Merch Slinger | Ricky Olson

By CelestineVeil

201 11 5

In the pulsating world of music festivals and band tours, 27-year-old Malena finds herself immersed in the ch... More

Prologue: Excitement
Chapter One: Echoes of Excitement
Chapter Two: Friends and Exitement
Chapter Three: Anticipation and Meetings
Chapter Four: The Hangout
Chapter Five: Matters of the Heart

Chapter Six: Graveyard Special

24 2 0
By CelestineVeil


Author's Note

In this chapter, we will explore the story from a different perspective, delving into the world of Ricky through his own eyes. By shifting the narrative to Ricky's point of view, we aim to provide readers with a fresh insight into the events unfolding in the story and to add depth to the characters and their relationships.

The writing style for this chapter will reflect Ricky's unique perspective, incorporating his thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a way that differs from the previous chapters. Through Ricky's eyes, we will gain a deeper understanding of his motivations, struggles, and desires, allowing for a richer and more nuanced exploration of his character.

We hope you enjoy this shift in perspective and find it adds depth and complexity to the narrative. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and we look forward to exploring Ricky's story together.

Please Note

Ricky's chapter's will be in First person
Malena's chapters are going to be in Third person


From the very first moment I laid eyes on Malena at that meeting, she seemed to imprint herself upon my thoughts like an indelible mark. It was as if a magnetic force had drawn my gaze towards her, and from that moment on, I found myself unable to shake her from my mind.

Her presence exuded a captivating aura, effortlessly commanding attention without even trying. Her eyes sparkled with intelligence and curiosity, hinting at depths of wisdom and insight waiting to be explored. Every movement she made seemed purposeful, yet imbued with a subtle grace that left me entranced.

I found myself drawn to her not just by her physical beauty, though that was undeniable, but by something deeper, something intangible yet profoundly compelling. It was as if I could sense a kindred spirit within her, a connection that transcended mere words or gestures.

In the days that followed our initial meeting, Malena's image lingered in my thoughts like a haunting melody, weaving its way into the fabric of my consciousness. I found myself replaying our conversations in my mind, savoring the moments we had shared and eagerly anticipating the next time our paths would cross.

Her laughter echoed in my ears like a sweet melody, bringing warmth and light to even the darkest of days. Her smile was like a beacon of hope, casting aside any doubts or fears that threatened to cloud my mind. In her presence, I felt alive in a way I had never experienced before, as if she had unlocked a hidden part of myself that had long lay dormant.

Though I may never fully understand the nature of the connection that binds us together, one thing remains abundantly clear: Malena has captured my heart in a way that no one else ever has, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

The anticipation of Malena coming over for our movie night was almost palpable, lingering in the air like an electric charge. As I prepared for her arrival, my heart raced with excitement, each passing minute feeling like an eternity as I eagerly awaited the sound of her footsteps at my door.

I took extra care in setting the scene for our evening together, meticulously arranging the living room with soft blankets, plumping up pillows, and dimming the lights to create an atmosphere of cozy intimacy. The faint scent of freshly popped popcorn wafted through the air, mingling with the warm glow of scented candles that flickered softly in the background.

Despite the fact that my girlfriend was at work, I couldn't shake the sense of nervous anticipation that coursed through my veins. It wasn't that I had any doubts about spending time alone with Malena – far from it. Rather, it was the undeniable thrill of being in her presence, of having her all to myself for an entire evening, that left me feeling both exhilarated and apprehensive all at once.

As the clock ticked closer to the appointed time, I found myself pacing anxiously, my mind awash with a whirlwind of emotions. Would she enjoy the movie I had chosen? Would she find my company entertaining enough to warrant a return visit? The questions swirled around in my head, each one adding to the mounting sense of anticipation that threatened to consume me whole.

I received a text from my girlfriend Poppy, informing me that she was on her third break for the graveyard shift. "Alright, I love you. Have a good night," I replied, keeping my message brief. As I hit send, a knock echoed through my front door, signaling that Malena had arrived for our movie night. Excitement surged through me, but beneath it all, a nervousness lingered.

You see, I've found myself drawn to Malena in a way that I can't quite explain. Despite having a girlfriend, things haven't been great between Callie and me. We've been drifting apart, with Callie growing increasingly distant. My friend Chris even suggested that there might be another guy in the picture. The thought gnaws at me, stirring up a whirlwind of doubts and insecurities.

