Secrets Dyed in Blood

By thusvar

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This is my little fanfiction of Carmilla Carmine from Hazbin Hotel and an original character. I thought it w... More



698 35 7
By thusvar

I stretched like a satisfied feline as I woke up. My attention turned to the sleeping beauty beside me. She looked so gorgeous against Hell's morning light. I slowly curled a strand behind her ear. Her brows furrowed as she grumbled for five more minutes and turned away from me. I chuckled as I hopped out of bed and opted for a shower. Memories of last night made my body crave for more, but that would have to wait. I still had no idea what Carmilla's limitations were, and it would be rude to push them before understanding her body better. 

Fantasies washed down the drain along with the water.  After I toweled myself and dressed in something comfortable, my next goal was to feed the two mongrels that stood silently at my door. The two were insatiable when it came to their morning kibble before their hunt. They guided me down the stairs and toward the pantry that held their food. After they were fed, I started the spare coffee pot I owned and aimed for breakfast. As scents permeated through the house, I heard the patter of footsteps and the shower running. I took my time as I flipped over the bacon and started on some batter. It was funny to hear someone else raid through my drawers after the shower stopped. It reminded me of a time so long ago. One that I almost forgot existed.  I never thought there would be another in my life after Scarlet. And now someone else was searching through my clothes for something to wear. 

The very thought of Scarlet tugged a frown on my face. Her death was my fault. I was so busy fighting off Angels from the library that I had no idea she was out. Being too late for when that holy light disintegrated her was devastating. But I knew she was in a better place. I gave up a quarter of my soul just to ensure where she ended up. But the very idea of her being gone still left a chasm in my heart. I gulped back the pain that threatened to escape my throat. There were so many wonderful memories with the woman, wasn't there? Why was it that I only remember what I regretted instead of what I loved about her? 

A pair of arms dragged me out of my thoughts as they wrapped around my waist. A hum of delight escaped the person behind me as I felt her body lay against my back. "You're such an early bird," Carmilla giggled as she cuddled in. 

"Guilty as charged," I chuckled. "I'm making breakfast. Coffee just finished if you would like to get us a cup?" All I saw was her glowing smile when I glanced back at her. She truly was gorgeous with a messy morning bun. She pecked my cheek and aimed to find cups while I poured the batter. "Any plans for today?" 

"None that come to mind. I'm sure the girls will be by at some point to ask about how our date went. I cleared my schedule for today so that I could be around in case you needed anything. I know I was still teaching you about technological advances. Besides, your shipment of computers is due to arrive soon." I hummed in agreement. "When we are done with that though, I have some more personal business that you should attend to." She growled in my ear before she left a small peck on my cheek. A goofy grin crossed my face. Not even a few seconds later, a loud bang took our attention. 

"It's open," I called out. Two overly excited daughters crammed through the door and directly over to us. My eyes flickered to the batter behind me. I did not make enough. 

"Mama! How was the date?" 

"Mom, you have to tell us everything!" Their questions took the two of us by surprise. Carmilla corralled the two around the table as I slabbed more bacon onto the pan. I was working on measurements to the batter as the most outlandish questions came from their lips. 

"Did you guys have a goodtime?" 
"Is she good in bed?" 
"Did you guys actually do the deed, or did you guys just sleep?" 
"Is she going to be our stepmother?" 
"I say we call her mama, Odette. Don't you agree?" 
"I agree a lot. It fits her perfectly!" 

"Girls!" Carmilla's tone left them both dead in silence. Blush colored my cheeks in embarrassment. "These are not questions you should be asking me! First of all, what we did last night is our business only, and the mother comment...that's up to Astra." I froze in my position of dropping the batter onto the griddle. I turned back to a flushed Carmilla. Two eager eyes added to the tension that constricted my chest. 

"Would you mind Astra?" Clara asked excitedly. My eyes pinpointed to the rubies that glittered the same question. 

"I...don't mind at all," stuttered out of me. Rubies widened into almost completely black voids. I turned back to the pancakes and started to put everything together. Once the girls were occupied with breakfast, I chose to go upstairs to the den. I fetched for the coffee pot that we left earlier last night. 

