Monsters are made (Not Born)...

By baby4fangirl

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Summary: "There is no freedom in being a shinobi!" The boy spat, his cerulean gaze enraged as he glared ahead... More

Chapter 1: Rebirth
Chapter 2: Exposition
Chapter 3: Indisputable Edict
Chapter 4: Shinobi Academy
Chapter 5: Uchiha Shisui
Chapter 6: Insurmountable Grief
Chapter 8: Team 7
Chapter 9: Teamwork
Chapter 10: D-Rank Missions
Chapter 11: Claim to Freedom
Chapter 12: The Bridge Attack
Chapter 13: Men Don't Die
Chapter 14: Involuntary Enrolment
Chapter 15: The Forest Of Death
Chapter 16: Orochimaru
Chapter 17: Choice
Chapter 18: Fractures
Chapter 19: Destruction
Chapter 20: Allies
Chapter 21: Home
Chapter 22: The Truth
Chapter 23: Wings of Freedom
Chapter 24: Six Tails
Chapter 25: Seven Tails
Chapter 26: Sasuke remembers
Chapter 27: The Uchiha Swords
Chapter 28: Training Arc
Chapter 29: Uzushio's Call
Chapter 30: The Akatsuki
Chapter 31: Abhorred words
Chapter 32: Protection
Chapter 33: Declaration of War
Chapter 34: Impenetrable Siege
Chapter 35: Carnage
Chapter 36: Carnage II
Chapter 37: Surrender
Chapter 38: Ceasefire

Chapter 7: The Last Uchiha

378 20 0
By baby4fangirl


Sarutobi makes a decision, Itachi grieves the impeding loss and Sasuke has a breakdown.

Sarutobi Hiruzen gazed tiredly at the ceasefire contract from Sunakagure with a drawn sigh. He lowered the document on his desk, taking a deep inhale from his pipe. He froze in his chair as he felt the familiar and terrifying bout of miasmic chakra of the Kyūbi implode and cover the entirety of the village.

His eyes widened in shock and horror, his pipe dropping from his mouth in alarm and clattering loudly on his desk. The screams of terror echoed distantly outside the Hokage Tower, civilians panicking as they felt the familiar explosion of chakra from seven years ago.

The ANBU operatives immediately appeared in his office, their postures tense and waiting for instructions. Hiruzen stood up hurriedly, his wide eyes looking over the gathered shinobi.

"Find Uzumaki Naruto immediately." He ordered.

The ANBU operatives bowed deeply and vanished. Hiruzen sat down quickly, taking out his crystal ball from his drawer and focusing his chakra to locate the Uzumaki child. He released a startled breath as he found the boy laying unconscious in the woods by the Uchiha compounds, red coils of chakra were swirling around his dormant form and creating a protective and impenetrable barrier.

He watched as the ANBU operatives made it onto the scene but froze upon seeing the malignant chakra. They circled around Uzumaki Naruto but kept a safe distance from the chakra vessel. They watched helplessly, unable to approach closer until the barrier receded. The shinobi crouched down on nearby branches and made a restrictive parameter around the unconscious Jinchūriki.

There was nothing they could do until Uzumaki Naruto dispelled the barrier. Hiruzen pursed his lips in concern and fear, his wrinkled hands held tightly onto his crystal ball as he watched the unconscious boy with bated breath.

The Sandaime Hokage watched the sleeping boy with a tired and exhausted gaze. Uzumaki Naruto was surrounded by ANBU operatives and he lay sleeping in a private room in Konoha's General Hospital. Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping in tiredness as he gazed upon the golden haired child who did not move since they brought him in.

He wasn't waking up.

It had been three days since the incident. Daytime fell to night. The moon waned and the days passed and the child was not waking up. He was hooked up to fluids to ensure he would remain hydrated but he was not gaining his consciousness. His eyelids fluttered occasionally and his fingers twitched but he did not wake up. His red chakra had receded and it took a long time for the shinobi dispatched to calm down the distraught villagers.

