Rolling Eyes Fall.

By letsdoit244q

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Y/n half human and half yokai gets gifted the weapon of mass destruction Ddraig. Completely changing his life... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6

chapter 7

200 11 1
By letsdoit244q

The morning sun shines over Little Innsmouth's with its tides now lowered. The wooden walkways now flood with activity as Dagonians go on with their morning routines. Shops and stands begin to open up for business, while one restaurant in particular has yet to unlock their doors. With that restaurant being Dak'kuul Dubu. Inside in one of the guest rooms, we find Y/n sleeping on a mat as Ddraig attempts to wake him up.

Ddraig: Y/n wake up.

Y/n: (snoring).

Ddraig: (sighs) Oh my - Y/n wake up!

Y/n: (Even louder snoring)

The old dragon groans as Y/n flips onto his back to continue his slumber. Deciding enough is enough Ddraig uses his grown-up voice.



Y/n screams in fright before he sits up to look around frantically.

Y/n: What the hell was that for?!

Ddraig: Hey, I tried waking you up the easy way, which didn't work. So, I had to resort to more extreme measures.

Y/n: Hmph! Well, I'm up now.....and I was having a good dream too, you jerk.

Y/n mutters in annoyance as he stands up for a stretch. Ddraig only hufffs in response.

Ddraig: Well, forgive me for interrupting your "obscene" fantasies.

The dragon remarks, leaving the teen to blush a bit as he grabs his belt.

Y/n:....Let a man dream.

Y/n mumbles before latching it on. Ddraig only rolls his eyes before deciding to change the topic.

Ddraig: Well, moving on from that, I believe it was rather generous of them to let you stay the night. Considering you're basically a stranger to them.

Y/n: (nods) Tell me about it. Wet clothes and the ocean breeze do not mix well.

Y/n agrees as he checks out his shirt only to find it damp.

Y/n: Aw man, I don't think my shirt's done drying. What do I do now? I dont have any extra.

Ddraig: You can go downstairs to ask. Though I doubt they'll have any shirts for you hiding somewhere.

Y/n: Damn I really dont want to head down there like this......

Ddraig: Well, it's either that or feel your clothes stick to your skin.

Y/n: Going shirtless, it is.

Y/n quickly said before leaving the guest bedroom then making his way down the hallway.

Making his way downstairs, he finds Minette there setting up shop while Nadia leans back on one of the chairs relaxing.

Minette, hearing the creaking floor boards goes to greet Y/n only blush instead when finding him shirtless with his collar shirt over his shoulder. All the while, Nadia purrs to herself with a mischievous grin on her face.

Nadia: Helloooo~, big guy!

Minette: (covers eyes) O-Oh my.......

Y/n: Sorry about coming down like this. My shirt's still wet from yesterday.

Y/n apologized as he scratched the nape of his neck while Minette shook her head frantically with a blush apparent on her face.

Minette: N-No! It's alright, really! It's just scales, after all! S-So, please dont apologize!

Minette giggled nervously while trying to avert her gaze. Nadia only whistles as she checks out Y/n's back tattoo.

Nadia: Damn nice tat you got on. Where did you get it from?

Y/n: Erm.....from a shop back home.

Nadia: Nice very nice.~ Maybe I should get myself one of these sometime, don't you think?~

The cats burglar purrs while tracing a nale over Y/n's spine. The teen could feel himself tense from the sharp nale.

Y/n: W-Well, it's your choice, really....

Y/n mutters while the little waitress blushes harder at the scene.

Minette: N-Nadia! S-Stop flirting with our guest!

Nadia: Oh, alright, I will-I will. But I'm only stopping because you told me too.

Nadia grins as she raises her hands up defensively before sitting back down on her chair. Resting her head on her hand, she continues to oggle the man infront of her.

Nadia: Heh-Heh, yeah.~

Minette: S-Sorry about her. She can get a bit....frisky during the approach of spring. But she's usually light-hearted!

Y/n: Well, she is a feral after all, so it comes.....Just promise me she doesn't go and harass the regular patrons here.

Y/n whispers the last bit over the waitress who nods.

Minette: I wouldn't worry about that too much. Considering she only does that to the people she really likes.

Ddraig: Woah, look at you, go, partner! Three for three!!

Y/n: (Thoughts: That's not even how you that phrase Ddraig!) You don't say? Well, I guess I shouldn't have to worry then.


Yu-Wan: Diiiiid someone say salmon omelets?!

The little chef suddenly burst through the kitchen doors with two plates in his hands.




