~ Unpredictable ~

By SlavicMoonWitch

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Mirijana & Naveah are forced to go to a orphanage in another land by their mother to find out what is happeni... More

Chapter 1 : Noć Veštica [Night of the Witches]
Chapter 3 : The Moon Witch

Chapter 2 : Unraveling the first lies

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By SlavicMoonWitch

Far away, long ago, glowing dim as an amber, things my heart used to know, things it yearns to remember; And a song, someone sings.

Once upon a December.



Monday morning 

Naveah's House 


Naveah's POV:

I woke up by the knocking on the door. What time would it be?  I glanced over to my clock. It's 6:50 AM, I rubbed my eyes and forgot about the knock for a moment, I stretched myself while yawning. My moment of stretching was ruined by the sound of another knock, a lot louder then the previous one, I stood up and started to walk towards my front door; While walking the knocking started to become louder and harder. As a matter of fact, it wasn't even knocking it was banging. "Open the door Naveah" I heard a familiar voice say, I opened the door and saw my mom standing in front of me, her arms were crossed and her left feet was tapping the floorboard from impatience, I saw her eyes were looking me up and down and I could tell she was not very happy this morning.

 I opened the door widely for her to come in and started to walk to my kitchen to make me and my mom some coffee, a loud bang followed quickly after I turned my back to my mom. "What's that smell" I heard my mom say in a tone that sounded like she held her nose closed with her 2 fingers. I rolled my eyes and started the coffee machine, I started to grab the mugs "I had a long weekend, Give me a break ma" I said while putting the cups on the counter. My mom put her bag on the chair that was sitting in the kitchen, she sat down and looked very frustrated and annoyed, good thing I'm giving her some coffee, coffee tames the beast they say, at least I think they do but I like the saying anyways, as I was pouring the fresh coffee into the cups "This behaviour I would expect from your sister, but YOU Naveah? Now I expect you to do a lot of stupid things but making out with my new partner from work, not to forget you did that on my damn office desk, and that is a new level of low" my mom said; it's a good thing that my back was faced to her because I was rolling my eyes once again. 

I turned around and put the mugs on the kitchen table and sat down for a moment to drink the coffee. I took a sip of my coffee and when I put my cup back on the table I looked at my mom and said "For the 10th time ma, I did NOT know she was your work-partner" I grabbed a cigarette out of my bag and lit it up, if somebody knows how to tickle my brain in the wrong way it would be my mom. "Tell that to someone who might believe you, I'm done with your lies" she said in an angry tone, I felt like I was getting scolded like a toddler meanwhile I'm a 28 year old woman who's been living on myself since I was 18. "I'm not even lying" I said to her which she  followed with a snarky "Go get dressed"  I sucked my teeth which she knows is a sign of annoyance, I took another sip of my coffee and went upstairs to take a quick shower and get ready for the day. 

After my shower I put on a simple pair of black pants and a simply red crop top with a black blazer and my favourite black boots. I let my curls loose, curled my eyelashes, put on some kholl eyeliner and wet up my moroccan lip stain, which makes your lips stain red with a gold shimmer in it. As always I wear my golden sun pendant necklace, red wool braided bracelet on my wrist and my golden ear-cuffs. I sprayed my favourite scent on myself, grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs, as I was walking towards my mom I could tell she had something to say, which she did " What are you wearing?" she said, to which I replied "Clothes" I shrugged and rolled my eyes because if you ask a stupid question you will get a stupid answer. She gave me a a violent look started to tick with her fingers on the table "You are not wearing that" she said, I sucked my teeth once again out of annoyance, I lit up another cigarette and sat down to take a sip of my cold coffee. "I'm a grown woman ma, I wear whatever I want" I said, tapping the cigarette off on the ashtray, my mom looked shady, as if she was planning on doing something "As long as I live, you shall do what I say" she said, she snapped her fingers and before I knew it, I was wearing a long pink skirt, pink heels and a white blouse. 

This got to be a joke, because there is simply no way I'm going to be wearing this outfit. I hate pink, simply not my color and not to mention that I also dislike the whole princess outfit thing. I looked at my mom out of shock "You got to be joking me right?"  she finished her coffee and stood up, she was grinning from ear to ear "I'm dead serious  Naveah, Starting tomorrow you will also be wearing the clothes I brought for you and your sister, and you shall do as I say" she said as she grabbed her bag and started to walk towards the door, I was filled with anger "You can't make me, I'm not afraid of you ma" I said to her, tho I am, I'm simply bluffing right now. She slowly turned her head towards me and gave me 1 sharp look, a look that makes me want to pee in my pants because why the hell does my mom have to be this scary. That clothes changing magic spell she just did? She never Teached us that, and I this had to be the first time she did this as well. I always she knew she was a powerful witch who was a secret crime investigator but she never showed us how powerful she really is and I'm wondering if I even want to see that side of her. 

I grabbed my bag and followed my mom out of the door, I locked it and gave my key to my mom, we made our way to the car and not much later we were on the way to Mirijana and Bilal's house. 


Mirijana's House


Mirijana's POV:

I woke up at 6AM, I wanted to feel refreshed and have energy, I will probably need it. After my shower I started to get dressed, I picked my black favourite pants and black dr. Martens boots and wore a black basic top with Neenah her black leather jacket that she gave me yesterday morning. I put my curly hair up in a bun, put my golden sun pendant necklace on, put on some lip balm and used clear eyebrow gel to brush my eyebrows and lashes out.  Sprayed myself in my favourite scent, grabbed my bag and went downstairs, Bilal and Amirah were still sleeping, and Boyka was patiently waiting for me to come downstairs, I sadly didn't have time to walk him but Bilal will walk him when he wakes up in about a hour. 

