
Zeeemibs tarafından

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Leaders are born... Leaders are made... ..... She ruined his mother. Then she ruined him. He couldn't watch... Daha Fazla

Hakki 1: Amatu
Hakki 2: Janan
Hakki 3: His Majesty's Amanah
Hakki 4: For The Luv of Food
Hakki 5: A Girl And A Lie
Hakki 7: About Trust
Hakki 8: Fulani's Secret
Hakki 9: Sweet Haven
Hakki 10: Consequences
Hakki 11: Regrets
Hakki 12: Newlyweds

Hakki 6: His Ideal Type

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Zeeemibs tarafından

Ramadan Mubarak Everyone!

The argument was that Saraki practically grew up in the streets. He could do more than whatever Amatu said he did.

So right now, the King of Yerogoi, who had promised to protect Amatu, is livid. He would never have guessed that Saraki was capable of stepping on his will.

It was not in a leader's behaviour to go back on their words. King Khalifa decided he would get Amatu the justice she deserves. There is no divorce for royal marriages. But Saraki must be punished duly.

He had Saraki arrested in silence. He was arrested for domestic violence.

News travel fast. Amatu's father, Alhaji Khalifa, heard everything in record time. He quickly travels to Yerogoi in time to get a good lawyer for Saraki.

Saraki did not even hire a lawyer. Since he was arrested, he did not speak a word to anyone. He was quiet, and there was a calm neutrality on his face that made even the police scared to touch him.

What if this is some family problem and the King didn't really mean to be too harsh on Saraki? What if the King merely wanted to terrorise him a little so he reflects on his actions? Most of them believe that the King merely wants them to keep Saraki with them in confidence until he decides on what to do with him.

Others argued that the relationship between father and son is rusty anyway. He must have meant that Saraki is to truly pay for his sins.

But no matter what anyone thinks, they must do as they are told. And Saraki got beaten dearly while he was locked up. None of the police men liked it, honestly. It wasn't fun to beat a person who was accused of something you cannot verify. The beating was not as much they would have offered to other people who needed to confess but still. Saraki wasn't supposed to confess to anything. He just needed to be beaten.

Queen Yalwa, of course, wanted to make sure Saraki was totally humiliated, and she wanted him to be beaten badly so that he didn't make it to the court of law.

Alhaji Shariff is the only one who went against his highnesses dictate and fought for Saraki. It is his influence that saved Saraki's life. If Saraki died in jail, surely, Alhaji Shariff will have their heads. In fact, when he couldn't stand properly in the witness box. The court shifts the hearing to a month until he was all better.

Saraki spent a month recovering at rhe hospital. His face is fine but he had numerous wounds on his body that had begun to heal properly before the court session.

Alhaji Shariff did not leave Yerogoi until Saraki was freed. 

Saraki hated Yerogoi at that time. It happens a lot and most of the time, he travels abroad to let off steam. When he feels much better, he returns to live life as if it had never happened.

He had lost the opportunity to join the course he was going to do. So he opts to pay for himself and still go there.

Saraki did not ask where Amatu is. He did not even visit the royal Palace. He refused to pick Ya Hardo's call and did not allow Ya Fadel to meet with him..

What bothered him more is how he still couldn't wrap his head around why she would wish to embarrass him this way. He still couldn't beleive that that little girl was capable of lying so blatantly. She practically reinforced his general thinking about girls, or women or whatever you choose to call them. Is there a difference anyway?

They are all dangerous. Even if they are small!

He travelled to France with a bittersweet feeling in his chest area.

Stories of what could have been filled his mind. Eventually, he came up for an excuse for Amatu.

She is just a child. There is no over complicating why she did it.

She wanted out. And she thought she found a way.

He wondered when she would be informed that even if they tried to kill each other, the marriage knot will be as strong as the day it was tied?
The feeling of knowing she did not get what she wants makes him feel much much better.


Janan has cried so much on the airplane that when she touched the ground again, the releif if instantaneous.

