๐„๐ฑ-๐ฐ๐ข๐Ÿ๐ž'๐ฌ ๐•๐ž๐ง๐ ๐ž๐š...

By lilith_fanfic_3012

8.7K 531 156

In this gripping tale, our fierce protagonist, named ๐Š๐ข๐ฆ๐ž๐ซ๐จ๐ง ๐˜๐ง, finds herself stripped of everythin... More

CHAPTER ~ 5 ใ€ŠTeaserใ€‹
CHAPTER ~ 6 ใ€ŠTeaserใ€‹
CHAPTER ~ 8 ใ€ŠTeaserใ€‹


472 30 15
By lilith_fanfic_3012

In Yn's story, a tale of love and despair,
Where fate's cruel hand seems too much to bear.

Rich ex-husband, and a rival so fair,
Yn finds herself caught in a painful snare.

She runs, she screams, she fights to be free,
Unaware of the danger, she fails to see.

A car's collision, a moment of fate,
Yn's life takes a turn she couldn't anticipate.

In her dreams, she travels back in time,
Rediscovering her strength, so sublime.

The Kimeron Yn of the past, fierce and bold,
A reminder that she's worth more than gold.

Through adversity, she finds her way,
Tears of sadness, but hope will stay.
For Yn's journey is not yet complete,
Her spirit will rise, her heart will beat.

So my dear reader, let your tears flow,
For Yn's story touches hearts, this I know.

But remember, within every struggle and strife,
There's a glimmer of hope, a chance for new life.


"I am sorry, but we don't hire women over 30 here." The restaurant manager told Yn impatiently as he shooed her away. As Yn walked away listlessly, she overheard the manager mumble under his breath, "Who would want to patronize my business if I have an old and ugly waitress?"

Yn frowned slightly. She had half a mind to turn around and tell the manager she was only 25! However, she stopped herself when she saw her reflection in the window beside her. Her face had lost its youthfulness and the twinkle that once decorated her eyes had long since faded.

Emaciated frame (abnormally thin or weak especially because of illness or a lack of food and nutrition) , dry hair, wrinkled face and exhausted face with outdated apparel had added at least 10 years to her appearance. She realized she has grown into looking like an old woman in the past few years... Even though she was really only 25!

Yn smiled bitterly as hardships and misery from the last few years swamped (overwhelm or flood) her mind. As she dragged her tired body away from the spot, she noticed a car pull up behind her. The arrival of an expensive Maybach wasn't lost on the restaurant manager.

"CEO kim, welcome, welcome!" the manager said obsequiously (obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree). Yn abruptly stopped in her tracks.

"Taehyung, can you accompany me to go clothes shopping after this? Today's the new arrival date for the Chanel counter." Elena said demurely (in a quite and well behaved way) as they descended from the car. Her hands were proprietarily (one that possesses, owns, or holds exclusive right to something) wrapped around Taehyung's arm.

Taehyung glanced at her and answered with a succinct (briefly and clearly expressed.) "Yeah!" The one syllable froze Yn to the ground! Before she could stop herself, her head slowly turned...And her eyes fell on Taehyung's handsome face!

Of course it had to be him... The one and only Kim Taehyung

Yn couldn't have predicted this was how they were going to meet after their divorce 3 years ago. She was so haggard, so down on her lucks. He was still his collected self, high above the ranks of commoners.

Elena beside him was also as elegant and dignified as she was 3 years ago. The two of them did eventually end up together. Yn scoffed. Then again, with her out of the picture, was it really any surprise?

"Kimeron Yn?" Taehyung said when he saw her. Disbelief was plainly written in his eyes. Elena expression changed slightly and gasped, "Oh my god, is that really you, Yn? What happened to you?"

Yn snapped out of her daze. She quickly turned her head away, muttering, "You got the wrong person!" Hastily, she turned to escape.

There was no way she was going to face the two of them together today. No woman would be willing to face her rich ex-husband and her gorgeous ex-love rival in such an abject state. Especially not after the two of them had gotten together!

The winner-and-loser comparison was simply too obvious.

Taehyung caught up to the escaping Yn, yelling, "kimeron Yn, stop right there!"

The moment his hand grabbed her arm, she screamed as if burned and pricked by pins, "Let me go! I'm not kimeron Yn, I'm really not!"

She was completely focused on her struggles to get away from Taehyung that she didn't notice a car was speeding down the road. Finally, she struggled free and raced across the road.

"Yn, be careful!" Taehyung yelled as he tried to catch her but it was already too late. The car slammed into Yn. She landed headfirst and was instantly knocked out. Kimeron Yn descended into a long dream...

She dreamt about everything that happened before she turned 19. The memories that she thought she had lost returned to her. She realized that the Kimeron Yn of the past was no pushover; she wouldn't have ended up in such a miserable state. She was an ace in everything.

She was once the pride of her family.. but now... Reflecting on the adversity ( a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune) that she had been forced to endure, tears of sadness rolled down her face in her subconscious state. Then she remembered what her father taught her about lord Krishna's teaching.

"तेजो यत्ते सह तेजो मयि।
तेन ते जहाम्यहमिदं क्षत्रं संग्राममावृत्ति॥"

Translation: "I am the strength of the strong, devoid of desire and attachment. O conqueror of enemies, I am the resolve in those who are righteous."

This verse highlights the inner strength and determination that arises within individuals who remain steadfast in their righteousness and actions, despite facing challenges. It can serve as a source of inspiration for her to tap into her inner power and overcome her adversities with courage and resilience.

