City of Blood

By ewstrawberryjam

22 3 0

In a declining, pre-apocalyptic city where vampire/human society is barely hanging on by a thread, Elise, who... More

ch 1 - overcast
ch 2 - a cornered doe
ch 3 - blood money

ch 4 - cheap thrills

3 0 0
By ewstrawberryjam

*just had to mention the fact that this chapter reminded me of the song cheap thrills so i named it after that LMFAO enjoy some slight steam ;)

Elise could only watch in slight horror as Yato
easily punched his fist through the boarded up window of the unlucky store and shimmied it around, creating a larger hole. It went straight through both the wooden board and glass, creating a high pitched shattering sound.

He looked through the hole, and then back at the unsure human girl behind him with a flash of satisfaction in his crimson eyes, "I told you it wasn't abandoned."

Elise shifted her feet nervously before frustratedly throwing her head in the air, "You know, I never fully agreed to this!"

He scoffed at her reluctance, "Oh, right, you pestered me the whole way here with your whiny voice, but yet here you are anyway."

She couldn't help but find his sassy tone amusing as she watched him climb through the window and into the dark room.

Squinting her eyes, she could just barely make out his tall form now standing behind the window. His red eyes had a bit of a glow in the overwhelming darkness as he peered down at her, extending a large hand out through the window in invitation.

Elise hesitantly took it, ultimately deciding that Yato would probably not let her die in his company. She felt his cold hand tighten around hers as he gave it a rough tug, swiftly pulling her through the hole in the glass.

A surprised gasp escaped her lips as she tripped into his chest, grabbing his waist with her hands to avoid falling.

"Shit." Yato sputtered with a half laugh, gazing down at the shorter girl, "I think you were right when you said that you would die if you ever attempted something like this."

Elise scoffed at him, stubbornly removing her hands from his waist.

The crimson eyed man watched in amusement as she slowly took a few steps forward before almost immediately tripping over a large cardboard box right in front of her.

He let out a loud, taunting laugh reaching out his hand to grab her wrist once again.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of slight annoyance at the fact that he could see in the darkness but she could not even see a foot in front of her. His red eyes seemed to always pierce straight through the darkness of both the very world itself but also through one's own mind and soul.

"Give me your backpack, livestock." his deep voice finally said after a moment of thinking.

The girl gave him a confused look, knowing he could see her face clearly.

"I will get the things. Just tell me what." Yato grumbled a reply.

"Ok." she said, quickly deciding to hand the backpack to him, "Food. Anything edible. Pads. Bottled water. Shampoo. Uhhh.." she trailed off before perking up again, "and stock up on the tooth paste."

He was silent for a moment as Elise just watched his red eyes stare down at her with what looked like hesitation.

She sighed before giving him an expectant look, "What?"

"What are pads again?" he questioned seriously.

Yato watched as the blonde haired girl laughed at him, feeling an odd sense of embarrassment. She could not see the slight blush on his face as she made fun of him before she finally him a genuine answer.

The vampire's eyes then blinked a single time upon the realization. "Oh." he said with that dead fish tone, "I forgot you women get that."

Sitting down on the box next to her, she let out another loud fit of laughter at her out of touch friend.

Yato seemed to get straight to work, the steps of his heavy boots sounding quite loud within the stillness of the air.

He was certainly not the most easy to talk to at times but even so, the vampire made an honest effort to understand his human; As did she try to as well. The disconnect was made manageable through the pair's willingness to convene. She never would of thought that this brash vampire man would become a rather good friend of hers.

And Yato was slightly surprised he didn't get an overwhelming urge to eat her yet.

After a few moments of Elise listening to the sound of different boxes around the dark room opening and closing, she couldn't help but let out a breath of relief at the sound of her backpack zipper closing.

Yato strolled back over to her, placing the stuffed backpack on her lap.

Just as quickly as he had placed it on the girl, it fell through the gap in her legs because of how heavy he had made it.

He grumbled a quiet 'shit' as it made a loud bang upon hitting the floor. Sadly, Elise was not surprised by his careless mistake; he probably hadn't even realized how heavy it was for the human girl.

Yato picked up the bag, swinging it over his shoulder. His red eyes shifted to something else in the room as he waited for a second, expectantly. There was some type of clicking sound, something small rolling beneath her feet.

Elise did not realize what was going on until she heard the sound of rapid footsteps coming closer and the sight of a door opening.

From across the room stood a fat, middle aged vampire man who looked like he had been half asleep. He gazed at the two with confusion. Elise somewhat felt bad for disturbing the man but that feeling of guilt quickly diminished upon noticing the gun held at his side.

She felt somewhat of a relief from the light of the doorway revealing Yato's tall form in front of her. He already had his own gun pointed right at the sleepy vampire. That must have been what the clicking sound was.

An unfamiliar feeling of thrill bubbled within her stomach as she looked at the devious smile painted across his face. The unusually big grin spread across his face revealed how sharp his fangs actually were. They were animalistic and menacing.

The man seemed to think the same thing as Elise as he continued to tensely stare at the unsettling smile on Yato's face and the gun pointed at him.

The room was filled with silent anticipation until Yato took an inpatient step forward, causing the poor vampire at the doorway to drop the gun he was holding and slam the door closed. She could hear the sound of the lock to the door click shut and his footsteps disappear upstairs. He had quite literally just decided it was not worth it simply based on Yato's energy.