I started to make myself some coffee and prepared myself and Boyka some breakfast.  As I was eating my food and drinking my coffee I heard a bang on the door, Boyka started to bark because of the sudden noise. I walked to my front door and opened it quickly knowing it would be my mom and sister, as I opened the door my mom welcomed me with a warming smile, she gave me 3 kisses and walked in behind me, she left the door open for a little bit for my sister to come in. Which is already unusual considering Naveah is usually walks in first, I sat back down to finish my breakfast and coffee, mom poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down across from me "Do you want some breakfast as well mom?" I asked my mom when she was sipping her coffee, she nodded her head in a way of saying no. 

When I finished my food I was wondering where Naveah was, I took a sip of my coffee and started to lit up a cigarette, as I blew out the smoke I asked my mom "Where is Naveah?" she put her mug down and turned her face to the door "Naveah, Come!" she said screaming to the door, within a few seconds a pink blob was entering my house, it was Naveah, out of shock I spit out my coffee and started to laugh uncontrollably, Naveah wearing pink and that whole outfit in general is simply funny to look at " What are you laughing at?" Naveah said to me in a offended tone, "Nice outfit, matches your princess ego" I said while drying myself of at the same time. She slammed the door close and started to look me up and down,  "Why the hell are you not wearing something like this?" Naveah said in shock, I chuckled, I saw my mom roll her eyes "Remind me which daughter of mines slept with my work partner?" Mom said in a sarcastic tone, Looking back at Naveah she looked like she was done with the whole situation "I've told you already ma, I didn't know she was your work partner" Naveah said in a tired tone, I feel like she had this argument with mom for a while now. "Safe it for someone who believes it" Mom said while finishing her coffee. Naveah started to stare at me intensely, I started to squint my eyes which she knows means what she is looking at "Who is that jacket from?" Naveah asked me with a suspicious tone. I sighed and put my cigarette out "It's new, I got it this weekend" I said, Naveah looked still suspicious at me, she scoffed and said "Did that happen to come with a sexy vampire?" I rolled my eyes at her because what does she know? She left before I could. "What vampire?" my mom asked me in a serious tone, I shrugged and said "Someone who was nice enough to bring me back home, considering Naveah and Bilal ditched me at the bar" Naveah laughed when I said that, I bet she found that really funny.  

Out of nowhere mom stood up ,dusted herself of real quick and said "It's time, let's go" she started to walk towards the door and opened it, Naveah looked annoyed and started to follow her like a rebellious toddler, I gave Boyka 1 last hug and started to walk towards the car. As I closed the door I started to feel a cold breeze going up by spine. hmm odd, I'm wearing pretty warm clothes for today. I shrugged the feeling off and got in the car, I put my solar chargeable MP3 player, considering we don't have wifi, doesn't mean I can't bring a MP3 player. 

After a while I started to drift off, falling asleep in the back of moms car. I'm not quite sure how long I was asleep, but long enough to be able to dream something, which I'm not quite sure what it was about. 


~Few Hours later~ 


I woke up bye the sudden stop of the car, Naveah was apparently asleep as well because she shook awake just like me, looking out the window I saw we were at a beach? with rocks? Interesting. "What are we doing at the beach?" Naveah said, she took the words right out of my mouth because why the hell are we at the beach? "Like I said, you two will be traveling by sea, someone I care deeply for will be bringing you 2 to the docks of Anak" Mom said while unbuckling her safety belt. Me and Naveah were both appalled, we both looked at each other with out mouth open, because since when did our mother have friends? We don't even know our father, and she never mentioned this friend until now. This is all just too weird, I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, I grabbed my bag and the bag mom prepared for me. As I put both bags on my shoulder I turned to look at Naveah, she looked like she was ready to fall with those heels, I chuckled with the sight of her being uncomfortable in her clothes and shoes, not being able to walk in stilettos, and we can't forget the fact she is walking on sand. Do I care? No, not really.

Mom started speed walking for some reason to which we had to follow because we did not know where we were, I felt like a child following their mom in a store, trying to keep up with her speed when she would be quickly scrolling through items and walking from one ile to to another ile. 

As the hard sand mixed with stones started to become softer and lighter, and the rocks started to become bigger, we started to make our way too which i'm guessing would be behind the big pointy rocks. Naveah took her shoes off and was enjoying the blazing hot sun that was shining on us, how much I dislike her, I always still say that she is connected to the sun, the sun pendant matches her, but me on the other hand, I always felt like a shadow I guess, people usually only notice me when Naveah puts a spot-light on me, it all has different phases as well, I guess the filosophical way of saying it would be that she is the sun and I'm the moon, but is being the moon a good thing? 

As the we started to pass the big pointy rock (I don't know how else I can call it), I stopped for a moment and so did Naveah, How would this be possible? A pirate ship was floating in the water, an actual old pirate ship, a big plank was coming out of the ship; Which would be our way to get on the ship. I looked at Naveah and she was in shock, not a good shock but a disgusting kind of shock "You've got to be joking me Ma, is this our ride to Agartha?" Naveah asked in a revolted tone, my eyes trailed to my mom who was looking very intense at the ship, she took a few deep breaths and started to walk up the plank, completely ignoring what Naveah asked, without looking back she started to walk up the plank "I will be right back" I heard mom say, to which she started continuing walking to enter the ship. "This is weird" I said, Naveah started to play with her ring "Tell me about it" she said in a bitter tone. 

It took mom 10 minutes to get back to us, when she was walking down the plank she looked heartbroken, I wonder what that would be about, mom isn't a person to show her emotions and seeing her on the verge of tears is something I haven't seen before, what happened? 