She knows that someone will pick her up from the airport to take her to her lodging.

As a first timer, traveling abroad is suddenly so daunting. She is a girl and alone and this is a foreign country. Everyone looks at her weirdly and they had asked her to remove her nikaf. It felt like her human rights were violated. But she knew that there are laws and she still wanted to go.

She remembered all the hype about her traveling alone as a woman and how her family back in Nigeria label her a woman off on her own to start her own prostitution career or something.

Janan loves her father for his open mindedness. He believes in her so much and he chose to cover his ears and let her take this opportunity.

Actually, reporting the manager when she started working had given her so much trouble. He complicated the entire thing and had framed her for things she did not do. He found that the former assistant manager is a distant relation of hers and had tried to make it seem like she wanted to frame him. But then, the vice prsident was bored abd someone told him there was an issue with their Kano branch. So he shocked everyone by traveling to Nigeria himself!

Janan did not think the matter will blow up like it did! But it did!

And the vice president fired the manager immediately. He did not pursue the matter at all. He simply fired the manager and everyone thought he did not like him that's all.

He also transferred Janan to the appropriate department. Right now, she has been sent to train by paying for her to study some of the mechanics of the job first. She is to do a year worth course before she fully started working at their Abuja branch.

Everyone, including Ya Saima said that the vice president likes her. Janan did not take them seriously. She thinks that the vice president did not take sides and had judged the matter with a keen eye. She respects him a lot.

Just that moment, her bag, which she had put on top of her trolley bag to be able to wheel them both together by drawing on the handle and thereby saving herself from looking like a scattered mess, fell off the trolly bag and she had to stop and try and put it back again. The problem, she realized, is that the smaller traveling bag is heavy. Her hands ache and she truly wished she knew what she is doing at the moment.

Suddenly, she looks around her and fear squeezes her heart. This is so totally new and frightening. All the faces are so different and it gives her an alien feeling of separation. It feels tragically lonely. As if she were truly on her own and that whatever becomes of her, no one will care to help at all.

She was suddenly getting it. This isn't Nigeria. She has no one here and chances are, if she died, it might take quite some time for her family to know...

Okay, no negative thoughts. You are only going to study hard so you get to join your dream team!

And it is as if her positivity earned her some luck. Because in the next instant, someone did come to her aid.

'Excuse me. Do you need help?' This smooth drawl brings her out of her own little world. And Janan looks at him and she froze!

Well first off, no man that distinguished ever gave her a second glance! And if he did, she never noticed before! Hey, no lies here okay, Janan was going to be brutally honest with herself. It never came close to happening. She has her big hijab and even her family members complain that wearing nikaf makes her a total stranger. And she had long since realized that guys who like her come in two forms. The ones who want the religious type, and those who are just curious about her. Both types do not really try hard for her and she honestly did not care.

But this... well to start it off, he has the most insane eyes! A splash of color that makes them green makes her heart skip a bit, especially because thick black lashes frame their gorgeousness. For a moment, she honestly lost her head and she was busy drinking in the sight of him!

'Are you alright?' He asks, concerned.

Janan never knew looking at another person could be such a shameless thing. Or that looking away is war in itself. Her heart beats madly in her chest and she quickly did duahs in succession hoping the madness will pass.

She was never boy crazy but this love at first sight thing is proving to be real.

She clears her throat feeling sorry for herself because clearly, he is out of her league!

'I am fine' She replies in a girly calm voice. She felt like kicking herself! She so have never used such a voice to try and get attention. But today, how the mighty have fallen! It is so embarrassing. She judges herself harshly. Perhaps too, she felt it was girly because she is trying hard not to outwardly do anything to seek his attention.

He helps her rearrange the bags. She noticed he smells nice. A smell she inadvertently crammed to her skull and comits to memory. He smelled oriental and fresh.

Everything about him fascinates her at the moment. And she was sure she is hitting puberty so late in life...

It will pass, she comforts herself.

