By tangledkisses

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"There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you leave" [SEASON TWO-SIX] robby keene x fem!oc More

VOL I. Summertime Sadness
𝟎𝟎𝟏. love at first sight
𝟎𝟎𝟐. country club adventures
𝟎𝟎𝟑. first date
𝟎𝟎𝟒. mall adventures
𝟎𝟎𝟓. sleepover at the larussos
𝟎𝟎𝟔. miyagi-do's spy
𝟎𝟎𝟕. kreese's pet
𝟎𝟎𝟖. 80s night
𝟎𝟎𝟗. egoistical asshole
𝟎𝟏𝟎. school fight
VOL II. Sour
𝟎𝟏𝟏. the aftermath
𝟎𝟏𝟐. the old karate kid's
𝟎𝟏𝟑. the twisted sisters
𝟎𝟏𝟒. revenge
𝟎𝟏𝟔. clementine isnt okay
𝟎𝟏𝟕. no more people in hospitals
𝟎𝟏𝟖. kicking down doors
𝟎𝟏𝟗. chica de canela
𝟎𝟐𝟎. getting the all valley back
𝟎𝟐𝟏. holiday fights

𝟎𝟏𝟓. the twisted sisters first fight

183 10 0
By tangledkisses

"Are you seriously yelling at me because of that!?"

Clementine woke up abruptly to the sound of a door being slammed shut. Instinctively, she leaped out of bed and raced down the hall, her heart pounding in her chest. Pressing her ear against her aunt's bedroom door, Clementine strained to catch fragments of the conversation happening inside.

"Caleb! What the hell? You got into a fight with..." Anastasia's voice was muffled, but Clementine strained to listen, her curiosity piqued.

"At my brewery! You need to stay away from..." Anastasia's words were interrupted again, frustrating Clementine's attempts to eavesdrop.

"They're bad news! I mean, there's a karate war and your daughter and my niece is involved! Her ex-boyfriend is—" Anastasia's rant continued, but Clementine's focus shifted abruptly as she heard her brother's voice.

"Clementine, what are you doing?" Tyler whispered loudly as Clementine discreetly made her way over to him, trying to avoid detection.

"She's talking with Dad on the phone. Apparently, he got into a bar fight... and she's talking about Robby, but you decided to interrupt, so now I can't hear the rest!" Clementine hissed, frustration evident in her tone as she smacked Tyler's arm in annoyance.

Rolling his eyes, Tyler brushed off her complaint. "You're so weird," he remarked casually, scratching his butt as he yawned and made his way into the kitchen, leaving Clementine to stew in her interrupted attempt at gathering information.

Clementine let out a frustrated sigh, her mind still reeling from the incomplete snippets of conversation she had overheard. As she walked over to the door, it suddenly slammed open, causing her to jump in surprise.

"Is everything okay, Auntie Anastasia?" Clementine asked softly, concern evident in her voice as she watched her aunt rush past her.

"Yeah. Just your dad being an idiot. I'm off to.. you know what, it doesn't matter. I'll see you later," Anastasia replied hastily, planting a quick kiss on Clementine's forehead before disappearing out the door.

Clementine stood there, dumbfounded by the whirlwind of events. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air, her thoughts consumed by the cryptic conversation and her aunt's abrupt departure.

     Clementine sat alone at a lunch table, her leg bouncing anxiously beneath the surface. With a sigh, she cracked her knuckles, her eyes fixed on the clock ticking away on the wall. Dread gnawed at her as she wished she could just stay home instead of enduring another day at school.

     Absentmindedly, Clementine moved her fork around on her plate, her appetite nonexistent. In recent weeks, her hunger for food had waned, overshadowed by the weight of her troubles.

     Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by the sharp call of her name. "Clementine!" Alison's voice cut through the air like a knife, laden with anger. Clementine let out a resigned sigh, pushing her plate away and tossing it in the trash before crossing her arms defensively.

      As she turned around, Alison confronted her with an accusatory glare. "You beat up Eli? Seriously, Clementine?" Alison scolded, her tone filled with disappointment.

      Clementine couldn't help but laugh incredulously in response. "He deserved it! I can't believe you're defending him. He beat up a kid and stole money from him! The money for Miguel! I had to steal it back," she argued, her frustration evident.

      Alison shook her head in disbelief. "I can't— You are so incredibly stupid, Clementine! Stop picking fights," she admonished, her voice rising with frustration.

      Clementine stared at her friend in disbelief, the accusation stinging. "Are you seriously yelling at me because of that?!" she shot back, feeling the weight of Alison's judgment bearing down on her.

       Their argument was abruptly halted by a grunt from Sam, drawing the attention of both Alison and Clementine. They turned to see Sam pushing Hawk, prompting Alison to gasp and rush over to check on him. Clementine watched with a puzzled expression, unable to comprehend Alison's sudden concern for Hawk's well-being over a simple shove.

        As Alison tended to Hawk, Clementine's eyes narrowed in suspicion. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this situation than met the eye. Slowly, she made her way over to join Demetri's side, seeking clarity on the unfolding events.

