Merch Slinger | Ricky Olson

By CelestineVeil

231 12 5

In the pulsating world of music festivals and band tours, 27-year-old Malena finds herself immersed in the ch... More

Prologue: Excitement
Chapter One: Echoes of Excitement
Chapter Two: Friends and Exitement
Chapter Three: Anticipation and Meetings
Chapter Four: The Hangout
Chapter Six: Graveyard Special
Chapter Seven: Betrayal's Revelation

Chapter Five: Matters of the Heart

26 1 0
By CelestineVeil

It had been a couple of weeks since the events of chaos between receiving the email, finding out she was working with motionless in white, to having a meeting with them.  Malena found herself caught up in the chaos of backstage life with Motionless In White. As the days passed, she couldn't shake the lingering memories of that night, particularly the moments shared with Ricky, the band's charismatic guitarist.

Sitting in her best friend's cozy living room, Malena couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness stirring within her. As they chatted about their lives and excitement for their respective jobs – Malena as the merch slinger and Richie as Motionless In White's permanent photographer – Malena found her thoughts drifting back to Ricky.

She had always admired Ricky from afar, appreciating his talent and stage presence, but lately, something had shifted. There was a warmth in his smile and a kindness in his eyes that drew her in, sparking a curiosity she couldn't ignore.

As they sipped on their drinks and laughed about past adventures, Malena found herself stealing glances at Richie, observing the way She animatedly shared stories and expressed her passion for her work. It was infectious, and Malena couldn't help but admire him even more.

But beneath the surface, there was something else stirring – a flutter of butterflies in her stomach whenever Ricky's name was mentioned, a quickening of her pulse whenever their eyes met. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, this newfound awareness of her feelings for him.

Lost in her thoughts, Malena barely noticed when Richie paused mid-sentence, her gaze fixed on her with a curious expression. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked, concern evident in her voice.

Startled out of her reverie, Malena blinked and offered her a sheepish smile. "Yeah, sorry, just got lost in thought for a moment," she replied, hoping she hadn't noticed her internal turmoil.

But Richie wasn't one to let things slide easily. She leaned in closer, studying Malena with a knowing look. "Is everything alright? You seem a little... distracted," She remarked gently.

Taking a deep breath, Malena met her gaze and decided to confide in her best friend. "Actually, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," she began hesitantly, feeling a rush of nerves fluttering in her chest.

As she opened up about her growing feelings for Ricky, Richie listened intently, her expression a mix of surprise and understanding. Richie offered her a reassuring smile, a silent gesture of support that eased some of her anxiety.

Together, they talked through her feelings, unpacking the complexities of emotions that had taken root within her. And as the evening wore on, Malena found herself feeling lighter, grateful for Richie's unwavering friendship and the opportunity to share her innermost thoughts with someone she trusted.

Though the path ahead was uncertain, one thing was clear – Malena was ready to embrace whatever the future held, even if it meant navigating the uncharted territory of unexpected feelings for a certain guitarist named Ricky.

Richie's brows furrowed in concern as Malena dropped the bombshell about Ricky. "Wait, what?" he exclaimed, his surprise evident in his voice. "Ricky's dating someone?"

Malena nodded, her expression somber. "Yeah, I found out whenever he invited me for coffee a couple of weeks ago," she admitted, feeling a pang of disappointment gnawing at her heart. "I mean, it's not like we were ever anything more than friends, but... it still stings, you know?"

Richie reached out and squeezed Malena's hand in a gesture of comfort. "I'm sorry, Mal," he said softly, his voice laced with empathy. "I know how much you admire him."

"Yeah," Malena sighed, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside her. "It's just... I never expected to feel this way about him, especially knowing he's with someone else."

As they sat in silence, the weight of Malena's confession hung heavy in the air. Richie knew there were no easy answers or quick fixes to mend a broken heart, but he was determined to be there for his best friend through it all.

"Listen," Richie said after a moment, his tone gentle yet firm. "I know it hurts right now, but you're stronger than you think. And who knows? Maybe things will change in the future. But until then, you've got me and all our adventures to distract you."

Malena managed a weak smile, grateful for Richie's unwavering support. "Thanks, Richie," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Hey, that's what best friends are for, right?" Richie replied, returning her smile. "Now, how about we put on a movie and drown our sorrows in popcorn?"

Malena chuckled despite herself, feeling a glimmer of hope flickering within her. With Richie by her side, she knew she could weather any storm – even the bittersweet sting of unrequited love.

"So why don't you get dressed, and we go to Hershey, the amusement park, since it's spring, hot, and gives us something to do," Richie suggested, breaking the momentary silence that followed Malena's confession about her feelings for Ricky.