"The patient is still unconscious but her condition has pretty much stabilized. She suffered from a minor concussion to the head, but one or two weeks of rest should be enough to put her back on her feet. However, she will need some supplements due to an extended period of malnourishment.."

Inside the hospital room, the doctor explained Yn's physical condition in detail to Taehyung. The statuesque (attractively tall, graceful, and dignified) man frowned slightly.

How could Yn be suffering from prolonged malnourishment? He couldn't wrap his head around this.

Taehyung turned his head to look at Yn, just in time to notice those tears that was gliding down his ex-wife weathered (worn out because of long exposure to the atmosphere) face...

His eyes shook slightly as a cocktail of emotions surged in his heart. Why was she crying? What's happening to her? Kimeron Yn, what kind of life have you been living after our divorce?

Simultaneously, Elena, who stood beside Taehyung, also stared at Yn while nurturing her own thoughts. She looked at the woman who once had Taehyung all for herself, but was ultimately chased away by her; Elena was overjoyed. Her heart soared (fly or rise high in clouds) witnessing the wretched state Yn had fallen into.

Kimeron Yn, you lost to me once... you'll fare worse now that you're old and ugly hag. I can barely summon the energy to deal with you. I'm sure you'll just waste away like the trash that you've become. After all, even for an idiot, the choice between a gorgeous woman and an old beggar would be exceptionally easy. And we're talking about kim Taehyung here. He's never going to be stupid enough to give you his attention. Elena thought.

Elena might have reservations against a young, beautiful Yn of the past, but now there was no need to be insecure...These thoughts buoyed (feeling happier and confident) Elena's mood so greatly that she was feeling gracious (courteous, kind and pleasant towards someone of lower status) for her ex-rival.

She nudged Taehyung and said softly, "Taehyung, don't worry. I'm sure Yn will be fine. How about we find her a personal nurse or better yet, leave her some money. I believe that's what she needs the most now." Taehyung looked at his fiancé and nodded slightly. Maybe that's the right thing to do.

"Taehyung, it's already quite late. We still have a family dinner to attend later tonight to discuss our upcoming nuptials. Shouldn't we be going?" Elena asked softly to test the waters.

Taehyung then only realized such an event was indeed in his itinerary (a detailed plan, route or journey).

Ever since his divorce, he hadn't been looking for a new spouse but as the only male heir to the kim Family, he had to marry to ensure the kim Name and legacy lived on.

Elena was his childhood friend. The entire kim Family was in love with her; her good looks and intellect were definite pluses as well. Therefore, after Taehyung's divorce was finalized, the two families had been trying to match the two of them together.

Taehyung was always warm and soft towards Elena but he wasn't in love with her. Then again, there was not a single woman that he was in love with. Even his marriage to Yn wasn't out of love since it was an arranged marriage.

For him, as long as the wife was biologically female, he was fine with anyone filling the post.

His indifference only deepened more after the failed marriage to Yn. He shrugged and agreed nonchalantly when his family brought up the idea of marrying Elena. And tonight was a dinner between the two families to discuss their wedding.

In fact, this morning, they were out to look for a high end restaurant to host their wedding reception, and wedding dress shopping...Who knew they would stumble into Kimeron Yn.

The ex-wife he hadn't met for 3 years.

Truth be told, Taehyung had once wondered under what circumstances would they meet again. but none of the scenarios in his mind could have fitted the bizarre stance that happened today.

Wasn't she the kim family's young mistress, how could she have landed in such a deplorable (completely unacceptable, shockingly bad in quality) state? Didn't he already made arrangements for her life after their divorce so that she won't face any discomfort because of the sudden change in finances and lifestyle.

He remembered leaving a check of sizeable amount of alimony after their divorce. The amount should be more than enough for her to live the rest of her life in luxury, so why had he found her in such a situation? This question had been clogging his mind ever since he left the hospital.

Needless to say Elena was not happy with his lack of attention. "Taehyung, what's on your mind?" She asked curiously, to which Taehyung answered drly, "Nothing serious." Elena clenched her fist then relaxed it.

"You're thinking about Yn, aren't you?" She sighed, "Even I couldn't believe that was the same Yn we saw up there. Why did she choose to live like this when she has the resources for a better life? Why is she so dense?"

Dense... that was exactly how Taehyung pictured Yn. Dense and intense. Sometimes dense could be cute but Yn had the lethal combination of being dense and stubborn. Because of this, troubles tended to follow this woman and the people around her.

In fact, their marriage could be said to be ruined by her stubbornness and denseness. If only she could be obedient. However, he didn't expect her to be dumb enough to be unable to care for herself even with the great amount of alimony he had given her. Simply put, his encounter with Yn today day had left a great impact on him.

Taehyung was so lost in his thoughts so he didn't answer Elena's questions or payed any attention to what she was saying. Before long, the car arrived at the restaurant.



It was a private sitting area. Both of their families were already there. Since the dinner was to discuss their upcoming nuptials/wedding, the attendees included both of their parents as well as his son, Zade. His baby boy that he had with Yn. The little guy was not fully two year old when they divorced, so he was soon going to be five.

[2 year old Bady Zade 👆🏻]

"Why don't we pick November 2nd as the wedding date? It's an auspicious date." Taehyung's mom, Old Mrs. Kim Wendy said smilingly. Elena's mom nodded happily, adding, "This certainly is meant to be because l was going to suggest that day as well. Taehyung, Elena, are the two of you fine with the date?" She asked enthusiastically

"Of course. Arrangements like these should always been left in the parent's capable hands" Elena's said in a soft tone with a shy expression. "'Am fine with any date." Taehyung shrugged.