       "What's going on?" Clementine inquired, her gaze flickering between Hawk, Alison, and Sam. Hawk's smirk sent a chill down her spine as he wrapped his arm around Alison, pulling her in for a kiss. Clementine and Demetri's jaws dropped in disbelief, while Sam's eyes widened in shock.

        "Gross," Clementine muttered, her expression twisted in disgust at the unexpected display of affection. As Alison announced her departure for PE, Hawk turned to them with a taunting chuckle. "None of you pansies are safe," he declared, before sauntering off with his friends, leaving Clementine and Demetri to exchange bewildered glances as they processed the unsettling encounter.

Clementine made her way across the soccer field, scanning the area until she spotted Demetri waving her over. With a grin, she picked up her pace and sprinted towards him. "Where were you?" Demetri inquired as Clementine gave him a playful look. "Changing..?" she trailed off, gesturing to her gym uniform as a reminder.

"Right, sorry," Demetri chuckled, tying his shoes as Clementine settled onto the bench beside him, blowing a raspberry in frustration. "It's hot out here. I love fall. Why isn't it... cold," she lamented, her expression betraying her disappointment at the lingering warmth of the season.

Sam joined in with a laugh, nodding in agreement. "These gym shorts pinch me in the wrong places," Demetri remarked, earning a quizzical glance from Clementine. "I don't need to know that. You can keep that to yourself," she snapped her fingers at him, prompting him to shoot her a sheepish grin.

Rolling her eyes, Clementine turned her attention to Sam as she tried to lighten the mood. "Come on. Have a little bit of school spirit," Sam encouraged, her tone playful.

Clementine cleared her throat, mustering up a sarcastic cheer. "Oh, yeah. Go Mountain Lions! Roar!" she exclaimed, her words dripping with sarcasm as she couldn't help but inject a bit of her trademark wit into the moment.

       Sam laughed at Clementine's words, standing up after she finished tying her shoes. "Clem, your dad was passed out on my couch this morning. Any idea on how he ended up there?" Sam questioned as Clementine burst into laughter.

      "Good to know. I overheard my aunt on the phone this morning arguing with him. Something about... fighting some douchebag at her brewery? I have no idea. I couldn't hear as well into their conversation. She was whispering really quietly," Clementine rambled, trying to make sense of the situation.

      "But I'm surprised he slept at your house. I mean... he hates your dad. A lot," she added, her tone tinged with disbelief at the unexpected turn of events. Before she could continue, the sound of whistling caught her attention, prompting her to pause mid-sentence and turn her head to see who it was.

      Clementine observed Hawk with his arm draped around Alison, the sight stirring a mix of emotions within her. Alison blushed under Hawk's touch, but when their eyes met, Clementine's glare pierced through her, causing Alison to look away with a hint of sadness.

      Turning to Demetri and Sam, Clementine voiced her concerns with a sense of urgency. "I pray to god that Hawk is not using her because if he is... he will be beat up again and it will be worse," she declared, her tone laced with determination.

      Feeling Sam's reassuring hand on her shoulder, Clementine couldn't help but acknowledge the weight of the situation. "You know... this is our first fight," she mused aloud, seeking solace in the shared understanding of her friends.

     Demetri nodded in agreement, sharing his own experience. "Yeah, that's the same way for me when Eli before turned Hawk. We never fought, but when he joined Cobra Kai. All we did was have arguments or he would make fun of me," he explained, his words resonating with Clementine.

     Clementine's gaze flickered between Alison, lost in the moment with Hawk, and Demetri, the concern evident in her eyes. "I really hope she doesn't join and she's careful," she murmured, her voice tinged with a sense of urgency as she prayed for Alison's well-being amidst the tumultuous dynamics unfolding around them.

"I wish we could do something about those cretins. They're stealing our friends, and trying to make us look bad," Demetri grumbled with frustration, voicing the collective sentiment of their group.

Clementine nodded in agreement, her jaw clenched as she kept her eyes trained on Alison and Hawk, who were lost in their own world of affection on the nearby benches. She shot them a glare, her disdain palpable as they continued to engage in their public display of affection.

"Gag me with a spoon," Clementine muttered with a disgusted look, crossing her arms defensively over her chest.

"We can," Sam spoke up, catching everyone's attention. Clementine shot her a puzzled look, prompting Sam to quickly clarify, "Don't gag me with a spoon! It was an expression," Clementine chuckled, before Sam continued, "No, I mean, we can fight those Cobras by using some fighting skills in soccer."

Clementine's face flushed red with embarrassment as she realized her misunderstanding. "Oh. My bad," she stammered, feeling a rush of embarrassment at her misinterpretation.

Clementine dashed across the field, her eyes fixed on Rickenburg as he controlled the soccer ball with precision. With swift determination, she launched herself forward, her foot connecting with the ball with such force that it sailed through the air and struck Rickenburg squarely in the face.

As Rickenburg recoiled from the unexpected impact, Clementine jogged backward, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. With a swift motion, she raised her middle fingers in a defiant gesture directed at Rickenburg, her expression daring him to challenge her.