"It's time to board the ship ladies, don't forget to contact me each full moon in the underwater cave in Kioram" she said, her emotions completely changed, as if she didn't look like she was about to break down, she went back to how she usually is. She gave us 3 kisses each and  took a few steps back. Me and Naveah started to walk up the plank  to get on the ship, taking one last look before the plank went back up I saw our mom looking at us. She waved and I could see that she was saying something, I simply couldn't hear it. 

I started to look around and saw a lot of pirates, but that wasn't the only thing, they were all vampires as well, I didn't know mom knew vampire pirates. "I'm guessing these pirates are our ride to Agartha" I said while moving a few loose strands of hair behind my ear, Naveah was tapping her feet out of impatience, her arms were crossed and her eyes were squinted "Gee did you get that from the pirate ship we are standing on, or the pirates walking on it?" she said in a sarcastic tone, I rolled my eyes at her, this was going to be such a long trip, I already know it, maybe being with the sharks would be better than with my twin. "This ship is Dirty, couldn't they clean it or something?" Naveah said in a disgusted tone , as she said that a tall woman started walking towards us, she wore a pirate captain hat, my eyes started to trail her whole physical body, dark black long locks were coming from under the hat, the bright sun was making her bronze skin look like gold, Her eyebrows were hard angled which followed with siren like bright red glowing eyes, she has long curled lashes, a button like nose, a deep scar was running over her nose-bridge, which made me wonder how she got it, full lips that looked very soft, a long face with a sharp jawline. She was definitely a sexy woman, my eyes started to go more down which made me notice she was wearing a black long sleeve shirt but she rolled her sleeves up which showed that she has some tattoos, couldn't make out what they were because of the distance, under that she was wearing black pants and boots, a sword and belt that was attached to the pants. Showing just how athletic her body looked. 

Naveah was giving her a dirty look, though we knew she was a vampire, she still walked human speed to us "If ye find the ship so dirty, why don't ye go swab it?" The woman said to Naveah in an heavy accent, Naveah scoffed and laughed "And why the hell would I do that?" Naveah said to her, the woman then smirked and said "Ye could always get a meet-up with Davy Jones locker if ye want" She said to Naveah, Which made Naveah shake her fist out of anger "The mob and bucket are in the corner, go swab" the woman said  to Naveah again, I looked at her and saw how angry she was "Just do what she says, mom told us to do what we were told" I said to Naveah, she rolled her eyes and started to walk towards the mop, I looked at the woman and her smirk disappeared. "Follow me" She said to me, which I did because I don't know this ship. As we were walking down the wooden stairs I was welcomed with a hallway filled with doors. The woman opened the first door and walked inside "This will be ye room, take a chalk, supper will be ready at sundown" she said, before I could say anything she walked out and closed the door behind her. That was not weird at all. 

I turned around and started to scan the room, there is a double bunk bed to which I'm guessing I will be sharing with Naveah. I claimed the bottom bunk and took out my MP3 player out of my bag, put my headphones in my ears  and laid down on the bed. Laying down I noticed that the bed smelled clean and it was pretty soft as well. My MP3 played the song 'I'm still here' which made me slowly drift off to sleep once again. 


Naveah POV:

As I was was cleaning the floor, I took a moment to myself to scratch my nose bridge and the back of my head. My eyes slowly opened and closed, I am so tired. 

This is simply ridiculous, why the hell do I have to clean this dirty ship?  I put my hand on my hip and took a deep breath, the deep breath made me yawn, as I was looking at the sea and starting to get lost in my own mind, forgetting where I was for just a moment. My fantasy moment all crashed down. 

A vampire pirate used vampire speed and ran all over me, which caused me to fall on the dirty floor. I was covered in the dirty water, as I was still on the floor I heard a loud and petty "Watch were ye swab mate"  A dirty vampire pirate has the nerve to push me on the ground and tell me to watch out? I tried to remember about inner peace, kind of hard to do when you are on a dirty pirate ship filled with dirty pirates. "GET ME OF THIS DARN SHIP" I screamed, I was so angry and overstimulated at the moment that I was ready to jump off the damn ship. I stood up and wrung out my skirt . "Ye could always walk the plank" I heard a familiar voice say, I looked up and it was that vampire pirate captain lady. I rolled my eyes at her took a step back, she was a little to close. "You would love that wouldn't you" I said to her with a vengeful spirit, she smirked again and looked me up and down while saying "The ship would be a lot more peaceful if ye did" I sucked my teeth at her which made her chuckle. She was thinking something, her arms were behind her back, as she turned around she said "Ye can clean ye self when ye done with swabbing" I scoffed, this woman has a lot of audacity. I took my eyes off of her for 1 sec and she was gone. Must be nice to have vampire speed. Something I would love to have right now.  I better start finishing this all up before the sun is about to go down. 

I ain't cleaning in the damn dark. 


Mirijana's dreamworld


I got teleported back to my conversation with Neenah, I was sitting in the living room, I poured Neenah and myself a drink. She was petting Boyka on the couch because he way laying with us. I saw myself laughing, we were already talking for 2 hours straight about life. 

As I was sipping my drink I could feel Neenah her eyes being glued on me, my eyes went to her very slow which made it look like I was side-eyeing her (Which I was), she chuckled which resulted in me  choking on my drink and started to laugh.  "All jokes aside, when do you think you will be back?" Neenah asked me in a curious yet concerning voice, I took a deep breath and started to think about her question, the one think that came out was a sarcastic "I'm the wrong person to ask that" which made me lit up a cigarette and give one to Neenah as well.  Once our cigarette was both lit, and I inhaled and exhaled the smoke I leaned back, crossed my arms and started to touch my lip (Which I usually do when I'm thinking) "I personally have no idea how we will be getting their in the first place" I said, while ticking off some ash from the burning cigarette. "Do you have any idea how different dimensions and portals work?" She asked me while taking a sip from her drink. I guess in a way she is just as surprised as I am. I inhaled and exhaled my cigarette and tapped the ash in the ashtray. "None at all. When my mom told me about this mission it was the first time i heard about it. She learned us all about Herbalism, Alchemy, Astronomy, Astrology, Working with the Ancestors and such" I said to Neenah, she looked intensely in my eyes when I said that.  "She learned you all about that but not about simple dimensions and Portals?" she replied with a hint of sarcasm. 