Yu-Wan: Huh, nobody?....Well, anyway, who wants to eat?

Nadia: You from the suburbs? Now, way!

The cat girl expresses her disbelief while eating her omelet. Y/n only responds with a nod as he digs into his own.

Y/n: I'm from a little town called Blairwood. I arrived here in Canolopy a few days ago.

Nadia: A few days ago, huh? Why waste your time coming here, then? Place is a total catastrophe.

Minette: You can say that again......

Minette mutters to herself while placing a chair on the ground.

Y/n: I'm just here to look for some people. I've been going at it for a few days now.

Nadia: Let me take a guess....A couple friends?

Nadia responds rather quickly as Y/n's eyes widen in surprise for a quick second.

Y/n: How'd you know?

Nadia: (shrugs) It's always a friend. You could even say I'm in the same boat as you.

Y/n: How come? If you don't mind me asking.

Nadia: Ever wonder how I got these scars?

Nadia inquires while presenting her deep arm scars. Before, without warning, disconnects her arm from her body. Y/n jumps in his seat at the sudden act before he glances over to Minette, who only giggles to herself.

Minette: That was my first reaction too!

Y/n: How did you even do that?

Nadia: Oh, it's just a little trick I picked up after accidentally swallowing a life gem.....and getting chopped into pieces.

Nadai adds as she blances the stump of her arm on her finger.

Y/n: Wait, hold on! You just dumped a ton of loose context on me. Start from the beginning.

Nadia: The beginning? Got it! You see, I used to be part of a gang called the Fishbone Gang. We used to steal a whole bunch of stuff. Then laugh about it and do it again. But, one day, we decided. Hey! Why not rob one of the most wealthiest crime families in all of the Canolopy Kingdom?

Y/n: Let guess...the Medici's?

Nadia: Ey! Right on the mark!

The cat girl props while doing finger guns. Before returning to her story.

Nadia: So anyway, to put it short, we were caught, and then my gang and I were hacked into pieces.

Nadia said nonchalantly as Y/n held a stunned look on his face.

Y/n: I think I've heard about that news story before, actually.....

Nadia: They covered it?.... Huh, I didn't know about that...(Shrugs) Welp, that's pretty much it for me. So what about you? Any luck?

Y/n: I got two leads. But that's the best I have.

Nadia: I see....well, good luck on your search.

Minette: Hopefully, you'll find them soon, Y/n!

The shy waitress adds as she sets up the tables. Y/n looks her way with a small smile. Before a shout from the kitchen catches everyone's attention.

Minette: Mr. Yu-Wan! Is everything okay?!

Yu-Wan: It's horrible!

The little restaurant owner responds as he bursts out through the kitchen's entrance.

Yu-Wan: I checked our stock of eel sauce only to find out we don't have anymore!!!

Minette: (gasp) O-Oh no! And today is Grilled Fish Friday!

The waitress wallows.

Y/n: Can't you just buy some before you open up? I mean there are some shops nearby.

Yu-Wan: Oh, I wish I could Y/n, but unfortunately, they do not harbor the same eel sauce I use regularly. You see, I buy a specific brand that's importented all the way from the Gigan Nation. I fear that without it, it simply wouldn't give the same kick and flavor.

Y/n: Hm...I see.

Y/n nods as he begins to think to himself.

Y/n: Hey.....why don't I go out and get it?

Yu-Wan: (shakes head) No - No, I couldn't possibly force you to go out of your way for something so small.

Y/n: But you're not forcing me . I'm volunteering to help. Besides, you've done so much for already, so I think I should return the favor.

Y/n responds to the chef who only looks uncertain about the proposal.

Yu-Wan: Are you sure about this? My vendor operates in The Trenches of Little Innsmouth. The folk down there are not too.....keen on having a human walking around their turf.

Yu-Wan warns only for Y/n to shrug it off.

Y/n: How bad could it be? I've already escaped royal custody a few days ago. So I think I'll be fine.

Yu-Wan: I don't know......

The little chef mutters in apprehension only to feel a hand on his shoulder from Y/n, who is seen kneeled down

Y/n: Hey, it's alright, Yu-Wan. Trust me when I say that a little walk in a dangerous neighborhood won't compare with the stuff I've been through, so trust me.

Y/n pleads as Yu-Wan looks over to his employe, who only smiles back at him as Nadia gives him a thumbs up. Now, facing the teen again, he sighs.

Yu-Wan: Oh, alright, I'll agree to this, but only under one condition.

Y/n: What is it?

Yu-Wan: Nadia gets to go with you.

