Memoria Cordis (Nino x OC)

Av keishirogane08

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Memories are special, especially to us humans. It contains the events that we experienced all throughout our... Mer

OC Backgrounds
Chapter 1: A One-sided Reunion
Chapter 2: Long-lost Friend
Chapter 3: A Nightmare
Chapter 4: Monday Once Again
Chapter 5: Scattered Memories

Chapter 6: The Fireworks I won't forget

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Av keishirogane08

3rd POV. Sunday. Tanaka Residence.

One Sunday morning at the Tanaka Residence.....

Shin, the Head of the Tanaka Family, is watching the television while drinking coffee.

Shin: Ah....

Shin: Hm?

Until his interest was piqued by the announcement flashed on the screen.

Shin: "Fireworks display"

Shin: Huh. We always go see the fireworks every year.

Shin: ...

Then a woman joins Shin and sits next to him.

Yae: Yeah. But ever since Aoto got his amnesia....

Shin: He doesn't want to go anymore. Yet we always have to take pictures of our yearly fireworks.

Shin: There was nothing wrong with that. I'm just worried that Aoto is already having a hard time in his youth.

Yae: You're right, dear.

Yae: I just want our son to be happy.

Shin: He will be. Also, I heard from Kocho that he reunited with Fuutarou.

Yae: Fuutarou? You mean Uesugi Fuutarou?

Shin: Yes.

Yae: That's great! Speaking of Fuutarou, did you ever heard anything about him from Kocho?

Shin: She told me that Fuutarou is working as a tutor to quintuplets.

Yae: Wow. Now I am interested of what's going on with him.

Yae: Though, for what reason did he take the job?

Shin: To pay their debt.

Yae: Ah, right. I knew about how it came to that.

Shin: If I'll be able to meet Isanari and catch up with him, maybe I'll know.

As the married couple are talking, Kocho came from downstairs.

Kocho: Morning.

Shin: Good morning.

Yae: Good morning.

Yae: Is your brother awake?

Kocho: Yep. He's up. He's currently writing his journal.

Yae: Right. Probably about his school or something.

Kocho: Yeah. But I think onii-chan is probably hiding something.

Shin: What made you think of that?

Kocho: Mom, Dad, do you remember the accident that involved onii-chan, right?

Yae: Yes. That was the cause of his retrograde amnesia.

Kocho: I don't know if you will believe this but....from what I can remember....

Kocho: When we found out about what happened to onii-chan.....didn't we saw someone?

Yae: Yes, also, Fuutarou was the one who informed us, right?

Shin: But we didn't let him in because of what happened and it was on the request of the teacher.

Yae: Where are you going with this?

Kocho: I think there was someone involved when onii-chan got into that accident.

Shin: Someone involved?

Kocho: Yeah. I mean....

Kocho: I think there was someone....

Kocho: And even Fuutarou-nii can't remember or probably, he never saw that person because what he saw was the aftermath of that event.

Shin: And that someone is your suspect?

Kocho: I read the local articles when the incident happened. I'm glad they didn't release any information about nii-chan.

Kocho: From the said article, there was information about nii-chan saving someone from the accident.

Kocho: The source didn't identify their identity either.

Shin: Just like Aoto, it is for safety reasons.

Shin: But if that was the case, if Aoto really saved someone....

Shin: Could it be connected to what happened before the accident?

Yae: If I remember it correctly, Fuutarou was also looking for Aoto on that day.

Shin: Do you have any further leads, Kocho?

Kocho: Unfortunately, no helpful leads. Most of them are vague, I mean, I guess the accident was quickly resolved.

Kocho: Right?

Shin: Yes. It was a pure accident. But of course, we were compensated for what happened.

Kocho: *sigh*

Kocho: No leads.

Kocho: But Dad, the doctor said that onii-chan's retrograde amnesia is not really that severe, right?

Shin: Yes. They say that there is a possibility that your brother will be able to recall all of his memories and will retain them even beyond a week.

Kocho: So, there is still hope.

Yae: Though, I would say that maybe....

Yae: Maybe Aoto should have unreplaceable memories. Memories that he'll cherish forever.

Yae: Something that would made a lasting impact.

Shin: And care to explain what are those?

Yae: It's simple actually.

Yae: Aside from trauma, which was the cause of Aoto's situation, another one is for him to fall in love.