"Then, the date's set. We can focus fully on wedding preparation now. Elena, God is still kind towards me because you'll finally be my daughter-in-law" Mrs. Kim said happily as her hands clasped over Elena's, both of them smiling joyfully.

Elena practically grew up in front of her. She was very fond of her personality, beauty, character, and ability. She had been haranguing (lecture someone at length in an aggressive and critical manner) Taehyung to bring Elena into the kim Family from years, and finally her wish was about to come true.

There was another woman at the table whose ultimate wish was about to come true and that was Choe Elena. Finally, Kim Taehyung was going to be within her grasp. The man was going to be hers at last.

Right then, the glass of juice Zade held in his hands fell on the ground and shattered. He also somehow managed to splash his shirt with juice. "Zade, you've gotta be more careful" Mrs. kim Wendy scolded lightly.

"Zade baby, are you hurt?" Elena moved in with a handkerchief to wipe the juice on his shirt but he quickly scurried into Taehyung's arms, avoiding her completely like a plague.

Elena's hands hung awkwardly in the air. "ll go get him cleaned up" Taehyung said as he carried his son to the bathroom.



Taehyung set his son down on the sink counter. Zade stared intently at his swaying legs, his brain churning. He suddenly slapped away Taehyung's hands that were dabbing the juice out of his shirt.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung said softly as he stared at his son, "You've been acting up since the dinner began, is something bothering you?"

Zade lowered his head wordlessly. When Taehyung lifted his son's face, he saw a pair of determined angry eyes staring back at him.

Taehyung frowned and asked, "Zade, tell me what's wrong." Zade gritted his teeth, "I don't like Auntie Elena." his son replied directly without any hesitation.

Taehyung understood his son's thoughts immediately. "You don't want me to marry her?" The boy was silent so Taehyung took that as a yes. "Why don't you like her?" Taehyung continued his line of questioning, "She has been extremely nice to you, hasn't she?"

One of the reasons Taehyung agreed to the marriage was because he had seen how good Elena treated zade. He didn't mind who he married but if he had to marry one, he might as well find one that could be a good stepmother to Zade.

Elena was the best candidate because his whole family approved of her and she was kind to zade. Therefore, it came as a surprise for his son to reveal that he didn't like his fiancé. "She's nice to me because l'm your son. I'm just a tool for her to get to you."

Taehyung's face dropped. "That's not a nice thing to say about her." Zade snickered. "The truth is never good for the ears!"

Zade said with wisdom beyond his years, "Why do you even care? You've never asked for my opinion about who you should marry anyway. You always have her around you. I'm just the extra baggage for you."

Zade hopped off the counter and stalked off in an angry fit. "Stand right there!" Taehyung ordered sternly, "Zade, who taught you to speak like this to your own father? Where are your manners?" Zade was already upset and, being lectured only made him more morose (sullen and ill tempered).

[Obstinately: in a way that is unreasonably determined, especially by acting in a particular way and not changing at all, despite what anyone else says.]

Zade turned around obstinately (stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so), his eyes swirling with sadness and dissatisfaction.

"Nobody taught me. Who will taught me manners? After all I have no mother to teach me, do I? But yes, I do know what lord krishna taught me and he said:

"यस्य हस्ते वसेत् तद्भूषणं यस्य सिते वसेत् तद्धि वस्त्रम्।
यस्य गृहे वसेत् तत् कुटुंबं यस्याग्रे सद्यः प्रसन्नः॥"

Zade translated the shloka to convey his learnings to his father, "And by this shloka he wants to taught us that One's ornaments are those that are in his hands, his clothes are those that are on his body, his family is that which resides in his home, and his most beloved is he who is pleased with him."

This shloka reflects the idea that true value lies in the relationships and connections that bring joy and satisfaction, rather than in material possessions or societal expectations. Zade's perspective, as conveyed in the paragraph, seems to align with this sentiment of prioritizing genuine connections over external appearances or social norms.

Taehyung was stunned as he stood frozed to his place.... When he came back to his senses, his son was already gone. Taehyung ran out to chase after his son.

He caught up to him at the restaurant's entrance. He turned his son around and was surprised to see tears rolling in his son's eyes. His heart broke at that.

[Soon turning five year old baby Zade👆🏻]

Kim Zade had always been a quiet child. He could spend a whole afternoon in silence in the company of a good book specially Bhagwat geeta. He believed in lord Krishna's teaching and followed them to fulfill his mother's absence.

He was in all meanings of the word, a modern saint and mentally grown child. He was not given to childish fits and outbursts. His behavior today was definitely out of the ordinary.

This was also the first time Taehyung saw his son so upset. When he divorced Yn, Zade was months away from beingtwo-year-old. His mother wasn't a part of the boy's life for the past three years.

Taehyung thought this meant that zade had gotten used to being raised in Yn's absence and Elena's presence, but he didn't realize his son had merely been stuffing his emotions deep down.

Looking at his son state, Taehyung had no appetite to continue the dinner and wedding talks anymore. After a brief phone call to his mom, he brought zade home.



Zade kept his eyes on the scenery outside the window. His small figure spoke of loneliness and forlornness (sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned).

Taehyung sat beside him silently. When they passed the hospital, his thoughts went to Yn. He wondered if she had woken up.

Taehyung couldn't help but be reminded of her current situation. He was sure zade wouldn't bear to see his mother like that. So letting him finally meet his mother was not a option right now. Taehyung decided to temporarily not let both of them meet to spare zade the sadness.