Y/n's eyes widen as he looks over to the cat girl, housing a grin on her face.

Y/n: U-Uh....are you sure we can't have another condition? I-I really don't want to deal with a day full of cat puns.

Yu-Wan: Nope! Take or leave it.

Y/n: (Deeply sighs) Fine......

Y/m responds while Nadia practically jumps in place.

Nadia: Alllllright! Come one big guy, let's go catch us some eel sauce!

Yu-Wan: (chuckles) That's the spirit! Just head over to this address and knock on the door three times before saying this password.

Yu-Wan then hands over Y/n a piece of paper. Who looks it over before pocketing it.

Y/n: Alright, we'll be back in a few. Come on, Nadia.

Nadia: (nods) Right!

The two then start making their way out while Yu-Wan shouts something from behind.

Yu-Wan: Alright be carefull you two! Especially you, Nadia, you're family, you know?

Minette: Stay safe, you two!

Nadia seems to smile at this before she waves goodbye along with Y/n.

Y/n now seen wearing his orange collar shirt with imprinted chains. Sighs to himself as he walks along with Nadia through Little Innsmouth. Who of which was seen scanning Y/n's choice of clothing.

Nadia: Say....meow that I have a closer look at your shirt. I gotta say... you really pull it off.

Nadia compliments as Y/n glances her direction, confused by what she meant.

Y/n: How come?

Nadia: I dont know you just do.....

Nadia said as she squinted her eyes in deep thought before speaking.

Nadia: Because when I fur-st laid my eyes on you, I was like, "What the hell is that guy even wearing? He actually chose to go out like that?"

Nadia adds as Y/n feels his pride getting absolutely demolished. More so since he thought the fit looked neat.

Nadia: But you still pull it off, so thumbs-up, man.

Nadia smiles while giving two thumbs up before Ddraig begins to speak to the teenager.

Ddraig: I think it's time for a new change of wardrobe partner.....

Y/n: (Thoughts: I'm not taking fashion advice from a guy who's always naked.)

Y/n reprimands before finding Nadia in front if him with her hands behind her back, holding a look of curiosity.

Nadia: Sooooo... I've heard you mention you've escaped royal custody before. Mind telling me, what's that all about big guy?

The cat girl inquires while pacing a circle around Y/n.

Y/n: (nods) I was. The Black Egrets took me in as a prisoner at the Renoir castel for questioning

Nadia: You steal anything on your way out?

Y/n: No, because I was too busy escaping gun fire.

Y/n responded flatly as the girl next to him chuckled in embarrassment.

Nadia: Yeah, that makes sense......

Y/n: (sighs)... Anways, after breaking my cuffs and laying out a few unconscious bodies, I was able to make it out. And that's pretty much -

Y/n suddenly stops in his tracks as his eyes lock on to something. Nadia notices and turns around.

Nadia Hey man, why'd you stop?

Y/n: N-No way...I thought I would never see them things again.

Nadia: See what again?

Y/n: Pocket racers!!!

Y/n pratically yells in excitement as he runs over to a yard sale. Nadia follows not long after.

Nadia: Pocket, what now?

Y/n: Pocket racers! Oh man, I remember playing with these little cars all the time when I was a kid! Too bad they got discontinued a while back.

Y/n said as he picked up one of the miniature cars laid across the table. Nadia only puts her hands on her hips as she glances over to him with a playful look in her eyes.

Nadia: Awww, does the little baby want a toy car?

Nadia teases as Y/n glares her way.

Y/n: Hey, these are definitely not for babies! I'll have you know I was the Pocket Racer champion back in Blairwood.

Nadia: (grins) And let guess?....They gave you a little trophy and everything?


Y/n mutters before picking one out.

Y/n: I think I'm going to buy one.

Nadia: (shrugs) You do you, man. Just make sure it's in purr-fect condition

Nadia responds as Y/n groans at the cat pun before waving for the vendor's attention.

Y/n: Hey, how much for the car and controller?

Vendor: Eh, just give me five dollars for it. Gotta get rid of this junk anyway.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Fucking steal!)

Y/n thought to himself before paying the required amount. Pocketing the controller and car, he turns to leave while motioning Nadia to do the same.

Y/n: So how do we get into The Trenches?

Nadia: We just need to take those stairs over there.

The car girl points over to a decending stairway. Y/n nods as he makes his way over to find a vail of mist obscuring what it leads to underneath.

Y/n: Alright.....let head on down there I guess.

Y/n: No wonder why they call this place The Trenches.......

