Beneath Eternity's Embrace

By ArshikaRajput

1.6K 337 23

Have you ever seen world within a world ? "In saving the world, he lost his own. She longed to love him, but... More

Author's Note
Suryavart Samrajya
Character Information
Rehaan's Short Story
Chapter 1 : Masked
Chapter 2 : Back to hell
Chapter 3 : Plan
Chapter 4 : Please
Author's note
Chapter 5 : Night
Chapter 6 : Morning
Chapter 7 : Suryavanshi πŸ€”
Chapter 8 : Courage
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 : Gun
Chapter 11 : Postponed
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 : After 20 days
Chapter 15 : Violent scene ahead
Chapter 16 : lost
Chapter 17 : Suspicious
Chapter 18 : Eavesdrop
Chapter 19 : Caught
Chapter 20 : Palace
Chapter 21 : Manifesting hatred
Chapter 22 : Help
Chapter 23 : I want her tonight....
Chapter 24 : Please..... save me
Chapter 25 : Infiltration
Chapter 26 : Torture - violence⚠️⚠️
Author's Note
Chapter 28 : Masked agony, silent strength...
Chapter 29: Justice under concealment's command.
Chapter 30: Payment
Chapter 31: Betrayal- Erebus's actions

Chapter 27 : Wounded Soul

33 9 0
By ArshikaRajput

This novel is worth reading, but not votes? Right? Guys?

Is this why everyone of you is willing to read but not vote? Is this novel that bad?

You know I really was happy seeing 1k reads, but it's a joke right? because 1k read, but not even 200 votes. Only few 5 people are willing to vote every chapter and support me, but others, they just read and then it's like they are saying, I have read, and now get lost.

At the very least, if you guys don't like the chapter, or is there any part you are satisfied with, or you are confused, you can at least comment right? Your, comments are not going to increase popularity of this book. Just, just a second it takes to vote, and you guys are not even willing to do it.

Now, if any of you think, that, my telling you guys about this is wrong, can you tell me what is right then? Can you tell me what am I supposed to do in this situation.

I am not begging for votes or begging to make this book popular, and I won't ever beg, but can you guys at the very least support me ?, Do you think I am in wrong in asking this support?

I just want to guys to be interactive, ask questions if there is any, but at-least give response. Last chapter got 17 reads, but votes? only 5? Seriously, is it this bad?

Even if you guys do not want to give any comments on this books, can you guys answer the above questions at least???

Anyways, my mood is really bad right now. I am going to make myself a double cheese sandwiches🥪🥪🥪🥪. Huh!! 😶‍🌫️😤

Thank you for reading this book, and about votes and comments.......... I just hope🤐.....

At-least help me reach 210 votes😒🥺, this you all can do this, right? 

Total Words : 2026

Target vote ☹️ : at least help me reach 210 above, okay?

"In the shadows created by callous minds,
A wounded soul finds itself forgotten.
No helping hand, no showing of kindness,
She lies alone in this hopeless world.

However, a glimmer of compassion looms
in the stillness and gloom.
Love is there—it's a quivering touch,
a whispered prayer, a hope emerged,
overcoming the dark. "


he took out a wooden stick under the bed, and give a harsh and painfully strike at her legs.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................", a painful scream echoed the whole camp even in the rain.


The dark night became silent but,

"Throw her out", He said, and the two men took her on the shoulder like a sack and got out of the tent. They dumped her in front of captive's tent, without considering of her injuries, they threw her on the wet ground.

Freya who was awake throughout the night, heard footsteps. And slowly cautiously came out and saw her on the ground....... "Ahhhhhh", she screamed lowly, the sight made her mouth covered and widened her eyes seeing the girl's state.

Hearing her, some of the captives came out and saw her......

A human actually looking like a small injured animal on the ground. No movements, bloodied all over, no one can say whether the girl is still alive. No one reacted for a while, slowly Freya took steps towards the girl, and sat down beside her. She saw her chest moving, and moved her hand gently to touch her, but afraid as her body is covered in blood.

Her face filled with tears, after all even after many girls were raped in this camp from the start, but this, this is too cruel, not even an inch of the body is actually normal. The girl's whole body is covered in blood, as if she just took a bath in a blood.

She looked at Eva and Eva came and both of them took the girl inside the tent, and laid her on her own area. Eva took out cleaned old clothes and another of the captive came with the bottle and looked at Freya, "Warm water" and goes back to sleep. This is normal here, no one talked since the day they came, they just helped someone if they want, or just ignore.

