𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏 || 𝘼𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙠𝙤�...

By -7-O-7-

25.3K 1K 356

𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏 || A young girl named [Name] has just found out that she has been accepted ANHS. However as she en... More

Disclaimer/ Intro!
Season 1
His Thoughts


1.6K 80 22
By -7-O-7-

After Chabashira's cruel remarks, a heavy cloud of somberness settled over class 1-D, casting a shadow over the remaining lessons for the day. The realization that they wouldn't get any points for the month loomed large, dampening the students' spirits.

As the day progressed, all eyes fixed on Chabashira, hanging onto her every word during the remaining classes. However, just before the second to last class concluded, she announced an upcoming swim class, sparking a mix of excitement and, for some, less savory thoughts, particularly among the boys.

Once Chabashira finished her announcement, she soon left the classroom, and the students eagerly began leaving for the swim class. The scraping of chairs against desks filled the room as they pushed their seats in, eager to go.

                But a nervous energy still hung in the air in the now empty classroom where one lone figure  —[Name]—was sitting in her seat still. Her heart raced, thumping in her chest like a jackhammer, and her breath came in rapid bursts. Just as she felt she might unravel completely, a knock on her desk jolted her back to reality.

Looking up, [Name] found herself meeting Chabashira's gaze, the teacher's expression unreadable. After a tense moment of silence, Chabashira broke it with a simple offer: "Feel free to sit out, [Name]."

Her hands clenched tightly in her lap, trembling with nerves, [Name] hesitated before finally nodding. "O-Okay..." she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

The air is filled with the lively sound of splashing water, and the pool's clear, shimmering surface reflects the students' excitement as they frolicked about.

Amidst the splashes, conversations buzzed, groups of girls exchanging playful banter as they enjoyed their time in the water.

"Hey, watch it!"

"Oops, sorry!"

"Isn't this fun?"

"Now you've done it!"

Laughter followed as the girls resumed their playful antics.

While most of the class reveled in the pool, a few students sat on the sidelines, perched on the bleachers. Among them was [Name], seemingly engrossed in her phone. To her classmates, it might have seemed like she was scrolling on her phone, but she was repeatedly checking the clock app, silently hoping the class would end soon.

Despite the relief of being excused from the swim classes, [Name] couldn't shake the twinge of apprehension that lingered beneath her surface. The prospect of exposing it to the scrutiny of her peers was daunting, a secret anxiety she carried beneath her exterior.
Her decision to sit out was a relief and a reminder of the invisible barriers she erected to shield herself from prying eyes.

So, as she continued to idly scroll through her phone, the vibrant echoes of laughter and the rhythmic splashing of water filled the air, a symphony of camaraderie that seemed to draw her in. [Name] watched her classmates, their faces illuminated with joy and friendship; she felt a pang of longing tug at her heart. In their shared moments of merriment, she couldn't help but feel like an outsider, a solitary figure adrift amidst a sea of connection.

Each splash and peal of laughter was a poignant reminder of her isolation, a stark contrast to the lively scene unfolding before her. [Name]'s gaze lingered on her classmates, their smiles and gestures a poignant reminder of a bond she once had that she forged a long time ago.

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At that moment, surrounded by the buoyant energy of her peers, [Name] couldn't help but feel the weight of her solitude pressing down upon her. The desire for connection and companionship burned within her, a flickering flame of hope amidst the shadows of her loneliness.

As [Name] sat quietly on the sidelines, her gaze drifted downward to her lap, where her fingers absently toyed with a loose button on her jacket blazer. Each twist and turn of the button was a silent expression of the turmoil brewing within her, a quiet distraction from the bustling activity around her.

Lost in her thoughts, [Name] was oblivious to another person approaching her  until she felt the sudden pressure of someone settling beside her. Startled, she glanced up to find herself face to face with a striking girl, her blue hair cascading in waves around her face and her eyes a captivating shade of orange.

As [Name] observed the girl beside her, she couldn't help but notice the intensity with which the girl surveyed their surroundings. It was as if she were dissecting the scene before her, analyzing each detail keenly.

Before [Name] could gather her thoughts, the girl's voice broke through the silence, cutting straight to her heart of the matter. "What's got you sitting out?" she inquired, her tone friendly yet perceptive.

But her wise inquiry left [Name] momentarily speechless, her mind racing to respond.

Caught off guard, [Name] stumbled over her words, unable to articulate her thoughts.

The girl glanced at [Name] with striking orange eyes, and a moment of silent understanding passed between them. "It's something related to your body, right?" she ventured, her voice conveying curiosity and empathy.

[Name] paused, momentarily taken aback, before glancing at their classmates still engaged in aquatic activities. With a subtle nod, she confirmed the girl's observation.