Kocho: Mom, are you secretly dissing onii-chan just because he doesn't have any female friends?

Yae: He doesn't have any friends in general.

Shin: Oof.

Kocho: Mom.....

Yae: But that is the thing I can think of.

Yae: Then who knows, we don't know how it will go for Aoto.

Shin: You know girls....

The two of them looked at Shin.

Shin: Aoto is someone who I can tell to be unpredictable. He was like that ever since he was a kid.

Shin: If you don't believe me, remember back in his 5th grade where he won that art contest when he merely based it from one of my preliminary sketches?

Kocho: Yeah, it was from the anime you were developing during that time.

Shin: Yes. It was also an original anime during that time.

Shin: From Aoto's winning piece, I created the character Tomori Nao, one of the protagonists of the story.

Shin: Anyways.....

Shin: If you are planning on getting to the fireworks festival, I'm going to be late.

Kocho: Let me guess, overtime?

Shin: No. The last episode of the anime I'm currently working on is set to release tomorrow.

Shin: I have to make sure the ending is perfect.

Yae: Geez. Don't overwork yourself too much.

Shin: I know. Oh, and because of my hardwork, they're giving me a freaking raise.

Kocho: Nice one, Dad! So, any new projects?

Shin: We're planning but they're letting me have a break. Besides, we're still thinking on my next project. If it's a new series or a movie.

Kocho: Oh, oh! I saw the announcement that a new Fate/Grand Order movue already received the green flag for production.

Shin: Yeah, I was also thinking about that. Maybe that is the project I'll end up with. Also, it will cover the Camelot chapter.

Kocho: WHA-

Shin: It will be divided into two parts.

Kocho: WHAT THE-

Shin: Maybe I'd better start playing the game or, can you just send me gameplay videos so that I can flesh out the story.

Kocho: Fine. But make sure the fight between Bedi and the Lion King will be epic.

Shin: Huh?

Kocho: Oops! Sorry, spoilers!

Shin: Hey!


On Aoto's room.....

Aoto just woke up, squinting his eyes from the sunlight that pierced through the blinds of his window.

Aoto: It's morning already.....

He stayed on the bed for three minutes before he got out of his bed and went to his desk.

Aoto: *sigh*

Aoto grabs his journal and flips through the pages to read his entries.

Ever since the day he attempted to visit the Nakano Residence and when he saw Nino, Aoto has been thinking of that significant fragmented memory that came back to him.

His memory involved a girl with a light pink hair.

But that was the only thing he remembered. His fragmented memory excluded the face and even the voice of the said girl in his memories.

As if to Aoto, a mysterious girl is haunting his memories.

Aoto: My memories are a total mess. I mean a real mess. I can remember some memories during my childhood but I felt like I am missing some of them.

Aoto: Like that mysterious girl. Who is she? Where did I meet her? But that is useless if I can't even determine her face.

Aoto: And I feel like I am missing a key memory........that memory is probably the answer behind how I always lose my memories every Monday.

Aoto: I'm.....sick and tired of all of this....

Aoto: My memories fading......

Aoto: And everytime it does....

Aoto: I'm scared that I might eventually forget.....

Aoto: Everything.

Aoto takes a pen and started writing.

Journal Entry # XX

Date: September 30, 20XX

- Tanaka Aoto

"It's already a few weeks ever since I transferred to Asahiyama High.

Ever since then, I got to reunite with one of childhood friends, Uesugi Fuutarou.

If I am being honest, he really changed from what I can remember (though I forgot some memories I had with Fuutarou). One thing I could remember was that he wasn't a studyholic compared to the Fuutarou I know at present.

Then again, people change but it doesn't mean a complete change. He's still the same Fuutarou who is reckless and still a kind of an idiot despite being a genius (Heh, the irony).

But I wondered, what made him change like that? When did he became the Fuutarou that I know today?

Even if I try to reminisce through my fragmented memories, I still can't seem to find the answer.

More importantly, going back to my own predicament.....

Who was that girl? Is she connected to my lost memories? Does she knew the reason why I have this condition now?

It's like I'm chasing a phantom here. I don't even know where to begin! I finally got a clear mind, I have this theory.

Maybe I already met that person more than once and she's probably within the recent years until the present.

I mean, what are the chances, right?