I used the silent to collect my thoughts on everything. Everything that has happened recently has been dizzying. Too much was going on at once. 

"Were you serious?" The question caught me off guard. I turned and noticed Carmilla leaned against the doorway. "About the girls calling you 'mama'? Because if not, I can talk to them. I understand that this could be moving too fast." 

"I told you that I want all of you. That extended to wanting to be a part of your girls' lives. In what way was dependent on how you wanted to handle it. I could be the 'friend' you always visit. I could be the 'client' that you repeatedly work with. Or I could be their mother. I prefer to be their mother. I want to be a key part in all of your lives. I chose this the moment we kissed. And I would want nothing more or less." Unshed tears glistened in her brilliantly colored irises. I tossed the pot aside and aimed to wipe away the tear that escaped down her cheek. 

"I just...never knew someone could want to care about them..." she shook slightly. 

"Well, I'm here to tell you I do." I stole her lips into a kiss and noticed she tasted a lot like syrup and dreams. It was a combination that I could get addicted to without a second thought. "I want all of it, Carmilla. The adorable children, the busy work life, even the nights where we want nothing to do with each other. I want all of it. I want all of you." I pressed her up against the frame and deepened our kiss. Her hands gripped tight to my hips. I wanted to rip into her and make her scream for me until the world came to an end. I slowly pulled away from her as I remembered the kids downstairs. 

"We should go back down before they get worried." 

"Of course," she breathed shallowly. My hand slowly slipped into her grip. "Together." 



The day went by slower than I expected. I flipped through a new book that descended into my clutches via a book burning on Earth. I was entertained with the read. It was cruel and easy ways to torture humans. I wondered if I knew any readers that would be intrigued by the techniques. Zestial was the first that came to mind. I would have to write to him later. 

"Hey, girly!" Angel Dust's lively voice took my attention. It seemed he came with a small army. Charlie stood by the fallen angel while Husker was like Angel's shadow. Alastor took up the rear, rather intrigued by the setup of my library. 

"It really does have a splendid charm!" Alastor complimented. "A truly grand design for such a grandiose person!" I smiled chivalry as I stood. 

"Anthony! I've been waiting for you," I said quietly. "I see you brought friends." 

"Well, Charlie was coming here for a different reason from me," Angel shrugged. "Don't know much." My eyes turned over to the adorable girl. She stared around this place wide-eyed. The angel seemed just as intrigued, maybe even more so. Husker, on the other hand, seemed rather skeptical. Out of this entire group, he was the only one that seemed suspicious. Granted, I understood why. 

"Why don't we go back to my office," I offered as I stepped away from the desk. "Away from prying eyes." The group followed me back to the little kitchenette that the library had. Carmilla stood by the stovetop waiting for a kettle to boil. Her expression turned curious as they fell on the group behind me. "Ah, darling, could you please pour us all a cup?" 

"Of course, flor de luna," she agreed softly. Her gaze turned wary as Hell's princess beamed at everyone. 

"Astra! This place is just as amazing as when I was a child! Actually, it seems even bigger now!" Charlie complimented. 

"I appreciate the compliment," I replied. "Rosie uses your old reading chair so she can read to the little ones once a week." The idea made Charlie grin even wider. "Charlie, let me finish my business with Anthony and then I'll be all yours to question till your heart's content." Charlie nodded as we all sat down around the small table. 

"Anthony," I regarded softly. The spider demon stared at me with hope. I snapped my fingers and his old contract unrolled before me. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I have no use for your contract. You served your purpose to me." I took the contract and ripped it in half, severing the chains that were held between he and I. His black eyeball slowly turned back into its usual color as his soul filtered back into his body. Tears brimmed in his eyes as he shook with relief. "However, I do have to cash in my favor." Angel almost regarded me as an afterthought. 

"Oh, yeah. I guess I do owe ya one. Whatever you want!" He was almost too excited to do what I wanted. He was such a soft soul. 

"I don't care much for the sex industry. Not enough to see to its day-to-day needs. I need someone that understands it better than me." Anthony's jaw dropped at the suggestion that was implied. "So, your favor to me will be to watch over it. I'll own the domain, but you can do as you please with the employees and the rest." 

"You're serious?" He was elated with the idea. 