A deep laughter pierced through the air as the black haired vampire slipped his gun back in to his jacket pocket and then grabbed Elise's wrist. He helped her out of the window they came from and jumped out himself.

It was such a relief to be under the blue moonlight in the city streets again but it was quickly interrupted by Yato's tightening grip around her wrist. He had not removed it as he cautiously scanned the empty streets around them. It looked like he sensed something.

"Yato?" she glanced up at him with a worried expression.

She couldn't help but think that he resembled a cat, watching his slightly pointed ears quiver at some sounds in the distance and his head snap back and forth between a couple different shadowy spots. He gave the air a sniff.

Elise got an anxious feeling before Yato suddenly ran into the closest alleyway, dragging her by the wrist behind of him.

The girl let out a quiet yelp as she was shoved against the wall by the male, the loud rumbling in the distance getting closer.

"I'm going to mask your scent." his low voice quickly whispered to her, placing his hands on the wall behind of her and pressing his body tightly against the human's.

The anxious feeling in her stomach shifted into more of a thrilling one as she gazed at the two night creatures snaking around the alleyway corner.

The bloodthirsty creatures inched down the alley, sniffing the air like Yato earlier did. They were of more bestial type of form but still walking on just two legs with glowing sanguine eyes. Their pupils were cat-like and their jaws contained jagged rows of sharp rigid teeth that were so large it caused the mouth to painfully remain agape. The large dark beasts were barely visible even under the bright moonlight.

She hadn't even noticed how hard she was beginning to breathe at the stupidly dangerous situation they were in until Yato's cold hand touched her face, causing her to snap back into reality.

Elise turned her gaze back to Yato, who was still pressed against her body. Her brown eyes met his crimson eyes which were intently staring down at her. Their faces were only inches apart. She could not tell what he was thinking.

Yato wasn't quite so sure himself as he struggled to understand what exactly it was about the human's curves pressed up against his own body that made him feel such a heat. Perhaps it was simply just his animalistic desire to eat the human, or her sickly sweet blood, or the dangerous situations that always seemed to arouse him—or perhaps because he actually desired the human.

The night creatures got closer to the pair but Elise felt too distracted by the feeling of Yato roughly spinning her around so that she was now directly facing the wall. She let out a gasp at the feeling of him pressing into her from behind. His breath tickled her neck.

Yato made sure to cover her entire body with his as the growling creatures passed by them, not picking up the human's now weak scent. To Yato though, the fragrant scent of her blood was so strong that it almost burned his nostrils. He was finding it very hard to keep controlling his hunger around the girl, who was so close to him, but found it even harder to push her body away from his.

Elise could also realize that he must have been losing it but also couldn't help the current thrill and arousal growing in the pit of her stomach.

The night creatures were now at the end of the alleyway, just about to be out of the proximity. Still, the two friends were unable to shift from that tense position, both seemingly afraid to move. His breathing on her neck ever so slightly quickened.

An unfamiliar dark red blush then spread across her cheeks upon the feeling of Yato's cold hands wrapping around the curves of her waist. His long fingers slipped under her shirt slightly, so he could dig his sharp fingernails into her soft skin.

She was surprised to hear a quiet moan escape her own lips at the sharpness of his nails against her bare skin. His breath hitched a bit as well, the melodic sound loudly ringing in his ears due to his amplified hearing. Yato found it to be beautiful.

In that moment, he decided that he did in fact desire this human for something more than just her blood. He craved a type of intimacy with her.

Yato then spun the girl back around, so that she was facing him again, his hands remaining on her waist. Her back was now up against the wall. By now, the creatures had vanished around the corner.

He leaned his head back down to the nape of her neck, his nose slightly touching her skin, "Just a taste, Elise. Please."

She couldn't help but notice his use of her actual name and not her nickname although he didn't seem to realize. The unfamiliar weakness in his usually dead-toned voice was like music to her ears.

Elise finally moved her hands to touch him by gently pushing his head deeper into her neck, so that his lips could touch her skin. She invited him in.

The man's body slightly shivered under her soft touch before he roughly bit down on to the human's neck.

Even though his fangs looked rather large, it felt like two icy needles puncturing deep into her neck. The sensation caused goosebumps to spread across her body as she threw her head back in both some pain and pleasure. She grabbed a hold of his black hair, causing the half bun to come undone.

Yato let out a low groan against her skin at this as he continued to devour the girl, not being able to stop his hands from falling to her lower ass. Her breath hitched with another moan escaping her lips, feeling her own warm blood trickle down her neck.

The girl's legs began to wobble as she started to feel weak, feeling her energy drain before her very eyes. Elise managed to tug at his head to indicate she was at her limit.

Surprisingly, he reluctantly tore his head away from her neck and removed himself from her after noticing this signal. Yato backed away a bit, breathlessly staring at the girl in front of him with a shade of red dusting his pale cheeks.

Elise stared back at him with the same exact look painted on her face. Her legs then gave out as she collapsed into his arms once again from a mixture of both exhaustion and blood loss.

He scooped her body up into his arms as he looked at the rising sun through the clouds, peeking through the end of the alleyway they were still in.

Yato looked down at the human girl, finding himself in the familiar situation of where to take her. He surely couldn't take her home like this. But then where else would they go while the human was unconscious?

He pondered, tracing a hand on the strap of her backpack, which was still on his back.

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