scroll to contact Ironwood.

Y/n " General Ironwood the woman is here I need backup now. "

Ironwood " We're on our way. "

Y/n hangs up.

Y/n " If you don't want to tell me where my mother and sisters are then tell me what does Salem want from me? "

??? " That's simple she wants you to work under her you're the fastest anyone has seen and she knows what you could become. "

Y/n " I only got my semblance the day Summer, Ruby and Yang disappeared ... how long have they been working for Salem? "

??? " [ smiling ] Ever since you came into their lives. "

Y/n pupils narrowed in shock and the woman used this to move his glaive away then using her legs to sweep him under his, Y/n landed on his back and the woman held a fire knife to his neck.

??? " They told me not to harm your face never said anything about your torso. "

The woman then stabbed Y/n in the chest in the same place she burned his armour.

Y/n " Aaaaaaaah! "

??? " It's OK soon your mother will make it better. "

The woman stood up and put something into a PC after a couple of seconds she took it out, and then Ironwood with Winter entered the room and saw Y/n's condition and the woman. Ironwood pointed his gun at her and Winter pointed her sword at her.

Ironwood " Freeze you're under arrest! "

Winter " Come quietly. "

??? " Sorry can't have you ruining our plans. "

The woman's outfit then glowed again and a massive plume of smoke shot out of it, the woman jumped through a window and Ironwood with Winter started to help Y/n.

Ironwood " Y/n you OK? "

Y/n " ( struggling and groaning ) I have a fucking fire knife in my chest ... ( angry ) how do you think I feel? "

Winter " Stay awake we'll get you some medical attention. "

Y/n " ( struggling and groaning ) Too late everything is going dark. "

Y/n then falls unconscious.

Ironwood " ( shouting ) Y/N! ... ( getting quiet ) Y/n! ... ( whispering) Y/n! "

Small time skip

Y/n woke up in the infirmary to see bandages covering his chest, his shirt, his hoodie and his armour were on a table nearby they were fixed. Y/n looked to see a clock saying that it was two weeks later since he fought the woman and stabbed, Y/n tried to get up but as soon as he tried to a massive amount of pain went through his body. Y/n just laid back down and picked up his scroll from the table next to him, he looked at the texts to see one from Ozpin.

Ozpin " Y/n when you wake up contact your father and Qrow. "

Y/n then went to his contacts and texted a group chat he was in with his Dad and Qrow.

Y/n " Morning. "

After half a minute Tai and Qrow ran into Y/n's room.

Qrow " You OK kid? "

Y/n " Not really still hurts. "

Tai " I'm not surprised she stabbed you. "

Y/n " Yeah she got me good ... listen she told me that Summer, Ruby and Yang joined Salem when I joined the family. "

Qrow " She must be lying Ruby and Yang weren't that older than you. "

Tai " ... I don't think she is around that time I heard Summer talking to them I couldn't understand most of it but they did mention meeting up with someone called Hazel. "

Ozpin " Hazel works for Salem. "

Y/n, Qrow and Tai looked to see Ozpin standing at the door.

Y/n " So they do work for Salem even back then. "

Ozpin just nods.

Y/n " The woman installed something into one of the PCs in the security room. "

Ozpin " We haven't seen anything on the PCs but we will double-check just to make sure, anyway what about you, you OK? "

Y/n " I'm alright just need some time to heal. "

Tai " I'm telling you know Y/n you won't be taking part in the Vytal festival, you're too injured. "

Y/n " I agree but when does the festival start? "

Ozpin " It's next week. "

Y/n " Yeah I'll sit on the sidelines but If push comes to shove I'll help. "

Qrow " Alright but right now you need rest. "

Y/n just nods and Tai, Qrow and Ozpin leave the room. Y/n then starts to have flashbacks of his torture by Roman, Neo and the woman but it also changes to the fight he had with the woman and the glimpse sight of Cinder.

Y/n * It's been Cinder all this time Wow I'm dumber than I think. *

Y/n then falls alseep.

time skip

The day of the Vytal festival arrived and Y/n was sitting with other observers wearing his combat costume and his blades on his back but he didn't have his pistol since he was waiting for it to be remade, Katie was sitting next to him hugging his arm. Y/n then heard an alarm go off and a nevermore landed on the arena, then the Atlas robots :

started to attack the huntsman and huntresses. Y/n then stood up but Katie was still holding his arm.

Katie " Wait you're injured you can't help. "

Y/n " I need to. "

Cinder " [ over the intercom ]This is not a tragedy. This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, and your children, to men who claim to be our guardians but are in reality nothing more than men. Our academies' headmasters wield more power than most armies, and one was audacious enough to control both.

They cling to this power in the name of peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army was mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil. What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl? I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference. And what, I ask you, is Ozpin teaching his students? First, a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honour and mercy, yet I have witnessed neither.

Perhaps Ozpin felt as though defeating Atlas in the tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets. Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator who has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces. Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong, but I know that the existence of peace is fragile, and the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves. As someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you the situation there is equally undesirable.

Our kingdoms are on the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left in the dark. So, I ask you, when the first shots are fired, who do you think you can trust? I'll tell you Salem the queen of Grimm if you become loyal to her she will spare you. "

Y/n * Where would she be? Where would she be? Ozpin's office! *

Y/n then used his super speed to run into Ozpin's office to see Cinder sat down on Ozpin's seat.

Cinder " Ah welcome to my office please take a seat and your mother and sisters will come to collect you. "

Y/n " What do you want? "

Cinder " To destroy Beacon what else? "

Y/n " To find the maiden's powers. "

Cinder " How do you know about them? "

Y/n " Easy if Salm exists then Ozma exists which is Ozpin which also means the maiden's exists so what now? "

Mercury and Emerald then walk out of the shadows.

