The Unwanted Child {2}

By mmultixaep0

6.5K 225 70

Jaycee is going on an intense journey through the post-apocalyptic world, where the struggle for survival bec... More

Heavy Lies the Crown
Secret Bunker
A Lie Guarded
The Tinder Box
We Will Rise
Gimme Shelter
God Complex
The Other Side
The Chosen
The Ring
Time Passing
Pandora's Box
Acceptable Losses
How We Get to Peace
The Dark Year
War. Again.
Red Sun Rising
The Children of Gabriel


199 6 1
By mmultixaep0

After the whole Nightblood testing, everyone left the island including Jay to go back to Polis to check out the bunker they had found, leaving Murphy, Emori, and Raven.

Raven and Jay had a conversation about Raven's seizures and about Jay, and how she was dying.

They both promised each other that they would try their hardest to fight through it, to make it together.

But who knows, maybe it'll be too late to save them.


Jaycee ended up going back to Arkadia, she wanted to get back to Nova, see how her brother was doing, and maybe even see Bellamy, then she had to leave to get Miller and Jackson from Polis and the 3 of them were going to get Raven and the others.

She finally got to Arkadia, it was dark out now.

She walked in the gates and she wanted to find Nova, Jay walked in the halls of Arkadia, and she was walking for about 5 minutes until she got to her room.

She walked in, then she saw a small figure on the bed, covered with a blanket.

She smiled as she walked up to her and sat on the edge of the bed.

She rubbed her back and continued to smile, she then placed a kiss on her head got up, and walked out of the room to find her brother.

She was walking for ages until she heard talking.

"Pack your things, just what you can carry. We leave at first light," Jay recognized that voice as Jaha.

She walked in and saw everyone walk away.

She then saw her two friends talking, "Got a lot of gear to pack. Sure you're not hung over?" Monty asked Bellamy.

Jaycee walked up to them, "What? You got drunk? Without me?" Jay fake gasped, "Now that's just cold," She pretended to feel hurt.

Bellamy smiled at her, he then pulled her in a hug. "When the hell did you get here? You should have radioed," Bellamy said, pulling away.

Jay smiled, she then looked at Monty, "Hey Mont." She pulled him into a hug.

"By the way, are you judging me, Monty?" Bellamy asked.

Jay smiled at them both, "A little," Monty responded.

"There is no hope. Now there's hope. Let's go," Bellamy smiled. He, Monty, and Jay walked to help around.

Monty saw Jasper, "Jasper, you're gonna love it,"

Jasper just looked at him and smiled as he held his drink up to him.

"Hey, I'm gonna talk with my brother, be right back," Jay said to the two men and walked away.

"Hey, Jas, how you feeling?" Jay asked as she walked up to him and hugged him.

"Hey sis, pretty good, getting ready for Primefaya." He smiled.

"Well you don't need to worry about it, we're going to the bunker! We're gonna be safe!" Jay told her brother.

He just nodded, "Yeah, safe..."

Jaycee could tell something was up, "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," He shook his head, "Just tired is all,"

"Well, when we get to the bunker, you can sleep all you want, and then we can play the games we used to play with Monty when we were kids, we can even teach Nova." She smiled.

Jasper nodded at that memory. He remembered it like it was yesterday.

Monty went over to Jasper's house, they played cards for over an hour, Jaycee kept winning because she was so good at every game they played. They suspected she was cheating, but she was not, they just sucked at the game.

Monty would get very angry at the girl. Mostly because they kept betting things and Monty would lose all of his things, or rations.

Younger Jaycee was just happy that she was treated like a normal kid. Like she actually had a life, and that she didn't need to hide.

"Well, I'm gonna check on Nova, I'll see you later?"

Jasper nodded at Jaycee.

"Hey, by the way," He spoke, "Is she your kid now? I mean, she's always around you and whenever I talk to her, she seems to only bring you up," Jasper asked.

Jay thought about it, was she her kid? Was she like a daughter to Jaycee? Jay never put any thought into it, she just seemed like she had to be responsible for her because she had no one else.

Jay took a deep breath, "Yeah, I'd like to think so," Jay smiled slightly.

Jasper chuckled, "Guess I'm Uncle Jasper then huh," He smirked.