Turning on her heel, Clementine's gaze shifted, and she spotted Alison standing beside Moon, her head shaking in disbelief. Ignoring the disapproving looks, Clementine's smirk widened, feeling a surge of satisfaction at her bold defiance against the perceived adversaries.

Clementine felt the impact of a ball colliding with her back, sending her sprawling onto the field face-first. Grass filled her mouth, and she spat it out indignantly as she pushed herself up. Glancing up, she locked eyes with Hawk, who stood nearby with a mocking smirk on his face, waving tauntingly.

Her jaw clenched with determination, Clementine rose to her feet and charged forward with a fierce battle cry. With swift agility, she snatched the ball from Hawk's feet, then leaped into the air, executing a flawless spin before delivering a powerful kick straight into Hawk's face, sending him tumbling backward.

As Clementine landed gracefully on her feet, she wasted no time, stepping onto Hawk's chest with a firm grip and spitting in his face, her voice dripping with disdain. "You're lucky. I don't have my combat boots on," she declared icily, before turning on her heel and jogging away, leaving Hawk sputtering on the ground behind her.

Sam approached the Katz girl and high-fived her, a gesture of camaraderie between teammates. Clementine's attention shifted as she spotted Hawk jogging past Alison, his flirtatious wink not escaping her notice.

Reacting instinctively to a whistle behind her, Clementine swiftly elbowed, assuming it was a Cobra creeping up on her. To her surprise, it was Demetri who had approached, now hunched over in pain from the unexpected blow. Realizing her mistake, Clementine quickly apologized, feeling a pang of guilt for her overreaction.

Turning her gaze back toward Hawk and Alison, Clementine couldn't help but make a face at the sight of them kissing. Demetri shared her exasperation, voicing his frustration. "They're so annoying. They just met," he commented, his tone filled with irritation.

Clementine nodded in agreement, her eyes narrowing as she watched Hawk jog off. "Let's mock him," she suggested with a mischievous smirk, already formulating a plan with Demetri to poke fun at their overzealous teammate.

      As they sprinted towards Hawk, Clementine and Demetri witnessed him pushing a freshman, prompting Clementine to shake her head in disbelief. Glancing over at Alison, she realized she was engrossed in conversation with Moon, seemingly oblivious to Hawk's actions.

     Positioning themselves on either side of Hawk, Clementine wasted no time in launching into their mockeries. "So, have you told my best friend you still pee the bed, yet? I bet she'll coddle you... That's Alison for you. Always caring for everyone, not judging..." she began, leaving a pause for Demetri to chime in.

     "...But I don't know, maybe she'll get the ick and ghost you," Demetri finished her sentence, the words dripping with sarcasm as they taunted Hawk.

     Hawk's jaw clenched in frustration at their jabs. "You don't know what you guys are saying. She doesn't know, but she'll still like me," he snapped back defensively, though his hesitation was evident.

      Clementine offered a dismissive pat on his back. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Birdman," she retorted, before swiftly ducking down and moving her foot to trip Hawk, causing him to stumble and fall.

      Ignoring the gym teacher's whistle directed at her, Clementine jogged away, leaving Hawk fuming on the ground behind her.

As the door to the principal's office creaked open, Clementine instinctively moved closer to Demetri, her curiosity piqued. Counselor Blatt's announcement caught them off guard, releasing them from the office's confines. Clementine exchanged a glance with Sam and Demetri, her eyebrows raised in surprise as she processed the unexpected turn of events.

Watching Alison anxiously pacing back and forth, Clementine's lips parted in disbelief. As Alison hurried off, Clementine swiftly followed, catching up with her in another hallway.

"Alison, you told Hawk not to rat me out?" Clementine's question hung in the air, her tone a mix of incredulity and gratitude.

Alison spun around, her expression hardened as she met Clementine's gaze. "Yeah. Yeah, I did," she admitted, her voice tinged with frustration. "I know you've been getting in trouble and I don't need you being expelled. I know we're mad at each other right now, but I don't need my friend to be expelled," she explained, her words carrying a weight of concern.

"I'm new to this school and right now, I'm already making enemies.. So, just... just leave me alone right now. Let me be happy, Clem. Please," Alison pleaded, her vulnerability shining through her defensive facade.

Clementine stood rooted to the spot, stunned by Alison's words and the unexpected vulnerability she had shown. As Alison walked away, Clementine struggled to find the right response, her mind racing with conflicting emotions.

"I'll be here... if he breaks your heart, Ali!" Clementine called out after her friend, her voice tinged with a hint of hesitation.

She watched as Alison paused momentarily, a flicker of hope stirring within Clementine, but Alison continued on her path, ultimately meeting Hawk at the end of the hall and being pulled into a hug.

Meeting Hawk's glare, Clementine felt a surge of defiance rise within her. She held his gaze steadily, refusing to back down despite the tension crackling between them.

As Hawk's grip tightened around Alison, Clementine's resolve strengthened, silently vowing to be there for her friend no matter what challenges lay ahead.


sam def has a small crush on clem but it wont ever go anywhere...maybe. idk. maybe something a lil bit while her and robert are broke up🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ IDKKKK

demetri and clem as always>>

alison and clem💔💔💔 I NEED THEM BACK

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