I'd ponder about this if I am fortunate to find leads.


Tomorrow is Monday again.

But I don't want to forget what happened.

I want to remember. That's why I began to write into my journal once more.

Also, its the end of September....


Midterms is just around the corner.

I hope Fuutarou and the Nakano quintuplets will settle their differences before the dreadful day."

Aoto: *sigh*

Aoto puts the pen aside and closed the journal.

Aoto: I'd better get downstairs.

When he did, he was notified by his family about the fireworks.

Aoto: I see. I'll go, and if possible, with Fuutarou and Raiha, I want to catch up with the Uesugi siblings.

Kocho: Eh!? You don't want to go with me!?

Aoto: You just said that your friends are inviting you over. So.....?

Kocho: Y-Yeah.

Aoto: Geez. Besides, we already went to a firework festival during summer.

Kocho: Wow, I'm surprised you still remembered that.

Aoto: I had those pictures and labelled them.

Kocho: I see. Then, say hi to Fuutarou-nii and Raiha-chan for me.

Aoto: Got it.

Aoto went on with his daily routine within the house. Eating, washing the dishes, if he does have pending homework he'll finish it, if he doesn't then he'll read some newspapers or books.

He did the latter since he doesn't have any homework left to do.

Then, a few moments later, he received a call.

Aoto: Hello?

???: Hey, Aoto, glad that I reached you.

Aoto immediately recognized the voice.

Aoto: Fuutarou? Wait how did you get my number?

Fuutarou: Kocho shared it with me.

Aoto: Of course she did!

Aoto: What's up?

Fuutarou: Are you available right now?

Aoto: Why?

Fuutarou: I'm here at the arcade.

Aoto: That's very unusual for you to be there.

Fuutarou: I'm with Raiha and Itsuki.

Aoto: Raiha and Itsuki? Why?

Fuutarou: I got my pay, I tried to refuse it but Itsuki insisted that I take it.

Aoto: So, how come are you in the arcade?

Fuutarou: Raiha wanted to.

Aoto: "To grant ALL of her wishes."

Aoto: Right?

Fuutarou: Yes. I know you understand.

Aoto: Yeah. We're both elder brothers to adorable little sisters.

Aoto: All right. Just give me the location of the arcade and I'll meet you there.

Fuutarou: Yeah. Be careful.

Aoto: Thanks.

With a new agenda in mind, Aoto decides to read the time and venue of the said event.

Aoto: I see. But still, fireworks in September. I would've preferred if it was autumn viewing.

Aoto: Beggars can't be choosers. Also, if I want to do that, I'd rather pick somewhere peaceful.

A few hours later and the sun is about to go down. Aoto saw his little sister's friends who came to pick her up.

Kocho: I'm heading out, nii-chan.

Aoto: Yeah. Have a safe trip and have fun.

Aoto sends his little sister off, leaving him at the house. His parents decided to have a date.

Aoto: *sigh*

Aoto: I'd also get ready, I guess.

Aoto decided on what he should wear. Casual or a yukata?

He thought about the yukata that his mother bought him......

Aoto: But I already used it during the summer festival.

(A/N: Aoto is not a complete amnesiac. He can retain memories if it concerns his family).

In the end, Aoto decided to get to his casual clothes.

A black jacket with a white shirt underneath, a black scarf or more specifically, his father's scarf, simple black pants, and for extra measure, he wore simple glasses.

Aoto: All set, and....

Aoto sent a text to Fuutarou and where does he want to meet up.....

Fuutarou: At the quints' apartment.

Aoto: Why?

Fuutarou: They didn't do their homework.

Aoto: ( ゚ー゚)

Aoto: I'm on my way.

A few minutes later, he managed to get into the apartment and he was let in by none other than Itsuki.

Itsuki: Ah, Tanaka-kun, did Uesugi-kun called you here?

Aoto: Yes. Pardon the intrusion.

Itsuki: I-It's fine. He's inside.

Aoto gently takes off his shoes and puts it in a shoe rack. Hey, despite his amnesia, manners will always stick to him.

He proceeded to the living room and saw Fuutarou monitoring the other sisters.

Aoto: Yo, Fuutarou.

Fuutarou turns to see his friend.

Fuutarou: Oh! Aoto, and here I thought you forgot about what I told you.