Jay laughed, "Yeah, I guess you are, Uncle J.J"

Jasper laughed at the nickname Jaycee gave him when they were kids.

"Tell her I said hi," Jasper said to his sister.

"Will do," Jay smiled, "Love you, Jasper," She said as she walked away.

"Love you too Jaycee," Jasper said as he smiled, watching her walk away, knowing it might be the last time he would see her.


Jaycee was all packed, she walked into her room and saw that Nova was awake now.

She knocked three times, that was to show Nova that it was Jaycee.

Nova smiled at the older female. She then ran up to her and hugged her.

"Miss me?" Jay asked as she put her things down.

"More than anything, it was getting boring here so I went out and talked to Jasper," Nova said.

"Really? What did he say?" Jay asked, worried that he might have said something wrong to the girl.

"He was telling me stories about you him and Monty when you guys were kids. The games you played, the story of how Monty and you met, how Monty would bet a lot of things and lose to you," Nova laughed.

Jaycee smiled at those memories.

"Yeah, well, him, Monty, and I can tell you more once we leave," Jay said.

"Where are we going?" Nova asked.

"There's a bunker that we found, it's supposed to be safe for all of us, before we do that, we are going to Polis to pick up Miller and Jackson so we can get Raven, Emori, and Murphy from the Island. We're going to leave right now, I already have your stuff packed and ready to go," Jaycee said to her.

"I'm going to miss this room, it's where I spent most of my time," Nova smiled sadly.

"Yeah, I know kid, but we're going to be back in 5 years, I'm pretty sure it's going to be the same old boring room that you spent in here." Jay smiled.

"Yeah, okay," Nova smiled.

"C'mon kid, we're gonna say bye to Bellamy and hit the road. We gotta be there because I promised Miller that I would come here to get you and pick them up fast." Jay told the girl.

Nova nodded.

They grabbed their bags, Jay looked at the room, one last time, before closing it.

She held Nova's hand in her own, she walked around until she saw Bellamy walk up to them.

"Hey Angel," He smirked

Jay rolled her eyes.

"Alright, Miller wanted me to get Nova and come get him and Jackson as quickly as possible, I'm taking Nova with me," Jay told the older Blake.

He nodded, "Alright, and I'll get everyone else to the bunker at sunrise."

Jay smiled. "Good, then we can finally rest for 5 years," Jay laughed.

Bellamy chuckled. "Alright, I'll see you both soon"

Jay nodded, she then pulled him in a hug, Nova was looking at him. She wanted them to kiss so that they could finally be together again.

Jay pulled back, "Stay safe," Bellamy said.

Nova rolled her eyes at the man for not kissing his true love. Bellamy glared at her, for her not to say anything.

"I'll see you soon kid," Bellamy ruffled her hair.

"Not if I see you first," She smiled.

"Tell Jasper I said bye," Jay said to him. Bellamy just nodded.


Jay was driving to Polis, and Nova was in the back, lying down and sleeping, she finally pulled up. She waved down Miller and Jackson.

Miller got in the front while Jackson got in the back. "Took you long enough," Miller said sarcastically.

"Hey, you try driving in the dark, it's kinda hard, especially in the woods," She smirked as she pulled away from Polis.

Miller looked behind him and saw Nova sleeping and Jackson staring at him. Miller smiled and turned forward again.

"So, we get Murphy, Raven, and Emori, head back to Polis, live in a bunker for 5 years, then come back up to the surface," Miller said.

"You make it sound like it's going to be hell," Jay looked at him.

"Maybe, but it should be easy enough, let's just hope no one else dies," Miller said as he continued to look out this rover window.


They finally made it back to the Island. Miller and Jay were the ones to get the three, Jay asked Jackson to stay with Nova which he happily did.

Miller and Jay started to make their way to Becca's lab.

"Man, those stairs are a bitch," Jaycee muttered to herself. Miller just laughed at her.

She finally made it, opened the door, and walked in to see Murphy and Emori look at them in disbelief. It was quiet for at least a minute before anyone said anything.

"Are you guys ready or what?" Jaycee asked, she was sick of the staring.

"Sorry we're late, someone is a slow driver plus there's been some developments. Not all good. They've-" Miller was cut off by Jaycee.

She put a hand on his shoulder. "First of all, I am a quick driver and secondly we will fill you in on the way." Jay took her hand off his shoulder as she motioned to the containers in front of her, "Is this everything we need?" She asked them.