But before I can dwell on it any longer, my phone rings, Malena's caller ID flashing on the screen. I answer quickly, eager to hear her voice. "Okay! I'll be right there," I assure her before hanging up, pushing aside my worries for the moment.

As I rose from my comfortable spot on the couch, my anticipation building with each step towards the front door, my heart skipped a beat as I caught sight of Malena standing there, a vision of effortless beauty. She wore an oversized band tee that hugged her frame in all the right places, paired with sleek black leggings that accentuated her curves. Her hair was styled in intricate double French braids, framing her face in a cascade of soft waves, while her thick-framed glasses added a touch of intellectual charm to her look.

A smile spread across her lips as our eyes met, and the warmth in her gaze enveloped me like a comforting embrace. "Hey, Rick! I'm so happy we could do this," she greeted me, her voice a soothing melody that washed over me, banishing all the overthinking thoughts that had plagued my mind earlier.

In that moment, everything else faded into the background, leaving only Malena and me standing there, locked in a moment of shared connection and understanding. Her presence had a way of calming the storm within me, grounding me in the present and reminding me to let go of my worries and fears.

Returning her smile with one of my own, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, grateful for the opportunity to spend this time with her. As I stepped aside to let her into my home, I couldn't help but marvel at the way she effortlessly brought light and joy into my life, filling the space around her with her infectious energy and positivity.

Little did I know, this movie night would mark the beginning of a journey that would change everything, igniting a spark between us that would only grow stronger with each passing day. But for now, in this moment, all that mattered was the simple pleasure of being in Malena's company, sharing laughter and conversation as we settled in for a night of movies and memories.



As I stood there, my gaze lingering on every detail of Malena's appearance, I couldn't help but marvel at her beauty. From the intricate braids adorning her hair to the stylish frames of her glasses, every aspect of her look seemed to radiate a unique charm and grace. Her outfit, consisting of a simple blue shirt paired with snug black leggings and pristine white Converse sneakers, was both effortlessly chic and undeniably captivating.

It felt as though I were caught in a trance, unable to tear my eyes away from her as she stood before me, a vision of confidence and allure. Each element of her ensemble seemed to complement the next, creating a harmonious symphony of style that left me utterly mesmerized.

"Come on in! I've got snacks, drinks, and plenty of movies to choose from," I offered, mustering a small smile as I gestured towards the inviting warmth of my home. Malena's eyes lit up with excitement as she stepped inside, offering me a grateful nod of appreciation.

"Your house is so pretty. I wish my place looked as nice as this," Malena remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. It was as if she were subtly implying that her own living space fell short in comparison to mine.

"I bet yours is better than mine!" I responded quickly, eager to dispel any notion of comparison between us. The truth was, I couldn't care less about the material trappings of our respective homes. What mattered most to me was the person standing before me, radiating warmth and kindness with every word and gesture.

As we settled into the cozy comforts of my living room, the air filled with laughter and the promise of an evening filled with companionship and camaraderieh. And as I looked at Malena, her beauty illuminated by the soft glow of the room, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to share this moment with her, knowing that it was the beginning of something truly special.

"Welcome to the living room. Take a load off," I gestured towards my comfoy ass couches. "I'll rustle up some refreshments. Water and snacks, coming right up. I'll leave them here on the coffee table for easy access," I assured Malena, my gaze meeting theirs briefly before I headed towards the kitchen. In the kitchen, I reached for a couple of glasses and filled them with cool, refreshing water from the filter jug. With a quick scan of the pantry, I gathered an assortment of snacks – some chips, a bowl of nuts, and a plate of cookies. Balancing everything carefully, I returned to the living room, where Malena was perusing the movie shelf.

"I've got the goods," I announced cheerfully, setting the glasses and snacks down on the coffee table.

Hearing Malena chuckled, when I said that 'I had the goods'. Malena nodded her head in response understanding that there were now snacks. "Help yourself." I said to Malena who was still looking at the movies.

As Malena made her selection, I busied myself with popping popcorn, the sound of kernels sizzling in the microwave filling the kitchen with anticipation. With the snacks and popcorn ready, I once again joined Malena in living, ready for a cozy movie night together.

I chuckled softly, feeling a warm smile spreading across my face as I glanced to Malena who sat on the floor of the living room with two movies in her hands. Seeming like she couldn't decided which movie we should watch.