Aoto: Hey! Don't drag my memories into this! You know what, maybe I'll just write this down later.

Fuutarou: Anyways....Raiha, look.

A young girl named Raiha reveals herself to Aoto...

Raiha: Wait, onii-chan, is this Aoto-niichan?

Fuutarou: That's right.

Raiha: Hello, Aoto-niichan!

Aoto: Wait, Raiha? Is that really you? The last time I saw you, you're just in pre-school and much smaller.

Raiha: Wait, onii-chan, I thought Aoto-niichan forgot all of his memo-

Fuutarou immediately covered his sister's mouth and pulled her on a corner. In a low whisper voice he said....

Fuutarou: Raiha, I forgot to tell you this about Aoto, but I guess now is the time.

Fuutarou: I know I told you about Aoto's condition, but for his sake....

Fuutarou: Do not mention THAT event to Aoto or even to ANYONE.

Raiha: But why?

Fuutarou: You see, Kocho told me to never mention that as it can trigger Aoto's.....

Fuutarou: ....

Fuutarou tried his best to come up with another term associated from PTSD.

And....he did....on a way a child like Raiha would understand.

Fuutarou: Nightmares.

Raiha: Nightmares?

Fuutarou: Yes. Those nightmares actually became the reason why Aoto lost a some specific portions of his memory....

Fuutarou: Especially on that day.

Raiha: But he remembered me.

Fuutarou: Probably when he remembered me as well. At first he didn't recognized me...

Fuutarou: But soon enough, he did.

Raiha: So, what now, onii-chan? Does it mean that some of his memories with me are lost?

Fuutarou: I hope not. If they were, I hope we have some pictures.

Raiha: So, that's why you told me to keep quiet about it. You don't want the quintuplets to worry.

Fuutarou: That's right.

Fuutarou: And one more thing....

Fuutarou: Aoto will lose his memory every monday.

Raiha: What!?

Fuutarou: That's the price when he got those nightmares.

Fuutarou: There are some ways to retain his memories like writing a journal or pictures.

Raiha: I see.

Raiha: But is Aoto-niichan going to be alright with that kind of situation?

Fuutarou: Don't worry, he will. I will back him up.

Raiha: Mm.

Meanwhile, Aoto quietly observes the quintuplets working on their homework.

Aoto: .....

Aoto: If I remember from the journal....

Aoto: Fuutarou described the quintuplets from their accessories.

Aoto: Ichika-san wears an earring. Now that I got a steady look, she has the shortest hair among the quintuplets.

Aoto: It kinda resembles a boy's haircut, if it was still cut shorter, I guess.

Aoto: Next is Nino-san. Butterfly ribbons, and the longest hair.

Aoto: Her attitude has been hostile to Fuutarou and to some extent, even me. Though I haven't interacted that much with her.

Aoto: And I have to take note that after I saw Nino-san, I got that terrible headache and the vision of that mysterious girl.

Aoto: I wonder if that girl is connected to her somehow.

Aoto: Or that is just my baseless conjecture.

Aoto: I still can't trust that theory as I haven't known the quints that long and my scattered memories are....scattered.

Aoto: Next is Miku-san. She wears that blue colored headphones and her hair is kind of medium in length, not reaching the hip either. It's just probably a few inches longer below the base of the nape.

Aoto: She has that gloomy expression. That's what I saw.

Aoto: Next his Yotsuba-san. Her hair is not that short like Ichika-san's nor that long like Miku-san's. She wears that green ribbon that is tied like bunny ears.

Aoto: She seems jolly, based from the color of her yukata which is green.

Aoto: Then, Itsuki-san, the youngest of the quints. She has that medium length hair, but longer than Miku-san's hair. I believe it reaches her hips or at the back. Also, that ahoge.

Aoto: Yeah, that's probably how I can indentify her, the ahoge. Also, the star pins.

Aoto: Hey. recognizing them isn't really that hard. I had that one episode (I wrote it in my journal) where Fuutarou complained to me how he is having a hard time recognizing them.

Aoto: Oh, and I think I'd better take note of the quints' distinct appearances on my journal so that I won't forget it tomorrow.

While Aoto is in his thoughts.....

A mysterious person who is within the apartment observed him and said....

???: So, he did forgot. Was it because of "that" event?

???: Was it because of my fault that his memories are now a mess.....?