When they arrived at Purple Jade Villa, their home, Zade was already asleep. Taehyung was carrying his son into their living room when his cellphone rang. "Sir, please let me carry the young master" their maid, Mrs. Lee Emma said.

After gingerly passing Zade over to her, Taehyung pulled out his phone. It was an unknown number. "Hello?" He began and was quick to realize it was from the hospital. "Is this Mr. Kim Taehyung? This is the city Hospital." The person on the other side asked.

"Yes, kim Taehyung speaking. How can I help you?" Taehyung enquired although he was certain it had everything to do with his ex wife Kimeron Yn.

"Mr. Kim, I'm sorry to inform you but the patient you sent over today suddenly disappeared. We believe that she left the hospital of her own accord! However, her body is still recovering so she shouldn't have left. Can you please contact her and get her back to the hospital?"

Taehyung was right that it had to do with Yn but even he couldn't have predicted the woman would be crazy enough to leave the hospital against the doctor's advice! She was involved in a car accident.

Her injury wasn't that serious but the doctor did say it was required for her to stay in the hospital for observation for at least a few days.

Who would have thought she would sneak out after she regained consciousness...The nurse also found 3000 dollar's on Yn's bedside table after she left. When Yn had just woken up, the nurse handed her the money, telling her it was from kim Taehyung.

When she snuck out, she left it behind, an obvious rejection of his kindness. This meant that she had no money and her body was still in a stage of convalesce.

Taehyung couldn't understand why she would leave just like that. Doesn't she care about her own health? Does she always have to be so stubborn?

Taehyung was a bit inflamed by her stubbornness and careless attitude but he still hopped into his car to find her.
It was not that he was worried about her but, at the end of the day, she was still zade's mother. He couldn't just leave her to her own devices for his son's sake.



While Taehyung was out around the city looking for her, Yn was at the police station. She was there to make a police report!

With a bandaged head, bruised face, pallid (pale) skin and feeble (lacking physical strength as a result of age or illness) body, the police thought she was there to report a physical assault.

However, it turned out she wanted to report a car accident that happened six years ago.

"Ms. Kimeron, let me get this straight. You mean to say the car accident that happened to you six years ago was a premeditated (thought out or planned beforehand, especially a crime) murder attempt?" the police asked in shock.

Yn nodded, her eyes held firm, adding, "That's correct! Six years ago, I rushed back from overseas because my father had fallen seriously ill. Someone had made an attempt on my life and faked it as a vehicular accident. Thankfully, I didn't die, I only lost my memory. Today, I got into another accident and everything came back to me." She briefly explained.

"How can you be so sure that it was premeditated?" The inspector asked. "I remember noticing that car had been following me since I landed at the airport. He was waiting for me!" The police turned serious and asked, "Can you remember anything else?"

She nodded. "I remember the last two digits of the car plates were 53, and it was a black SUV." The police responded with a hint of disbelief, "But Ms. Kimeron, this was 6 years ago and you yourself said you've suffered from temporary amnesia, so how can you be certain the things you've remembered are in fact correct?"

Yn replied softly, "Because the man wanted to kill me, how can one possibly mistake the details of his or her killer? Furthermore, even during my amnesia, my retentive memory (effective in retaining facts and impressions) was perfectly fine." The police were quick to believe her.

This was because he had pulled Yn's records and realized she was a top student from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), one of the top ten universities in the world. "Ms. Kimeron, do you have any suspects in mind or have you wronged someone in the past?"

Yn was quick to answer, "The only suspects are my stepmother and her daughter. After my father passed away,
they were quick to cut me out of his will. Everything fell to the mother-daughter pair even though I'm my father's only biological heir!" Animosity (a strong feeling of hatred) colored Yn's eyes when she spat out those words.

Yn's parents was also divorced when she was young. She grew up overseas with her mom. After her father remarried, Yn would spend some time in the country with her father annually. She got on well with her stepmother and sister. They were always kind and nice to her.

Yn treated them as her extended families but who knew the pair had a hidden motive all along. When her father was on his death bed, they were afraid Yn would lay claim to a majority of his estate and overseas property so their vicious nature finally reared its ugly head.

It was truly a miracle that the car crash didn't take Yn's life, only her memory was gone. Her father, before he passed away - perhaps finally realizing his new wife's malintentions had contacted Old Mr. Kim Warren (Taehyung's grandfather) and Mr. Chis kim (Taehyung's father) and requested that Yn be married into the kim Family.

Hence, after he died, Yn who had lost her memory became Taehyung's wife. Following a series of ups and downs, daily misery, torture and betrayal from her husband which was the nail in coffin, she finally decided for a divorce and left the kim Family. Her divorce was the talk of the town so it was impossible for her stepmother to not hear about it.

However, in the past three years, she had never once offered help. In fact, Yn did try approaching her for help when she was almost homeless but her stepmother turned her away rudely.

The change in their behavior before and after her accident was so drastic that it was hard to believe the mother-daughter pair had nothing to do with Yn's downfall.

In any case, she was sure her stepmother and sister were the perpetrators (who committed a crime or a violent and harmful act) behind her so-called accident! Now that she thought about it, her father's out of the sudden death was quite suspicious as well.

Her father wasn't even a casual drinker so how could he have suddenly fallen down the balcony in a drunken stupor (a state of near unconsciousness or Insensibility)?

Yn swore to get to the bottom of the truth and make Anika Rong (Step mother) and Aisha (Step sister) pay for what they did! She recited a Bhagwat Purana shloka reflecting her determination and resolve to seek justice:

"नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः।
न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः॥"

Translation: "Weapons cannot cut this soul, nor can fire burn it; water cannot wet it, nor can the wind dry it."