Y/n thought to himself while feeling the cold air hit his face like a fan, causing him to shiver a bit. Looking around, he finds the place to be the total opposite from the town up above. It's quiet and dark, not to mention dirty with the streets littered with garbage and discarded junk.

Nadia: Damn it's like the people of Canolopy never heard of a trash can before.

Nadia mutters, catching the teenager's curiosity.

Y/n: What do you mean by that?

Nadia: So you've noticed how this place looks like a dump? Well, that's because the "sophisticated" citizens of Canolopy just love to throw all their garbage in the ocean. And guess where it all ends up?

Y/n: I could get a pretty big clue where.

Y/n responds as he looks around again. Nadia only sighs as she tries to avoid stepping on any broken bottles.

Nadia: Hey, can you hand me over the papurrr Yu-Wan gave you?

Y/n: If I do will you stop making cat puns?

Y/n mumbles as he digs into his pocket before taking out a piece of paper. Taking the paper with a smile, Nadia looks it over.

Nadia: Thank you so much, your'e claw-some.

Y/n: (groans) This is gonna be a long day......

Nadia: Huh!

Y/n: You recognize it?

Nadia:...Nope! Totally lost here!

Nadia chuckled cluelessly, causing Y/n to deadpan.

Y/n: I guess I could ask around.

The teen grumbles before making his into a little shop on his side. Nadia, seeing this, jumps as she reaches for him.

Nadia: W-Wait, remember what Yu-Wan said about -

But Nadia warning came in way too late as Y/n had already closed the door behind him.

Nadia: Oh no, this can't be good......

The cat burglar dreads silently before a huge commotion begins inside the store, causing Nadia to jump.


Y/n suddenly exits through the front door as he narrowly avoids being hit with a glass bottle.


The voice of an elderly woman cries out as the door closes. Y/n only pants as he looks over to Nadia.

Y/n: Guess he wasn't lying after all... I'm not gonna get shanked out here, right?

Nadia: (sharp inhale) Wellllll.....

Y/n: Oh great.....(sighs) Come on, let's go.

Y/n dreads before he begins to walk with Nadia again. As the pair traveled farther and farther into the quiet town, Y/n quickly notices all the glares of anger and disdain coming his way from the other pedestrians. Y/n only scratches the nape of his neck. While his companion quickly notices his unease.

Nadia: Hey don't worry about them, big guy. I'm pretty sure they just think you're Mafia coming in to stir up some trouble.

Y/n: Yeah, I don't think that's the case here.......I'm pretty positive they just hate humans overall.....

Ddraig: And you can thank the old king for that. With his little brutal expansion of territory.

Y/n:( Thoughts: Now I gotta deal with his fuck ups.) (sighs) Look Nadia I know this might seem crazy but I think we should split up.

Nadia: W-What?! But what if you -

Y/n: Hey, don't worry, I'll be fine. Promise. Besides, we'll be able to cover more ground that way. I don't want to keep Yu-Wang and Minette waiting any longer.

Nadia: Well, we are on a time strain here....Alright, fine, but you better watch your back, okay?

Y/n: Yeah ok. I will.

Y/n gives a thumbs up as he leaves with Nadia looking his way with a worried look before she runs off.

Y/n: I feel like I'm walking in circles Ddraig. I'm pretty sure I saw that same building twice.

Ddraig: No use asking for some directions. Considering how well it played out with that old Dagonian.

Y/n: Yeah, you're right. But at this rate, we'll make it back at midnight.

Ddraig: Just keep going and hope for the best partner. Besides, things can't possibly get any worse -


A sudden bottle nails the wall left to Y/n, causing the teen to stop in his tracks. Turning to his right, he finds a group of four Dagonians wearing biker gang attire standing there menacingly with bats and crow bars. Y/n noticed all of them had features of that of a shark

Y/n: You guys almost hit me, you know?

Dagonian: Like we care about hurting a damn Medici. You guys think you could just do anything you want with us, huh?

Y/n hearing this silently groans to himself as he shakes his head.

Y/n: Look, I know I might look like one of them, but I can assure you I ain't. It's just a bad choice of clothing on my part.

Dagonian: And you expect us to believe you? You're just lying through your teeth!

The tallest one of the group reprimands.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Ddraig, I don't think they're gonna believe me.)

Ddraig: Just try harder!

Y/n: (sighs) Look, guys. I don't want any trouble. I just want to find -

But before Y/n could finish his sentence, he found himself dodging a swing from a bat before punching the Dagonian in the face, causing them to hiss in pain.

Dagonian: Since when did humans punch so damn hard?!