The Kyūbi was not released.

Uzumaki Naruto was unharmed.

Hiruzen looked out the window, eyeing the cloudy dark skies, his pipe hanging from his lips unlit. What happened? What caused the Kyūbi's chakra to unleash itself? The Sandaime sighed heavily and turned back to the sleeping child, watching the small boy's chest rise and fall with every breath. The Hokage rubbed his temples tiredly. The council was on his case wanting answers but he had none. He had questioned the ANBU operatives but they all reported no known cause to Uzumaki's outburst.

They had no idea why the Kyūbi's chakra leaked out. They had no idea what set off Uzumaki Naruto into a fit of unprecedented rage. Hiruzen doubted the child would even tell him; they barely had a functioning relationship. He saw Uzumaki-kun once a month to give him his monthly allowance and every visit was short and saturated with heavy silence. The child barely spoke any words to him, choosing to observe him with a silent and watchful gaze.

What a mess.

There was also the suicide of Uchiha Shisui a few months back. There was no body retrieved from the Naka River but Uchiha Itachi's solid testament and the note left behind by Shisui was enough to warrant a funeral for Shunshin no Shisui.

Shimura Danzo was even more adamant on suppressing the Uchiha Clan for good. He had to do something. He had to protect his village. He couldn't afford to let them grow weak through civil unrest. If he allowed them to fight amongst themselves, the other villages would take advantage of their internal strife and attack.

The Hokage stood up wearily. There was lots to do and he didn't have the time to watch the child sleep. He turned to the ANBU operatives, leaving them with direct orders to inform him immediately when Uzumaki-kun woke up.

The Hokage made his way through the distraught village, taking long inhales from his pipe to center himself as he solidified his mind on the best course of action. He entered his office in the Hokage Tower and pressed two fingers with his chakra signature to his sealed drawer, opening it and taking out a sealed mission scroll. He unsealed the scroll and read it over solemnly. He took a seat, picking up his pen and signed his name on the scroll with a heavy heart.

The Sandaime rolled up the scroll and waved his hand, summoning the ANBU operative guarding his office.

"Summon the ANBU Weasel."

Uchiha Itachi stood alone with his thoughts as he gazed around at the thick foliage of the woods by the Uchiha compound. His dark gaze was solemn and exhausted as he lowered the dual swords gently into the black box. He traced the intricate red patterns with a light touch. The gift Shisui had given the Uzumaki child was not an ordinary gift. To offer katana blades that were forged for the person specifically was a rite of passage in the Uchiha clan. Parents gave their children swords when they accepted their growth and development proudly. It was an act that signified kinship and love. It was a sign of affection and great pride.

Itachi clasped his own sword tightly, gazing down at the long black katana wistfully, recalling the day his father handed it to him, his dark eyes brimming with pride and affection for his heir. Uzumaki Naruto would not know the significance of Shisui's final gift and he would never know the truth. The truth that Uchiha Shisui cared for him like his own kin, that he gave him swords that he would have given to his future children but instead he chose to grant them to the orphaned child.

Itachi tore his gaze from the dual swords and closed the box gently, lowering it down on the ground. He stepped forward and fused his hands with chakra and lifted up the boulder tiredly, eyeing the dug out spot for the swords with dark eyes. He knelt down and rested the box in its hiding spot gently, resting the heavy boulder back on top. He pulled back and gazed around the silent woods with a forlorn gaze. A final goodbye resonated through his chest as he leapt up to the trees. He took a deep breath and slipped away from the woods that his cousin and best friend had loved so dearly.

He returned home to find direct summons from the Hokage.

Itachi entered his clan compound and walked towards his house with a slow and steady gait, greeting his neighbours and clan members with a polite nod and quiet tone. He stepped inside his warm home, greeting his parents politely as he slid the door closed behind him.