This shloka conveys the idea of the soul's invincibility and indestructibility, serving as a source of strength and resilience in the face of adversity. It reflects her unwavering determination to seek justice and overcome the challenges she faces, embodying her inner strength and resolve.


When she left the police station, the sun had long since set. Yn didn't return to the hospital but headed straight home. Her divorce to Taehyung had left her penniless. It was her uncle who took her homeless ass in.

Kimeron Jae was her father's little brother, and used to work in the Kimeron's Family's hotelier business. His honesty and lack of business acumen (the ability to make correct judgment and taking clever decision) though prevented him from achieving professional greatness. He is a simple, down to earth, humble and innocent minded person.

Her stepmother Anika and sister Aisha took complete hold over her father's estate, business and properties after he passed away, leaving her uncle Jae and his only son Jackson with nothing.

In a way, Yn and her uncle's family found themselves landing in the same boat. However, her kind uncle Jae insisted on taking her into his care. He treated her like his own daughter. This debt of gratitude, Yn would continue to repay it for the rest of her life.

After navigating a series of increasingly dirty alleyways, Yn found herself in a decrepit (worn out and ruined) residential area. She looked around vacantly. It would not be an exaggeration to call the place a slum. Grimy, smelly, and disorderly were fitting descriptions.

Yn never knew that she would end up in a place like this. Tbh, she can't believe that Yn kimeron, The beauty and the beast in one would end up like this. Before her memory loss, she lived a life of luxury and ease.

Even without her father's heritage, she would have survived quite well with her own talent and capability not to mention her mother's earning. In the game of life, she once stood tall and proud as a winner.

Just then, fate or bad luck struck her down. A car accident sent her down a slippery slope which brought her, eventually, to this slum. Her fate was like the concubines in Ancient Chinese dramas; favored one moment, abandoned the next.

[Concubines: A woman with whom a man cohabits/ builds physical relationship without being married: such as one having a recognized social status in a household below that of a wife. A woman who cohabits with a man to whom she doesn't have a legal relationship, especially one regarded as socially or sexually subservient; mistress. Among polygamous peoples: a secondary wife, usually of inferior rank. For example: sex slaves of king. ]

It was not hard to see why she was bitter about everything. However, with the return of her memory, she was going to reclaim everything that she had lost with interest!

It was time to turn the tables back into her favor. With her talent and hard work, she believed that she would soon see the back of this place. Her life would no longer be in fate's hands! Because she knows what lord krishna said:

"तस्यैव हेतोः प्रणतस्य कृतस्य यः प्रदेशः शिवमाचरेत सिरोजसा।
वृत्तिं च धर्माचरितं सुखमायुष्यमद्यापि चानुदिनं य एतदानीम्॥"

Translation: "For one who has taken shelter of the causeless mercy of the Supreme Lord, all sorts of happiness and prosperity, along with the attainment of liberation, are certainly guaranteed. Thus, for one who desires to elevate himself to the devotional platform, the process is not at all difficult. The only requirement is that one accept the process sincerely and with enthusiasm."

This shloka motivates individuals to strive for their dreams and rights by emphasizing the importance of taking shelter in the mercy of the Supreme Lord and engaging in righteous conduct. It assures that with sincere effort and enthusiasm, success and fulfillment are assured, along with spiritual liberation.

Yn stopped in front of an old but sturdy wooden door and knocked lightly. The door opened swiftly to reveal a lanky (ungracefully thin and tall) young man, her cousin brother Jackson. He asked bewilderedly, "Sis, what happened to you? Why are you wounded all over?"

Yn replied calmly, "It's nothing serious. I got into a little car accident." He gasped loudly. "Yn dear, is that you? How serious was the accident, did you go to hospital, which part of your body was injured?" Jae, with a head of grey hair, rushed over to fuss over Yn before adding, "Are you still in pain? Who's the driver that hit you?"

Jackson was also on the verge of tears, "Sis, are you badly injured? Do this pain badly? Do you need any help?" Taking in her uncle and cousin's worried and caring questions, Yn's heart was immediately warmed.

Enveloped in the room's yellow light, Yn appeared much paler and petite. "It was only a minor accident. Even the doctor said it's nothing serious. I'l be fine after a few days of rest" She didn't want to reveal more than that lest it worried her uncle.

"Uncle, your body is still weak, so why aren't you in bed?" Jae had a kidney disease. Plus, his work as a general cleaner meant that he had to sleep early to catch his morning shift.

"I had a bad feeling in my gut from afternoon and then you were out so late, and you see, something bad did happen to you." Jae said agonizingly with teary eyes, "Weren't you already in an accident six years ago? Isn't that enough? Looks like God really has it out for the Kimeron Family.."

It was hard to argue with Jae's logic because things truly hadn't been great for the Kimeron Family. Her father Kimeron Dylan died, she lost her memory after a car accident. Her rights, all inheritance was stolen away and even her marriage ended in a divorce with her loosing her baby.

When they were so down on their luck, Jae contracted a renal disease and his monthly dialysis ate into their already pitiable family account. Jae's son, Jackson was an ace student, worthy of the country's best university.

However, to spare his famiý the additional expense, Jackson chose to continue his study at a local state school. The fees were much lower but it greatly restricted his otherwise bright future.

Today she got into another car accident so her uncle was understandably upset at God for treating the Kimeron Family this way. However, Yn was secretly thankful because the accident had brought her back her memory. And now she will bring their happiness and good luck back.