Y/n: (Thoughts: Fuuuck, their skin is so ruff!!!) Hold up! That was just a natural reaction! I swear I didn't mean to - Woah!

Y/n shouts as he moves away from a swing of a crowbar. Taking a few steps back, he began to prep himself for a possible violent altercation as the group began to close in on him.

Y/n: (Thoughts: My knuckles are gonna be so scarred after this!)

Ddraig: That should be the least of your problems. They look hellbent on hurting you.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Yeah, no kidding!)

Y/n responds to the old dragon as he brings his fist up to fight, but before he could charge in, Nadia suddenly appears in front of him with her arms outstretched to protect the group behind her.

Nadia: W-Wait, don't hurt them!

Y/n: N-Nadia? Where the hell did you come from?

Dagonian: Nadia?

Hearing the familiar voice from behind her, she slowly glances back with a nervous smile.

Nadia: H-Hey, you four......

Dagonian: I thought....they said you were dead.

Nadia: Well, surprise! Hehe. I'm not....Nice to see you again Shark-Face.

Nadia said to the hammer head before focusing her sights on the others.

Nadia: You too, Lonnie, Donnie, and Ronnie.

Nadia names the final three as the smallest of the group steps out with hope in his eye.

Donnie: Holy carp! If you're alive then that must mean that the others are too!

Nadia: N-No....I'm the only one left, unfortunately....

The cat girl said with sorrow on her face. The group then saddened hearing this.

Roonie: I guess they really are sleeping with the fishes......

Lonnie:....Really man?

Shark face: Guess the rumors are true...didn't want to believe them but... Nadia, I'm really sorry....

The leader of the group consoles his grieving friend. All the while, Y/n looks on with uncertainty.

Y/n: ( Thoughts: I guess they meant more to her than I thought....)

Ddraig: There's always more to a person then it first seems, Y/n.

Doonie: So guys, what do we do with skin bag over here? He's with you, Nadia?

Nadia: Y-Yeah, he's with me!

Ronnie: So.....he ain't Mafia?

Lonnie: (smacks Ronnies head) Take the hint genius! He ain't!

Ronni: O-Ow! You could've just told me!

Ronnie whines while Shark-Face walks up to Y/n with an apologetic look on his face.

Shark-Face: Sorry for uh... trying to kill you, man.

Y/n: (shakes head) No, it's alright. Just try to actually hear the person out before you, uh...break their legs.

Shark-Face: We'll keep that in mind. But you mentioned before you were trying to find something. We could help you if you want.

Y/n: (nods) That would really help us out.

Y/n agrees as Nadia hands the paper over to Shark-Face.

Shark-Face: Let's see what we have here.... Hey, this is Old Man Hermit's place!

Nadia: So you know where it is?!

Shark-Face: (smiles) Absolutely! Just follow us and we'll be there in no time!

Y/n: (Thoughts: Finally some progress!)

Ddraig: Then let us not waste a second longer!

Shark-Face: Well, here it is. Your destination folks!

Skark-Face states while presenting what seems like to be an abandoned building.

Y/n: Uh... Are you sure this is the place because it looks kinda abandoned....

Shark-Face: Trust me, man, when I say this is the place. Just say the password, and they'll let you in.

Nadia: Thank you so much Shark-Face this means a lot, really!

Nadia, thanks only to receive a soft smile from the taller male.

Shark-Face: Hey, it's not a big deal. Anything for family, right boys?

The rest of his group responds with cheers of agreement. Nadia smiles as she feels Skark-Face's on her shoulder.

Skark-Face: And if you ever need someone to talk to, then just ring us up, you hear? I could do that much for Leon now.

Nadia: Y-Yeah, I will... thank you.

Shark-Face: (nods) No problem. Hey, big guy, watch over Nadia for us. Will ya?

Nadia: (blushing) H-Hey!


Then, with that, the group sharks leave. Allowing Nadia to sigh a big breath air.

Nadia: Those guys......

Y/n: Hey, you ready?

Nadia: (grins) Let's do this!

Y/n nods as he knocks on the door three times. The duo then find themselves waiting for a couple of seconds before the door's window slides open to a pair of eyes.

Hermit: What ya want?

Y/n: Can I get an "Half Fried Rice Extra Soup Ramen"?

Hermit:......Alright, you two can come in.

The old voice responds before closing the window. The door then opens with a click allowing the two entry. Once inside, Y/n looks around to find working Doganians moving metal crates around the place.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Why are the crates made of metal?)