His mother- Uchiha Mikoto- greeted him with a warm smile and stepped forward, inquiring about his preferences for dessert. His father- Uchiha Fugaku- sat at the dinner table, sipping his green tea quietly and reading over a scroll. Itachi spoke with his mother softly and his father began complaining about dinner being late. The married couple began bickering with each other, their voices light and not unkind.

The thirteen year old smiled at his parents fondly and took off his shoes, aligning them neatly next to his little brother's sandals. He heard the speedy steps echo through the large house, followed by a loud excitable shout and he was soon engulfed in a warm hug.

"Nii-san! Okaeri!" Sasuke beamed at him happily, his dark eyes bright and adoring.

Itachi smiled and bent down, poking his little brother's forehead gently.

"Tadaima." Itachi spoke softly, ruffling his little brother's unruly locks.

"Nii-san, can we practice throwing shuriken tonight?" Sasuke asked, latching onto his brother's waist with his tiny arms.

"Hora Sasuke! Dinner is soon! Let your brother rest!" His mother chastised.

Sasuke's happy expression fell and his cherubic face scrunched up in sadness. His small hands curled into his brother's shirt and he grumbled unhappily to himself, hugging his brother's waist tightly for comfort. Itachi gazed at his little brother with a soft, fond smile and bent down, picking up the small child in his arms. Sasuke wrapped his small arms around his neck and Itachi walked into the living room.

"How was the academy today otouto?" He asked in a gentle tone as he took a seat at the table.

His father lowered his scroll and turned his gaze to his two sons, his expression attentive. Sasuke slid his eyes hesitantly towards their father, his expression uncertain.

"Go ahead Sasuke. Surely you learned something useful today." His father commented.

Sasuke settled against his brother's chest and beamed at the rare attention from their father.

"Today we learned-"

Sasuke began recounting his day at the academy and Itachi listened to his little brother's excited chatter with an aching heart. His mother brought over a steaming pot of ojiya and an assortment of side dishes. The family gathered for dinner, listening to their youngest member share his stories with indulging smiles. Itachi thanked his mother as she doubled his portions, chiding him about eating more. The thirteen year old chuckled as Sasuke frowned at their mother and told her to not pick on his nii-san. Itachi retaliated by flicking his little brother on the forehead sharply and the younger cried out, pouting and sulking. Their father shook his head at their familiar antics and turned to his wife to ask for second servings.

Itachi watched his family with a heavy heart, his gaze warm and expression gentle but his heart was tumultuous with grief and impeding loss. His gaze lingered on his chattering, smiling little brother and he felt his appetite recede entirely but he held on desperately, smiling through the pain and acting normal, forcing one spoonful after another of the warm rice porridge into his mouth. He lowered his shaking hands under the table and curled his hands tightly into fists, watching his parents bicker lightly and playfully. His little brother poked him in the side and he turned to him, carefully maintaining a neutral expression.

"Ne nii-san, can we practice throwing shuriken tomorrow?"

Itachi felt himself pale at the words, his heart dropping to his stomach.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.   

Tomorrow everything would end.

Tomorrow his little brother would never smile upon him again.

Tomorrow... he slid his eyes to his laughing parents... Tomorrow okaa-san and otousan-san will be dead.

Itachi returned his gaze to his little brother who was beaming at him, his gaze happy and expectant.

Tomorrow... tomorrow...tomorrow... Sasuke you will hate me.

Sasuke's brows furrowed at his uncharacteristic silence and he outstretched a small hand forward, holding onto his brother's arm gently.

"Nii-san? Is tomorrow not good?" He asked in a worried tone, his small cherubic face concerned.

Itachi plastered a weak smile on his face and he reached forward, tapping his brother on the forehead gently with two fingers.

"Later Sasuke."

I'm sorry Sasuke.

The village of Konohakagure was shaken at the news.

The Uchiha Clan was massacred in one night.

Uchiha Itachi was the perpetrator.

Uchiha Sasuke was the sole survivor.

