By AriYouGood

3.6K 155 206

IN WHICH: - ASTRA was born to be a hero and it won't take much convincing for the justice league to look... More

Chapter I - Independence Day
Chapter II - Fireworks
Chapter III - Breaking Loose!
Chapter IV - Welcome to Happy Harbour
Chapter V - Campfire Secrets
Chapter VI - Drop-Zone
Chapter VII - Meteor Shower
Chapter VIII - Schooled
Chapter X - Respect.
Chapter XI - Infultrator
Chapter XII - International Super Spy
Chapter XIV- Cold Case
Chapter XV - Denial

Chapter IX - Raindrops on Roses

126 9 22
By AriYouGood

| August 5, 14:26 CST

KAMILA LOVED RAIN. Whether it be it be a heavy thunderstorm where lightning would strike the tallest building in the city and allow her to practice travelling though the clouds with her powers safely with the clouds that hung over the sky, or light showers that would give her room a more cozy feeling as she plucked at her guitar strings or watched her favourite crime shows for the eight time, she loved it.

So as she sat at her desk editing the song she had been trying to cover to fit her own style, she smiled to herself as she heard the light taps of rain outside her window. She had her short hair pulled out of her face with one of her headbands, which sported the Central City Centaurs Varsity Girls Soccer logo on the front and her sound proof headphones resting around her neck as they blasted the music from her laptop. She blew away the pieces of grey hair that kept falling into her face, too short to be held back by her headband.

She hummed the lyrics to the song she had memorized by now and looked over to her phone which was face down on her desk. She quickly stretched out her arms above her head until a satisfying pop was heard. Kamila had been sitting in the same position for maybe thirty minutes, and her mug of hot chocolate had been empty for the last twenty, so she decided to take a break. Just as she was going to grab her phone, it began to buzz, sending small vibrations into the wooden surface of the desk.

She read out the name and smiled to herself. Kidiot <3 it spelt out. She listened to the instrumental song she set as her ringtone for a few more seconds before she picked up.

"Hey Wally," she said happily as she picked up the empty mug off her desk and took off the headphones around her neck. As she stood up, she tucked her phone under her shoulder and opened the door to a quiet house.

Her mom and step-dad were visiting his side of the family, and although Kamila is and always will be always invited to Fisher Family events, she still felt like she was imposing on their family time. Plus, her cousin-in-law was a creepy stalker fan of Astra and telling her mom she'd rather not hang out with a sixteen year old boy with her masked face all over his walls and on his lock screen was more then enough convincing.

(Well, Wally had a poster of her on his door and a picture of her as his Lock Screen, but that's completely different!)

"Hey beautiful," the boy flirted over the phone, "what's the weather like in central?"

Kamila paused as she put the mug in the sink, then turned around to lean against the counter, "It's raining right now... was that a pick up line or a genuine question?"

"Genuine question, but I can make it one if you'd want," he responded, and Kamila bit back a small grin before tell him to give it a shot, "okay, uh... okay okay, I got it. So like, I ask you what's the weather like,"

"Okay, and I respond with it raining again," Kamila responds.

"Okay, and I say, if my kisses were those rain drops, I'd want you to stand in the rain forever,"

Kamila laughed as her heart fluttered in her chest and easily rated the line, "that was pretty good, like an eight out of ten."

Over the phone speaker Wally laughed "I'll take it," he said and his voice was followed by the sound of crumpling paper and a zipper being zipped up.

Kamila pushed herself off the counter top and made her way back to her room, "where are you going?"

"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you!" He said, as she fell back first onto her bed, "I'm going to your house! We're going out!"

Kamila furrowed her eyebrows slightly, "wait what?! Wally, you gave me like a fifteen minute heads up!" The girl practically jumped off her bed and went to grab something to wear from her closet that was better than the gym shorts and stained t-shirt she was currently wearing.

She pulled out the first half decent outfit she could find, some black jeans and black long sleeve shirt that she planned on layering with a white band t-shirt that used to belong to her dad.

"Well it's a surprise! At least I didn't just show up at your house!" The boy laughed over the phone, and if Kamila wasn't stressing out currently, she'd probably comment on how it was cute. Just to throw him off. The boy then continued, "honestly babe, you shouldn't stress about it!"

Kamila put the phone face up on her bed and pressed the speaker button as she started to change out of her pyjamas. Over the phone, she could hear the sound of cars passing by and wind howling at the microphone. She heard something from the other side, but with all the background noise it was hard for her to make it out clearly.

"Are you running over right now?" she just got another muffled reply in response, and pulled her shirt over her head, "I can't hear you- I'm just going to hang up, see you soon!"