Ddraig: Probably because this place will be flooded after the tide rises.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Makes sense.)

Hermit: So what can I do you kids in for?

Nadia: We're here to get a crate of eel sauce for Yu-Wang.

Hermit: Yu-Wang, huh? The old cook must've run out. Well, you're just in luck. I have just one more crate in the back.

The pair of partners hearing this glance to each other with relief washing over their faces.

Nadia: (sighs) Thank goodness....alright, so the usual five hund-

Hermit: One thousand.




Y/n: C-Come again?

Nadia: W-What?! One thousand?! But I thought it was five hundred!?!

Hermit: Well, yes, it would be usually. But I'm afraid our shipment went through some... trouble. Thus, supply is scarce this time of mouth. Hencing the price raise.

Nadia: B-But couldn't you give us a little discount for Yu-Wang at least?

Hermit: He and I are people of business. We don't do meaningless discounts unless it would benefit us.

Nadia: S-So...we failed?

Nadia choked as her cat ears lowered.

Y/n: Hey, come on, don't say that, Nadia. I'm sure Yu-Wang will understand. Come on, let's just head back and explain the whole situation.

Y/n reasures her as she nods solemly. But before they could get the chance to leave, Hermit notices something in Y/n's pocket.

Hermit: I-Is that a Pocket Racer?

Y/n: know about Pocket Racers?

Hermit: (chuckles) Boy, do I! I used to be a Pocket Racer fanatic all the way up to their discontinuation!

Y/n: Oh really?.....

Y/n responded as he cooked up a little proporsal in his head.

Y/n:'s about a little race? If I win, then we'll pay the usual five hundred for the crate.

Hermit: Oh? And what if I win?

Y/n: I'll work for you for free.

Hermit: Hmmmm....Well you do look like crate moving material kid. Alright I'll accept this little wager of yours.

Nadia: W-Wait, are you sure about this
Y/n? What if you lose?

Nadia said in worry only to feel a hand on her shoulder from Y/n with determination in his eyes.

Y/n: I ain't losing at something like this. You are talking to the Blairwood Pocket Racer Champion, you know?

Nadia: I-I just don't want you to feel like you're being forced to do this...

Y/n: (smirks) Like I said before. I'm simply volunteering. So trust me when I say I got this!

Nadia: A-Alright, if you say you got his, then you got this. Win this race for Grilled Fish Friday Y/n!

Y/n: (nods) Right!

Hermit: So we have a deal Blairwood Champion?

Y/n: You bet we do.

Y/n responds as the two shake hands.

Kermit: Excellent. (Snaps fingers) Eveyone make space for Pocket Racer!!!

Kermit ordered his men who all began to move crates away from a specific area. Then suddenly, the floor began to retract as a big race track made its way up to the surface.

Y/n: Whoah! You have a full race track just sitting here?

Kermit: (nods) It's just a little something for the kids. Anyway, to make this fair, I'll let you use any parts provided in the toolbox given to you. Well, have five minutes to customize our
vehicles before we start. Eight laps to determine the winner, got it?

Y/n: Loud and clear.

Kermit: Alright...time starts now!

With the clock now ticking the two rush off to customize their builds. Y/n quickly began to look through the box, surprised on how much stuff was in there.

Y/n: Damn, these are some good customs, actually!

Nadia: You looking for anything in particular?

Y/n: Well, I have the Killer Bee model, so I'll need a regular battery. Maybe some ultra spiked tires, too. Heavy suspensions are a must, too! What else am I missing? Oh! I need an ultra rocket frame, too!!!

Y/n said to himself while Nadia didn't understand squat on anything the teenager has said so far. So she decides to back away and let him work.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Almost done!)

Ddraig: Just one more minute left partner!

A loud horn then blares through the building as Y/n holds a look of satisfaction to his build.

Kermit: I see you actually know what you're doing, kid. Impressive! But take a look at my mine!

Y/n: Y-You have the Devil Killer model?!

Nadia: Is that a good one, or -

Y/n: O-One of the best Nadia! I always wanted one when I was little, but they always seemed to be sold out wherever I went.

Nadia:......You better win this big guy.

Kermit: Enough talk, let's race!

Thebpair then set their cars on the track before backing away. The light flashes red, then yellow. Y/n glances over to his opponent as he grips the controller even tighter. Then Green.


The two cars then go off as the race of the lifetime began for these two racers. Making it neck to neck as the outside world began to drown out in this epic race.

Nadia: I guess it way more fun playing than watching.

Nadia mutters as she crosses her arms while watching two grown men playing with little rc cars.