"Hey, Ricky?" Malena whispered. I nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"I need help," she said, turning towards me.

"What are the two movies you can't decide between?" I asked, amused by her dilemma. I caught a glimpse of the movie cases; she had good taste. I joined her, noting her excitement.

"The Crow or Children of The Corn?" Malena furrowed her brows, deep in thought.

"Let's start with The Crow first, then Children of The Corn," I suggested. "How does that sound?"

Malena grinned, nodding eagerly. "Perfect choice!" she exclaimed, grabbing The Crow DVD and inserting it into the player. As the opening credits rolled, we settled in, ready for a night of suspense and thrill.

As the movie progressed, I felt my heart skip a beat every time Malena leaned against my side, her warmth seeping into me. Occasionally, our hands brushed, sending tingles down my spine. Despite the darkness of the room, her presence illuminated everything around me.

I couldn't help but steal glances at her, captivated by her beauty and the way she was so engrossed in the film. Time seemed to slip away as we laughed together.

I found that my mind wandered to thoughts of Malena. I couldn't help but admire her effortless beauty and the way she filled the room with her presence. Despite being in a relationship, I found myself contemplating the possibility of falling for her. Was she feeling the same? I couldn't shake the feeling that she might be the one.

"Hey?" I murmured softly, breaking the silence. Malena turned her head to meet my gaze, her eyes reflecting the glow of the screen with a hint of curiosity.

"Yeah?" Her voice was gentle, accompanied by a warm smile that made my heart flutter. I hesitated, searching for the right words to express what was on my mind.

"Do you want to do anything?" I asked, my tone intentionally vague, hoping she would catch the underlying invitation. It was a risk, but one I was willing to take for the chance to spend more time with her.

Malena's response eased the tension that had been building inside me. Her words, delivered with a gentle smile, "I don't mind.", they washed away my uncertainty, leaving behind a sense of possibility. It was as if she had opened a door to endless opportunities, and all I had to do was step through.

I found myself lost in her gaze, the flickering light from the TV casting a mesmerizing glow on her features. It was in moments like these that I couldn't help but marvel at her beauty, both inside and out. Her kindness, her warmth—it was all so captivating.

A wave of gratitude washed over me as I realized how lucky I was to have her in my life, even if just as a friend.

But deep down, I couldn't shake the longing for something more, something beyond friendship. Was it selfish to want more when I was already committed to someone else? Or was it simply human nature to crave connection, to seek out the one who made you feel alive?

Lost in my thoughts, I almost missed Malena's next words. "But if there's anything that you would like to do, I wouldn't mind a bit," she said, her voice pulling me back to the present moment.

Her openness and willingness to go along with whatever I suggested filled me with a sense of possibility. Maybe, just maybe, this was my chance to express how I truly felt.

A thousand ideas raced through my mind—going for a walk under the starlit sky, grabbing a late-night snack at our favorite diner, or maybe having sex with her. But in the end, there was only one thing I truly wanted—to be with her, to share in her presence, to let her know how much she meant to me.

Taking a deep breath, I summoned the courage to speak. "Actually, there is something I'd like to do," I said, my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach. "I want to spend more time with you, Malena. Just... you and me."

"Would absolutely love it!", She said. Her words sent a surge of warmth through me, and her touch on my thigh only intensified the feeling. It was as if a current of electricity passed between us, igniting a spark that I couldn't ignore.

Her admission took me by surprise, yet it also filled me with a sense of exhilaration. To know that she welcomed the idea of spending time alone with me was both thrilling and terrifying. Could it be that she felt the same way I did? Or was I reading too much into her words and actions?

I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to explore this newfound connection between us. Would it deepen our bond, or would it complicate things beyond repair? The uncertainty gnawed at me, but at the same time, I couldn't deny the pull of attraction that drew me to her.

As I searched her eyes for any sign of hesitation or doubt, all I found was sincerity and warmth.

It was as if she was inviting me to take a leap of faith, to trust in the possibility of something more. Without hesitation, I reached for her hand, intertwining my fingers with hers. The simple act of touching her filled me with a sense of peace and contentment, as if I had finally found where I belonged.

"Then it's settled," I said, a smile spreading across my face.

"Let's make tonight unforgettable." And with that, we turned our attention back to the movie, but this time, there was an unspoken understanding between us—a silent promise of what was to come.

