Leave The City (Book 8 of Ado...

By GaylaBer

7.1K 562 1.2K

When Samantha Joseph was younger, she never expected to make it to her 18th birthday. When she was 13, she ra... More

1. Samantha
2. Tyler
3. Samantha
4. Jenna
5. Brendon
6. Samantha
7. Brendon
8. Samantha
9. Tyler
10. Samantha
11. Brendon
12. Tyler
12. Samantha
13. Brendon
15. Samantha
16. Brendon
17. Samantha
18. Samantha
19. Tyler
20. Samantha
21. Samantha
22. Tyler
23. Tyler
24. Doc
25. Samantha
26. Brendon
27. Samantha
28. Brendon
29. Samantha
30. Jenna
31. Tyler
32. Brendon
33. Jenna
34. Tyler
35. Samantha
36. Tyler
37. Samantha
38. Jenna
39. Tyler
40. Brendon
41. Tyler
42. Samantha
43. Brendon
44. Jenna
45. Samantha
46. Brendon
47. Samantha
48. Sarah
49. Brendon
50. Samantha
51. Samantha
52. Sarah
53. Samantha
54. Brendon
55. Samantha
56. Samantha
58. Tyler
59. Samantha
60. Samantha
61. Tyler
62. Samantha
63. Jenna
64. Dylan
65. Tyler
66. Samantha
67. Dylan
68. Samantha
69. Sarah
70. Tyler
71. Jenna
72. Tyler

57. Samantha

97 9 18
By GaylaBer

"Okay," Dad said. "But you haven't had any more, uh, dreams like that? Or anything during the day?"

"No," I said. "Not since Tuesday."

I'd told him and Mom about Monday and then about the dream on Tuesday.

"There's something else," I said.

"Oh, Sam," Mom said, I guess thinking something had gone wrong.

"Are you okay?" Dad asked. I smiled.

"I'm fine," I said. "I had, um, maybe. Kinda..."

"Another seizure?" Dad asked. I frowned at him

"Can I finish?" I asked.

"Sorry," he said.

"What is it, honey?" Mom asked, clearly concerned.

"I had, kinda. Sorta, maybe, a date?" I said.

"Really?! Oh Sam! How exciting!" Mom gushed. Dad frowned.

"Explain 'date'," Dad said.

"This guy in my class, Dylan.  He's really nice. He came over and we watched a movie together," I said.

"Tell me more about Dylan," Dad said. "Were Sarah and Brendon home?"

I laughed.

"Yes Dad. And don't worry, Uncle Brendon was very attentive," I rolled my eyes. "Dylan is the one whose house I was at the night of the accident."

"Right. I remember him. He came to see you in the hospital quite a few times," Mom said. "He seems really nice. He was so worried about you."

I smiled.

"Well, Monday, when I had that - breakdown - he stopped us in the hallway. I didn't really register it was him. Aunt Sarah told me it was him. Anyway, he asked if he could give me a hug. And again last night he asked before he gave me a hug. He also held my hand during the movie."

Mom was "squeeing."  Dad looked - I don't know - somewhere between mad and confused.

"Dad?" I smiled at him. "You okay?"

"I'm not ready for you to start dating," he said.

Mom and I laughed.

"Dad, I'm 18.  You can't keep me a child forever," I said.

"I know," he sighed. "But I only got to raise you from 13 on. There's so much we missed out on doing with you. And now you're an adult and while I know I legally can't tell you what to do - you made that abundantly clear, I'm still your dad, you're still my daughter and I still worry about you. Especially with everything you've been through. Don't take this to think I don't trust you. I do. You're an amazing kid, sorry, young woman, and I'm so proud of how resilient you are. But that doesn't make it any easier to watch you grow up. I want you to be strong and independent. You deserve it after everything. But at the same time, I don't see you as any different than Rosie and Junie and your soon to be baby brother, that I'm having a hard time accepting you're growing up."

"Hang on!" I exclaimed. "Baby brother?"

"Surprise!" Mom said. Rosie and Junie came into the picture.

"Hi Sammy!" Rosie exclaimed.

"Sammy! We're havin a brudder!" Junie said.

"We're having a brother!" I exclaimed and they all laughed. Uncle Brendon poked his head around the corner.

"You're having a boy?" He asked as he came into the camera view. Mom and Dad smiled and nodded.

"We're having a brother!" I cried. 

"Also, we were thinking of coming out there for a week or so before Jenna can't travel anymore. But, Sam, you'll still have to go to school."

"I can handle that. Can we take the littles to... uh... you know where?" I asked. I knew Junie would love Disneyland.

"Probably. We just need a place to stay," Dad said, pretending to be thinking.

"Don't be ridiculous. You'll stay here," Uncle Brendon said. Dad smiled at him and nodded.

They talked a little more about it and hashed out some details. And with that, my parents and siblings were coming back to visit in a week!  I was so excited! 

Once we were done on the phone, and Mom and Dad were satisfied that I was okay and was not spiralling down some mental health whirlpool, and I wasn't. I was feeling - okay - we hung up and I sat back in my chair. Uncle Brendon sat down at the table in front of me. He was smiling.