I took a sip of my drink and replied with a short "Sums it up" before taking another sip of my drink. Neenah was thinking for a moment which created silence, she then looked at me and excitedly said "Well I guess it's your lucky day because I know a lot about dimensions and portals" to which she ended it with a flirty wink. I started to air quote and at the same time said "Well considering you know it all-"  I crossed my arms and finished my sentence off with "You should be able to know this" .

Neenah rolled her eyes and took a deep breath " I guess you don't want me to tell you" she said to which she started stretching her back and arms afterwards. I squinted my eyes at her; Is she being for real right now? "I did not say that" I replied to her in a annoyed voice. 

Neenah Yawned and at the same time said "Apologise and I will think about it" think about what? Does she really have to think about educating me on a topic I don't know anything about?  She well bold. But I guess my pride is all the way on the ground anyways. I put my hands together (In a pleading way) I looked her in her eyes and said "Okey, I apologise, I'm sorry". Neenah her eyes started to look down in a flirty way, I could see she was biting her lip but in a very subtle way. I took a sip of my drink ,"You look hot when you beg" she said, when she said that I chocked on my drink and spat it out at the same time. What's with me and choking on my drinks today? 

Neenah looked shook at me, but she did chuckle so I guess me being in distress is funny to her. I wiped myself dry with a towel and when I was drying my face at the same time I said "Do you want me to kick you out of my house?"  she chuckled again and said "Now why would I want that?" in a very innocent and mischievous tone. I rolled my eyes at her, shrugged and said "You tell me, Now. how does one travel through different dimensions?" Neenah chuckled and leaned with her arm on the couch cushions. She let her head rest against her fist and started to look through the living room. 

She took a deep breath and in a calm and clear voice said "When it comes to traveling through different dimensions, it would be different for everyone. Considering I'm a vampire, we are able to travel through different dimensions because of our speed. Pixies/Fairies/Fae etc are able to travel through different dimensions because of their wings, I'm not quite sure how they do it, I be thinking they flap their wings and poof they in a different dimensions but I'm pretty sure that's not exactly how it goes. Then we have Sirens and Mermaids etc, they are able to travel through different dimensions because of their tale basically, the sea has a lot of portals which the mere folk is only able to pass through. Then we have Demons, gods and a hybrid of the both of them, considering demons and gods have a direct connection to the universe, astral realm and the spirit realm; They have the ability to go to different realms, universes, worlds, you name it. Last for now would be Pirates I guess but they are only able to travel different realms if their captain is a vampire" so pirates do exist still? And in another realm at that. Not even just simple pirates but a whole ass vampire pirate. That's crazy I'm not going to lie, I leaned my right arm on the cushion like Neenah did and while I did that I said "So pirates like captain jack sparrow and Hector Barbossa are real?

Neenah looked me up and down with a very questionable look in her face "I thought you would ask me more about vampire but you want to know about pirates?" It's a good question in my opinion "It's not like I've ever seen one in real life, only in movies really, but that means you've been to Agartha?" I replied,  Neenah smirked and gave me a suspicious look "What's it to you, that I've been there?" she said, O my God, is she playing hard to get right now? Meanwhile we are NOT in a situation where she can play hard to get.  

I scratched my forehead and at the same time I said "Well considering I have to go there on Monday, I would like to know more about it, considering I also never been there and neither have all of humanity" she chuckled and replied "Agartha is a interesting planet, It's located in the Pisces constellation in the 6th dimension, Agartha contains 6 continents and 8 seas. The continents would be Anak, Niburu, Sumeria, Atlantis, Kemet and Mesopotamia. The seas aren't that important. Of course the countries, kingdoms, villages and cities are not included. " I guess it does make a bit more sense, doesn't make it less weird though "You telling me all this, reminds me I do not know what to expect" I replied while twirling my hair strand in between my fingers. 

She shrugged and said "It's a different time zone for sure, and every population is different, when it comes to Anak I know that the female population is 90% ish" what is she trying to tell me with that? I felt a bit offended "Just because I'm a lesbian doesn't mean I'm attracted to every single woman" I replied. Neenah started to smile and look down at me "I never said that, but now you made me curious, what woman are you usually attracted to?" she said, this woman has no filter, because who would ask that to a stranger? I rolled my eyes at her and said "What's it to you?" 2 can play that game. 

Neenah smirked at me, her chin started to lean on her fist " I'm assuming you have at least 1 ex, what does she look like? I prefer a picture by the way" she asked, I'm kind of curious why that is important, I don't think it matters what my ex looks like, I sighed and scratched the tip of my nose "That's a bit creepy isn't it?-" I pause for a second "-You can look her up on social media, I don't have a picture of her anymore, her name is Delilah Carty" I said, Neenah her eyes seemed to glow a bit more when she heard that, she pulled out her phone and started to look for her account. As she was scrolling she suddenly said "Why did y'all break up?" I got a bit more comfortable on the couch and replied with a short "She cheated on me" without looking away from her phone she said "The fact someone can cheat on you is crazy to me" I was thinking the same thing low-key when it happened but not like I will ever admit that, I shrugged and said "It be like that sometime" 

A moment of silence was in the air, Neenah was looking at her socials I'm guessing, she looked like she was concentrating on it. On what exactly? Don't ask me. After a while she put her phone down and turned my way "You got a type" she said while grinning from ear to ear, I rolled my eyes at her out of annoyance, this woman. "Everybody has a type, I'm sure you got one as well" I replied to her dumb question, Neenah was looking intensely into my eyes again, something I don't really mind, she has beautiful eyes, and red eyes is something you don't see in the human world. Especially if they look like contacts but real. "I'm not that picky. As long as she has long dark hair and pretty eyes, I would say that's my type" Neenah said, I replied with a short "I bet you met many woman like that" 

I have no clue how to explain it but Neenah her eyes changed from being flirty to being seductive. She bit her lip subtle again and took a minute to respond " In all those years I roamed the earth and different realms, I can count on 1 hand how many times I found a woman that was my type" she said,  I scoffed and gave her a questionable look "I don't know how old you are but you seem like a picky woman to me" I said in a critical tone. 