As we rose from the couch, Malena's presence beside me felt reassuring, as if she was confirming her commitment to whatever lay ahead. Climbing the stairs to my bedroom, I couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that coursed through me. This was it—the moment I had been waiting for, yet feared would never come.

Once we reached the sanctuary of my room, I turned to face Malena, my heart pounding in my chest. The air between us crackled with tension, charged with the unspoken desire that lingered just beneath the surface.

"You really want this?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, betraying the nervousness I felt inside. It was a simple question, yet it carried the weight of all my hopes and fears.

Would she say yes? Would she understand the depth of my feelings for her? Or would she turn away, leaving me to grapple with the ache of unrequited longing?

But as I looked into Malena's eyes, I saw something that filled me with hope—a glimmer of excitement, a hint of anticipation. It was as if she had been waiting for me to ask, waiting for the opportunity to explore this uncharted territory between us.

Her response came in the form of a smile, soft and reassuring. "More than anything," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of my racing heartbeat.

And with those words, all my doubts melted away, replaced by a sense of clarity and purpose.

Taking her hand in mine, I led her to the edge of the bed, our fingers intertwined in a silent promise of what was to come. This was our moment, our chance to explore the depths of our connection and discover where it might lead.

As we stood there, on the threshold of something new and unknown, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to share this moment with Malena. Whatever the future held, I knew that this night would be one that I would never forget.

With the door closed behind us, I couldn't resist the magnetic pull drawing me closer to Malena. Gently, I guided her back until her body pressed against the solid wood, creating a barrier between us and the rest of the world.

Leaning in, I captured her lips in a tender kiss, savoring the softness of her touch against mine. It was as if the world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us suspended in a moment of pure bliss.

"Your lips are soft", Malena said

With each brush of our lips, the tension between us grew, igniting a fire that threatened to consume us both. I trailed kisses along her jawline, savoring the taste of her skin as I explored every inch of her.

Malena's breath hitched as my lips found their way to the curve of her neck, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Her hands tangled in my hair, pulling me closer as if afraid to let me go.

Lost in the heat of the moment, I couldn't help but marvel at the depth of the connection between us. It was as if we were two souls drawn together by an irresistible force, unable to resist the pull of attraction that bound us together.

"Do you want this?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of anticipation and desire. Malena's response was immediate—a nod accompanied by a mischievous glint in her eyes that sent shivers down my spine.

With a playful grin, she took the lead, gently pushing me towards the bed with a confidence that left me breathless. I couldn't help but chuckle at her eagerness, admiring the way she embraced her desires without hesitation.

As we tumbled onto the soft mattress, laughter mingled with the sound of our racing heartbeats, creating a symphony of desire that echoed through the room. It was a moment of pure exhilaration, a celebration of the passion that burned between us.

Lost in the heat of the moment, I surrendered myself to the whirlwind of sensations that enveloped me, reveling in the touch of her skin against mine.

Every kiss, every caress, sent sparks flying, igniting a fire that threatened to consume us both.In that moment, there was no past, no future—only the here and now, where time stood still and nothing else mattered. And as our bodies moved in perfect harmony, I knew that this was where I was meant to be, entangled in the embrace of the one who had captured my heart.

As I slid off Malena's shirt, I couldn't help but admire her breasts, so beautifully round and alluring. "So pretty," I whispered, in awe of her natural beauty.

With gentle hands, I lifted her slightly to remove her bra, eager to explore and massage her soft skin. As the fabric fell away, revealing her naked form, a surge of desire washed over me.

Cupping her breast, I savored the sensation, reveling in the intimacy of our connection. With each touch, I felt her response, her breath quickening as I teased and pleased her.

Lost in the moment, I focused on the pleasure we shared, letting go of everything else as we surrendered to the passion that consumed us.

As I tenderly caressed her, she began to release gentle, melodic moans, a symphony of pleasure echoing in the air. With each delicate touch of my tongue on her sensitive bud, her response intensified, a testament to the desire that burned between us. "Do you want more?" I whispered, my voice a gentle invitation to indulge further in the intoxicating dance of passion.

She nodded affirmatively, a subtle gesture in response. Carefully, I eased off her snug black leggings, followed by her delicate panties. As they slipped down, I noticed a slight shiver course through her, a reaction to the sudden exposure to the cool air against her wet cunt.