He is done in a moment and he gives her a subtle nod. A behaviour that spoke of class and refinement. She wasn't sure what made him so different. But just a look will tell you that this guy...he wasn't an ordinary person...

When the sense of loss hits, she realizes that it happened in few precious minutes. He is gone now. Like it never happened at all!

The person who is to pick her up did not show up. Janan hails a taxi and paid him to take her to the hotel. She is like a total zombie. She couldn't concentrate on the beaitiful scenery she passed, or focus long enough to read the signs or whatever. Every second, she feels number. As if her body wasn't hers to command and her mind is not hers to instruct. Heck her heart hasn't slowed down yet. Every thought that remembers his eyes, the smooth contours of his face, that healthy complexion that tells you he was definitely eating well...

Oh she didnt want to care. But not seeing him again for the rest of her life breaks her heart. Her heart will squeeze painfully and she could have such crushing fear that paralyses her for a moment until she fought hard enough to inhale the next breath of air...

The hotel is beautiful but all she wanted is to collect her keys and pray and rest and sleep. Maybe just forget she ever saw such a person in her life....

She is thinking too deeply and she didn't realize that the receptionist has finished talking on the phone and that she was speaking to her now until someone speaks to her again.

'Are you sure you are fine?' The voice again. She was sure she is hallucinating so she refused to turn around.

It did not speak again and Janan felt like she was fighting a war with herself not to give into the curiosity to check..

She lost the fight again and she turns around to look.

And damn if he wasn't standing there looking better than she thought he did! Her heart summersaults again and she couldn't help but put her hand on her chest to try and protect her poor heart.

He seems totally oblivious.

Janan is quiet when she collects the key to her room and she quickly drags her trolley bag to go find her room which is supposed to be on the third floor.

She couldn't help it, she turns around to see him one more time. Just to assure herself he is real.

But he is gone. Collecting the keys is such a quick affair afterall.

Janan usually loses sleep over examinations or some other life problem. But she never thought she would classify the hot guy she saw today as one of the reasons she would ever lose sleep.

He is dripping with a quiet confidence that spoke of dignity. She couldn't stop analyzing his stance, the way he looked at her, his perfume, his kindness...

Why did he speak to me twice? She wondered. She seems like such a sensible gentleman. Janan thinks to herself that not anyone could attain serenity like he did. His character must be good. She wants to beleive that!

She is so fired up by meeting him that not only sleep eludes her. Even positive thoughts dashed out the window.

What does he think of her? Would she ever see him again?

Fear mixes with doubt and the pain of knowing she wasn't good enough. And Janan feels hot tears fall down her cheek.

Ya Saima if you can see me now! She sorrowful  laments to herself...

Janan knows sleep is not an option tonight. Her heart is captivated. And its fascination is raw and giddy, refusing to let go so easily...

Janan prayed and prayed that day. But she did not pray for her studies or the living in France alone. She has not remembered to pray for any of those important aspects of her life.

Her duah is monotonous.

Ya rabb! Remove him from my heart or let him love me back even if I am not up to par...

And that is because nothing is bigger than duah. She believes it with all of her heart.

The next one week is hard for Janan. Every face she saw, her heart would skip a beat as she wonders if its him! Every man that spoke to her, she starts to think it is him!

She is practically going crazy! She couldn't eat well, or sleep well. It wasn't that she is pining for him. But that her heart had dried up and it looks towards a stranger for nourishment. She felt depressed, alone and miserable.

This once in her life there is space as much as she wanted. But she couldn't derive any joy from it.

It has been a month now and her feelings, though cooled and nagging, maintained autonomy over her heart and mind.

Then she decides to eat food at the restaurant on the tenth floor of the hotel.

Guess what? He freaking works there!

He has an apron on and he is laughing at something one of his colleagues said. Not laugh laughing but a sorta smile that stretched to its fullest, making him look happy abd glowing and her heart gives another big slam over her chest. She thought she couldn't fall in love any harder. Boy! Was she wrong!

