Draeyer Academy (Rewrite)

By ShanaZeren

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Alec was just...a simple hunter, trying to make do with his life in the forests near the Edge of Arktis Skyla... More

Draeyer Academy
Draeyer's Song
Chapter 1-Thief
Chapter 2- The Hunter
Chapter 3- The Drae
Chapter 4- Weak
Chapter 5-Bickering Men
Chapter 6-Alec Arden
Chapter 7-Promise
Chapter 8-Fateful Night
Chapter 9-Joining the Team
Chapter 10-Raised Well
Chapter 11-Leaving
Chapter 12-Under the Moons
Chapter 14- New Morning
Chapter 15- Areisha
Chapter 16- Welcome to Draeyer Academy
Chapter 17- Headmaster
Chapter 18-Job Offer
Chapter 19-Sanctuary
Chapter 20-The Twins
Chapter 21-Shopping Day
Chapter 22-Test
Chapter 23-Manifestation
Chapter 24-Nightmare
Chapter 25-Smile
Chapter 26-Secret
Peek: Even Hunters Gossip
Chapter 27-Answered Prayers
Chapter 28- Not a Doormat
Chapter 29-Act Like Prey
Chapter 30-Dinner
Peek: A long time ago...
Chapter 31-A New Hunt
Chapter 32- Predator and Prey
Chapter 33-Safe
Chapter 34-The Eye
Chapter 35-Unwanted Memories
Chapter 36-Egg
Peek: The Outside is Scary

Chapter 13-Temporary

201 26 30
By ShanaZeren

"I'll see you again soon," Kreis said. "I need to get back to Cetrulis Skyland first."

The Ryder commander turned and waved his hand in farewell. With a wave of his hand, Gael turned and left the Float. Alec followed after him, a bit disappointed that he would not be able to watch any of their arguments for a while. He was learning all sorts of insults and comebacks that he had never read and heard before. It would be useful someday.

Alec walked down the ramp, and his boots soon came in contact with the solid stone ground of the docks. He looked and found more people getting off other Floats, most of them around his age. He kept his hood up, eyes running over the new sights. He chose to ignore the stares Gael was getting, which transferred to him as he followed the older man.

It was the first time he left the ever-icy Arktis Skyland. Draeyer Academy Skyland was very different from his homeland. There was so much green everywhere compared to the constant blinding whiteness of snow. Trees with thick canopies of green leaves could be seen all around as they made their way out of the docks. Flowers of different colors were scattered all over the large areas of grass. If he went inside the woods, he was sure that he would hear all sorts of sounds from new animals and insects. He would get to see plants that he had only read about in books. Alec felt the urge to go explore the expanse of woods that seemed to occupy Draeyer Academy.

"I'm sorry but we're going to be riding a carriage, instead of riding on Asher," Gael said. Alec pulled himself out of his thoughts when he heard Gael's voice.

"It's fine," he said. "You mentioned he's been away from his mate for too long. I don't want to delay him any longer. "

"I promise to have him take you on a tour later this week."

I don't think I can ride another drae with the way I am right now. After Crimson...

Alec merely nodded in response.

When he looked up, Gael had entered a humble-looking horse-drawn carriage with what he assumed to be the emblem of the academy carved on its door. A baby drae curled on itself. He smiled at the image of the draeling, feeling at peace from looking at the image. He shook his head at himself and climbed aboard.


The skyland that Draeyer Academy occupied was huge. It was divided into four sections separated by tall stone walls. The carriage first passed through the Edge section, where the docks stood. It had many warehouses and offices that seemed to conduct administrative work for the academy. They were then waved through a gate soon enough, and the gravel road turned to cobblestone and entered into the Business District. Buildings made from red and brown bricks stood at different heights. Most of the buildings near the road looked like for commercial use, while further out he could see rows of identical residential houses. Like the first section, the buildings seemed to blend with the trees and grassy areas he could see.

Alec saw many people moving about this opulent district. Gael told him that the people he saw were composed of students, teachers, and other academy staff. There were even parents of students who chose to live in the skyland, so they could be close to their children.

"We'll come back here later for a shopping trip," Gael. "We're going to get you more appropriate clothes for this climate. You'll be too warm in the ones you brought if you continue to wear those."

