Royals (A Prince Harry Fanfic...

By royalkennedylover

666K 12K 1K

*First Book in the Royals Series* Jacqueline Baker is Kate Middleton's lifelong best friend. When Kate become... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 5

37.7K 674 41
By royalkennedylover

"Isn't this spectacular?" Carole whispered to Jacqueline, her eyes wide.

"It's so different when there're people here- I didn't know how full the church could be," Jackie commented, taking in the immense crowd that had packed into Westminster Abbey. Royals from all over the world, celebrities, and notable citizens made up the audience, only adding to the knots that refused to release in Jackie's stomach.

"Ms. Baker, station," one of the many weddings coordinators whispered, holding a hand over the mouthpiece of her headset. Jackie squeezed Carole's hand before walking carefully towards the front entrance of the Abbey. The car ride from The Goring Hotel to the Abbey with the children in a Rolls Royce had shown Jackie the immense crowds that had lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the wedding procession. She could only imagine what it was like for Kate and her father as they drove through the streets in the most anticipated car.

"Ms. Jackie, can you fix my dress?" asked Eliza Lopes, Camilla's granddaughter and one of Kate's youngest bridesmaids.

"Of course, darling." Jackie practiced her discreet squat that would be required to carry Kate's train in order to straighten the three year old's dress.

"Ms. Middleton has arrived," announced a coordinator.

Jackie knew her routine by heart. She walked through the open doors of the Abbey, into the brisk air. Thousands of people were pressed against barricades, flashes were snapping and cheers were erupting as Kate's car pulled up. Jackie stepped to the curb just as the car came to a stop. Kate beamed from the backseat behind her veil. Michael was tucked in under his daughter's ten foot train.

A guard opened the door to the Rolls Royce and the crowd went wild. She held out a hand for Kate, who climbed carefully from the car. "You look stunning!" Jackie gushed, her remark hardly audible over the cheers of the crowd.

"So do you!" answered Kate with a grin. The Archbishop of Canterbury waited in the doorway as Jackie arranged Kate's train and picked it up by two satin handles on the very back. Slowly, the procession made their way inside. Jackie could hear the boys choir singing, sending a chill down her spine. Their angelic voices added to the weight of what was happening. As Kate and Michael exchanged a few hushed words with the Archbishop, Jackie straightened Kate's train to perfection. She made a few adjustments to the 1930s lace veil before joining the young bridesmaids and pages behind Kate.

"Okay," a coordinator said softly, "start the procession."

Jackie reached for the hands of the youngest bridesmaid and counted to twenty in her head. The members of the church went off first, followed by Kate and Michael, with Jackie and the bridal party last. As soon as she reached twenty, the coordinator motioned for her to walk. She smiled down at the two youngest bridesmaids, Eliza Lopes and Grace Van Custem, the daughter of Will and Kate's close friends. The little girls grinned back excitedly as they held onto either of Jackie's hands. Even the three-year-olds were thrilled to take part in the wedding.

"Off we go, ladies," Jackie whispered kindly, leading the children onto the red-carpeted aisle.

Immediately, Jackie could feel the eyes of the hundreds of guests. While she was announced as the maid of honor when the wedding date was released, Jackie hadn't been exposed at all. Before she was just an obscure friend of Kate Middleton and the Princes, and all of a sudden, some of the most important people in the world were watching her. It was absolutely nerve-wracking.

The flowers and trees that lined the aisle were spectacular. As they made the turn onto the main aisle, Jackie could see William in his red uniform, his back was turned, as tradition forbade him from watching Kate's walk down the aisle. So instead, a redhead in a black uniform adorned with ropes and medals had his neck twisted, whispering details to his brother- saying something that looked like, "Wait till you see her."

Prince Harry watched Kate for a moment longer before his eyes moved to Jackie. Immediately his smile widened. Jackie's hands tightened around the little girls', she could feel her cheeks flushing and her mouth formed a soft smile. She ducked her head, but couldn't break her gaze from Harry.

Jackie released the girls' hands and carefully picked up the handles on the dress to keep Kate's train taunt as the procession climbed the few steps to the altar. She smiled as Will greeted Kate, whispering, "You look beautiful." Jackie continued her duty by smoothing the train once again, and held her hand out to take Kate's bouquet.

"You did it," Jackie whispered with a grin, grasping Kate's hand and giving it a firm squeeze.

Kate grinned and whispered, "Thank you." And with that, Jackie carefully stepped down from the altar, leading the children to their front row seats.

She sat down, smoothing her dress on her thighs. The Abbey was cool, giving relief from the heat of the bright lights that had been set up for the television cameras. Jackie had recorded the wedding on her TV at home so she could watch it later. There was a speaker and singing of hymns selected by Kate and Will, Jackie's input included. It was unreal to sing "God Save the Queen" just a few feet away from the Queen, who looked beautiful in a canary yellow suit and hat.