Kamila pressed the red button and smiled slightly. She caught herself in her mirror on the closest door and groaned. Her hair was still pushed back in unflattering angles and was a mix of pin-straight and her normal waves. If Wally had just left, it would have given her enough time to run to the bathroom and attempt to style it better. She walked to her bathroom and got to work.


EXACTLY FIFTEEN MINUTES later, Wally West was banging on the front door of Kamila's house as the girl was still contemplating if she should put on make up. She was a firm believer that make up was bad for your skin, and with the amount of running, sweating and mask wearing she did as Astra, she never saw the point in wearing it for everyday occasions. Dosen't mean the girl didn't enjoy putting on make up on for fun, but still-

Before she got side tracked once again, she heard the doorbell go off and remembered that her boyfriend was probably standing in the rain currently.

Kamila settled on quickly curling her lashes and applying a small amount of lipgloss and ran down to open the door.

"Hey, sorry I was upstairs still getting ready because-" her (completely valid) excuses was cut off by Wally who zipped over to her. Kamila felt him pull her into a tight hug and spin her around in a circle.

Kamila yelped in surprise and tightly held onto his shoulder as she laughed. Once she felt herself be put back down, Kamila noticed how Wally's hands rested on her hips, and she circled her arms around his neck.

Wally had the brightest smile on his face and Kamila could feel his infectious energy draw a smile on her own on her face as they locked eyes.

She chose to ignore the slight dampness of his hoodie from the rain, or roses in his right hand that he was holding. She let herself smile and tilted her head in question, "what's got you so happy, Flasher?"

"Are you kidding?!" Wally shouted with an energetic grin, "babe, I just heard from Barry! You're like, basically a leaguer now!"

Kamila raised an eyebrow at the boy, who if she wasn't resting his hands around his neck would probably either be jumping for joy or half vibrating from the energy he exited. She then asked "What are you talking about?"

"You're kidding right? Aunt Iris said she might even be writing an article about it! You and Barry are like- actual crime fighting partners now!" He said in excitement.

Honestly, Kamila was slightly scared to tell him about her... promotion would be the best word to describe it. Yes, Kamila had been training under Barry for a long time, six years in the public eye and seven years total, but... there was a major power imbalance now. She had asked Barry last night over their comms while on patrol how Wally - being Kid Flash and still his protégé - would work with her being his partner and the team's leader. The end result of the conversation was to put it simply: Kid Flash was the Flash's responsibility unless he wasn't there, then Astra would and go on patrols with him.

It made sense, but Kamila and Wally dating while she was in charge of his safety on missions and occasionally patrols would make her even more concerned for his safety than she already was at times.

Kamila pushed the thoughts aside and focused on what he said about Iris' article, "What do you mean she's writing an article about it?"

"Well, she was told to cover the League vs Amazo fight from the other day because, y'know The Flash is like Central City's biggest celebrity, and apparently during her super lucky encounter with the scarlet speedster-" Kamila giggled at the wording, Iris probably just asked her husband at dinner that night, but of course secret identities and all that, "-about the fight, and he mentioned that his partner - not protégé, partner - Astra was there too."

"So Iris is basically telling people that I'm like, not a protégé or sidekick anymore," Kamila grinned.

Wally nodded and raised his left hand to her jaw, and she leaned into the touch as his eyes filled with warmth, "you are fucking amazing, babe."

Kamila smiled and closed the gap between them with a sweet kiss on the lips. They'd been officially dating for barely three days and tried to spend as much time as possible together outside of their hero work. Despite the relationship being incredibly new, they fit. It just made sense. They've always had a bond that required them to work together without much thought, even in daily tasks like cooking or doing homework during the school year. It was easy.

She remembered a myth she had learned about in one of her literature classes covering Greek Mythology (she wanted an easy class to balance out her three bio/chem/physics and computer science classes.) There was a story about how humans once had four arms, four legs, two faces and one heart.

Kamila smiled into the kiss and pulled away. Wally West was her best friend, her boyfriend, and her other half.

Wally had a light blush on his face that matched her own and Kamila decided to bring attention to the flowers in his hand, "what's with the flowers, Pretty boy?"

The crimson red ginger brought the flowers in between them. They were a light pink, almost peachy colour, and had rain droplets on a few of the petals. Wally started to sputtered at the nickname, "I- u-uh yeah- they're roses. I know they're your favourite flower so I got six of them. One for every year you've been Astra. They're called knock out roses, because you're a knockout," he flirted.

Kamila laughed and took the flowers from his hands. Rain drops on roses. She smiled and hugged Wally, lowering her head to his shoulder and mumbling a thank you into it.