Malena's eyes widened at the suggestion, a mixture of surprise and excitement coursing through her. The idea of spending the day at an amusement park sounded like the perfect distraction – a chance to escape her swirling thoughts and simply enjoy the thrill of the rides and the company of her best friend.

A smile spread across her face as she nodded eagerly. "That sounds amazing, Richie. Let's do it!" she exclaimed, feeling a surge of anticipation bubbling up inside her.

Without hesitation, Malena jumped up from the couch, already mentally planning out their day of adventure. She dashed off to her room to change into something more suitable for a day of roller coasters and cotton candy, her heart lighter than it had been in weeks. Yes, her best friend. has a whole ass bedroom for Malena for how often Malena sleeps over.

As she rummaged through her closet, selecting the perfect outfit for the occasion, Malena couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude for Richie's unwavering support. In moments like these, it was clear why he was not just her best friend but her confidant and closest ally.

With a renewed sense of excitement coursing through her veins, Malena hurried to get ready, eager to embrace the spontaneity of the day ahead and leave her worries behind, if only for a little while. And as she joined Richie in the living room, ready to embark on their impromptu adventure, she couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope stirring within her – hope for brighter days ahead and the possibility of something beautiful blooming amidst the chaos of her emotions.

As Malena settled back into the plush cushions of Richie's living room, the soft fabric of her cropped top and shorts comforting against her skin. She shifted slightly, adjusting her platform Doc Martin sandals, a touch of rebelliousness to her otherwise casual ensemble. With a playful smile, she reached for her trusty bookbag purse, the reliable companion she always brought along for days like these – filled with essentials and a few cherished keepsakes.

Richie, her best friend, admired Malena's effortless style, her confidence radiating as she lounged comfortably beside her. "You look amazing, as always," Richie remarked, a genuine compliment laced with admiration.

Blushing at the unexpected praise, Malena waved off her words with a laugh. "Oh, stop it, you're just saying that," she teased, though a part of her secretly relished the validation from her closest friend.

But Richie was quick to shake her head, her expression earnest. "No, seriously. You have this way of making even the simplest outfit look effortlessly cool," she insisted, a hint of awe in her voice.

Grateful for her kind words, Malena felt a warmth spread through her chest, a sense of comfort in the familiarity of their friendship. With a playful grin, she nudged Richie gently with her elbow. "Well, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it then," she quipped, a playful glint in her eyes.

Their easy banter filled the air, the warmth of their friendship evident in every shared laugh and teasing remark. And as they settled into the comfort of each other's company, Malena couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unwavering support of her best friend, Richie, who had been by her side through thick and thin.

Together, they whiled away the hours, lost in conversation and laughter, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the room, Malena knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she could always count on Richie to be there – a steady presence in her life, guiding her through both the highs and lows with unwavering loyalty and love.


Here is both Malena's and Richie's outfit

Malena's outfit

I personally love it! I couldn't find an outfit that had the Doc Martin platform sandals
( I have been obsessed with the Doc Martin Sandals lately. Somebody PLEASE buy me a pair )


Richie's outfit with Doc Martin sandals. 


After Richie had meticulously gotten ready, carefully selecting her outfit and ensuring every detail was just right, both girls gathered their essentials for the day ahead. They grabbed their purses, stuffed with all the necessities, along with some snacks and water bottles. They knew it was going to be a mini road trip, and they wanted to be prepared for the mini road trip.

With excitement coursing through their veins, they made their way to Richie's Jeep, the promise of a day filled with fun and spontaneity hanging in the air. Richie grinned as she hopped into the driver's seat, the warm spring breeze tousling her hair. Without hesitation, Malena joined her in the passenger seat, anticipation bubbling within her as they embarked on their journey.

Their first stop of the day was at Sheetz gas station, a familiar pit stop on their way. As Richie pulled into the parking lot, she effortlessly maneuvered her Jeep into a spot, the sun casting a golden glow over the bustling scene.

With a quick flick of her wrist, Richie hopped out of her Jeep, her laughter echoing in the air as she swung the door shut behind her. Malena followed suit, her steps light as she trailed after her best friend into the store.

Inside, the air was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling snacks, the sounds of chatter and laughter mingling with the hum of the refrigerators. Richie wasted no time in making her way to the counter, pulling out her wallet to pay for gas.

Meanwhile, Malena's eyes scanned the rows of snacks and drinks, her stomach growling in anticipation. With a grin, she made her way over to the frozen drinks section, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the colorful Icee machine. She wasted no time in grabbing a large cup, filling it to the brim with her favorite flavor.

