By sunfloraaaaa

13.6K 1K 908

~Creating something all by yourself is definitely an great achievement, but what do you feel about snatching... More

<An Important Message >
》|The leads|γ€Š
》β–ͺ︎ Trailer β–ͺοΈŽγ€Š
-| It Starts with a Death |-
♀|The Puppet |♀
||First Encounter ||
β˜† The Rule β˜†
" My Woman "
β™‘ |A Mistress| β™‘
"Your Punishment"
β€’ Use Me β€’
》A Scar γ€Š
A change of heart
[What's hidden?]
|Fooling You |
> Run <
<a secretive Truth >
| what's he up to ?|
<Look What you made me Do!>
❗️Everyone's Hidden intentions ❗️
Don't Blame me ❗️
Don't Trust the smile :)
<<Character shuffle>>
||Let's dig into His story ~β˜†
<A new Beginning >
<He's a Cheater>
| She's in Danger |
| Illusion |
Illusion -2
Heartbeats -------β™‘
- Dinner Party -
>a morning not so Good <
β€’Flynn Rider --β™‘
||Liars ||
|~Late Night Walk~ |
_Courtroom _
_____Ready for it ?
>|_The Outcome _|<
||Trapped Again ||
_γ€Š Monster 》_
> No Escape <
[ Silence before the Storm ]
The Storm
_ Character suffle _
>First move <
Who's Back !!
_Darling β™€β˜†
Let the Games Begin __
_Opponent _
Trust me !!
How clueless!
β˜† Ordinary β˜†
| Reflection |
> Tainted <
Where is she ??
Secrets we never shares --
Counter attack♀
Bring the action- ‒♀~
- A new Version -
_ Mark me yours _
] behind the curtains [
β˜† New Book β˜†
》An Explanation γ€Š

β˜†The Precious Gift β˜†

202 16 19
By sunfloraaaaa


"Long time no see Heeseung "

V stated still staying his place which caused one man who's holding torch grit.

"Hah ! Finally you become useless to him , so he asked us to kill you "

Heeseung mock . V smirk.

"I think it's quite opposite, Don't forget Heeseung ,no matter how much you improve you won't be able to defeat your master "

V stated and Heeseung got mad and shot his gun,  V easily dodge, but now he can't be seen anywhere.

Everyone tried to search him using the torches.

Suddenly a groan gathered their attention and soon a body collapsed on the floor and blood started flowing which caused Heeseung bite his lips in tension.

Then another guy fell on ground too groaning in pain , .

Heeseung search every corner in panic

"Come out you tyrant!! Stop fighting like a Coward "

Heeseung stated still trembling.

A chuckle was heard

"Coward?? But you broke inside my house like a thief "

V's words can be heard .

"Forget him , search the rooms , he might have kept that girl hiding here, we need that girl "

Heeseung instructed,  still many groans and hissing sounds can be heard .

Suddenly when They reached before a room

"Gosh !! Not that room"

V's pleading sound made Heeseung chuckle , he opened the room with the jolt and remaining members entered too ,

They found none inside the room but heard the door get shut behind them .

They shoved their torches to that direction , found V standing there blocking the door holding a dagger from which blood is dripping,  there's a grin on his face which scared the shit out of them ,



"Stop marching like that , he will be alright "

Granny assured Y/n who's continuously biting her nails in tension.

Y/n seemed to be more anxious.

"Once you get married to him , you have to face such things frequently, don't worry come to me"

Granny uttered tapping her lap ,Y/n placed her head on the lap .

"I don't have that much courage, Each time I loved someone they left me , so it panics me more "

Y/n replied.
Granny trailed her fingers through Y/n's hair

"I never had such courage either, but you know what , I don't want to be his weakness, if I show myself weak he will not make it "

Granny uttered. 

Y/n raised her head

"He was telling me earlier,  you're the only members left in his family,  and He killed the rest , then don't you fear him ??"

Y/n asked.

Granny chuckle.

"He didn't killed everyone because he wanted to , he just wanted to survive,"

Granny replied and her eyes reflected grief.


"Please take me with you ,Nana or else Dad will beat me again "

Little Taehyung nag to his grandma

"I will be back soon "

Granny replied kissing that boy's cheeks .

Soon waving Granny Goodbye Taehyung made his way to his house clutching the money he received from his Granny.

Crossing a alley few street boys gathered before him .

"Hey !! Looks like you got money! Buy us Soju "

One of them uttered.

Taehyung ignored and tried to ran but they blocked him .