Janan tries not to give him stalkers looks as she sat down praying he would be the waiter to come to her table.

And he did!

He stands by her table, and perhaps because he is in a good mood, he smiles a little in her direction and then gives her the menu.

If she would wescribe what a mess she was then, Janan wouldn't be such a mess!

Her hands shook a little when she accepts the menu. She puts it on the table very carefully and breathes out through her nose. She has never before felt pitiful. Not like this. She feels like such a wreck...

When he waits for a minute or two, he couldn't help it. This is the third time he is speaking to her.

'Today too you are fine isn't it?' He questions.

Janan looks at him with wobbly look and just like that, tears begin to fall from her eyes.

Saraki is so taken aback and he worried she would put him in trouble or something. People would think he did something ro upset her and he really didn't need this problem. He is just filling in for a friend that's all..

She quickly brings out a hankie and wipes at her eyes. Then she forces a smile and says 'I am not feeling well. Sorry' and she means to rush off to a corner and bawl her eyes out.

But his compassionate nature would not allow him. He takes a few minutes of time from the boss and followed her out.

They walk in silence because honestly, he did not know what to say to her.

Knowing he came after her made her feel even more like crap. Now she is having useless hope. This is not a book so a guy like this cannot really like a girl like her....

She finds an airy place to sit in the lounge and sighs deeply. She is trying hard not to look at him or cry again. It embarrassing and she tries hard to accomplish it. One thing she hates is looking like a fool. And god! She must look like such a fool right now.

Saraki did not speak to her until he saw that she has put herself together. And then he looks at her while he intends to go back to work and says 'do you like me?'

She looks at him so sharply that he smiles a little again. 'Girls that look at me like that when I ask, secretly like me though' he jokes.

She wasn't sure if his joke was funny! At all!

He bends a little as if he was going to tell her a secret and still so serious, he says 'don't cry again, it ruins your pretty face' and with that, he leaves her to herself!

Janan knows there is no walking back from that. His words, she analysed, are somewhat presumptious. But coming from the guy's lips made them seem normal! He was freaking gorgeous enough to say shit like that and get away with it! Her heart is beating a mile a minute again. But it is beating from excitement. Excitement born of his pretty face comment.

He thinks I have a pretty face? But oh God! Was he just flirting with her?!

Janan went ahead to dissect his words and actions the rest of the day as if her brain wasn't in dire need of studies to enhance understanding!

So weeks go by and she has never seen him again. But then suddenly, she couldn't sleep one night and she comes out to the balcony of her hotel room. It has this beautiful view of the city and she likes to stand there and marvel at the luck involved in her travel.

All of this that she is enjoying right now is something Deborah would have enjoyed for her hardw9rk and dedication to the company. Deborah died in her sleep and her death was tragic for the company too. She was such a bright young woman but her time is short. Everyone agreed that Janan is the next best option. She had to sign a contract that binds her to the company for the next ten years and she signed it willingly. Thus, here she is!

The balcony next to hers suddenly opens and it was the sort of balcony that is separated by a few feet only. She could see whoever was coming out of it and even though she felt uncomfortable, she decides to stay and ignore whoever it is.

She did not mean to look at whoever it is. But she did it because really, she found that she feels watched.

And it's him! He freaking lives next door!

Janan couldn't beleive it!

He smiles lazily and totally ignores her by keeping his attention faraway as he stares into the distance.

As you may have guessed, she couldn't quite appear normal again. She would shift from one foot to the other and generally just keeps stealing glances. Each time she looks at him,  he seems more handsome, more charismatic in a way that melts her heart like it was candle on fire!

And she would never have thought him to be cheeky but even without looking at her, he says 'if you give me that look one more time, we are going to have to accept that you really like me!'

She feels so embarrassed by his words but she couldn't help it. She looks at him without hiding this time. And she wouldn't have thought she was capable of it. But she didn't wish to miss her chance. She isn't a teenager and she knows she is old enough to take this step. She likes him. It is either he likes her back or he doesn't. She has to eat her heart heal or break to be able to move on.