"Wholeheartedly. I have enough on my own plate. The last thing I need is horned dogs barging down my doors for something as stupid as a sex tape." Anthony glowed at the opportunity. 

"You got yourself a deal!" My eyes flickered to Husker. He seemed more relieved as he gave me a subtle nod.

'Take care of him.' I mouthed toward the gambling cat. He gave me another silent nod before his attention was taken by the eager spider. My attention turned toward a beaming light known as the princess of hell. Carmilla's hand fell to my shoulder as she sat drinks around the table. She took her seat beside me, and we all took some timid sips. I gave my silent thanks before I started the next, more entertaining conversation of the day. 

"So, Charlie, what is it that you would like from me?" I asked as nonchalant as I could. I draped one leg over the other as I sat back in my chair. 

"Well, I need some more books about the concept of redemption," Charlie mentioned as politely as she could. "My hotel....well...its not doing so good. And I tried talking to Adam. He didn't help much at all. And now we may be having a war with heaven if I can't figure out how to make this all work." Her smile faltered slightly. I frowned as I witnessed the sight before me. She was cracking from the stress. The way that her partner stared at her with concern only added to my conclusion. 

"Redemption," I said as I set the cup aside. "It's not as far of a concept as everyone thinks." Everyone stared at me surprised, even Alastor seemed intrigued. "If heaven and hell were to wage war on each other, it would not be the first time. And believe it or not, back then people were strong enough to take on heaven head on. It's pathetic that we now cower in fear over a few angels when we used to battle against legions." 

"Wait...what? What are you talking about?" Charlie's confusion made me wince. I had forgotten that no one knew about this anymore. 

"It would be a lot easier to show you." I waved my hand up and created a portal. This would take up a huge portion of my power, but it was necessary. "Follow me, princess." I slowly stood up and took Charlie's hand. Carmilla stayed close to my back. Alastor chose to follow all of us alongside the fallen angel. We stepped through the portal and back into a recreation of a time where hell was meant to fight heaven. 

Fires roared over most of the terrain. My library stood tall against the onslaught of bows being slung at us. Demons were covered in armor as they charged with a mixture of magic and blunt force. Angels and demons fought around us, but anything close to us went through us harmlessly. Arch angels led from the sky while Lucifer and Lillith led from the ground. Mixtures of angel's blood and demon's blood rained from the sky in combat. I smelled the brimstone of fires from catapults. 

"The crusades were not just an Earthly concept, but unearthly as well," I explained. "This war started long before I came down here, and this was the normal a lot of us were used to. Back then, overlords were leaders of battalions. Worthy of the title." I proffered my hand toward Carmilla and let it slip between her fingers. I found my old self. Sigils blew up all around me and dismembered angels into nothing more than dust and burnt blood. "Back then, we fought them a few times a year. Not every day, but it sure as hell felt like it." 

" have I never heard of this?" Charlie asked in horrified disbelief. I waved my hand and time moved forward. 

We were sat in a council room where Lucifer and Lillith sat across from the Seraphim and Arch Angels. I found my old self plated in armor as I sat on the sidelines. My heart panged harshly at the tears that stained my face.

"A deal was struck. The exterminations were held to compromise the losses between heaven and hell. God had enough of our fighting and said that if a compromise was not made, then he would wipe us all out and start again. It was the best deal the two sides could come up with." I winced at the memory. "And as a result, none of them wanted to remember the past, including you. They made it so that only a select few on both sides were allowed to remember this past. I was one of them." 

"Why wasn't Charlie?" The fallen angel asked bitterly. 

"Lucifer did not want his daughter traumatized by war," I argued. "I agreed with him. Lillith did not. But at the end, he was the one that erased the memories. Besides, Charlie was still young enough that it would not haunt her dreams like it did to everyone else it erased." 

"But how does does this mean that souls can be redeemed?" Charlie asked. Her whole demeanor was sad, almost hopeless.  My fingers snapped and we were dragged out of the past and into my private study. The book laid in front of me on the table. 

"You remember Scarlet?" I asked, almost inaudibly. 

"Of course, I do. She was so...distant," Charlie murmured. "Almost mean." 