"A brother, huh?" He smiled.

"A brother," I smiled back.

"Exciting," he said.

"I swear, I thought she'd have another girl. But I'm excited. He's going to be so spoiled.  By, like, everyone," I smiled. Uncle Brendon nodded.

Aunt Sarah came in just then.

"I'm heading out to get groceries," she said. "Sam? Want to come or do you have homework?"

"I have some but I can do it later. I wouldn't mind getting out for a bit. I've got too much pent up energy," I said. Aunt Sarah looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Mom's having a boy!" I exclaimed. She hadn't been downstairs when I found out.

"No way!" Aunt Sarah exclaimed. "That's so exciting! I thought they were having another girl."

"Me too," I smiled.

"Okay, let's burn off some of that energy. Grab a raincoat and let's head out," Aunt Sarah said, smiling.

I went to the front closet and pulled out my rain coat while Aunt Sarah grabbed hers and we went out.

We started out at Whole Foods where Aunt Sarah for some of the granola and berries and some of the canned goods she likes from there. Then we went to Trader Joe's and got their stuff. You can't find Trader Joe's stuff anywhere but there. And it's all so good!  We went to a couple more stores, got milk and cheese and fruit and stuff. Then we went to the butcher and got meat and chicken and burgers.

"How are you doing?" Aunt Sarah asked. We'd been out for a couple of hours and I hadn't had a snack. I checked my glucose.

"I could use a snack. I'm starting to trend low," I said.

"Starbucks?" She asked.

"Sure," I smiled.

We pulled up to a drive through and ordered our drinks. I still had to get sugar free, but I also got the fruit snack that has peanut butter, apple slices and trail mix. I bolused and ate my snack, offering Aunt Sarah some. She took an apple slice and peanut butter.

Once we were home, I helped her carry in the groceries and Uncle Brendon helped us unpack and put things away.

Once that was done, I went upstairs to do my homework. I didn't have a lot, but it exhausted me anyway. I'm still working on my stamina from the accident and coma.

I lay down on my bed once I was done my homework and dozed off.

I was woken up by Aunt Sarah.

"Sam, your sugar's low and it's lunchtime. Are you okay?" She said looking at me worriedly.

"I'm okay," I said, sitting up shakily.  "I need a minute. And some glucose tabs."

Aunt Sarah went into my bathroom and brought me my bottle of glucose tabs. I took four out and chewed on them.

"Are those any good?" She asked me.

"Try one," I said. "They're just pressed and flavoured sugar."

She looked at me skeptically while I chewed on the four in my mouth. But she took one, looked at it, sniffed it (what was she expecting?) and put it in her mouth.

"Wow! That's sweet!" She laughed. I smiled. Laughing would cause me to spew out the powder in my mouth.

I swallowed the, well, paste by the time I was done chewing it.

"I like the grape and tropical ones best.  I've tried green apple and they were kind of gross. The fruit punch is okay, too."

"How often do you take these?" She asked.

"Only when I go low and need to treat," I said. "Way better than the gels or liquid, but the liquid ones are good in an emergency. If I'm still conscious. That's why I have those little bottles in my book bag."

"Ah," Aunt Sarah said. "Well, good thing I'm not diabetic. I think I'd eat a whole bottle of those."

We both laughed.

"Okay," Aunt Sarah said. "Lunch. It's cold and rainy. I made tomato soup. How does grilled cheese sound?"

"Delicious," I smiled and followed her downstairs. While she made the sandwiches, I grabbed plates and bowls.

"Want to get your uncle from his studio?" She asked. I nodded and, grabbing an umbrella, because it was still pouring out - I went out to get Uncle B.

I knocked on the door and he called out he'd be just a sec. I waited. When he opened the door, a puff of smoke came with him. I smirked at him.

"Working hard?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Hardly working," he smirked back. "What's up?"

"Lunch is ready," I said.

"Oh. Cool. I'm starving," he said.

"I bet," I smirked at him.

"You're a brat. Did you know that?" He said, taking the umbrella and putting his arm around my shoulders as we headed back to the house, the umbrella covering us both.

"So you keep saying," I said to him, a sly smile on my face. He pulled me into a tighter hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Don't ever change," he said.

We left the umbrella outside and went into the kitchen to take soup and sandwiches. I bolused for my lunch and the three of us sat and ate, talking. We chatted about the new baby, Mom and Dad coming out to visit and the upcoming week. I had an appointment with Dr. Angela on Tuesday and a basketball practice Wednesday with a game on Friday. Even though I wasn't playing, I was helping coach and would have wanted to be at the game anyway.

After lunch, and because it was gross and raining, we decided to go to a movie, just to get out of the house. Uncle Brendon chose the movie and we headed out to the theatre. After the movie, which was a comedy, and pretty funny, we went out for dinner. By then the rain had stopped so we wandered around the area, had some ice cream and then headed home.

I fell into bed content, happy and relaxed. And excited.

A baby brother!

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