Vows were exchanged, causing Jackie's eyes to tear up. She was overwhelmingly happy for Kate- to see her best friend marry her true love was beautiful.

As soon as the singing, speeches, and vows were finished, Jackie took Kate's bouquet back to her, flashed a small smile, and returned to her seat for a short while longer. She took in the crowd, smiling at Carole and Michael, who were both transfixed by the ceremony. Harry stood next to William at the altar, looking very handsome in his uniform. Jackie was pulled from her Harry-daze when the Archbishop asked that the witnesses accompany he and the couple to a private area for the signing of the wedding certificate. It was important to Kate and Will to keep some aspects of their wedding private, so the most important part was to be kept from the television cameras.

Jackie stood, along with Carole, Michael, Kate's brother James, Camilla, Prince Charles, and Prince Harry. The small crowd mounted the steps together, falling into step behind Kate and Will, Jackie of course picking up the train once again. The family crowded into a beautiful, ornate room, where a desk held multiple lavish pens and the blank marriage certificate. The Archbishop had Will and Kate fill in the required spaces, detailing their ages, residence, employment, and such. Jackie and Harry stood on either side of the couple, watching the signing intently.

"Ms. Baker, please sign here," the justice held a pen out to Jackie, who carefully signed her name in neat, large loops, on the designated line: Jacqueline Louisa Baker.

"And, Your Highness," the justice requested, motioning for Harry to sign. Jackie held out the pen and felt his hand linger on hers for a bit longer than necessary, making her stomach flutter. Without Jackie's precision, Harry simple scrawled: Harry, almost legibly.

"Congratulations, Your Highnesses," the justice said, turning to Will and Kate. "You are now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge."

There were affectionate oohs and ahhs, and hugs everywhere. Carole broke into tears again, causing a bit of laughter. Jackie had her turn to hug Kate, whispering, "Who would have known hanging his poster in your room all those years ago would have worked."

Kate giggled, patting Jackie's back. "I love you."

"And I love you."

"Is everyone ready?" a coordinator's voice asked. There was a murmur of agreement, and the party headed back into the hallway. The family exited first, then the members of the church, and finally, Will, Kate, Jackie, and Harry lined up at the door that led back to the altar. The majestic sound of trumpets filled the air, filling Jackie's stomach with butterflies. She held tightly to Kate's train, and before she knew it, they were walking back into the spotlight. Jackie walked behind Kate, keeping the slow pace. She paused on the steps to give time for Will to bow and Kate to curtsy to the Queen, who gave a small nod of approval, accompanied by a smile. Jackie placed Kate's train down, freeing herself to give the Queen a curtsy of her own. The Queen again smiled, and Jackie was blown away. The whole day was surreal.

Harry took Jackie's arm and wrapped it around his own. She gave his upper arm a squeeze and he said, "Don't break my arm, now."

Jackie's stomach grew warm and she gave a little laugh. "You're too strong for that."

The couple paused to allow the bridesmaids and pages to follow Will and Kate, before starting off themselves. Jackie smiled as Will and Kate walked a few feet ahead of her, being congratulated by the audience as they began their long descent down the aisle.

"That wasn't so bad," Harry said, giving a few nods to guests in the audience as they walked.

"I got myself all nervous for nothing," Jackie agreed.

"Your bum does look great in that dress," Harry whispered, causing Jackie to blush.

"Oh, please," she giggled quietly. Jackie turned her face to Harry's, who was grinning widely. She smiled back, shaking her head slightly.

The end of the aisle came quickly with someone to chat with, and outside, the mix of wedding bells and the crowd's cheers were deafening. Jackie resumed her spot at the end of Kate's train, making sure her friend got inside of her carriage safely. Then, Jackie walked down the beautifully paved sidewalk, gave a small wave and smile to the calling crowd, and paused outside of her designated carriage.

Kate had decided to break the tradition of splitting up her wedding party, and instead had requested a large carriage to carry the maid of honor, best man, and six bridesmaids and pages. A man in uniform waited on the sidewalk and held out his hand to Jackie to help her up, but another hand extended from inside the carriage. Jackie looked up to see Harry, already tucked inside with the children. She grinned and took his gloved hand, which squeezed hers tightly as she climbed inside.

"Thank you, Prince Harry," said Jackie with a coy smile. She sat down carefully on the bench seat opposite Harry, grinning as he tipped his hat like a proper coachman.

The horses took off, pulling the carriages in a parade through the barricaded streets, wedding bells filled the air, and enthusiastic applause surrounded them. Jackie and Harry locked eyes, sharing the euphoric moment. Together.

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