'I like you' She declares, her eyes downcast and heavy. If her heart beat any loider, she would probably get a heart attack.

He is definitely taken aback because he did not think she could say it to his face considering she was always trying to hide the fact that she found him very interesting.

It was the first time that he truly looks at her and wonders what lies beneath her big hijab. Like deep within, does she like him so much that she dumps her apprehensions to say it to his face? Maybe she is pretending to be so pure and innocent..

''I know' he returns, cutting her no corners to hide again. And Janan just thought 'he just doesn't care...' it's making her tear up again and she would be damn if she let's him see her tears again.

She falls silent. He smiles to himself because her courage, it seems, only go so far. He contemplates what to say. But he is not one for words. So he just let's the conversation die a natural death.

He would be cruel to give her any sort of hope. His heart doesn't move for her. But he has to admit that she is more his type than amatu. She seems sensible, calm and stable. She seems like the type of girl you feel comfortable around. The kind who has sturdy shoulders you can lean on. A strong partner...

He wasn't just making conjectures too. He has been noticing stuff about her because they go to the same school and he knows some guys from her class.

Anyways, another one week flashes past and finally, he is working at the restaurant again and she comes to drink coffee. They have a weekend special that they do on Fridays. Even though Friday isn't the end of the week, it feels like a part of the weekend.

Saraki takes off the apron and sat with her at the table.

'Where do you come from?'He asks.

'Nigeria' she answers.

'Were you sick?' He asks.

'Yes. But I am better thanks' she did not give any openings for a conversation and he thought she has already moved on. There will be no reason why he would feel the need to smoothen her rough feathers.

'Do you like me?' She asks out loud. Janan thinks that if loving him would get her hospitalised, a little more embarrassment was nothing. Right now, she wanted to have him speak to her anyway she could. Perhaps the ache will decrease somewhat.

Saraki knows that the word 'like'is complicated. It could mean anything. And if he was being honest, she fascinates him a little. Her character and bearing says a lot about her nature. She has everything he hoped Amatu did. But he doesn't feel anything deep for her. And for the first time as he stared at her, he wondered if Amatu was a special case. Wouldn't you need to get to know someone to have deep feelings for them? He hasn't really tried. That connection he is looking for might just arrive once he got to know her better...

'I do like you' he returns shortly.

Her face lights up with hope. It is a look he would remember for a long time. It held a yearning for something deeply needed, a hope for another breath of fresh air...

Something moved his heart then. And all the apprehensions he had were gone. So he sits back down and raises a thick brow. 'So what are you doing in France?' He questions.

She shrugs a little and adds 'school. I was sent here by a company I work for' She explains.

'You came alone?' He asks curiously.

'Yes. There is no one I could stay with. We don't know any people abroad' She explains. And she was hoping he continues to ask questions but he didn't. She is afraid the conversation is over again but she wouldn't just let it happen this time.

'Are you here with someone?' She asks him. He shakes his head in answer.

'It's daunting for me honestly. I am always scared that I would get into trouble and get sent back prematurely. The company will fire me and I wouldn't have enough money to pay them back for what they have lost by sending me here' She explains.

Saraki shakes his head a little. 'You are the queen of I am fine. What can scare you?' He jokes.

Janan smiles at that and she grows very c9mfortable. 'I know i am dumb for saying this. But consider me a first time idiot in the world of love. I just...i dont know how anyone could be so appealing! You intimidate me. You give me the feeling of...' she trauls of when h just stared at her as if just listening.

She finds that he wouldn't speak unless he wanted to. Otherwise, you can just stare at his handsome face and wonder what is going on through his head. But he is not bad at all. Her mind likes everything about him so her brain kept projecting positivity.

She likes their conversation a lot.  Perhaps this is why she got extremely addicted.

That night, knowing he has her number, she expects him to call. When he did not, she thought he would at least text her good night. He did not.