Freya and Eva cleaned Ayushi, while crying seeing her wounded severe body, her whole back is filled with belt marks, some straight, some criss-cross. Her face swelled like a balloon, lips teared part, eyes black, forehead is heavily injured

Freya moved to her lower body, but everything was fine except the marks of leather belt lashes, but then her eyes moved to her ankles, she moved her hands, and as she observed Ayushi's ankles, they were injured and more say broken, from the marks, she can see that they were strike by the wooden stick.

As Freya gently tended to Ayushi's wounds, her heart ached at the sight of the girl's injuries. She couldn't fathom the cruelty that had been inflicted upon her. With Eva's help, they cleaned Ayushi's wounds as best they could with the limited resources they had.

Because of her, she is in this state, she was the reason, then her mind drifted to that Amelia.


Next Morning......

Ayushi lay motionless on the mattress, her presence in the tent haunting, like a specter of suffering. Her stillness seemed to weigh down the air, filling the space with a palpable sense of despair.

Amelia's gaze lingered on Ayushi for a moment before she turned to face Freya, her expression a mix of contempt and defiance. "Move," she commanded, her voice tinged with a coldness and ignorance.

Freya met Amelia's gaze with an icy glare of her own. "Happy now? Seeing her state?" she retorted, her words dripping with bitterness.

"What do you mean?" Amelia asked, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

Freya's tone turned accusatory, her words cutting through the tension like a knife. "What I mean? Do you think nobody can see through you? Huh? You're nothing more than an evil witch."

Amelia recoiled slightly, her eyes widening in shock at Freya's accusation. "Are you blaming me for her? Ayushi?" she protested, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Freya's anger flared, her words laced with scorn. But, Amelia said, "Excuse me, she ended up like this because she was trying to save you. So, stop blaming me, and take a good look in the mirror yourself."

A flicker of fear danced across Amelia's features as Freya's words hit the sore spot. The truth of her involvement in Ayushi's plight lay bare before her, undeniable and damning. But before she could respond, Freya continued her verbal assault.

"A woman who was acting as a spy for Erebus and Luke would make such a careless mistake? Not putting the document in its designated place?" Freya's voice dripped with disdain. "Do you take everyone for a fool? You wanted to trap me, and when I didn't fall into your web, Ayushi got involved, and you threw the blame on me? Do you think everyone here is as heartless as you? Willing to watch someone die when they're not at fault?"

Amelia trembled slightly, her facade of composure crumbling under Freya's relentless scrutiny. Her carefully constructed scheme lay in ruins before her, exposed for all to see. And as Freya delivered her final blow, Amelia could only stand there, her silence a testament to the guilt weighing upon her.

"Scared, huh?" Freya's voice was like a whip, lashing out at Amelia's conscience. "You were happy seeing Ayushi's state, just as you were happy witnessing mine. Why? Let me analyze it for you, okay, Amelia?" Freya's words hung in the air, a challenge that dared Amelia to confront the darkness lurking within her own soul.

Freya's words echoed through the tense silence, each accusation hitting Amelia like a barrage of arrows. Her facade of indifference shattered, revealing the turmoil raging beneath the surface.

"You were jealous," Freya continued, her voice a mixture of anger and contempt. "Jealous of me because you saw my real face which is more beautiful than yours, and because I refused to be bullied like you. You wanted to run with me, to escape this nightmare together. But when I warned you against it, you didn't listen. Instead, you dragged another girl into your web of manipulation."

Amelia's eyes widened in shock at Freya's words, the truth of her own actions laid bare before her. She had been driven by envy, by a desire to escape her own suffering at any cost, even if it meant dragging others down with her.

"You and that girl," Freya continued, her voice growing louder with each word, "both of you were raped because of your reckless actions. But instead of taking responsibility, you chose to blame me. You couldn't bear to face the consequences of your own choices, so you scapegoated me."

Amelia's hands trembled at her sides, her guilt consuming her like a fire. She had thought herself clever, manipulating others to serve her own ends.

"And then there's Ayushi," Freya spat the name like a curse, her eyes blazing with fury. "You were jealous of her too, weren't you? Because she was also with Erebus that night, but unlike you, she wasn't g*ng-r**ed. She was living in Erebus's tent, while you were stuck here in this precarious shelter. You're a selfish vile woman, who want to take advantage to everyone, every situation to your own favour."