Y/n: (Thoughts: I gotta slow down on the turns, or I could kiss this race good bye!)

Ddraig: Focus Y/n! You're on the sixth lap with only two more to go! Save you're nitros!

Y/n: (Thoughts: Right! I'll try to- Holy crap!!!)

Y/n panics as he finds himself nearly getting thrown out from his lane on a major turn.

Hermit: Look out! You almost lost right then and there!

Y/n: Tch!

It's the final lap as Devil Killer is seen taking the lead with Killer Bee following suit. Just one more turn to decide the winner.

Y/n: (Thoughts: A bit of a risk I'm gonna play here! But it's my best shot!!!)

Y/n then clicks his nitro as they near the turn, allowing Killer Bee to take the lead.
Hermit panics as he unconsciously clicks his nitro to pass Y/n.

Hermit: Ha ha ha! How does free labor sound, kid?!

Hermit laughed to himself only to receive a small smirk from Y/n.

Y/n: You should focus more on that turn since you're moving so fast.

Hermit: W-What?! No!

Devil Killer was seen scraping against the curve before it went air born and out of the track while Killer Bee took the lead and crossed the finish line.

Hermit: Nooooooo!!!

The old man begins to sulk. Y/n only smiles as he takes his car off the track.


Nadia: Y/n you crazy bastard! I knew you could do it!

Nadia practically jumps as she hugs Y/n, almost knocking him off his feet. The teen only chuckles at this.

Hermit: (sighs) Well, a deal is a deal. That'll be five hundred for the grate.

Nadia: Here you go.~

Nadia purrs before handing over the money.

Hermit: I have to say, kid, you're one great racer! You've reminded me why I used to love it so much! The excitement! The thrill! It's all coming back to me again!

Y/n: (nods) Hm. I'm glad I was able to help.

Y/n smiles softly before presenting his car.

Y/n: Now you probably want your car parts back I'll-

Hermit: Nah, keep them.

Y/n: A-Are you sure?

Hermit: (nods) Of course! Besides, they'll just gain more dust when I pack them away. Now off with two! I have a business to run here!

The old man waves them off before he leaves. Y/n only smiles as he tucks away the car.

Nadia: I see you got yourself a little trophy. ~ I'm so proud of you, big guy!

Y/n: (slight blush) Yeah, well, no problem. Now let's get this crate bac - Oh shit.

Nadia: What's the problem?

Y/n: Uuuuh well....the crate is made entirely out of metal....

Nadia: Oh!....And we're supposed to carry it all the way back.....

Y/n/ Nadia: Damnit.......

We find ourselves back to Dak'kuul Dubu, where a line of customers are seen waiting for their orders to be taken while most of the tables are occupied with starving Doganians.

Yu-Wan: A-Are those two back yet?! They all want the grilled fish!!!

Minette: I-I'm afraid, not Mr.Yu-Wan! The customers here are getting really inpatient!

Yu-Wan: Oh Gods above, please send us a miracle!!!


Minette: Y/n, Nadia! You two are finally back!!!

Yu-Wan: T-They are!?

The little chef shouts in relief before exiting the kitchen to find Y/n and Nadia on the ground, panting from exhaustion while covered with sweat. With the metalic crate sat next to them.

Yu-Wan: HAHAHAHA! What a miracle this is! Minette, prepare yourself because platters are going to come in hot!

Minette: Y-Yes, sir!

Yu-Wan: (nods) Good! Now rest up to you two, you've earned it!

Y/n: (panting) T-Thanks.....

Nadia: (panting) Oh, don't worry, we will!

Y/n and Nadia wearily respond as Yu-Wan cracks open the crate to start business as usual.

Nadia: S-So Y/ did you know that the old man would fall that trick?

Y/n: Oh...It was just a little natural reaction....

The moon is seen high above in the starry sky as Dak'kuul Dubu closes up for the night. Minette is currently sweeping the floors while Y/n sets the chairs on the tables.

Y/n: Hey.....where's Nadia?

Minette: Nadia? I think I've seen outside. She looks.....pretty under the dumps lately. Did something happen when you two were out?

Y/n: Yeah... she met up with a few old friends. They didn't know her gang know.

The waitress only gasps softly as a look of sorrow crosses her face.

Minette: Oh, Nadia.....

Y/n: I'm guessing her gang and her were pretty close.

Yu-Wan: Really close Y/n.

The old chef states as he puts his apron away.

Yu-Wan: Like a family. They took her in at a young age when she had nobody.

Minette: But ever since they took them away from her. She's been...restless to say least.