But at the time, she considered it such a blessing that she could at least talk to him freely right?

Janan knows what she wants. And right now, what she wants more than anything is to hear his voice again. She wants to be reassured that it isn't a dream.

What harm would calling him achieve though?

She didn't waste time to think about it. She simply called.

He did not pick up until the fourth ring. And when he did, she did not know how to feel about it. She doesn't wish to be clingy. But today, she couldn't help herself. She would stop the stalker mode tomorrow.

So Janan says the Salam and wheb he answers, it feels like she woke him up from sleep! Her entire body grew cold. He is so unborhered that he fell asleep so early!

'Are you sleeping?'She asks.

'Yea...'he replies in the same deep sleep voice.

'I am sorry for waking you' She states, in a deeper emotional tone.

'Can't sleep?' He questions. Ohhh the embarrassment now!

Janan couldn't even move at the time because she felt so cringe worthy.

'I am awake now. Talk to me' he commands. It's like this guy could say anything and she would just accept it as cool.

There was a time when some dude spoke to her a certain way and she couldn't even remember what he said ruin. But  she remembers how she disliked him afterwards. She felt disrespected.  She is sure that if anyone spoke to her the way ue is speaking tonher now, she would label them arrogant and obnoxious. The danger is a whole person that makes her ignore reason and sense...

'What do you want me to say?' She asks.

'Anything' he returns.

'I am a simple person. I am someone who is limited to her own world. I rarel make friends. My sister is my best friend' she paused, clearly not one for conversation.

'Hmm' is all that he said.

'I have never been in love. I didn't think it was necessary. I thought I could choose when to love. But Ya Saima was right. I did not prepare myself enough for the reality. And I guess this is my flaw. I underestimated my boss once. He got my father arrested abd almost ruined my family..' She paused, wondering if she was being too forward.

She just wanted to tell him everything about her. Perhaps he would find something interesting yo like about her.

'How did you get out of it?' He questions.

'I...well, the boss of my boss of my boss's boss I guess. People said he likes me. So, he took my side and stuck to it. My boss had to confess because this man who people thought likes me didn't need a reason to fire him! Deborah died and he thought that if I studied for this passion of mine, I could be a big shot at the company Someday. Or at least, a very valued employee' She explains.

'What company is that?' He questions.

'ConRoyal' She replies. And it's like he grows very very quiet.

'Do you know the company? It has branches in other countries. And I am told that their main arm is in Yerogoi' She explains.

'Yes' is all that he said.

'The vice president, ujmmmm...I heard people call him B. Masoud. He is my benefactor' She explains. 'Do you know him?' She questions.

'B. Masoud likes you huh?' He sounds so far away.

'Is something wrong with him?' She questions worriedly.

'He is a good man' he replies. 'What are you studying?' He changes whe topic.

'Aerodynamic engineering' She replies proudly.

'Are you like a genius or something?' He sounds shocked.

'Not by far! I just love mathematics. Physics and maths remain my best subjects. Although, i find it easier than most, i just really immerse myself in it. And i need an engineering degree to be able to transfer to the department of my dreams. Now I have the opportunity, I want to use it well' She replies humbly.

'You want to transfer departments? The ConAirRoyal is competitive and very demanding. You should be willing to sacrifice alot for your career' he points out.

'I was willing to' She sighs. Before I met you....that's the rest of her answer. But of course she is speaking to herself.

'What changed?' He questions.

'What if I meet someone I want to marry? What if I want my own family? I don't know it anymore' She worries.

'We don't know the if of dying too' he points out.

'True' She sighs to herself. And she loves that he said we and not you.

'Be hungry. Love, career, they end'  he expressed.

And indeed, she knows it to be true. Zz least before she met him. But right now, she couldn't vibe woth love ending at all. The career is something she needs a lot...both prospects would be devastating to lose...

'What if I make the wrong choices and the hunger ends up harming me?' She questions.

'Then it isn't hunger, but a disease' he returns simply.