"Uncle, look at me, I'm really fine so don't you worry. Furthermore, it is thanks to today's accident that I recovered my memory. So, I'm sure things will be looking up for the kimeron Family very soon." Both Jae and Jackson were equally surprised.

"Sis, are you serious?!" Yn nodded, "Why would I kid about something like that? I couldn't contribute to thís family previously because I knew practically nothing, but from now on everything will change." She said with determination. "Yay, Sis. You finally got your memory back!" Jackson cheered.

He was 20 years old now but he would always be a child in Yn's mind. However, he quickly thought of something and his smile turned awkward.

On the other hand, Jae who had a more naive outlook on life was overjoyed for Yn's sake. He didn't have the mindfulness to realize how Yn's recovered memory might have impacted how she viewed her misery for the past few years.

But jackson had the empathy to intuit (understand or work out by instinct) that the contrast between the years before Yn lost her memory and the past few years must have been difficult to stomach.

To be frank, it was difficult for Yn to accept initially. However, she was not one to dwell on the past. She collected herself quickly.

Yn claimed tiredness and retreated to her bedroom after a few more words with her family. Jae also went to bed. Just as Yn prepared to sleep, she heard a knock on her bedroom door. "Sis, are you asleep?" Jackson asked. "Im still awake, come in,' Yn replied as she sat up in her bed.

Jackson pushed open her room door, carrying a bowl of hot porridge in his hands. "Sis, I worry you haven't had a bite of food since this morning so I made some porridge using our leftovers. Added an egg for protein, it will help with your recovery. Careful, it's hot." He set the bowl down on her bedside table and said caringly.

Yn looked at the young man that stood beside her bed. Six years ago, Jackson was still a bright-eyed child, pure and kindhearted. Six years later, his eyes had lost that naive luster but thankfuly he still retained his kind heart.

He was right that Yn hadn't had a bite to eat since this morning. She picked up the small ceramic bowl and slowly took one spoonful of porridge after another. Jackson sat on the edge of her bed, his black eyes staring at her with a mixture of complicated feelings.

He finally asked, "Sis, did you really remember everything?" After a quick glance at him, she nodded. He smiled and said, "That's wonderful news! It's great that you've recovered your memory! Let's forget all about the past and start anew. Sis, after my graduation this year, I promise I'll work super hard to support our family. Your body is still weak so do stay home and rest. Leave everything to me, I'Il bring home lots of money to support the three of us!"

Yn replied with a smile. "I believe you but please stop worrying about me, I assure you l'm fine." She saw through his words and picked up the genuine concern he had for her.

"Sis, you're still human so how could you be fine about the drastic changes? You were a star student at MIT, heading for a bright future if it wasn't derailed by that godforsaken accident."

Yn's encounter if experienced by anyone else, they would be extremely discouraged. Anybody would be frustrated if their bright future was forcefully taken away. However, Yn was not a random anybody. She believed her ability wasn't defined by an MIT certificate.

She believed she could survive a divorce and break free from poverty and finally claim her baby boy back. She was no longer afraid of the things that once pinned her down. She was going to reclaim her life and this time no one and nothing could stand in her way.

"I'm really fine, don't you have faith in your sister? By the way, what kind of job will you be looking for?" Yn asked to change the subject. "My degree is in computer science so l plan to join an internet company but don't you worry, it will not be THV Empire," Jackson said with some excitement.

THV Empire was their country's most famous and number one internet company and in this day and age, online business was all the hype. THV Empire used to limit their business ventures to hotels and real estate, but Taehyung saw beforehand how lucrative the online business would become.

Under his expert leadership, today's THV Empire was Asia's biggest tech company, and Taehyung had multiple times entered Forbes "Ten Richest Person in the World list".

Yn said kindly, "THV Empire has the best technology, good management and favorable benefits, it's a good platform for aspiring programmer like yourself. You should go."

Jackson replied firmly, "Over my dead body. They treated you so badly, I couldn't possibly work for them!" Yn sighed, "Fine, I won't force you if you don't want to. In the future, we'll have an internet company of our own."

Jackson giggled, "That has always been my plan. Sis, believe me, I will definitely make you proud!" He said with much enthusiasm.

With his potential, Yn believed that her cousin truly could make it in the world. Not that he needed it, but if the worst was to happen, he still had her to lean back on. While Yn was chatting the night away with Jackson, Taehyung was out looking for her.

He had been searching for 2 hours but it was to no avail. He only realized how ludicrous (so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing) he was acting when Elena called. "Taehyung, are you in bed?" it was her habit to call him every night.

Honestly, Taehyung didn't have many conversational topics in common with her and he had no interest in listening to Elena recap her daily life so the nightly calls rarely went beyond the perfunctory hello and good night.

"l'm still up, is there anything you want to discuss?" Taehyung asked half-heartedly. "How is Zade? He didn't look so well during dinner." Elena asked cautiously.

She knew Zade was averse (strong dislike) to her presence but for the sake of preserving her image in kim family, she had to pretend that she didn't noticed it.

"He's fine. He's sleeping now." Taehyung replied. Elena said with a smile in her voice, "That's good to know. It's late. Taehyung, do retire to bed soon." He hummed, "Okay." Elena knew it was her cue to cut the call. "Good night," she concluded warmly.

Taehyung kept his phone down, stopped his car by the roadside, and lit a cigarette. As throngs of cars rushed him by, he chuckled to himself.

So what if Yn had disappeared, why was it his responsibility to find her? She was a grown woman, she could find her way home.