Murphy nodded, "Yeah,"

"Great. We got it. Go get Raven. Don't have much time. Mass fiery death in 5 days," Miller reminded them. He and Jay started to grab the stuff that was in front of them while Murphy went to get Raven.

Jaycee and Miller finally packed everything. They were now waiting for the others to get to them.

Murphy walked up to them, "Where's Raven?" She asked the two.

Murphy sighed, "She's not coming, she's dying, she kept using her brain when Abby told her not to. She said she was going to space and that no one could stop her."

Jaycee scoffed, she started to walk past Murphy but he went in front of her and grabbed her by the arms. "Jaycee, Jaycee! Look at me!" They both had tears in their eyes. "There was no convincing her, I tried, alright," He shook his head, "I'm sorry, but this is what she wants," Murphy sighed.

Jaycee looked down, "Okay," She walked away, getting ready to leave.

Jay walked up to Nova and wrapped her arm around her, "She's not coming is she?" Nova asked, referring to Raven. Jaycee just shook her head. So much for hoping that no one else dies.


Jaycee and the others finally made it to Polis. She was informed by Kane that there was a Conclave and that each clan was picking one person to fight for the bunker instead of thousands dying.

Jaycee was worried because Kane also told her that Octavia was in it, Roan was in it, and Luna was in it, Luna was fighting for no one, and if she were to win, they would all die.

Jaycee was next to Kane. Jay had Miller watch over Nova, she didn't need a kid to watch people kill each other.

After a while, it was just Roan, Luna, and Octavia.

Jaycee started to pace around. "C'mon Tavia..."

Kane walked up to her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "She's going to be okay,"

Jaycee nodded, "I hope so,"


After a bit more, Jay was standing next to Kane, she then saw a bloody Octavia walk into the room with all 12 clans' crypts.

"Octavia Kom Skaikru is victorious. The crypt of the first commander belongs to her people." Gaia said. Jaycee looked at her, she was told by Kane that she was Indra's daughter, she didn't know that she had a daughter.

Jaycee smiled, she walked up to Octavia and pulled her into a hug. "I knew you could do it," She whispered.

"Thanks for being here, but I have something to say," She spoke out loud at the last part.

"I wasn't fighting for Skaikru today. I thought I was fighting for myself, but I now know that's not true, either. I was fighting for us all. Skaikru will not take the bunker alone. We will share it equally because we are equal. We are one clan, and we will survive Primfaya together. Ogeda." (Together)

Every one of the grounders that were in the room started to chant "Ogeda"

Octavia sighed, she then walked down the small steps, she would have fallen if Indra hadn't caught her, and she pulled her into an embrace. "Lincoln would be so proud of you." She said to her.

"You did the right thing, sharing the bunker, it was the right thing to do," Jay smiled at her as Octavia nodded at her.

Kane walked up to the three, "There won't be enough room for all our people." He said to her. Not liking what she did.

Octavia looked at Indra, then him, "It's unity day, Kane." She looked around, "Where's my brother?"

Jaycee looked around, "Not sure, he should have been here."


Everyone who was part of the conversation ran to the entrance of the Bunker.

"Shit..." Jay mumbled.

Kane tried to open the bunker but it was no use.

"No. No." She turned to one of the other grounders, "Keep everyone out,"

Kane walked up to Indra, Octavia, Gaia, and Jay. "It's locked."

"Are they all dead?" Gaia asked looking at the grounders that were on the floor.

Jaycee looked around and noticed a canteen. "No, they used gas," She sighed.

Octavia looked at her, "Like the mountain men."

Jay winced at the name but she didn't show it.

"How could they do this?" Kane asked in disbelief. He was angry maybe even furious.

Indra sighed, "Skaikru have betrayed us all."

Kane looked at Octavia, they glanced at each other before they both looked at Jaycee.

"Part of me hopes that Nova is in there because she's not anywhere out here," Jay said as she looked at them.


Okay, so I put two episodes in one chapter so it could flow well, cuz if I didn't then the next chapter would have been super short.

Is Nova with Bellamy in the bunker???

You will find out.

Uhhh yuh.

Idk what else to say tbh

Have fun reading!

(Word count 2444)

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