"Well, me too!" The girl's declaration broke the tension, prompting [Name] to lift her gaze. Her expression was a mix of confusion and intrigue.

The blue-haired girl's ensuing giggle only added to [Name]'s bemusement, her shock mirrored in the amusement dancing in the other girl's eyes.

After the laughter subsided, the blue-haired girl leaned closer to [Name], a playful glint in her eye. "Don't worry, I'm not a mind reader or anything. But I do have a knack for noticing things. Plus, it's obvious when someone's feeling a little out of sorts, especially in a place like this." She nodded toward the pool and indicated their classmates, now swimming laps.

[Name], still processing the unexpected interaction, managed a faint smile. "Yeah, I guess it's written all over my face, huh?"

Sympathetic understanding softened the girl's features as she nodded in response. "Get it. Sometimes, it's hard to keep everything inside. But hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm all ears." She tapped her temple playfully. "Even if I can't read minds, I'm a good listener."

A wave of relief washed over [Name], who was grateful for the support in a moment of vulnerability. "Thanks." she murmured, feeling a sense of warmth and acceptance from the blue-haired girl.

The girl winked, her grin infectious. "Of course. Let's get back to enjoying this class, shall we?" With a nod toward the pool, she invited [Name] to join her in embracing the moment, and [Name] couldn't help but chuckle in response, feeling a newfound sense of camaraderie.

This unexpected encounter wasn't so bad after all.

As they turned to face the class, [Name] realized she didn't know the blue-haired girl's name. So, summoning a burst of courage, she squeezed her eyes shut briefly, then reopened them with newfound determination.

"Hey." [Name] began, catching the blue-haired girl's attention, who regarded her with a curious expression.

Reaching for her phone, [Name] gently pushed it toward the blue-haired girl, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Is it okay if we can trade emails?" Her request hung in the air, prompting a moment of surprise before a bright smile spread across the blue-haired girl's face. "Sure!" she exclaimed.

The blue-haired girl took [Name]'s phone and swiftly typed her email into the contact list before returning it. [Name] glanced down at her phone, noting the newly added email address, but her eyes caught something else – the name of the girl who had unexpectedly brightened her day.

"𝑯𝒂𝒔𝒆𝒃𝒆 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒌𝒂..." [Name] murmured aloud, prompting a playful smirk from Haruka herself. "The one and only!~" she quipped with a mischievous wink.

Meeting Haruka's gaze, [Name] couldn't help but smile, a warmth spreading through her as she finally spoke. "Well, I—" Her words were interrupted by Haruka, who cut in with playful enthusiasm.

"Oh! I know who you are, Ms. 'I didn't know it was my time to introduce myself!'" Haruka teased, pointing at [Name], who felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. Her hands instinctively covered her face as she slumped down in her seat.

Peeking out from behind her hands, [Name] met Haruka's gaze, her embarrassment still evident. "Please don't remind me... Because now that I think about it, it was embarrassing..."

Haruka's response was a melodic giggle, her hand finding its way to [Name]'s shoulder in a gesture of camaraderie. "I need to come up with a nickname for you, [Name], now that we're friends!" she declared with a mischievous twinkle.

[Name]'s heart fluttered at the mention of friendship, and she met Haruka's gaze with a newfound sense of connection, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Yeah, you're right." she agreed, feeling warmth at the prospect of this unexpected bond.

As the two girls conversed throughout the swim class, time slipped unnoticed until [Name] reached for her phone to check the time. With ten minutes left until the end of class, a sudden urge to use the restroom struck her, interrupting her conversation with Haruka.

Noticing the frown on [Name]'s face, Haruka inquired, "What's wrong?"

With an apologetic smile, [Name] rose from her seat. "I'm sorry. I need to use the restroom...!"

"Oh, okay! Well, you should go." Haruka replied with a supportive smile.

Returning the smile, [Name] made her way towards the exit of the bleachers, her thoughts occupied with the newfound friendship she was forging. However, her contented smile faltered as she almost stumbled over an unnoticed ledge on the floor.

"W-Woah!" [Name] exclaimed, narrowly avoiding a fall.

Casting a glare at the offending ledge, [Name] muttered to herself as she continued toward the restroom, her satisfaction momentarily interrupted.

After a few minutes in the restroom, [Name] emerged and began her journey back to class. Along the way, she noticed a figure in the distance. Squinting to see who it was, she struggled to make out the details until they drew closer.

As the person approached, [Name] soon saw a petite girl with lilac hair cascading over her shoulders and violet eyes. A black beret adorned her head, and she clutched a cane. As they passed each other, [Name] observed the girl's singular focus ahead, mirroring her behavior.

Then she suddenly remembered the ledge that she almost tripped on, [Name] quickly glanced back just in time to witness the girl's stumble as her cane caught on the edge. Reacting swiftly, [Name] rushed to her aid, preventing a potential fall.