Taehyung turned his car back home but as a safety measure, ordered some men to investigate her present situation. At least that way he would know she was still alive and finally have an idea what had happened to her in the past few years. He was interested to find out how a woman with such a sizeable amount of alimony could end up in her state.




Taehyung received updates on Yn life for the past 3 years. After the divorce, she was taken in by her uncle. Through family connections, he understood her uncle had a son and the three of them had been keeping each other afloat.

Their life took a turn for the worse when Kimeron Jae was diagnosed with kidney disease. To earn money, Yn had to take on multiple odd jobs. Cleaner, dishwasher, waitress... She spent her times doing all sorts of menial labor.

However, she was bullied and isolated at every single workplace due to her reticence and reluctance (unwillingness or disinclination to do something) to socialize. This meant that none of her work lasted longer than a month. Three years of bouncing from one harsh working environment to another had taken a toll on her.

(Reticence : an unwillingness to do something or talk about something, because you are nervous or being careful or a introvert person in general.)

Taehyung was still surprised when he thought back to their encounter yesterday. It seemed like she had aged tremendously since their divorce. He could barely recognize her anymore. If not for their chance encounter yesterday, he wouldn't have known how much pain and cruelty she had endured..

Nevertheless, there was one thing that puzzled him. Why hadn't she used her alimony? He knew Yn wasn't a spender but even if she was, it was impossible to burn through the amount he'd given in a short period of time.

Taehyung leaned back in his chair with a serious expression. It would appear that there were some details that were hidden from his knowledge...



When he stepped into the dining room, his whole family was already seated, having their breakfast. Zade was the first to wake up since he had an early bedtime the day before. He had already finished his breakfast when Taehyung sat down.

"Take zade to school for me" Taehyung ordered one of their maids. "Yes, sir" the maid complied. She took Zade's hand and led him out of the room.

Wendy took a delicate bite of her barley porridge with a porcelain spoon before asking, "Why did you leave so suddenly yesterday? You are the reason we were gathered there, you know? How awkward you've left your father and mother." She scolded.

"I did called you to say that Zade wasn't feeling well, didn't I? By the way, mom..." Taehyung looked at his mother, the rest of his question caught in his throat. Mrs. Kim encouraged him with a smile, adding a "Yes?" He continued, "Did Yn accepted the alimony after our divorce?"

Wendy's spoon froze in mid-air and her face dropped.. Based on her reactions, Taehyung knew instantly that the answer to his question was no. "Why didnt you tell me if you didn't give her the alimony?" He thought Yn was living well with the money. That was why he didn't think to check up on her.

If not for their chance encounter yesterday, he would still be left in the dark. Mrs. Kim face froze over. She shrugged, "It wasn't that I didn't give her the alimony, she just didn't want it." She said nonchalantly and in a dismissive tone.

"Still, you could have told me." Taehyung probed. "Why should I? She no longer had anything to do with our kim Family. It's better that the relationship was cut off cleanly. If she didn't want our help, good riddance, I'd say."

Taehyung said in a low rumble, "Either way, Yn is still zade's mother. Yes, we are no longer legally married, but we can't just close our eyes to her suffering."

Wendy frowned slightly as she retorted, "It's her own decision to slap our helping hand away. You, yourself, are familiar with her weird and stubborn attitude. It has been nothing but trouble since she came into the kim Family. She's unwilling to admit her mistakes and refuses to communicate with the rest of the family, causing all of us to walk on tiptoes around the house. I did the best I could by offering her help once but she refused it. We're not running a charity here, I'm not going to beg her to accept our aid."

Taehyung wasn't convinced. "Regardless, you should have at least told me..." Wendy gritted her teeth. "Taehyung, your marriage to her was from the beginning a huge mistake. Your father was obviously not thinking straight when he allowed that woman to marry into our family."

She continued, "I know it couldn't have been easy for you having to live with that horrible woman. It was a blessing that she asked for a divorce so I'm not going to give her any chance to squirm her way back into our family. Plus, she's a fully-grown woman, she's not going to die from hunger."

True, but she's not doing much living either...When the truth will be revealed to zade in the future, he will definitely be mad at them. Taehyung thought.

Without waiting for his breakfast to arrive, Taehyung stood
up and said, "I'm going to the office." Wendy frowned. "But you haven't had your breakfast yet." She called after him but Taehyung strode out of the house without even once turning his head.

"See, didn't I tell you to not hide it from our son? I told you that he's going to be angry when he finds out," kim Chris chided his wife. Wendy leveled him a sidelong glance. "You're blaming me now? This is entirely your fault. If you didn't agree to the marriage in the first place, we wouldn't have ended up in this hot soup. Now you see, none of the parties involved is happy."

Chris sighed. "l owe Yn's father my life and that was his dying wish, so how could I have said no? Plus, how could I have known the two of them won't match. In any case, I've learnt my lesson. I'll stay out of our son's marriage in the future. He can choose whoever he likes to marry." He said while shaking his head.

"What nonsense are you spouting this time? That person has been chosen and it is Elena. I've known this girl since she was a baby and l've always treated her as my own daughter. I have to do so much for finally replacing Yn with Elena in Taehyung's life. She is perfect for Taehyung." Wendy mouth curved into a smile with the mention of Elena's name.



Yn woke up with fatigue bearing down on her. The sudden resurgence (revival) of her old memory must have added some pressure to her mental state. The fact that she was run down by a car didn't help her situation either. She decided to stay home that day to nurse her health.