Next, she headed over to the pizza counter, the aroma of freshly baked dough and melted cheese wafting through the air. With a decisive nod, she ordered herself a slice of pepperoni pizza, watching eagerly as the server expertly cut it and slid it onto a paper plate.

With their purchases in hand, Richie and Malena reunited near the entrance, their excitement palpable as they prepared to continue their journey. With a shared grin, they made their way back to the Jeep, ready to hit the road and embark on the next leg of their adventure together.

As Richie stepped up to the gas pump, the scent of gasoline filled the air, mingling with the faint aroma of spring blossoms carried on the breeze. With practiced ease, she unscrewed the cap of her gas tank and inserted the nozzle, the metallic clink echoing softly in the quiet of the morning.

As the fuel began to flow, the gentle hum of the pump filled the air, a soothing background noise against the backdrop of their adventure. Richie stood by the pump, her gaze wandering idly as she waited, taking in the sights of the bustling gas station.

Around her, cars came and went, their engines rumbling softly as they pulled up to the pumps or exited the lot, each one a fleeting glimpse into someone else's journey. Birds chirped merrily in the nearby trees, their cheerful songs adding to the symphony of sounds that surrounded them.

Meanwhile, Malena leaned against the side of the Jeep, her gaze drifting as she watched Richie with a fond smile. There was a sense of camaraderie between them, a silent understanding born of years spent together on countless adventures. It was moments like these – simple, yet filled with quiet companionship – that Malena cherished the most.

After what felt like only a few minutes, the pump clicked off, signaling that the tank was full. With a satisfied nod, Richie replaced the nozzle and screwed the cap back onto the tank, her movements deliberate and precise. She glanced over at Malena with a grin, a silent invitation to continue their journey.

With their gas tank full and their spirits high, Richie and Malena climbed back into the Jeep, ready to resume their adventure with renewed energy and excitement. As they pulled out of the gas station and back onto the open road, the possibilities stretched out before them, beckoning them onward to new experiences and unforgettable memories.

 As the miles rolled by, the scenery outside their windows transformed from urban sprawl to picturesque countryside, until finally, the familiar landmarks of McAdoo, Pennsylvania came into view. The girls felt a surge of excitement coursing through their veins as they realized they were nearing their destination.

McAdoo greeted them with its quaint charm, the streets lined with cozy shops and friendly faces. The sight of the town nestled amidst rolling hills added to the sense of adventure that lay ahead.

Despite the fatigue from the journey, the girls couldn't contain their enthusiasm. They chattered animatedly, eagerly discussing their plans for the day ahead. The prospect of visiting the renowned amusement park in Hershey filled them with a sense of exhilaration that was almost tangible.

Richie, sensing their excitement, couldn't help but join in. "Excited about going to the amusement park in Hershey?" he asked with a knowing grin, his voice laced with anticipation. His question sparked a chorus of enthusiastic responses from the girls, each one eager to share their anticipation for what promised to be an unforgettable adventure.

As they continued their journey, the anticipation only grew stronger. They envisioned the thrill of the rides, the laughter shared as they indulged in sweet treats, and the joy of creating memories together in such a magical place.

With each passing mile, the excitement in the air became more palpable, fueling their anticipation for the adventures that awaited them in Hershey. And as they finally approached their destination, their hearts beat with the rhythm of excitement, ready to embrace the wonders that awaited them at the amusement park.

Once the girls were there, they eagerly paid for their tickets, their hands trembling with anticipation as they clutched the colorful passes that granted them access to a world of excitement and adventure. With a shared glance filled with excitement, they wasted no time and immediately made their way towards the array of exhilarating rides that awaited them.

As they approached the first ride, the air hummed with the sounds of laughter and excitement, mingling with the distant melodies of cheerful music. Malena couldn't help but be swept away by the infectious energy surrounding her, yet amidst the whirl of excitement, her thoughts kept drifting back to Ricky.

Despite the thrill of the amusement park and the laughter of her friends echoing in her ears, Malena's mind wandered to Ricky. His smile, his laughter, the way his eyes lit up when he spoke—all these thoughts danced through her mind, igniting a warmth within her that she couldn't quite shake.

Lost in her reverie, Malena barely noticed the screams of delight as her friends boarded the first ride. It was only when a gentle hand touched her shoulder, accompanied by a concerned voice, that she snapped back to the present moment.

"Hey, Malena, are you alright?" Richie asked, her brow furrowed with worry as she looked at her friend.

Malena blinked, shaking her head slightly to clear her thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied with a smile, though her mind still lingered on thoughts of Ricky. "Let's go join the others!"