Neenah was thinking for a moment, after a few seconds she said "I guess I can tell you if you tell me why your ex is so popular on social media" Urge her again? Why do we need to keep talking about that piece of trash.  I rolled my eyes at her and sighed out of annoyance "Why do you want to know?" I said, in a playful yet intrigued tone she said "I mean 500k followers is a lot" to which she widened her eyes and sucked in her lips and even tilted her head a bit to the left. Her face made me chuckle for just a second, I stretched my back and arms and said "She is a WNBA player in Las Vegas Aces, I don't know if you watch basketball but they were the best team in 2023, so obviously she is going to be popular with athletes and woman" 

She chuckled and said "You sound salty about it" This is exactly why I didn't want to talk about it, or her in general "I'm not salty about it" I said while rolling my eyes "She is good in what she does so she has earned it all by herself, that she is popular by the ladies is a simple fact; Plus we broke up over 2 years ago now so I'm over it-" Neenah's pupils became bigger for some reason, I squinted my eyes at her and finished my sentence by saying "Now I answered why she is popular, how old are you?" she chuckled and started to crack the left side of her hand and fingers, the way to describe it would be how ken kaneki did it from Tokyo ghoul the Anime. "Only because you say it so nicely I will tell you-" she didn't even finish her sentence and I rolled my eyes her reply.

Neenah looked at me as if she was offended because her face went a bit back "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" she said, I rolled my eyes at her again and she sucked her teeth when she saw that  "What? Me? Never. How could you think that of me?" I said in a sarcastic tone. Neenah rolled her eyes at me this time and said "I will let it slide this time-" in a flirty voice "Just because you are gorgeous" she ended her sentence with. 

I bit my top lip which makes me look like a piranha but I usually do that when I'm appalled, I rubbed my eye and said "Don't start with the ass-kissing Neenah, You were doing such a good job" that made her cackle apparently, she then said "Just speaking facts  little fox-" she paused for a second "-I'm turning 1030 this year"  I mean I shouldn't be surprised that some people can be immortal, must be nice tho, I'm going to start looking like my mom in 20 years. Images not aging physically, that would be the life. "Dang you old" I said to her, which made her choke on her drink. I handed her a towel to dry herself with "What about you?" she asked while drying herself "Should I just not tell you and leave you in suspense?" I said in a sarcastic yet jokingly tone, Neenah handed me back the towel and said "You are only 28 years old, so you will look like this for a while" talking about age makes me sad honestly "I hope so, those aging filters on social media are making me depressed-" I said to her, I wanted to say something else but hold on... "Wait, that is my age. Stop doing that!" I said in a repulsed voice. 

Neenah laughed and said in a serious voice "Can't help it little fox, I just happen to know certain things before you tell me" she ended that with a wink.  Now that she mentioned that, that makes me wonder..."Do you have that with everybody?" I asked her, she took a second to reply. "Only with people I want to know" she said. 

Of course.

The sound of a phone beeping started to echo in the room, it was Neenah her phone. She took it out of her pocket and started to look at it. Her goofy smile changed to a very serious one "Everything okey?" I asked her, she put her phone back into her pocket, looked back into my eyes and smirked "No need to be jealous little fox, I only have eyes for you" she said, I rolled my eyes at her again, one of these days they are gonna be stuck for real. "I'm not jealous, no clue where you would get that idea you mosquito" I said, she sucked her teeth at me out of annoyance "Stop calling me a mosquito-" she paused for a second and her pupils became big again "-Or do you want me to punish you again?" she said, I crossed my arms and sighed "Let's not do that pushing against a wall again shall we?" I replied back to her. 

She chuckled and said "I'll think about it" which was a bit funny to me so I giggled for 1 second. She then rubbed Her neck with her hand and sheepishly said "Anyways, how much I love spending time with you little fox, I should start to head back now" I looked at the time and it's 8AM, we've been talking for about 5 hours straight. I guess it's time for me to go to bed as well "Then I won't hold you hostage any longer" I said, Neenah chuckled again and then flirtatious said "Holding hostage would mean I don't want to be here, I loved spending time with you and getting to know you. We will meet again and soon little fox, I know just where to find you", I stood up and stretched my whole body "Why am I not surprised, you seem like a fun person to be around; So I wouldn't mind seeing you again, let's meet in Agartha again shall we?" I said.

After that I was shocked back into my body and I woke up.


Naveah's POV:


The sky turned dark, the moon and stars were shining bright in the sky. 

Wow. Light pollution really is a thing, how beautiful the sky is when there are no artificial lights. Once I was done cleaning, I put the mob and bucket back in that damn corner and started to walk towards the kitchen/bar/cafetaria whatever it is supposed to be to eat something real quick and then take a shower and then I will sleep. Mira never checked up on me though, sister of the year. 

As I was walking into the cafeteria thingy I noticed they had a little tavern on this ship, well would you look at that I don't have to miss out on alcohol. 