Uchiha Sasuke woke up with a terrified guttural scream. The image of his brother's cold and hateful eyes resonated through his mind as his eyes snapped open in fear. He breathed heavily, looking up at the white sterile ceiling of Konoha's General Hospital in alarm. He sat up slowly, the hot tears streaming down his pale face as the shivers racked through his small form. He gazed out the window and saw the orange and red hues of the sun setting distantly. The seven year old whimpered to himself as he thought of his lost warmth, his lost family, and what awaited him at the empty Uchiha compound.

He didn't want to go back.

All the corpses... all the blood... but the Hokage informed him that he would be released tonight. It was only a matter of time and he couldn't delay the inevitable. He had to carry out the vigil for his family, clansmen, and clanswomen.

Sasuke slid off his bed, his small form shaking and his tiny feet trotting against the surface of the cool floors. He whimpered quietly to himself as he wiped the hot tears off his face with small, shaking hands. He slid his feet into his sandals robotically and crept out of the hospital quietly. He felt the stares on his back as he hurried his way through the village to the Uchiha compound. The whispers followed him and the disingenuous condolences slid off his back as he picked up his pace refusing to acknowledge the words.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I'm sorry.

He hated those meaningless words. The Hokage had patted him on the shoulder and told him that he was sorry. I'm sorry for your loss Sasuke-kun. Apologies were meaningless. Apologies would not bring back the dead. Sasuke gritted his teeth angrily and rushed to the edge of the village. He slowed down his brisk pace and eyed the desolate landscape. The compound was truly isolated from the rest of the village and he had never noticed it until now. There were no more people milling about, it was eerily quiet and now that his clan was gone, he could sense the deep isolation in living on the outskirts of the village. He was going to live in complete isolation, tossed off to the side in his secluded compound.

Sasuke took a deep fortifying breath and stepped into his compound, his small fists clenched tightly to his sides and his heart began racing as the metallic smell of blood engulfed his senses. The bodies had been cleared out but the smell of blood and death still lingered in the air.

Sasuke bit back a heartbreaking sob and moved forward, his small steps shaky and slow. He paused as he saw the dried blood on the floor- sections that were hurriedly cleaned- there were still the marks of the dead left behind. He gasped in horror and pain as the images of the corpses assaulted his mind, the dead bodies falling limply to the ground with dark and unseeing eyes. Their wounds open and gaping, oozing blood as he screamed and ran ahead, his small feet splashing and splashing and splashing in rivers of blood.

Sasuke retched and fell down to his knees shakily. The memories were an onslaught of pain and agony. He shivered in fear and terror as the ominous and painful words thudded through his mind.

Foolish little brother.

He felt his vision begin to blur. His throat was burning and constricting and it was so hard to breathe. Sasuke clutched his shirt tightly, gasping and gasping for air, the hot tears sliding down his pale cheeks as he sobbed in pain and panic. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't breathe. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt. His heart thudded rapidly in his chest and everything hurt.

Sasuke's world began to spin and he rasped and gasped for air. He felt a tight sudden sensation on his shoulders, a hard grip of small hands pressed down tightly onto his body and grounded him. He heard a vague and unfamiliar voice through the panic and pain and he tried to focus on the words. Everything hurt and his mind was spinning with painful memories and a potent sense of fear but there was a sharp voice calling out to him from the dark abyss.

Uchiha breathe, Uchiha breathe, Uchiha breathe.

Sasuke whimpered as the fear overcame him. The voice of his brother dominated his thoughts in a perpetual cycle of damnation and hatred -foolish little brother, foolish little brother, foolish little brother- Sasuke struggled against the unrelenting hold, pure terror overtaking his small form at the thought of his older brother.

He heard angry curses in a raspy voice and an irked snarl and then he felt a sharp pain on his forehead. Sasuke cried out and looked up in alarm, his vision clearing and mind dulling at the sudden sharp feeling of pain. He looked up and his dark eyes widened in confusion and alarm, his small hands shooting up to his forehead where he was... head-butted.