Mercury " For us to knock you out and take you to Salem. "

Y/n turned and looked at Mercury with an annoyed look then Katie came out of the elevator.

Y/n * Time to put on a show. *

Y/n " Hey Katie can you help me here? "

Katie didn't respond but walked to Ozpin's desk and sat on it, Katie then turned into Neo. Neo then tilted her head, closed her eyes and smiled.

Y/n " What no you can't be [ pretending to cry ] I thought we had something special ... HAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry was this supposed to be a shock I knew this ages ago. "

Mercury " And you went along with it? "

Y/n " Who wouldn't she was hot, she was interested did I mention she was hot? "

Emerald " Yes you did. "

Y/n " Thanks Emerald anyway are we going to keep talking like old friends that just met up or are we going fight? "

Mercury then ran at Y/n then sent a kick at his head, Y/n leaned back a bit and Mercury's foot went past his head. Y/n then grabbed with his left hand then used his right hand to grab one of his blades to stab him in the calve, Mercury then jumped up, twisted his body and tried to kick Y/n in the head. Y/n then used his super speed to let go of Mercury run behind Mercury then side kicked him in the back, Mercury was sent flying into a wall but then Y/n was shot at by Emerald. Y/n used his super speed to dodge the bullets and then ran in front of Emerald then round house-kicked her in the head making her stumble back, Y/n then combined his blades to make his glaive then swept her legs making her fall onto her back. Neo then ran at Y/n and whacked Y/n in the head with her umbrella, Y/n fell forward but flipped and kicked Neo in the chin with his heel this sent Neo flying upwards and Y/n landed crouched down on his feet. Y/n turned around to see Neo using her umbrella to slowly fall onto Ozpin's desk, when she landed on the desk she sat down and smiled again.

Y/n " OK that was cool. "

Then a wyvern Grimm :

fell towards the tower that held Ozpin's office, then a rope broke through the window and wrapped around Y/n's feet.

Y/n " Oh not again! "

Then rope went taught and Y/n was dragged through the window and the air, the wyvern made it so Y/n was hit against buildings, lamposts and airships. Y/n had enough and climbed up the rope to the wyvern and when he got on it he cut the rope, he then saw Roman there waiting for him.

Roman " Ah little blur time for our great fight. "

Y/n " Roman this is bad even for your innocent people could get killed. "

Roman " I don't care kid you want to be a hero? Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history! ( a nevermore then landed behind Roman As for me, I'll do what I do best: lie, steal, cheat and survi-! "

Y/n used his super speed and to push Roman out of the way and the nevermore tried to eat Y/n, Roman landed on the floor and looked to see Y/n get consumed.

Roman " Salem you just tried to kill me?! "

The nevermore just looked at Roman but before it could do anything something was prying Its mouth open, It was Y/n he was using his glaive to pry it open.

Y/n " Jesus I thought they smelt bad on the outside. "

Y/n took back his glaive then jumped out the nevermore, Y/n then stabbed the nevermore in the head and swung onto Its head. Y/n then took his glaive back again then stabbed the nevermore in the head killing it, the nevermore fell forward and Y/n watched it disappear into dust.

Y/n " Roman find Neo and get the fuck out of here before I change my mind. "

Neo then landed next to Roman using her umbrella like she was Mary Poppins, she picked up Roman then jumped off the wyvern and used it again. Y/n saw that the wyvern was taking him back to Ozpin's office, Y/n jumped back into the office when the wyvern got close. Y/n saw Cinder come out of the elevator and he could tell she had taken all the maiden's powers, Y/n got a text from Ozpin.

Ozpin " She has the power of the autumn maiden get out of there and I'll meet you in Atlas with Ironwood. "

Y/n just put his scroll away and looked back to see Cinder walking to the window, she looked out to see Beacon in ruins and on fire.

Cinder " It's beautiful isn't it? "

Y/n " No It's horrific. "

Cinder " Hmm soon you'll see it our way time for you to come with me to meet your mother. "

Y/n " Sorry but to do that you'll have to catch me first. "

Y/n used his super speed to run out of the office and off Beacon's grounds, he looked at his scroll to see a text from Qrow.

Qrow " Me and Tai got out we're at patch be careful. "

Y/n then sped towards Patch and he passed Summer's, Ruby's and Yang's graves they looked like this :

Y/n, Tai and Qrow made them cause they thought they had died, Y/n tightened his grip on his glaive and then used it to destroy them. When he was done he ran to Tai's house, he walked in to see Tai and Qrow stood up walking back and forth they saw him and started to slightly cry.

Tai " Oh thank Oum I thought I lost you too. "

Y/n " I'd never go with them. "

Qrow " Now what? "

Y/n " Ozpin and Ironwood are going to Atlas that's where I'm going after I rest. "

Qrow " I'm going ... right now I'll meet you there kid. "

Qrow then ran out of the house and turned into a crow then flew away.

Tai " Y/n if you want to meet up with Qrow on the way there then look for Raven she'll be able to send you to him, I heard she was somewhere in Anima in Mistral. "

Y/n " OK I'll go in two days I should spend some time with you. "

Tai " Yeah go rest Y/n. "

Y/n " I will I love you, Dad. "

Tai " I love you too kid. "

Y/n then walks up to his room, falls onto his bed and falls asleep as he does the screen turns black as this chapter ends

Author note :

I hope you enjoy

see ya next time bye

Words : 3003

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