I grabbed a simple egg sandwich and started to walk upstairs to the bunks. As I opened the first door I saw Mira sleeping. The audacity, I have to clean and she could sleep? I took a bite of the sandwich and started walking to the bed bunk. "wakey wakey sister, time for an ass whooping" I said, her eyes started to slowly open, she rubbed her eyes with her hand and mumbled a soft "I'm guessing we share a room" she said, I scoffed at her remark "As if I would share a room with one of those dirty pirates" she slowly got up and gave a loud yawn. "You look dirty" she said, I sucked my teeth at her and my left eye started to twitch out of stress "Yes because some dirty pirate ran over me, why were you sleeping?" I asked her in a demanding tone, she yawned another time and started to stretch her upper body "That pirate captain lady told me too" she said, I was honestly appalled, I bet this woman is bullying me. Is she trying to make me voluntarily walk the plank? Not even in her wildest dreams will that happen. "I'm going to take a shower" I said, before walking to the showers or cleaning rooms whatever it is that they have here. 

After cleaning myself and putting some clean clothes on I straight went to bed to sleep. I was too tired to even try stay awake. 


Mirijana's POV:


As Naveah fell asleep I started to become bored, maybe I should take a look around, who knows maybe I can find some alcohol on this ship. 

Pirates are known to love their rum.

Though I'm not sure if that counts for vampire pirates, but it's worth a shot just to check the ship out. I started to walk out of the room and close the door, as I looked to my left I saw the long hallway with doors. I started to look behind each door to see what was hiding behind them, the first 5 rooms had bed bunks, which obviously led me to believe the crew sleeps there. 

The next 2 rooms were I'm guessing storage, considering they hat a bench to sit on,  several wooden boxes; Hmm what would be in those? I walked towards 1 of the boxes (Very silently not to mention because this ship creaks at every damn step) and took the wooden lid off to take a peak inside.

Glass bottles with a red substance. I bit my top lip and squinted my eyes; This was oddly predictable. I sighed and put the lid back on the box and started to walk straight out of that room, as if I never saw anything.  

As I walked out of that room and looked to my left I noticed there was only 1 more room in this hallway. I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible so I tried to open the door, keyword; Tried, I was never able to open that damn door. It was tightly shut, I tried looking through the peephole but something on the other side of that room was blocking the view. I put my hands on my hips and started to intensely look at that door which did not want to open. I started to take deep breaths and think about ways to open it but all make sound which I'm not able to do obviously. 

I sighed out of annoyance and decided to try unlock that door another day, we stuck on this ship for a few days I'm assuming. 

I started walking up the stairs and on the deck, as I was walking I started to hear someone playing a flute, accordion and- ....Singing? Who is singing here? And it's not even 1, it's several people singing. I started to walk towards the sound and saw lights coming from the other stairs that go down. 

"There once was a ship that put to sea
The name of the ship was the Billy O' Tea
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down
Oh blow, my bully girls, blow (huh)Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and goShe'd not been two weeks from shore
When down on her a right whale bore
The captain called all hands and swore
She'd take that whale in tow (huh)Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and goDa-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da"

I'm guessing it is true what they say about pirates and their sea songs. I started to walk down the other set of stairs and I was met with a little tavern looking room, everybody was here, they were drinking, singing-

"Before the boat had hit the water
The whale's tail came up and caught her
All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her
When she dived down low (huh)Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and goNo line was cut, no whale was freed
The captain's mind was not of greed
And he belonged to the Whaleman's creed
She took that ship in tow (huh)Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go, Da-da-da-da-da"

Some of them were singing and dancing at the same time;I chuckled, I felt like I was in a pirate movie and this was all fiction, as if I was wearing a VR headset and watching a movie happening right in front of me.  

Only difference is that in the movies I was watching it was mostly men being pirates and captains. This Pirate ship only has woman (Not that I'm complaining or anything), simply something I didn't expect. As kept walking and had a view on the whole room I felt some eyes burning on me. 

My eyes started to trail to the left side of the room, a bar (Wood obviously) with 5 barstools sitting in front of it, on the right side of the room there were a few tables and stools that were filled with the pirate crew sitting, chatting, laughing, drinking and singing. Some were dancing on the open space of that part of the room. When my eyes trailed back to the bar there were only 2 woman standing there. 1 was with her back against me; Leaning with her arms on the bar, and the other woman was leaning with her back against the bar having her arms crossed. wearing her Captain hat with a dark blue scarf tied around her forehead under the hat. 

The woman on the right was the woman that gave Naveah work and showed me my room. The woman next to her I haven't seen before. She was facing me with her back, leaning with her arms on the bar looking my direction. Her eyes where the first thing I noticed, she has bright red glowing Phoenix like eyes (Phoenix eyes are a mix of Mono lid and siren eyes) , espresso toned skin, a straight nose which had a golden nose-ring on her right side, which were followed with  full downturned lips (Or maybe they just looked at that because she looked very annoyed at my presence),  She wore a white blouse that she rolled up in her pants, as well as her pants being tucked in her black leather boots. Her sleeves where also rolled up which showed she also had tattoos, I'm guessing that's also a pirate thing? She has a black scarf tied around her forehead, she had her pirate/Captain hat next to her sitting on the bar.  

I started to think about what I should do next, having some alcohol would be nice for right about now. I took a deep breath and started to walk towards the bar, both woman were still staring at me; I'm not going to lie, it kind of made me uncomfortable. It felt as if I was walking towards 2 White Sharks. 

When I approached the bar and was practically standing next to the woman who was leaning with her arms on the bar; The woman who showed me my room was looking me up and down "What are ye doing here?" she said in a skeptical tone, the woman next to me started to sip from her glass which I'm assuming is rum. "Probably the same reason as you" I replied, she shrugged and hang over the bar to grab something, I tilt my head to see what it was, when she stood op straight again I saw she was putting a glass on the bar, then she grabbed a bottle and poured it in the glass. 