Sasuke's tears continued to spill and he rubbed his hands against his swollen eyelids, looking up at the stranger in confusion. A tan, thin blond boy stood over him dressed entirely in black, his sharp blue eyes were angry and he was cursing up a storm as he looked around at the empty compound. Sasuke blinked in confusion and the boy knelt in front of him, his cerulean gaze was hard and narrowed as he looked him over.

"Why the fuck are you here?" The blond rasped glaring at Sasuke.

Sasuke frowned in confusion. What?

"I..." He cleared his throat and wiped his tears. "I live here." He spoke in confusion, frowning at the other boy who continued glaring at him.

The blond hissed in irritation. "I know that Uchiha but surely you're not going to live here after... after..." He took a deep breath, his steely eyes sliding to the spot where Sasuke knew the dried blood lingered.

Sasuke frowned. It's not like he was given other options. He didn't want to be here. It was scary. It was downright terrifying. It was painful. It was haunted. He could see the shadows of his brother and his fallen kin everywhere. But... this was his home... this was his legacy... as an Uchiha he had to be here... There was nowhere else he could go... he had to be here... there was no other place... He was bereft of his warm home and only the caresses remained, only the cold shell of his warm home remained and it was his duty to inhabit the cold empty space.

...He had nowhere else to go...

"I have to be here... as the..." Sasuke whispered and he felt the tears begin again.

"As the last Uchiha...I..." He felt his breath quicken at the thought.

He was the last Uchiha.

Everyone was gone.

Gone, gone, gone.

Okaa-san and Otousan-san were gone. Shisui-san was gone. Nii-san was... Nii-san was... Nii-san was... Nii-san was... Nii-san was... Nii-san was... Nii-san was... Nii-san was... Nii-san was...

"Fuck!" He heard the blond snarl and he was grabbed roughly by the shoulders.

"Uchiha, breathe. You need to breathe. Uchiha, breathe."

Sasuke couldn't focus on the blond's voice, it was quickly fading away as other thoughts dominated his mind. Nii-san was...nii-san was...nii-san... nii-san...nii-san...nii-san... nii-san...

Foolish little brother, foolish little brother, foolish little brother, foolish little brother.

Sasuke began shaking in fear and his vision began filling with dark spots. He swayed on the spot and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Everything went black.

The morning sun filtered through the bedroom window and painted the quiet space in warm colours and offered a feint comforting sense of warmth. Uchiha Sasuke's eyelids fluttered open tiredly and he sat up slowly, his body aching and his throat dry. He slipped out of his bed slowly and in confusion, wrapping his arms protectively around his stomach as he moved through his silent house.

He opened the door to the living room with trepidation racing through his small form. He blinked at the sight of the sterile and clean room. The furniture was perfectly in place and there was not a single drop of blood. The room smelt fresh and clean. He released a startled breath and made his way out of his house silently, robotically sliding his sandals on and walking through his large, empty compound. It was entirely clean, no signs of the dead, and not one speck of blood in sight.

Sasuke frowned to himself and wrapped his arms around himself as the silence permeated through the air. He felt like he was forgetting something... There were vague fragments slipping away - a harsh voice, a reprimand, enraged cerulean eyes, and a command to breathe Uchiha. The raven haired child whimpered quietly as the wind howled through the empty vicinity.

The compound felt so eerie and incredibly haunted. The seven year old shivered and rushed back into his home and threw the door open as his breath quickened in fear. He shut the door behind him and raced inside, stopping upon seeing the dinner table. He froze at the sight of the empty table and his eyes grew moist. A broken heart-wrenching sob cut through the silent Uchiha home.

Ne nii-san, can we practice throwing shuriken tomorrow?

Later Sasuke.

The small child fell to his knees and the sobs racked his small body, hiccups and guttural cries of pain and lament echoed through the vacant home and empty compound as the last Uchiha grieved and raged for all that was lost and gone.

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