"Please?" she pleaded softly, her voice carrying a hint of anticipation.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her eagerness as I smoothly discarded my shirt, boxers, and sweatpants. "Please what?" I teased gently, leaning in closer. "You'll have to be a bit more specific, doll. Use your words," I encouraged.

"I wanna feel you," she murmured, her voice laced with desire, echoing in the dimly lit room.

Her words sent a surge of heat coursing through me, igniting a primal urge that matched her own. With a silent nod, I acknowledged her plea, my own longing mirrored in the depths of my gaze. Every fiber of my being ached to connect with her on the deepest level, to feel the electric currents that sparked between us.

I leaned down, and spit on her already wet cunt. I took my two fingers and rubbed her. Earning moans from Malena. I pushed my two fingers inside of Malena. Once again getting a moan from her.

"I want more.", I hear her beg once again. After a few more thrusts from my fingers I decided to take her on. I readjusted myself, and rubbed my tip against her wet folds. I used my thumb to help guide my dick, as I enter her cunt. Earning a few quiet sighs from Malena.

"Ohhhh god, Ricky..." Malena moaned. He chuckled, know that Malena loved his thick cock slide inside of her. What could he say. He loved the feeling of being inside of her.

"Fuck..." I pant, my head dropping back, as I feel Malena wrapping her legs around my waist and pulling me closer. Which this made me go deep. I wasn't complaining it feels really good to say the least.

I moved her up, and placed a pillow underneath her hips; giving me better access as I'm thrusting into Malena each time earning a moan from her, mixed with my moans

"Oh, fuck, Malena..."

Which each thrust I feel myself getting close and closer. "I'm getting closer.", I moaned, and in return Malena said the same thing.

I love hearing her moans echo through my bedroom room, muffled only by the sound of my heavy breathing.

I watch as she arches her back off the bed, and feeling Malena digging her nails into my shoulders, as she meets my rough thrusts. I feel her wet, tight pussy gripping him. Milking my every last drop of my cum, with each thrust I give.


Author's Note

I apologize if this smut is NOT good. This was my first time writing smut in first person so please forgive me. But no the less, I still you that you enjoyed the smut!


The sun peeked through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room as I stirred from my slumber, only to be abruptly jolted awake by the sound of my girlfriend Callie's voice piercing through the morning calm. Her tone was anything but gentle; it was laced with anger, accusation, and hurt, all directed squarely at me.

With a groggy mind struggling to make sense of the situation, I found myself thrust into the midst of a heated confrontation. Callie's words hit me like a tidal wave, each syllable crashing against the fragile facade of our relationship.

"How can you do this to me?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with raw emotion, her eyes burning with betrayal.

My heart sank as the weight of her words settled upon me. Guilt washed over me like a torrential downpour, drowning out any semblance of coherence. I knew I had wronged her, but in that moment, all I could do was hang my head in shame.

The name Malena hung in the air like a heavy fog, casting a shadow over our once blissful union. I had betrayed Callie's trust, shattered the foundation upon which our love was built, and now, faced with her righteous anger, I had no defense, no justification that could erase the pain I had caused.

As Callie's voice echoed in the confines of our shared space, I couldn't help but wonder why she cared so deeply. After all, it wasn't as if she hadn't betrayed me before. The sting of betrayal lingered in the recesses of my mind, a painful reminder of the cracks that had begun to form long before Malena entered the picture.

Yet, despite the knowledge of Callie's own infidelity, I had chosen to turn a blind eye, to bury the truth beneath layers of denial in a futile attempt to salvage what remained of our fractured relationship.

Malena sat upright, pulling the comforter around her as she interjected into the tense exchange between Callie and me.

Malena sat upright, pulling the comforter around her as she interjected into the tense exchange between Callie and me.

Listen, he was having doubts about your relationship. And let's not forget, you cheated on him first. So, you're not exactly in the clear here. A, you've treated him poorly, and B, you were unfaithful first. So, it's not as big a deal as you're making it out to be," Malena explained, attempting to diffuse the escalating tension. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as Malena spoke up, momentarily deflecting the focus away from my own transgressions.

Callie's response was immediate and heated. "I couldn't care less who cheated first. It's a despicable act, and I'm done with him. So, congratulations, you can have him," she retorted, her voice dripping with disdain.

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