Taehyung looked weak and frail.

"Give that money to us , or we'll beat you "

The boys threatened.and tried to snatch it from him , he shrugged

"Stay away,  this is my money, I won't give this to you "

Taehyung shouted.

The boys got mad , they kicked him causing him land on the ground a  boy step on his head smashing it on the ground.

Taehyung groan in pain

"Give it us ,"

They mutter

"Never "

Taehyung yell and using full force he successfully got up completely covered in dust,  they tried to catch him , he dodge first then picked up something from the ground and smacked one of boys head , they groan in pain and at that moment a cruel smile appeared on that little boy's lips

"I told you I won't give this ,"

Taehyung growled.

Another boy tried to hit him but Taehyung dodge hit the boy with his elbow and then smacked his nose bare handedly, 

The third one got up but before he could do anything a Man stepped between them .

"Enough!! Go away , my young Master wants to meet this boy now"

The man uttered  , Taehyung being confused only tilt his head .

"Get away man , he's our prey "

The third boy uttered and the man slapped the boy hard .

"Leave before I mash you completely "

The guy finished with a glare .

The boys ran away,  the man turned towards Taehyung.

A handsome face .

"T-thank you "

Little Taehyung uttered his face beamed

"What's your name boy ??"

The guy asked.

"I'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung "

Taehyung replied with a ear to ear smile

The guy ruffled his hair.

"I heard your conversation earlier,  can you really do anything for money??"

The guy asked.

Taehyung stopped and frown .

"Yes , I can , we're very poor , I can do anything to earn money so I can leave my house,  you know my dad beats me everyday cause I'm not talented like my brother "

Taehyung replied fidgeting his fingers.

"Yah !!! You Brat !! Come here !! Where you are loafing around all day"

Hearing his Dad's voice,  Taehyung tremble in fear .

The guy smile

"Btw , Taehyung, I'm Jin , Kim Seokjin, I hope we will meet soon"

With that the guy left,  Taehyung stood in confusion until he felt sharp pain on his back

"You stained your attire again!! Don't you care about your eomma?? Just how much work you want her to do you piece of shit "

Taehyung's Dad scold Taehyung and twist his ear , Taehyung hiss in pain


Later at night a luxury car stopped before their small House.

A young boy ,  got off along with Jin , they headed straight inside.

Taehyung's family is surprised.

Jin whisper something to that young boy pointing at Taehyung.

"Who are you ?? Did Taehyung had done something??"

Taehyung's Dad asked smacking Taehyung's head , Taehyung rubbed his head , his eyes glistered at the outfit of the Younger guy ,

"I'm Jeon Jungkook,  you must have heard about my Dad , Jeon Sunghoon, I'm his sole son"

Jungkook introduced himself.

Taehyung stared at the outfit, Jeon Sunghoon is a business tycoon. It's obvious for  his son to wear such lavish clothes.

"And what brings you here ??"

Taehyung's mother asked wrapping Taehyung's elder into her embrace,  Taehyung felt a little envious, nobody in this house cares about him .

"Uh , my young Master feels lonely in the big Mansion,  we're here to adopt a kid as my Master's friend "

Jin stated.

Jungkook nod , and his eyes focused on Taehyung,  and then suddenly Jungkook wink at Taehyung causing him wide his eyes .

"And I want him "

Jungkook uttered pointing at Taehyung,

Taehyung felt as if this is his chance to leave this hell

"I agree , I will go with you"

Taehyung replied immediately but his Dad covered his mouth.

"Taehyung is a kid , it's better to have my Su ho , he's a great and obedient boy,  "

Taehyung's Dad finished when Taehyung tried his best to escape but failed.

"I have a way to decide "

Jungkook uttered with a grin , and Taehyung's Dad let him go .

Jungkook signal Jin and Jin threw a Rifle before them causing everyone jump in fear instantly, except Taehyung ,

"Fight ! The one winning is coming with me "

Jungkook uttered with a playful smirk

Taehyung picked it from the ground with instant,  and pointed it towards his brother Su Ho .

"You're not out of your head right ?? You idiot,  I'm your brother "

Su ho growled.

"Brother ?? You three never treated me like a human ever !!"

Taehyung yell in tears,  Jungkook crossed his arms and smirk .

"Don't Please, you Brat, put it down"

Taehyung's mother cried covering Su Ho , which pour fuel on Taehyung's emotions .

"Why are you  still  waiting Taehyung??  shoot !! If you missed I have to offer another gun to your brother,  will he let you go too??"