It was a college holiday so Jackson also stayed back to help in taking care of his sister. "Sis, are you sure you're feeling well? Shall we go to the hospital?" He enquired worriedly.

Yn shook her head, saying, "I'm fine. Doctor's orders, I'm to stay home for a few days to rest. The injury is not so serious or else they wouldn't have let me out."

"But you're looking frighteningly pale." He was not convinced with her assurances. "This is how a recovering patient normally looks..." Yn said with forced levity (the treatment of a serious matter with humour or lack of respect). She didn't want to go back to the hospital. Their family couldn't afford to spend on her medical bill.

Taehyung had obviously let the driver who knocked her down, go. She didn't want to owe Taehyung so she opted to suffer in silence.

Jackson couldn't bear to see her like this, adding, "Sis, I think it's better we go see the doctor. We still have some money left to spare. Even dad said to bring you to the hospital before he left for work so please listen to us!"

In truth, they barely had enough for a check-up. Yn insisted her injury wasn't serious and refused to leave her room.

Jackson of course knew why she wouldn't go. When he was at his wit's end, someone knocked on their house's door. It sounded slow and deliberate, a great contrast to the rushed ones normally done by their ruffian neighbors.

He asked curiously, "Who could that be?" They weren't used to entertaining guests so his interest was piqued. He opened the door to find a young man in a sharp business suit. "Excuse me, does Miss Kimeron Yn live here?" the man asked politely.

Jackson nodded, "She does but who are you, why are you looking for my sister?" The man smiled, "I'm Mr. Kim Taehyung personal assistant, my name is Chang An . CEO kim wants me to send something over to Miss Kimeron. May I know if she's home?"

The moment Chang revealed he worked for the kim Family, Jackson expression turned cold. However, his good manners still compelled him to say, "My sister is not feeling so well at the moment, but please come in." Chang An nodded, "Thank you."

The horrible sound proofing of their apartment's walls and the apartment's cramped overall space meant that Yn could hear their exchange even though she was inside her bedroom.

Their apartment only had two rooms and one living area. The living area was barely big enough to fit the little furniture they had.

Jackson led Chang An into her bedroom where a sickly Yn laid slumped against her bed's headboard. Chang An's measured expression slipped for a moment to reveal his shock. He couldn't believe the fragile looking woman in the room was the same woman he once served as his boss' wife and the young master's mother..

His temporary shock was quickly covered up by his good training, and he deferentially (in a way that is polite and shows a lots of respect) presented a cheque to Yn. "Nice to meet you again, Miss Kimeron. Mr. Kim wants me to present this to you. He said this originally belongs to you and it's your right so please accept it."

Even before Yn laid her eyes on it, she knew it was a cheque for two hundred million dollars. She guessed correctly that Taehyung had just found out the alimony cheque given to her three years ago was rejected. She rejected it three years ago and she was going to reject it again.

"Tell your boss I'm thankful but I can't accept this. He doesn't owe me anything neither do I. So I won't take this from him," Yn said nonchalantly. Chang An was surprised. Confused, he added, "Miss Kimeron, aren't you going to check how much money is on it first?"

Yn smiled with her lips tightly pressed. "It's two hundred million, right?" He quickly nodded, "Yes.." Chang An's shock only deepened. Since she knew how much money was on it, why would she reject it outright?

Yn noticed his confusion so she answered, "l didn't take the money three years ago and the thought to claim it hadn't even crossed my mind, so I won't accept it now. Go back and tell Mr. Kim that the only thing he owes me is to give my son a good life."

Chang again tried, "But.." Yn interrupted, "Jackson, please help me show Mr. Chang out. I'm tired." She indirectly dismissed him. "Mr. Chang, you heard my sister. We won't accept your money" Jackson echoed as he moved to lead Chang An out.

Before Chang An left their home, he tried to persuade Jackson to accept the cheque on his sister's behalf but his offer was firmly rejected. Staring at the closed wooden door, Chang An couldn't help but be intrigued (arouse the curiosity or interest, be fascinated) by this family.

It was obvious that they were in dire need of money so why wouldn't they just accept his offer? It was two hundred million dollars! Is it possible that their integrity (the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles) couldn't be bought or they felt the amount offered was too little? Chang An couldn't figure out an answer.




Inside Taehyung's Office Room.

Chang An rushed back to the company and reported everything to Mr kim. Taehyung was not at all surprised by Yn's response. He added, "That's all she said?"

Chang An nodded. "Yes. Miss Kimeron said she won't accept anything and her only request is that CEO kim takes good care of the young master."

Taehyung chuckled, "Zade is my son, I will take good care of him without her telling me to. Since she doesn't want the cheque, then leave it be." After all, It was Kimeron yn, they were talking about. Stubbornness runs in her veins.

"Alright, Boss. If there's nothing else, I shall take my leave now." Just as Chang An turned to leave his office, Taehyung suddenly said, "Wait..." Chang turned around. "Is there something else, Boss?" He asked.

Taehyung's dark eyes shone slightly when he asked, "How is her physical condition?" Unknowingly his voice came out gentle and worried.

Chang An thought about it and answered truthfully, "Ms. Kimeron appeared to be physically weak but mentally sound. She was very collected and her eyes held firm during our conversations. She should be fine."

Taehyung was inwardly relieved as he released the sigh he didn't knew was holding back. "Thank you, you can go now." Chang smiled a little as he bowed. "Ok."

After Chang An left, Taehyung stared at the returned cheque. He was pricked by guilt and felt that he had to do something for Yn. Maybe he should clear his schedule, and hash it out with her personally.


To be continued.....

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