With a renewed sense of excitement, Malena pushed aside her thoughts and threw herself into the whirlwind of fun and adventure, determined to make the most of this day with her friends, yet unable to shake the lingering warmth in her heart whenever she thought of Ricky.

Richie's concern was evident in her voice as she gently probed, "I know you're not. What's going on in that mind of yours, Malena?"

Malena hesitated, torn between the desire to confide in her friend and the reluctance to burden her with her thoughts. She glanced at Richie, her kind eyes urging her to share whatever was troubling her. Taking a deep breath, she decided to open up.

"It's just... I can't stop thinking about Ricky," Malena admitted softly, her voice barely above a whisper amidst the cacophony of the amusement park. "I don't know what it is, but every time I close my eyes, his face is all I see."

Richie listened intently, her expression sympathetic as she reached out to squeeze Malena's hand reassuringly. "It's okay, Malena. Sometimes, our minds have a way of fixating on certain things, especially when it comes to matters of the heart."

Malena nodded, grateful for Richie's understanding. "I know, but it's just... confusing. I never thought I'd feel this way about anyone, especially not someone like Ricky."

Richie smiled knowingly. "Love has a way of sneaking up on us when we least expect it. Maybe Ricky is just the right person to make you feel this way."

Malena couldn't help but smile at Richie's words, her wisdom providing her with a sense of comfort amidst her swirling emotions. "Maybe you're right," she conceded, her heart feeling lighter as she spoke.

With Richie by her side, Malena felt a renewed sense of confidence as they joined their friends, the thrill of the amusement park washing away her doubts and uncertainties. As they embarked on one exhilarating ride after another, Malena couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendship and support of those around her, especially Richie, whose unwavering presence served as a constant source of strength.

And amidst the laughter and screams of delight that filled the air, Malena allowed herself to let go of her worries, knowing that whatever the future held, she had friends who would always be there for her, including one whose kindness and understanding she cherished more than she could express.


After an exhilarating day filled with adrenaline-pumping rides and delightful encounters at the theme park, Malena and Richie, two adventurous souls, decided to extend their adventure by exploring the charming town of Hershey. As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, they embarked on a leisurely stroll through the heart of the town, eager to uncover its hidden gems and soak in the ambiance.

With a sense of excitement and curiosity, Malena and Richie wandered through the bustling streets, lined with quaint shops and small businesses. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked treats, courtesy of the nearby chocolate factories, which added to the allure of the town. Their first stop was a cozy café adorned with twinkling fairy lights, where they indulged in creamy hot chocolate and decadent pastries, savoring each bite as if it were a piece of heaven.

Fueled by their newfound energy, Malena and Richie continued their exploration, weaving in and out of charming boutiques and specialty stores. They were drawn to a boutique showcasing handmade jewelry and intricate crafts, where they spent time admiring the craftsmanship and chatting with the friendly owner, who shared stories of the town's rich history and vibrant community spirit.

As they meandered further, they stumbled upon a bustling market square, alive with the sounds of laughter and chatter. Here, local artisans showcased their talents, offering an array of handcrafted goods ranging from artwork to pottery. Malena couldn't resist picking up a beautifully painted canvas depicting the iconic landmarks of Hershey, while Richie found himself captivated by a collection of handmade wooden figurines, each crafted with precision and care.

Their next stop took them to a charming bookstore tucked away in a quiet corner of the town. Rows upon rows of books greeted them as they stepped inside, and they found themselves lost in a world of literary wonders. From classic novels to contemporary bestsellers, the bookstore offered a treasure trove of reading material for every taste. Malena and Richie spent hours browsing through the shelves, selecting their next literary adventure with great care.

As the evening drew near, Malena and Richie decided to treat themselves to a delectable dinner at a cozy bistro renowned for its gourmet cuisine. They savored each mouthful of the exquisite dishes, delighting in the flavors and aromas that danced across their palates. Over dinner, they reflected on their day of exploration, sharing anecdotes and memories that would forever be etched in their hearts.

With satisfied appetites and contented hearts, Malena and Richie bid farewell to Hershey town, knowing that they had experienced something truly special. As they made their way back to their accommodation, the twinkling lights of the town faded into the distance, but the memories they had created would remain eternally bright.

In the end, their impromptu adventure in Hershey, Pennsylvania had turned out to be the perfect conclusion to their day at the theme park. It had offered them a glimpse into the soul of the town, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality. And as they drifted off to sleep that night, Malena and Richie couldn't help but feel grateful for the serendipitous moments and unforgettable experiences that had enriched their journey.

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