Half full she handed me the drink "Uhm, thank you for the rum guess" I said, she leaned back agains the bar again, taking a sip from her drink, all of her fingers contained golden rings, they even contained tattoos on each of them, including the top of her hand. Looking to my left, the woman was staring into mid air while slowly drinking from her glass. Her hands and fingers were also both covered in tattoos, and rings on each finger as well. 

Damn I'm guessing pirates really do look similar to those in the movies in a way. Just a whole gender bend I'm guessing. When she finished her glass, she put it down;Put back on her hat and walked away, she literally walked out of the room. Beside the whole room being filled with happy pirates, the only ones standing at the bar was me and the woman who had the scar running over her nose bridge. 

A moment of a very awkward silence occurred, I slowly drank the rum, while looking everywhere but at her. While she on the other hand was staring intensely at me. "Do ye like the rum?" she asked in a very monotone voice with the same heavy accent. "if it's alcohol I drink it" I said to her, she took a minute to say something back to me "Ye seem the type to get drunk quick" she then said to me, I choked from my drink and started to cough, the woman then looked me up and down with a repelled look. She then hanged over the bar again to grabbed something, when she got back up again I saw she was handing me a cloth, I dried myself off and took a deep breath; just too mentally calm myself down for a moment.

"Have you ever drank with a witch before?" I asked her, she smirked at me and leaned back against the bar, holding her drink "I have, and they always end up getting drunk before I do" she then replied. I felt like this was going to be a competition, I don't get drunk quickly either; Now I want to know how much a vampire can handle. "Is that a bet I hear?" I said while sucking my teeth. She sighed and started to look at the other vampire pirates who where having a good time. "I didn't make no bet with ye"  she then said, I rolled my eyes out of annoyance, I then leaned with my arms on the bar and started to stare at her. "I bet you don't want to do it because you are afraid to loose" I said annoyed, she smirked and looked down, after a few seconds she turned her head to me and then said "In my opinion it doesn't seem fair but ye made ye self a deal". 

She leaned over the bar again and grabbed a closed bottle of rum, she took the lid off and poured in both of our glasses but full this time. When she was done she put the bottle on the bar and sat down on one of the barstools. 

1 Leg was stretched and her other foot she put on the wooden piece under the sitting part. She leaned with 1 arm on the bar while the other hand was holding the glass of rum. I guess because we have a little competition going on this is my change to ask some questions. I took a deep breath and started to look at her, She noticed; Looked back at me and lift her eyebrows. "So who are you?" I asked, because I don't think that was ever mentioned and I'm a few hours on this ship already. She took a minute to respond, she took a sip of glass and then said "Santana Teach is the name, I'm the quartermaster of this ship" Santana teach? Would it be possible..

"Is Edward Teach your father?"  I asked, because if that's the case then I would be really confused. "She frowned her eyebrows and put her glass down. "Uhm yes, Other called him BlackBeard"  when she said that I gasped. The notorious Blackbeard does exist in this universe? That really is interesting. I guess she felt flattered because she started to smirk after she saw me gasped, she realised I knew who her dad was.

It was silent again. I finished my drink and so did Santana, she then poured our glasses all the way to the top again. As she was pouring I asked "So how do you know my mom?" , as she was putting the bottle back on the bar she said "Why ye want to know?" I grabbed the glass and then said "Because she is my mom, plus; She never mentioned in her life she knew Vampire pirates, the only thing she said was that someone who was very dear to her is bringing us to Anak" As I said that she then smirked and took a sip of her glass. "Maybe I tell ye if ye tell me where ye going with that wench of a sister of ye" she then said.

I choked on my drink again, nobody ever talked about Naveah like that; I guess it's refreshing in a way. I dried myself off once again and then replied to her "Why you want to know?"  she then said "A tale for a tale Love" I'm not going to lie, that's an attractive accent. I took a sip of the glass and when I put my glass down I said "Mom is sending us to some orphanage to solve missing orphan cases, never been in Agartha before and definitely never heard of that or Anak before a few days ago" Santana was then silent for a moment, I wouldn't know what was on her mind either. "Did she at least give you some books?" she said, not something I expected her to say, I looked into mid air thinking about what she said. "Well yes she did give us around the 20 books"  

Santana then said "Well you've got enough time to study", which made me question how long we are going to be on this ship "How long does this trip take?" I then asked her, she took a deep breath and then looked my way "If the tides, waves and wind is on our side then we should enter the docks of Anak in 8 sun-downs" she said, How many days is that? 8? 

8 DAYS? damn Naveah will loose her mind when she hears that. She literally fell asleep complaining about how much she hates pirates. "Excuse me, we are 8 days at sea?" I then said, Santana then clapped her hands together and then said "Ain't ye a lucky lass?" which she followed with a chuckle. She seemed very amused, well too bad for her that I personally don't mind being at sea, it always gave me a feeling of calmness anyways. Naveah on the other hand isn't a big fan of the ocean. But Santana is right, I should start reading those books mom gave us tomorrow. 

I was in a need of a cigarette (Nicotine addiction LOL), I was feeling in the pocket of the jacket Neenah gave me, I took a cigarette out of the box and lit it up, I hanged over the bar to grab another glass to use as a ashtray, Santana looked at me with confusion; personally I didn't feel like sharing considering I have a limited stash of cigarette packs with me but I gave her 1 anyways. "Who told you that you could smoke on this ship?" Santana said to me, so she does know what it is. "I did" I said to her, to which she chuckled, she took the cigarette from me and lit it up. 

As we were smoking in silence for a moment, I just hat to ask her more questions "How long have you been the quartermaster of this ship?" I asked her; she tapped her finger with the cigarette against the glass "I've been sailing the seas for a very long time love" she said.

