The Demon Queen's soulmate

Von AgeregressionKitten

294K 14.8K 990

Ruby King is your average young woman who is starting to attend college full time. Everything is going great... Mehr

Little talks
Grandma G
Gran Gran


2.7K 185 7
Von AgeregressionKitten

*Ruby's P.O.V*

"So what tiara do you want to wear, baby?" Mama asks while carrying me back over to the mirrors.

"Yours!" I tell her almost instantly, earning a sigh.

"Tiara, baby... ti-a-ra. You are not getting a crown. I told you before that crowns are only for the current king and queen. You are a princess so you get a tiara. A tiara that can't be competing with my crown for fanciness." Mama tells me, waving her hand to summon a tiara that looks like hers. I look at it and instantly dislike it as it's clearly not the same. Mama's is just clearly better. I look at mama's again and shake my head no, not liking how plain it looks compared to hers. I watch as she waves it into a new tiara for me.

"What about this one?" Mama asks and this one is similar to hers again but different enough to not look like we are trying but failing to match. I shake my head, not liking the look of it.

"This?" She asks, summoning one that looks like a king's crown from the front with how the silver is shaped and has diamonds, emeralds, and ruby's all over it. It even has a giant ruby in the very center of it. Again, I shake my head. It looks nice but I just don't like it for some reason.

"Hmmm... what about this then?" Mama asks after pondering for a moment. This time she summons a tiara with rainbow colored butterflies and pearls on it and my eyes go wide staring at it, too stunned to speak. Smirking, mama puts me down and places the tiara on my head. Immediately I... don't like it. It goes well with my two-toned hair but my clothes aren't colorful enough for it. It draws too much attention so I shake my head once again, causing mama to sigh.

"Your turn to pick then. Think of one and wish for it to appear in your hands really hard, baby!" Mama tells me, making the butterfly one vanish.

Hearing her words, I close my eyes really hard and think of a tiara. At least I try to but I can't think of anything. Struggling, I think of mama's crown only for inspiration and feel a weight in my hands. Opening my eyes, I'm surprised to see mama's crown now in my hands.

"Very funny, baby. Can you please do a TIARA now?" Mama asks with only a hint of annoyance as she takes her crown from me and puts it back on. It kind of sounded like she was holding back laughter though but I probably just imagined that. She kisses me before standing back up though so she can't be that mad about it, right?

Closing my eyes again, I think how cool it would be to have a dark tiara! It would definitely make me different from everyone else! Thinking that, I feel a weight in my hands but before I can even open my eyes to look, it's gone.

"Nope... try again. My princess will not be caught with a black tiara. Go to mommy if you want that..." mama says, making me huff in frustration.

Thinking again, I go with a grayish black but that one disappears even faster. This time it wasn't even mama that did it but me so I can imagine her confusion right now. I realized it will get lost in my hair so no one will notice it. What's the fun of wearing one if no one notices it? The answer is there is none so it's out. Changing gears, I try a bunch of woodsie tiaras but mama shuts them all down. All but the last one disappeared before I could try them on...

"Are you trying to be the princess of heaven or the forest? Cause right now it's feeling like the forest..." Mama points out and I can't unsee it once she points it out. Stupid mama and her mean comments.

Deciding to change it up, I try a bunch of thin strip tiaras that hang down, forming a v shape on the center of my forehead. I hate all of them and realize this is way harder than it should be.

"Why are you trying so many Celtic tiaras?" Mama asks, making me shrug. A part of me just thinks this is fun to do and also because I don't know what else to try. Also, these are Celtic? Who knew...

"What about this one instead..." mama says, behind down to kiss the top of my head. Staring at her in confusion as she smirks at me, I'm just stuck waiting for her to show me what tiara she means. Eventually she points to the tiara on my head and I look at it first in confusion and then shock as it is now different.

Taking it off my head to make sure it wasn't just a magical mirror, I realize the tiara really is different now! Examining it, I put it back on my head and see how it looks. This one is rose gold and has rose flowers coming out from the top of it. I like it but it gives me a better idea! Closing my eyes, I imagine this tiara with gold leafs twisting around it. It will have diamond and emerald flower buds, and ruby flowers in full bloom! Opening my eyes, I smile when I see it on my head and instantly know this is the one.

"Why, you..." mama says before grabbing my arm and giving my bottom 3 smacks. I yelp at the impact only because it surprises me. She only hits me just hard enough that I can just barely feel it so it's more just the noise that gets me.

"That is the first tiara I showed you before all this drama about only wanting my crown!" Mama proclaims with her arms now on her hips, glaring at me.

"Is not! This one has diamonds and emeralds!" I proclaim, trying my best to match her glare. This tiara was totally my creation and mine alone! So what if hers looked suspiciously a lot like this one! This one was still all me!

"Mine did too! You would know that if you weren't so focused on my crown, young lady!" Mama proclaims, still glaring before she can't hold the smile back any longer and pulls me in for an unexpected hug. I quickly move to separate from her and it has nothing to do with my head being forced into the crevice between her boobs and my thoughts immediately going back to her comments about me nursing. How hot and red I am also has nothing to do with that and I don't know why anyone would think it would because it doesn't!

"You look absolutely beautiful in that genevieve tiara, baby. I think you did amazing picking it out." Mama says, kissing my forehead. Wiping off her kiss mindlessly, my mind is on this tiara being called genevieve. Is that the design name or the name of the last person who wore it? I really hope I'm not wearing a dead person's crown! Mama's gasp quickly brings me out of my thoughts though.

"How could you! To dear wipe away your mama's kiss! This requires retribution! 10 more kisses as punishment for your heinous act!" Mama proclaims all righteously and catches me before I can get away, covering me in 10 kisses all over. At least she claims it was only 10 but I know I felt a couple kisses that weren't counted by her. Finally escaping her hold, I quickly wipe her nasty kissies off and earn another gasp. This time her hand even covers her heart!

"To wipe them off again! This requires an even more severe punishment. One that only the resident monster can handle. The one that is feared through all of heaven..." mama says, making me gulp as I back away from her.

"and it's name is... the... tickle monster!" Mama proclaims in a surprise attack. It's not fair either! Everyone knows they are supposed to warn you if they feel a monster taking over so everyone can get away in time!

Laughing so hard I can barely breathe, I finally escape once again from mama's... no, the tickle monster's very ticklish claws. I'm afraid mama is long gone now and it's up to me to find mommy so we can put this beast done for good. First I have to truly escape though as the tickle monster gets a hold of me once again.

Escaping again, when it comes for me this time, I learn from my mistakes and duck under their claws and drop to my hands and knees, crawling through their open legs. When I am almost through, they finally get a hold of my ankle though but I'm able to quickly escape once their grip loosens slightly. I immediately take that chance to pull my leg free from their grasp with only a slight foot tickle as my consequence for being caught.

When I go to stand, it feels suspiciously easy, almost like I'm suddenly weightless, but I don't put much thought into it as the tickle monster is right behind me. With a slight tickle to the back of my neck, I know it's time to bolt, so I run, just thankful I was able to escape so easily from this monster. Glancing behind me, I see mama, no, the monster right behind me so don't dare to slow down in the slightest. After all, every time I do, the monster strikes, tickling me endlessly until I escape once again!


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