???: H-How should him regain those memories if I don't have any memorable items like pictures.

???: Maybe I'll try to take that chance and ask him about it.

A few moments later and the quintuplets were done with their homework and everyone went to the fireworks festival.

Aoto was following the group behind, still in the middle of his thoughts.

Aoto: I wonder how Kocho is doing?

Fuutarou: Hey, Aoto.

Fuutarou snaps Aoto back to reality.

Aoto: What is it?

Fuutarou: I saw you're probably thinking about something. What is it?

Aoto: I was just thinking on what to eat. Then again, I'm feeling tired from all the walking and because I am not really used to crowds.

Fuutarou: I see. Then, you'd better take a seat.

Aoto: That would be great.

Once Fuutarou found a seat, he went there, but Aoto went to explore some food stalls because he got a little bit hungry.

A few moments later, he came back carrying some food and they are about to go their destination.

Aoto: Leaving already?

Fuutarou: Yeah. Come on, the show is about to start.

Aoto: Mm.

He followed closely behind, and was behind of the group once more.

This time, Itsuki got the opportunity to ask about Aoto through Fuutarou.

Itsuki: Is it just me or is Tanaka-kun really that aloof?

Fuutarou: He went through a lot. When I mean a lot, I mean it.

Itsuki: ....

As the group walk together, the crowd began to grow to the point that it became a stampede.

And because of the growing commotion, they were separated from one another.

Aoto: Ah. Damn. Now what? I can't find Fuutarou and the others like this.

So he decided to continue forward, in the hopes of finding at least one.....

And unfortunately for him.....he found Nino or rather.....

Nino found him.

Nino: Great. Out of all the people I managed to find.

Aoto: Got a problem with that?

Nino: Hmph.

Aoto: Why don't we just look for your sisters and my friend. Is that okay?

Nino: We're not going to watch the fireworks with you. It's only us five sisters.

Aoto: Yeah, yeah. I get it. It's a precious family moment.

Nino: Wha—how did you—

Aoto: I have a sister, too.

Aoto: So that's why I understand.

Aoto: Anyways, where are you girls supposed to watch the fireworks?

Nino: We rented a building.

Aoto: Why don't we go there and see if they went there.

Nino: *sigh*

Nino: Right.

The duo went to the said building and when they reached the top.....

Nino just realized....

Nino: Ah, crap! I forgot to tell them!

Aoto: *facepalm*

Aoto: And I'm supposed to be the amnesiac here.

Aoto: Call them.

She did but her cellphone isn't getting a reception.

Aoto: So much for someone like her.

Aoto pulls out his phone and fortunately for him, he still got a reception.

Aoto: Better call Fuutarou.

Aoto calls him and he answered.

Aoto: Hey.


Aoto: Shut up. Anyways, Nino said that the quintuplets are supposed to watch the fireworks in a building.

Fuutarou: Yeah. Miku told me.

Aoto: Miku-san?

Fuutarou: She's with me as of the moment.

Aoto: Now that solves one problem. Okay, I'm going to find the other three.

Fuutarou: No.

Aoto: Huh? What?



Fuutarou: You....I am asking you to stay with Nino. You know how sensitive she is.

Fuutarou: So why don't you just stay there and leave the rest of looking for the others to me.

Aoto: Ugh. Fine. I'll send you my location.

Fuutarou: Okay. I'll see you later.

Aoto: Better make it quick, the fireworks are about to begin.

Fuutarou: I know, I know.

Fuutarou hangs up and Aoto just took a seat on a nearby chair.

Aoto: ...

Aoto: *sigh*

Aoto looks at the night sky...

Aoto: I wonder if that girl wasn't just my head playing tricks on me or whatsoever.

Aoto: But at the same time.....I want to meet her.....

He just sighed again.

Aoto: But if that was easy, and if I just know their name and face.

Nino: What are you talking about all of a sudden?

Nino chimes in with a snide remark as proven with her arms crossed.

Aoto: Ah, sorry. I just spoke my thoughts out loud.

Nino: You're weird, you creep me out.

Aoto: Sorry if I make you feel that way.

Nino: Anyways, since it will be impossible for the others to arrive here on time....

Nino: I want to ask something.

Aoto: What is it?

Nino: About what you said earlier. About you having a bad memory. I began to think about it when we met once more at the apartment.