She didn't answer my question at all "How many years are we talking? You look like you in your late 20s and early 30s" I asked her in a skeptical tone. Santana laughed at what I just said, she inhaled and exhaled the smoke from her cigarette and then said "I've been first mate captain for about 1300 years. " she said, and why am I meeting ancient people these days? Can't I meet people from my own age? And how would mom know ancient old vampire pirates? What's this nonsense. I'm starting to think mom just wanted to get rid of us at this point. "If you've been first mate captain for about 1300 years then how old are you?" I asked her, she sighed out of annoyance I'm assuming because of my probably rude questions "I'll be turning 1331 in January" she said, oh she a Aquarius ej?, I could tell...

"Dang, you are basically like a walking fossil" I said, she spit her drink out of shock, I handed her the cloth and giggled, I'm sorry I probably shouldn't have said that but the look on her face was priceless. She dried herself off and then said "Your mother is older" which made me choke on my drink, what did she say? Mom is older? "You are joking right?" I said, Santana took a s ip of her drink and then said "A joke is supposed to be funny, if that was the case ye be cracking up by now; I don't think it's funny to find out your mother is way older then she said she was" she then took another sip of her drink, I mean she got me there but she looked like she felt accomplices considering she was trying to hide a grin which I still saw.  Are the first lies starting to unravel already? "Then how long do you know my mom?" I asked her, she gave me a side-eye and then looked back into mid space "For about a 1000 years" she said. 

A 1000 YEARS???

My eyes opened widely and I gasped out of shock. I did NOT expect that. "Then how old is my mom?" I asked her in utter shock, Santana seemed to enjoy my pain and laughed loudly. "Well if I remember correctly she is the name age as the captain of this ship, so your mother should be around the 1555 years right now" she said, Mom is 1555 years old? Damn, maybe I won't look like mom in 20 years. I guess there is hope. I'm laughing now but that's only because I have to other way to show how much in distress I am right now. I took a deep breath and tried to keep my mind calm and tried to not Explode. "Where y'all sailing buddies or something?" I asked, she then smirked and said "Something like that" she is talking and yet she isn't. Not much information I'm getting out of this woman. 

I took a big sip of the drink and started to think about possibilities "Were you 2 lovers or something?" I asked, I mean I don't believe that was the case but you never know. She choked on her drink and started to cough loudly. I started to blink a few times out of surprise. Was that a weird question to ask, I started to look around and saw that the other pirates were still minding their own business. 

When Santana started breathing properly again she then said in a perplexed tone "How gorgeous Morana is, I personally could never" I asked her "Who's Morana?"  Santana then gave me the biggest side eye she's given me until now "What's ye mother's name?" she asked. 

I rolled my eyes at her stupid remark, I sarcastically said "You've known her for a 1000 years, shouldn't you know that better than I do?" Santana rolled her eyes at me "Just tell me her name" she said at the same time. I sighed out of frustration. I feel like this isn't going anywhere. 

"Her name is Marija Stodic" I said, Santana crossed her arms, nodded her head up and down and for some reason she gave me a closed awkward smile where she tightly pressed her lips against each other. Is she laughing? Is she taking me for a joke or something? Or is she simply messing with me? She looked like she was holding is laughter "Something funny?" I asked her in a firm voice; She coughed and then said "That name" 

So mom not only lied about her age but her name as well? "Listen Mirijana, I'm not here to unravel lies for you, what I can tell you is that your mothers name is Morana, and Morana only, she has no last name" 

Excuse me? No lastname? And why choose the name Marija then? I guess I really did start to unravel the first lies. "So who is Marija then?" I asked her, Santana then finished her drink and put the glass back on the bar; "Marija would be the short version of the Captains name" 


"What's her full name?" I asked, just because I'm nosy like that; Santana then gave me a weird look as if I asked her something weird again, she then sighed stood up, put both of her hand on the bar, our faces were a few inches away from one another "I'm not the one who should tell ye  that" she then winked and took a few steps back putting her hands in her pockets. I took a sip of  the glass, her face being that close made a bit flustered for some reason, gotta drink that off. 

 "How lovely this was, I will be going now, go tell that wench of a sister of ye that she is expected to wake up before sun-rise to prepare breakfast" she said, yet again I choked on my drink, I dried myself off and at the same time I asked "What's your deal with Naveah?" she smirked and looked away "The only rules that matters are these 'what a man can do and what a man can't do' remember that saying" she said, I squinted my eyes and scrunched my nose "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

She then turned around and said "Meaning I do whatever I want" then with my eyes still glued on her I saw she left the room within 0.5 seconds. That's a very interesting power, would be amazing to have.

Too be fair I expected more drinking but I guess she wanted to do some other things, probably because I wasn't caving so she got scared huh. Yes that's defiantly the reason, but after drinking 2 bottles of rum, I'm kinda done with it. Maybe I should take another look around. Oh wait damn I forgot to ask about the locked room. Tomorrow is another day which means another changes. 

Time to look around a bit more!


Naveah's Dreamworld:


It was very dark and cold, my body wasn't there; It felt as if I was watching from the outside of my body. 

As my eyes got used to the dark I noticed I was in some stables, not quite sure where it was. 

I started to see a man walking, looking at his face it was my brother Dragan (Bilal's twin brother), he looked very anxious; As if he was looking for something but didn't have much time. As his back was facing the other side of the stall I could see a way bigger man suddenly standing behind him. He was at least a head bigger than Dragan and Dragan himself is already supposed to be quite tall. 

"What do you think you are doing?" The unknown man said to Dragan, to which Dragan reacted mortified. 

After that, my view turned black and I was shocked back into my body.

~End of chapter 2~

Chapter 3 coming soon!

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