Alec wanted to protest for a moment before realizing what he said made sense. He nodded at Gael's words and Gael's eyes lit up at his silent answer. Alec had a feeling that the shopping trip was going to be exhausting. He immediately looked Gael in the eye.

"I am using my own money," he said.

Gael paused, visibly deflating. "Okay, " he said. "But, let me at least buy you two things. One is a welcome gift from me and a thank you gift for volunteering to help with the case. "

Alec wanted to say he did not need gifts. But one look at Gael's green eyes, Alec knew that if did not accept the compromise he was never going to spend his own money. Alec did not get why it was a big deal at first, but an old memory surfaced in his mind.

"I can make my own money now, eouno," his little eight-year-old said to his brother.

"That's nice, little drae, " he remembered his brother saying. "But this eouno still wants to spend his money on you. It would make me sad that I worked so hard to earn money for you, but you won't spend it."

Alec stifled his protest and took a good look at Gael again. Is he similar to Alen? Did he like spending money on others? Why would he want to spend money on me? Did he not have other more important people in his life?

Alec sighed and nodded. Gael went back to smiling again.

Gael was a good man. He disliked him at first. He was a stranger who hit him over the head, tied him up, and interrogated him on his porch. And can read minds too. Alec was still reeling from the last one. It was the first time he met a sentire. As a result, his dislike was justified.

But in the last few weeks, Alec had observed Gael enough to say that the older man was a good person. He had remained kind, polite, and respectful to Alec, even though he made his dislike for him obvious to the man. He was genuinely concerned about his well being too. He could tell from their talk last night.

Alen's lessons surfaced in his mind again. "Always respect everyone you meet. But whether they can keep that respect or lose it, is dependent on the way they treat you and others."

In the last decade, Gael was the second person who managed to keep that respect. Granny Rey was the first. As for Kreis...if he was friends with a man like Gael, then he may just be the third. But he did not know him enough yet.

Alec was pulled from his thoughts when they paused before a massive gate. Gael showed the emblem of the baby drae, but this one contained an image of a sword at the center. When the guards saw it, they pounded their right fists on their chests before giving a small polite bow.

"Welcome back, Professor Gael."

Gael nodded and they were soon moving past the gate. The guards were stricter compared to the last gate. Gael soon explained why that was so.

"The next section is the Training and Residential District. Security is tighter because this is where students, and the staff and their families stay," he said. Alec wanted to ask if he read his mind, but held back. Asking again will make Gael think that he was doubting the way he responsibly used his ability.

"This is where I'll be staying?"

"Yes. You will be staying with me as my family member," Gael replied.

"Is there anything I need to know and do as your family member?"

Gael had an amused smile on his lips like he found it funny that he was even asking. Alec frowned.

"I'm a teacher here, so I'm well known. You can expect a lot of people to be curious about my little brother. They may or may not be easy to deal with," he said.

Alec snorted.

"As for something you can do?" Gael continued. "Do family members need to do anything for each other, aside from the obvious? You can feel free to do what you want, within reason of course."

Alec froze. His frown disappeared as his eyes widened. Gael was serious. There was no lie in his words. For a brief moment, his brother's face overlapped with Gael's. He bit his lip.

Why? He wanted to ask. Why are you so good to me? I'm supposed to dislike you so it becomes easier to leave when the time comes. Why do you make it difficult?

He remained silent throughout the ride. He merely nodded as Gael pointed out the Sun Dorms and Moon Dorms. He stayed like that until they entered a large community of cozy-looking brick houses, all having small front yards.

They soon stopped in front of one of the said houses. Unlike the other houses, the front yard had barely any plants. Instead, it had a square of solid stone in the center, surrounded by racks filled with various weapons. A stable, large enough to fit a drae stood to the side.

This was going to be his temporary new home.

Yes. Temporary.


Me: *Hugs Alec, trying to pull him back* You are not leaving!

Alec: You can't stop me! *Pushing my face away*

Me: I'm the adult now. You listen to me!

Alec: Let's be honest here. Even at 16 and your current 24, I was and still am the adultier adult.

Me: *fumes*

Alec: Also you're still, tinier than I am.


Me: You have three seconds to start running for your life. *pulls out a knife*

Alec: Shit! *bolts*

Me: *feral screechy devil noises*


Fixed it.

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