Nino: You seemed to have forgotten me, even though I already met you and your sister.

Aoto: Ah, that....

Aoto: It's that I have....what they call as amnesia.

Nino: Amnesia? But isn't that you losing your memories or something?

Aoto: Sorry for not being specific. It is another type of amnesia.

Aoto: Retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia to be more specific.

Aoto: These two can coexist.

Aoto: Retrograde amnesia is where I can't remember my memories prior to the cause of this amnesia.

Aoto: Though, I still can remember some things, they are scattered. I can only retain them through the pictures and past experiences of the people who I've been with from my past.

Aoto: It may not be helpful, but at the very least, I got to remember who I am.

Aoto: Now, the most prevalent of my condition is the anterograde amnesia. For starters, it basically means I can't make any recent memories AFTER the cause of my amnesia.

Nino: Is that why you mentioned you have a bad memory?

Aoto: Yes. Though, only recent memories. I still can retain skills, though I can retain those recent memories with the help of a journal or pictures.

Aoto: Then again, my past memories being a jumbled mess, my present is also as bad as it is.

Aoto: But even so, not knowing why this happened to me makes it even hard to understand how I came to be in this situation.

Aoto: My family seems to know the reason why but I felt they deliberately kept it from as I feel like I am not ready to confront my past.

Nino: So that's've been running away from the past?

Aoto: Yes. But I don't even have a direction in the present either. In other words, I am stranded, not unless I get to pull my scattered memories from the depths of wherever my subsconcious buried them.

Aoto: It's hard, you know. Losing the recent memories you just made at the end of the week.

Aoto: It makes me wonder what if the most important memories are next to be erased?

Aoto: I always feared that every single day.

Nino kept quiet as the sound of the fireworks was heard throughout the night sky.

Yet she couldn't hear the sound of the fireworks as her mind wandered off from Aoto's words.

Nino: Losing his memories......and here I thought I went through something terrible.

Nino: To think that someone....

She gazed at Aoto's profile which is being reflected by the light of the fireworks.

Nino: Is going through that pain. Also, he mentioned he has a little sister. Is that why he's afraid of what is happening to him?

Nino: Out of the fear of forgetting someone so dear to him?

Nino: That is much worse than....everyone parting ways.

Nino: To think that I've been rude to him....not even thinking of what he was going through.

Aoto: That's why....

Aoto: I don't want to forget moments like this.

Aoto's words snaps Nino back to reality.

Nino: What?

Aoto: Tomorrow is the day where I will lose my memories once more.

Aoto: But....

To Nino's shock.....she saw Aoto shedding tears.

Aoto: I don't want to forget this. I don't want to forget how beautiful these fireworks are.

Aoto gazes at the night sky filled with vibrant fireworks.

Aoto: So that I can tell my family what I saw, and tell them....I am alright now.

Nino couldn't help but be moved by Aoto's words.

Nino: Then....

Nino silently pulls out her phone and takes a picture of Aoto with the fireworks in the background.

The fireworks illuminated Aoto's brown eyes and hair, perfectly lighting up his face.

Nino: I will make sure that when the day you forgot, I will be there to remind you.

After taking the picture, she went by Aoto's side.

Aoto: Nino-san, please, don't be too harsh on Fuutarou.

Nino: Huh!? Why!? He's an intruder.

Aoto: Yeah, I know that's how you perceive him.

Aoto: Here's something from me, as scattered as my memories are, the day I met Fuutarou will always be etched in my memories.

Aoto: That guy, he isn't what you know at the present.

Aoto: He was so much different back in the past.

Aoto: But that is something that I have no right to tell anyone.

Aoto: My mom always told me this.

Aoto: "People change in so many ways and in so many reasons. We can change through significant experiences like the loss of a loved one or an incident."

Aoto: "But people can also change when they met someone that will become an important part of their life. Like a lifelong friend."

Aoto: I always remembered that, and that was the proof when I met Fuutarou, who became my bestfriend.

Aoto: He helped me through a lot of things.

Aoto: And what friend am I if I won't help him to him you and your sisters.

Aoto: Maybe I am doing this because the best way to solve my own problem, is to help someone else.

The duo became quiet, and Aoto knew it is only about time before the fireworks show will conclude.

Aoto: I wonder what is going on with Fuutarou's end?