Y/n: Restless?

Minette: (nods) She's been trying to find the Skull Heart so she can wish them back.

Y/n's eyes widen as he hears this.

Y/n: B-But what if she....gets turned into a Skullgirl?

Yu-Wan: I'm afraid she does not care. For her.....her family meant everything.

Y/n: Family.

Y/n whispers the word to himself.

Y/n: I think I'm gonna talk to her.

Minette: I could if you want.

Y/n: No, it's okay. I want to do this.

Y/n responds softly before he makes his way out of the restaurant. Outside, he finds Nadia standing there leaning over the railing while gazing towards the underwater lights of Little Innsmouth.

Y/n: Hey... mind if I join you?

Nadia:....Not at all big guy.

Nadia responds before Y/n joins her to watch the waves rock gently.

Y/n: (deeply sighs) What a wild trip it's been up to now.

Nadia: I'll're folks back home must be worried sick, huh?

Y/n: Yeah.....I guess they are.

Y/n said with apprehension in his voice to which Nadia notices quickly.

Nadia: Wait a minute....Don't tell me you didn't tell them you're basically out here punching Mafia thugs everyday.

Y/n: How mad would you be if I said I didn't?

Nadia: I don't know. (Rolls eyes) I'm not your mom.

Nadia chuckled softly as so did Y/n.

Nadia: But it must feel nice... having someone to come back home to.

Y/n: It really is.

Nadia: I've thought as much.

Nadia responded before taking out a picture out of her pocket.

Y/n: That's them Nadia?

Nadia: (Smiles softly) Yeah thats them.... My old gang.

Y/n: Your family?

Nadia: (nods) family.

Nadia said softly as she kept her gaze on the photo. Y/n only glances away as he begins to think to himself.

Y/n: Must've been horrible losing them.

Nadia: More so when you were actually there to see it happen.

Nadia chuckles bleakly before sighing to herself.

Nadia: Those Damn Medici's....always ruining the lives of people for a quick buck. And beause of them I'm all alone again.

The cat girl seethes before sighing as Y/n glances her direction before looking back to the ocean.

Y/n; If you asked me. I don't see it that way.

Nadia: Oh yeah?....How come?

Y/n: Well, Minette and Yu-Wan seem to treat you like your part of their family. Those shark boys also seem to think of you as one of their own.


Y/n: (sighs) Look, I know I never met them. Hell, I don't even know their names, but I do know one thing...that they were your family. And no matter what happens , they would never want you to suffer alone. I know my family would've wanted the samething for me.

Y/n said as Naida only listens as she looks back to the photo.

Y/n: Nadia....these people care for you. So don't you ever think you're alone because you're not. But whatever you decide to do next is up to you. I'll help you get as far as the staring line.

Y/n said as he looked her way with a soft smile. Nadia glances up to the teenager before she looks back to the photo. A small smile then appears on her face as she gently pockets the photo before she joins Y/n to watch the luminescent ocean waters.

Nadia:....That's surprising.

Y/n: What is?

Nadia: You were just playing with toy cars an minute ago. But you're all mature and stuff now.

Y/n:.....Really? (sighs). Last time I ever checked up on a person, I swear......

Nadia: Awww, come on, don't be like that big guy. It was just doing a little teasing so lighten up!

Y/n: Ok-Ok I how are you feeling right now?

Nadia: A bit cold, to be honest.


Nadia: Oh, alright, fine! Man, aren't you just fun at parties....I'm feeling...lighter if that makes any sense.

Y/n: That's good.

Y/n nods as he shuts his eyes before feeling an arm around his shoulder. Opening an eye, he finds it's Nadia.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Nadia: Awww, come on, you're really warm and it's really, really cold out here.~

Nadia fake pouts leaving Y/n to sigh to himself.

Y/n: A-Alright fine... just don't make it weird.

Nadia: It's only weird if you make it weird, Big guy.

Nadia shrugs as she shares Y/n's warmth.

Nadia: You might seem cold and ruff at first...but you're actually really warm and soft once you open up a little.

Y/n: We're talking physically or -

Nadia: Oh, you know what, I mean, big guy.

Nadia rolls her eyes playfully as Y/n glances away, a faint blush present on his face.

Y/n: And what makes you say that?

Nadia: I don't know... you just do.

Nadia responds softly as Y/n keeps looking away before giving a small smile while the ocean gently rocks in the background.

(Lez: Damn! Felt like a long time since I've updated this book. Oh, well I'll start to update it now for those of you who enjoy this one.)

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