And somehow, it felt so relatable that she smiled. 'You are right. Hunger, is a human trait that needs to be addressed. When neglected, iz bzz8ms a disease. So I get it. And it feels easy to think about you know? I don't need to choose. I'll just wait and see what happens' She agrees.

'Remember, you are the queen of I am fine. Live up to your standards that's all' he encourages.

'Alright' she smiles again.

'What's your name?' He asks.

Janan laughs at the sheer absurdity. He doesn't even know her name! Wait...what's his name!

'Janan' She replies.

'Muneeb' he returns.

A heartbeat later, he grows so serious that his usual serious became less serious.

'Can we make talking a morning habit?' he asks flatly. But it doesn't feel like he wants her acceptance. He is laying boundaries. It was so rude...

'You don't like nightly conversations or you don't like them with me?' She questions.

'Are you offended?' He side tracks. It was so dubious that she started to feel offended!

'If you don't like me, you don't have to talk to me. I am sorry I am being so forward'

And bummer! Does that mean she had inconvenienced him with a conversation?!. All the joy from the entire conversation dies.

'Its too soon to rush into things thats all?' He says it reasonably and she felt wierd about it all.

'As long as you are doing this because you want to' She expressed bitterly.

'Are you hurt?' He asks.

'No. Its alright. Let's take things slow' She repeats dully.

'I like your serenity. But I don't know you. Jay...stop worrying over nothing. Let's meet soon. I'll prove to you that I don't start anything I don't feel strongly about' he assures.

But let's meet soon for him, she found out, is three weeks after!

For months, they date. But Janan is always anxious. He just never did anything to make it seem like he was that into her. But he was rock solid and firm. As the months passed and he kept on helping her out every way he could, being that pillar of support, she finds that she kept falling deeper in love and he kept a neutrality that started to worry her. He just wasn't fazed at all. That's how she feels.

Saraki finds her the epitome of calm. That pillar of support he thought he needed, was her. She knew when to push and when to back off. She doesn't really nag or complain. She was always so pure and innocent. She is religious and consistent. He got to know all her family via pictures and he even spoke to her sister once.

It was only two months to the time when he was to leave for Yerogoi when he finally decided to make things serious. He was certain she is the girl he preferred. And maybe, he is so sure because she could give him everything amatu could not. The top on the list is peace of mind.

So they went out on a walk and he intends to ask her the procedures they would need to get married and he knew they have to cross one last hurdle.


If she wouldn't accept Amatu, he wouldn't accept her either. Amatu is bound to him in ways not even culture might decipher.

They both sat on a chair in this beautiful scenery and the quiet is compatible.

'I am married' he just said it straightforwardly. It's as if he was commenting on the weather.

Her eyes widen so large that he had to force himself not to smile at the way she looked.

He did not know what he expected. But her total breakdown wasn't something he thought she would do!

She looks at him as if he betrayed her!

'She is the girl my father chose for me. We got married around the time I am coming to France' he tells her. And he let's her think about it in silence.

'Were you toying with me?' She asks, feeling crushed.

He got annoyed at the fact that it always comes back to that. Does she think that he has nothing to do except waste his time trying with her? Does he look like that type of person who has nothing better to do?

'Dont insult me' he states calmly.

'B..but you did not tell me you were married! Why now? I have invested a lot of emotion to this relationship. Did you not think that I deserve to know this early?' She asks.

'I did not think we would last' he drops another bomb.

It was all surreal that he was saying that to her.

'I want to marry you' he tells her. And that's it.

Janan finally realized that this would be what she would face if she were to marry him. Could she be able to take it? She is suddenly so unsure. Clearly, she loves him a thousand times more than he loves her. His interest in her is almost...professional. as if marriage were a transaction and not an emotional attachment...

Janan thinks it is time she was done with this! Her jealousy churned in her chest and blinds her to anything else. Even the fact that she had ignored a huge part of his I don't care attitude. And maybe, she had taught him to treat her that way...

She prayed to God that she was truly and well done!

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