Kamila lead Wally by their joined hands though her house and grabbed a glass cup from her cupboard to next to her sink and filled it with water as Wally zipped around the kitchen to make himself something to replenish his energy after the run over.

Kamila looked outside the window, it was still raining outside. She felt Wally stop behind her, resting his chin on her shoulder, holding his sandwich in one hand and placing the other on the counter on the girls' other side.

After a few seconds of longingly looking outside, Wally's eyes lit up. He had finished his food and grabbed Kamila's hand and spun her so her back was to the window and he stood in front of her.

"I have an idea," the boy said, and Kamila raised an eyebrow. Wally smiled brightly at her and pulled her along in the direction of the back door.

Kamila stopped as he opened the back door to the rain covered porch. It showed no signs of stopping, and neither did Wally as he continued to walk out of the house.

"Wally what are you doing?" Kamila asked.

"Come on! You love the rain Kami, why don't you come and dance in it?" He asked with a grin.

When Kamila was a kid, before she gotten her powers that is, she loved water. She'd spend her summer days swimming in the pool of her old house, or she'd spend the day at the beach with her mom and dad before he passed away.

She never feared water, and she doesn't now. What she's scared of is herself. It's happened many times during fights in the city's park where she'd be flung into the water mid battle and nearly electrocute everyone in the vicinity. On her first week of patrol with Barry, it had started to rain and they quickly learned that she became more... charged when wet. Think dropping an active taser into water. If you're not careful, you could get electrocuted.

Kamila was the taser in the water, and she's trying her absolute best not to shock anyone. Especially Wally.

"Walls..." she began, wanting ti explain her weariness, but the boy grabbed her hand and pulled her outside with more force.

She felt cool droplets of water hit her face and she hastily took a step back from Wally when she noticed a small shock - a small flash of electricity - flash between her fingers. Kamila took a deep breath and tried not to focus on not letting herself break focus on her powers.

She only opened her eyes when Wally grabbed her hand. "KC, you gotta chill, okay?"

Kamila looked down at their hands carefully, "I just don't want to hurt you, Wally."

"You won't," she looked up with a confused expression on her face, "I promise. You could never hurt me Kamila. Look," he raised their joint hand to his lips and kissed the back of her palm, "see?"

Kamila narrowed her brows, and she slowly felt the rain flatten her short hair to her forehead, "I..." She looked for an excuse, but instead found Wally's green eyes. They swirled with confidence and trust, but also something else that she barely recognized...

"You won't hurt me," Wally raised their joint hands above her head and spun her around, "I promise."

Just then, Kamila noticed the spark that danced along her free hand again and tried to step away again. Meanwhile, Wally had also noticed and grabbed that hand as well.

"See? I'm fine!" He grinned as the sparks turned to patterns of lightning that spread across the girl's arm, and it slowly spread to Wally's hand.

Her eyes widened and the blonde girl looked over at Wally to see if he was okay. He showed no signs of pain or distress as he looked at her powers dance across their joint hands.

The electric patterns continued to creepy their way up his body. Kamila was repeating in her mind at this point 'don't hurt him! Don't hurt him!' As if that would help her concentrate on stopping it.

Wally had cupped her jaw again and kissed her to ease the anxiety, which certainly worked. The kiss was electric. Literally. As they pulled away, she felt electricity spark in between their lips, like kinetic energy would.

He smile his infectious grin and Kamila couldn't help but smile back.

She let him twirl her again and laughed as he did this time. Much more relaxed as the electricity clearly wasn't hurting him.

Kamila rested her hands on his shoulder and held his gaze as his hands found their place on her hips and they slowly swayed to the sound of raindrops hitting the wooden porch around them.

She slowly slid her hands until they circled around his neck. Wally's arm followed suit and wrapped around her waist up in a tight hug.

They stayed in each other's arms, swaying in the rain as electricity danced along their figures in sync with the beat of their hearts. Thump thump, it flickered into a new pattern. Thump thump.

She smiled into the crook of his neck again.

"Thanks Wally," she said barely loud enough over the sound of rain around them, "I needed this."

"Anytime beautiful. Anytime."


Word count: 2879

Short chapter cuz last one was legit 12k and I wanted them to dance in the rain and address her 'promotion' 🫶🫶

I kinda cried writing this, like 😭🤚 I put the hopeless in hopeless romantic I swearrrr

Also it's like... HEAVILY implying KC and KF are soulmates, because ironically they don't believe in that stuff, but like... they totally are. Like babes I'm alr planing on re-writing the end of s2 so Wally doesn't die (if we get there...)

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