Jungkook added more fuel .

"Don't you dare you idiot,  I will -"

Taehyung's Dad raise his hand to hit Taehyung,  Taehyung closed his eyes and pressed the trigger.


With two screams he finally opened his eyes , Su Ho isn't Dead , but his mother died , Taehyung didn't felt guilty,  his mother never shown affection towards him .

But he missed Su Ho ,

Jungkook rolled his eyes and handled a Gun to Su Ho ,a smirk appeared on Su Ho's face .

"Don't think I will let you go "

Su Ho stated , and pressed the trigger and Taehyung did the same , the bullet passed scratching Taehyung's ear .

He sat down groaning in pain but, he did it .

Su Ho fall on the ground .

"Su Ho !!"

Taehyung's Dad cried out .

Jungkook reached near Taehyung.

"You did well Hyung "

Jungkook replied caressing Taehyung's wounded ear ,

"I'll take you with me "

Jungkook stated and holding Taehyung's wrist he moved towards the exit .
Taehyung's heart sunk

He just killed his brother and mother.

Suddenly Taehyung was pulled back and he found his Father is chocking him

"Jinnie !! It's not fair "

Jungkook whine and Jin shoved Taehyung's Dad , and before he see anything,  Jungkook dragged him outside.

"Will you buy me outfit like you ??"

Taehyung mutter.
Jungkook looked at him and smile

"Ofc , you just have to follow me ,and I will provide you everything Hyung "

Jungkook uttered and Taehyung's face beamed.

End of Flashback

"I was told these by him one day , I got to  knew Taehyung died with his family too ,you know the Jeon burnt the whole house and pretended that it was a accident,  I lost my hope ,I loved my Taehyung a lot , he's the son of my daughter, but when he returned, the silly, clumsy,cute ,kind boy was nowhere,  he returned as V a merciless Mafia "

Granny finished

Y/n was listening these with wide eyes after the whole story she went silent.

"My boy is cruel but he has to be like this in order to survive, I understood it so I never pushed him away "

Granny finished and caressed Y/n

"I- I won't, I will stay with him "

Y/n uttered.




Y/n opened her eyes observing sun rays on her face .

She found herself in bed but she wasn't last night soon roaming her eyes around the house she discovered Taehyung resting on  a couch closing his eyes.

She immediately got up and ran near him

Taehyung opened his eyes

"You're up??"

V asked.

"You're alright?? Nothing happened right??"

Y/n asked in teary eyes

Taehyung hold her face

"Nothing happened to me my love stop worrying "

V replied placing a kiss on her forhead,  . Y/n hugged him tightly and Taehyung hiss in pain . Y/n pulled back in worry .

She noticed his one arm is injured near shoulder area .

"You lied ! You're hurt "

Y/n scold,  V chuckle.

Suddenly his phone buzz seeing the id he smile and sign Y/n to stay quite and received the call .

"You liked my Precious Gift Jungkook sshi ?? See I didn't returned only  dead bodies I spared one , you liked my gift right!!"

V sneer .

"Come to me Taehyung,  we need to talk "

Jungkook replied.

"Talk ?? But you stupidly send those kids to kill me , sometimes I wonder Jungkook do you have brain?? You know it quite well I'm undefeatable , then why wasting time "

V chuckle  , Y/n also smirk.

"Fine you win , now come back  "

Jungkook replied.

"Nah ! I'll spend a lovely week with my love then I'll think about returning OK  ,see ya , hope you won't send more gifts  "

V finished and ended the call.  And pulled Y/n into his embrace.

"I'm hungry!"

V stated and Y/n smash her lips on his and V's hands trailed on her body .


"You returned after failing the task I've given , and still has guts to stand before me "

Jungkook uttered being irritated.

"S-sir , but I survived!! Only, he's a cruel person "

A boy defend himself.

Jungkook slammed the desk and got up

"You think I will reward you for your words?? I made him that cruel ,I know how he is , idiot,  now as you're very injured I think-"

Jungkook stopped and examined the guy . The gut thought he will get something.

But Jungkook pulled out his gun

"You're useless now"

Jungkook finished his sentence and shot the guy .

Jin entered that moment 

"Chill Kookie,  you're getting angry again,  "

Jin tried to calm him .

"I want him to be submissive, why he's so disobeying!!"

Jungkook yell in frustration.

"I think that girl is the problem,  we have to find another love interest of him"

Jin suggest and Jungkook nod


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