His phone suddenly vibrated and when he pulled out, he saw the call ID.

Aoto: Kocho, huh. What does she want this time?

Aoto answers the call and distances himself from Nino.

Aoto: Hello, Kocho. What is it? You need something?

Kocho: No, onii-chan. I was just about to ask you if you're doing fine.

Aoto: I am. I went to the fireworks show with Fuutarou and Raiha.

Kocho: I see, I see. Are you enjoying yourself?

Aoto: Yeah. But....

Aoto talks about the current situation to his little sister.

Kocho: I see. You know, you just do whatever it is that you do.

Kocho: Okay?

Aoto: Uh, I don't know where are you going with this?

Kocho: Ah, don't worry. You'll be fine, onii-chan.

Kocho: I'm sure of it.

Kocho: You just go and enjoy your time with them. Treasure it, and make sure to never forget it.

Kocho: That's the thing that I want.

Aoto: Mm. You can count on me.

Aoto: I'll be hanging up now.

Kocho: Yeah. Oh, and if you're going home, I'll meet you at a nearby park, is that alright?

Aoto: Yeah. Take care, Kocho.

Kocho: You too, onii-chan.

Aoto: Mm.

Aoto hangs up and looks back to the firework display. Then, he received a text from Fuutarou.

Fuutarou: Aoto, sorry for this but can you meet up with the rest of the quintuplets at a nearby park?

Fuutarou: There was some problem regarding Ichika so I had to help her out.

Fuutarou: If you are with Nino or any one of them, please.

Aoto sighed.

Aoto: I know you're doing this out of obligation but...

Aoto: I can still see that kindness. It never faded.

Aoto: Heh, still the same old Fuutarou that I know.

Aoto: Sure, sure. I'll just have to ask Nino to reach the other three.

After the fireworks show concluded, Nino receives a call from Yotsuba while Aoto just followed closely behind.

When Nino puts her phone back....

She faces Aoto.

Nino: Let's go to the park. Yotsuba said we should meet up there.

Aoto: Alright.

The two went to the park in silence, until....

Nino: Thank you, for accompanying me.

Aoto: No problem. I know it must be hard that you never got to watch the fireworks with your family.

Aoto: Then again, I know that everyone will make it up for it.

Nino: You sure are full of optimism for someone who looks so gloomy.

Aoto: *sigh*

Aoto: I am just trying my best.

Nino: ....

Until the two of them reached the park where Yotsuba, Itsuki, and Miku are already playing with the portable fireworks.

Yotsuba: Ah, Tanaka-san, Nino! Welcome back!

Aoto: Where is Raiha?

Yotsuba points at Raiha who is already asleep on a bench.

Aoto: Ah, she must've been tired from all that fun.

Aoto seats on the same bench but just beside Raiha.

Aoto: Raiha, your big brother is doing his best. Seeing him do that for his little sister....

Aoto looks around and saw his own little sister just near at the park's entrance.

Aoto: I also want to do my best as well.

He gently pats Raiha's head before getting up and going to Kocho.

Kocho: How did it go, onii-chan?

Aoto: It went okay. Fuutarou and Ichika are probably on their way.

Kocho: I see.

Kocho: So....did you have any unforgettable memories?

Aoto smiled as his gaze lands on Nino.

Aoto: Yeah.

Aoto: And I believe it's time to go home.

Aoto: I'd better bid farewell to them.

Aoto goes to the girls.

Aoto: Nino-san, Yotsuba-san, Itsuki-san. Thank you for having me here tonight.

Aoto: I had a lot of fun.

Aoto: If Fuutarou arrives, say thanks for me.

Itsuki: Eh? Why all of a sudden?

Aoto points his thumb to Kocho who is already waiting.

Yotsuba: Ah, Kocho-chan.

Aoto: I have to go home now.

Itsuki: A-All right. See you tomorrow.

Aoto: Mm.

Aoto bows and then walks away. Nino on the other hand was hesitant to say something that in the end, all she could do was to watch Aoto and Kocho's figures disppear from the distance.

Nino: I wonder if he'll remember it by tomorrow....

Nino: If he does....

Nino closes her eyes as the scene of the fireworks lighting up Aoto's face flashed through her mind.

Nino: Then I'll make him say, "It is the fireworks that I won't forget."

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