Freya's words hit home like a sledgehammer, each syllable driving home the bitter truth of Amelia's jealousy and resentment. She had been so consumed by her own pain, so blinded by her desire for revenge, that she had failed to see the suffering of others.

"From your twisted point of view," Freya's voice was dripping with scorn, "everyone here should suffer as you have suffered. Everyone should be subjected to the same horrors that you endured. Is that it, Amelia? Is that your idea of justice?"

Amelia stood there, her breath coming in ragged gasps, her facade of strength crumbling around her. In that moment, the darkness that lurked within her own soul. And as Freya's words hung in the air like a damning verdict, she knew that she could no longer hide from the truth.

Amelia said with words dipped in hatred, "Yes, you both deserved to be. You know, why? Because none of you were raped again and again. You did not feel the that pain, then why? I am being a spy, I am saving you all, not other way around."

"Saving us? For your kind information Amelia, no one, just no one told you to sleep with them to get information. Did Erebus and Luke said that huh? I am also same as you, but did I sleep with anyone?  You are going to Marcus, not just because of being a spy but also because you yourself wanted to sex with him. So stop your act as a god, because you are evil from your soul. You are not saving anyone's life, you are just saving your own life."

Freya said, and turned to Ayushi, to apply medicine on her. She knew talking to Amelia is like smashing head on the wall. In that moment, Freya realized that there was no reasoning with Amelia, no reaching her through the walls of hatred and resentment she had built around herself.


Luke sat in silence, his eyes fixed on Erebus, who had awakened a few hours earlier, his senses clouded by the heavy fog of alcohol. They shouldn't have entrusted her with sensitive information, he thought bitterly. How could she be so careless, so oblivious to the dangers that surrounded them? 

As the echoes of muffled screams and cries from the previous night reverberated in his mind, Luke remained passive, his own ears numbed by the weight of his indifference. He had heard the suffering of the girl, but he had chosen to turn a deaf ear to her pleas for mercy.

He could not help but, admire that girl, Ayushi, she would rather be beaten, abuse and die while fighting for herself than to be r*ped.

A man entered the tent, breaking the silence with a sense of urgency. "Boss, the girl is heavily injured," he announced. Luke exchanged a silent glance with Erebus before rising to his feet, a grim determination settling over him.

Accompanied by the man, a subordinate under Viktor's command assigned to Erebus, Luke made his way to the captive's tent. As he stepped inside, his heart sank at the sight before him. Freya sat beside the injured girl.

Luke approached the girl cautiously, his heart heavy with sorrow as he took in the extent of her injuries. Her forehead was marred by a deep gash, her body bearing the cruel scars of a brutal beating. With careful hands, he reached out to touch her, his fingers tracing the contours of her battered form.

Feeling her pulse beneath his touch, Luke's eyes widened in shock. There was something amiss, something that stirred a sense of urgency within him. He moved closer, his gaze falling on her ankles, the most visibly injured part of her body. They weren't broken, but they were far from unharmed.

With gentle hands, Luke grasped her ankles, his touch causing the motionless girl to stir ever so slightly. With a sense of grim, he carefully manipulated her limbs, testing their range of motion. He twisted it, and wrapped her ankles with bandage over a green colored medicine.

Another man came with a box, filled with medicine, he gave two green and brown colored to Freya and moved out. He hurriedly moved to Erebus, and told him extent of her injuries. Then the information he gave him, made Erebus heart trembled.

"She is preg...pregnant, E...Erebus", said Luke silently with shivering voice.

Erebus instantly moved his eyes to him, looking for any signs of joke. Pregnant? He himself he unsure of his feelings to her, not to mention cruelty that he showed her last night, was enough for her to hate him forever. Now, how is he supposed to handle this situation.

What Luke didn't understand is, no one knew that she is pregnant, neither she herself, but, with this brutally beaten, how is the baby is still alive, it's really a miracle.

"She is injured everywhere, but, stomach, only that part is unharmed, I think that is why the baby is still fine. But, not too long..." Erebus looked at him instantly and he continued, "She is too weak, these injuries is going to make her more weaker."

"Don't let anyone notice about this and tell Freya. She will look after her", Erebus said coldly with sense of urgency.











Thank you....

And, I think many of you are going to skip my rants above, but at least answer me? Am I wrong asking these?

Help me reach the vote target, okay? Pretty please.

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