With relief evident in her expression, the violet-eyed girl opened her eyes to find [Name] supporting her. "I got it from here..." she assured, calm but grateful.

Concern etched across her features, [Name] hesitated before offering, "Are you sure?"

A determined nod followed. "Yes." the girl affirmed, using [Name]'s arm for support as she regained her balance.

Something clicked as [Name] watched – the absence of the girl's cane. Scanning the hallway, she spotted it nearby and swiftly retrieved it before returning to the girl's side.

Offering the cane back, [Name] managed a nervous smile. The girl accepted it, using it to steady herself before expressing her gratitude. "Thank you for helping me. I will remember it."

[Name]'s eyes widened at her sincerity, and a bashful grin crossed her face. "Oh... uh, don't worry about it. I almost tripped on the ledge there, too, so you're not alone."

An awkward silence lingered between them before the girl broke it with a smug smile. "Thank you again, but I'm sorry. I have somewhere to be, so I'll be off," she announced, leaving.

Watching her depart, [Name] nodded before muttering, "That would've ended badly..." With a sigh, she resumed her journey back to the indoor pool area, reflecting on the unexpected encounter and the connection forged in a moment of shared vulnerability.

As [Name] returned to the indoor pool area, she noticed a dwindling number of people in the water, with some chatting animatedly by the sidelines. Her gaze instinctively swept over the bleachers, searching for Haruka, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, [Name] wondered where Haruka had disappeared too.
But soon, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a voice calling out, drawing her attention to Hirata, who was motioning for everyone to gather around him.

Curiosity piqued, [Name] moved closer to where Hirata stood, eager to hear what he had to say to the class.

As Hirata began addressing the group, his demeanor turned serious, capturing [Name]'s undivided attention.
"I want you to listen to me seriously for a minute. We didn't get any points today. This is a problem that is going to haunt us through the rest of our time at school. "

"It's going to be impossible for us to reach graduation without getting any points."

His words reverberated with urgency, stressing the necessity of earning points to safeguard their graduation prospects.

"We can't let that happen!" chimed in a girl who often accompanied Hirata, echoing his sentiments."

"That's exactly why we need to make sure we get some points next month."

With resolve, Hirata continued, laying out their imperative to secure points in the forthcoming month.

However, Sudo, annoyed, interrupted Hirata's speech and dismissed him. "You can do whatever you want. Just leave me out of it," he declared before walking away from the class.

[Name] watched the scene unfold, feeling a mixture of concern and frustration wash over her. She couldn't help but replay the interaction in her mind, contemplating the implications of Sudo's attitude on their collective efforts.

+ Hirata's right; we need to find a way to regain the points we lost... + [Name] mused internally, her thoughts momentarily interrupted by the memory of Sudo's dismissive demeanor. "No... Sudo... if he doesn't get his attitude together, he will hold this class back..."

Lost in her thoughts, [Name] failed to notice the approach of a familiar blue-haired figure until it was too late.


Startled by the sudden contact on her shoulders, [Name]'s heart raced as she spun around to find Haruka standing behind her, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips.

"Don't do that! You almost scared the life out of me!" [Name] exclaimed weakly, her nerves still on edge.

Haruka's laughter subsided as she offered a sincere apology. "Sorry, [Name]! I couldn't resist."

"Yeah..." [Name] replied, a nervous smile tugging at her lips.

But Haruka quickly remedied her scare with an offer of reconciliation. "How about as an apology for scaring you like that? We go to a coffee shop I know of, and I'll pay for your drink?"

[Name] didn't hesitate to accept. "Yes! I could never say no to a free drink!"

Haruka took [Name]'s hand with a bright smile, leading her away from the indoor pool area. As [Name] followed, she couldn't shake the gratitude for the unexpected friendship that had blossomed amidst the day's chaos.

But unbeknownst to them, a pair of gradient red eyes observed their departure, lingering for a moment before turning away and heading in the opposite direction.

Authors Note: hi ya! I hope y'all enjoyed chapter 4 of 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏!


We got to meet both Haruka and a certain petite girl as well... 😉

Oh yeah! I also wanted to ask if you liked how I portrayed Haruka's character. I had to delve into numerous analyses of her because her character can be pretty perplexing. However, as I read through these analyses, many described her as behaving like a typical teenage girl. So, I took that as my inspiration, and I hope you all enjoyed her introduction!

But as I write this author's note, I can't shake the feeling that this chapter might come across as filler. My apologies if it felt that way!

But fear not; Chapter 5 is already completed! All that's left is some editing!

And speaking of chapter 5, get ready to meet a certain someone... 😃

But anyways, see ya next time! (>ᴗ•)

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