"Well, she was redeemed," I swallowed my emotions as I flipped to the page I remembered so dearly. The price I had paid to know. "During the first extermination, she was killed by Adam. For some reason, he took over the exorcists and...he killed her with his holy light. I had to know what happened to her? Where did we go after we were killed a second time? Well, it turns out, she made a deal with the arch angels before we all departed from the final meeting. If she were killed, she would be redeemed into heaven. And...she was. She's still there now, enjoying a life up there among the angels." Charlie held a hand over her mouth. 

"She did it," she whispered in awe. "She was really redeemed?" 

"I paid a quarter of my soul to learn the truth about her," I said quietly. "The book never lies and nor do I." I closed the book. "There is a way for souls to be redeemed. I feel if you actually spoke to an arch angel, or god himself, there could be a way." 

" would she even contact them?" Vaggie? I thought her name was Vaggie. A small smile cracked on my lips. 

"I'm still owed a few favors in heaven. If it really is what you want, I can find a way to have you speak to someone higher than the seraphim." Charlie hummed as she thought over her options. 

"I need to speak at the meeting that my father set up first," Charlie admitted. "But I really appreciate it! If anything, I would love to read up on the war." 

"I do have some writings of my own in my study," I murmured. "And there might be some records in library's catacombs, but I would have to look. I will see what I can get you," I said softly to her. My eyes flickered toward the deer demon as the princess stewed on her thoughts. He seemed far more pleased with this information than anyone else. I hummed as I stepped away from the desk and moved my book aside. I would have to do research on him later. "Princess," I pulled her out of her thoughts. "If you want to make your dream a reality, you are going to need to go higher than where Lucifer will take you. You would have to talk to god himself or an arch angel, someone that oversees the majority of Heaven. Someone with real pull." 

"I appreciate your help greatly, Astra," Charlie said with a sad smile. "And I really hope that I can make this work. I promise I will come to you if I need anything." Charlie's hands encompassed mine. Her warmth took me by surprise. It was weird to see a grown woman when I still saw her as the excited child that would venture through my aisles and pick out so many storybooks. "I'm so glad that I get to see you again. I really hope things are going well for you." My eyes glanced over at Carmilla before I turned back to Charlie. 

"I hope the same for you as well, my dear. I have found something that has made my time here really worthwhile." Charlie giggled before she pulled me to the side of the table for a hug. 

"We really need to see each other more! Come by the hotel soon, okay?" 

"And you come to the library when you get a chance," I agreed. "In the meantime, I'll see what I can find for you." Charlie's smile was blinding as she let go of me and aimed for her partner. 

"Vaggie, we should get going. We left Nifty in charge of cleaning and Sir Pentious might be making weapons while we're gone." Vaggie nodded as she pulled Charlie along. Anthony and Husker followed while Alastor held himself back. Carmilla walked with the group to make sure they left the building. 

"You know, I was always a big fan of history. I always wondered why when I came to hell there was very little to learn about prior residents. I now see that they have all been here in your records." His predatory grin pointed toward me. My sigils sparked to life on their own accord. "Oh no need to see me as a threat, I have no business with you." He waved his cane as a gesture of good faith. "I also hate to fight women if I don't have to. Actually, I was wondering if you would look up something for me as well." 

"That being?" 

"I need to know the whereabouts of someone specific." 

"I may have a file," I agreed. He slowly came close to me and whispered the name in my ear. I grabbed a quill pen and wrote the name down. It sounded familiar, I was certain of that. I had no idea from where though. 

"I can do some digging," I said, "for a price." 

"Oh, of course. I'll owe you any favor that is within my power. I really need to find out if that person is still alive down here or if he kicked the bucket a while ago." I slowly nodded. "Take your time getting it to me. I'm in no hurry. It is a little...side project that I have been working on." 

"Good to know," I murmured. With that, he walked off. Once he was a safe distance away, I slumped into my chair. The amount of power needed for that was almost too much to bear. I took in deep, slow breaths as I waited for my power to restore itself. My head felt like it swam in an invisible sea while my body was weighed down by bricks. It had been so long since I needed so much magic. 

A small sigh escaped me. And to think, my foolish self thought I was almost done with everything.  

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